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path: root/apps/system/js/simcard_dialog.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'apps/system/js/simcard_dialog.js')
1 files changed, 355 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apps/system/js/simcard_dialog.js b/apps/system/js/simcard_dialog.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4176cbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/system/js/simcard_dialog.js
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+/* -*- Mode: js; js-indent-level: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
+/* vim: set shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2 autoindent cindent expandtab: */
+'use strict';
+var SimPinDialog = {
+ dialogTitle: document.querySelector('#simpin-dialog header h1'),
+ dialogDone: document.querySelector('#simpin-dialog button[type="submit"]'),
+ dialogClose: document.querySelector('#simpin-dialog button[type="reset"]'),
+ pinArea: document.getElementById('pinArea'),
+ pukArea: document.getElementById('pukArea'),
+ nckArea: document.getElementById('nckArea'),
+ newPinArea: document.getElementById('newPinArea'),
+ confirmPinArea: document.getElementById('confirmPinArea'),
+ pinInput: null,
+ pukInput: null,
+ nckInput: null,
+ newPinInput: null,
+ confirmPinInput: null,
+ errorMsg: document.getElementById('errorMsg'),
+ errorMsgHeader: document.getElementById('messageHeader'),
+ errorMsgBody: document.getElementById('messageBody'),
+ mobileConnection: null,
+ lockType: 'pin',
+ action: 'unlock',
+ // Now we don't have a number-password type for input field
+ // mimic one by binding one number input and one text input
+ getNumberPasswordInputField: function spl_wrapNumberInput(name) {
+ var valueEntered = '';
+ var inputField = document.querySelector('input[name="' + name + '"]');
+ var displayField = document.querySelector('input[name="' + name + 'Vis"]');
+ var codeMaxLength = parseInt(inputField.getAttribute('maxlength'), 10);
+ var self = this;
+ inputField.addEventListener('keypress', function(evt) {
+ if (evt.target !== inputField)
+ return;
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ var code = evt.charCode;
+ if (code !== 0 && (code < 0x30 || code > 0x39))
+ return;
+ if (code === 0) { // backspace
+ valueEntered = valueEntered.substr(0, valueEntered.length - 1);
+ } else {
+ if (valueEntered.length >= codeMaxLength)
+ return;
+ valueEntered += String.fromCharCode(code);
+ }
+ displayField.value = encryption(valueEntered);
+ if (displayField.value.length >= 4)
+ self.dialogDone.disabled = false;
+ else
+ self.dialogDone.disabled = true;
+ });
+ function encryption(str) {
+ return (new Array(str.length + 1)).join('*');
+ }
+ function setValue(value) {
+ valueEntered = value;
+ inputField.value = value;
+ displayField.value = encryption(valueEntered);
+ }
+ function setFocus() {
+ inputField.focus();
+ }
+ function blur() {
+ inputField.blur();
+ }
+ return {
+ get value() { return valueEntered; },
+ set value(value) { setValue(value) },
+ focus: setFocus,
+ blur: blur
+ };
+ },
+ handleCardState: function spl_handleCardState() {
+ var _ = navigator.mozL10n.get;
+ var cardState = this.mobileConnection.cardState;
+ switch (cardState) {
+ case 'pinRequired':
+ this.lockType = 'pin';
+ this.errorMsg.hidden = true;
+ this.inputFieldControl(true, false, false, false);
+ this.pinInput.focus();
+ break;
+ case 'pukRequired':
+ this.lockType = 'puk';
+ this.errorMsgHeader.textContent = _('simCardLockedMsg') || '';
+ this.errorMsgHeader.dataset.l10nId = 'simCardLockedMsg';
+ this.errorMsgBody.textContent = _('enterPukMsg') || '';
+ this.errorMsgBody.dataset.l10nId = 'enterPukMsg';
+ this.errorMsg.hidden = false;
+ this.inputFieldControl(false, true, false, true);
+ this.pukInput.focus();
+ break;
+ case 'networkLocked':
+ this.lockType = 'nck';
+ this.errorMsg.hidden = true;
+ this.inputFieldControl(false, false, true, false);
+ this.nckInput.focus();
+ break;
+ default:
+ this.skip();
+ break;
+ }
+ this.dialogTitle.textContent = _(this.lockType + 'Title') || '';
+ this.dialogTitle.dataset.l10nId = this.lockType + 'Title';
+ },
+ handleError: function spl_handleLockError(evt) {
+ var retry = (evt.retryCount) ? evt.retryCount : -1;
+ this.showErrorMsg(retry, evt.lockType);
+ if (retry === -1) {
+ this.skip();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (evt.lockType === 'pin') {
+ this.pinInput.focus();
+ } else if (evt.lockType === 'puk') {
+ this.pukInput.focus();
+ } else {
+ this.nckInput.focus();
+ }
+ },
+ showErrorMsg: function spl_showErrorMsg(retry, type) {
+ var _ = navigator.mozL10n.get;
+ this.errorMsgHeader.textContent = _(type + 'ErrorMsg');
+ this.errorMsgHeader.dataset.l10nId = type + 'ErrorMsg';
+ if (retry !== 1) {
+ var l10nArgs = { n: retry };
+ this.errorMsgBody.dataset.l10nId = type + 'AttemptMsg';
+ this.errorMsgBody.dataset.l10nArgs = JSON.stringify(l10nArgs);
+ this.errorMsgBody.textContent = _(type + 'AttemptMsg', l10nArgs);
+ } else {
+ this.errorMsgBody.dataset.l10nId = type + 'LastChanceMsg';
+ this.errorMsgBody.textContent = _(type + 'LastChanceMsg');
+ }
+ this.errorMsg.hidden = false;
+ },
+ unlockPin: function spl_unlockPin() {
+ var pin = this.pinInput.value;
+ if (pin === '')
+ return;
+ var options = {lockType: 'pin', pin: pin };
+ this.unlockCardLock(options);
+ this.clear();
+ },
+ unlockPuk: function spl_unlockPuk() {
+ var _ = navigator.mozL10n.get;
+ var puk = this.pukInput.value;
+ var newPin = this.newPinInput.value;
+ var confirmPin = this.confirmPinInput.value;
+ if (puk === '' || newPin === '' || confirmPin === '')
+ return;
+ if (newPin !== confirmPin) {
+ this.errorMsgHeader.textContent = _('newPinErrorMsg');
+ this.errorMsgHeader.dataset.l10nId = 'newPinErrorMsg';
+ this.errorMsgBody.textContent = '';
+ this.errorMsg.hidden = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ var options = {lockType: 'puk', puk: puk, newPin: newPin };
+ this.unlockCardLock(options);
+ this.clear();
+ },
+ unlockNck: function spl_unlockNck() {
+ var nck = this.nckInput.value;
+ if (nck === '')
+ return;
+ var options = {lockType: 'nck', pin: nck };
+ this.unlockCardLock(options);
+ this.clear();
+ },
+ unlockCardLock: function spl_unlockCardLock(options) {
+ var req = this.mobileConnection.unlockCardLock(options);
+ req.onsuccess = this.close.bind(this, 'success');
+ },
+ enableLock: function spl_enableLock() {
+ var pin = this.pinInput.value;
+ if (pin === '')
+ return;
+ var enabled = SimPinLock.simPinCheckBox.checked;
+ var options = {lockType: 'pin', pin: pin, enabled: enabled};
+ this.setCardLock(options);
+ this.clear();
+ },
+ changePin: function spl_changePin() {
+ var _ = navigator.mozL10n.get;
+ var pin = this.pinInput.value;
+ var newPin = this.newPinInput.value;
+ var confirmPin = this.confirmPinInput.value;
+ if (pin === '' || newPin === '' || confirmPin === '')
+ return;
+ if (newPin !== confirmPin) {
+ this.errorMsgHeader.textContent = _('newPinErrorMsg');
+ this.errorMsgHeader.dataset.l10nId = 'newPinErrorMsg';
+ this.errorMsgBody.textContent = '';
+ this.errorMsg.hidden = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ var options = {lockType: 'pin', pin: pin, newPin: newPin};
+ this.setCardLock(options);
+ this.clear();
+ },
+ setCardLock: function spl_setCardLock(options) {
+ var req = this.mobileConnection.setCardLock(options);
+ req.onsuccess = this.close.bind(this, 'success');
+ },
+ inputFieldControl: function spl_inputField(isPin, isPuk, isNck, isNewPin) {
+ this.pinArea.hidden = !isPin;
+ this.pukArea.hidden = !isPuk;
+ this.nckArea.hidden = !isNck;
+ this.newPinArea.hidden = !isNewPin;
+ this.confirmPinArea.hidden = !isNewPin;
+ },
+ verify: function spl_verify() {
+ switch (this.action) {
+ case 'unlock':
+ if (this.lockType === 'pin')
+ this.unlockPin();
+ else if (this.lockType === 'puk') {
+ this.unlockPuk();
+ } else {
+ this.unlockNck();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'enable':
+ this.enableLock();
+ break;
+ case 'changePin':
+ this.changePin();
+ break;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ onHide: function spl_onHide(reason) {
+ this.clear();
+ if (this.onclose)
+ this.onclose(reason);
+ },
+ clear: function spl_clear() {
+ this.errorMsg.hidden = true;
+ this.pinInput.value = '';
+ this.pinInput.blur();
+ this.pukInput.value = '';
+ this.pukInput.blur();
+ this.newPinInput.value = '';
+ this.confirmPinInput.value = '';
+ },
+ onclose: null,
+ /**
+ * Show the SIM pin dialog
+ * @param {String} action Name of the action to execute,
+ * either: unlock, enable or changePin.
+ * @param {Function} title Optional function called when dialog is closed.
+ * Receive a single argument being the reason of
+ * dialog closing: success, skip, home or holdhome.
+ */
+ show: function spl_show(action, onclose) {
+ var _ = navigator.mozL10n.get;
+ this.systemDialog.show();
+ this.dialogDone.disabled = true;
+ this.action = action;
+ this.lockType = 'pin';
+ switch (action) {
+ case 'unlock':
+ this.handleCardState();
+ break;
+ case 'enable':
+ this.inputFieldControl(true, false, false, false);
+ this.dialogTitle.textContent = _('pinTitle') || '';
+ this.dialogTitle.dataset.l10nId = 'pinTitle';
+ break;
+ case 'changePin':
+ this.inputFieldControl(true, false, false, true);
+ this.dialogTitle.textContent = _('newpinTitle') || '';
+ this.dialogTitle.dataset.l10nId = 'newpinTitle';
+ break;
+ }
+ if (onclose && typeof onclose === 'function')
+ this.onclose = onclose;
+ },
+ close: function spl_close(reason) {
+ this.systemDialog.hide(reason);
+ },
+ skip: function spl_skip() {
+ this.close('skip');
+ return false;
+ },
+ init: function spl_init() {
+ this.systemDialog = SystemDialog('simpin-dialog', {
+ onHide: this.onHide.bind(this)
+ });
+ this.mobileConnection = window.navigator.mozMobileConnection;
+ if (!this.mobileConnection)
+ return;
+ this.mobileConnection.addEventListener('icccardlockerror',
+ this.handleError.bind(this));
+ this.dialogDone.onclick = this.verify.bind(this);
+ this.dialogClose.onclick = this.skip.bind(this);
+ this.pinInput = this.getNumberPasswordInputField('simpin');
+ this.pukInput = this.getNumberPasswordInputField('simpuk');
+ this.nckInput = this.getNumberPasswordInputField('nckpin');
+ this.newPinInput = this.getNumberPasswordInputField('newSimpin');
+ this.confirmPinInput = this.getNumberPasswordInputField('confirmNewSimpin');
+ }