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path: root/app/static/doc/flask-docs/_sources/patterns
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authorSebastian Silva <sebastian@sugarlabs.org>2011-11-16 07:56:19 (GMT)
committer Sebastian Silva <sebastian@sugarlabs.org>2011-11-16 07:56:19 (GMT)
commit82511a6fe2d29d50c1cdca4b2abb23ff681a1943 (patch)
treeff6359d68287417abfaaf49e492e2630239e60c9 /app/static/doc/flask-docs/_sources/patterns
parent61517139f02df2ce417f465dfabdbf5dbe8f4063 (diff)
Major improvements in IDE usability.
Diffstat (limited to 'app/static/doc/flask-docs/_sources/patterns')
22 files changed, 2629 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app/static/doc/flask-docs/_sources/patterns/appdispatch.txt b/app/static/doc/flask-docs/_sources/patterns/appdispatch.txt
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+.. _app-dispatch:
+Application Dispatching
+Application dispatching is the process of combining multiple Flask
+applications on the WSGI level. You can not only combine Flask
+applications into something larger but any WSGI application. This would
+even allow you to run a Django and a Flask application in the same
+interpreter side by side if you want. The usefulness of this depends on
+how the applications work internally.
+The fundamental difference from the :ref:`module approach
+<larger-applications>` is that in this case you are running the same or
+different Flask applications that are entirely isolated from each other.
+They run different configurations and are dispatched on the WSGI level.
+Working with this Document
+Each of the techniques and examples below results in an ``application`` object
+that can be run with any WSGI server. For production, see :ref:`deployment`.
+For development, Werkzeug provides a builtin server for development available
+at :func:`werkzeug.serving.run_simple`::
+ from werkzeug.serving import run_simple
+ run_simple('localhost', 5000, application, use_reloader=True)
+Note that :func:`run_simple <werkzeug.serving.run_simple>` is not intended for
+use in production. Use a :ref:`full-blown WSGI server <deployment>`.
+Combining Applications
+If you have entirely separated applications and you want them to work next
+to each other in the same Python interpreter process you can take
+advantage of the :class:`werkzeug.wsgi.DispatcherMiddleware`. The idea
+here is that each Flask application is a valid WSGI application and they
+are combined by the dispatcher middleware into a larger one that
+dispatched based on prefix.
+For example you could have your main application run on `/` and your
+backend interface on `/backend`::
+ from werkzeug.wsgi import DispatcherMiddleware
+ from frontend_app import application as frontend
+ from backend_app import application as backend
+ application = DispatcherMiddleware(frontend, {
+ '/backend': backend
+ })
+Dispatch by Subdomain
+Sometimes you might want to use multiple instances of the same application
+with different configurations. Assuming the application is created inside
+a function and you can call that function to instanciate it, that is
+really easy to implement. In order to develop your application to support
+creating new instances in functions have a look at the
+:ref:`app-factories` pattern.
+A very common example would be creating applications per subdomain. For
+instance you configure your webserver to dispatch all requests for all
+subdomains to your application and you then use the subdomain information
+to create user-specific instances. Once you have your server set up to
+listen on all subdomains you can use a very simple WSGI application to do
+the dynamic application creation.
+The perfect level for abstraction in that regard is the WSGI layer. You
+write your own WSGI application that looks at the request that comes and
+and delegates it to your Flask application. If that application does not
+exist yet, it is dynamically created and remembered::
+ from threading import Lock
+ class SubdomainDispatcher(object):
+ def __init__(self, domain, create_app):
+ self.domain = domain
+ self.create_app = create_app
+ self.lock = Lock()
+ self.instances = {}
+ def get_application(self, host):
+ host = host.split(':')[0]
+ assert host.endswith(self.domain), 'Configuration error'
+ subdomain = host[:-len(self.domain)].rstrip('.')
+ with self.lock:
+ app = self.instances.get(subdomain)
+ if app is None:
+ app = self.create_app(subdomain)
+ self.instances[subdomain] = app
+ return app
+ def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
+ app = self.get_application(environ['HTTP_HOST'])
+ return app(environ, start_response)
+This dispatcher can then be used like this::
+ from myapplication import create_app, get_user_for_subdomain
+ from werkzeug.exceptions import NotFound
+ def make_app(subdomain):
+ user = get_user_for_subdomain(subdomain)
+ if user is None:
+ # if there is no user for that subdomain we still have
+ # to return a WSGI application that handles that request.
+ # We can then just return the NotFound() exception as
+ # application which will render a default 404 page.
+ # You might also redirect the user to the main page then
+ return NotFound()
+ # otherwise create the application for the specific user
+ return create_app(user)
+ application = SubdomainDispatcher('example.com', make_app)
+Dispatch by Path
+Dispatching by a path on the URL is very similar. Instead of looking at
+the `Host` header to figure out the subdomain one simply looks at the
+request path up to the first slash::
+ from threading import Lock
+ from werkzeug.wsgi import pop_path_info, peek_path_info
+ class PathDispatcher(object):
+ def __init__(self, default_app, create_app):
+ self.default_app = default_app
+ self.create_app = create_app
+ self.lock = Lock()
+ self.instances = {}
+ def get_application(self, prefix):
+ with self.lock:
+ app = self.instances.get(prefix)
+ if app is None:
+ app = self.create_app(prefix)
+ if app is not None:
+ self.instances[prefix] = app
+ return app
+ def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
+ app = self.get_application(peek_path_info(environ))
+ if app is not None:
+ pop_path_info(environ)
+ else:
+ app = self.default_app
+ return app(environ, start_response)
+The big difference between this and the subdomain one is that this one
+falls back to another application if the creator function returns `None`::
+ from myapplication import create_app, default_app, get_user_for_prefix
+ def make_app(prefix):
+ user = get_user_for_prefix(prefix)
+ if user is not None:
+ return create_app(user)
+ application = PathDispatcher(default_app, make_app)
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+.. _app-factories:
+Application Factories
+If you are already using packages and blueprints for your application
+(:ref:`blueprints`) there are a couple of really nice ways to further improve
+the experience. A common pattern is creating the application object when
+the blueprint is imported. But if you move the creation of this object,
+into a function, you can then create multiple instances of this and later.
+So why would you want to do this?
+1. Testing. You can have instances of the application with different
+ settings to test every case.
+2. Multiple instances. Imagine you want to run different versions of the
+ same application. Of course you could have multiple instances with
+ different configs set up in your webserver, but if you use factories,
+ you can have multiple instances of the same application running in the
+ same application process which can be handy.
+So how would you then actually implement that?
+Basic Factories
+The idea is to set up the application in a function. Like this::
+ def create_app(config_filename):
+ app = Flask(__name__)
+ app.config.from_pyfile(config_filename)
+ from yourapplication.views.admin import admin
+ from yourapplication.views.frontend import frontend
+ app.register_blueprint(admin)
+ app.register_blueprint(frontend)
+ return app
+The downside is that you cannot use the application object in the blueprints
+at import time. You can however use it from within a request. How do you
+get access to the application with the config? Use
+ from flask import current_app, Blueprint, render_template
+ admin = Blueprint('admin', __name__, url_prefix='/admin')
+ @admin.route('/')
+ def index():
+ return render_template(current_app.config['INDEX_TEMPLATE'])
+Here we look up the name of a template in the config.
+Using Applications
+So to use such an application you then have to create the application
+first. Here an example `run.py` file that runs such an application::
+ from yourapplication import create_app
+ app = create_app('/path/to/config.cfg')
+ app.run()
+Factory Improvements
+The factory function from above is not very clever so far, you can improve
+it. The following changes are straightforward and possible:
+1. make it possible to pass in configuration values for unittests so that
+ you don't have to create config files on the filesystem
+2. call a function from a blueprint when the application is setting up so
+ that you have a place to modify attributes of the application (like
+ hooking in before / after request handlers etc.)
+3. Add in WSGI middlewares when the application is creating if necessary.
diff --git a/app/static/doc/flask-docs/_sources/patterns/caching.txt b/app/static/doc/flask-docs/_sources/patterns/caching.txt
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+.. _caching-pattern:
+When your application runs slow, throw some caches in. Well, at least
+it's the easiest way to speed up things. What does a cache do? Say you
+have a function that takes some time to complete but the results would
+still be good enough if they were 5 minutes old. So then the idea is that
+you actually put the result of that calculation into a cache for some
+Flask itself does not provide caching for you, but Werkzeug, one of the
+libraries it is based on, has some very basic cache support. It supports
+multiple cache backends, normally you want to use a memcached server.
+Setting up a Cache
+You create a cache object once and keep it around, similar to how
+:class:`~flask.Flask` objects are created. If you are using the
+development server you can create a
+:class:`~werkzeug.contrib.cache.SimpleCache` object, that one is a simple
+cache that keeps the item stored in the memory of the Python interpreter::
+ from werkzeug.contrib.cache import SimpleCache
+ cache = SimpleCache()
+If you want to use memcached, make sure to have one of the memcache modules
+supported (you get them from `PyPI <http://pypi.python.org/>`_) and a
+memcached server running somewhere. This is how you connect to such an
+memcached server then::
+ from werkzeug.contrib.cache import MemcachedCache
+ cache = MemcachedCache([''])
+If you are using App Engine, you can connect to the App Engine memcache
+server easily::
+ from werkzeug.contrib.cache import GAEMemcachedCache
+ cache = GAEMemcachedCache()
+Using a Cache
+Now how can one use such a cache? There are two very important
+operations: :meth:`~werkzeug.contrib.cache.BaseCache.get` and
+:meth:`~werkzeug.contrib.cache.BaseCache.set`. This is how to use them:
+To get an item from the cache call
+:meth:`~werkzeug.contrib.cache.BaseCache.get` with a string as key name.
+If something is in the cache, it is returned. Otherwise that function
+will return `None`::
+ rv = cache.get('my-item')
+To add items to the cache, use the :meth:`~werkzeug.contrib.cache.BaseCache.set`
+method instead. The first argument is the key and the second the value
+that should be set. Also a timeout can be provided after which the cache
+will automatically remove item.
+Here a full example how this looks like normally::
+ def get_my_item():
+ rv = cache.get('my-item')
+ if rv is None:
+ rv = calculate_value()
+ cache.set('my-item', rv, timeout=5 * 60)
+ return rv
diff --git a/app/static/doc/flask-docs/_sources/patterns/deferredcallbacks.txt b/app/static/doc/flask-docs/_sources/patterns/deferredcallbacks.txt
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+.. _deferred-callbacks:
+Deferred Request Callbacks
+One of the design principles of Flask is that response objects are created
+and passed down a chain of potential callbacks that can modify them or
+replace them. When the request handling starts, there is no response
+object yet. It is created as necessary either by a view function or by
+some other component in the system.
+But what happens if you want to modify the response at a point where the
+response does not exist yet? A common example for that would be a
+before-request function that wants to set a cookie on the response object.
+One way is to avoid the situation. Very often that is possible. For
+instance you can try to move that logic into an after-request callback
+instead. Sometimes however moving that code there is just not a very
+pleasant experience or makes code look very awkward.
+As an alternative possibility you can attach a bunch of callback functions
+to the :data:`~flask.g` object and call then at the end of the request.
+This way you can defer code execution from anywhere in the application.
+The Decorator
+The following decorator is the key. It registers a function on a list on
+the :data:`~flask.g` object::
+ from flask import g
+ def after_this_request(f):
+ if not hasattr(g, 'after_request_callbacks'):
+ g.after_request_callbacks = []
+ g.after_request_callbacks.append(f)
+ return f
+Calling the Deferred
+Now you can use the `after_this_request` decorator to mark a function to
+be called at the end of the request. But we still need to call them. For
+this the following function needs to be registered as
+:meth:`~flask.Flask.after_request` callback::
+ @app.after_request
+ def call_after_request_callbacks(response):
+ for callback in getattr(g, 'after_request_callbacks', ()):
+ response = callback(response)
+ return response
+A Practical Example
+Now we can easily at any point in time register a function to be called at
+the end of this particular request. For example you can remember the
+current language of the user in a cookie in the before-request function::
+ from flask import request
+ @app.before_request
+ def detect_user_language():
+ language = request.cookies.get('user_lang')
+ if language is None:
+ language = guess_language_from_request()
+ @after_this_request
+ def remember_language(response):
+ response.set_cookie('user_lang', language)
+ g.language = language
diff --git a/app/static/doc/flask-docs/_sources/patterns/distribute.txt b/app/static/doc/flask-docs/_sources/patterns/distribute.txt
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+.. _distribute-deployment:
+Deploying with Distribute
+`distribute`_, formerly setuptools, is an extension library that is
+commonly used to (like the name says) distribute Python libraries and
+extensions. It extends distutils, a basic module installation system
+shipped with Python to also support various more complex constructs that
+make larger applications easier to distribute:
+- **support for dependencies**: a library or application can declare a
+ list of other libraries it depends on which will be installed
+ automatically for you.
+- **package registry**: setuptools registers your package with your
+ Python installation. This makes it possible to query information
+ provided by one package from another package. The best known feature of
+ this system is the entry point support which allows one package to
+ declare an "entry point" another package can hook into to extend the
+ other package.
+- **installation manager**: `easy_install`, which comes with distribute
+ can install other libraries for you. You can also use `pip`_ which
+ sooner or later will replace `easy_install` which does more than just
+ installing packages for you.
+Flask itself, and all the libraries you can find on the cheeseshop
+are distributed with either distribute, the older setuptools or distutils.
+In this case we assume your application is called
+`yourapplication.py` and you are not using a module, but a :ref:`package
+<larger-applications>`. Distributing resources with standard modules is
+not supported by `distribute`_ so we will not bother with it. If you have
+not yet converted your application into a package, head over to the
+:ref:`larger-applications` pattern to see how this can be done.
+A working deployment with distribute is the first step into more complex
+and more automated deployment scenarios. If you want to fully automate
+the process, also read the :ref:`fabric-deployment` chapter.
+Basic Setup Script
+Because you have Flask running, you either have setuptools or distribute
+available on your system anyways. If you do not, fear not, there is a
+script to install it for you: `distribute_setup.py`_. Just download and
+run with your Python interpreter.
+Standard disclaimer applies: :ref:`you better use a virtualenv
+Your setup code always goes into a file named `setup.py` next to your
+application. The name of the file is only convention, but because
+everybody will look for a file with that name, you better not change it.
+Yes, even if you are using `distribute`, you are importing from a package
+called `setuptools`. `distribute` is fully backwards compatible with
+`setuptools`, so it also uses the same import name.
+A basic `setup.py` file for a Flask application looks like this::
+ from setuptools import setup
+ setup(
+ name='Your Application',
+ version='1.0',
+ long_description=__doc__,
+ packages=['yourapplication'],
+ include_package_data=True,
+ zip_safe=False,
+ install_requires=['Flask']
+ )
+Please keep in mind that you have to list subpackages explicitly. If you
+want distribute to lookup the packages for you automatically, you can use
+the `find_packages` function::
+ from setuptools import setup, find_packages
+ setup(
+ ...
+ packages=find_packages()
+ )
+Most parameters to the `setup` function should be self explanatory,
+`include_package_data` and `zip_safe` might not be.
+`include_package_data` tells distribute to look for a `MANIFEST.in` file
+and install all the entries that match as package data. We will use this
+to distribute the static files and templates along with the Python module
+(see :ref:`distributing-resources`). The `zip_safe` flag can be used to
+force or prevent zip Archive creation. In general you probably don't want
+your packages to be installed as zip files because some tools do not
+support them and they make debugging a lot harder.
+.. _distributing-resources:
+Distributing Resources
+If you try to install the package you just created, you will notice that
+folders like `static` or `templates` are not installed for you. The
+reason for this is that distribute does not know which files to add for
+you. What you should do, is to create a `MANIFEST.in` file next to your
+`setup.py` file. This file lists all the files that should be added to
+your tarball::
+ recursive-include yourapplication/templates *
+ recursive-include yourapplication/static *
+Don't forget that even if you enlist them in your `MANIFEST.in` file, they
+won't be installed for you unless you set the `include_package_data`
+parameter of the `setup` function to `True`!
+Declaring Dependencies
+Dependencies are declared in the `install_requires` parameter as list.
+Each item in that list is the name of a package that should be pulled from
+PyPI on installation. By default it will always use the most recent
+version, but you can also provide minimum and maximum version
+requirements. Here some examples::
+ install_requires=[
+ 'Flask>=0.2',
+ 'SQLAlchemy>=0.6',
+ 'BrokenPackage>=0.7,<=1.0'
+ ]
+I mentioned earlier that dependencies are pulled from PyPI. What if you
+want to depend on a package that cannot be found on PyPI and won't be
+because it is an internal package you don't want to share with anyone?
+Just still do as if there was a PyPI entry for it and provide a list of
+alternative locations where distribute should look for tarballs::
+ dependency_links=['http://example.com/yourfiles']
+Make sure that page has a directory listing and the links on the page are
+pointing to the actual tarballs with their correct filenames as this is
+how distribute will find the files. If you have an internal company
+server that contains the packages, provide the URL to that server there.
+Installing / Developing
+To install your application (ideally into a virtualenv) just run the
+`setup.py` script with the `install` parameter. It will install your
+application into the virtualenv's site-packages folder and also download
+and install all dependencies::
+ $ python setup.py install
+If you are developing on the package and also want the requirements to be
+installed, you can use the `develop` command instead::
+ $ python setup.py develop
+This has the advantage of just installing a link to the site-packages
+folder instead of copying the data over. You can then continue to work on
+the code without having to run `install` again after each change.
+.. _distribute: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/distribute
+.. _pip: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip
+.. _distribute_setup.py: http://python-distribute.org/distribute_setup.py
diff --git a/app/static/doc/flask-docs/_sources/patterns/errorpages.txt b/app/static/doc/flask-docs/_sources/patterns/errorpages.txt
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+Custom Error Pages
+Flask comes with a handy :func:`~flask.abort` function that aborts a
+request with an HTTP error code early. It will also provide a plain black
+and white error page for you with a basic description, but nothing fancy.
+Depending on the error code it is less or more likely for the user to
+actually see such an error.
+Common Error Codes
+The following error codes are some that are often displayed to the user,
+even if the application behaves correctly:
+*404 Not Found*
+ The good old "chap, you made a mistake typing that URL" message. So
+ common that even novices to the internet know that 404 means: damn,
+ the thing I was looking for is not there. It's a very good idea to
+ make sure there is actually something useful on a 404 page, at least a
+ link back to the index.
+*403 Forbidden*
+ If you have some kind of access control on your website, you will have
+ to send a 403 code for disallowed resources. So make sure the user
+ is not lost when they try to access a forbidden resource.
+*410 Gone*
+ Did you know that there the "404 Not Found" has a brother named "410
+ Gone"? Few people actually implement that, but the idea is that
+ resources that previously existed and got deleted answer with 410
+ instead of 404. If you are not deleting documents permanently from
+ the database but just mark them as deleted, do the user a favour and
+ use the 410 code instead and display a message that what they were
+ looking for was deleted for all eternity.
+*500 Internal Server Error*
+ Usually happens on programming errors or if the server is overloaded.
+ A terrible good idea to have a nice page there, because your
+ application *will* fail sooner or later (see also:
+ :ref:`application-errors`).
+Error Handlers
+An error handler is a function, just like a view function, but it is
+called when an error happens and is passed that error. The error is most
+likely a :exc:`~werkzeug.exceptions.HTTPException`, but in one case it
+can be a different error: a handler for internal server errors will be
+passed other exception instances as well if they are uncaught.
+An error handler is registered with the :meth:`~flask.Flask.errorhandler`
+decorator and the error code of the exception. Keep in mind that Flask
+will *not* set the error code for you, so make sure to also provide the
+HTTP status code when returning a response.
+Here an example implementation for a "404 Page Not Found" exception::
+ from flask import render_template
+ @app.errorhandler(404)
+ def page_not_found(e):
+ return render_template('404.html'), 404
+An example template might be this:
+.. sourcecode:: html+jinja
+ {% extends "layout.html" %}
+ {% block title %}Page Not Found{% endblock %}
+ {% block body %}
+ <h1>Page Not Found</h1>
+ <p>What you were looking for is just not there.
+ <p><a href="{{ url_for('index') }}">go somewhere nice</a>
+ {% endblock %}
diff --git a/app/static/doc/flask-docs/_sources/patterns/fabric.txt b/app/static/doc/flask-docs/_sources/patterns/fabric.txt
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+.. _fabric-deployment:
+Deploying with Fabric
+`Fabric`_ is a tool for Python similar to Makefiles but with the ability
+to execute commands on a remote server. In combination with a properly
+set up Python package (:ref:`larger-applications`) and a good concept for
+configurations (:ref:`config`) it is very easy to deploy Flask
+applications to external servers.
+Before we get started, here a quick checklist of things we have to ensure
+- Fabric 1.0 has to be installed locally. This tutorial assumes the
+ latest version of Fabric.
+- The application already has to be a package and requires a working
+ `setup.py` file (:ref:`distribute-deployment`).
+- In the following example we are using `mod_wsgi` for the remote
+ servers. You can of course use your own favourite server there, but
+ for this example we chose Apache + `mod_wsgi` because it's very easy
+ to setup and has a simple way to reload applications without root
+ access.
+Creating the first Fabfile
+A fabfile is what controls what Fabric executes. It is named `fabfile.py`
+and executed by the `fab` command. All the functions defined in that file
+will show up as `fab` subcommands. They are executed on one or more
+hosts. These hosts can be defined either in the fabfile or on the command
+line. In this case we will add them to the fabfile.
+This is a basic first example that has the ability to upload the current
+sourcecode to the server and install it into a pre-existing
+virtual environment::
+ from fabric.api import *
+ # the user to use for the remote commands
+ env.user = 'appuser'
+ # the servers where the commands are executed
+ env.hosts = ['server1.example.com', 'server2.example.com']
+ def pack():
+ # create a new source distribution as tarball
+ local('python setup.py sdist --formats=gztar', capture=False)
+ def deploy():
+ # figure out the release name and version
+ dist = local('python setup.py --fullname', capture=True).strip()
+ # upload the source tarball to the temporary folder on the server
+ put('dist/%s.tar.gz' % dist, '/tmp/yourapplication.tar.gz')
+ # create a place where we can unzip the tarball, then enter
+ # that directory and unzip it
+ run('mkdir /tmp/yourapplication')
+ with cd('/tmp/yourapplication'):
+ run('tar xzf /tmp/yourapplication.tar.gz')
+ # now setup the package with our virtual environment's
+ # python interpreter
+ run('/var/www/yourapplication/env/bin/python setup.py install')
+ # now that all is set up, delete the folder again
+ run('rm -rf /tmp/yourapplication /tmp/yourapplication.tar.gz')
+ # and finally touch the .wsgi file so that mod_wsgi triggers
+ # a reload of the application
+ run('touch /var/www/yourapplication.wsgi')
+The example above is well documented and should be straightforward. Here
+a recap of the most common commands fabric provides:
+- `run` - executes a command on a remote server
+- `local` - executes a command on the local machine
+- `put` - uploads a file to the remote server
+- `cd` - changes the directory on the serverside. This has to be used
+ in combination with the `with` statement.
+Running Fabfiles
+Now how do you execute that fabfile? You use the `fab` command. To
+deploy the current version of the code on the remote server you would use
+this command::
+ $ fab pack deploy
+However this requires that our server already has the
+``/var/www/yourapplication`` folder created and
+``/var/www/yourapplication/env`` to be a virtual environment. Furthermore
+are we not creating the configuration or `.wsgi` file on the server. So
+how do we bootstrap a new server into our infrastructure?
+This now depends on the number of servers we want to set up. If we just
+have one application server (which the majority of applications will
+have), creating a command in the fabfile for this is overkill. But
+obviously you can do that. In that case you would probably call it
+`setup` or `bootstrap` and then pass the servername explicitly on the
+command line::
+ $ fab -H newserver.example.com bootstrap
+To setup a new server you would roughly do these steps:
+1. Create the directory structure in ``/var/www``::
+ $ mkdir /var/www/yourapplication
+ $ cd /var/www/yourapplication
+ $ virtualenv --distribute env
+2. Upload a new `application.wsgi` file to the server and the
+ configuration file for the application (eg: `application.cfg`)
+3. Create a new Apache config for `yourapplication` and activate it.
+ Make sure to activate watching for changes of the `.wsgi` file so
+ that we can automatically reload the application by touching it.
+ (See :ref:`mod_wsgi-deployment` for more information)
+So now the question is, where do the `application.wsgi` and
+`application.cfg` files come from?
+The WSGI File
+The WSGI file has to import the application and also to set an environment
+variable so that the application knows where to look for the config. This
+is a short example that does exactly that::
+ import os
+ os.environ['YOURAPPLICATION_CONFIG'] = '/var/www/yourapplication/application.cfg'
+ from yourapplication import app
+The application itself then has to initialize itself like this to look for
+the config at that environment variable::
+ app = Flask(__name__)
+ app.config.from_object('yourapplication.default_config')
+ app.config.from_envvar('YOURAPPLICATION_CONFIG')
+This approach is explained in detail in the :ref:`config` section of the
+The Configuration File
+Now as mentioned above, the application will find the correct
+configuration file by looking up the `YOURAPPLICATION_CONFIG` environment
+variable. So we have to put the configuration in a place where the
+application will able to find it. Configuration files have the unfriendly
+quality of being different on all computers, so you do not version them
+A popular approach is to store configuration files for different servers
+in a separate version control repository and check them out on all
+servers. Then symlink the file that is active for the server into the
+location where it's expected (eg: ``/var/www/yourapplication``).
+Either way, in our case here we only expect one or two servers and we can
+upload them ahead of time by hand.
+First Deployment
+Now we can do our first deployment. We have set up the servers so that
+they have their virtual environments and activated apache configs. Now we
+can pack up the application and deploy it::
+ $ fab pack deploy
+Fabric will now connect to all servers and run the commands as written
+down in the fabfile. First it will execute pack so that we have our
+tarball ready and then it will execute deploy and upload the source code
+to all servers and install it there. Thanks to the `setup.py` file we
+will automatically pull in the required libraries into our virtual
+Next Steps
+From that point onwards there is so much that can be done to make
+deployment actually fun:
+- Create a `bootstrap` command that initializes new servers. It could
+ initialize a new virtual environment, setup apache appropriately etc.
+- Put configuration files into a separate version control repository
+ and symlink the active configs into place.
+- You could also put your application code into a repository and check
+ out the latest version on the server and then install. That way you
+ can also easily go back to older versions.
+- hook in testing functionality so that you can deploy to an external
+ server and run the testsuite.
+Working with Fabric is fun and you will notice that it's quite magical to
+type ``fab deploy`` and see your application being deployed automatically
+to one or more remote servers.
+.. _Fabric: http://fabfile.org/
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+Adding a favicon
+A "favicon" is an icon used by browsers for tabs and bookmarks. This helps
+to distinguish your website and to give it a unique brand.
+A common question is how to add a favicon to a flask application. First, of
+course, you need an icon. It should be 16 × 16 pixels and in the ICO file
+format. This is not a requirement but a de-facto standard supported by all
+relevant browsers. Put the icon in your static directory as
+Now, to get browsers to find your icon, the correct way is to add a link
+tag in your HTML. So, for example:
+.. sourcecode:: html+jinja
+ <link rel="shortcut icon" href="{{ url_for('static', filename='favicon.ico') }}">
+That's all you need for most browsers, however some really old ones do not
+support this standard. The old de-facto standard is to serve this file,
+with this name, at the website root. If your application is not mounted at
+the root path of the domain you either need to configure the webserver to
+serve the icon at the root or if you can't do that you're out of luck. If
+however your application is the root you can simply route a redirect::
+ app.add_url_rule('/favicon.ico',
+ redirect_to=url_for('static', filename='favicon.ico'))
+If you want to save the extra redirect request you can also write a view
+using :func:`~flask.send_from_directory`::
+ import os
+ from flask import send_from_directory
+ @app.route('/favicon.ico')
+ def favicon():
+ return send_from_directory(os.path.join(app.root_path, 'static'),
+ 'favicon.ico', mimetype='image/vnd.microsoft.icon')
+We can leave out the explicit mimetype and it will be guessed, but we may
+as well specify it to avoid the extra guessing, as it will always be the
+The above will serve the icon via your application and if possible it's
+better to configure your dedicated web server to serve it; refer to the
+webserver's documentation.
+See also
+* The `Favicon <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon>`_ article on
+ Wikipedia
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+.. _uploading-files:
+Uploading Files
+Ah yes, the good old problem of file uploads. The basic idea of file
+uploads is actually quite simple. It basically works like this:
+1. A ``<form>`` tag is marked with ``enctype=multipart/form-data``
+ and an ``<input type=file>`` is placed in that form.
+2. The application accesses the file from the :attr:`~flask.request.files`
+ dictionary on the request object.
+3. use the :meth:`~werkzeug.datastructures.FileStorage.save` method of the file to save
+ the file permanently somewhere on the filesystem.
+A Gentle Introduction
+Let's start with a very basic application that uploads a file to a
+specific upload folder and displays a file to the user. Let's look at the
+bootstrapping code for our application::
+ import os
+ from flask import Flask, request, redirect, url_for
+ from werkzeug import secure_filename
+ UPLOAD_FOLDER = '/path/to/the/uploads'
+ ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = set(['txt', 'pdf', 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif'])
+ app = Flask(__name__)
+So first we need a couple of imports. Most should be straightforward, the
+:func:`werkzeug.secure_filename` is explained a little bit later. The
+`UPLOAD_FOLDER` is where we will store the uploaded files and the
+`ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS` is the set of allowed file extensions. Then we add a
+URL rule by hand to the application. Now usually we're not doing that, so
+why here? The reasons is that we want the webserver (or our development
+server) to serve these files for us and so we only need a rule to generate
+the URL to these files.
+Why do we limit the extensions that are allowed? You probably don't want
+your users to be able to upload everything there if the server is directly
+sending out the data to the client. That way you can make sure that users
+are not able to upload HTML files that would cause XSS problems (see
+:ref:`xss`). Also make sure to disallow `.php` files if the server
+executes them, but who has PHP installed on his server, right? :)
+Next the functions that check if an extension is valid and that uploads
+the file and redirects the user to the URL for the uploaded file::
+ def allowed_file(filename):
+ return '.' in filename and \
+ filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1] in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS
+ @app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
+ def upload_file():
+ if request.method == 'POST':
+ file = request.files['file']
+ if file and allowed_file(file.filename):
+ filename = secure_filename(file.filename)
+ file.save(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename))
+ return redirect(url_for('uploaded_file',
+ filename=filename))
+ return '''
+ <!doctype html>
+ <title>Upload new File</title>
+ <h1>Upload new File</h1>
+ <form action="" method=post enctype=multipart/form-data>
+ <p><input type=file name=file>
+ <input type=submit value=Upload>
+ </form>
+ '''
+So what does that :func:`~werkzeug.utils.secure_filename` function actually do?
+Now the problem is that there is that principle called "never trust user
+input". This is also true for the filename of an uploaded file. All
+submitted form data can be forged, and filenames can be dangerous. For
+the moment just remember: always use that function to secure a filename
+before storing it directly on the filesystem.
+.. admonition:: Information for the Pros
+ So you're interested in what that :func:`~werkzeug.utils.secure_filename`
+ function does and what the problem is if you're not using it? So just
+ imagine someone would send the following information as `filename` to
+ your application::
+ filename = "../../../../home/username/.bashrc"
+ Assuming the number of ``../`` is correct and you would join this with
+ the `UPLOAD_FOLDER` the user might have the ability to modify a file on
+ the server's filesystem he or she should not modify. This does require some
+ knowledge about how the application looks like, but trust me, hackers
+ are patient :)
+ Now let's look how that function works:
+ >>> secure_filename('../../../../home/username/.bashrc')
+ 'home_username_.bashrc'
+Now one last thing is missing: the serving of the uploaded files. As of
+Flask 0.5 we can use a function that does that for us::
+ from flask import send_from_directory
+ @app.route('/uploads/<filename>')
+ def uploaded_file(filename):
+ return send_from_directory(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'],
+ filename)
+Alternatively you can register `uploaded_file` as `build_only` rule and
+use the :class:`~werkzeug.wsgi.SharedDataMiddleware`. This also works with
+older versions of Flask::
+ from werkzeug import SharedDataMiddleware
+ app.add_url_rule('/uploads/<filename>', 'uploaded_file',
+ build_only=True)
+ app.wsgi_app = SharedDataMiddleware(app.wsgi_app, {
+ '/uploads': app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER']
+ })
+If you now run the application everything should work as expected.
+Improving Uploads
+.. versionadded:: 0.6
+So how exactly does Flask handle uploads? Well it will store them in the
+webserver's memory if the files are reasonable small otherwise in a
+temporary location (as returned by :func:`tempfile.gettempdir`). But how
+do you specify the maximum file size after which an upload is aborted? By
+default Flask will happily accept file uploads to an unlimited amount of
+memory, but you can limit that by setting the ``MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH``
+config key::
+ from flask import Flask, Request
+ app = Flask(__name__)
+ app.config['MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH'] = 16 * 1024 * 1024
+The code above will limited the maximum allowed payload to 16 megabytes.
+If a larger file is transmitted, Flask will raise an
+:exc:`~werkzeug.exceptions.RequestEntityTooLarge` exception.
+This feature was added in Flask 0.6 but can be achieved in older versions
+as well by subclassing the request object. For more information on that
+consult the Werkzeug documentation on file handling.
+Upload Progress Bars
+A while ago many developers had the idea to read the incoming file in
+small chunks and store the upload progress in the database to be able to
+poll the progress with JavaScript from the client. Long story short: the
+client asks the server every 5 seconds how much it has transmitted
+already. Do you realize the irony? The client is asking for something it
+should already know.
+Now there are better solutions to that work faster and more reliable. The
+web changed a lot lately and you can use HTML5, Java, Silverlight or Flash
+to get a nicer uploading experience on the client side. Look at the
+following libraries for some nice examples how to do that:
+- `Plupload <http://www.plupload.com/>`_ - HTML5, Java, Flash
+- `SWFUpload <http://www.swfupload.org/>`_ - Flash
+- `JumpLoader <http://jumploader.com/>`_ - Java
+An Easier Solution
+Because the common pattern for file uploads exists almost unchanged in all
+applications dealing with uploads, there is a Flask extension called
+`Flask-Uploads`_ that implements a full fledged upload mechanism with
+white and blacklisting of extensions and more.
+.. _Flask-Uploads: http://packages.python.org/Flask-Uploads/
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+.. _message-flashing-pattern:
+Message Flashing
+Good applications and user interfaces are all about feedback. If the user
+does not get enough feedback they will probably end up hating the
+application. Flask provides a really simple way to give feedback to a
+user with the flashing system. The flashing system basically makes it
+possible to record a message at the end of a request and access it next
+request and only next request. This is usually combined with a layout
+template that does this.
+Simple Flashing
+So here is a full example::
+ from flask import flash, redirect, url_for, render_template
+ @app.route('/')
+ def index():
+ return render_template('index.html')
+ @app.route('/login', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
+ def login():
+ error = None
+ if request.method == 'POST':
+ if request.form['username'] != 'admin' or \
+ request.form['password'] != 'secret':
+ error = 'Invalid credentials'
+ else:
+ flash('You were successfully logged in')
+ return redirect(url_for('index'))
+ return render_template('login.html', error=error)
+And here the ``layout.html`` template which does the magic:
+.. sourcecode:: html+jinja
+ <!doctype html>
+ <title>My Application</title>
+ {% with messages = get_flashed_messages() %}
+ {% if messages %}
+ <ul class=flashes>
+ {% for message in messages %}
+ <li>{{ message }}</li>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </ul>
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endwith %}
+ {% block body %}{% endblock %}
+And here the index.html template:
+.. sourcecode:: html+jinja
+ {% extends "layout.html" %}
+ {% block body %}
+ <h1>Overview</h1>
+ <p>Do you want to <a href="{{ url_for('login') }}">log in?</a>
+ {% endblock %}
+And of course the login template:
+.. sourcecode:: html+jinja
+ {% extends "layout.html" %}
+ {% block body %}
+ <h1>Login</h1>
+ {% if error %}
+ <p class=error><strong>Error:</strong> {{ error }}
+ {% endif %}
+ <form action="" method=post>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>Username:
+ <dd><input type=text name=username value="{{
+ request.form.username }}">
+ <dt>Password:
+ <dd><input type=password name=password>
+ </dl>
+ <p><input type=submit value=Login>
+ </form>
+ {% endblock %}
+Flashing With Categories
+.. versionadded:: 0.3
+It is also possible to provide categories when flashing a message. The
+default category if nothing is provided is ``'message'``. Alternative
+categories can be used to give the user better feedback. For example
+error messages could be displayed with a red background.
+To flash a message with a different category, just use the second argument
+to the :func:`~flask.flash` function::
+ flash(u'Invalid password provided', 'error')
+Inside the template you then have to tell the
+:func:`~flask.get_flashed_messages` function to also return the
+categories. The loop looks slightly different in that situation then:
+.. sourcecode:: html+jinja
+ {% with messages = get_flashed_messages(with_categories=true) %}
+ {% if messages %}
+ <ul class=flashes>
+ {% for category, message in messages %}
+ <li class="{{ category }}">{{ message }}</li>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </ul>
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endwith %}
+This is just one example of how to render these flashed messages. One
+might also use the category to add a prefix such as
+``<strong>Error:</strong>`` to the message.
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+.. _patterns:
+Patterns for Flask
+Certain things are common enough that the chances are high you will find
+them in most web applications. For example quite a lot of applications
+are using relational databases and user authentication. In that case,
+chances are they will open a database connection at the beginning of the
+request and get the information of the currently logged in user. At the
+end of the request, the database connection is closed again.
+There are more user contributed snippets and patterns in the `Flask
+Snippet Archives <http://flask.pocoo.org/snippets/>`_.
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+ packages
+ appfactories
+ appdispatch
+ urlprocessors
+ distribute
+ fabric
+ sqlite3
+ sqlalchemy
+ fileuploads
+ caching
+ viewdecorators
+ wtforms
+ templateinheritance
+ flashing
+ jquery
+ errorpages
+ lazyloading
+ mongokit
+ favicon
+ streaming
+ deferredcallbacks
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+AJAX with jQuery
+`jQuery`_ is a small JavaScript library commonly used to simplify working
+with the DOM and JavaScript in general. It is the perfect tool to make
+web applications more dynamic by exchanging JSON between server and
+JSON itself is a very lightweight transport format, very similar to how
+Python primitives (numbers, strings, dicts and lists) look like which is
+widely supported and very easy to parse. It became popular a few years
+ago and quickly replaced XML as transport format in web applications.
+If you have Python 2.6 JSON will work out of the box, in Python 2.5 you
+will have to install the `simplejson`_ library from PyPI.
+.. _jQuery: http://jquery.com/
+.. _simplejson: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/simplejson
+Loading jQuery
+In order to use jQuery, you have to download it first and place it in the
+static folder of your application and then ensure it's loaded. Ideally
+you have a layout template that is used for all pages where you just have
+to add a script statement to the bottom of your `<body>` to load jQuery:
+.. sourcecode:: html
+ <script type=text/javascript src="{{
+ url_for('static', filename='jquery.js') }}"></script>
+Another method is using Google's `AJAX Libraries API
+<http://code.google.com/apis/ajaxlibs/documentation/>`_ to load jQuery:
+.. sourcecode:: html
+ <script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.1/jquery.js"></script>
+ <script>window.jQuery || document.write('<script src="{{
+ url_for('static', filename='jquery.js') }}">\x3C/script>')</script>
+In this case you have to put jQuery into your static folder as a fallback, but it will
+first try to load it directly from Google. This has the advantage that your
+website will probably load faster for users if they went to at least one
+other website before using the same jQuery version from Google because it
+will already be in the browser cache.
+Where is My Site?
+Do you know where your application is? If you are developing the answer
+is quite simple: it's on localhost port something and directly on the root
+of that server. But what if you later decide to move your application to
+a different location? For example to ``http://example.com/myapp``? On
+the server side this never was a problem because we were using the handy
+:func:`~flask.url_for` function that could answer that question for
+us, but if we are using jQuery we should not hardcode the path to
+the application but make that dynamic, so how can we do that?
+A simple method would be to add a script tag to our page that sets a
+global variable to the prefix to the root of the application. Something
+like this:
+.. sourcecode:: html+jinja
+ <script type=text/javascript>
+ $SCRIPT_ROOT = {{ request.script_root|tojson|safe }};
+ </script>
+The ``|safe`` is necessary so that Jinja does not escape the JSON encoded
+string with HTML rules. Usually this would be necessary, but we are
+inside a `script` block here where different rules apply.
+.. admonition:: Information for Pros
+ In HTML the `script` tag is declared `CDATA` which means that entities
+ will not be parsed. Everything until ``</script>`` is handled as script.
+ This also means that there must never be any ``</`` between the script
+ tags. ``|tojson`` is kind enough to do the right thing here and
+ escape slashes for you (``{{ "</script>"|tojson|safe }}`` is rendered as
+ ``"<\/script>"``).
+JSON View Functions
+Now let's create a server side function that accepts two URL arguments of
+numbers which should be added together and then sent back to the
+application in a JSON object. This is a really ridiculous example and is
+something you usually would do on the client side alone, but a simple
+example that shows how you would use jQuery and Flask nonetheless::
+ from flask import Flask, jsonify, render_template, request
+ app = Flask(__name__)
+ @app.route('/_add_numbers')
+ def add_numbers():
+ a = request.args.get('a', 0, type=int)
+ b = request.args.get('b', 0, type=int)
+ return jsonify(result=a + b)
+ @app.route('/')
+ def index():
+ return render_template('index.html')
+As you can see I also added an `index` method here that renders a
+template. This template will load jQuery as above and have a little form
+we can add two numbers and a link to trigger the function on the server
+Note that we are using the :meth:`~werkzeug.datastructures.MultiDict.get` method here
+which will never fail. If the key is missing a default value (here ``0``)
+is returned. Furthermore it can convert values to a specific type (like
+in our case `int`). This is especially handy for code that is
+triggered by a script (APIs, JavaScript etc.) because you don't need
+special error reporting in that case.
+Your index.html template either has to extend a `layout.html` template with
+jQuery loaded and the `$SCRIPT_ROOT` variable set, or do that on the top.
+Here's the HTML code needed for our little application (`index.html`).
+Notice that we also drop the script directly into the HTML here. It is
+usually a better idea to have that in a separate script file:
+.. sourcecode:: html
+ <script type=text/javascript>
+ $(function() {
+ $('a#calculate').bind('click', function() {
+ $.getJSON($SCRIPT_ROOT + '/_add_numbers', {
+ a: $('input[name="a"]').val(),
+ b: $('input[name="b"]').val()
+ }, function(data) {
+ $("#result").text(data.result);
+ });
+ return false;
+ });
+ });
+ </script>
+ <h1>jQuery Example</h1>
+ <p><input type=text size=5 name=a> +
+ <input type=text size=5 name=b> =
+ <span id=result>?</span>
+ <p><a href=# id=calculate>calculate server side</a>
+I won't got into detail here about how jQuery works, just a very quick
+explanation of the little bit of code above:
+1. ``$(function() { ... })`` specifies code that should run once the
+ browser is done loading the basic parts of the page.
+2. ``$('selector')`` selects an element and lets you operate on it.
+3. ``element.bind('event', func)`` specifies a function that should run
+ when the user clicked on the element. If that function returns
+ `false`, the default behaviour will not kick in (in this case, navigate
+ to the `#` URL).
+4. ``$.getJSON(url, data, func)`` sends a `GET` request to `url` and will
+ send the contents of the `data` object as query parameters. Once the
+ data arrived, it will call the given function with the return value as
+ argument. Note that we can use the `$SCRIPT_ROOT` variable here that
+ we set earlier.
+If you don't get the whole picture, download the `sourcecode
+for this example
+from github.
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+Lazily Loading Views
+Flask is usually used with the decorators. Decorators are simple and you
+have the URL right next to the function that is called for that specific
+URL. However there is a downside to this approach: it means all your code
+that uses decorators has to be imported upfront or Flask will never
+actually find your function.
+This can be a problem if your application has to import quick. It might
+have to do that on systems like Google's App Engine or other systems. So
+if you suddenly notice that your application outgrows this approach you
+can fall back to a centralized URL mapping.
+The system that enables having a central URL map is the
+:meth:`~flask.Flask.add_url_rule` function. Instead of using decorators,
+you have a file that sets up the application with all URLs.
+Converting to Centralized URL Map
+Imagine the current application looks somewhat like this::
+ from flask import Flask
+ app = Flask(__name__)
+ @app.route('/')
+ def index():
+ pass
+ @app.route('/user/<username>')
+ def user(username):
+ pass
+Then the centralized approach you would have one file with the views
+(`views.py`) but without any decorator::
+ def index():
+ pass
+ def user(username):
+ pass
+And then a file that sets up an application which maps the functions to
+ from flask import Flask
+ from yourapplication import views
+ app = Flask(__name__)
+ app.add_url_rule('/', view_func=views.index)
+ app.add_url_rule('/user/<username>', view_func=views.user)
+Loading Late
+So far we only split up the views and the routing, but the module is still
+loaded upfront. The trick to actually load the view function as needed.
+This can be accomplished with a helper class that behaves just like a
+function but internally imports the real function on first use::
+ from werkzeug import import_string, cached_property
+ class LazyView(object):
+ def __init__(self, import_name):
+ self.__module__, self.__name__ = import_name.rsplit('.', 1)
+ self.import_name = import_name
+ @cached_property
+ def view(self):
+ return import_string(self.import_name)
+ def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ return self.view(*args, **kwargs)
+What's important here is is that `__module__` and `__name__` are properly
+set. This is used by Flask internally to figure out how to name the
+URL rules in case you don't provide a name for the rule yourself.
+Then you can define your central place to combine the views like this::
+ from flask import Flask
+ from yourapplication.helpers import LazyView
+ app = Flask(__name__)
+ app.add_url_rule('/',
+ view_func=LazyView('yourapplication.views.index'))
+ app.add_url_rule('/user/<username>',
+ view_func=LazyView('yourapplication.views.user'))
+You can further optimize this in terms of amount of keystrokes needed to
+write this by having a function that calls into
+:meth:`~flask.Flask.add_url_rule` by prefixing a string with the project
+name and a dot, and by wrapping `view_func` in a `LazyView` as needed::
+ def url(url_rule, import_name, **options):
+ view = LazyView('yourapplication.' + import_name)
+ app.add_url_rule(url_rule, view_func=view, **options)
+ url('/', 'views.index')
+ url('/user/<username>', 'views.user')
+One thing to keep in mind is that before and after request handlers have
+to be in a file that is imported upfront to work properly on the first
+request. The same goes for any kind of remaining decorator.
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+.. mongokit-pattern:
+MongoKit in Flask
+Using a document database rather than a full DBMS gets more common these days.
+This pattern shows how to use MongoKit, a document mapper library, to
+integrate with MongoDB.
+This pattern requires a running MongoDB server and the MongoKit library
+There are two very common ways to use MongoKit. I will outline each of them
+The default behaviour of MongoKit is the declarative one that is based on
+common ideas from Django or the SQLAlchemy declarative extension.
+Here an example `app.py` module for your application::
+ from flask import Flask
+ from mongokit import Connection, Document
+ # configuration
+ MONGODB_HOST = 'localhost'
+ MONGODB_PORT = 27017
+ # create the little application object
+ app = Flask(__name__)
+ app.config.from_object(__name__)
+ # connect to the database
+ connection = Connection(app.config['MONGODB_HOST'],
+ app.config['MONGODB_PORT'])
+To define your models, just subclass the `Document` class that is imported
+from MongoKit. If you've seen the SQLAlchemy pattern you may wonder why we do
+not have a session and even do not define a `init_db` function here. On the
+one hand, MongoKit does not have something like a session. This sometimes
+makes it more to type but also makes it blazingly fast. On the other hand,
+MongoDB is schemaless. This means you can modify the data structure from one
+insert query to the next without any problem. MongoKit is just schemaless
+too, but implements some validation to ensure data integrity.
+Here is an example document (put this also into `app.py`, e.g.)::
+ def max_length(length):
+ def validate(value):
+ if len(value) <= length:
+ return True
+ raise Exception('%s must be at most %s characters long' % length)
+ return validate
+ class User(Document):
+ structure = {
+ 'name': unicode,
+ 'email': unicode,
+ }
+ validators = {
+ 'name': max_length(50),
+ 'email': max_length(120)
+ }
+ use_dot_notation = True
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '<User %r>' % (self.name)
+ # register the User document with our current connection
+ connection.register([User])
+This example shows you how to define your schema (named structure), a
+validator for the maximum character length and uses a special MongoKit feature
+called `use_dot_notation`. Per default MongoKit behaves like a python
+dictionary but with `use_dot_notation` set to `True` you can use your
+documents like you use models in nearly any other ORM by using dots to
+separate between attributes.
+You can insert entries into the database like this:
+>>> from yourapplication.database import connection
+>>> from yourapplication.models import User
+>>> collection = connection['test'].users
+>>> user = collection.User()
+>>> user['name'] = u'admin'
+>>> user['email'] = u'admin@localhost'
+>>> user.save()
+Note that MongoKit is kinda strict with used column types, you must not use a
+common `str` type for either `name` or `email` but unicode.
+Querying is simple as well:
+>>> list(collection.User.find())
+[<User u'admin'>]
+>>> collection.User.find_one({'name': u'admin'})
+<User u'admin'>
+.. _MongoKit: http://bytebucket.org/namlook/mongokit/
+PyMongo Compatibility Layer
+If you just want to use PyMongo, you can do that with MongoKit as well. You
+may use this process if you need the best performance to get. Note that this
+example does not show how to couple it with Flask, see the above MongoKit code
+for examples::
+ from MongoKit import Connection
+ connection = Connection()
+To insert data you can use the `insert` method. We have to get a
+collection first, this is somewhat the same as a table in the SQL world.
+>>> collection = connection['test'].users
+>>> user = {'name': u'admin', 'email': u'admin@localhost'}
+>>> collection.insert(user)
+print list(collection.find())
+print collection.find_one({'name': u'admin'})
+MongoKit will automatically commit for us.
+To query your database, you use the collection directly:
+>>> list(collection.find())
+[{u'_id': ObjectId('4c271729e13823182f000000'), u'name': u'admin', u'email': u'admin@localhost'}]
+>>> collection.find_one({'name': u'admin'})
+{u'_id': ObjectId('4c271729e13823182f000000'), u'name': u'admin', u'email': u'admin@localhost'}
+These results are also dict-like objects:
+>>> r = collection.find_one({'name': u'admin'})
+>>> r['email']
+For more information about MongoKit, head over to the
+`website <http://bytebucket.org/namlook/mongokit/>`_.
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+.. _larger-applications:
+Larger Applications
+For larger applications it's a good idea to use a package instead of a
+module. That is quite simple. Imagine a small application looks like
+ /yourapplication
+ /yourapplication.py
+ /static
+ /style.css
+ /templates
+ layout.html
+ index.html
+ login.html
+ ...
+Simple Packages
+To convert that into a larger one, just create a new folder
+`yourapplication` inside the existing one and move everything below it.
+Then rename `yourapplication.py` to `__init__.py`. (Make sure to delete
+all `.pyc` files first, otherwise things would most likely break)
+You should then end up with something like that::
+ /yourapplication
+ /yourapplication
+ /__init__.py
+ /static
+ /style.css
+ /templates
+ layout.html
+ index.html
+ login.html
+ ...
+But how do you run your application now? The naive ``python
+yourapplication/__init__.py`` will not work. Let's just say that Python
+does not want modules in packages to be the startup file. But that is not
+a big problem, just add a new file called `runserver.py` next to the inner
+`yourapplication` folder with the following contents::
+ from yourapplication import app
+ app.run(debug=True)
+What did we gain from this? Now we can restructure the application a bit
+into multiple modules. The only thing you have to remember is the
+following quick checklist:
+1. the `Flask` application object creation has to be in the
+ `__init__.py` file. That way each module can import it safely and the
+ `__name__` variable will resolve to the correct package.
+2. all the view functions (the ones with a :meth:`~flask.Flask.route`
+ decorator on top) have to be imported when in the `__init__.py` file.
+ Not the object itself, but the module it is in. Import the view module
+ **after the application object is created**.
+Here's an example `__init__.py`::
+ from flask import Flask
+ app = Flask(__name__)
+ import yourapplication.views
+And this is what `views.py` would look like::
+ from yourapplication import app
+ @app.route('/')
+ def index():
+ return 'Hello World!'
+You should then end up with something like that::
+ /yourapplication
+ /runserver.py
+ /yourapplication
+ /__init__.py
+ /views.py
+ /static
+ /style.css
+ /templates
+ layout.html
+ index.html
+ login.html
+ ...
+.. admonition:: Circular Imports
+ Every Python programmer hates them, and yet we just added some:
+ circular imports (That's when two modules depend on each other. In this
+ case `views.py` depends on `__init__.py`). Be advised that this is a
+ bad idea in general but here it is actually fine. The reason for this is
+ that we are not actually using the views in `__init__.py` and just
+ ensuring the module is imported and we are doing that at the bottom of
+ the file.
+ There are still some problems with that approach but if you want to use
+ decorators there is no way around that. Check out the
+ :ref:`becomingbig` section for some inspiration how to deal with that.
+.. _working-with-modules:
+Working with Blueprints
+If you have larger applications it's recommended to divide them into
+smaller groups where each group is implemented with the help of a
+blueprint. For a gentle introduction into this topic refer to the
+:ref:`blueprints` chapter of the documentation.
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+.. _sqlalchemy-pattern:
+SQLAlchemy in Flask
+Many people prefer `SQLAlchemy`_ for database access. In this case it's
+encouraged to use a package instead of a module for your flask application
+and drop the models into a separate module (:ref:`larger-applications`).
+While that is not necessary, it makes a lot of sense.
+There are four very common ways to use SQLAlchemy. I will outline each
+of them here:
+Flask-SQLAlchemy Extension
+Because SQLAlchemy is a common database abstraction layer and object
+relational mapper that requires a little bit of configuration effort,
+there is a Flask extension that handles that for you. This is recommended
+if you want to get started quickly.
+You can download `Flask-SQLAlchemy`_ from `PyPI
+.. _Flask-SQLAlchemy: http://packages.python.org/Flask-SQLAlchemy/
+The declarative extension in SQLAlchemy is the most recent method of using
+SQLAlchemy. It allows you to define tables and models in one go, similar
+to how Django works. In addition to the following text I recommend the
+official documentation on the `declarative`_ extension.
+Here the example `database.py` module for your application::
+ from sqlalchemy import create_engine
+ from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker
+ from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
+ engine = create_engine('sqlite:////tmp/test.db', convert_unicode=True)
+ db_session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(autocommit=False,
+ autoflush=False,
+ bind=engine))
+ Base = declarative_base()
+ Base.query = db_session.query_property()
+ def init_db():
+ # import all modules here that might define models so that
+ # they will be registered properly on the metadata. Otherwise
+ # you will have to import them first before calling init_db()
+ import yourapplication.models
+ Base.metadata.create_all(bind=engine)
+To define your models, just subclass the `Base` class that was created by
+the code above. If you are wondering why we don't have to care about
+threads here (like we did in the SQLite3 example above with the
+:data:`~flask.g` object): that's because SQLAlchemy does that for us
+already with the :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.scoped_session`.
+To use SQLAlchemy in a declarative way with your application, you just
+have to put the following code into your application module. Flask will
+automatically remove database sessions at the end of the request for you::
+ from yourapplication.database import db_session
+ @app.teardown_request
+ def shutdown_session(exception=None):
+ db_session.remove()
+Here is an example model (put this into `models.py`, e.g.)::
+ from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String
+ from yourapplication.database import Base
+ class User(Base):
+ __tablename__ = 'users'
+ id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
+ name = Column(String(50), unique=True)
+ email = Column(String(120), unique=True)
+ def __init__(self, name=None, email=None):
+ self.name = name
+ self.email = email
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '<User %r>' % (self.name)
+To create the database you can use the `init_db` function:
+>>> from yourapplication.database import init_db
+>>> init_db()
+You can insert entries into the database like this:
+>>> from yourapplication.database import db_session
+>>> from yourapplication.models import User
+>>> u = User('admin', 'admin@localhost')
+>>> db_session.add(u)
+>>> db_session.commit()
+Querying is simple as well:
+>>> User.query.all()
+[<User u'admin'>]
+>>> User.query.filter(User.name == 'admin').first()
+<User u'admin'>
+.. _SQLAlchemy: http://www.sqlalchemy.org/
+.. _declarative:
+ http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/orm/extensions/declarative.html
+Manual Object Relational Mapping
+Manual object relational mapping has a few upsides and a few downsides
+versus the declarative approach from above. The main difference is that
+you define tables and classes separately and map them together. It's more
+flexible but a little more to type. In general it works like the
+declarative approach, so make sure to also split up your application into
+multiple modules in a package.
+Here is an example `database.py` module for your application::
+ from sqlalchemy import create_engine, MetaData
+ from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker
+ engine = create_engine('sqlite:////tmp/test.db', convert_unicode=True)
+ metadata = MetaData()
+ db_session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(autocommit=False,
+ autoflush=False,
+ bind=engine))
+ def init_db():
+ metadata.create_all(bind=engine)
+As for the declarative approach you need to close the session after
+each request. Put this into your application module::
+ from yourapplication.database import db_session
+ @app.teardown_request
+ def shutdown_session(exception=None):
+ db_session.remove()
+Here is an example table and model (put this into `models.py`)::
+ from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, Integer, String
+ from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper
+ from yourapplication.database import metadata, db_session
+ class User(object):
+ query = db_session.query_property()
+ def __init__(self, name=None, email=None):
+ self.name = name
+ self.email = email
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '<User %r>' % (self.name, self.email)
+ users = Table('users', metadata,
+ Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
+ Column('name', String(50), unique=True),
+ Column('email', String(120), unique=True)
+ )
+ mapper(User, users)
+Querying and inserting works exactly the same as in the example above.
+SQL Abstraction Layer
+If you just want to use the database system (and SQL) abstraction layer
+you basically only need the engine::
+ from sqlalchemy import create_engine, MetaData
+ engine = create_engine('sqlite:////tmp/test.db', convert_unicode=True)
+ metadata = MetaData(bind=engine)
+Then you can either declare the tables in your code like in the examples
+above, or automatically load them::
+ users = Table('users', metadata, autoload=True)
+To insert data you can use the `insert` method. We have to get a
+connection first so that we can use a transaction:
+>>> con = engine.connect()
+>>> con.execute(users.insert(name='admin', email='admin@localhost'))
+SQLAlchemy will automatically commit for us.
+To query your database, you use the engine directly or use a connection:
+>>> users.select(users.c.id == 1).execute().first()
+(1, u'admin', u'admin@localhost')
+These results are also dict-like tuples:
+>>> r = users.select(users.c.id == 1).execute().first()
+>>> r['name']
+You can also pass strings of SQL statements to the
+:meth:`~sqlalchemy.engine.base.Connection.execute` method:
+>>> engine.execute('select * from users where id = :1', [1]).first()
+(1, u'admin', u'admin@localhost')
+For more information about SQLAlchemy, head over to the
+`website <http://sqlalchemy.org/>`_.
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+.. _sqlite3:
+Using SQLite 3 with Flask
+In Flask you can implement the opening of database connections at the
+beginning of the request and closing at the end with the
+:meth:`~flask.Flask.before_request` and :meth:`~flask.Flask.teardown_request`
+decorators in combination with the special :class:`~flask.g` object.
+So here is a simple example of how you can use SQLite 3 with Flask::
+ import sqlite3
+ from flask import g
+ DATABASE = '/path/to/database.db'
+ def connect_db():
+ return sqlite3.connect(DATABASE)
+ @app.before_request
+ def before_request():
+ g.db = connect_db()
+ @app.teardown_request
+ def teardown_request(exception):
+ if hasattr(g, 'db'):
+ g.db.close()
+.. note::
+ Please keep in mind that the teardown request functions are always
+ executed, even if a before-request handler failed or was never
+ executed. Because of this we have to make sure here that the database
+ is there before we close it.
+Connect on Demand
+The downside of this approach is that this will only work if Flask
+executed the before-request handlers for you. If you are attempting to
+use the database from a script or the interactive Python shell you would
+have to do something like this::
+ with app.test_request_context():
+ app.preprocess_request()
+ # now you can use the g.db object
+In order to trigger the execution of the connection code. You won't be
+able to drop the dependency on the request context this way, but you could
+make it so that the application connects when necessary::
+ def get_connection():
+ db = getattr(g, '_db', None)
+ if db is None:
+ db = g._db = connect_db()
+ return db
+Downside here is that you have to use ``db = get_connection()`` instead of
+just being able to use ``g.db`` directly.
+.. _easy-querying:
+Easy Querying
+Now in each request handling function you can access `g.db` to get the
+current open database connection. To simplify working with SQLite, a
+helper function can be useful::
+ def query_db(query, args=(), one=False):
+ cur = g.db.execute(query, args)
+ rv = [dict((cur.description[idx][0], value)
+ for idx, value in enumerate(row)) for row in cur.fetchall()]
+ return (rv[0] if rv else None) if one else rv
+This handy little function makes working with the database much more
+pleasant than it is by just using the raw cursor and connection objects.
+Here is how you can use it::
+ for user in query_db('select * from users'):
+ print user['username'], 'has the id', user['user_id']
+Or if you just want a single result::
+ user = query_db('select * from users where username = ?',
+ [the_username], one=True)
+ if user is None:
+ print 'No such user'
+ else:
+ print the_username, 'has the id', user['user_id']
+To pass variable parts to the SQL statement, use a question mark in the
+statement and pass in the arguments as a list. Never directly add them to
+the SQL statement with string formatting because this makes it possible
+to attack the application using `SQL Injections
+Initial Schemas
+Relational databases need schemas, so applications often ship a
+`schema.sql` file that creates the database. It's a good idea to provide
+a function that creates the database based on that schema. This function
+can do that for you::
+ from contextlib import closing
+ def init_db():
+ with closing(connect_db()) as db:
+ with app.open_resource('schema.sql') as f:
+ db.cursor().executescript(f.read())
+ db.commit()
+You can then create such a database from the python shell:
+>>> from yourapplication import init_db
+>>> init_db()
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+Streaming Contents
+Sometimes you want to send an enormous amount of data to the client, much
+more than you want to keep in memory. When you are generating the data on
+the fly though, how do you send that back to the client without the
+roundtrip to the filesystem?
+The answer is by using generators and direct responses.
+Basic Usage
+This is a basic view function that generates a lot of CSV data on the fly.
+The trick is to have an inner function that uses a generator to generate
+data and to then invoke that function and pass it to a response object::
+ from flask import Response
+ @app.route('/large.csv')
+ def generate_large_csv():
+ def generate():
+ for row in iter_all_rows():
+ yield ','.join(row) + '\n'
+ return Response(generate(), mimetype='text/csv')
+Each ``yield`` expression is directly sent to the browser. Now though
+that some WSGI middlewares might break streaming, so be careful there in
+debug environments with profilers and other things you might have enabled.
+Streaming from Templates
+The Jinja2 template engine also supports rendering templates piece by
+piece. This functionality is not directly exposed by Flask because it is
+quite uncommon, but you can easily do it yourself::
+ from flask import Response
+ def stream_template(template_name, **context):
+ app.update_template_context(context)
+ t = app.jinja_env.get_template(template_name)
+ rv = t.stream(context)
+ rv.enable_buffering(5)
+ return rv
+ @app.route('/my-large-page.html')
+ def render_large_template():
+ rows = iter_all_rows()
+ return Response(stream_template('the_template.html', rows=rows))
+The trick here is to get the template object from the Jinja2 environment
+on the application and to call :meth:`~jinja2.Template.stream` instead of
+:meth:`~jinja2.Template.render` which returns a stream object instead of a
+string. Since we're bypassing the Flask template render functions and
+using the template object itself we have to make sure to update the render
+context ourselves by calling :meth:`~flask.Flask.update_template_context`.
+The template is then evaluated as the stream is iterated over. Since each
+time you do a yield the server will flush the content to the client you
+might want to buffer up a few items in the template which you can do with
+``rv.enable_buffering(size)``. ``5`` is a sane default.
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+.. _template-inheritance:
+Template Inheritance
+The most powerful part of Jinja is template inheritance. Template inheritance
+allows you to build a base "skeleton" template that contains all the common
+elements of your site and defines **blocks** that child templates can override.
+Sounds complicated but is very basic. It's easiest to understand it by starting
+with an example.
+Base Template
+This template, which we'll call ``layout.html``, defines a simple HTML skeleton
+document that you might use for a simple two-column page. It's the job of
+"child" templates to fill the empty blocks with content:
+.. sourcecode:: html+jinja
+ <!doctype html>
+ <html>
+ <head>
+ {% block head %}
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ url_for('static', filename='style.css') }}">
+ <title>{% block title %}{% endblock %} - My Webpage</title>
+ {% endblock %}
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <div id="content">{% block content %}{% endblock %}</div>
+ <div id="footer">
+ {% block footer %}
+ &copy; Copyright 2010 by <a href="http://domain.invalid/">you</a>.
+ {% endblock %}
+ </div>
+ </body>
+In this example, the ``{% block %}`` tags define four blocks that child templates
+can fill in. All the `block` tag does is tell the template engine that a
+child template may override those portions of the template.
+Child Template
+A child template might look like this:
+.. sourcecode:: html+jinja
+ {% extends "layout.html" %}
+ {% block title %}Index{% endblock %}
+ {% block head %}
+ {{ super() }}
+ <style type="text/css">
+ .important { color: #336699; }
+ </style>
+ {% endblock %}
+ {% block content %}
+ <h1>Index</h1>
+ <p class="important">
+ Welcome on my awesome homepage.
+ {% endblock %}
+The ``{% extends %}`` tag is the key here. It tells the template engine that
+this template "extends" another template. When the template system evaluates
+this template, first it locates the parent. The extends tag must be the
+first tag in the template. To render the contents of a block defined in
+the parent template, use ``{{ super() }}``.
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+Using URL Processors
+.. versionadded:: 0.7
+Flask 0.7 introduces the concept of URL processors. The idea is that you
+might have a bunch of resources with common parts in the URL that you
+don't always explicitly want to provide. For instance you might have a
+bunch of URLs that have the language code in it but you don't want to have
+to handle it in every single function yourself.
+URL processors are especially helpful when combined with blueprints. We
+will handle both application specific URL processors here as well as
+blueprint specifics.
+Internationalized Application URLs
+Consider an application like this::
+ from flask import Flask, g
+ app = Flask(__name__)
+ @app.route('/<lang_code>/')
+ def index(lang_code):
+ g.lang_code = lang_code
+ ...
+ @app.route('/<lang_code>/about')
+ def about(lang_code):
+ g.lang_code = lang_code
+ ...
+This is an awful lot of repetition as you have to handle the language code
+setting on the :data:`~flask.g` object yourself in every single function.
+Sure, a decorator could be used to simplify this, but if you want to
+generate URLs from one function to another you would have to still provide
+the language code explicitly which can be annoying.
+For the latter, this is where :func:`~flask.Flask.url_defaults` functions
+come in. They can automatically inject values into a call for
+:func:`~flask.url_for` automatically. The code below checks if the
+language code is not yet in the dictionary of URL values and if the
+endpoint wants a value named ``'lang_code'``::
+ @app.url_defaults
+ def add_language_code(endpoint, values):
+ if 'lang_code' in values or not g.lang_code:
+ return
+ if app.url_map.is_endpoint_expecting(endpoint, 'lang_code'):
+ values['lang_code'] = g.lang_code
+The method :meth:`~werkzeug.routing.Map.is_endpoint_expecting` of the URL
+map can be used to figure out if it would make sense to provide a language
+code for the given endpoint.
+The reverse of that function are
+:meth:`~flask.Flask.url_value_preprocessor`\s. They are executed right
+after the request was matched and can execute code based on the URL
+values. The idea is that they pull information out of the values
+dictionary and put it somewhere else::
+ @app.url_value_preprocessor
+ def pull_lang_code(endpoint, values):
+ g.lang_code = values.pop('lang_code', None)
+That way you no longer have to do the `lang_code` assigment to
+:data:`~flask.g` in every function. You can further improve that by
+writing your own decorator that prefixes URLs with the language code, but
+the more beautiful solution is using a blueprint. Once the
+``'lang_code'`` is popped from the values dictionary and it will no longer
+be forwarded to the view function reducing the code to this::
+ from flask import Flask, g
+ app = Flask(__name__)
+ @app.url_defaults
+ def add_language_code(endpoint, values):
+ if 'lang_code' in values or not g.lang_code:
+ return
+ if app.url_map.is_endpoint_expecting(endpoint, 'lang_code'):
+ values['lang_code'] = g.lang_code
+ @app.url_value_preprocessor
+ def pull_lang_code(endpoint, values):
+ g.lang_code = values.pop('lang_code', None)
+ @app.route('/<lang_code>/')
+ def index():
+ ...
+ @app.route('/<lang_code>/about')
+ def about():
+ ...
+Internationalized Blueprint URLs
+Because blueprints can automatically prefix all URLs with a common string
+it's easy to automatically do that for every function. Furthermore
+blueprints can have per-blueprint URL processors which removes a whole lot
+of logic from the :meth:`~flask.Flask.url_defaults` function because it no
+longer has to check if the URL is really interested in a ``'lang_code'``
+ from flask import Blueprint, g
+ bp = Blueprint('frontend', __name__, url_prefix='/<lang_code>')
+ @bp.url_defaults
+ def add_language_code(endpoint, values):
+ values.setdefault('lang_code', g.lang_code)
+ @bp.url_value_preprocessor
+ def pull_lang_code(endpoint, values):
+ g.lang_code = values.pop('lang_code')
+ @bp.route('/')
+ def index():
+ ...
+ @bp.route('/about')
+ def about():
+ ...
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+View Decorators
+Python has a really interesting feature called function decorators. This
+allow some really neat things for web applications. Because each view in
+Flask is a function decorators can be used to inject additional
+functionality to one or more functions. The :meth:`~flask.Flask.route`
+decorator is the one you probably used already. But there are use cases
+for implementing your own decorator. For instance, imagine you have a
+view that should only be used by people that are logged in to. If a user
+goes to the site and is not logged in, they should be redirected to the
+login page. This is a good example of a use case where a decorator is an
+excellent solution.
+Login Required Decorator
+So let's implement such a decorator. A decorator is a function that
+returns a function. Pretty simple actually. The only thing you have to
+keep in mind when implementing something like this is to update the
+`__name__`, `__module__` and some other attributes of a function. This is
+often forgotten, but you don't have to do that by hand, there is a
+function for that that is used like a decorator (:func:`functools.wraps`).
+This example assumes that the login page is called ``'login'`` and that
+the current user is stored as `g.user` and `None` if there is no-one
+logged in::
+ from functools import wraps
+ from flask import g, request, redirect, url_for
+ def login_required(f):
+ @wraps(f)
+ def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs):
+ if g.user is None:
+ return redirect(url_for('login', next=request.url))
+ return f(*args, **kwargs)
+ return decorated_function
+So how would you use that decorator now? Apply it as innermost decorator
+to a view function. When applying further decorators, always remember
+that the :meth:`~flask.Flask.route` decorator is the outermost::
+ @app.route('/secret_page')
+ @login_required
+ def secret_page():
+ pass
+Caching Decorator
+Imagine you have a view function that does an expensive calculation and
+because of that you would like to cache the generated results for a
+certain amount of time. A decorator would be nice for that. We're
+assuming you have set up a cache like mentioned in :ref:`caching-pattern`.
+Here an example cache function. It generates the cache key from a
+specific prefix (actually a format string) and the current path of the
+request. Notice that we are using a function that first creates the
+decorator that then decorates the function. Sounds awful? Unfortunately
+it is a little bit more complex, but the code should still be
+straightforward to read.
+The decorated function will then work as follows
+1. get the unique cache key for the current request base on the current
+ path.
+2. get the value for that key from the cache. If the cache returned
+ something we will return that value.
+3. otherwise the original function is called and the return value is
+ stored in the cache for the timeout provided (by default 5 minutes).
+Here the code::
+ from functools import wraps
+ from flask import request
+ def cached(timeout=5 * 60, key='view/%s'):
+ def decorator(f):
+ @wraps(f)
+ def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs):
+ cache_key = key % request.path
+ rv = cache.get(cache_key)
+ if rv is not None:
+ return rv
+ rv = f(*args, **kwargs)
+ cache.set(cache_key, rv, timeout=timeout)
+ return rv
+ return decorated_function
+ return decorator
+Notice that this assumes an instantiated `cache` object is available, see
+:ref:`caching-pattern` for more information.
+Templating Decorator
+A common pattern invented by the TurboGears guys a while back is a
+templating decorator. The idea of that decorator is that you return a
+dictionary with the values passed to the template from the view function
+and the template is automatically rendered. With that, the following
+three examples do exactly the same::
+ @app.route('/')
+ def index():
+ return render_template('index.html', value=42)
+ @app.route('/')
+ @templated('index.html')
+ def index():
+ return dict(value=42)
+ @app.route('/')
+ @templated()
+ def index():
+ return dict(value=42)
+As you can see, if no template name is provided it will use the endpoint
+of the URL map with dots converted to slashes + ``'.html'``. Otherwise
+the provided template name is used. When the decorated function returns,
+the dictionary returned is passed to the template rendering function. If
+`None` is returned, an empty dictionary is assumed, if something else than
+a dictionary is returned we return it from the function unchanged. That
+way you can still use the redirect function or return simple strings.
+Here the code for that decorator::
+ from functools import wraps
+ from flask import request
+ def templated(template=None):
+ def decorator(f):
+ @wraps(f)
+ def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs):
+ template_name = template
+ if template_name is None:
+ template_name = request.endpoint \
+ .replace('.', '/') + '.html'
+ ctx = f(*args, **kwargs)
+ if ctx is None:
+ ctx = {}
+ elif not isinstance(ctx, dict):
+ return ctx
+ return render_template(template_name, **ctx)
+ return decorated_function
+ return decorator
+Endpoint Decorator
+When you want to use the werkzeug routing system for more flexibility you
+need to map the endpoint as defined in the :class:`~werkzeug.routing.Rule`
+to a view function. This is possible with this decorator. For example::
+ from flask import Flask
+ from werkzeug.routing import Rule
+ app = Flask(__name__)
+ app.url_map.add(Rule('/', endpoint='index'))
+ @app.endpoint('index')
+ def my_index():
+ return "Hello world"
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+Form Validation with WTForms
+When you have to work with form data submitted by a browser view code
+quickly becomes very hard to read. There are libraries out there designed
+to make this process easier to manage. One of them is `WTForms`_ which we
+will handle here. If you find yourself in the situation of having many
+forms, you might want to give it a try.
+When you are working with WTForms you have to define your forms as classes
+first. I recommend breaking up the application into multiple modules
+(:ref:`larger-applications`) for that and adding a separate module for the
+.. admonition:: Getting most of WTForms with an Extension
+ The `Flask-WTF`_ extension expands on this pattern and adds a few
+ handful little helpers that make working with forms and Flask more
+ fun. You can get it from `PyPI
+ <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Flask-WTF>`_.
+.. _Flask-WTF: http://packages.python.org/Flask-WTF/
+The Forms
+This is an example form for a typical registration page::
+ from wtforms import Form, BooleanField, TextField, validators
+ class RegistrationForm(Form):
+ username = TextField('Username', [validators.Length(min=4, max=25)])
+ email = TextField('Email Address', [validators.Length(min=6, max=35)])
+ password = PasswordField('New Password', [
+ validators.Required(),
+ validators.EqualTo('confirm', message='Passwords must match')
+ ])
+ confirm = PasswordField('Repeat Password')
+ accept_tos = BooleanField('I accept the TOS', [validators.Required()])
+In the View
+In the view function, the usage of this form looks like this::
+ @app.route('/register', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
+ def register():
+ form = RegistrationForm(request.form)
+ if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
+ user = User(form.username.data, form.email.data,
+ form.password.data)
+ db_session.add(user)
+ flash('Thanks for registering')
+ return redirect(url_for('login'))
+ return render_template('register.html', form=form)
+Notice that we are implying that the view is using SQLAlchemy here
+(:ref:`sqlalchemy-pattern`) but this is no requirement of course. Adapt
+the code as necessary.
+Things to remember:
+1. create the form from the request :attr:`~flask.request.form` value if
+ the data is submitted via the HTTP `POST` method and
+ :attr:`~flask.request.args` if the data is submitted as `GET`.
+2. to validate the data, call the :func:`~wtforms.form.Form.validate`
+ method which will return `True` if the data validates, `False`
+ otherwise.
+3. to access individual values from the form, access `form.<NAME>.data`.
+Forms in Templates
+Now to the template side. When you pass the form to the templates you can
+easily render them there. Look at the following example template to see
+how easy this is. WTForms does half the form generation for us already.
+To make it even nicer, we can write a macro that renders a field with
+label and a list of errors if there are any.
+Here's an example `_formhelpers.html` template with such a macro:
+.. sourcecode:: html+jinja
+ {% macro render_field(field) %}
+ <dt>{{ field.label }}
+ <dd>{{ field(**kwargs)|safe }}
+ {% if field.errors %}
+ <ul class="errors">
+ {% for error in field.errors %}<li>{{ error }}{% endfor %}
+ </ul>
+ {% endif %}
+ </dd>
+ {% endmacro %}
+This macro accepts a couple of keyword arguments that are forwarded to
+WTForm's field function that renders the field for us. The keyword
+arguments will be inserted as HTML attributes. So for example you can
+call ``render_field(form.username, class='username')`` to add a class to
+the input element. Note that WTForms returns standard Python unicode
+strings, so we have to tell Jinja2 that this data is already HTML escaped
+with the `|safe` filter.
+Here the `register.html` template for the function we used above which
+takes advantage of the `_formhelpers.html` template:
+.. sourcecode:: html+jinja
+ {% from "_formhelpers.html" import render_field %}
+ <form method="post" action="/register">
+ <dl>
+ {{ render_field(form.username) }}
+ {{ render_field(form.email) }}
+ {{ render_field(form.password) }}
+ {{ render_field(form.confirm) }}
+ {{ render_field(form.accept_tos) }}
+ </dl>
+ <p><input type=submit value=Register>
+ </form>
+For more information about WTForms, head over to the `WTForms
+.. _WTForms: http://wtforms.simplecodes.com/
+.. _WTForms website: http://wtforms.simplecodes.com/