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path: root/studio/static/doc/myosa/ch008_a-standalone-python-program-for-reading-etexts.xhtml
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authorSebastian Silva <sebastian@sugarlabs.org>2011-10-12 00:54:31 (GMT)
committer Sebastian Silva <sebastian@sugarlabs.org>2011-10-12 00:54:31 (GMT)
commitfe1a1eb79bf0f1df8bbc56d2402e32061af79d06 (patch)
treed39e3b7780e4b6949250d490a4a7a874f788981c /studio/static/doc/myosa/ch008_a-standalone-python-program-for-reading-etexts.xhtml
parent5861585e94a32b3032ac473804bf90c6e1363940 (diff)
Tidy up code a bit - added documentation
Diffstat (limited to 'studio/static/doc/myosa/ch008_a-standalone-python-program-for-reading-etexts.xhtml')
1 files changed, 244 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/studio/static/doc/myosa/ch008_a-standalone-python-program-for-reading-etexts.xhtml b/studio/static/doc/myosa/ch008_a-standalone-python-program-for-reading-etexts.xhtml
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
+ "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><body><h1> A Standalone Python Program For Reading Etexts
+<h2>The Program
+ <br/></h2>
+<p>Our example program is based on the first Activity I wrote, <strong>Read Etexts</strong>.&#160; This is a program for reading free e-books.
+ <br/></p>
+<p>The oldest and best source of free e-books is a website called <em>Project Gutenberg</em> <a href="http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Main_Page).">(</a><a href="http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Main_Page" target="_top">http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Main_Page</a>).&#160; They create books in plain text format, in other words the kind of file you could make if you typed a book into Notepad and hit the Enter key at the end of each line.&#160; They have thousands of books that are out of copyright, including some of the best ever written.&#160; Before you read further go to that website and pick out a book that interests you.&#160; Check out the "Top 100" list to see the most popular books and authors.
+<p>The program we're going to create will read books in plain text format only.
+<p>There is a Git repository containing all the code examples in this book.&#160; Once you have Git installed you can copy the repository to your computer with this command:
+<pre>git clone git://git.sugarlabs.org/\
+<p>The code for our standalone Python program will be found in the directory <strong>Make_Standalone_Python</strong> in a file named <strong>ReadEtexts.py</strong>.&#160; It looks like this:
+ <br/></p>
+<pre>#! /usr/bin/env python
+import sys
+import os
+import zipfile
+import pygtk
+import gtk
+import getopt
+import pango
+class ReadEtexts():
+ def keypress_cb(self, widget, event):
+ "Respond when the user presses one of the arrow keys"
+ keyname = gtk.gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval)
+ if keyname == 'plus':
+ self.font_increase()
+ return True
+ if keyname == 'minus':
+ self.font_decrease()
+ return True
+ if keyname == 'Page_Up' :
+ self.page_previous()
+ return True
+ if keyname == 'Page_Down':
+ self.page_next()
+ return True
+ if keyname == 'Up' or keyname == 'KP_Up' \
+ or keyname == 'KP_Left':
+ self.scroll_up()
+ return True
+ if keyname == 'Down' or keyname == 'KP_Down' \
+ or keyname == 'KP_Right':
+ self.scroll_down()
+ return True
+ return False
+ def page_previous(self):
+ global page
+ page=page-1
+ if page &lt; 0: page=0
+ self.show_page(page)
+ v_adjustment = \
+ self.scrolled_window.get_vadjustment()
+ v_adjustment.value = v_adjustment.upper - \
+ v_adjustment.page_size
+ def page_next(self):
+ global page
+ page=page+1
+ if page &gt;&#8286;= len(self.page_index): page=0
+ self.show_page(page)
+ v_adjustment = \
+ self.scrolled_window.get_vadjustment()
+ v_adjustment.value = v_adjustment.lower
+ def font_decrease(self):
+ font_size = self.font_desc.get_size() / 1024
+ font_size = font_size - 1
+ if font_size &lt; 1:
+ font_size = 1
+ self.font_desc.set_size(font_size * 1024)
+ self.textview.modify_font(self.font_desc)
+ def font_increase(self):
+ font_size = self.font_desc.get_size() / 1024
+ font_size = font_size + 1
+ self.font_desc.set_size(font_size * 1024)
+ self.textview.modify_font(self.font_desc)
+ def scroll_down(self):
+ v_adjustment = \
+ self.scrolled_window.get_vadjustment()
+ if v_adjustment.value == v_adjustment.upper - \
+ v_adjustment.page_size:
+ self.page_next()
+ return
+ if v_adjustment.value &lt; v_adjustment.upper -\
+ v_adjustment.page_size:
+ new_value = v_adjustment.value + \
+ v_adjustment.step_increment
+ if new_value &gt; v_adjustment.upper -\
+ v_adjustment.page_size:
+ new_value = v_adjustment.upper -\
+ v_adjustment.page_size
+ v_adjustment.value = new_value
+ def scroll_up(self):
+ v_adjustment = \
+ self.scrolled_window.get_vadjustment()
+ if v_adjustment.value == v_adjustment.lower:
+ self.page_previous()
+ return
+ if v_adjustment.value &gt; v_adjustment.lower:
+ new_value = v_adjustment.value - \
+ v_adjustment.step_increment
+ if new_value &lt; v_adjustment.lower:
+ new_value = v_adjustment.lower
+ v_adjustment.value = new_value
+ def show_page(self, page_number):
+ global PAGE_SIZE, current_word
+ position = self.page_index[page_number]
+ self.etext_file.seek(position)
+ linecount = 0
+ label_text = '\n\n\n'
+ textbuffer = self.textview.get_buffer()
+ while linecount &lt; PAGE_SIZE:
+ line = self.etext_file.readline()
+ label_text = label_text + unicode(line,
+ 'iso-8859-1')
+ linecount = linecount + 1
+ label_text = label_text + '\n\n\n'
+ textbuffer.set_text(label_text)
+ self.textview.set_buffer(textbuffer)
+ def save_extracted_file(self, zipfile, filename):
+ "Extract the file to a temp directory for viewing"
+ filebytes = zipfile.read(filename)
+ f = open("/tmp/" + filename, 'w')
+ try:
+ f.write(filebytes)
+ finally:
+ f.close
+ def read_file(self, filename):
+ "Read the Etext file"
+ global PAGE_SIZE
+ if zipfile.is_zipfile(filename):
+ self.zf = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, 'r')
+ self.book_files = self.zf.namelist()
+ self.save_extracted_file(self.zf,
+ self.book_files[0])
+ currentFileName = "/tmp/" + self.book_files[0]
+ else:
+ currentFileName = filename
+ self.etext_file = open(currentFileName,"r")
+ self.page_index = [ 0 ]
+ linecount = 0
+ while self.etext_file:
+ line = self.etext_file.readline()
+ if not line:
+ break
+ linecount = linecount + 1
+ if linecount &gt;= PAGE_SIZE:
+ position = self.etext_file.tell()
+ self.page_index.append(position)
+ linecount = 0
+ if filename.endswith(".zip"):
+ os.remove(currentFileName)
+ def destroy_cb(self, widget, data=None):
+ gtk.main_quit()
+ def main(self, file_path):
+ self.window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
+ self.window.connect("destroy", self.destroy_cb)
+ self.window.set_title("Read Etexts")
+ self.window.set_size_request(640, 480)
+ self.window.set_border_width(0)
+ self.read_file(file_path)
+ self.scrolled_window = gtk.ScrolledWindow(
+ hadjustment=None, vadjustment=None)
+ self.textview = gtk.TextView()
+ self.textview.set_editable(False)
+ self.textview.set_left_margin(50)
+ self.textview.set_cursor_visible(False)
+ self.textview.connect("key_press_event",
+ self.keypress_cb)
+ buffer = self.textview.get_buffer()
+ self.font_desc = pango.FontDescription("sans 12")
+ font_size = self.font_desc.get_size()
+ self.textview.modify_font(self.font_desc)
+ self.show_page(0)
+ self.scrolled_window.add(self.textview)
+ self.window.add(self.scrolled_window)
+ self.textview.show()
+ self.scrolled_window.show()
+ v_adjustment = \
+ self.scrolled_window.get_vadjustment()
+ self.window.show()
+ gtk.main()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ try:
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "")
+ ReadEtexts().main(args[0])
+ except getopt.error, msg:
+ print msg
+ print "This program has no options"
+ sys.exit(2)
+<h2> Running The Program
+<p>To run the program you should first make it executable.&#160; You only need to do this once:
+<pre>chmod 755 ReadEtexts.py</pre>
+<p>For this example I downloaded the file for <em>Pride and Prejudice</em>.&#160; The program will work with either of the Plain text formats, which are either uncompressed text or a Zip file.&#160; The zip file is named <strong>1342.zip</strong>, and we can read the book by running this from a terminal:
+<pre>./ReadEtexts.py 1342.zip</pre>
+<p>This is what the program looks like in action:
+<p><img alt="The standalone Read Etexts program in action." src="static/ActivitiesGuideSugar-ReadEtexts_01_1-en.jpg" width="646" height="503"/></p>
+<p>You can use the <em>Page Up, Page Down, Up, Down, Left</em>, and <em>Right</em> keys to navigate through the book and the '+' and '-' keys to adjust the font size.
+<div class="objavi-forcebreak">
+<h2>How The Program Works
+<p>This program reads through the text file containing the book and divides it into pages of 45 lines each.&#160; We need to do this because the <strong>gtk.TextView</strong> component we use for viewing the text would need a lot of memory to scroll through the whole book and that would hurt performance.&#160; A second reason is that we want to make reading the e-book as much as possible like reading a regular book, and regular books have pages.&#160; If a teacher assigns reading from a book she might say "read pages 35-50 for tommorow".&#160; Finally, we want this program to remember what page you stopped reading on and bring you back to that page again when you read the book next time.&#160; (The program we have so far doesn't do that yet).
+<p>To page through the book we use <strong>random access</strong> to read the file.&#160; To understand what random access means to a file, consider a VHS tape and a DVD.&#160; To get to a certain scene in a VHS tape you need to go through all the scenes that came before it, in order.&#160; Even though you do it at high speed you still have to look at all of them to find the place you want to start watching.&#160; This is <strong>sequential access</strong>.&#160; On the other hand a DVD has chapter stops and possibly a chapter menu.&#160; Using a chapter menu you can look at any scene in the movie right away, and you can skip around as you like.&#160; This is random access, and the chapter menu is like an <strong>index</strong>.&#160; Of course you can access the material in a DVD sequentially too.
+<p>We need random access to skip to whatever page we like, and we need an index so that we know where each page begins.&#160; We make the index by reading the entire file one line at a time.&#160; Every 45 lines we make a note of how many characters into the file we've gotten and store this information in a Python list.&#160; Then we go back to the beginning of the file and display the first page.&#160; When the program user goes to the next or previous page we figure out what the new page number will be and look in the list entry for that page.&#160; This tells us that page starts 4,200 characters into the file.&#160; We use seek() on the file to go to that character and then we read 45 lines starting at that point and load them into the TextView.
+<p>When you run this program notice how fast it is.&#160; Python programs take longer to run a line of code than a compiled language would, but in this program it doesn't matter because the heavy lifting in the program is done by the TextView, which was created in a compiled language.&#160; The Python parts don't do that much so the program doesn't spend much time running them.
+<p>Sugar uses Python a lot, not just for Activities but for the Sugar environment itself.&#160; You may read somewhere that using so much Python is "a disaster" for performance.&#160; Don't believe it.
+<p>There are no slow programming languages, only slow programmers.
+ <br/></p></body></html> \ No newline at end of file