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path: root/blahtexml/source/BlahtexCore/Manager.cpp
diff options
authorWade Brainerd <wadetb@gmail.com>2008-05-28 07:25:05 (GMT)
committer Wade Brainerd <wadetb@gmail.com>2008-05-28 07:25:05 (GMT)
commit0aa16140b4f45ab030544409e5473605a3f696a8 (patch)
tree1d14fdba8b7be906dc5e6e1fc59b65e9a43c6589 /blahtexml/source/BlahtexCore/Manager.cpp
parentb879c1efbfbb8cb4ce5ba7573b708eb586dc96a5 (diff)
parentdfafd88d7554da5242308f693190d52903b6e39e (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://wadeb@dev.laptop.org/git/projects/wikiserver
Diffstat (limited to 'blahtexml/source/BlahtexCore/Manager.cpp')
1 files changed, 553 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/blahtexml/source/BlahtexCore/Manager.cpp b/blahtexml/source/BlahtexCore/Manager.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25d5a05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blahtexml/source/BlahtexCore/Manager.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
+// File "Manager.cpp"
+// blahtex (version 0.4.4)
+// a TeX to MathML converter designed with MediaWiki in mind
+// Copyright (C) 2006, David Harvey
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+#include <sstream>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include "Manager.h"
+#include "Parser.h"
+using namespace std;
+namespace blahtex
+// I don't entirely trust the wide versions of isalpha etc, so this
+// function does the job instead.
+bool IsAlphabetic(wchar_t c)
+ return (c >= L'a' && c <= L'z') || (c >= L'A' && c <= L'Z');
+// Tokenise() splits the given input into tokens, each represented by a
+// string. The output is APPENDED to "output".
+// There are several types of tokens:
+// * single characters like "a", or "{", or single non-ASCII unicode
+// characters
+// * alphabetic commands like "\frac"
+// * commands like "\," which have a single nonalphabetic character
+// after the backslash
+// * commands like "\ " which have their whitespace collapsed,
+// stored as "\ "
+// * other consecutive whitespace characters which get collapsed to
+// just " "
+// * the sequence "\begin { stuff }" gets stored as the single token
+// "\begin{ stuff }". Note that whitespace is preserved between the
+// braces but not between "\begin" and "{". Similarly for "\end".
+void Tokenise(const wstring& input, vector<wstring>& output)
+ wstring::const_iterator ptr = input.begin();
+ while (ptr != input.end())
+ {
+ // merge adjacent whitespace
+ if (iswspace(*ptr))
+ {
+ output.push_back(L" ");
+ do
+ ptr++;
+ while (ptr != input.end() && iswspace(*ptr));
+ }
+ // boring single character tokens
+ else if (*ptr != L'\\')
+ {
+ // Disallow non-printable, non-whitespace ASCII
+ if (*ptr < L' ' || *ptr == 0x7F)
+ throw Exception(L"IllegalCharacter");
+ output.push_back(wstring(1, *ptr++));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // tokens starting with backslash
+ wstring token = L"\\";
+ if (++ptr == input.end())
+ throw Exception(L"IllegalFinalBackslash");
+ if (IsAlphabetic(*ptr))
+ {
+ // plain alphabetic commands
+ do
+ token += *ptr++;
+ while (ptr != input.end() && IsAlphabetic(*ptr));
+ // Special treatment for "\begin" and "\end"; need to
+ // collapse "\begin {xyz}" to "\begin{xyz}", and store it
+ // as a single token.
+ if (token == L"\\begin" || token == L"\\end")
+ {
+ while (ptr != input.end() && iswspace(*ptr))
+ ptr++;
+ if (ptr == input.end() || *ptr != L'{')
+ throw Exception(L"MissingOpenBraceAfter", token);
+ token += *ptr++;
+ while (ptr != input.end() && *ptr != L'}')
+ token += *ptr++;
+ if (ptr == input.end())
+ throw Exception(L"UnmatchedOpenBrace");
+ token += *ptr++;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (iswspace(*ptr))
+ {
+ // commands like "\ "
+ token += L" ";
+ do
+ ptr++;
+ while (ptr != input.end() && iswspace(*ptr));
+ }
+ // commands like "\," and "\;"
+ else
+ token += *ptr++;
+ output.push_back(token);
+ }
+ }
+wstring Manager::gTexvcCompatibilityMacros =
+ // First we have some macros which are not part of tex/latex/amslatex
+ // but which texvc recognises, so for backward compatibility we define
+ // them here too. Most of these are apparently intended to cater for
+ // those more familiar with HTML entities.
+ L"\\newcommand{\\R}{{\\mathbb R}}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\Reals}{\\R}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\reals}{\\R}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\Z}{{\\mathbb Z}}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\N}{{\\mathbb N}}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\natnums}{\\N}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\Complex}{{\\mathbb C}}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\cnums}{\\Complex}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\alefsym}{\\aleph}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\alef}{\\aleph}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\larr}{\\leftarrow}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\rarr}{\\rightarrow}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\Larr}{\\Leftarrow}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\lArr}{\\Leftarrow}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\Rarr}{\\Rightarrow}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\rArr}{\\Rightarrow}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\uarr}{\\uparrow}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\uArr}{\\Uparrow}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\Uarr}{\\Uparrow}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\darr}{\\downarrow}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\dArr}{\\Downarrow}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\Darr}{\\Downarrow}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\lrarr}{\\leftrightarrow}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\harr}{\\leftrightarrow}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\Lrarr}{\\Leftrightarrow}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\Harr}{\\Leftrightarrow}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\lrArr}{\\Leftrightarrow}"
+ // The next one looks like a typo in the texvc source code:
+ L"\\newcommand{\\hAar}{\\Leftrightarrow}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\sub}{\\subset}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\supe}{\\supseteq}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\sube}{\\subseteq}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\infin}{\\infty}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\lang}{\\langle}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\rang}{\\rangle}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\real}{\\Re}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\image}{\\Im}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\bull}{\\bullet}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\weierp}{\\wp}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\isin}{\\in}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\plusmn}{\\pm}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\Dagger}{\\ddagger}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\exist}{\\exists}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\sect}{\\S}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\clubs}{\\clubsuit}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\spades}{\\spadesuit}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\hearts}{\\heartsuit}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\diamonds}{\\diamondsuit}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\sdot}{\\cdot}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\ang}{\\angle}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\thetasym}{\\theta}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\Alpha}{A}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\Beta}{B}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\Epsilon}{E}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\Zeta}{Z}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\Eta}{H}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\Iota}{I}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\Kappa}{K}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\Mu}{M}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\Nu}{N}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\Rho}{P}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\Tau}{T}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\Chi}{X}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\arccot}{\\operatorname{arccot}}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\arcsec}{\\operatorname{arcsec}}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\arccsc}{\\operatorname{arccsc}}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\sgn}{\\operatorname{sgn}}"
+ // The commands in this next group are defined in tex/latex/amslatex,
+ // but they don't get mapped to what texvc thinks (e.g. "\part" is used
+ // in typesetting books to mean a unit somewhat larger than a chapter,
+ // like "Part IV").
+ //
+ // We'll stick to the way texvc does it, especially since wikipedia has
+ // quite a number of equations using them.
+ L"\\newcommand{\\empty}{\\emptyset}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\and}{\\wedge}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\or}{\\vee}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\part}{\\partial}"
+wstring Manager::gStandardMacros =
+ // The next group are standard TeX/LaTeX/AMS-LaTeX synonyms.
+ L"\\newcommand{\\|}{\\Vert}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\implies}{\\;\\Longrightarrow\\;}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\neg}{\\lnot}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\ne}{\\neq}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\ge}{\\geq}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\le}{\\leq}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\land}{\\wedge}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\lor}{\\vee}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\gets}{\\leftarrow}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\to}{\\rightarrow}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\doublecap}{\\Cap}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\restriction}{\\upharpoonright}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\llless}{\\lll}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\gggtr}{\\ggg}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\Doteq}{\\doteqdot}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\doublecup}{\\Cup}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\dasharrow}{\\dashleftarrow}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\vartriangleleft}{\\lhd}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\vartriangleright}{\\rhd}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\trianglelefteq}{\\unlhd}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\trianglerighteq}{\\unrhd}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\Join}{\\bowtie}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\Diamond}{\\lozenge}"
+ // The amsfonts package accepts the following two commands, but warns
+ // that they are obsolete, so let's just quietly replace them.
+ L"\\newcommand{\\Bbb}{\\mathbb}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\bold}{\\mathbf}"
+ // Now we come to the xxxReserved commands. These are all implemented
+ // as macros in TeX, so for maximum compatibility, we want to treat
+ // their arguments the way a TeX macro does. The strategy is the
+ // following. First, in Manager::ProcessInput, we convert e.g. "\mbox"
+ // into "\mboxReserved". Then, the MacroProcessor object sees e.g.
+ // "\mboxReserved A" and converts it to "\mbox{A}". This simplifies
+ // things enormously for the parser, since now it can treat "\mbox"
+ // and "\hbox" in the same way. ("\hbox" requires braces around its
+ // argument, even if it's just a single character.) This strategy also
+ // keeps TeX happy when we send off the purified TeX, since TeX doesn't
+ // care about the extra braces.
+ L"\\newcommand{\\mboxReserved} [1]{\\mbox{#1}}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\substackReserved} [1]{\\substack{#1}}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\oversetReserved} [2]{\\overset{#1}{#2}}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\undersetReserved} [2]{\\underset{#1}{#2}}"
+ // The following are all similar, but they get extra "safety braces"
+ // placed around them. For example, "x^\frac yz" is legal, because it
+ // becomes "x^{y \over z}".
+ L"\\newcommand{\\textReserved} [1]{{\\text{#1}}}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\textitReserved} [1]{{\\textit{#1}}}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\textrmReserved} [1]{{\\textrm{#1}}}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\textbfReserved} [1]{{\\textbf{#1}}}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\textsfReserved} [1]{{\\textsf{#1}}}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\textttReserved} [1]{{\\texttt{#1}}}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\emphReserved} [1]{{\\emph{#1}}}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\fracReserved} [2]{{\\frac{#1}{#2}}}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\mathrmReserved} [1]{{\\mathrm{#1}}}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\mathbfReserved} [1]{{\\mathbf{#1}}}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\mathbbReserved} [1]{{\\mathbb{#1}}}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\mathitReserved} [1]{{\\mathit{#1}}}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\mathcalReserved} [1]{{\\mathcal{#1}}}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\mathfrakReserved} [1]{{\\mathfrak{#1}}}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\mathttReserved} [1]{{\\mathtt{#1}}}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\mathsfReserved} [1]{{\\mathsf{#1}}}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\bigReserved} [1]{{\\big#1}}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\biggReserved} [1]{{\\bigg#1}}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\BigReserved} [1]{{\\Big#1}}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\BiggReserved} [1]{{\\Bigg#1}}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\japReserved} [1]{{\\jap{#1}}}"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\cyrReserved} [1]{{\\cyr{#1}}}"
+vector<wstring> Manager::gStandardMacrosTokenised;
+vector<wstring> Manager::gTexvcCompatibilityMacrosTokenised;
+ if (sizeof(RGBColour) != 4)
+ throw runtime_error("The \"unsigned\" type is not 4 bytes wide!");
+ // Tokenise the standard macros if it hasn't been done already.
+ if (gTexvcCompatibilityMacrosTokenised.empty())
+ Tokenise(
+ gTexvcCompatibilityMacros,
+ gTexvcCompatibilityMacrosTokenised
+ );
+ if (gStandardMacrosTokenised.empty())
+ Tokenise(gStandardMacros, gStandardMacrosTokenised);
+ mStrictSpacingRequested = false;
+void Manager::ProcessInput(const wstring& input, bool texvcCompatibility)
+ // Here are all the commands which get "Reserved" tacked on the end
+ // before the MacroProcessor sees them:
+ static wstring reservedCommandArray[] =
+ {
+ L"\\sqrt",
+ L"\\mbox",
+ L"\\text",
+ L"\\textit",
+ L"\\textrm",
+ L"\\textbf",
+ L"\\textsf",
+ L"\\texttt",
+ L"\\jap",
+ L"\\cyr",
+ L"\\emph",
+ L"\\frac",
+ L"\\mathrm",
+ L"\\mathbf",
+ L"\\mathbb",
+ L"\\mathit",
+ L"\\mathcal",
+ L"\\mathfrak",
+ L"\\mathtt",
+ L"\\mathsf",
+ L"\\big",
+ L"\\bigg",
+ L"\\Big",
+ L"\\Bigg",
+ L"\\overset",
+ L"\\underset",
+ L"\\substack"
+ };
+ static wishful_hash_set<wstring> reservedCommandTable(
+ reservedCommandArray,
+ END_ARRAY(reservedCommandArray)
+ );
+ vector<wstring> inputTokens;
+ Tokenise(input, inputTokens);
+ mStrictSpacingRequested = false;
+ // Check that the user hasn't supplied any input directly containing the
+ // "Reserved" suffix, and add Reserved suffixes appropriately.
+ //
+ // Also search for magic commands (currently the only magic command is
+ // "\strictspacing")
+ for (vector<wstring>::iterator
+ ptr = inputTokens.begin();
+ ptr != inputTokens.end();
+ ptr++
+ )
+ {
+ if (reservedCommandTable.count(*ptr))
+ *ptr += L"Reserved";
+ else if (
+ ptr->size() >= 8 &&
+ ptr->substr(ptr->size() - 8, 8) == L"Reserved"
+ )
+ throw Exception(L"ReservedCommand", *ptr);
+ else if (*ptr == L"\\strictspacing")
+ {
+ mStrictSpacingRequested = true;
+ *ptr = L" ";
+ }
+ }
+ vector<wstring> tokens;
+ // Append the texvc-compatibility and standard macros where appropriate.
+ if (texvcCompatibility)
+ tokens = gTexvcCompatibilityMacrosTokenised;
+ copy(
+ gStandardMacrosTokenised.begin(),
+ gStandardMacrosTokenised.end(),
+ back_inserter(tokens)
+ );
+ copy(inputTokens.begin(), inputTokens.end(), back_inserter(tokens));
+ // Generate the parse tree and the layout tree.
+ Parser P;
+ mParseTree = P.DoParse(tokens);
+ mHasDelayedMathmlError = false;
+ try
+ {
+ TexProcessingState topState;
+ topState.mStyle = LayoutTree::Node::cStyleText;
+ topState.mColour = 0;
+ mLayoutTree = mParseTree->BuildLayoutTree(topState);
+ mLayoutTree->Optimise();
+ }
+ catch (Exception& e)
+ {
+ // Some types of error need to returned as MathML errors, not
+ // parsing errors.
+ if (e.GetCode() == L"UnavailableSymbolFontCombination")
+ {
+ mHasDelayedMathmlError = true;
+ mDelayedMathmlError = e;
+ mLayoutTree.reset(NULL);
+ }
+ else
+ throw e;
+ }
+auto_ptr<MathmlNode> Manager::GenerateMathml(
+ const MathmlOptions& options
+) const
+ if (mHasDelayedMathmlError)
+ throw mDelayedMathmlError;
+ if (!mLayoutTree.get())
+ throw logic_error(
+ "Layout tree not yet built in Manager::GenerateMathml"
+ );
+ MathmlOptions optionsCopy = options;
+ if (mStrictSpacingRequested)
+ // Override the spacing control setting if the "\strictspacing"
+ // command appeared somewhere in the input.
+ optionsCopy.mSpacingControl = MathmlOptions::cSpacingControlStrict;
+ // Build the MathML tree. The nodeCount variables counts the number
+ // of nodes being generated; if too many appear, an exception is thrown.
+ unsigned nodeCount = 0;
+ auto_ptr<MathmlNode> root = mLayoutTree->BuildMathmlTree(
+ optionsCopy,
+ MathmlEnvironment(LayoutTree::Node::cStyleText, RGBColour(0)),
+ nodeCount
+ );
+ return root;
+wstring Manager::GeneratePurifiedTex(
+ const PurifiedTexOptions& options
+) const
+ if (!mParseTree.get())
+ throw logic_error(
+ "Parse tree not yet built in Manager::GeneratePurifiedTex"
+ );
+ wostringstream os;
+ LatexFeatures features;
+ mParseTree->GetPurifiedTex(os, features, cFontEncodingDefault);
+ wstring latex = os.str();
+ if (features.mNeedsX2 || features.mNeedsCJK)
+ {
+ features.mNeedsUcs = true;
+ features.mNeedsAmsmath = true; // for the "\text" command
+ }
+ // Generate purified tex output
+ wostringstream output;
+ output <<
+ L"\\nonstopmode\n"
+ L"\\documentclass[12pt]{article}\n";
+ if (features.mNeedsAmsmath)
+ output << L"\\usepackage{amsmath}\n";
+ if (features.mNeedsAmsfonts)
+ output << L"\\usepackage{amsfonts}\n";
+ if (features.mNeedsAmssymb)
+ output << L"\\usepackage{amssymb}\n";
+ if (features.mNeedsColor)
+ output << L"\\usepackage[dvips,usenames]{color}\n";
+ if (features.mNeedsUcs)
+ {
+ if (!options.mAllowUcs)
+ throw Exception(L"LatexPackageUnavailable", L"ucs");
+ output << L"\\usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc}\n";
+ }
+ if (features.mNeedsX2)
+ output <<
+ L"\\usepackage[X2,T1]{fontenc}\n"
+ L"\\newcommand{\\cyr}[1]{\\text{"
+ L"\\bgroup\\fontencoding{X2}\\selectfont #1\\egroup}}\n";
+ if (features.mNeedsCJK)
+ {
+ if (!options.mAllowCJK)
+ throw Exception(L"LatexPackageUnavailable", L"CJK");
+ output << L"\\usepackage{CJK}\n";
+ if (features.mNeedsJapaneseFont)
+ {
+ if (options.mJapaneseFont.empty())
+ throw Exception(L"LatexFontNotSpecified", L"japanese");
+ output
+ << L"\\newcommand{\\jap}[1]{\\text{\\begin{CJK}{UTF8}{"
+ << options.mJapaneseFont
+ << L"}#1\\end{CJK}}}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if (options.mAllowPreview)
+ output << L"\\usepackage[active]{preview}\n";
+ else
+ output << L"\\pagestyle{empty}\n";
+ output << L"\\begin{document}\n";
+ if (options.mAllowPreview)
+ output << L"\\begin{preview}\n";
+ output << L"$\n" << latex << L"\n$\n";
+ if (options.mAllowPreview)
+ output << L"\\end{preview}\n";
+ output << L"\\end{document}\n";
+ return output.str();
+// end of file @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@