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path: root/xsl/gallery.xsl
diff options
authorBernie Innocenti <bernie@codewiz.org>2011-03-01 00:55:41 (GMT)
committer Bernie Innocenti <bernie@codewiz.org>2011-03-01 00:55:41 (GMT)
commit64474c14afdb45961cd232d30cc443f0c318f292 (patch)
tree5b2e7102550544b48a1fd1e52548b6082dabd2a3 /xsl/gallery.xsl
Sugar Labs website 2010
Diffstat (limited to 'xsl/gallery.xsl')
1 files changed, 661 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xsl/gallery.xsl b/xsl/gallery.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4891fef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xsl/gallery.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,661 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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+<script src="scripts/scriptaculous.js" type="text/javascript"><xsl:comment/></script>
+<!-- logo -->
+<div class="logo">
+ <h1>
+ <a href="index.php">
+ <img src="assets/logo_black_02.png" width="223" height="49" border="0" id="logo">
+ <xsl:attribute name="alt">
+ <xsl:value-of select="xml/global/title" />
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+ <xsl:attribute name="title">
+ <xsl:value-of select="xml/global/title" />
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ </img>
+ </a>
+ </h1>
+<!-- menu -->
+<!-- set variable to get section -->
+<xsl:variable name="section">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="//page[@id = $page]/@section">
+ <xsl:value-of select="//page[@id = $page]/@section" />
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="$page" />
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+<ul id="menu">
+ <li>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="//page[@id = $page]/@section">
+ <a href="#" name="hint" class="current">
+ <xsl:value-of select="//section[@id = $section]/@title" />
+ </a>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <a href="#" name="hint" class="current">menu</a>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ <ul id="expanded_menu">
+ <li><a href="index.php" name="index">home</a></li>
+ <xsl:for-each select="//xml/sections/section">
+ <li>
+ <a>
+ <xsl:attribute name="href">
+ <xsl:variable name="idsection1">
+ <xsl:value-of select="./@id" />
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="@id = 'press'">index.php?template=press</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="//page[@id = $idsection1]/@black = 'true'">
+ <xsl:text>index.php?template=gallery&amp;page=</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:value-of select="./@id"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:text>index.php?template=page&amp;page=</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:value-of select="./@id"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="./@id = $section">
+ <xsl:attribute name="class">selected</xsl:attribute>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:for-each select="section">
+ <xsl:if test="./@id = $section">
+ <xsl:attribute name="class">selected</xsl:attribute>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ <xsl:for-each select="section/section">
+ <xsl:if test="./@id = $section">
+ <xsl:attribute name="class">selected</xsl:attribute>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ <xsl:for-each select="section/section/section">
+ <xsl:if test="./@id = $section">
+ <xsl:attribute name="class">selected</xsl:attribute>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:value-of select="./@title"/>
+ </a>
+ <xsl:if test="section">
+ <ul>
+ <xsl:for-each select="section">
+ <li>
+ <a>
+ <xsl:attribute name="href">
+ <xsl:variable name="idsection2">
+ <xsl:value-of select="./@id" />
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="@id = 'press'">index.php?template=press</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="//page[@id = $idsection2]/@black = 'true'">
+ <xsl:text>index.php?template=gallery&amp;page=</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:value-of select="./@id"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:text>index.php?template=page&amp;page=</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:value-of select="./@id"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="./@id = $section">
+ <xsl:attribute name="class">selected</xsl:attribute>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:for-each select="section">
+ <xsl:if test="./@id = $section">
+ <xsl:attribute name="class">selected</xsl:attribute>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ <xsl:for-each select="section/section">
+ <xsl:if test="./@id = $section">
+ <xsl:attribute name="class">selected</xsl:attribute>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:value-of select="./@title"/>
+ </a>
+ <xsl:if test="section">
+ <ul>
+ <xsl:for-each select="section">
+ <li>
+ <a>
+ <xsl:attribute name="href">
+ <xsl:variable name="idsection3">
+ <xsl:value-of select="./@id" />
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="@id = 'press'">index.php?template=press</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="//page[@id = $idsection3]/@black = 'true'">
+ <xsl:text>index.php?template=gallery&amp;page=</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:value-of select="./@id"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:text>index.php?template=page&amp;page=</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:value-of select="./@id"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="./@id = $section">
+ <xsl:attribute name="class">selected</xsl:attribute>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:for-each select="section">
+ <xsl:if test="./@id = $section">
+ <xsl:attribute name="class">selected</xsl:attribute>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:value-of select="./@title"/>
+ </a>
+ <xsl:if test="section">
+ <ul>
+ <xsl:for-each select="section">
+ <li>
+ <a>
+ <xsl:attribute name="href">
+ <xsl:variable name="idsection4">
+ <xsl:value-of select="./@id" />
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="@id = 'press'">index.php?template=press</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="//page[@id = $idsection4]/@black = 'true'">
+ <xsl:text>index.php?template=gallery&amp;page=</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:value-of select="./@id"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:text>index.php?template=page&amp;page=</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:value-of select="./@id"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ <xsl:if test="./@id = $section">
+ <xsl:attribute name="class">selected</xsl:attribute>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <xsl:value-of select="./@title"/>
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ </ul>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </li>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ </ul>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </li>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ </ul>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </li>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+<!-- global links -->
+<div class="links-container">
+ <span class="links">
+ <xsl:for-each select="xml/links/link">
+ <a class="link">
+ <xsl:attribute name="href">
+ <xsl:value-of select="./@url"/>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+ </a>
+ <xsl:if test="position() &lt; count(//xml/links/link)">
+ <xsl:text> / </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ </span>
+<!-- fullscale imagery -->
+<xsl:if test="//page[@id = $page]/media">
+ <div class="media">
+ <xsl:for-each select="//page[@id = $page]/media/*">
+ <ul>
+ <li><xsl:apply-templates select="." /></li>
+ <xsl:if test="title">
+ <li><span class="title"><xsl:apply-templates select="title"/></span></li>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <xsl:if test="caption">
+ <li><xsl:apply-templates select="caption"/></li>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </ul>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ </div>
+<!-- thumbnails -->
+<xsl:if test="//page[@id = $page]/thumbnails">
+ <div class="thumbnails">
+ <xsl:for-each select="//page[@id = $page]/thumbnails/thumbnail[position() mod 4 = 1]">
+ <ul>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select=".|following-sibling::*[position() &lt; 4]" />
+ </ul>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ </div>
+<!-- global pagination -->
+<!-- set variable to node position -->
+<xsl:variable name="nodepos">
+ <xsl:for-each select="//page[@paginate]">
+ <xsl:if test="@id = $page">
+ <xsl:value-of select="position()"/>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+<!-- pagination -->
+<xsl:if test="//page[@id = $page]/@paginate">
+<div class="pagination">
+ <xsl:if test="$nodepos - 1 &gt; 0">
+ <a class="link">
+ <xsl:attribute name="href">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="//page[$nodepos - 1]/@id = 'index'">index.php</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="//page[$nodepos - 1]/@black = 'true'">
+ <xsl:text>index.php?template=gallery&#38;page=</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:for-each select="//page[@paginate]">
+ <xsl:if test="position() = $nodepos - 1">
+ <xsl:value-of select="./@id"/>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:text>index.php?template=page&amp;page=</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:for-each select="//page[@paginate]">
+ <xsl:if test="position() = $nodepos - 1">
+ <xsl:value-of select="./@id"/>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ <xsl:text>&#60; previous</xsl:text>
+ </a>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <xsl:for-each select="//page[@paginate]">
+ <xsl:if test="position() = $nodepos">
+ <xsl:if test="./@id != ./@section">
+ <xsl:text> / </xsl:text>
+ <a class="link">
+ <xsl:attribute name="href">
+ <xsl:variable name="sectionid">
+ <xsl:value-of select="./@section" />
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="//page[@section = $sectionid]/@black = 'true'">
+ <xsl:text>index.php?template=gallery&#38;page=</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:value-of select="./@section"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:text>index.php?template=page&amp;page=</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:value-of select="./@section"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ <xsl:value-of select="./@section"/>
+ <xsl:text> main page</xsl:text>
+ </a>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ <xsl:if test="$nodepos + 1 &lt;= count(//page[@paginate])">
+ <xsl:text> / </xsl:text>
+ <a class="link">
+ <xsl:attribute name="href">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="//page[$nodepos + 1]/@black = 'true'">
+ <xsl:text>index.php?template=gallery&#38;page=</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:for-each select="//page[@paginate]">
+ <xsl:if test="position() = $nodepos + 1">
+ <xsl:value-of select="./@id"/>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:text>index.php?template=page&amp;page=</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:for-each select="//page[@paginate]">
+ <xsl:if test="position() = $nodepos + 1">
+ <xsl:value-of select="./@id"/>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ <xsl:text>next &#62;</xsl:text>
+ </a>
+ </xsl:if>
+<!-- footer -->
+<div class="footer"><xsl:apply-templates select="xml/global/footer" /></div>
+<script type="text/javascript">
+if (location.hash != '') {
+ id = location.hash.substr(1);
+ Effect.ScrollTo(id);
+ Effect.Pulsate(id, { pulses: 4, duration: 2.5 });
+window.onbeforeunload = function () {
+ document.getElementById('expanded_menu').style.display = 'none';
+<!-- Google Analytics -->
+<script type="text/javascript">
+ var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");
+ document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));
+<script type="text/javascript">
+ try {
+ var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-6267583-2");
+ pageTracker._trackPageview();
+ } catch(err) {}
+<!-- formatting -->
+<xsl:template match="thumbnail">
+ <li xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" class="thumb-wrapper">
+ <xsl:if test="image">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="@id or @url">
+ <div class="spc">
+ <a>
+ <xsl:attribute name="href">
+ <xsl:if test="@id">
+ <!-- set id variable -->
+ <xsl:variable name="idimage">
+ <xsl:value-of select="@id"/>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="@id = 'index'">index.php</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="@id = 'keyphrases'">index.php?template=keyphrases</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="@id = 'sitemap'">index.php?template=sitemap</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="@id = 'press'">index.php?template=press</xsl:when>
+ <!-- black pages -->
+ <xsl:when test="//page[@id = $idimage]/@black = 'true'">index.php?template=gallery&#38;page=<xsl:value-of select="@id"/></xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>index.php?template=page&#38;page=<xsl:value-of select="@id"/></xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <xsl:if test="@url">
+ <xsl:value-of select="@url"/>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="image" />
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="image" />
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <xsl:if test="title">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="@id or @url">
+ <div>
+ <a class="link">
+ <xsl:attribute name="href">
+ <xsl:if test="@id">
+ <!-- set id variable -->
+ <xsl:variable name="idtitle">
+ <xsl:value-of select="@id"/>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="@id = 'index'">index.php</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="@id = 'keyphrases'">index.php?template=keyphrases</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="@id = 'sitemap'">index.php?template=sitemap</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="@id = 'press'">index.php?template=press</xsl:when>
+ <!-- black pages -->
+ <xsl:when test="//page[@id = $idtitle]/@black = 'true'">index.php?template=gallery&#38;page=<xsl:value-of select="@id"/></xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>index.php?template=page&#38;page=<xsl:value-of select="@id"/></xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <xsl:if test="@url">
+ <xsl:value-of select="@url"/>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ <xsl:value-of select="title"/>
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <div><xsl:value-of select="title"/></div>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <xsl:for-each select="caption">
+ <div><xsl:apply-templates select="."/></div>
+ </xsl:for-each>
+ </li>
+<xsl:template match="link">
+ <a xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" class="link">
+ <xsl:attribute name="href">
+ <xsl:if test="@url"><xsl:value-of select="@url"/></xsl:if>
+ <xsl:if test="@id">
+ <!-- set id variable -->
+ <xsl:variable name="idlink">
+ <xsl:value-of select="@id"/>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="@id = 'index'">index.php</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="@id = 'keyphrases'">index.php?template=keyphrases</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="@id = 'sitemap'">index.php?template=sitemap</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="@id = 'press'">index.php?template=press</xsl:when>
+ <!-- black pages -->
+ <xsl:when test="//page[@id = $idlink]/@black = 'true'">index.php?template=gallery&#38;page=<xsl:value-of select="@id"/></xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>index.php?template=page&#38;page=<xsl:value-of select="@id"/></xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+ </a>
+<xsl:template match="line-break">
+ <br xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" />
+<xsl:template match="italic">
+ <em xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+ <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+ </em>
+<xsl:template match="image">
+ <img xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" border="0">
+ <xsl:attribute name="src"><xsl:value-of select="@url"/></xsl:attribute>
+ <xsl:attribute name="width"><xsl:value-of select="@width"/></xsl:attribute>
+ <xsl:attribute name="height"><xsl:value-of select="@height"/></xsl:attribute>
+ <xsl:attribute name="alt"><xsl:value-of select="@alt"/></xsl:attribute>
+ </img>
+<xsl:template match="video">
+ <embed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+ <xsl:attribute name="autoplay">true</xsl:attribute>
+ <xsl:attribute name="width"><xsl:value-of select="@width"/></xsl:attribute>
+ <xsl:attribute name="height"><xsl:value-of select="@height + 15"/></xsl:attribute>
+ <xsl:attribute name="src"><xsl:value-of select="@url"/></xsl:attribute>
+ </embed>
+<xsl:template match="headline">
+ <span class="headline">
+ <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+ </span>