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path: root/cut-n-paste/SOAP.py
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authorMarco Pesenti Gritti <mpg@redhat.com>2006-06-14 19:01:17 (GMT)
committer Marco Pesenti Gritti <mpg@redhat.com>2006-06-14 19:01:17 (GMT)
commit3ea146e17c8f1679d58fbc38b06734851673d9f9 (patch)
treee751a03808e0c4bd7ac26b50a74b05e81d5ec481 /cut-n-paste/SOAP.py
parent4a7aac0e01127d8b7c8d84170980df3c5988d556 (diff)
Initial start page implementation
Diffstat (limited to 'cut-n-paste/SOAP.py')
1 files changed, 3974 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cut-n-paste/SOAP.py b/cut-n-paste/SOAP.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..032a452
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut-n-paste/SOAP.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3974 @@
+# SOAP.py 0.9.7 - Cayce Ullman (cayce@actzero.com)
+# Brian Matthews (blm@actzero.com)
+# - General SOAP Parser based on sax.xml (requires Python 2.0)
+# - General SOAP Builder
+# - SOAP Proxy for RPC client code
+# - SOAP Server framework for RPC server code
+# - Handles all of the types in the BDG
+# - Handles faults
+# - Allows namespace specification
+# - Allows SOAPAction specification
+# - Homogeneous typed arrays
+# - Supports multiple schemas
+# - Header support (mustUnderstand and actor)
+# - XML attribute support
+# - Multi-referencing support (Parser/Builder)
+# - Understands SOAP-ENC:root attribute
+# - Good interop, passes all client tests for Frontier, SOAP::LITE, SOAPRMI
+# - Encodings
+# - SSL clients (with OpenSSL configured in to Python)
+# - SSL servers (with OpenSSL configured in to Python and M2Crypto installed)
+# TODO:
+# - Timeout on method calls - MCU
+# - Arrays (sparse, multidimensional and partial) - BLM
+# - Clean up data types - BLM
+# - Type coercion system (Builder) - MCU
+# - Early WSDL Support - MCU
+# - Attachments - BLM
+# - setup.py - MCU
+# - mod_python example - MCU
+# - medusa example - MCU
+# - Documentation - JAG
+# - Look at performance
+# Copyright (c) 2001, Cayce Ullman.
+# Copyright (c) 2001, Brian Matthews.
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+# Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
+# list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+# Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+# Neither the name of actzero, inc. nor the names of its contributors may
+# be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
+# specific prior written permission.
+# Additional changes:
+# - 4/18/2002 - Mark Pilgrim (f8dy@diveintomark.org)
+# added dump_dict as alias for dump_dictionary for Python 2.2 compatibility
+# - 4/12/2002 - Mark Pilgrim (f8dy@diveintomark.org)
+# fixed logic to unmarshal the value of "null" attributes ("true" or "1"
+# means true, others false)
+# - 4/11/2002 - Mark Pilgrim (f8dy@diveintomark.org)
+# added "dump_str" as alias for "dump_string" for Python 2.2 compatibility
+# Between 2.1 and 2.2, type("").__name__ changed from "string" to "str"
+import xml.sax
+import UserList
+import base64
+import cgi
+import urllib
+import exceptions
+import copy
+import re
+import socket
+import string
+import sys
+import time
+import SocketServer
+from types import *
+try: from M2Crypto import SSL
+except: pass
+ident = '$Id: SOAP.py,v 2004/01/16 16:15:18 bluecoat93 Exp $'
+__version__ = ""
+# Platform hackery
+# Check float support
+ float("NaN")
+ float("INF")
+ float("-INF")
+ good_float = 1
+ good_float = 0
+# Exceptions
+class Error(exceptions.Exception):
+ def __init__(self, msg):
+ self.msg = msg
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "<Error : %s>" % self.msg
+ __repr__ = __str__
+class RecursionError(Error):
+ pass
+class UnknownTypeError(Error):
+ pass
+class HTTPError(Error):
+ # indicates an HTTP protocol error
+ def __init__(self, code, msg):
+ self.code = code
+ self.msg = msg
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "<HTTPError %s %s>" % (self.code, self.msg)
+ __repr__ = __str__
+# Namespace Class
+def invertDict(dict):
+ d = {}
+ for k, v in dict.items():
+ d[v] = k
+ return d
+class NS:
+ XML = "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"
+ ENV = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
+ ENC = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"
+ XSD = "http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema"
+ XSD2 = "http://www.w3.org/2000/10/XMLSchema"
+ XSD3 = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
+ XSD_L = [XSD, XSD2, XSD3]
+ XSI = "http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema-instance"
+ XSI2 = "http://www.w3.org/2000/10/XMLSchema-instance"
+ XSI3 = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+ XSI_L = [XSI, XSI2, XSI3]
+ URN = "http://soapinterop.org/xsd"
+ # For generated messages
+ XML_T = "xml"
+ XSD_T = "xsd"
+ XSD2_T= "xsd2"
+ XSD3_T= "xsd3"
+ XSI_T = "xsi"
+ XSI2_T= "xsi2"
+ XSI3_T= "xsi3"
+ URN_T = "urn"
+ NSMAP_R = invertDict(NSMAP)
+ STMAP = {'1999': (XSD_T, XSI_T), '2000': (XSD2_T, XSI2_T),
+ '2001': (XSD3_T, XSI3_T)}
+ STMAP_R = invertDict(STMAP)
+ def __init__(self):
+ raise Error, "Don't instantiate this"
+# Configuration class
+class SOAPConfig:
+ __readonly = ('SSLserver', 'SSLclient')
+ def __init__(self, config = None, **kw):
+ d = self.__dict__
+ if config:
+ if not isinstance(config, SOAPConfig):
+ raise AttributeError, \
+ "initializer must be SOAPConfig instance"
+ s = config.__dict__
+ for k, v in s.items():
+ if k[0] != '_':
+ d[k] = v
+ else:
+ # Setting debug also sets returnFaultInfo, dumpFaultInfo,
+ # dumpHeadersIn, dumpHeadersOut, dumpSOAPIn, and dumpSOAPOut
+ self.debug = 0
+ # Setting namespaceStyle sets typesNamespace, typesNamespaceURI,
+ # schemaNamespace, and schemaNamespaceURI
+ self.namespaceStyle = '1999'
+ self.strictNamespaces = 0
+ self.typed = 1
+ self.buildWithNamespacePrefix = 1
+ self.returnAllAttrs = 0
+ try: SSL; d['SSLserver'] = 1
+ except: d['SSLserver'] = 0
+ try: socket.ssl; d['SSLclient'] = 1
+ except: d['SSLclient'] = 0
+ for k, v in kw.items():
+ if k[0] != '_':
+ setattr(self, k, v)
+ def __setattr__(self, name, value):
+ if name in self.__readonly:
+ raise AttributeError, "readonly configuration setting"
+ d = self.__dict__
+ if name in ('typesNamespace', 'typesNamespaceURI',
+ 'schemaNamespace', 'schemaNamespaceURI'):
+ if name[-3:] == 'URI':
+ base, uri = name[:-3], 1
+ else:
+ base, uri = name, 0
+ if type(value) == StringType:
+ if NS.NSMAP.has_key(value):
+ n = (value, NS.NSMAP[value])
+ elif NS.NSMAP_R.has_key(value):
+ n = (NS.NSMAP_R[value], value)
+ else:
+ raise AttributeError, "unknown namespace"
+ elif type(value) in (ListType, TupleType):
+ if uri:
+ n = (value[1], value[0])
+ else:
+ n = (value[0], value[1])
+ else:
+ raise AttributeError, "unknown namespace type"
+ d[base], d[base + 'URI'] = n
+ try:
+ d['namespaceStyle'] = \
+ NS.STMAP_R[(d['typesNamespace'], d['schemaNamespace'])]
+ except:
+ d['namespaceStyle'] = ''
+ elif name == 'namespaceStyle':
+ value = str(value)
+ if not NS.STMAP.has_key(value):
+ raise AttributeError, "unknown namespace style"
+ d[name] = value
+ n = d['typesNamespace'] = NS.STMAP[value][0]
+ d['typesNamespaceURI'] = NS.NSMAP[n]
+ n = d['schemaNamespace'] = NS.STMAP[value][1]
+ d['schemaNamespaceURI'] = NS.NSMAP[n]
+ elif name == 'debug':
+ d[name] = \
+ d['returnFaultInfo'] = \
+ d['dumpFaultInfo'] = \
+ d['dumpHeadersIn'] = \
+ d['dumpHeadersOut'] = \
+ d['dumpSOAPIn'] = \
+ d['dumpSOAPOut'] = value
+ else:
+ d[name] = value
+Config = SOAPConfig()
+# Types and Wrappers
+class anyType:
+ _validURIs = (NS.XSD, NS.XSD2, NS.XSD3, NS.ENC)
+ def __init__(self, data = None, name = None, typed = 1, attrs = None):
+ if self.__class__ == anyType:
+ raise Error, "anyType can't be instantiated directly"
+ if type(name) in (ListType, TupleType):
+ self._ns, self._name = name
+ else:
+ self._ns, self._name = self._validURIs[0], name
+ self._typed = typed
+ self._attrs = {}
+ self._cache = None
+ self._type = self._typeName()
+ self._data = self._checkValueSpace(data)
+ if attrs != None:
+ self._setAttrs(attrs)
+ def __str__(self):
+ if self._name:
+ return "<%s %s at %d>" % (self.__class__, self._name, id(self))
+ return "<%s at %d>" % (self.__class__, id(self))
+ __repr__ = __str__
+ def _checkValueSpace(self, data):
+ return data
+ def _marshalData(self):
+ return str(self._data)
+ def _marshalAttrs(self, ns_map, builder):
+ a = ''
+ for attr, value in self._attrs.items():
+ ns, n = builder.genns(ns_map, attr[0])
+ a += n + ' %s%s="%s"' % \
+ (ns, attr[1], cgi.escape(str(value), 1))
+ return a
+ def _fixAttr(self, attr):
+ if type(attr) in (StringType, UnicodeType):
+ attr = (None, attr)
+ elif type(attr) == ListType:
+ attr = tuple(attr)
+ elif type(attr) != TupleType:
+ raise AttributeError, "invalid attribute type"
+ if len(attr) != 2:
+ raise AttributeError, "invalid attribute length"
+ if type(attr[0]) not in (NoneType, StringType, UnicodeType):
+ raise AttributeError, "invalid attribute namespace URI type"
+ return attr
+ def _getAttr(self, attr):
+ attr = self._fixAttr(attr)
+ try:
+ return self._attrs[attr]
+ except:
+ return None
+ def _setAttr(self, attr, value):
+ attr = self._fixAttr(attr)
+ self._attrs[attr] = str(value)
+ def _setAttrs(self, attrs):
+ if type(attrs) in (ListType, TupleType):
+ for i in range(0, len(attrs), 2):
+ self._setAttr(attrs[i], attrs[i + 1])
+ return
+ if type(attrs) == DictType:
+ d = attrs
+ elif isinstance(attrs, anyType):
+ d = attrs._attrs
+ else:
+ raise AttributeError, "invalid attribute type"
+ for attr, value in d.items():
+ self._setAttr(attr, value)
+ def _setMustUnderstand(self, val):
+ self._setAttr((NS.ENV, "mustUnderstand"), val)
+ def _getMustUnderstand(self):
+ return self._getAttr((NS.ENV, "mustUnderstand"))
+ def _setActor(self, val):
+ self._setAttr((NS.ENV, "actor"), val)
+ def _getActor(self):
+ return self._getAttr((NS.ENV, "actor"))
+ def _typeName(self):
+ return self.__class__.__name__[:-4]
+ def _validNamespaceURI(self, URI, strict):
+ if not self._typed:
+ return None
+ if URI in self._validURIs:
+ return URI
+ if not strict:
+ return self._ns
+ raise AttributeError, \
+ "not a valid namespace for type %s" % self._type
+class voidType(anyType):
+ pass
+class stringType(anyType):
+ def _checkValueSpace(self, data):
+ if data == None:
+ raise ValueError, "must supply initial %s value" % self._type
+ if type(data) not in (StringType, UnicodeType):
+ raise AttributeError, "invalid %s type" % self._type
+ return data
+class untypedType(stringType):
+ def __init__(self, data = None, name = None, attrs = None):
+ stringType.__init__(self, data, name, 0, attrs)
+class IDType(stringType): pass
+class NCNameType(stringType): pass
+class NameType(stringType): pass
+class ENTITYType(stringType): pass
+class IDREFType(stringType): pass
+class languageType(stringType): pass
+class NMTOKENType(stringType): pass
+class QNameType(stringType): pass
+class tokenType(anyType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.XSD2, NS.XSD3)
+ __invalidre = '[\n\t]|^ | $| '
+ def _checkValueSpace(self, data):
+ if data == None:
+ raise ValueError, "must supply initial %s value" % self._type
+ if type(data) not in (StringType, UnicodeType):
+ raise AttributeError, "invalid %s type" % self._type
+ if type(self.__invalidre) == StringType:
+ self.__invalidre = re.compile(self.__invalidre)
+ if self.__invalidre.search(data):
+ raise ValueError, "invalid %s value" % self._type
+ return data
+class normalizedStringType(anyType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.XSD3,)
+ __invalidre = '[\n\r\t]'
+ def _checkValueSpace(self, data):
+ if data == None:
+ raise ValueError, "must supply initial %s value" % self._type
+ if type(data) not in (StringType, UnicodeType):
+ raise AttributeError, "invalid %s type" % self._type
+ if type(self.__invalidre) == StringType:
+ self.__invalidre = re.compile(self.__invalidre)
+ if self.__invalidre.search(data):
+ raise ValueError, "invalid %s value" % self._type
+ return data
+class CDATAType(normalizedStringType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.XSD2,)
+class booleanType(anyType):
+ def __int__(self):
+ return self._data
+ __nonzero__ = __int__
+ def _marshalData(self):
+ return ['false', 'true'][self._data]
+ def _checkValueSpace(self, data):
+ if data == None:
+ raise ValueError, "must supply initial %s value" % self._type
+ if data in (0, '0', 'false', ''):
+ return 0
+ if data in (1, '1', 'true'):
+ return 1
+ raise ValueError, "invalid %s value" % self._type
+class decimalType(anyType):
+ def _checkValueSpace(self, data):
+ if data == None:
+ raise ValueError, "must supply initial %s value" % self._type
+ if type(data) not in (IntType, LongType, FloatType):
+ raise Error, "invalid %s value" % self._type
+ return data
+class floatType(anyType):
+ def _checkValueSpace(self, data):
+ if data == None:
+ raise ValueError, "must supply initial %s value" % self._type
+ if type(data) not in (IntType, LongType, FloatType) or \
+ data < -3.4028234663852886E+38 or \
+ data > 3.4028234663852886E+38:
+ raise ValueError, "invalid %s value" % self._type
+ return data
+ def _marshalData(self):
+ return "%.18g" % self._data # More precision
+class doubleType(anyType):
+ def _checkValueSpace(self, data):
+ if data == None:
+ raise ValueError, "must supply initial %s value" % self._type
+ if type(data) not in (IntType, LongType, FloatType) or \
+ data < -1.7976931348623158E+308 or \
+ data > 1.7976931348623157E+308:
+ raise ValueError, "invalid %s value" % self._type
+ return data
+ def _marshalData(self):
+ return "%.18g" % self._data # More precision
+class durationType(anyType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.XSD3,)
+ def _checkValueSpace(self, data):
+ if data == None:
+ raise ValueError, "must supply initial %s value" % self._type
+ try:
+ # A tuple or a scalar is OK, but make them into a list
+ if type(data) == TupleType:
+ data = list(data)
+ elif type(data) != ListType:
+ data = [data]
+ if len(data) > 6:
+ raise Exception, "too many values"
+ # Now check the types of all the components, and find
+ # the first nonzero element along the way.
+ f = -1
+ for i in range(len(data)):
+ if data[i] == None:
+ data[i] = 0
+ continue
+ if type(data[i]) not in \
+ (IntType, LongType, FloatType):
+ raise Exception, "element %d a bad type" % i
+ if data[i] and f == -1:
+ f = i
+ # If they're all 0, just use zero seconds.
+ if f == -1:
+ self._cache = 'PT0S'
+ return (0,) * 6
+ # Make sure only the last nonzero element has a decimal fraction
+ # and only the first element is negative.
+ d = -1
+ for i in range(f, len(data)):
+ if data[i]:
+ if d != -1:
+ raise Exception, \
+ "all except the last nonzero element must be " \
+ "integers"
+ if data[i] < 0 and i > f:
+ raise Exception, \
+ "only the first nonzero element can be negative"
+ elif data[i] != long(data[i]):
+ d = i
+ # Pad the list on the left if necessary.
+ if len(data) < 6:
+ n = 6 - len(data)
+ f += n
+ d += n
+ data = [0] * n + data
+ # Save index of the first nonzero element and the decimal
+ # element for _marshalData.
+ self.__firstnonzero = f
+ self.__decimal = d
+ except Exception, e:
+ raise ValueError, "invalid %s value - %s" % (self._type, e)
+ return tuple(data)
+ def _marshalData(self):
+ if self._cache == None:
+ d = self._data
+ t = 0
+ if d[self.__firstnonzero] < 0:
+ s = '-P'
+ else:
+ s = 'P'
+ t = 0
+ for i in range(self.__firstnonzero, len(d)):
+ if d[i]:
+ if i > 2 and not t:
+ s += 'T'
+ t = 1
+ if self.__decimal == i:
+ s += "%g" % abs(d[i])
+ else:
+ s += "%d" % long(abs(d[i]))
+ s += ['Y', 'M', 'D', 'H', 'M', 'S'][i]
+ self._cache = s
+ return self._cache
+class timeDurationType(durationType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.XSD, NS.XSD2, NS.ENC)
+class dateTimeType(anyType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.XSD3,)
+ def _checkValueSpace(self, data):
+ try:
+ if data == None:
+ data = time.time()
+ if (type(data) in (IntType, LongType)):
+ data = list(time.gmtime(data)[:6])
+ elif (type(data) == FloatType):
+ f = data - int(data)
+ data = list(time.gmtime(int(data))[:6])
+ data[5] += f
+ elif type(data) in (ListType, TupleType):
+ if len(data) < 6:
+ raise Exception, "not enough values"
+ if len(data) > 9:
+ raise Exception, "too many values"
+ data = list(data[:6])
+ cleanDate(data)
+ else:
+ raise Exception, "invalid type"
+ except Exception, e:
+ raise ValueError, "invalid %s value - %s" % (self._type, e)
+ return tuple(data)
+ def _marshalData(self):
+ if self._cache == None:
+ d = self._data
+ s = "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d" % ((abs(d[0]),) + d[1:])
+ if d[0] < 0:
+ s = '-' + s
+ f = d[5] - int(d[5])
+ if f != 0:
+ s += ("%g" % f)[1:]
+ s += 'Z'
+ self._cache = s
+ return self._cache
+class recurringInstantType(anyType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.XSD,)
+ def _checkValueSpace(self, data):
+ try:
+ if data == None:
+ data = list(time.gmtime(time.time())[:6])
+ if (type(data) in (IntType, LongType)):
+ data = list(time.gmtime(data)[:6])
+ elif (type(data) == FloatType):
+ f = data - int(data)
+ data = list(time.gmtime(int(data))[:6])
+ data[5] += f
+ elif type(data) in (ListType, TupleType):
+ if len(data) < 1:
+ raise Exception, "not enough values"
+ if len(data) > 9:
+ raise Exception, "too many values"
+ data = list(data[:6])
+ if len(data) < 6:
+ data += [0] * (6 - len(data))
+ f = len(data)
+ for i in range(f):
+ if data[i] == None:
+ if f < i:
+ raise Exception, \
+ "only leftmost elements can be none"
+ else:
+ f = i
+ break
+ cleanDate(data, f)
+ else:
+ raise Exception, "invalid type"
+ except Exception, e:
+ raise ValueError, "invalid %s value - %s" % (self._type, e)
+ return tuple(data)
+ def _marshalData(self):
+ if self._cache == None:
+ d = self._data
+ e = list(d)
+ neg = ''
+ if e[0] < 0:
+ neg = '-'
+ e[0] = abs(e[0])
+ if not e[0]:
+ e[0] = '--'
+ elif e[0] < 100:
+ e[0] = '-' + "%02d" % e[0]
+ else:
+ e[0] = "%04d" % e[0]
+ for i in range(1, len(e)):
+ if e[i] == None or (i < 3 and e[i] == 0):
+ e[i] = '-'
+ else:
+ if e[i] < 0:
+ neg = '-'
+ e[i] = abs(e[i])
+ e[i] = "%02d" % e[i]
+ if d[5]:
+ f = abs(d[5] - int(d[5]))
+ if f:
+ e[5] += ("%g" % f)[1:]
+ s = "%s%s-%s-%sT%s:%s:%sZ" % ((neg,) + tuple(e))
+ self._cache = s
+ return self._cache
+class timeInstantType(dateTimeType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.XSD, NS.XSD2, NS.ENC)
+class timePeriodType(dateTimeType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.XSD2, NS.ENC)
+class timeType(anyType):
+ def _checkValueSpace(self, data):
+ try:
+ if data == None:
+ data = time.gmtime(time.time())[3:6]
+ elif (type(data) == FloatType):
+ f = data - int(data)
+ data = list(time.gmtime(int(data))[3:6])
+ data[2] += f
+ elif type(data) in (IntType, LongType):
+ data = time.gmtime(data)[3:6]
+ elif type(data) in (ListType, TupleType):
+ if len(data) == 9:
+ data = data[3:6]
+ elif len(data) > 3:
+ raise Exception, "too many values"
+ data = [None, None, None] + list(data)
+ if len(data) < 6:
+ data += [0] * (6 - len(data))
+ cleanDate(data, 3)
+ data = data[3:]
+ else:
+ raise Exception, "invalid type"
+ except Exception, e:
+ raise ValueError, "invalid %s value - %s" % (self._type, e)
+ return tuple(data)
+ def _marshalData(self):
+ if self._cache == None:
+ d = self._data
+ s = ''
+ s = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", (0, 0, 0) + d + (0, 0, -1))
+ f = d[2] - int(d[2])
+ if f != 0:
+ s += ("%g" % f)[1:]
+ s += 'Z'
+ self._cache = s
+ return self._cache
+class dateType(anyType):
+ def _checkValueSpace(self, data):
+ try:
+ if data == None:
+ data = time.gmtime(time.time())[0:3]
+ elif type(data) in (IntType, LongType, FloatType):
+ data = time.gmtime(data)[0:3]
+ elif type(data) in (ListType, TupleType):
+ if len(data) == 9:
+ data = data[0:3]
+ elif len(data) > 3:
+ raise Exception, "too many values"
+ data = list(data)
+ if len(data) < 3:
+ data += [1, 1, 1][len(data):]
+ data += [0, 0, 0]
+ cleanDate(data)
+ data = data[:3]
+ else:
+ raise Exception, "invalid type"
+ except Exception, e:
+ raise ValueError, "invalid %s value - %s" % (self._type, e)
+ return tuple(data)
+ def _marshalData(self):
+ if self._cache == None:
+ d = self._data
+ s = "%04d-%02d-%02dZ" % ((abs(d[0]),) + d[1:])
+ if d[0] < 0:
+ s = '-' + s
+ self._cache = s
+ return self._cache
+class gYearMonthType(anyType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.XSD3,)
+ def _checkValueSpace(self, data):
+ try:
+ if data == None:
+ data = time.gmtime(time.time())[0:2]
+ elif type(data) in (IntType, LongType, FloatType):
+ data = time.gmtime(data)[0:2]
+ elif type(data) in (ListType, TupleType):
+ if len(data) == 9:
+ data = data[0:2]
+ elif len(data) > 2:
+ raise Exception, "too many values"
+ data = list(data)
+ if len(data) < 2:
+ data += [1, 1][len(data):]
+ data += [1, 0, 0, 0]
+ cleanDate(data)
+ data = data[:2]
+ else:
+ raise Exception, "invalid type"
+ except Exception, e:
+ raise ValueError, "invalid %s value - %s" % (self._type, e)
+ return tuple(data)
+ def _marshalData(self):
+ if self._cache == None:
+ d = self._data
+ s = "%04d-%02dZ" % ((abs(d[0]),) + d[1:])
+ if d[0] < 0:
+ s = '-' + s
+ self._cache = s
+ return self._cache
+class gYearType(anyType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.XSD3,)
+ def _checkValueSpace(self, data):
+ try:
+ if data == None:
+ data = time.gmtime(time.time())[0:1]
+ elif type(data) in (IntType, LongType, FloatType):
+ data = [data]
+ if type(data) in (ListType, TupleType):
+ if len(data) == 9:
+ data = data[0:1]
+ elif len(data) < 1:
+ raise Exception, "too few values"
+ elif len(data) > 1:
+ raise Exception, "too many values"
+ if type(data[0]) == FloatType:
+ try: s = int(data[0])
+ except: s = long(data[0])
+ if s != data[0]:
+ raise Exception, "not integral"
+ data = [s]
+ elif type(data[0]) not in (IntType, LongType):
+ raise Exception, "bad type"
+ else:
+ raise Exception, "invalid type"
+ except Exception, e:
+ raise ValueError, "invalid %s value - %s" % (self._type, e)
+ return data[0]
+ def _marshalData(self):
+ if self._cache == None:
+ d = self._data
+ s = "%04dZ" % abs(d)
+ if d < 0:
+ s = '-' + s
+ self._cache = s
+ return self._cache
+class centuryType(anyType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.XSD2, NS.ENC)
+ def _checkValueSpace(self, data):
+ try:
+ if data == None:
+ data = time.gmtime(time.time())[0:1] / 100
+ elif type(data) in (IntType, LongType, FloatType):
+ data = [data]
+ if type(data) in (ListType, TupleType):
+ if len(data) == 9:
+ data = data[0:1] / 100
+ elif len(data) < 1:
+ raise Exception, "too few values"
+ elif len(data) > 1:
+ raise Exception, "too many values"
+ if type(data[0]) == FloatType:
+ try: s = int(data[0])
+ except: s = long(data[0])
+ if s != data[0]:
+ raise Exception, "not integral"
+ data = [s]
+ elif type(data[0]) not in (IntType, LongType):
+ raise Exception, "bad type"
+ else:
+ raise Exception, "invalid type"
+ except Exception, e:
+ raise ValueError, "invalid %s value - %s" % (self._type, e)
+ return data[0]
+ def _marshalData(self):
+ if self._cache == None:
+ d = self._data
+ s = "%02dZ" % abs(d)
+ if d < 0:
+ s = '-' + s
+ self._cache = s
+ return self._cache
+class yearType(gYearType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.XSD2, NS.ENC)
+class gMonthDayType(anyType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.XSD3,)
+ def _checkValueSpace(self, data):
+ try:
+ if data == None:
+ data = time.gmtime(time.time())[1:3]
+ elif type(data) in (IntType, LongType, FloatType):
+ data = time.gmtime(data)[1:3]
+ elif type(data) in (ListType, TupleType):
+ if len(data) == 9:
+ data = data[0:2]
+ elif len(data) > 2:
+ raise Exception, "too many values"
+ data = list(data)
+ if len(data) < 2:
+ data += [1, 1][len(data):]
+ data = [0] + data + [0, 0, 0]
+ cleanDate(data, 1)
+ data = data[1:3]
+ else:
+ raise Exception, "invalid type"
+ except Exception, e:
+ raise ValueError, "invalid %s value - %s" % (self._type, e)
+ return tuple(data)
+ def _marshalData(self):
+ if self._cache == None:
+ self._cache = "--%02d-%02dZ" % self._data
+ return self._cache
+class recurringDateType(gMonthDayType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.XSD2, NS.ENC)
+class gMonthType(anyType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.XSD3,)
+ def _checkValueSpace(self, data):
+ try:
+ if data == None:
+ data = time.gmtime(time.time())[1:2]
+ elif type(data) in (IntType, LongType, FloatType):
+ data = [data]
+ if type(data) in (ListType, TupleType):
+ if len(data) == 9:
+ data = data[1:2]
+ elif len(data) < 1:
+ raise Exception, "too few values"
+ elif len(data) > 1:
+ raise Exception, "too many values"
+ if type(data[0]) == FloatType:
+ try: s = int(data[0])
+ except: s = long(data[0])
+ if s != data[0]:
+ raise Exception, "not integral"
+ data = [s]
+ elif type(data[0]) not in (IntType, LongType):
+ raise Exception, "bad type"
+ if data[0] < 1 or data[0] > 12:
+ raise Exception, "bad value"
+ else:
+ raise Exception, "invalid type"
+ except Exception, e:
+ raise ValueError, "invalid %s value - %s" % (self._type, e)
+ return data[0]
+ def _marshalData(self):
+ if self._cache == None:
+ self._cache = "--%02d--Z" % self._data
+ return self._cache
+class monthType(gMonthType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.XSD2, NS.ENC)
+class gDayType(anyType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.XSD3,)
+ def _checkValueSpace(self, data):
+ try:
+ if data == None:
+ data = time.gmtime(time.time())[2:3]
+ elif type(data) in (IntType, LongType, FloatType):
+ data = [data]
+ if type(data) in (ListType, TupleType):
+ if len(data) == 9:
+ data = data[2:3]
+ elif len(data) < 1:
+ raise Exception, "too few values"
+ elif len(data) > 1:
+ raise Exception, "too many values"
+ if type(data[0]) == FloatType:
+ try: s = int(data[0])
+ except: s = long(data[0])
+ if s != data[0]:
+ raise Exception, "not integral"
+ data = [s]
+ elif type(data[0]) not in (IntType, LongType):
+ raise Exception, "bad type"
+ if data[0] < 1 or data[0] > 31:
+ raise Exception, "bad value"
+ else:
+ raise Exception, "invalid type"
+ except Exception, e:
+ raise ValueError, "invalid %s value - %s" % (self._type, e)
+ return data[0]
+ def _marshalData(self):
+ if self._cache == None:
+ self._cache = "---%02dZ" % self._data
+ return self._cache
+class recurringDayType(gDayType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.XSD2, NS.ENC)
+class hexBinaryType(anyType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.XSD3,)
+ def _checkValueSpace(self, data):
+ if data == None:
+ raise ValueError, "must supply initial %s value" % self._type
+ if type(data) not in (StringType, UnicodeType):
+ raise AttributeError, "invalid %s type" % self._type
+ return data
+ def _marshalData(self):
+ if self._cache == None:
+ self._cache = encodeHexString(self._data)
+ return self._cache
+class base64BinaryType(anyType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.XSD3,)
+ def _checkValueSpace(self, data):
+ if data == None:
+ raise ValueError, "must supply initial %s value" % self._type
+ if type(data) not in (StringType, UnicodeType):
+ raise AttributeError, "invalid %s type" % self._type
+ return data
+ def _marshalData(self):
+ if self._cache == None:
+ self._cache = base64.encodestring(self._data)
+ return self._cache
+class base64Type(base64BinaryType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.ENC,)
+class binaryType(anyType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.XSD, NS.ENC)
+ def __init__(self, data, name = None, typed = 1, encoding = 'base64',
+ attrs = None):
+ anyType.__init__(self, data, name, typed, attrs)
+ self._setAttr('encoding', encoding)
+ def _marshalData(self):
+ if self._cache == None:
+ if self._getAttr((None, 'encoding')) == 'base64':
+ self._cache = base64.encodestring(self._data)
+ else:
+ self._cache = encodeHexString(self._data)
+ return self._cache
+ def _checkValueSpace(self, data):
+ if data == None:
+ raise ValueError, "must supply initial %s value" % self._type
+ if type(data) not in (StringType, UnicodeType):
+ raise AttributeError, "invalid %s type" % self._type
+ return data
+ def _setAttr(self, attr, value):
+ attr = self._fixAttr(attr)
+ if attr[1] == 'encoding':
+ if attr[0] != None or value not in ('base64', 'hex'):
+ raise AttributeError, "invalid encoding"
+ self._cache = None
+ anyType._setAttr(self, attr, value)
+class anyURIType(anyType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.XSD3,)
+ def _checkValueSpace(self, data):
+ if data == None:
+ raise ValueError, "must supply initial %s value" % self._type
+ if type(data) not in (StringType, UnicodeType):
+ raise AttributeError, "invalid %s type" % self._type
+ return data
+ def _marshalData(self):
+ if self._cache == None:
+ self._cache = urllib.quote(self._data)
+ return self._cache
+class uriType(anyURIType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.XSD,)
+class uriReferenceType(anyURIType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.XSD2,)
+class NOTATIONType(anyType):
+ def __init__(self, data, name = None, typed = 1, attrs = None):
+ if self.__class__ == NOTATIONType:
+ raise Error, "a NOTATION can't be instantiated directly"
+ anyType.__init__(self, data, name, typed, attrs)
+class ENTITIESType(anyType):
+ def _checkValueSpace(self, data):
+ if data == None:
+ raise ValueError, "must supply initial %s value" % self._type
+ if type(data) in (StringType, UnicodeType):
+ return (data,)
+ if type(data) not in (ListType, TupleType) or \
+ filter (lambda x: type(x) not in (StringType, UnicodeType), data):
+ raise AttributeError, "invalid %s type" % self._type
+ return data
+ def _marshalData(self):
+ return ' '.join(self._data)
+class IDREFSType(ENTITIESType): pass
+class NMTOKENSType(ENTITIESType): pass
+class integerType(anyType):
+ def _checkValueSpace(self, data):
+ if data == None:
+ raise ValueError, "must supply initial %s value" % self._type
+ if type(data) not in (IntType, LongType):
+ raise ValueError, "invalid %s value" % self._type
+ return data
+class nonPositiveIntegerType(anyType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.XSD2, NS.XSD3, NS.ENC)
+ def _checkValueSpace(self, data):
+ if data == None:
+ raise ValueError, "must supply initial %s value" % self._type
+ if type(data) not in (IntType, LongType) or data > 0:
+ raise ValueError, "invalid %s value" % self._type
+ return data
+class non_Positive_IntegerType(nonPositiveIntegerType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.XSD,)
+ def _typeName(self):
+ return 'non-positive-integer'
+class negativeIntegerType(anyType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.XSD2, NS.XSD3, NS.ENC)
+ def _checkValueSpace(self, data):
+ if data == None:
+ raise ValueError, "must supply initial %s value" % self._type
+ if type(data) not in (IntType, LongType) or data >= 0:
+ raise ValueError, "invalid %s value" % self._type
+ return data
+class negative_IntegerType(negativeIntegerType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.XSD,)
+ def _typeName(self):
+ return 'negative-integer'
+class longType(anyType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.XSD2, NS.XSD3, NS.ENC)
+ def _checkValueSpace(self, data):
+ if data == None:
+ raise ValueError, "must supply initial %s value" % self._type
+ if type(data) not in (IntType, LongType) or \
+ data < -9223372036854775808L or \
+ data > 9223372036854775807L:
+ raise ValueError, "invalid %s value" % self._type
+ return data
+class intType(anyType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.XSD2, NS.XSD3, NS.ENC)
+ def _checkValueSpace(self, data):
+ if data == None:
+ raise ValueError, "must supply initial %s value" % self._type
+ if type(data) not in (IntType, LongType) or \
+ data < -2147483648L or \
+ data > 2147483647:
+ raise ValueError, "invalid %s value" % self._type
+ return data
+class shortType(anyType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.XSD2, NS.XSD3, NS.ENC)
+ def _checkValueSpace(self, data):
+ if data == None:
+ raise ValueError, "must supply initial %s value" % self._type
+ if type(data) not in (IntType, LongType) or \
+ data < -32768 or \
+ data > 32767:
+ raise ValueError, "invalid %s value" % self._type
+ return data
+class byteType(anyType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.XSD2, NS.XSD3, NS.ENC)
+ def _checkValueSpace(self, data):
+ if data == None:
+ raise ValueError, "must supply initial %s value" % self._type
+ if type(data) not in (IntType, LongType) or \
+ data < -128 or \
+ data > 127:
+ raise ValueError, "invalid %s value" % self._type
+ return data
+class nonNegativeIntegerType(anyType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.XSD2, NS.XSD3, NS.ENC)
+ def _checkValueSpace(self, data):
+ if data == None:
+ raise ValueError, "must supply initial %s value" % self._type
+ if type(data) not in (IntType, LongType) or data < 0:
+ raise ValueError, "invalid %s value" % self._type
+ return data
+class non_Negative_IntegerType(nonNegativeIntegerType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.XSD,)
+ def _typeName(self):
+ return 'non-negative-integer'
+class unsignedLongType(anyType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.XSD2, NS.XSD3, NS.ENC)
+ def _checkValueSpace(self, data):
+ if data == None:
+ raise ValueError, "must supply initial %s value" % self._type
+ if type(data) not in (IntType, LongType) or \
+ data < 0 or \
+ data > 18446744073709551615L:
+ raise ValueError, "invalid %s value" % self._type
+ return data
+class unsignedIntType(anyType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.XSD2, NS.XSD3, NS.ENC)
+ def _checkValueSpace(self, data):
+ if data == None:
+ raise ValueError, "must supply initial %s value" % self._type
+ if type(data) not in (IntType, LongType) or \
+ data < 0 or \
+ data > 4294967295L:
+ raise ValueError, "invalid %s value" % self._type
+ return data
+class unsignedShortType(anyType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.XSD2, NS.XSD3, NS.ENC)
+ def _checkValueSpace(self, data):
+ if data == None:
+ raise ValueError, "must supply initial %s value" % self._type
+ if type(data) not in (IntType, LongType) or \
+ data < 0 or \
+ data > 65535:
+ raise ValueError, "invalid %s value" % self._type
+ return data
+class unsignedByteType(anyType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.XSD2, NS.XSD3, NS.ENC)
+ def _checkValueSpace(self, data):
+ if data == None:
+ raise ValueError, "must supply initial %s value" % self._type
+ if type(data) not in (IntType, LongType) or \
+ data < 0 or \
+ data > 255:
+ raise ValueError, "invalid %s value" % self._type
+ return data
+class positiveIntegerType(anyType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.XSD2, NS.XSD3, NS.ENC)
+ def _checkValueSpace(self, data):
+ if data == None:
+ raise ValueError, "must supply initial %s value" % self._type
+ if type(data) not in (IntType, LongType) or data <= 0:
+ raise ValueError, "invalid %s value" % self._type
+ return data
+class positive_IntegerType(positiveIntegerType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.XSD,)
+ def _typeName(self):
+ return 'positive-integer'
+# Now compound types
+class compoundType(anyType):
+ def __init__(self, data = None, name = None, typed = 1, attrs = None):
+ if self.__class__ == compoundType:
+ raise Error, "a compound can't be instantiated directly"
+ anyType.__init__(self, data, name, typed, attrs)
+ self._aslist = []
+ self._asdict = {}
+ self._keyord = []
+ if type(data) == DictType:
+ self.__dict__.update(data)
+ def __getitem__(self, item):
+ if type(item) == IntType:
+ return self._aslist[item]
+ return getattr(self, item)
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self._aslist)
+ def __nonzero__(self):
+ return 1
+ def _keys(self):
+ return filter(lambda x: x[0] != '_', self.__dict__.keys())
+ def _addItem(self, name, value, attrs = None):
+ d = self._asdict
+ if d.has_key(name):
+ if type(d[name]) != ListType:
+ d[name] = [d[name]]
+ d[name].append(value)
+ else:
+ d[name] = value
+ self._keyord.append(name)
+ self._aslist.append(value)
+ self.__dict__[name] = d[name]
+ def _placeItem(self, name, value, pos, subpos = 0, attrs = None):
+ d = self._asdict
+ if subpos == 0 and type(d[name]) != ListType:
+ d[name] = value
+ else:
+ d[name][subpos] = value
+ self._keyord[pos] = name
+ self._aslist[pos] = value
+ self.__dict__[name] = d[name]
+ def _getItemAsList(self, name, default = []):
+ try:
+ d = self.__dict__[name]
+ except:
+ return default
+ if type(d) == ListType:
+ return d
+ return [d]
+class structType(compoundType):
+ pass
+class headerType(structType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.ENV,)
+ def __init__(self, data = None, typed = 1, attrs = None):
+ structType.__init__(self, data, "Header", typed, attrs)
+class bodyType(structType):
+ _validURIs = (NS.ENV,)
+ def __init__(self, data = None, typed = 1, attrs = None):
+ structType.__init__(self, data, "Body", typed, attrs)
+class arrayType(UserList.UserList, compoundType):
+ def __init__(self, data = None, name = None, attrs = None,
+ offset = 0, rank = None, asize = 0, elemsname = None):
+ if data:
+ if type(data) not in (ListType, TupleType):
+ raise Error, "Data must be a sequence"
+ UserList.UserList.__init__(self, data)
+ compoundType.__init__(self, data, name, 0, attrs)
+ self._elemsname = elemsname or "item"
+ if data == None:
+ self._rank = rank
+ # According to in the SOAP spec, each element in a
+ # sparse array must have a position. _posstate keeps track of
+ # whether we've seen a position or not. It's possible values
+ # are:
+ # -1 No elements have been added, so the state is indeterminate
+ # 0 An element without a position has been added, so no
+ # elements can have positions
+ # 1 An element with a position has been added, so all elements
+ # must have positions
+ self._posstate = -1
+ self._full = 0
+ if asize in ('', None):
+ asize = '0'
+ self._dims = map (lambda x: int(x), str(asize).split(','))
+ self._dims.reverse() # It's easier to work with this way
+ self._poss = [0] * len(self._dims) # This will end up
+ # reversed too
+ for i in range(len(self._dims)):
+ if self._dims[i] < 0 or \
+ self._dims[i] == 0 and len(self._dims) > 1:
+ raise TypeError, "invalid Array dimensions"
+ if offset > 0:
+ self._poss[i] = offset % self._dims[i]
+ offset = int(offset / self._dims[i])
+ # Don't break out of the loop if offset is 0 so we test all the
+ # dimensions for > 0.
+ if offset:
+ raise AttributeError, "invalid Array offset"
+ a = [None] * self._dims[0]
+ for i in range(1, len(self._dims)):
+ b = []
+ for j in range(self._dims[i]):
+ b.append(copy.deepcopy(a))
+ a = b
+ self.data = a
+ def _addItem(self, name, value, attrs):
+ if self._full:
+ raise ValueError, "Array is full"
+ pos = attrs.get((NS.ENC, 'position'))
+ if pos != None:
+ if self._posstate == 0:
+ raise AttributeError, \
+ "all elements in a sparse Array must have a " \
+ "position attribute"
+ self._posstate = 1
+ try:
+ if pos[0] == '[' and pos[-1] == ']':
+ pos = map (lambda x: int(x), pos[1:-1].split(','))
+ pos.reverse()
+ if len(pos) == 1:
+ pos = pos[0]
+ curpos = [0] * len(self._dims)
+ for i in range(len(self._dims)):
+ curpos[i] = pos % self._dims[i]
+ pos = int(pos / self._dims[i])
+ if pos == 0:
+ break
+ if pos:
+ raise Exception
+ elif len(pos) != len(self._dims):
+ raise Exception
+ else:
+ for i in range(len(self._dims)):
+ if pos[i] >= self._dims[i]:
+ raise Exception
+ curpos = pos
+ else:
+ raise Exception
+ except:
+ raise AttributeError, \
+ "invalid Array element position %s" % str(pos)
+ else:
+ if self._posstate == 1:
+ raise AttributeError, \
+ "only elements in a sparse Array may have a " \
+ "position attribute"
+ self._posstate = 0
+ curpos = self._poss
+ a = self.data
+ for i in range(len(self._dims) - 1, 0, -1):
+ a = a[curpos[i]]
+ if curpos[0] >= len(a):
+ a += [None] * (len(a) - curpos[0] + 1)
+ a[curpos[0]] = value
+ if pos == None:
+ self._poss[0] += 1
+ for i in range(len(self._dims) - 1):
+ if self._poss[i] < self._dims[i]:
+ break
+ self._poss[i] = 0
+ self._poss[i + 1] += 1
+ if self._dims[-1] and self._poss[-1] >= self._dims[-1]:
+ self._full = 1
+ def _placeItem(self, name, value, pos, subpos, attrs = None):
+ curpos = [0] * len(self._dims)
+ for i in range(len(self._dims)):
+ if self._dims[i] == 0:
+ curpos[0] = pos
+ break
+ curpos[i] = pos % self._dims[i]
+ pos = int(pos / self._dims[i])
+ if pos == 0:
+ break
+ if self._dims[i] != 0 and pos:
+ raise Error, "array index out of range"
+ a = self.data
+ for i in range(len(self._dims) - 1, 0, -1):
+ a = a[curpos[i]]
+ if curpos[0] >= len(a):
+ a += [None] * (len(a) - curpos[0] + 1)
+ a[curpos[0]] = value
+class typedArrayType(arrayType):
+ def __init__(self, data = None, name = None, typed = None, attrs = None,
+ offset = 0, rank = None, asize = 0, elemsname = None):
+ arrayType.__init__(self, data, name, attrs, offset, rank, asize,
+ elemsname)
+ self._type = typed
+class faultType(structType, Error):
+ def __init__(self, faultcode = "", faultstring = "", detail = None):
+ self.faultcode = faultcode
+ self.faultstring = faultstring
+ if detail != None:
+ self.detail = detail
+ structType.__init__(self, None, 0)
+ def _setDetail(self, detail = None):
+ if detail != None:
+ self.detail = detail
+ else:
+ try: del self.detail
+ except AttributeError: pass
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<Fault %s: %s>" % (self.faultcode, self.faultstring)
+ __str__ = __repr__
+class RefHolder:
+ def __init__(self, name, frame):
+ self.name = name
+ self.parent = frame
+ self.pos = len(frame)
+ self.subpos = frame.namecounts.get(name, 0)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<%s %s at %d>" % (self.__class__, self.name, id(self))
+# Utility infielders
+def collapseWhiteSpace(s):
+ return re.sub('\s+', ' ', s).strip()
+def decodeHexString(data):
+ conv = {'0': 0x0, '1': 0x1, '2': 0x2, '3': 0x3, '4': 0x4,
+ '5': 0x5, '6': 0x6, '7': 0x7, '8': 0x8, '9': 0x9, 'a': 0xa,
+ 'b': 0xb, 'c': 0xc, 'd': 0xd, 'e': 0xe, 'f': 0xf, 'A': 0xa,
+ 'B': 0xb, 'C': 0xc, 'D': 0xd, 'E': 0xe, 'F': 0xf,}
+ ws = string.whitespace
+ bin = ''
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(data):
+ if data[i] not in ws:
+ break
+ i += 1
+ low = 0
+ while i < len(data):
+ c = data[i]
+ if c in string.whitespace:
+ break
+ try:
+ c = conv[c]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise ValueError, \
+ "invalid hex string character `%s'" % c
+ if low:
+ bin += chr(high * 16 + c)
+ low = 0
+ else:
+ high = c
+ low = 1
+ i += 1
+ if low:
+ raise ValueError, "invalid hex string length"
+ while i < len(data):
+ if data[i] not in string.whitespace:
+ raise ValueError, \
+ "invalid hex string character `%s'" % c
+ i += 1
+ return bin
+def encodeHexString(data):
+ h = ''
+ for i in data:
+ h += "%02X" % ord(i)
+ return h
+def leapMonth(year, month):
+ return month == 2 and \
+ year % 4 == 0 and \
+ (year % 100 != 0 or year % 400 == 0)
+def cleanDate(d, first = 0):
+ ranges = (None, (1, 12), (1, 31), (0, 23), (0, 59), (0, 61))
+ months = (0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31)
+ names = ('year', 'month', 'day', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds')
+ if len(d) != 6:
+ raise ValueError, "date must have 6 elements"
+ for i in range(first, 6):
+ s = d[i]
+ if type(s) == FloatType:
+ if i < 5:
+ try:
+ s = int(s)
+ except OverflowError:
+ if i > 0:
+ raise
+ s = long(s)
+ if s != d[i]:
+ raise ValueError, "%s must be integral" % names[i]
+ d[i] = s
+ elif type(s) == LongType:
+ try: s = int(s)
+ except: pass
+ elif type(s) != IntType:
+ raise TypeError, "%s isn't a valid type" % names[i]
+ if i == first and s < 0:
+ continue
+ if ranges[i] != None and \
+ (s < ranges[i][0] or ranges[i][1] < s):
+ raise ValueError, "%s out of range" % names[i]
+ if first < 6 and d[5] >= 61:
+ raise ValueError, "seconds out of range"
+ if first < 2:
+ leap = first < 1 and leapMonth(d[0], d[1])
+ if d[2] > months[d[1]] + leap:
+ raise ValueError, "day out of range"
+class UnderflowError(exceptions.ArithmeticError):
+ pass
+def debugHeader(title):
+ s = '*** ' + title + ' '
+ print s + ('*' * (72 - len(s)))
+def debugFooter(title):
+ print '*' * 72
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+# SOAP Parser
+class SOAPParser(xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler):
+ class Frame:
+ def __init__(self, name, kind = None, attrs = {}, rules = {}):
+ self.name = name
+ self.kind = kind
+ self.attrs = attrs
+ self.rules = rules
+ self.contents = []
+ self.names = []
+ self.namecounts = {}
+ self.subattrs = []
+ def append(self, name, data, attrs):
+ self.names.append(name)
+ self.contents.append(data)
+ self.subattrs.append(attrs)
+ if self.namecounts.has_key(name):
+ self.namecounts[name] += 1
+ else:
+ self.namecounts[name] = 1
+ def _placeItem(self, name, value, pos, subpos = 0, attrs = None):
+ self.contents[pos] = value
+ if attrs:
+ self.attrs.update(attrs)
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.contents)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<%s %s at %d>" % (self.__class__, self.name, id(self))
+ def __init__(self, rules = None):
+ xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler.__init__(self)
+ self.body = None
+ self.header = None
+ self.attrs = {}
+ self._data = None
+ self._next = "E" # Keeping state for message validity
+ self._stack = [self.Frame('SOAP')]
+ # Make two dictionaries to store the prefix <-> URI mappings, and
+ # initialize them with the default
+ self._prem = {NS.XML_T: NS.XML}
+ self._prem_r = {NS.XML: NS.XML_T}
+ self._ids = {}
+ self._refs = {}
+ self._rules = rules
+ def startElementNS(self, name, qname, attrs):
+ # Workaround two sax bugs
+ if name[0] == None and name[1][0] == ' ':
+ name = (None, name[1][1:])
+ else:
+ name = tuple(name)
+ # First some checking of the layout of the message
+ if self._next == "E":
+ if name[1] != 'Envelope':
+ raise Error, "expected `SOAP-ENV:Envelope', got `%s:%s'" % \
+ (self._prem_r[name[0]], name[1])
+ if name[0] != NS.ENV:
+ raise faultType, ("%s:VersionMismatch" % NS.ENV_T,
+ "Don't understand version `%s' Envelope" % name[0])
+ else:
+ self._next = "HorB"
+ elif self._next == "HorB":
+ if name[0] == NS.ENV and name[1] in ("Header", "Body"):
+ self._next = None
+ else:
+ raise Error, \
+ "expected `SOAP-ENV:Header' or `SOAP-ENV:Body', " \
+ "got `%s'" % self._prem_r[name[0]] + ':' + name[1]
+ elif self._next == "B":
+ if name == (NS.ENV, "Body"):
+ self._next = None
+ else:
+ raise Error, "expected `SOAP-ENV:Body', got `%s'" % \
+ self._prem_r[name[0]] + ':' + name[1]
+ elif self._next == "":
+ raise Error, "expected nothing, got `%s'" % \
+ self._prem_r[name[0]] + ':' + name[1]
+ if len(self._stack) == 2:
+ rules = self._rules
+ else:
+ try:
+ rules = self._stack[-1].rules[name[1]]
+ except:
+ rules = None
+ if type(rules) not in (NoneType, DictType):
+ kind = rules
+ else:
+ kind = attrs.get((NS.ENC, 'arrayType'))
+ if kind != None:
+ del attrs._attrs[(NS.ENC, 'arrayType')]
+ i = kind.find(':')
+ if i >= 0:
+ kind = (self._prem[kind[:i]], kind[i + 1:])
+ else:
+ kind = None
+ self.pushFrame(self.Frame(name[1], kind, attrs._attrs, rules))
+ self._data = '' # Start accumulating
+ def pushFrame(self, frame):
+ self._stack.append(frame)
+ def popFrame(self):
+ return self._stack.pop()
+ def endElementNS(self, name, qname):
+ # Workaround two sax bugs
+ if name[0] == None and name[1][0] == ' ':
+ ns, name = None, name[1][1:]
+ else:
+ ns, name = tuple(name)
+ if self._next == "E":
+ raise Error, "didn't get SOAP-ENV:Envelope"
+ if self._next in ("HorB", "B"):
+ raise Error, "didn't get SOAP-ENV:Body"
+ cur = self.popFrame()
+ attrs = cur.attrs
+ idval = None
+ if attrs.has_key((None, 'id')):
+ idval = attrs[(None, 'id')]
+ if self._ids.has_key(idval):
+ raise Error, "duplicate id `%s'" % idval
+ del attrs[(None, 'id')]
+ root = 1
+ if len(self._stack) == 3:
+ if attrs.has_key((NS.ENC, 'root')):
+ root = int(attrs[(NS.ENC, 'root')])
+ # Do some preliminary checks. First, if root="0" is present,
+ # the element must have an id. Next, if root="n" is present,
+ # n something other than 0 or 1, raise an exception.
+ if root == 0:
+ if idval == None:
+ raise Error, "non-root element must have an id"
+ elif root != 1:
+ raise Error, "SOAP-ENC:root must be `0' or `1'"
+ del attrs[(NS.ENC, 'root')]
+ while 1:
+ href = attrs.get((None, 'href'))
+ if href:
+ if href[0] != '#':
+ raise Error, "only do local hrefs right now"
+ if self._data != None and self._data.strip() != '':
+ raise Error, "hrefs can't have data"
+ href = href[1:]
+ if self._ids.has_key(href):
+ data = self._ids[href]
+ else:
+ data = RefHolder(name, self._stack[-1])
+ if self._refs.has_key(href):
+ self._refs[href].append(data)
+ else:
+ self._refs[href] = [data]
+ del attrs[(None, 'href')]
+ break
+ kind = None
+ if attrs:
+ for i in NS.XSI_L:
+ if attrs.has_key((i, 'type')):
+ kind = attrs[(i, 'type')]
+ del attrs[(i, 'type')]
+ if kind != None:
+ i = kind.find(':')
+ if i >= 0:
+ kind = (self._prem[kind[:i]], kind[i + 1:])
+ else:
+# XXX What to do here? (None, kind) is just going to fail in convertType
+ kind = (None, kind)
+ null = 0
+ if attrs:
+ for i in (NS.XSI, NS.XSI2):
+ if attrs.has_key((i, 'null')):
+ null = attrs[(i, 'null')]
+ del attrs[(i, 'null')]
+ if attrs.has_key((NS.XSI3, 'nil')):
+ null = attrs[(NS.XSI3, 'nil')]
+ del attrs[(NS.XSI3, 'nil')]
+ #MAP 4/12/2002 - must also support "true"
+ #null = int(null)
+ null = (str(null).lower() in ['true', '1'])
+ if null:
+ if len(cur) or \
+ (self._data != None and self._data.strip() != ''):
+ raise Error, "nils can't have data"
+ data = None
+ break
+ if len(self._stack) == 2:
+ if (ns, name) == (NS.ENV, "Header"):
+ self.header = data = headerType(attrs = attrs)
+ self._next = "B"
+ break
+ elif (ns, name) == (NS.ENV, "Body"):
+ self.body = data = bodyType(attrs = attrs)
+ self._next = ""
+ break
+ elif len(self._stack) == 3 and self._next == None:
+ if (ns, name) == (NS.ENV, "Fault"):
+ data = faultType()
+ self._next = ""
+ break
+ if cur.rules != None:
+ rule = cur.rules
+ if type(rule) in (StringType, UnicodeType):
+# XXX Need a namespace here
+ rule = (None, rule)
+ elif type(rule) == ListType:
+ rule = tuple(rule)
+# XXX What if rule != kind?
+ if callable(rule):
+ data = rule(self._data)
+ elif type(rule) == DictType:
+ data = structType(name = (ns, name), attrs = attrs)
+ else:
+ data = self.convertType(self._data, rule, attrs)
+ break
+ if (kind == None and cur.kind != None) or \
+ (kind == (NS.ENC, 'Array')):
+ kind = cur.kind
+ if kind == None:
+ kind = 'ur-type[%d]' % len(cur)
+ else:
+ kind = kind[1]
+ if len(cur.namecounts) == 1:
+ elemsname = cur.names[0]
+ else:
+ elemsname = None
+ data = self.startArray((ns, name), kind, attrs, elemsname)
+ break
+ if len(self._stack) == 3 and kind == None and \
+ len(cur) == 0 and \
+ (self._data == None or self._data.strip() == ''):
+ data = structType(name = (ns, name), attrs = attrs)
+ break
+ if len(cur) == 0 and ns != NS.URN:
+ # Nothing's been added to the current frame so it must be a
+ # simple type.
+ if kind == None:
+ # If the current item's container is an array, it will
+ # have a kind. If so, get the bit before the first [,
+ # which is the type of the array, therefore the type of
+ # the current item.
+ kind = self._stack[-1].kind
+ if kind != None:
+ i = kind[1].find('[')
+ if i >= 0:
+ kind = (kind[0], kind[1][:i])
+ elif ns != None:
+ kind = (ns, name)
+ if kind != None:
+ try:
+ data = self.convertType(self._data, kind, attrs)
+ except UnknownTypeError:
+ data = None
+ else:
+ data = None
+ if data == None:
+ data = self._data or ''
+ if len(attrs) == 0:
+ try: data = str(data)
+ except: pass
+ break
+ data = structType(name = (ns, name), attrs = attrs)
+ break
+ if isinstance(data, compoundType):
+ for i in range(len(cur)):
+ v = cur.contents[i]
+ data._addItem(cur.names[i], v, cur.subattrs[i])
+ if isinstance(v, RefHolder):
+ v.parent = data
+ if root:
+ self._stack[-1].append(name, data, attrs)
+ if idval != None:
+ self._ids[idval] = data
+ if self._refs.has_key(idval):
+ for i in self._refs[idval]:
+ i.parent._placeItem(i.name, data, i.pos, i.subpos, attrs)
+ del self._refs[idval]
+ self.attrs[id(data)] = attrs
+ if isinstance(data, anyType):
+ data._setAttrs(attrs)
+ self._data = None # Stop accumulating
+ def endDocument(self):
+ if len(self._refs) == 1:
+ raise Error, \
+ "unresolved reference " + self._refs.keys()[0]
+ elif len(self._refs) > 1:
+ raise Error, \
+ "unresolved references " + ', '.join(self._refs.keys())
+ def startPrefixMapping(self, prefix, uri):
+ self._prem[prefix] = uri
+ self._prem_r[uri] = prefix
+ def endPrefixMapping(self, prefix):
+ try:
+ del self._prem_r[self._prem[prefix]]
+ del self._prem[prefix]
+ except:
+ pass
+ def characters(self, c):
+ if self._data != None:
+ self._data += c
+ arrayre = '^(?:(?P<ns>[^:]*):)?' \
+ '(?P<type>[^[]+)' \
+ '(?:\[(?P<rank>,*)\])?' \
+ '(?:\[(?P<asize>\d+(?:,\d+)*)?\])$'
+ def startArray(self, name, kind, attrs, elemsname):
+ if type(self.arrayre) == StringType:
+ self.arrayre = re.compile (self.arrayre)
+ offset = attrs.get((NS.ENC, "offset"))
+ if offset != None:
+ del attrs[(NS.ENC, "offset")]
+ try:
+ if offset[0] == '[' and offset[-1] == ']':
+ offset = int(offset[1:-1])
+ if offset < 0:
+ raise Exception
+ else:
+ raise Exception
+ except:
+ raise AttributeError, "invalid Array offset"
+ else:
+ offset = 0
+ try:
+ m = self.arrayre.search(kind)
+ if m == None:
+ raise Exception
+ t = m.group('type')
+ if t == 'ur-type':
+ return arrayType(None, name, attrs, offset, m.group('rank'),
+ m.group('asize'), elemsname)
+ elif m.group('ns') != None:
+ return typedArrayType(None, name,
+ (self._prem[m.group('ns')], t), attrs, offset,
+ m.group('rank'), m.group('asize'), elemsname)
+ else:
+ return typedArrayType(None, name, (None, t), attrs, offset,
+ m.group('rank'), m.group('asize'), elemsname)
+ except:
+ raise AttributeError, "invalid Array type `%s'" % kind
+ # Conversion
+ SIGNre = '(?P<sign>-?)'
+ CENTURYre = '(?P<century>\d{2,})'
+ YEARre = '(?P<year>\d{2})'
+ MONTHre = '(?P<month>\d{2})'
+ DAYre = '(?P<day>\d{2})'
+ HOURre = '(?P<hour>\d{2})'
+ MINUTEre = '(?P<minute>\d{2})'
+ SECONDre = '(?P<second>\d{2}(?:\.\d*)?)'
+ TIMEZONEre = '(?P<zulu>Z)|(?P<tzsign>[-+])(?P<tzhour>\d{2}):' \
+ '(?P<tzminute>\d{2})'
+ BOSre = '^\s*'
+ EOSre = '\s*$'
+ __allres = {'sign': SIGNre, 'century': CENTURYre, 'year': YEARre,
+ 'month': MONTHre, 'day': DAYre, 'hour': HOURre,
+ 'minute': MINUTEre, 'second': SECONDre, 'timezone': TIMEZONEre,
+ 'b': BOSre, 'e': EOSre}
+ dateTime = '%(b)s%(sign)s%(century)s%(year)s-%(month)s-%(day)sT' \
+ '%(hour)s:%(minute)s:%(second)s(%(timezone)s)?%(e)s' % __allres
+ timeInstant = dateTime
+ timePeriod = dateTime
+ time = '%(b)s%(hour)s:%(minute)s:%(second)s(%(timezone)s)?%(e)s' % \
+ __allres
+ date = '%(b)s%(sign)s%(century)s%(year)s-%(month)s-%(day)s' \
+ '(%(timezone)s)?%(e)s' % __allres
+ century = '%(b)s%(sign)s%(century)s(%(timezone)s)?%(e)s' % __allres
+ gYearMonth = '%(b)s%(sign)s%(century)s%(year)s-%(month)s' \
+ '(%(timezone)s)?%(e)s' % __allres
+ gYear = '%(b)s%(sign)s%(century)s%(year)s(%(timezone)s)?%(e)s' % \
+ __allres
+ year = gYear
+ gMonthDay = '%(b)s--%(month)s-%(day)s(%(timezone)s)?%(e)s' % __allres
+ recurringDate = gMonthDay
+ gDay = '%(b)s---%(day)s(%(timezone)s)?%(e)s' % __allres
+ recurringDay = gDay
+ gMonth = '%(b)s--%(month)s--(%(timezone)s)?%(e)s' % __allres
+ month = gMonth
+ recurringInstant = '%(b)s%(sign)s(%(century)s|-)(%(year)s|-)-' \
+ '(%(month)s|-)-(%(day)s|-)T' \
+ '(%(hour)s|-):(%(minute)s|-):(%(second)s|-)' \
+ '(%(timezone)s)?%(e)s' % __allres
+ duration = '%(b)s%(sign)sP' \
+ '((?P<year>\d+)Y)?' \
+ '((?P<month>\d+)M)?' \
+ '((?P<day>\d+)D)?' \
+ '((?P<sep>T)' \
+ '((?P<hour>\d+)H)?' \
+ '((?P<minute>\d+)M)?' \
+ '((?P<second>\d*(?:\.\d*)?)S)?)?%(e)s' % \
+ __allres
+ timeDuration = duration
+ # The extra 31 on the front is:
+ # - so the tuple is 1-based
+ # - so months[month-1] is December's days if month is 1
+ months = (31, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31)
+ def convertDateTime(self, value, kind):
+ def getZoneOffset(d):
+ zoffs = 0
+ try:
+ if d['zulu'] == None:
+ zoffs = 60 * int(d['tzhour']) + int(d['tzminute'])
+ if d['tzsign'] != '-':
+ zoffs = -zoffs
+ except TypeError:
+ pass
+ return zoffs
+ def applyZoneOffset(months, zoffs, date, minfield, posday = 1):
+ if zoffs == 0 and (minfield > 4 or 0 <= date[5] < 60):
+ return date
+ if minfield > 5: date[5] = 0
+ if minfield > 4: date[4] = 0
+ if date[5] < 0:
+ date[4] += int(date[5]) / 60
+ date[5] %= 60
+ date[4] += zoffs
+ if minfield > 3 or 0 <= date[4] < 60: return date
+ date[3] += date[4] / 60
+ date[4] %= 60
+ if minfield > 2 or 0 <= date[3] < 24: return date
+ date[2] += date[3] / 24
+ date[3] %= 24
+ if minfield > 1:
+ if posday and date[2] <= 0:
+ date[2] += 31 # zoffs is at most 99:59, so the
+ # day will never be less than -3
+ return date
+ while 1:
+ # The date[1] == 3 (instead of == 2) is because we're
+ # going back a month, so we need to know if the previous
+ # month is February, so we test if this month is March.
+ leap = minfield == 0 and date[1] == 3 and \
+ date[0] % 4 == 0 and \
+ (date[0] % 100 != 0 or date[0] % 400 == 0)
+ if 0 < date[2] <= months[date[1]] + leap: break
+ date[2] += months[date[1] - 1] + leap
+ date[1] -= 1
+ if date[1] > 0: break
+ date[1] = 12
+ if minfield > 0: break
+ date[0] -= 1
+ return date
+ try:
+ exp = getattr(self.DATETIMECONSTS, kind)
+ except AttributeError:
+ return None
+ if type(exp) == StringType:
+ exp = re.compile(exp)
+ setattr (self.DATETIMECONSTS, kind, exp)
+ m = exp.search(value)
+ try:
+ if m == None:
+ raise Exception
+ d = m.groupdict()
+ f = ('century', 'year', 'month', 'day',
+ 'hour', 'minute', 'second')
+ fn = len(f) # Index of first non-None value
+ r = []
+ if kind in ('duration', 'timeDuration'):
+ if d['sep'] != None and d['hour'] == None and \
+ d['minute'] == None and d['second'] == None:
+ raise Exception
+ f = f[1:]
+ for i in range(len(f)):
+ s = d[f[i]]
+ if s != None:
+ if f[i] == 'second':
+ s = float(s)
+ else:
+ try: s = int(s)
+ except ValueError: s = long(s)
+ if i < fn: fn = i
+ r.append(s)
+ if fn > len(r): # Any non-Nones?
+ raise Exception
+ if d['sign'] == '-':
+ r[fn] = -r[fn]
+ return tuple(r)
+ if kind == 'recurringInstant':
+ for i in range(len(f)):
+ s = d[f[i]]
+ if s == None or s == '-':
+ if i > fn:
+ raise Exception
+ s = None
+ else:
+ if i < fn:
+ fn = i
+ if f[i] == 'second':
+ s = float(s)
+ else:
+ try:
+ s = int(s)
+ except ValueError:
+ s = long(s)
+ r.append(s)
+ s = r.pop(0)
+ if fn == 0:
+ r[0] += s * 100
+ else:
+ fn -= 1
+ if fn < len(r) and d['sign'] == '-':
+ r[fn] = -r[fn]
+ cleanDate(r, fn)
+ return tuple(applyZoneOffset(self.DATETIMECONSTS.months,
+ getZoneOffset(d), r, fn, 0))
+ r = [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]
+ for i in range(len(f)):
+ field = f[i]
+ s = d.get(field)
+ if s != None:
+ if field == 'second':
+ s = float(s)
+ else:
+ try:
+ s = int(s)
+ except ValueError:
+ s = long(s)
+ if i < fn:
+ fn = i
+ r[i] = s
+ if fn > len(r): # Any non-Nones?
+ raise Exception
+ s = r.pop(0)
+ if fn == 0:
+ r[0] += s * 100
+ else:
+ fn -= 1
+ if d.get('sign') == '-':
+ r[fn] = -r[fn]
+ cleanDate(r, fn)
+ zoffs = getZoneOffset(d)
+ if zoffs:
+ r = applyZoneOffset(self.DATETIMECONSTS.months, zoffs, r, fn)
+ if kind == 'century':
+ return r[0] / 100
+ s = []
+ for i in range(1, len(f)):
+ if d.has_key(f[i]):
+ s.append(r[i - 1])
+ if len(s) == 1:
+ return s[0]
+ return tuple(s)
+ except Exception, e:
+ raise Error, "invalid %s value `%s' - %s" % (kind, value, e)
+ intlimits = \
+ {
+ 'nonPositiveInteger': (0, None, 0),
+ 'non-positive-integer': (0, None, 0),
+ 'negativeInteger': (0, None, -1),
+ 'negative-integer': (0, None, -1),
+ 'long': (1, -9223372036854775808L,
+ 9223372036854775807L),
+ 'int': (0, -2147483648L, 2147483647),
+ 'short': (0, -32768, 32767),
+ 'byte': (0, -128, 127),
+ 'nonNegativeInteger': (0, 0, None),
+ 'non-negative-integer': (0, 0, None),
+ 'positiveInteger': (0, 1, None),
+ 'positive-integer': (0, 1, None),
+ 'unsignedLong': (1, 0, 18446744073709551615L),
+ 'unsignedInt': (0, 0, 4294967295L),
+ 'unsignedShort': (0, 0, 65535),
+ 'unsignedByte': (0, 0, 255),
+ }
+ floatlimits = \
+ {
+ 'float': (7.0064923216240861E-46, -3.4028234663852886E+38,
+ 3.4028234663852886E+38),
+ 'double': (2.4703282292062327E-324, -1.7976931348623158E+308,
+ 1.7976931348623157E+308),
+ }
+ zerofloatre = '[1-9]'
+ def convertType(self, d, t, attrs):
+ dnn = d or ''
+ if t[0] in NS.EXSD_L:
+ if t[1] == "integer":
+ try:
+ d = int(d)
+ if len(attrs):
+ d = long(d)
+ except:
+ d = long(d)
+ return d
+ if self.intlimits.has_key (t[1]):
+ l = self.intlimits[t[1]]
+ try: d = int(d)
+ except: d = long(d)
+ if l[1] != None and d < l[1]:
+ raise UnderflowError, "%s too small" % d
+ if l[2] != None and d > l[2]:
+ raise OverflowError, "%s too large" % d
+ if l[0] or len(attrs):
+ return long(d)
+ return d
+ if t[1] == "string":
+ if len(attrs):
+ return unicode(dnn)
+ try:
+ return str(dnn)
+ except:
+ return dnn
+ if t[1] == "boolean":
+ d = d.strip().lower()
+ if d in ('0', 'false'):
+ return 0
+ if d in ('1', 'true'):
+ return 1
+ raise AttributeError, "invalid boolean value"
+ if self.floatlimits.has_key (t[1]):
+ l = self.floatlimits[t[1]]
+ s = d.strip().lower()
+ try:
+ d = float(s)
+ except:
+ # Some platforms don't implement the float stuff. This
+ # is close, but NaN won't be > "INF" as required by the
+ # standard.
+ if s in ("nan", "inf"):
+ return 1e300**2
+ if s == "-inf":
+ return -1e300**2
+ raise
+ if str (d) == 'nan':
+ if s != 'nan':
+ raise ValueError, "invalid %s" % t[1]
+ elif str (d) == '-inf':
+ if s != '-inf':
+ raise UnderflowError, "%s too small" % t[1]
+ elif str (d) == 'inf':
+ if s != 'inf':
+ raise OverflowError, "%s too large" % t[1]
+ elif d < 0:
+ if d < l[1]:
+ raise UnderflowError, "%s too small" % t[1]
+ elif d > 0:
+ if d < l[0] or d > l[2]:
+ raise OverflowError, "%s too large" % t[1]
+ elif d == 0:
+ if type(self.zerofloatre) == StringType:
+ self.zerofloatre = re.compile(self.zerofloatre)
+ if self.zerofloatre.search(s):
+ raise UnderflowError, "invalid %s" % t[1]
+ return d
+ if t[1] in ("dateTime", "date", "timeInstant", "time"):
+ return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
+ if t[1] == "decimal":
+ return float(d)
+ if t[1] in ("language", "QName", "NOTATION", "NMTOKEN", "Name",
+ "NCName", "ID", "IDREF", "ENTITY"):
+ return collapseWhiteSpace(d)
+ if t[1] in ("IDREFS", "ENTITIES", "NMTOKENS"):
+ d = collapseWhiteSpace(d)
+ return d.split()
+ if t[0] in NS.XSD_L:
+ if t[1] in ("base64", "base64Binary"):
+ return base64.decodestring(d)
+ if t[1] == "hexBinary":
+ return decodeHexString(d)
+ if t[1] == "anyURI":
+ return urllib.unquote(collapseWhiteSpace(d))
+ if t[1] in ("normalizedString", "token"):
+ return collapseWhiteSpace(d)
+ if t[0] == NS.ENC:
+ if t[1] == "base64":
+ return base64.decodestring(d)
+ if t[0] == NS.XSD:
+ if t[1] == "binary":
+ try:
+ e = attrs[(None, 'encoding')]
+ if e == 'hex':
+ return decodeHexString(d)
+ elif e == 'base64':
+ return base64.decodestring(d)
+ except:
+ pass
+ raise Error, "unknown or missing binary encoding"
+ if t[1] == "uri":
+ return urllib.unquote(collapseWhiteSpace(d))
+ if t[1] == "recurringInstant":
+ return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
+ if t[0] in (NS.XSD2, NS.ENC):
+ if t[1] == "uriReference":
+ return urllib.unquote(collapseWhiteSpace(d))
+ if t[1] == "timePeriod":
+ return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
+ if t[1] in ("century", "year"):
+ return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
+ if t[0] in (NS.XSD, NS.XSD2, NS.ENC):
+ if t[1] == "timeDuration":
+ return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
+ if t[0] == NS.XSD3:
+ if t[1] == "anyURI":
+ return urllib.unquote(collapseWhiteSpace(d))
+ if t[1] in ("gYearMonth", "gMonthDay"):
+ return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
+ if t[1] == "gYear":
+ return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
+ if t[1] == "gMonth":
+ return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
+ if t[1] == "gDay":
+ return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
+ if t[1] == "duration":
+ return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
+ if t[0] in (NS.XSD2, NS.XSD3):
+ if t[1] == "token":
+ return collapseWhiteSpace(d)
+ if t[1] == "recurringDate":
+ return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
+ if t[1] == "month":
+ return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
+ if t[1] == "recurringDay":
+ return self.convertDateTime(d, t[1])
+ if t[0] == NS.XSD2:
+ if t[1] == "CDATA":
+ return collapseWhiteSpace(d)
+ raise UnknownTypeError, "unknown type `%s'" % (t[0] + ':' + t[1])
+# call to SOAPParser that keeps all of the info
+def _parseSOAP(xml_str, rules = None):
+ try:
+ from cStringIO import StringIO
+ except ImportError:
+ from StringIO import StringIO
+ parser = xml.sax.make_parser()
+ t = SOAPParser(rules = rules)
+ parser.setContentHandler(t)
+ e = xml.sax.handler.ErrorHandler()
+ parser.setErrorHandler(e)
+ inpsrc = xml.sax.xmlreader.InputSource()
+ inpsrc.setByteStream(StringIO(xml_str))
+ # turn on namespace mangeling
+ parser.setFeature(xml.sax.handler.feature_namespaces,1)
+ parser.parse(inpsrc)
+ return t
+# SOAPParser's more public interface
+def parseSOAP(xml_str, attrs = 0):
+ t = _parseSOAP(xml_str)
+ if attrs:
+ return t.body, t.attrs
+ return t.body
+def parseSOAPRPC(xml_str, header = 0, body = 0, attrs = 0, rules = None):
+ t = _parseSOAP(xml_str, rules = rules)
+ p = t.body._aslist[0]
+ # Empty string, for RPC this translates into a void
+ if type(p) in (type(''), type(u'')) and p in ('', u''):
+ name = "Response"
+ for k in t.body.__dict__.keys():
+ if k[0] != "_":
+ name = k
+ p = structType(name)
+ if header or body or attrs:
+ ret = (p,)
+ if header : ret += (t.header,)
+ if body: ret += (t.body,)
+ if attrs: ret += (t.attrs,)
+ return ret
+ else:
+ return p
+# SOAP Builder
+class SOAPBuilder:
+ _xml_top = '<?xml version="1.0"?>\n'
+ _xml_enc_top = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="%s"?>\n'
+ _env_top = '%(ENV_T)s:Envelope %(ENV_T)s:encodingStyle="%(ENC)s"' % \
+ NS.__dict__
+ _env_bot = '</%(ENV_T)s:Envelope>\n' % NS.__dict__
+ # Namespaces potentially defined in the Envelope tag.
+ _env_ns = {NS.ENC: NS.ENC_T, NS.ENV: NS.ENV_T,
+ def __init__(self, args = (), kw = {}, method = None, namespace = None,
+ header = None, methodattrs = None, envelope = 1, encoding = 'UTF-8',
+ use_refs = 0, config = Config):
+ # Test the encoding, raising an exception if it's not known
+ if encoding != None:
+ ''.encode(encoding)
+ self.args = args
+ self.kw = kw
+ self.envelope = envelope
+ self.encoding = encoding
+ self.method = method
+ self.namespace = namespace
+ self.header = header
+ self.methodattrs= methodattrs
+ self.use_refs = use_refs
+ self.config = config
+ self.out = ''
+ self.tcounter = 0
+ self.ncounter = 1
+ self.icounter = 1
+ self.envns = {}
+ self.ids = {}
+ self.depth = 0
+ self.multirefs = []
+ self.multis = 0
+ self.body = not isinstance(args, bodyType)
+ def build(self):
+ ns_map = {}
+ # Cache whether typing is on or not
+ typed = self.config.typed
+ if self.header:
+ # Create a header.
+ self.dump(self.header, "Header", typed = typed)
+ self.header = None # Wipe it out so no one is using it.
+ if self.body:
+ # Call genns to record that we've used SOAP-ENV.
+ self.depth += 1
+ body_ns = self.genns(ns_map, NS.ENV)[0]
+ self.out += "<%sBody>\n" % body_ns
+ if self.method:
+ self.depth += 1
+ a = ''
+ if self.methodattrs:
+ for (k, v) in self.methodattrs.items():
+ a += ' %s="%s"' % (k, v)
+ if self.namespace: # Use the namespace info handed to us
+ methodns, n = self.genns(ns_map, self.namespace)
+ else:
+ methodns, n = '', ''
+ self.out += '<%s%s%s%s%s>\n' % \
+ (methodns, self.method, n, a, self.genroot(ns_map))
+ try:
+ if type(self.args) != TupleType:
+ args = (self.args,)
+ else:
+ args = self.args
+ for i in args:
+ self.dump(i, typed = typed, ns_map = ns_map)
+ for (k, v) in self.kw.items():
+ self.dump(v, k, typed = typed, ns_map = ns_map)
+ except RecursionError:
+ if self.use_refs == 0:
+ # restart
+ b = SOAPBuilder(args = self.args, kw = self.kw,
+ method = self.method, namespace = self.namespace,
+ header = self.header, methodattrs = self.methodattrs,
+ envelope = self.envelope, encoding = self.encoding,
+ use_refs = 1, config = self.config)
+ return b.build()
+ raise
+ if self.method:
+ self.out += "</%s%s>\n" % (methodns, self.method)
+ self.depth -= 1
+ if self.body:
+ # dump may add to self.multirefs, but the for loop will keep
+ # going until it has used all of self.multirefs, even those
+ # entries added while in the loop.
+ self.multis = 1
+ for obj, tag in self.multirefs:
+ self.dump(obj, tag, typed = typed, ns_map = ns_map)
+ self.out += "</%sBody>\n" % body_ns
+ self.depth -= 1
+ if self.envelope:
+ e = map (lambda ns: 'xmlns:%s="%s"' % (ns[1], ns[0]),
+ self.envns.items())
+ self.out = '<' + self._env_top + ' '.join([''] + e) + '>\n' + \
+ self.out + \
+ self._env_bot
+ if self.encoding != None:
+ self.out = self._xml_enc_top % self.encoding + self.out
+ return self.out.encode(self.encoding)
+ return self._xml_top + self.out
+ def gentag(self):
+ self.tcounter += 1
+ return "v%d" % self.tcounter
+ def genns(self, ns_map, nsURI):
+ if nsURI == None:
+ return ('', '')
+ if type(nsURI) == TupleType: # already a tuple
+ if len(nsURI) == 2:
+ ns, nsURI = nsURI
+ else:
+ ns, nsURI = None, nsURI[0]
+ else:
+ ns = None
+ if ns_map.has_key(nsURI):
+ return (ns_map[nsURI] + ':', '')
+ if self._env_ns.has_key(nsURI):
+ ns = self.envns[nsURI] = ns_map[nsURI] = self._env_ns[nsURI]
+ return (ns + ':', '')
+ if not ns:
+ ns = "ns%d" % self.ncounter
+ self.ncounter += 1
+ ns_map[nsURI] = ns
+ if self.config.buildWithNamespacePrefix:
+ return (ns + ':', ' xmlns:%s="%s"' % (ns, nsURI))
+ else:
+ return ('', ' xmlns="%s"' % (nsURI))
+ def genroot(self, ns_map):
+ if self.depth != 2:
+ return ''
+ ns, n = self.genns(ns_map, NS.ENC)
+ return ' %sroot="%d"%s' % (ns, not self.multis, n)
+ # checkref checks an element to see if it needs to be encoded as a
+ # multi-reference element or not. If it returns None, the element has
+ # been handled and the caller can continue with subsequent elements.
+ # If it returns a string, the string should be included in the opening
+ # tag of the marshaled element.
+ def checkref(self, obj, tag, ns_map):
+ if self.depth < 2:
+ return ''
+ if not self.ids.has_key(id(obj)):
+ n = self.ids[id(obj)] = self.icounter
+ self.icounter = n + 1
+ if self.use_refs == 0:
+ return ''
+ if self.depth == 2:
+ return ' id="i%d"' % n
+ self.multirefs.append((obj, tag))
+ else:
+ if self.use_refs == 0:
+ raise RecursionError, "Cannot serialize recursive object"
+ n = self.ids[id(obj)]
+ if self.multis and self.depth == 2:
+ return ' id="i%d"' % n
+ self.out += '<%s href="#i%d"%s/>\n' % (tag, n, self.genroot(ns_map))
+ return None
+ # dumpers
+ def dump(self, obj, tag = None, typed = 1, ns_map = {}):
+ ns_map = ns_map.copy()
+ self.depth += 1
+ if type(tag) not in (NoneType, StringType, UnicodeType):
+ raise KeyError, "tag must be a string or None"
+ try:
+ meth = getattr(self, "dump_" + type(obj).__name__)
+ meth(obj, tag, typed, ns_map)
+ except AttributeError:
+ if type(obj) == LongType:
+ obj_type = "integer"
+ else:
+ obj_type = type(obj).__name__
+ self.out += self.dumper(None, obj_type, obj, tag, typed,
+ ns_map, self.genroot(ns_map))
+ self.depth -= 1
+ # generic dumper
+ def dumper(self, nsURI, obj_type, obj, tag, typed = 1, ns_map = {},
+ rootattr = '', id = '',
+ xml = '<%(tag)s%(type)s%(id)s%(attrs)s%(root)s>%(data)s</%(tag)s>\n'):
+ if nsURI == None:
+ nsURI = self.config.typesNamespaceURI
+ tag = tag or self.gentag()
+ a = n = t = ''
+ if typed and obj_type:
+ ns, n = self.genns(ns_map, nsURI)
+ ins = self.genns(ns_map, self.config.schemaNamespaceURI)[0]
+ t = ' %stype="%s%s"%s' % (ins, ns, obj_type, n)
+ try: a = obj._marshalAttrs(ns_map, self)
+ except: pass
+ try: data = obj._marshalData()
+ except: data = obj
+ return xml % {"tag": tag, "type": t, "data": data, "root": rootattr,
+ "id": id, "attrs": a}
+ def dump_float(self, obj, tag, typed = 1, ns_map = {}):
+ # Terrible windows hack
+ if not good_float:
+ if obj == float(1e300**2):
+ obj = "INF"
+ elif obj == float(-1e300**2):
+ obj = "-INF"
+ obj = str(obj)
+ if obj in ('inf', '-inf'):
+ obj = str(obj).upper()
+ elif obj == 'nan':
+ obj = 'NaN'
+ self.out += self.dumper(None, "float", obj, tag, typed, ns_map,
+ self.genroot(ns_map))
+ def dump_string(self, obj, tag, typed = 0, ns_map = {}):
+ tag = tag or self.gentag()
+ id = self.checkref(obj, tag, ns_map)
+ if id == None:
+ return
+ try: data = obj._marshalData()
+ except: data = obj
+ self.out += self.dumper(None, "string", cgi.escape(data), tag,
+ typed, ns_map, self.genroot(ns_map), id)
+ dump_unicode = dump_string
+ dump_str = dump_string # 4/12/2002 - MAP - for Python 2.2
+ def dump_None(self, obj, tag, typed = 0, ns_map = {}):
+ tag = tag or self.gentag()
+ ns = self.genns(ns_map, self.config.schemaNamespaceURI)[0]
+ self.out += '<%s %snull="1"%s/>\n' % (tag, ns, self.genroot(ns_map))
+ def dump_list(self, obj, tag, typed = 1, ns_map = {}):
+ if type(obj) == InstanceType:
+ data = obj.data
+ else:
+ data = obj
+ tag = tag or self.gentag()
+ id = self.checkref(obj, tag, ns_map)
+ if id == None:
+ return
+ try:
+ sample = data[0]
+ empty = 0
+ except:
+ sample = structType()
+ empty = 1
+ # First scan list to see if all are the same type
+ same_type = 1
+ if not empty:
+ for i in data[1:]:
+ if type(sample) != type(i) or \
+ (type(sample) == InstanceType and \
+ sample.__class__ != i.__class__):
+ same_type = 0
+ break
+ ndecl = ''
+ if same_type:
+ if (isinstance(sample, structType)) or \
+ type(sample) == DictType: # force to urn struct
+ try:
+ tns = obj._ns or NS.URN
+ except:
+ tns = NS.URN
+ ns, ndecl = self.genns(ns_map, tns)
+ try:
+ typename = last._typename
+ except:
+ typename = "SOAPStruct"
+ t = ns + typename
+ elif isinstance(sample, anyType):
+ ns = sample._validNamespaceURI(self.config.typesNamespaceURI,
+ self.config.strictNamespaces)
+ if ns:
+ ns, ndecl = self.genns(ns_map, ns)
+ t = ns + sample._type
+ else:
+ t = 'ur-type'
+ else:
+ t = self.genns(ns_map, self.config.typesNamespaceURI)[0] + \
+ type(sample).__name__
+ else:
+ t = self.genns(ns_map, self.config.typesNamespaceURI)[0] + \
+ "ur-type"
+ try: a = obj._marshalAttrs(ns_map, self)
+ except: a = ''
+ ens, edecl = self.genns(ns_map, NS.ENC)
+ ins, idecl = self.genns(ns_map, self.config.schemaNamespaceURI)
+ self.out += \
+ '<%s %sarrayType="%s[%d]" %stype="%sArray"%s%s%s%s%s%s>\n' %\
+ (tag, ens, t, len(data), ins, ens, ndecl, edecl, idecl,
+ self.genroot(ns_map), id, a)
+ typed = not same_type
+ try: elemsname = obj._elemsname
+ except: elemsname = "item"
+ for i in data:
+ self.dump(i, elemsname, typed, ns_map)
+ self.out += '</%s>\n' % tag
+ dump_tuple = dump_list
+ def dump_dictionary(self, obj, tag, typed = 1, ns_map = {}):
+ tag = tag or self.gentag()
+ id = self.checkref(obj, tag, ns_map)
+ if id == None:
+ return
+ try: a = obj._marshalAttrs(ns_map, self)
+ except: a = ''
+ self.out += '<%s%s%s%s>\n' % \
+ (tag, id, a, self.genroot(ns_map))
+ for (k, v) in obj.items():
+ if k[0] != "_":
+ self.dump(v, k, 1, ns_map)
+ self.out += '</%s>\n' % tag
+ dump_dict = dump_dictionary # 4/18/2002 - MAP - for Python 2.2
+ def dump_instance(self, obj, tag, typed = 1, ns_map = {}):
+ if not tag:
+ # If it has a name use it.
+ if isinstance(obj, anyType) and obj._name:
+ tag = obj._name
+ else:
+ tag = self.gentag()
+ if isinstance(obj, arrayType): # Array
+ self.dump_list(obj, tag, typed, ns_map)
+ return
+ if isinstance(obj, faultType): # Fault
+ cns, cdecl = self.genns(ns_map, NS.ENC)
+ vns, vdecl = self.genns(ns_map, NS.ENV)
+ self.out += '''<%sFault %sroot="1"%s%s>
+''' % (vns, cns, vdecl, cdecl, obj.faultcode, obj.faultstring)
+ if hasattr(obj, "detail"):
+ self.dump(obj.detail, "detail", typed, ns_map)
+ self.out += "</%sFault>\n" % vns
+ return
+ r = self.genroot(ns_map)
+ try: a = obj._marshalAttrs(ns_map, self)
+ except: a = ''
+ if isinstance(obj, voidType): # void
+ self.out += "<%s%s%s></%s>\n" % (tag, a, r, tag)
+ return
+ id = self.checkref(obj, tag, ns_map)
+ if id == None:
+ return
+ if isinstance(obj, structType):
+ # Check for namespace
+ ndecl = ''
+ ns = obj._validNamespaceURI(self.config.typesNamespaceURI,
+ self.config.strictNamespaces)
+ if ns:
+ ns, ndecl = self.genns(ns_map, ns)
+ tag = ns + tag
+ self.out += "<%s%s%s%s%s>\n" % (tag, ndecl, id, a, r)
+ # If we have order use it.
+ order = 1
+ for i in obj._keys():
+ if i not in obj._keyord:
+ order = 0
+ break
+ if order:
+ for i in range(len(obj._keyord)):
+ self.dump(obj._aslist[i], obj._keyord[i], 1, ns_map)
+ else:
+ # don't have pristine order information, just build it.
+ for (k, v) in obj.__dict__.items():
+ if k[0] != "_":
+ self.dump(v, k, 1, ns_map)
+ if isinstance(obj, bodyType):
+ self.multis = 1
+ for v, k in self.multirefs:
+ self.dump(v, k, typed = typed, ns_map = ns_map)
+ self.out += '</%s>\n' % tag
+ elif isinstance(obj, anyType):
+ t = ''
+ if typed:
+ ns = obj._validNamespaceURI(self.config.typesNamespaceURI,
+ self.config.strictNamespaces)
+ if ns:
+ ons, ondecl = self.genns(ns_map, ns)
+ ins, indecl = self.genns(ns_map,
+ self.config.schemaNamespaceURI)
+ t = ' %stype="%s%s"%s%s' % \
+ (ins, ons, obj._type, ondecl, indecl)
+ self.out += '<%s%s%s%s%s>%s</%s>\n' % \
+ (tag, t, id, a, r, obj._marshalData(), tag)
+ else: # Some Class
+ self.out += '<%s%s%s>\n' % (tag, id, r)
+ for (k, v) in obj.__dict__.items():
+ if k[0] != "_":
+ self.dump(v, k, 1, ns_map)
+ self.out += '</%s>\n' % tag
+# SOAPBuilder's more public interface
+def buildSOAP(args=(), kw={}, method=None, namespace=None, header=None,
+ methodattrs=None,envelope=1,encoding='UTF-8',config=Config):
+ t = SOAPBuilder(args=args,kw=kw, method=method, namespace=namespace,
+ header=header, methodattrs=methodattrs,envelope=envelope,
+ encoding=encoding, config=config)
+ return t.build()
+# RPC
+def SOAPUserAgent():
+ return "SOAP.py " + __version__ + " (actzero.com)"
+# Client
+class SOAPAddress:
+ def __init__(self, url, config = Config):
+ proto, uri = urllib.splittype(url)
+ # apply some defaults
+ if uri[0:2] != '//':
+ if proto != None:
+ uri = proto + ':' + uri
+ uri = '//' + uri
+ proto = 'http'
+ host, path = urllib.splithost(uri)
+ try:
+ int(host)
+ host = 'localhost:' + host
+ except:
+ pass
+ if not path:
+ path = '/'
+ if proto not in ('http', 'https'):
+ raise IOError, "unsupported SOAP protocol"
+ if proto == 'https' and not config.SSLclient:
+ raise AttributeError, \
+ "SSL client not supported by this Python installation"
+ self.proto = proto
+ self.host = host
+ self.path = path
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "%(proto)s://%(host)s%(path)s" % self.__dict__
+ __repr__ = __str__
+class HTTPTransport:
+ # Need a Timeout someday?
+ def call(self, addr, data, soapaction = '', encoding = None,
+ http_proxy = None, config = Config):
+ import httplib
+ if not isinstance(addr, SOAPAddress):
+ addr = SOAPAddress(addr, config)
+ # Build a request
+ if http_proxy:
+ real_addr = http_proxy
+ real_path = addr.proto + "://" + addr.host + addr.path
+ else:
+ real_addr = addr.host
+ real_path = addr.path
+ if addr.proto == 'https':
+ r = httplib.HTTPS(real_addr)
+ else:
+ r = httplib.HTTP(real_addr)
+ r.putrequest("POST", real_path)
+ r.putheader("Host", addr.host)
+ r.putheader("User-agent", SOAPUserAgent())
+ t = 'text/xml';
+ if encoding != None:
+ t += '; charset="%s"' % encoding
+ r.putheader("Content-type", t)
+ r.putheader("Content-length", str(len(data)))
+ r.putheader("SOAPAction", '"%s"' % soapaction)
+ if config.dumpHeadersOut:
+ s = 'Outgoing HTTP headers'
+ debugHeader(s)
+ print "POST %s %s" % (real_path, r._http_vsn_str)
+ print "Host:", addr.host
+ print "User-agent: SOAP.py " + __version__ + " (actzero.com)"
+ print "Content-type:", t
+ print "Content-length:", len(data)
+ print 'SOAPAction: "%s"' % soapaction
+ debugFooter(s)
+ r.endheaders()
+ if config.dumpSOAPOut:
+ s = 'Outgoing SOAP'
+ debugHeader(s)
+ print data,
+ if data[-1] != '\n':
+ print
+ debugFooter(s)
+ # send the payload
+ r.send(data)
+ # read response line
+ code, msg, headers = r.getreply()
+ if config.dumpHeadersIn:
+ s = 'Incoming HTTP headers'
+ debugHeader(s)
+ if headers.headers:
+ print "HTTP/1.? %d %s" % (code, msg)
+ print "\n".join(map (lambda x: x.strip(), headers.headers))
+ else:
+ print "HTTP/0.9 %d %s" % (code, msg)
+ debugFooter(s)
+ if config.dumpSOAPIn:
+ data = r.getfile().read()
+ s = 'Incoming SOAP'
+ debugHeader(s)
+ print data,
+ if data[-1] != '\n':
+ print
+ debugFooter(s)
+ if code not in (200, 500):
+ raise HTTPError(code, msg)
+ if not config.dumpSOAPIn:
+ data = r.getfile().read()
+ # return response payload
+ return data
+# SOAP Proxy
+class SOAPProxy:
+ def __init__(self, proxy, namespace = None, soapaction = '',
+ header = None, methodattrs = None, transport = HTTPTransport,
+ encoding = 'UTF-8', throw_faults = 1, unwrap_results = 1,
+ http_proxy=None, config = Config):
+ # Test the encoding, raising an exception if it's not known
+ if encoding != None:
+ ''.encode(encoding)
+ self.proxy = SOAPAddress(proxy, config)
+ self.namespace = namespace
+ self.soapaction = soapaction
+ self.header = header
+ self.methodattrs = methodattrs
+ self.transport = transport()
+ self.encoding = encoding
+ self.throw_faults = throw_faults
+ self.unwrap_results = unwrap_results
+ self.http_proxy = http_proxy
+ self.config = config
+ def __call(self, name, args, kw, ns = None, sa = None, hd = None,
+ ma = None):
+ ns = ns or self.namespace
+ ma = ma or self.methodattrs
+ if sa: # Get soapaction
+ if type(sa) == TupleType: sa = sa[0]
+ else:
+ sa = self.soapaction
+ if hd: # Get header
+ if type(hd) == TupleType:
+ hd = hd[0]
+ else:
+ hd = self.header
+ hd = hd or self.header
+ if ma: # Get methodattrs
+ if type(ma) == TupleType: ma = ma[0]
+ else:
+ ma = self.methodattrs
+ ma = ma or self.methodattrs
+ m = buildSOAP(args = args, kw = kw, method = name, namespace = ns,
+ header = hd, methodattrs = ma, encoding = self.encoding,
+ config = self.config)
+ #print m
+ r = self.transport.call(self.proxy, m, sa, encoding = self.encoding,
+ http_proxy = self.http_proxy,
+ config = self.config)
+ #print r
+ p, attrs = parseSOAPRPC(r, attrs = 1)
+ try:
+ throw_struct = self.throw_faults and \
+ isinstance (p, faultType)
+ except:
+ throw_struct = 0
+ if throw_struct:
+ raise p
+ # Bubble a regular result up, if there is only element in the
+ # struct, assume that is the result and return it.
+ # Otherwise it will return the struct with all the elements
+ # as attributes.
+ if self.unwrap_results:
+ try:
+ count = 0
+ for i in p.__dict__.keys():
+ if i[0] != "_": # don't move the private stuff
+ count += 1
+ t = getattr(p, i)
+ if count == 1: p = t # Only one piece of data, bubble it up
+ except:
+ pass
+ if self.config.returnAllAttrs:
+ return p, attrs
+ return p
+ def _callWithBody(self, body):
+ return self.__call(None, body, {})
+ def __getattr__(self, name): # hook to catch method calls
+ return self.__Method(self.__call, name, config = self.config)
+ # To handle attribute wierdness
+ class __Method:
+ # Some magic to bind a SOAP method to an RPC server.
+ # Supports "nested" methods (e.g. examples.getStateName) -- concept
+ # borrowed from xmlrpc/soaplib -- www.pythonware.com
+ # Altered (improved?) to let you inline namespaces on a per call
+ # basis ala SOAP::LITE -- www.soaplite.com
+ def __init__(self, call, name, ns = None, sa = None, hd = None,
+ ma = None, config = Config):
+ self.__call = call
+ self.__name = name
+ self.__ns = ns
+ self.__sa = sa
+ self.__hd = hd
+ self.__ma = ma
+ self.__config = config
+ if self.__name[0] == "_":
+ if self.__name in ["__repr__","__str__"]:
+ self.__call__ = self.__repr__
+ else:
+ self.__call__ = self.__f_call
+ else:
+ self.__call__ = self.__r_call
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ if self.__name[0] == "_":
+ # Don't nest method if it is a directive
+ return self.__class__(self.__call, name, self.__ns,
+ self.__sa, self.__hd, self.__ma)
+ return self.__class__(self.__call, "%s.%s" % (self.__name, name),
+ self.__ns, self.__sa, self.__hd, self.__ma)
+ def __f_call(self, *args, **kw):
+ if self.__name == "_ns": self.__ns = args
+ elif self.__name == "_sa": self.__sa = args
+ elif self.__name == "_hd": self.__hd = args
+ elif self.__name == "_ma": self.__ma = args
+ return self
+ def __r_call(self, *args, **kw):
+ return self.__call(self.__name, args, kw, self.__ns, self.__sa,
+ self.__hd, self.__ma)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<%s at %d>" % (self.__class__, id(self))
+# Server
+# Method Signature class for adding extra info to registered funcs, right now
+# used just to indicate it should be called with keywords, instead of ordered
+# params.
+class MethodSig:
+ def __init__(self, func, keywords=0, context=0):
+ self.func = func
+ self.keywords = keywords
+ self.context = context
+ self.__name__ = func.__name__
+ def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
+ return apply(self.func,args,kw)
+class SOAPContext:
+ def __init__(self, header, body, attrs, xmldata, connection, httpheaders,
+ soapaction):
+ self.header = header
+ self.body = body
+ self.attrs = attrs
+ self.xmldata = xmldata
+ self.connection = connection
+ self.httpheaders= httpheaders
+ self.soapaction = soapaction
+# A class to describe how header messages are handled
+class HeaderHandler:
+ # Initially fail out if there are any problems.
+ def __init__(self, header, attrs):
+ for i in header.__dict__.keys():
+ if i[0] == "_":
+ continue
+ d = getattr(header, i)
+ try:
+ fault = int(attrs[id(d)][(NS.ENV, 'mustUnderstand')])
+ except:
+ fault = 0
+ if fault:
+ raise faultType, ("%s:MustUnderstand" % NS.ENV_T,
+ "Don't understand `%s' header element but "
+ "mustUnderstand attribute is set." % i)
+# SOAP Server
+class SOAPServer(SocketServer.TCPServer):
+ import BaseHTTPServer
+ class SOAPRequestHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
+ def version_string(self):
+ return '<a href="http://www.actzero.com/solution.html">' + \
+ 'SOAP.py ' + __version__ + '</a> (Python ' + \
+ sys.version.split()[0] + ')'
+ def date_time_string(self):
+ self.__last_date_time_string = \
+ SOAPServer.BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler.\
+ date_time_string(self)
+ return self.__last_date_time_string
+ def do_POST(self):
+ try:
+ if self.server.config.dumpHeadersIn:
+ s = 'Incoming HTTP headers'
+ debugHeader(s)
+ print self.raw_requestline.strip()
+ print "\n".join(map (lambda x: x.strip(),
+ self.headers.headers))
+ debugFooter(s)
+ data = self.rfile.read(int(self.headers["content-length"]))
+ if self.server.config.dumpSOAPIn:
+ s = 'Incoming SOAP'
+ debugHeader(s)
+ print data,
+ if data[-1] != '\n':
+ print
+ debugFooter(s)
+ (r, header, body, attrs) = \
+ parseSOAPRPC(data, header = 1, body = 1, attrs = 1)
+ method = r._name
+ args = r._aslist
+ kw = r._asdict
+ ns = r._ns
+ resp = ""
+ # For fault messages
+ if ns:
+ nsmethod = "%s:%s" % (ns, method)
+ else:
+ nsmethod = method
+ try:
+ # First look for registered functions
+ if self.server.funcmap.has_key(ns) and \
+ self.server.funcmap[ns].has_key(method):
+ f = self.server.funcmap[ns][method]
+ else: # Now look at registered objects
+ # Check for nested attributes. This works even if
+ # there are none, because the split will return
+ # [method]
+ f = self.server.objmap[ns]
+ l = method.split(".")
+ for i in l:
+ f = getattr(f, i)
+ except:
+ resp = buildSOAP(faultType("%s:Client" % NS.ENV_T,
+ "No method %s found" % nsmethod,
+ "%s %s" % tuple(sys.exc_info()[0:2])),
+ encoding = self.server.encoding,
+ config = self.server.config)
+ status = 500
+ else:
+ try:
+ if header:
+ x = HeaderHandler(header, attrs)
+ # If it's wrapped, some special action may be needed
+ if isinstance(f, MethodSig):
+ c = None
+ if f.context: # Build context object
+ c = SOAPContext(header, body, attrs, data,
+ self.connection, self.headers,
+ self.headers["soapaction"])
+ if f.keywords:
+ # This is lame, but have to de-unicode
+ # keywords
+ strkw = {}
+ for (k, v) in kw.items():
+ strkw[str(k)] = v
+ if c:
+ strkw["_SOAPContext"] = c
+ fr = apply(f, (), strkw)
+ elif c:
+ fr = apply(f, args, {'_SOAPContext':c})
+ else:
+ fr = apply(f, args, {})
+ else:
+ fr = apply(f, args, {})
+ if type(fr) == type(self) and \
+ isinstance(fr, voidType):
+ resp = buildSOAP(kw = {'%sResponse' % method: fr},
+ encoding = self.server.encoding,
+ config = self.server.config)
+ else:
+ resp = buildSOAP(kw =
+ {'%sResponse' % method: {'Result': fr}},
+ encoding = self.server.encoding,
+ config = self.server.config)
+ except Exception, e:
+ import traceback
+ info = sys.exc_info()
+ if self.server.config.dumpFaultInfo:
+ s = 'Method %s exception' % nsmethod
+ debugHeader(s)
+ traceback.print_exception(info[0], info[1],
+ info[2])
+ debugFooter(s)
+ if isinstance(e, faultType):
+ f = e
+ else:
+ f = faultType("%s:Server" % NS.ENV_T,
+ "Method %s failed." % nsmethod)
+ if self.server.config.returnFaultInfo:
+ f._setDetail("".join(traceback.format_exception(
+ info[0], info[1], info[2])))
+ elif not hasattr(f, 'detail'):
+ f._setDetail("%s %s" % (info[0], info[1]))
+ resp = buildSOAP(f, encoding = self.server.encoding,
+ config = self.server.config)
+ status = 500
+ else:
+ status = 200
+ except faultType, e:
+ import traceback
+ info = sys.exc_info()
+ if self.server.config.dumpFaultInfo:
+ s = 'Received fault exception'
+ debugHeader(s)
+ traceback.print_exception(info[0], info[1],
+ info[2])
+ debugFooter(s)
+ if self.server.config.returnFaultInfo:
+ e._setDetail("".join(traceback.format_exception(
+ info[0], info[1], info[2])))
+ elif not hasattr(e, 'detail'):
+ e._setDetail("%s %s" % (info[0], info[1]))
+ resp = buildSOAP(e, encoding = self.server.encoding,
+ config = self.server.config)
+ status = 500
+ except:
+ # internal error, report as HTTP server error
+ if self.server.config.dumpFaultInfo:
+ import traceback
+ s = 'Internal exception'
+ debugHeader(s)
+ traceback.print_exc ()
+ debugFooter(s)
+ self.send_response(500)
+ self.end_headers()
+ if self.server.config.dumpHeadersOut and \
+ self.request_version != 'HTTP/0.9':
+ s = 'Outgoing HTTP headers'
+ debugHeader(s)
+ if self.responses.has_key(status):
+ s = ' ' + self.responses[status][0]
+ else:
+ s = ''
+ print "%s %d%s" % (self.protocol_version, 500, s)
+ print "Server:", self.version_string()
+ print "Date:", self.__last_date_time_string
+ debugFooter(s)
+ else:
+ # got a valid SOAP response
+ self.send_response(status)
+ t = 'text/xml';
+ if self.server.encoding != None:
+ t += '; charset="%s"' % self.server.encoding
+ self.send_header("Content-type", t)
+ self.send_header("Content-length", str(len(resp)))
+ self.end_headers()
+ if self.server.config.dumpHeadersOut and \
+ self.request_version != 'HTTP/0.9':
+ s = 'Outgoing HTTP headers'
+ debugHeader(s)
+ if self.responses.has_key(status):
+ s = ' ' + self.responses[status][0]
+ else:
+ s = ''
+ print "%s %d%s" % (self.protocol_version, status, s)
+ print "Server:", self.version_string()
+ print "Date:", self.__last_date_time_string
+ print "Content-type:", t
+ print "Content-length:", len(resp)
+ debugFooter(s)
+ if self.server.config.dumpSOAPOut:
+ s = 'Outgoing SOAP'
+ debugHeader(s)
+ print resp,
+ if resp[-1] != '\n':
+ print
+ debugFooter(s)
+ self.wfile.write(resp)
+ self.wfile.flush()
+ # We should be able to shut down both a regular and an SSL
+ # connection, but under Python 2.1, calling shutdown on an
+ # SSL connections drops the output, so this work-around.
+ # This should be investigated more someday.
+ if self.server.config.SSLserver and \
+ isinstance(self.connection, SSL.Connection):
+ self.connection.set_shutdown(SSL.SSL_SENT_SHUTDOWN |
+ else:
+ self.connection.shutdown(1)
+ def log_message(self, format, *args):
+ if self.server.log:
+ SOAPServer.BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler.\
+ log_message (self, format, *args)
+ def __init__(self, addr = ('localhost', 8000),
+ RequestHandler = SOAPRequestHandler, log = 1, encoding = 'UTF-8',
+ config = Config, namespace = None, ssl_context = None):
+ # Test the encoding, raising an exception if it's not known
+ if encoding != None:
+ ''.encode(encoding)
+ if ssl_context != None and not config.SSLserver:
+ raise AttributeError, \
+ "SSL server not supported by this Python installation"
+ self.namespace = namespace
+ self.objmap = {}
+ self.funcmap = {}
+ self.ssl_context = ssl_context
+ self.encoding = encoding
+ self.config = config
+ self.log = log
+ self.allow_reuse_address= 1
+ SocketServer.TCPServer.__init__(self, addr, RequestHandler)
+ def get_request(self):
+ sock, addr = SocketServer.TCPServer.get_request(self)
+ if self.ssl_context:
+ sock = SSL.Connection(self.ssl_context, sock)
+ sock._setup_ssl(addr)
+ if sock.accept_ssl() != 1:
+ raise socket.error, "Couldn't accept SSL connection"
+ return sock, addr
+ def registerObject(self, object, namespace = ''):
+ if namespace == '': namespace = self.namespace
+ self.objmap[namespace] = object
+ def registerFunction(self, function, namespace = '', funcName = None):
+ if not funcName : funcName = function.__name__
+ if namespace == '': namespace = self.namespace
+ if self.funcmap.has_key(namespace):
+ self.funcmap[namespace][funcName] = function
+ else:
+ self.funcmap[namespace] = {funcName : function}
+ def registerKWObject(self, object, namespace = ''):
+ if namespace == '': namespace = self.namespace
+ for i in dir(object.__class__):
+ if i[0] != "_" and callable(getattr(object, i)):
+ self.registerKWFunction(getattr(object,i), namespace)
+ # convenience - wraps your func for you.
+ def registerKWFunction(self, function, namespace = '', funcName = None):
+ self.registerFunction(MethodSig(function,keywords=1), namespace,
+ funcName)