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path: root/sugar/activity/activity.py
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authorMarco Pesenti Gritti <marco@localhost.localdomain>2006-06-21 20:05:52 (GMT)
committer Marco Pesenti Gritti <marco@localhost.localdomain>2006-06-21 20:05:52 (GMT)
commit9ea68051741d6e7b0bde4e6c7326cde4a14f6238 (patch)
treea41c5b1c25140173c90459ac58388002067f2c99 /sugar/activity/activity.py
parentf4e2791c897651d52980d35b84115e7c7f85a249 (diff)
More work on packages refactoring, mostly working
Diffstat (limited to 'sugar/activity/activity.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 321 deletions
diff --git a/sugar/activity/activity.py b/sugar/activity/activity.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 509565c..0000000
--- a/sugar/activity/activity.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,321 +0,0 @@
-# -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
-import dbus
-import dbus.service
-import dbus.glib
-import pygtk
-import gtk, gobject
-SHELL_SERVICE_NAME = "com.redhat.Sugar.Shell"
-SHELL_SERVICE_PATH = "/com/redhat/Sugar/Shell"
-ACTIVITY_SERVICE_NAME = "com.redhat.Sugar.Activity"
-ACTIVITY_SERVICE_PATH = "/com/redhat/Sugar/Activity"
-ON_CONNECTED_TO_SHELL_CB = "connected_to_shell"
-ON_DISCONNECTED_FROM_SHELL_CB = "disconnected_from_shell"
-ON_RECONNECTED_TO_SHELL_CB = "reconnected_to_shell"
-ON_CLOSE_FROM_USER_CB = "close_from_user"
-ON_LOST_FOCUS_CB = "lost_focus"
-ON_GOT_FOCUS_CB = "got_focus"
-ON_PUBLISH_CB = "publish"
-class ActivityDbusService(dbus.service.Object):
- """Base dbus service object that each Activity uses to export dbus methods.
- The dbus service is separate from the actual Activity object so that we can
- tightly control what stuff passes through the dbus python bindings."""
- def __init__(self, activity):
- self._activity = activity
- self._activity_id = None
- self._activity_object = None
- self._service = None
- self._bus = dbus.SessionBus()
- self._bus.add_signal_receiver(self.name_owner_changed, dbus_interface = "org.freedesktop.DBus", signal_name = "NameOwnerChanged")
- self._callbacks = {}
- for cb in self._ALLOWED_CALLBACKS:
- self._callbacks[cb] = None
- def __del__(self):
- if self._activity_id:
- del self._service
- del self._activity_container
- del self._activity_conainer_object
- del self._activity_object
- self._bus.remove_signal_receiver(self.name_owner_changed, dbus_interface="org.freedesktop.DBus", signal_name="NameOwnerChanged")
- del self._bus
- def register_callback(self, name, callback):
- if name not in self._ALLOWED_CALLBACKS:
- print "ActivityDbusService: bad callback registration request for '%s'" % name
- return
- self._callbacks[name] = callback
- def _call_callback_cb(self, func, *args):
- gobject.idle_add(func, *args)
- return False
- def _call_callback(self, name, *args):
- """Call our activity object back, but from an idle handler
- to minimize the possibility of stupid activities deadlocking
- in dbus callbacks."""
- if name in self._ALLOWED_CALLBACKS and self._callbacks[name]:
- gobject.idle_add(self._call_callback_cb, self._callbacks[name], *args)
- def connect_to_shell(self, service=None):
- """Register with the shell via dbus, getting an activity ID and
- and XEMBED window ID in which to display the Activity."""
- self._activity_container_object = self._bus.get_object(SHELL_SERVICE_NAME, \
- SHELL_SERVICE_PATH + "/ActivityContainer")
- self._activity_container = dbus.Interface(self._activity_container_object, \
- SHELL_SERVICE_NAME + ".ActivityContainer")
- if service is None:
- self._activity_id = self._activity_container.add_activity("", self._activity.default_type())
- else:
- self._activity_id = service.get_activity_uid()
- self._activity_container.add_activity_with_id("", self._activity.default_type(), self._activity_id)
- self._object_path = SHELL_SERVICE_PATH + "/Activities/%s" % self._activity_id
- print "ActivityDbusService: object path is '%s'" % self._object_path
- self._activity_object = dbus.Interface(self._bus.get_object(SHELL_SERVICE_NAME, self._object_path), \
- SHELL_SERVICE_NAME + ".ActivityHost")
- # Now let us register a peer service so the Shell can poke it
- self._peer_service_name = ACTIVITY_SERVICE_NAME + "%s" % self._activity_id
- self._peer_object_path = ACTIVITY_SERVICE_PATH + "/%s" % self._activity_id
- self._service = dbus.service.BusName(self._peer_service_name, bus=self._bus)
- dbus.service.Object.__init__(self, self._service, self._peer_object_path)
- self._activity_object.set_peer_service_name(self._peer_service_name, self._peer_object_path)
- self._call_callback(ON_CONNECTED_TO_SHELL_CB, self._activity_object, self._activity_id, service)
- def _shutdown_reply_cb(self):
- """Shutdown was successful, tell the Activity that we're disconnected."""
- self._call_callback(ON_DISCONNECTED_FROM_SHELL_CB)
- def _shutdown_error_cb(self, error):
- print "ActivityDbusService: error during shutdown - '%s'" % error
- def shutdown(self):
- """Notify the shell that we are shutting down."""
- self._activity_object.shutdown(reply_handler=self._shutdown_reply_cb, error_handler=self._shutdown_error_cb)
- def name_owner_changed(self, service_name, old_service_name, new_service_name):
- """Handle dbus NameOwnerChanged signals."""
- if not self._activity_id:
- # Do nothing if we're not connected yet
- return
- if service_name == SHELL_SERVICE_NAME and not len(new_service_name):
- self._call_callback(ON_DISCONNECTED_FROM_SHELL_CB)
- elif service_name == SHELL_SERVICE_NAME and not len(old_service_name):
- self._call_callback(ON_RECONNECTED_TO_SHELL_CB)
- @dbus.service.method(ACTIVITY_SERVICE_NAME)
- def lost_focus(self):
- """Called by the shell to notify us that we've lost focus."""
- self._call_callback(ON_LOST_FOCUS_CB)
- @dbus.service.method(ACTIVITY_SERVICE_NAME)
- def got_focus(self):
- """Called by the shell to notify us that the user gave us focus."""
- self._call_callback(ON_GOT_FOCUS_CB)
- @dbus.service.method(ACTIVITY_SERVICE_NAME)
- def close_from_user(self):
- """Called by the shell to notify us that the user closed us."""
- self._call_callback(ON_CLOSE_FROM_USER_CB)
- @dbus.service.method(ACTIVITY_SERVICE_NAME)
- def publish(self):
- """Called by the shell to request the activity to publish itself on the network."""
- self._call_callback(ON_PUBLISH_CB)
-class Activity(object):
- """Base Activity class that all other Activities derive from."""
- def __init__(self, default_type):
- self._dbus_service = self._get_new_dbus_service()
- self._dbus_service.register_callback(ON_CONNECTED_TO_SHELL_CB, self._internal_on_connected_to_shell_cb)
- self._dbus_service.register_callback(ON_DISCONNECTED_FROM_SHELL_CB, self._internal_on_disconnected_from_shell_cb)
- self._dbus_service.register_callback(ON_RECONNECTED_TO_SHELL_CB, self._internal_on_reconnected_to_shell_cb)
- self._dbus_service.register_callback(ON_CLOSE_FROM_USER_CB, self._internal_on_close_from_user_cb)
- self._dbus_service.register_callback(ON_PUBLISH_CB, self._internal_on_publish_cb)
- self._dbus_service.register_callback(ON_LOST_FOCUS_CB, self._internal_on_lost_focus_cb)
- self._dbus_service.register_callback(ON_GOT_FOCUS_CB, self._internal_on_got_focus_cb)
- self._has_focus = False
- self._plug = None
- self._initial_service = None
- self._activity_object = None
- if type(default_type) != type("") or not len(default_type):
- raise ValueError("Default type must be a valid string.")
- self._default_type = default_type
- def _cleanup(self):
- if self._plug:
- self._plug.destroy()
- self._plug = None
- if self._dbus_service:
- del self._dbus_service
- self._dbus_service = None
- def __del__(self):
- self._cleanup()
- def _get_new_dbus_service(self):
- """Create and return a new dbus service object for this Activity.
- Allows subclasses to use their own dbus service object if they choose."""
- return ActivityDbusService(self)
- def default_type(self):
- return self._default_type
- def has_focus(self):
- """Return whether or not this Activity is visible to the user."""
- return self._has_focus
- def connect_to_shell(self, service = None):
- """Called by our controller to tell us to initialize and connect
- to the shell."""
- self._dbus_service.connect_to_shell(service)
- def _internal_on_connected_to_shell_cb(self, activity_object, activity_id, service=None):
- """Callback when the dbus service object has connected to the shell."""
- self._activity_object = activity_object
- self._activity_id = activity_id
- self._window_id = self._activity_object.get_host_xembed_id()
- print "Activity: XEMBED window ID is %s" % self._window_id
- self._plug = gtk.Plug(self._window_id)
- self._initial_service = service
- self.on_connected_to_shell()
- def _internal_on_disconnected_from_shell_cb(self):
- """Callback when the dbus service object has disconnected from the shell."""
- self._cleanup()
- self.on_disconnected_from_shell()
- def _internal_on_reconnected_to_shell_cb(self):
- """Callback when the dbus service object has reconnected to the shell."""
- self.on_reconnected_to_shell()
- def _internal_on_close_from_user_cb(self):
- """Callback when the dbus service object tells us the user has closed our activity."""
- self.shutdown()
- self.on_close_from_user()
- def _internal_on_publish_cb(self):
- """Callback when the dbus service object tells us the user has closed our activity."""
- self.publish()
- def _internal_on_lost_focus_cb(self):
- """Callback when the dbus service object tells us we have lost focus."""
- self._has_focus = False
- self.on_lost_focus()
- def _internal_on_got_focus_cb(self):
- """Callback when the dbus service object tells us we have gotten focus."""
- self._has_focus = True
- self.set_has_changes(False)
- self.on_got_focus()
- def gtk_plug(self):
- """Return our GtkPlug widget."""
- return self._plug
- def set_ellipsize_tab(self, ellipsize):
- """Sets this Activity's tab text to be ellipsized or not."""
- self._activity_object.set_ellipsize_tab(ellipsize)
- def set_tab_text(self, text):
- """Sets this Activity's tab text."""
- self._activity_object.set_tab_text(text)
- def set_can_close(self, can_close):
- """Sets whether or not this Activity can be closed by the user."""
- self._activity_object.set_can_close(can_close)
- def set_show_tab_icon(self, show_icon):
- """Sets whether or not an icon is shown in this Activity's tab."""
- self._activity_object.set_tab_show_icon(show_icon)
- def set_tab_icon(self, pixbuf=None, name=None):
- """Set the Activity's tab icon, either from pixbuf data
- or by an icon theme icon name."""
- if name:
- icon_theme = gtk.icon_theme_get_default()
- icon_info = icon_theme.lookup_icon(name, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU, 0)
- if icon_info:
- orig_pixbuf = icon_info.load_icon()
- pixbuf = orig_pixbuf.scale_simple(16, 16, gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR)
- if pixbuf:
- # Dump the pixel data into an array and shove it through dbus
- pixarray = []
- pixstr = pixbuf.get_pixels();
- for c in pixstr:
- pixarray.append(c)
- self._activity_object.set_tab_icon(pixarray, \
- pixbuf.get_colorspace(), \
- pixbuf.get_has_alpha(), \
- pixbuf.get_bits_per_sample(), \
- pixbuf.get_width(), \
- pixbuf.get_height(), \
- pixbuf.get_rowstride())
- def set_has_changes(self, has_changes):
- """Marks this Activity as having changes. This usually means
- that this Activity's tab turns a red color or something else
- to notify the user that this Activity needs attention."""
- if not self.has_focus() and has_changes:
- self._activity_object.set_has_changes(True)
- else:
- self._activity_object.set_has_changes(False)
- def get_id(self):
- return self._activity_id
- def shutdown(self):
- """Disconnect from the shell and clean up."""
- self._dbus_service.shutdown()
- #############################################################
- # Pure Virtual methods that subclasses may/may not implement
- #############################################################
- def publish(self):
- """Called to request the activity to publish itself on the network."""
- pass
- def on_lost_focus(self):
- """Triggered when this Activity loses focus."""
- pass
- def on_got_focus(self):
- """Triggered when this Activity gets focus."""
- pass
- def on_disconnected_from_shell(self):
- """Triggered when we disconnect from the shell."""
- pass
- def on_reconnected_to_shell(self):
- """Triggered when the shell's service comes back."""
- pass
- def on_connected_to_shell(self):
- """Triggered when this Activity has successfully connected to the shell."""
- pass
- def on_close_from_user(self):
- """Triggered when this Activity is closed by the user."""
- pass