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path: root/lib/sugar/graphics/objectchooser.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/sugar/graphics/objectchooser.py')
1 files changed, 209 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/sugar/graphics/objectchooser.py b/lib/sugar/graphics/objectchooser.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..114665f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sugar/graphics/objectchooser.py
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2007, One Laptop Per Child
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+import logging
+import time
+from gettext import gettext as _
+import gtk
+import hippo
+from sugar.bundle.activitybundle import ActivityBundle
+from sugar.graphics import style
+from sugar.graphics.icon import CanvasIcon
+from sugar.graphics.xocolor import XoColor
+from sugar.graphics.roundbox import CanvasRoundBox
+from sugar.datastore import datastore
+from sugar import activity
+from sugar.objects import objecttype
+# TODO: Activities should request the Journal to open objectchooser dialogs. In
+# that way, we'll be able to reuse most of this code inside the Journal.
+class ObjectChooser(gtk.Dialog):
+ def __init__(self, title=None, parent=None, flags=0):
+ gtk.Dialog.__init__(self, title, parent, flags, (gtk.STOCK_CANCEL,
+ self._jobjects = None
+ self._query = {}
+ self._selected_entry = False
+ self._box = hippo.CanvasBox()
+ self._box.props.background_color = style.COLOR_PANEL_GREY.get_int()
+ self._box.props.spacing = style.DEFAULT_SPACING
+ self._box.props.padding = style.DEFAULT_SPACING
+ canvas = hippo.Canvas()
+ canvas.set_root(self._box)
+ scrolled_window = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+ scrolled_window.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_NEVER, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
+ scrolled_window.add_with_viewport(canvas)
+ canvas.show()
+ self.vbox.add(scrolled_window)
+ scrolled_window.show()
+ scrolled_window.props.shadow_type = gtk.SHADOW_NONE
+ scrolled_window.get_child().props.shadow_type = gtk.SHADOW_NONE
+ self.refresh()
+ height = self.get_screen().get_height() * 3 / 4
+ width = self.get_screen().get_width() * 3 / 4
+ self.set_default_size(width, height)
+ def update_with_query(self, query):
+ self._query = query
+ self.refresh()
+ def refresh(self):
+ logging.debug('ListView.refresh: %r' % self._query)
+ self._jobjects, total_count = datastore.find(self._query, sorting=['-mtime'])
+ self._update()
+ def _update(self):
+ self._box.remove_all()
+ for jobject in self._jobjects:
+ entry_view = CollapsedEntry(jobject)
+ entry_view.connect('button-release-event',
+ self._entry_view_button_release_event_cb)
+ self._box.append(entry_view)
+ def _entry_view_button_release_event_cb(self, entry_view, event):
+ if self._selected_entry:
+ self._selected_entry.set_selected(False)
+ entry_view.set_selected(True)
+ self._selected_entry = entry_view
+ def get_selected_object(self):
+ if self._selected_entry:
+ return self._selected_entry.jobject
+ else:
+ return None
+class CollapsedEntry(CanvasRoundBox):
+ _DATE_COL_WIDTH = style.zoom(100)
+ _BUDDIES_COL_WIDTH = style.zoom(50)
+ def __init__(self, jobject):
+ CanvasRoundBox.__init__(self)
+ self.props.box_height = style.zoom(75)
+ self.props.spacing = style.DEFAULT_SPACING
+ self.props.border_color = style.COLOR_BLACK.get_int()
+ self.props.background_color = style.COLOR_PANEL_GREY.get_int()
+ self.jobject = jobject
+ self._icon_name = None
+ date = hippo.CanvasText(text=self._format_date(),
+ xalign=hippo.ALIGNMENT_START,
+ font_desc=style.FONT_NORMAL.get_pango_desc(),
+ box_width=self._DATE_COL_WIDTH)
+ self.append(date)
+ icon = CanvasIcon(icon_name=self._get_icon_name(),
+ box_width=style.zoom(75))
+ if self.jobject.metadata.has_key('icon-color'):
+ icon.props.xo_color = XoColor(self.jobject.metadata['icon-color'])
+ self.append(icon)
+ title = hippo.CanvasText(text=self._format_title(),
+ xalign=hippo.ALIGNMENT_START,
+ font_desc=style.FONT_BOLD.get_pango_desc(),
+ size_mode=hippo.CANVAS_SIZE_WRAP_WORD)
+ self.append(title)
+ def _get_icon_name(self):
+ if self._icon_name:
+ return self._icon_name
+ if self.jobject.is_activity_bundle():
+ bundle = ActivityBundle(self.jobject.file_path)
+ self._icon_name = bundle.get_icon()
+ if self.jobject.metadata['activity']:
+ service_name = self.jobject.metadata['activity']
+ activity_info = activity.get_registry().get_activity(service_name)
+ if activity_info:
+ self._icon_name = activity_info.icon
+ mime_type = self.jobject.metadata['mime_type']
+ if not self._icon_name and mime_type:
+ type = objecttype.get_registry().get_type_for_mime(mime_type)
+ if type:
+ self._icon_name = type.icon
+ if not self._icon_name:
+ self._icon_name = 'image-missing'
+ return self._icon_name
+ def _format_date(self):
+ """ Convert from a string in iso format to a more human-like format. """
+ return _get_elapsed_string(self.jobject.metadata['mtime'])
+ def _format_title(self):
+ return '"%s"' % self.jobject.metadata['title']
+ def set_selected(self, selected):
+ if selected:
+ self.props.border_color = style.COLOR_WHITE.get_int()
+ self.props.background_color = style.COLOR_WHITE.get_int()
+ else:
+ self.props.border_color = style.COLOR_BLACK.get_int()
+ self.props.background_color = style.COLOR_PANEL_GREY.get_int()
+def _get_elapsed_string(date_string, max_levels=2):
+ ti = time.strptime(date_string, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
+ units = [[_('%d year'), _('%d years'), 356 * 24 * 60 * 60],
+ [_('%d month'), _('%d months'), 30 * 24 * 60 * 60],
+ [_('%d week'), _('%d weeks'), 7 * 24 * 60 * 60],
+ [_('%d day'), _('%d days'), 24 * 60 * 60],
+ [_('%d hour'), _('%d hours'), 60 * 60],
+ [_('%d minute'), _('%d minutes'), 60],
+ [_('%d second'), _('%d seconds'), 1]]
+ levels = 0
+ result = ''
+ elapsed_seconds = int(time.time() - time.mktime(ti))
+ for name_singular, name_plural, factor in units:
+ elapsed_units = elapsed_seconds / factor
+ if elapsed_units > 0:
+ if levels > 0:
+ if max_levels - levels == 1:
+ result += _(' and ')
+ else:
+ result += _(', ')
+ if elapsed_units == 1:
+ result += name_singular % elapsed_units
+ else:
+ result += name_plural % elapsed_units
+ elapsed_seconds -= elapsed_units * factor
+ levels += 1
+ if levels == max_levels:
+ break
+ return result