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path: root/shell
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8 files changed, 724 insertions, 157 deletions
diff --git a/shell/ActivityContainer.py b/shell/ActivityContainer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85c954a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shell/ActivityContainer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+import dbus
+import gobject
+import gtk
+from gettext import gettext as _
+from sugar.chat.ChatWindow import ChatWindow
+from sugar.chat.MeshChat import MeshChat
+from ActivityHost import ActivityHost
+from PresenceWindow import PresenceWindow
+from WindowManager import WindowManager
+from StartPage import StartPage
+from Owner import ShellOwner
+class ActivityContainerSignalHelper(gobject.GObject):
+ """A gobject whose sole purpose is to distribute signals for
+ an ActivityContainer object."""
+ __gsignals__ = {
+ 'local-activity-started': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, gobject.TYPE_NONE,
+ ([gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT])),
+ 'local-activity-ended': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, gobject.TYPE_NONE,
+ ([gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT]))
+ }
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ gobject.GObject.__init__(self)
+ self._parent = parent
+ def activity_started(self, activity_id):
+ self.emit('local-activity-started', self._parent, activity_id)
+ def activity_ended(self, activity_id):
+ self.emit('local-activity-ended', self._parent, activity_id)
+class ActivityContainer(dbus.service.Object):
+ def __init__(self, service, bus):
+ self.activities = []
+ self.bus = bus
+ self.service = service
+ self._signal_helper = ActivityContainerSignalHelper(self)
+ dbus.service.Object.__init__(self, self.service, "/com/redhat/Sugar/Shell/ActivityContainer")
+ bus.add_signal_receiver(self.name_owner_changed, dbus_interface = "org.freedesktop.DBus", signal_name = "NameOwnerChanged")
+ self.window = gtk.Window()
+ self.window.connect("key-press-event", self.__key_press_event_cb)
+ self.window.set_title("OLPC Sugar")
+ self._fullscreen = False
+ self.notebook = gtk.Notebook()
+ self.notebook.set_scrollable(True)
+ tab_label = gtk.Label(_("Everyone"))
+ self._start_page = StartPage(self._signal_helper)
+ self.notebook.append_page(self._start_page, tab_label)
+ self._start_page.show()
+ self.notebook.show()
+ self.notebook.connect("switch-page", self.notebook_tab_changed)
+ self.window.add(self.notebook)
+ self.window.connect("destroy", lambda w: gtk.main_quit())
+ self.current_activity = None
+ # Create our owner service
+ self._owner = ShellOwner()
+ self._presence_window = PresenceWindow(self)
+ self._presence_window.set_transient_for(self.window)
+ wm = WindowManager(self._presence_window)
+ wm.set_type(WindowManager.TYPE_POPUP)
+ wm.set_animation(WindowManager.ANIMATION_SLIDE_IN)
+ wm.set_geometry(0.02, 0.1, 0.25, 0.9)
+ wm.set_key(gtk.keysyms.F1)
+ self._chat_window = ChatWindow()
+ self._chat_window.set_transient_for(self.window)
+ self._chat_wm = WindowManager(self._chat_window)
+ self._chat_wm.set_animation(WindowManager.ANIMATION_SLIDE_IN)
+ self._chat_wm.set_type(WindowManager.TYPE_POPUP)
+ self._chat_wm.set_geometry(0.28, 0.1, 0.5, 0.9)
+ self._chat_wm.set_key(gtk.keysyms.F1)
+ self._mesh_chat = MeshChat()
+ def show(self):
+ self.window.show()
+ def set_current_activity(self, activity):
+ self.current_activity = activity
+ self._presence_window.set_activity(activity)
+ if activity:
+ host_chat = activity.get_chat()
+ self._chat_window.set_chat(host_chat)
+ else:
+ self._chat_window.set_chat(self._mesh_chat)
+ def notebook_tab_changed(self, notebook, page, page_number):
+ new_activity = notebook.get_nth_page(page_number).get_data("sugar-activity")
+ if self.current_activity != None:
+ self.current_activity.lost_focus()
+ self.set_current_activity(new_activity)
+ if self.current_activity != None:
+ self.current_activity.got_focus()
+ def name_owner_changed(self, service_name, old_service_name, new_service_name):
+ #print "in name_owner_changed: svc=%s oldsvc=%s newsvc=%s"%(service_name, old_service_name, new_service_name)
+ for owner, activity in self.activities[:]:
+ if owner == old_service_name:
+ activity_id = activity.get_host_activity_id()
+ self._signal_helper.activity_ended(activity_id)
+ self.activities.remove((owner, activity))
+ #self.__print_activities()
+ @dbus.service.method("com.redhat.Sugar.Shell.ActivityContainer", \
+ in_signature="ss", \
+ out_signature="s", \
+ sender_keyword="sender")
+ def add_activity(self, activity_name, default_type, sender):
+ #print "hello world, activity_name = '%s', sender = '%s'"%(activity_name, sender)
+ activity = ActivityHost(self, activity_name, default_type)
+ self.activities.append((sender, activity))
+ activity_id = activity.get_host_activity_id()
+ self._signal_helper.activity_started(activity_id)
+ self.current_activity = activity
+ return activity_id
+ @dbus.service.method("com.redhat.Sugar.Shell.ActivityContainer", \
+ in_signature="sss", \
+ sender_keyword="sender")
+ def add_activity_with_id(self, activity_name, default_type, activity_id, sender):
+ activity = ActivityHost(self, activity_name, default_type, activity_id)
+ self.activities.append((sender, activity))
+ activity_id = activity.get_host_activity_id()
+ self._signal_helper.activity_started(activity_id)
+ self.current_activity = activity
+ def __print_activities(self):
+ print "__print_activities: %d activities registered" % len(self.activities)
+ i = 0
+ for owner, activity in self.activities:
+ print " %d: owner=%s activity_object_name=%s" % (i, owner, activity.dbus_object_name)
+ i += 1
+ def __key_press_event_cb(self, window, event):
+ if event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.F11:
+ if self._fullscreen:
+ window.unfullscreen()
+ self._fullscreen = False
+ else:
+ window.fullscreen()
+ self._fullscreen = True
diff --git a/shell/ActivityHost.py b/shell/ActivityHost.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d61beb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shell/ActivityHost.py
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+import dbus
+import gtk
+import gobject
+class ActivityHostSignalHelper(gobject.GObject):
+ __gsignals__ = {
+ 'shared': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ([]))
+ }
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ gobject.GObject.__init__(self)
+ self._parent = parent
+ def emit_shared(self):
+ self.emit('shared')
+class ActivityHost(dbus.service.Object):
+ def __init__(self, activity_container, activity_name, default_type, activity_id = None):
+ self.peer_service = None
+ self.activity_name = activity_name
+ self.ellipsize_tab = False
+ self._shared = False
+ self._signal_helper = ActivityHostSignalHelper(self)
+ self.activity_container = activity_container
+ if activity_id is None:
+ self.activity_id = sugar.util.unique_id()
+ else:
+ self.activity_id = activity_id
+ self._default_type = default_type
+ self.dbus_object_name = "/com/redhat/Sugar/Shell/Activities/%s" % self.activity_id
+ dbus.service.Object.__init__(self, activity_container.service, self.dbus_object_name)
+ self.socket = gtk.Socket()
+ self.socket.set_data("sugar-activity", self)
+ self.socket.show()
+ hbox = gtk.HBox(False, 4);
+ self.tab_activity_image = gtk.Image()
+ self.tab_activity_image.set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_CONVERT, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)
+ hbox.pack_start(self.tab_activity_image)
+ #self.tab_activity_image.show()
+ self.label_hbox = gtk.HBox(False, 4);
+ self.label_hbox.connect("style-set", self.__tab_label_style_set_cb)
+ hbox.pack_start(self.label_hbox)
+ self.tab_label = gtk.Label(self.activity_name)
+ self.tab_label.set_single_line_mode(True)
+ self.tab_label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
+ self.tab_label.set_padding(0, 0)
+ self.tab_label.show()
+ close_image = gtk.Image()
+ close_image.set_from_stock (gtk.STOCK_CLOSE, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)
+ close_image.show()
+ self.tab_close_button = gtk.Button()
+ rcstyle = gtk.RcStyle();
+ rcstyle.xthickness = rcstyle.ythickness = 0;
+ self.tab_close_button.modify_style (rcstyle);
+ self.tab_close_button.add(close_image)
+ self.tab_close_button.set_relief(gtk.RELIEF_NONE)
+ self.tab_close_button.set_focus_on_click(False)
+ self.tab_close_button.connect("clicked", self.tab_close_button_clicked)
+ self.label_hbox.pack_start(self.tab_label)
+ self.label_hbox.pack_start(self.tab_close_button, False, False, 0)
+ self.label_hbox.show()
+ hbox.show()
+ self._create_chat()
+ notebook = self.activity_container.notebook
+ index = notebook.append_page(self.socket, hbox)
+ notebook.set_current_page(index)
+ def _create_chat(self):
+ self._activity_chat = ActivityChat(self)
+ def got_focus(self):
+ if self.peer_service != None:
+ self.peer_service.got_focus()
+ def lost_focus(self):
+ self.peer_service.lost_focus()
+ def get_chat(self):
+ return self._activity_chat
+ def get_default_type(self):
+ return self._default_type
+ def __close_button_clicked_reply_cb(self):
+ pass
+ def __close_button_clicked_error_cb(self, error):
+ pass
+ def publish(self):
+ self._activity_chat.publish()
+ self.peer_service.publish()
+ def tab_close_button_clicked(self, button):
+ self.peer_service.close_from_user(reply_handler = self.__close_button_clicked_reply_cb, \
+ error_handler = self.__close_button_clicked_error_cb)
+ @dbus.service.method("com.redhat.Sugar.Shell.ActivityHost", \
+ in_signature="", \
+ out_signature="t")
+ def get_host_xembed_id(self):
+ window_id = self.socket.get_id()
+ #print "window_id = %d"%window_id
+ return window_id
+ def connect(self, signal, func):
+ self._signal_helper.connect(signal, func)
+ def get_shared(self):
+ """Return True if this activity is shared, False if
+ it has not been shared yet."""
+ return self._shared
+ def _shared_signal(self):
+ self._shared = True
+ self._signal_helper.emit_shared()
+ @dbus.service.method("com.redhat.Sugar.Shell.ActivityHost", \
+ in_signature="ss", \
+ out_signature="")
+ def set_peer_service_name(self, peer_service_name, peer_object_name):
+ #print "peer_service_name = %s, peer_object_name = %s"%(peer_service_name, peer_object_name)
+ self.__peer_service_name = peer_service_name
+ self.__peer_object_name = peer_object_name
+ self.peer_service = dbus.Interface(self.activity_container.bus.get_object( \
+ self.__peer_service_name, self.__peer_object_name), \
+ "com.redhat.Sugar.Activity")
+ self.activity_container.bus.add_signal_receiver(self._shared_signal,
+ signal_name="ActivityShared",
+ dbus_interface="com.redhat.Sugar.Activity",
+ named_service=self.__peer_service_name,
+ path=self.__peer_object_name)
+ @dbus.service.method("com.redhat.Sugar.Shell.ActivityHost", \
+ in_signature="b", \
+ out_signature="")
+ def set_ellipsize_tab(self, ellipsize):
+ self.ellipsize_tab = True
+ self.update_tab_size()
+ @dbus.service.method("com.redhat.Sugar.Shell.ActivityHost", \
+ in_signature="b", \
+ out_signature="")
+ def set_can_close(self, can_close):
+ if can_close:
+ self.tab_close_button.show()
+ else:
+ self.tab_close_button.hide()
+ @dbus.service.method("com.redhat.Sugar.Shell.ActivityHost", \
+ in_signature="b", \
+ out_signature="")
+ def set_tab_show_icon(self, show_icon):
+ if show_icon:
+ self.tab_activity_image.show()
+ else:
+ self.tab_activity_image.hide()
+ @dbus.service.method("com.redhat.Sugar.Shell.ActivityHost", \
+ in_signature="b", \
+ out_signature="")
+ def set_has_changes(self, has_changes):
+ if has_changes:
+ attrs = pango.AttrList()
+ attrs.insert(pango.AttrForeground(50000, 0, 0, 0, -1))
+ attrs.insert(pango.AttrWeight(pango.WEIGHT_BOLD, 0, -1))
+ self.tab_label.set_attributes(attrs)
+ else:
+ self.tab_label.set_attributes(pango.AttrList())
+ @dbus.service.method("com.redhat.Sugar.Shell.ActivityHost", \
+ in_signature="s", \
+ out_signature="")
+ def set_tab_text(self, text):
+ self.tab_label.set_text(text)
+ @dbus.service.method("com.redhat.Sugar.Shell.ActivityHost", \
+ in_signature="ayibiiii", \
+ out_signature="")
+ def set_tab_icon(self, data, colorspace, has_alpha, bits_per_sample, width, height, rowstride):
+ #print "width=%d, height=%d"%(width, height)
+ #print " data = ", data
+ pixstr = ""
+ for c in data:
+ # Work around for a bug in dbus < 0.61 where integers
+ # are not correctly marshalled
+ if c < 0:
+ c += 256
+ pixstr += chr(c)
+ pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_data(pixstr, colorspace, has_alpha, bits_per_sample, width, height, rowstride)
+ #print pixbuf
+ self.tab_activity_image.set_from_pixbuf(pixbuf)
+ @dbus.service.method("com.redhat.Sugar.Shell.ActivityHost", \
+ in_signature="", \
+ out_signature="")
+ def shutdown(self):
+ #print "shutdown"
+ for owner, activity in self.activity_container.activities[:]:
+ if activity == self:
+ self.activity_container.activities.remove((owner, activity))
+ for i in range(self.activity_container.notebook.get_n_pages()):
+ child = self.activity_container.notebook.get_nth_page(i)
+ if child == self.socket:
+ #print "found child"
+ self.activity_container.notebook.remove_page(i)
+ break
+ del self
+ def get_host_activity_id(self):
+ """Real function that the shell should use for getting the
+ activity's ID."""
+ return self.activity_id
+ def get_id(self):
+ """Interface-type function to match activity.Activity's
+ get_id() function."""
+ return self.activity_id
+ def default_type(self):
+ """Interface-type function to match activity.Activity's
+ default_type() function."""
+ return self._default_type
+ def get_object_path(self):
+ return self.dbus_object_name
+ def update_tab_size(self):
+ if self.ellipsize_tab:
+ self.tab_label.set_ellipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_END)
+ context = self.label_hbox.get_pango_context()
+ font_desc = self.label_hbox.style.font_desc
+ metrics = context.get_metrics(font_desc, context.get_language())
+ char_width = metrics.get_approximate_digit_width()
+ [w, h] = self.__get_close_icon_size()
+ tab_width = 15 * pango.PIXELS(char_width) + 2 * w
+ self.label_hbox.set_size_request(tab_width, -1);
+ else:
+ self.tab_label.set_ellipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_NONE)
+ self.label_hbox.set_size_request(-1, -1)
+ def __get_close_icon_size(self):
+ settings = self.label_hbox.get_settings()
+ return gtk.icon_size_lookup_for_settings(settings, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)
+ def __tab_label_style_set_cb(self, widget, previous_style):
+ [w, h] = self.__get_close_icon_size()
+ self.tab_close_button.set_size_request (w + 5, h + 2)
+ self.update_tab_size()
diff --git a/shell/ConsoleLogger.py b/shell/ConsoleLogger.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9c968f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shell/ConsoleLogger.py
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+import gtk
+import dbus
+from WindowManager import WindowManager
+from ActivityContainer import ActivityContainer
+class ConsoleLogger(dbus.service.Object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ session_bus = dbus.SessionBus()
+ bus_name = dbus.service.BusName('com.redhat.Sugar.Logger', bus=session_bus)
+ object_path = '/com/redhat/Sugar/Logger'
+ dbus.service.Object.__init__(self, bus_name, object_path)
+ self._window = gtk.Window()
+ self._window.set_title("Console")
+ self._window.connect("delete_event", lambda w, e: w.hide_on_delete())
+ self._nb = gtk.Notebook()
+ self._window.add(self._nb)
+ self._nb.show()
+ self._consoles = {}
+ console_wm = WindowManager(self._window)
+ console_wm.set_type(WindowManager.TYPE_POPUP)
+ console_wm.set_geometry(0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8)
+ def _create_console(self, application):
+ sw = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+ sw.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC,
+ console = gtk.TextView()
+ console.set_wrap_mode(gtk.WRAP_WORD)
+ sw.add(console)
+ console.show()
+ self._nb.append_page(sw, gtk.Label(application))
+ sw.show()
+ return console
+ @dbus.service.method('com.redhat.Sugar.Logger')
+ def log(self, application, message):
+ if self._consoles.has_key(application):
+ console = self._consoles[application]
+ else:
+ console = self._create_console(application)
+ self._consoles[application] = console
+ buf = console.get_buffer()
+ buf.insert(buf.get_end_iter(), message)
diff --git a/shell/PresenceWindow.py b/shell/PresenceWindow.py
index 60753d1..1f13145 100644
--- a/shell/PresenceWindow.py
+++ b/shell/PresenceWindow.py
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ from sugar.presence.PresenceService import PresenceService
from sugar.presence.Service import Service
from sugar.chat.BuddyChat import BuddyChat
+from gettext import gettext as _
class PresenceWindow(gtk.Window):
@@ -57,7 +59,7 @@ class PresenceWindow(gtk.Window):
vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 6)
- label = gtk.Label("Who's around:")
+ label = gtk.Label(_("Who's around:"))
label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
vbox.pack_start(label, False)
@@ -99,7 +101,7 @@ class PresenceWindow(gtk.Window):
button_box = gtk.HButtonBox()
- self._share_button = gtk.Button('Share')
+ self._share_button = gtk.Button(_('Share'))
self._share_button.connect('clicked', self._share_button_clicked_cb)
diff --git a/shell/Shell.py b/shell/Shell.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..025ec80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shell/Shell.py
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+import dbus
+import gobject
+from sugar.LogWriter import LogWriter
+from WindowManager import WindowManager
+from ConsoleLogger import ConsoleLogger
+from ActivityContainer import ActivityContainer
+class Shell(gobject.GObject):
+ __gsignals__ = {
+ 'close': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, gobject.TYPE_NONE,
+ ([])),
+ }
+ def __init__(self):
+ gobject.GObject.__init__(self)
+ def start(self):
+ console = ConsoleLogger()
+ log_writer = LogWriter("Shell", False)
+ log_writer.start()
+ session_bus = dbus.SessionBus()
+ service = dbus.service.BusName("com.redhat.Sugar.Shell", bus=session_bus)
+ activity_container = ActivityContainer(service, session_bus)
+ activity_container.window.connect('destroy', self.__activity_container_destroy_cb)
+ activity_container.show()
+ wm = WindowManager(activity_container.window)
+ wm.show()
+ def __activity_container_destroy_cb(self, activity_container):
+ self.emit('close')
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ shell = Shell()
+ shell.start()
+ try:
+ gtk.main()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ print 'Ctrl+c pressed, exiting...'
diff --git a/shell/StartPage.py b/shell/StartPage.py
index d2f7e44..c9663c6 100644
--- a/shell/StartPage.py
+++ b/shell/StartPage.py
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ import pygtk
import gtk
import pango
-import dbus
import cgi
import xml.sax.saxutils
import gobject
@@ -11,6 +10,9 @@ import socket
import dbus_bindings
from google import google
from sugar.presence.PresenceService import PresenceService
+from sugar.activity import Activity
+from gettext import gettext as _
_BROWSER_ACTIVITY_TYPE = "_web_olpc._udp"
@@ -150,10 +152,6 @@ class ActivitiesView(gtk.TreeView):
self._owner = owner
def _row_activated_cb(self, treeview, path, column):
- bus = dbus.SessionBus()
- proxy_obj = bus.get_object('com.redhat.Sugar.Browser', '/com/redhat/Sugar/Browser')
- browser_shell = dbus.Interface(proxy_obj, 'com.redhat.Sugar.BrowserShell')
model = self.get_model()
address = model.get_value(model.get_iter(path), _COLUMN_ADDRESS)
service = model.get_value(model.get_iter(path), _COLUMN_SERVICE)
@@ -173,13 +171,9 @@ class ActivitiesView(gtk.TreeView):
- # Start a new activity
- serialized_service = service.serialize(self._owner)
- try:
- browser_shell.open_browser(address, serialized_service)
- except dbus_bindings.DBusException, exc:
- pass
+ Activity.create('com.redhat.Sugar.BrowserActivity', service, [ address ])
+>>>>>>> 63c93e4f2da2a5f8935835da876d118bdc99c495/shell/StartPage.py
class StartPage(gtk.HBox):
def __init__(self, activity_controller, ac_signal_object):
@@ -210,7 +204,7 @@ class StartPage(gtk.HBox):
- search_button = gtk.Button("Search")
+ search_button = gtk.Button(_("Search"))
search_button.connect('clicked', self._search_button_clicked_cb)
search_box.pack_start(search_button, False)
diff --git a/shell/WindowManager.py b/shell/WindowManager.py
index 9fb8410..9856768 100644
--- a/shell/WindowManager.py
+++ b/shell/WindowManager.py
@@ -1,169 +1,204 @@
-import pygtk
+import time
+import logging
import gtk
import gobject
-SM_STEP = 1
+class SlidingHelper:
+ IN = 0
+ OUT = 1
+ def __init__(self, manager, direction):
+ self._direction = direction
+ self._cur_time = time.time()
+ self._target_time = self._cur_time + SLIDING_TIME
+ self._manager = manager
+ self._start = True
+ self._end = False
+ (x, y, width, height) = manager.get_geometry()
+ self._orig_y = y
+ if direction == SlidingHelper.IN:
+ self._target_y = y
+ manager.set_geometry(x, y - height, width, height)
+ else:
+ self._target_y = y - height
+ def get_direction(self):
+ return self._direction
+ def is_start(self):
+ return self._start
+ def is_end(self):
+ return self._end
+ def get_next_y(self):
+ self._start = False
+ (x, y, width, height) = self._manager.get_geometry()
+ old_time = self._cur_time
+ self._cur_time = time.time()
+ remaining = self._target_time - self._cur_time
+ if remaining <= 0:
+ self._end = True
+ y = self._orig_y
+ else:
+ approx_time_step = float(self._cur_time - old_time)
+ approx_n_steps = remaining / approx_time_step
+ step = (self._target_y - y) / approx_n_steps
+ y += step
+ return y
class WindowManager:
__managers_list = []
- CENTER = 0
- LEFT = 1
- RIGHT = 2
- TOP = 3
- BOTTOM = 4
def __init__(self, window):
self._window = window
- self._sliding_pos = 0
+ self._window_type = WindowManager.TYPE_ACTIVITY
+ self._animation = WindowManager.ANIMATION_NONE
+ self._key = 0
+ self._animating = False
- WindowManager.__managers_list.append(self)
window.connect("key-press-event", self.__key_press_event_cb)
+ WindowManager.__managers_list.append(self)
def __key_press_event_cb(self, window, event):
- manager = None
- if event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Left and \
- event.state & gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK:
- for wm in WindowManager.__managers_list:
- if wm._position == WindowManager.LEFT:
- manager = wm
- if event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Up and \
- event.state & gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK:
- for wm in WindowManager.__managers_list:
- if wm._position == WindowManager.TOP:
- manager = wm
- if event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Down and \
- event.state & gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK:
- for wm in WindowManager.__managers_list:
- if wm._position == WindowManager.BOTTOM:
- manager = wm
- if manager and manager._window.get_property('visible'):
- manager.slide_window_out()
- elif manager:
- manager.slide_window_in()
+ # FIXME we should fix this to work also while animating
+ if self._animating:
+ return False
- def set_width(self, width, width_type):
+ for manager in WindowManager.__managers_list:
+ if event.keyval == manager._key:
+ if manager._window.get_property('visible'):
+ manager.hide()
+ else:
+ manager.show()
+ def get_geometry(self):
+ return (self._x, self._y, self._width, self._height)
+ def set_geometry(self, x, y, width, height):
+ if self._window_type == WindowManager.TYPE_ACTIVITY:
+ logging.error('The geometry will be ignored for activity windows')
+ self._x = x
+ self._y = y
self._width = width
- self._width_type = width_type
- def set_height(self, height, height_type):
self._height = height
- self._height_type = height_type
+ def set_animation(self, animation):
+ self._animation = animation
- def set_position(self, position):
- self._position = position
+ def set_type(self, window_type):
+ self._window_type = window_type
- def _update_size(self):
- screen_width = self._window.get_screen().get_width()
- screen_height = self._window.get_screen().get_height()
- if self._width_type is WindowManager.ABSOLUTE:
- width = self._width
- elif self._width_type is WindowManager.SCREEN_RELATIVE:
- width = int(screen_width * self._width)
- if self._height_type is WindowManager.ABSOLUTE:
- height = self._height
- elif self._height_type is WindowManager.SCREEN_RELATIVE:
- height = int(screen_height * self._height)
- self._real_width = width
- self._real_height = height
- self._window.set_size_request(self._real_width,
- self._real_height)
+ def set_key(self, key):
+ self._key = key
- def _update_position(self):
- screen_width = self._window.get_screen().get_width()
- screen_height = self._window.get_screen().get_height()
+ def show(self):
+ self._update_hints()
+ self._update_size()
+ if self._animation == WindowManager.ANIMATION_SLIDE_IN:
+ self._slide_in()
+ else:
+ self._update_position()
+ self._window.show()
+ def hide(self):
+ if self._animation == WindowManager.ANIMATION_SLIDE_IN:
+ self._slide_out()
+ else:
+ self._window.hide()
+ def _get_screen_dimensions(self):
+ screen_width = DEFAULT_WIDTH
+ screen_height = DEFAULT_HEIGHT
- width = self._real_width
- height = self._real_height
+ for manager in WindowManager.__managers_list:
+ if manager._window_type == WindowManager.TYPE_ACTIVITY:
+ screen_width = manager._window.allocation.width
+ screen_height = manager._window.allocation.height
- if self._position is WindowManager.CENTER:
- self._x = int((screen_width - width) / 2)
- self._y = int((screen_height - height) / 2)
- elif self._position is WindowManager.LEFT:
- self._x = - int((1.0 - self._sliding_pos) * width)
- self._y = int((screen_height - height) / 2)
- elif self._position is WindowManager.TOP:
- self._x = int(screen_width - width - 10)
- self._y = - int((1.0 - self._sliding_pos) * height)
- elif self._position is WindowManager.BOTTOM:
- self._x = int((screen_width - width) / 2)
- self._y = screen_height - int(self._sliding_pos * height)
- self._window.move(self._x, self._y)
+ return (screen_width, screen_height)
- def __slide_in_timeout_cb(self):
- if self._sliding_pos == 0:
- self._window.show()
+ def _get_screen_position(self):
+ result = (0, 0)
+ for manager in WindowManager.__managers_list:
+ if manager._window_type == WindowManager.TYPE_ACTIVITY:
+ result = manager._window.get_position()
+ return result
- space_to_go = 1.0 - self._sliding_pos
- self._sliding_pos += (space_to_go / 2)
- else:
- self._sliding_pos += SLIDING_STEP
+ def _transform_position(self):
+ (screen_width, screen_height) = self._get_screen_dimensions()
+ (screen_x, screen_y) = self._get_screen_position()
+ x = int(screen_width * self._x) + screen_x
+ y = int(screen_height * self._y) + screen_y
+ return (x, y)
- if self._sliding_pos > .999:
- self._sliding_pos = 1.0
+ def _transform_dimensions(self):
+ (screen_width, screen_height) = self._get_screen_dimensions()
+ width = int(screen_width * self._width)
+ height = int(screen_height * self._height)
+ return (width, height)
- self._update_position()
+ def _update_hints(self):
+ if self._window_type == WindowManager.TYPE_POPUP:
+ self._window.set_decorated(False)
+ self._window.set_skip_taskbar_hint(True)
- if self._sliding_pos == 1.0:
- return False
+ def _update_size(self):
+ if self._window_type == WindowManager.TYPE_ACTIVITY:
+ self._window.resize(DEFAULT_WIDTH, DEFAULT_HEIGHT)
- return True
+ (width, height) = self._transform_dimensions()
+ self._window.resize(width, height)
- def __slide_out_timeout_cb(self):
- space_to_go = self._sliding_pos
- self._sliding_pos -= (space_to_go / 2)
- else:
- self._sliding_pos -= SLIDING_STEP
+ def _update_position(self):
+ if self._window_type == WindowManager.TYPE_POPUP:
+ (x, y) = self._transform_position()
+ self._window.move(x, y)
- if self._sliding_pos < .001:
- self._sliding_pos = 0
+ def __slide_timeout_cb(self, helper):
+ start = helper.is_start()
+ self._y = helper.get_next_y()
- if self._sliding_pos == 0:
+ if start and helper.get_direction() == SlidingHelper.IN:
+ self._window.show()
+ elif helper.is_end() and helper.get_direction() == SlidingHelper.OUT:
- return False
- else:
- return True
- def slide_window_in(self):
- self._sliding_pos = 0
- gobject.timeout_add(SLIDING_TIMEOUT, self.__slide_in_timeout_cb)
- def slide_window_out(self):
- self._sliding_pos = 1.0
- gobject.timeout_add(SLIDING_TIMEOUT, self.__slide_out_timeout_cb)
- def show(self):
- self._window.show()
+ self._animating = not helper.is_end()
+ return not helper.is_end()
- def update(self):
- self._update_position()
- def manage(self):
- self._update_size()
- self._update_position()
+ def _slide_in(self):
+ helper = SlidingHelper(self, SlidingHelper.IN)
+ gobject.idle_add(self.__slide_timeout_cb, helper)
+ def _slide_out(self):
+ helper = SlidingHelper(self, SlidingHelper.OUT)
+ gobject.idle_add(self.__slide_timeout_cb, helper)
diff --git a/shell/session/session.py b/shell/session/session.py
index 1b5bec6..d996aa7 100644
--- a/shell/session/session.py
+++ b/shell/session/session.py
@@ -6,9 +6,11 @@ import pygtk
import gtk
-from shell import Shell
+from sugar.activity import Activity
from sugar import env
+from Shell import Shell
class Session:
def __init__(self):
self._activity_processes = {}
@@ -42,20 +44,21 @@ class Session:
def _run_activity(self, activity_dir):
- activities = []
for filename in os.listdir(activity_dir):
if filename.endswith(".activity"):
path = os.path.join(activity_dir, filename)
cp = ConfigParser()
- python_class = cp.get('Activity', "python_class")
- activities.append(python_class)
- for activity in activities:
- args = [ 'python', '-m', activity ]
- pid = os.spawnvp(os.P_NOWAIT, 'python', args)
- self._activity_processes[activity] = pid
+ activity_name = cp.get('Activity', "name")
+ activity_class = cp.get('Activity', "class")
+ args = [ 'python', '-m', 'sugar/activity/Activity' ]
+ args.append(activity_name)
+ args.append(activity_class)
+ pid = os.spawnvp(os.P_NOWAIT, 'python', args)
+ self._activity_processes[activity_name] = pid
def _shell_close_cb(self, shell):