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path: root/src/view/home/activitiesdonut.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/view/home/activitiesdonut.py')
1 files changed, 556 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/view/home/activitiesdonut.py b/src/view/home/activitiesdonut.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8e09006
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/view/home/activitiesdonut.py
@@ -0,0 +1,556 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Red Hat, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+import colorsys
+from gettext import gettext as _
+import logging
+import math
+import os
+import hippo
+import gobject
+import gtk
+from sugar.graphics.icon import CanvasIcon
+from sugar.graphics.menuitem import MenuItem
+from sugar.graphics.palette import Palette
+from sugar.graphics import style
+from sugar.graphics import xocolor
+from sugar import profile
+import proc_smaps
+_DONUT_SIZE = style.zoom(450)
+# TODO: rgb_to_html and html_to_rgb are useful elsewhere
+# we should put this in a common module
+def rgb_to_html(r, g, b):
+ """ (r, g, b) tuple (in float format) -> #RRGGBB """
+ return '#%02x%02x%02x' % (int(r * 255), int(g * 255), int(b * 255))
+def html_to_rgb(html_color):
+ """ #RRGGBB -> (r, g, b) tuple (in float format) """
+ html_color = html_color.strip()
+ if html_color[0] == '#':
+ html_color = html_color[1:]
+ if len(html_color) != 6:
+ raise ValueError, "input #%s is not in #RRGGBB format" % html_color
+ r, g, b = html_color[:2], html_color[2:4], html_color[4:]
+ r, g, b = [int(n, 16) for n in (r, g, b)]
+ r, g, b = (r / 255.0, g / 255.0, b / 255.0)
+ return (r, g, b)
+class ActivityIcon(CanvasIcon):
+ _INTERVAL = 200
+ __gsignals__ = {
+ 'resume': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,
+ gobject.TYPE_NONE, ([])),
+ 'stop': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,
+ gobject.TYPE_NONE, ([]))
+ }
+ def __init__(self, activity):
+ self._orig_color = activity.get_icon_color()
+ self._icon_colors = self._compute_icon_colors()
+ self._direction = 0
+ self._level_max = len(self._icon_colors) - 1
+ self._level = self._level_max
+ color = self._icon_colors[self._level]
+ CanvasIcon.__init__(self, xo_color=color, cache=True,
+ size=style.MEDIUM_ICON_SIZE)
+ icon_path = activity.get_icon_path()
+ if icon_path:
+ self.props.file_name = icon_path
+ else:
+ self.props.icon_name = 'image-missing'
+ self._activity = activity
+ self._pulse_id = 0
+ self.size = _MIN_WEDGE_SIZE
+ palette = Palette(_('Starting...'))
+ self.set_palette(palette)
+ if activity.props.launching:
+ self._start_pulsing()
+ activity.connect('notify::launching', self._launching_changed_cb)
+ else:
+ self._setup_palette()
+ def _setup_palette(self):
+ palette = self.get_palette()
+ palette.set_primary_text(self._activity.get_title())
+ resume_menu_item = MenuItem(_('Resume'), 'activity-start')
+ resume_menu_item.connect('activate', self._resume_activate_cb)
+ palette.menu.append(resume_menu_item)
+ resume_menu_item.show()
+ # FIXME: kludge
+ if self._activity.get_type() != "org.laptop.JournalActivity":
+ stop_menu_item = MenuItem(_('Stop'), 'activity-stop')
+ stop_menu_item.connect('activate', self._stop_activate_cb)
+ palette.menu.append(stop_menu_item)
+ stop_menu_item.show()
+ def _launching_changed_cb(self, activity, pspec):
+ if not activity.props.launching:
+ self._stop_pulsing()
+ self._setup_palette()
+ def __del__(self):
+ self._cleanup()
+ def _cleanup(self):
+ if self._pulse_id:
+ gobject.source_remove(self._pulse_id)
+ self._pulse_id = 0
+ def _compute_icon_colors(self):
+ _LEVEL_MAX = 1.6
+ _LEVEL_STEP = 0.16
+ _LEVEL_MIN = 0.0
+ icon_colors = {}
+ level = _LEVEL_MIN
+ for i in range(0, int(_LEVEL_MAX / _LEVEL_STEP)):
+ icon_colors[i] = self._get_icon_color_for_level(level)
+ level += _LEVEL_STEP
+ return icon_colors
+ def _get_icon_color_for_level(self, level):
+ factor = math.sin(level)
+ h, s, v = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(*html_to_rgb(self._orig_color.get_fill_color()))
+ new_fill = rgb_to_html(*colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(h, s * factor, v))
+ h, s, v = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(*html_to_rgb(self._orig_color.get_stroke_color()))
+ new_stroke = rgb_to_html(*colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(h, s * factor, v))
+ return xocolor.XoColor("%s,%s" % (new_stroke, new_fill))
+ def _pulse_cb(self):
+ if self._direction == 1:
+ self._level += 1
+ if self._level > self._level_max:
+ self._direction = 0
+ self._level = self._level_max
+ elif self._direction == 0:
+ self._level -= 1
+ if self._level <= 0:
+ self._direction = 1
+ self._level = 0
+ self.props.xo_color = self._icon_colors[self._level]
+ self.emit_paint_needed(0, 0, -1, -1)
+ return True
+ def _start_pulsing(self):
+ if self._pulse_id:
+ return
+ self._pulse_id = gobject.timeout_add(self._INTERVAL, self._pulse_cb)
+ def _stop_pulsing(self):
+ if not self._pulse_id:
+ return
+ self._cleanup()
+ self._level = 100.0
+ self.props.xo_color = self._orig_color
+ def _resume_activate_cb(self, menuitem):
+ self.emit('resume')
+ def _stop_activate_cb(self, menuitem):
+ self.emit('stop')
+ def get_activity(self):
+ return self._activity
+class ActivitiesDonut(hippo.CanvasBox, hippo.CanvasItem):
+ __gtype_name__ = 'SugarActivitiesDonut'
+ def __init__(self, shell, **kwargs):
+ hippo.CanvasBox.__init__(self, **kwargs)
+ self._activities = []
+ self._shell = shell
+ self._angles = []
+ self._shell_mappings = proc_smaps.get_shared_mapping_names(os.getpid())
+ self._layout = _Layout()
+ self.set_layout(self._layout)
+ self._model = shell.get_model().get_home()
+ self._model.connect('activity-added', self._activity_added_cb)
+ self._model.connect('activity-removed', self._activity_removed_cb)
+ self._model.connect('pending-activity-changed', self._activity_changed_cb)
+ self.connect('button-release-event', self._button_release_event_cb)
+ def _get_icon_from_activity(self, activity):
+ for icon in self._activities:
+ if icon.get_activity().equals(activity):
+ return icon
+ def _activity_added_cb(self, model, activity):
+ self._add_activity(activity)
+ def _activity_removed_cb(self, model, activity):
+ self._remove_activity(activity)
+ def _activity_changed_cb(self, model, activity):
+ self.emit_paint_needed(0, 0, -1, -1)
+ def _remove_activity(self, activity):
+ icon = self._get_icon_from_activity(activity)
+ if icon:
+ self.remove(icon)
+ icon._cleanup()
+ self._activities.remove(icon)
+ self._compute_angles()
+ def _add_activity(self, activity):
+ icon = ActivityIcon(activity)
+ icon.connect('resume', self._activity_icon_resumed_cb)
+ icon.connect('stop', self._activity_icon_stop_cb)
+ self.append(icon, hippo.PACK_FIXED)
+ self._activities.append(icon)
+ self._compute_angles()
+ def _activity_icon_resumed_cb(self, icon):
+ activity = icon.get_activity()
+ activity_host = self._shell.get_activity(activity.get_activity_id())
+ if activity_host:
+ activity_host.present()
+ else:
+ logging.error("Could not find ActivityHost for activity %s" %
+ activity.get_activity_id())
+ def _activity_icon_stop_cb(self, icon):
+ activity = icon.get_activity()
+ activity_host = self._shell.get_activity(activity.get_activity_id())
+ if activity_host:
+ activity_host.close()
+ else:
+ logging.error("Could not find ActivityHost for activity %s" %
+ activity.get_activity_id())
+ def _get_activity(self, x, y):
+ # Compute the distance from the center.
+ [width, height] = self.get_allocation()
+ x -= width / 2
+ y -= height / 2
+ r = math.hypot(x, y)
+ # Ignore the click if it's not inside the donut
+ if r < self._get_inner_radius() or r > self._get_radius():
+ return None
+ # Now figure out where in the donut the click was.
+ angle = math.atan2(-y, -x) + math.pi
+ # Unfortunately, _get_angles() doesn't count from 0 to 2pi, it
+ # counts from roughly pi/2 to roughly 5pi/2. So we have to
+ # compare its return values against both angle and angle+2pi
+ high_angle = angle + 2 * math.pi
+ for index, activity in enumerate(self._model):
+ [angle_start, angle_end] = self._get_angles(index)
+ if angle_start < angle and angle_end > angle:
+ return activity
+ elif angle_start < high_angle and angle_end > high_angle:
+ return activity
+ return None
+ def _button_release_event_cb(self, item, event):
+ activity = self._get_activity(event.x, event.y)
+ if activity is None:
+ return False
+ activity_host = self._shell.get_activity(activity.get_activity_id())
+ if activity_host:
+ activity_host.present()
+ return True
+ def _set_fixed_arc_size(self):
+ """Set fixed arc size"""
+ n = len(self._activities)
+ size = 1.0 / n
+ else:
+ size = 1.0 / _MAX_ACTIVITIES
+ for act in self._activities:
+ act.size = size
+ def _update_activity_sizes(self):
+ """Currently the size of an activity on the donut does not
+ represent it's memory usage. This is disabled because it was
+ either not working perfectly or a little confusing. See #3605"""
+ self._set_fixed_arc_size()
+ return
+ # Get the memory mappings of each process that hosts an
+ # activity, and count how many activity instances each
+ # activity process hosts, and how many processes are mapping
+ # each shared library, etc
+ process_mappings = {}
+ num_activities = {}
+ num_mappings = {}
+ unknown_size_activities = 0
+ for activity in self._model:
+ pid = activity.get_pid()
+ if not pid:
+ # Still starting up, hasn't opened a window yet
+ unknown_size_activities += 1
+ continue
+ if num_activities.has_key(pid):
+ num_activities[pid] += 1
+ continue
+ try:
+ mappings = proc_smaps.get_mappings(pid, self._shell_mappings)
+ for mapping in mappings:
+ if mapping.shared > 0:
+ if num_mappings.has_key(mapping.name):
+ num_mappings[mapping.name] += 1
+ else:
+ num_mappings[mapping.name] = 1
+ process_mappings[pid] = mappings
+ num_activities[pid] = 1
+ except Exception, e:
+ logging.warn('ActivitiesDonut: could not read /proc/%s/smaps: %r'
+ % (pid, e))
+ # Compute total memory used per process
+ process_size = {}
+ total_activity_size = 0
+ for activity in self._model:
+ pid = activity.get_pid()
+ if not process_mappings.has_key(pid):
+ continue
+ mappings = process_mappings[pid]
+ size = 0
+ for mapping in mappings:
+ size += mapping.private
+ if mapping.shared > 0:
+ num = num_mappings[mapping.name]
+ size += mapping.shared / num
+ process_size[pid] = size
+ total_activity_size += size / num_activities[pid]
+ # Now, see how much free memory is left.
+ free_memory = 0
+ try:
+ meminfo = open('/proc/meminfo')
+ for line in meminfo.readlines():
+ if line.startswith('MemFree:') or line.startswith('SwapFree:'):
+ free_memory += int(line[9:-3])
+ meminfo.close()
+ except IOError:
+ logging.warn('ActivitiesDonut: could not read /proc/meminfo')
+ except (IndexError, ValueError):
+ logging.warn('ActivitiesDonut: /proc/meminfo was not in ' +
+ 'expected format')
+ total_memory = float(total_activity_size + free_memory)
+ # Each activity has an ideal size of:
+ # process_size[pid] / num_activities[pid] / total_memory
+ # (And the free memory wedge is ideally free_memory /
+ # total_memory) However, no activity wedge is allowed to be
+ # smaller than _MIN_WEDGE_SIZE. This means the small
+ # activities will use up extra space, which would make the
+ # ring overflow. We fix that by reducing the large activities
+ # and the free space proportionately. If there are activities
+ # of unknown size, they are simply carved out of the free
+ # space.
+ free_percent = free_memory / total_memory
+ activity_sizes = []
+ overflow = 0.0
+ reducible = free_percent
+ for icon in self._activities:
+ pid = icon.get_activity().get_pid()
+ if process_size.has_key(pid):
+ icon.size = (process_size[pid] / num_activities[pid] /
+ total_memory)
+ if icon.size < _MIN_WEDGE_SIZE:
+ overflow += _MIN_WEDGE_SIZE - icon.size
+ icon.size = _MIN_WEDGE_SIZE
+ else:
+ reducible += icon.size - _MIN_WEDGE_SIZE
+ else:
+ icon.size = _MIN_WEDGE_SIZE
+ if reducible > 0.0:
+ reduction = overflow / reducible
+ if unknown_size_activities > 0:
+ unknown_percent = _MIN_WEDGE_SIZE * unknown_size_activities
+ if (free_percent * (1 - reduction) < unknown_percent):
+ # The free wedge won't be large enough to fit the
+ # unknown-size activities. So adjust things
+ overflow += unknown_percent - free_percent
+ reducible -= free_percent
+ reduction = overflow / reducible
+ if reduction > 0.0:
+ for icon in self._activities:
+ if icon.size > _MIN_WEDGE_SIZE:
+ icon.size -= (icon.size - _MIN_WEDGE_SIZE) * reduction
+ def _compute_angles(self):
+ self._angles = []
+ if len(self._activities) == 0:
+ return
+ # Normally we don't _update_activity_sizes() when launching a
+ # new activity; but if the new wedge would overflow the ring
+ # then we have no choice.
+ total = reduce(lambda s1,s2: s1 + s2,
+ [icon.size for icon in self._activities])
+ if total > 1.0:
+ self._update_activity_sizes()
+ # The first wedge (Journal) should be centered at 6 o'clock
+ size = self._activities[0].size or _MIN_WEDGE_SIZE
+ angle = (math.pi - size * 2 * math.pi) / 2
+ self._angles.append(angle)
+ for icon in self._activities:
+ size = icon.size or _MIN_WEDGE_SIZE
+ self._angles.append(self._angles[-1] + size * 2 * math.pi)
+ def redraw(self):
+ self._update_activity_sizes()
+ self._compute_angles()
+ self.emit_request_changed()
+ def _get_angles(self, index):
+ return [self._angles[index],
+ self._angles[(index + 1) % len(self._angles)]]
+ def _get_radius(self):
+ [width, height] = self.get_allocation()
+ return min(width, height) / 2
+ def _get_inner_radius(self):
+ return self._get_radius() * 0.5
+ def do_paint_below_children(self, cr, damaged_box):
+ [width, height] = self.get_allocation()
+ cr.translate(width / 2, height / 2)
+ radius = self._get_radius()
+ # Outer Ring
+ cr.set_source_rgb(0xf1 / 255.0, 0xf1 / 255.0, 0xf1 / 255.0)
+ cr.arc(0, 0, radius, 0, 2 * math.pi)
+ cr.fill()
+ # Selected Wedge
+ current_activity = self._model.get_pending_activity()
+ if current_activity is not None:
+ selected_index = self._model.index(current_activity)
+ [angle_start, angle_end] = self._get_angles(selected_index)
+ cr.new_path()
+ cr.move_to(0, 0)
+ cr.line_to(radius * math.cos(angle_start),
+ radius * math.sin(angle_start))
+ cr.arc(0, 0, radius, angle_start, angle_end)
+ cr.line_to(0, 0)
+ cr.set_source_rgb(1, 1, 1)
+ cr.fill()
+ # Edges
+ if len(self._model):
+ n_edges = len(self._model) + 1
+ else:
+ n_edges = 0
+ for i in range(0, n_edges):
+ cr.new_path()
+ cr.move_to(0, 0)
+ [angle, unused_angle] = self._get_angles(i)
+ cr.line_to(radius * math.cos(angle),
+ radius * math.sin(angle))
+ cr.set_source_rgb(0xe2 / 255.0, 0xe2 / 255.0, 0xe2 / 255.0)
+ cr.set_line_width(4)
+ cr.stroke_preserve()
+ # Inner Ring
+ cr.new_path()
+ cr.arc(0, 0, self._get_inner_radius(), 0, 2 * math.pi)
+ cr.set_source_rgb(0xe2 / 255.0, 0xe2 / 255.0, 0xe2 / 255.0)
+ cr.fill()
+ def do_allocate(self, width, height, origin_changed):
+ hippo.CanvasBox.do_allocate(self, width, height, origin_changed)
+ radius = (self._get_inner_radius() + self._get_radius()) / 2
+ for i, icon in enumerate(self._activities):
+ [angle_start, angle_end] = self._get_angles(i)
+ angle = angle_start + (angle_end - angle_start) / 2
+ [icon_width, icon_height] = icon.get_allocation()
+ x = int(radius * math.cos(angle)) - icon_width / 2
+ y = int(radius * math.sin(angle)) - icon_height / 2
+ self.set_position(icon, x + width / 2, y + height / 2)
+class _Layout(gobject.GObject,hippo.CanvasLayout):
+ __gtype_name__ = 'SugarDonutLayout'
+ def __init__(self):
+ gobject.GObject.__init__(self)
+ def do_set_box(self, box):
+ self._box = box
+ def do_get_height_request(self, for_width):
+ def do_get_width_request(self):
+ def do_allocate(self, x, y, width, height,
+ req_width, req_height, origin_changed):
+ for child in self._box.get_layout_children():
+ min_width, child_width = child.get_width_request()
+ min_height, child_height = child.get_height_request(child_width)
+ [angle_start, angle_end] = self._box._get_angles(i)
+ angle = angle_start + (angle_end - angle_start) / 2
+ x = int(radius * math.cos(angle)) - icon_width / 2
+ y = int(radius * math.sin(angle)) - icon_height / 2
+ child.allocate(x + (width - child_width) / 2,
+ y + (height - child_height) / 2,
+ icon_width, icon_height, origin_changed)