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path: root/buildbot/buildbot/master.py
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authorSascha Silbe <sascha-org-sugar-git@silbe.org>2009-03-20 21:08:09 (GMT)
committer Sascha Silbe <sascha-org-sugar-git@silbe.org>2009-03-20 21:08:09 (GMT)
commite531658c078f58a0499de629eb1b6c950b969261 (patch)
treea1cdcf4c8d80305f7e11ea17e0942d50da371ed4 /buildbot/buildbot/master.py
parentbf3828896306f11454501db8acdba33aff6a1ae0 (diff)
use sugar-jhbuild to build buildbot instead of including it directly in the tree, so "sugar-jhbuild bot --setup" works
Diffstat (limited to 'buildbot/buildbot/master.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 965 deletions
diff --git a/buildbot/buildbot/master.py b/buildbot/buildbot/master.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a07c0b..0000000
--- a/buildbot/buildbot/master.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,965 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: buildbot.test.test_run -*-
-import os
-signal = None
- import signal
-except ImportError:
- pass
-from cPickle import load
-import warnings
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.python import log, components
-from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
-from twisted.spread import pb
-from twisted.cred import portal, checkers
-from twisted.application import service, strports
-from twisted.persisted import styles
-import buildbot
-# sibling imports
-from buildbot.util import now
-from buildbot.pbutil import NewCredPerspective
-from buildbot.process.builder import Builder, IDLE
-from buildbot.process.base import BuildRequest
-from buildbot.status.builder import Status
-from buildbot.changes.changes import Change, ChangeMaster, TestChangeMaster
-from buildbot.sourcestamp import SourceStamp
-from buildbot.buildslave import BuildSlave
-from buildbot import interfaces, locks
-from buildbot.process.properties import Properties
-class BotMaster(service.MultiService):
- """This is the master-side service which manages remote buildbot slaves.
- It provides them with BuildSlaves, and distributes file change
- notification messages to them.
- """
- debug = 0
- def __init__(self):
- service.MultiService.__init__(self)
- self.builders = {}
- self.builderNames = []
- # builders maps Builder names to instances of bb.p.builder.Builder,
- # which is the master-side object that defines and controls a build.
- # They are added by calling botmaster.addBuilder() from the startup
- # code.
- # self.slaves contains a ready BuildSlave instance for each
- # potential buildslave, i.e. all the ones listed in the config file.
- # If the slave is connected, self.slaves[slavename].slave will
- # contain a RemoteReference to their Bot instance. If it is not
- # connected, that attribute will hold None.
- self.slaves = {} # maps slavename to BuildSlave
- self.statusClientService = None
- self.watchers = {}
- # self.locks holds the real Lock instances
- self.locks = {}
- # self.mergeRequests is the callable override for merging build
- # requests
- self.mergeRequests = None
- # these four are convenience functions for testing
- def waitUntilBuilderAttached(self, name):
- b = self.builders[name]
- #if b.slaves:
- # return defer.succeed(None)
- d = defer.Deferred()
- b.watchers['attach'].append(d)
- return d
- def waitUntilBuilderDetached(self, name):
- b = self.builders.get(name)
- if not b or not b.slaves:
- return defer.succeed(None)
- d = defer.Deferred()
- b.watchers['detach'].append(d)
- return d
- def waitUntilBuilderFullyDetached(self, name):
- b = self.builders.get(name)
- # TODO: this looks too deeply inside the Builder object
- if not b or not b.slaves:
- return defer.succeed(None)
- d = defer.Deferred()
- b.watchers['detach_all'].append(d)
- return d
- def waitUntilBuilderIdle(self, name):
- b = self.builders[name]
- # TODO: this looks way too deeply inside the Builder object
- for sb in b.slaves:
- if sb.state != IDLE:
- d = defer.Deferred()
- b.watchers['idle'].append(d)
- return d
- return defer.succeed(None)
- def loadConfig_Slaves(self, new_slaves):
- old_slaves = [c for c in list(self)
- if interfaces.IBuildSlave.providedBy(c)]
- # identify added/removed slaves. For each slave we construct a tuple
- # of (name, password, class), and we consider the slave to be already
- # present if the tuples match. (we include the class to make sure
- # that BuildSlave(name,pw) is different than
- # SubclassOfBuildSlave(name,pw) ). If the password or class has
- # changed, we will remove the old version of the slave and replace it
- # with a new one. If anything else has changed, we just update the
- # old BuildSlave instance in place. If the name has changed, of
- # course, it looks exactly the same as deleting one slave and adding
- # an unrelated one.
- old_t = {}
- for s in old_slaves:
- old_t[(s.slavename, s.password, s.__class__)] = s
- new_t = {}
- for s in new_slaves:
- new_t[(s.slavename, s.password, s.__class__)] = s
- removed = [old_t[t]
- for t in old_t
- if t not in new_t]
- added = [new_t[t]
- for t in new_t
- if t not in old_t]
- remaining_t = [t
- for t in new_t
- if t in old_t]
- # removeSlave will hang up on the old bot
- dl = []
- for s in removed:
- dl.append(self.removeSlave(s))
- d = defer.DeferredList(dl, fireOnOneErrback=True)
- def _add(res):
- for s in added:
- self.addSlave(s)
- for t in remaining_t:
- old_t[t].update(new_t[t])
- d.addCallback(_add)
- return d
- def addSlave(self, s):
- s.setServiceParent(self)
- s.setBotmaster(self)
- self.slaves[s.slavename] = s
- def removeSlave(self, s):
- # TODO: technically, disownServiceParent could return a Deferred
- s.disownServiceParent()
- d = self.slaves[s.slavename].disconnect()
- del self.slaves[s.slavename]
- return d
- def slaveLost(self, bot):
- for name, b in self.builders.items():
- if bot.slavename in b.slavenames:
- b.detached(bot)
- def getBuildersForSlave(self, slavename):
- return [b
- for b in self.builders.values()
- if slavename in b.slavenames]
- def getBuildernames(self):
- return self.builderNames
- def getBuilders(self):
- allBuilders = [self.builders[name] for name in self.builderNames]
- return allBuilders
- def setBuilders(self, builders):
- self.builders = {}
- self.builderNames = []
- for b in builders:
- for slavename in b.slavenames:
- # this is actually validated earlier
- assert slavename in self.slaves
- self.builders[b.name] = b
- self.builderNames.append(b.name)
- b.setBotmaster(self)
- d = self._updateAllSlaves()
- return d
- def _updateAllSlaves(self):
- """Notify all buildslaves about changes in their Builders."""
- dl = [s.updateSlave() for s in self.slaves.values()]
- return defer.DeferredList(dl)
- def maybeStartAllBuilds(self):
- builders = self.builders.values()
- def _sortfunc(b1, b2):
- t1 = b1.getOldestRequestTime()
- t2 = b2.getOldestRequestTime()
- # If t1 or t2 is None, then there are no build requests,
- # so sort it at the end
- if t1 is None:
- return 1
- if t2 is None:
- return -1
- return cmp(t1, t2)
- builders.sort(cmp=_sortfunc)
- for b in builders:
- b.maybeStartBuild()
- def shouldMergeRequests(self, builder, req1, req2):
- """Determine whether two BuildRequests should be merged for
- the given builder.
- """
- if self.mergeRequests is not None:
- return self.mergeRequests(builder, req1, req2)
- return req1.canBeMergedWith(req2)
- def getPerspective(self, slavename):
- return self.slaves[slavename]
- def shutdownSlaves(self):
- # TODO: make this into a bot method rather than a builder method
- for b in self.slaves.values():
- b.shutdownSlave()
- def stopService(self):
- for b in self.builders.values():
- b.builder_status.addPointEvent(["master", "shutdown"])
- b.builder_status.saveYourself()
- return service.Service.stopService(self)
- def getLockByID(self, lockid):
- """Convert a Lock identifier into an actual Lock instance.
- @param lockid: a locks.MasterLock or locks.SlaveLock instance
- @return: a locks.RealMasterLock or locks.RealSlaveLock instance
- """
- assert isinstance(lockid, (locks.MasterLock, locks.SlaveLock))
- if not lockid in self.locks:
- self.locks[lockid] = lockid.lockClass(lockid)
- # if the master.cfg file has changed maxCount= on the lock, the next
- # time a build is started, they'll get a new RealLock instance. Note
- # that this requires that MasterLock and SlaveLock (marker) instances
- # be hashable and that they should compare properly.
- return self.locks[lockid]
-class DebugPerspective(NewCredPerspective):
- def attached(self, mind):
- return self
- def detached(self, mind):
- pass
- def perspective_requestBuild(self, buildername, reason, branch, revision, properties={}):
- c = interfaces.IControl(self.master)
- bc = c.getBuilder(buildername)
- ss = SourceStamp(branch, revision)
- bpr = Properties()
- bpr.update(properties, "remote requestBuild")
- br = BuildRequest(reason, ss, builderName=buildername, properties=bpr)
- bc.requestBuild(br)
- def perspective_pingBuilder(self, buildername):
- c = interfaces.IControl(self.master)
- bc = c.getBuilder(buildername)
- bc.ping()
- def perspective_fakeChange(self, file, revision=None, who="fakeUser",
- branch=None):
- change = Change(who, [file], "some fake comments\n",
- branch=branch, revision=revision)
- c = interfaces.IControl(self.master)
- c.addChange(change)
- def perspective_setCurrentState(self, buildername, state):
- builder = self.botmaster.builders.get(buildername)
- if not builder: return
- if state == "offline":
- builder.statusbag.currentlyOffline()
- if state == "idle":
- builder.statusbag.currentlyIdle()
- if state == "waiting":
- builder.statusbag.currentlyWaiting(now()+10)
- if state == "building":
- builder.statusbag.currentlyBuilding(None)
- def perspective_reload(self):
- print "doing reload of the config file"
- self.master.loadTheConfigFile()
- def perspective_pokeIRC(self):
- print "saying something on IRC"
- from buildbot.status import words
- for s in self.master:
- if isinstance(s, words.IRC):
- bot = s.f
- for channel in bot.channels:
- print " channel", channel
- bot.p.msg(channel, "Ow, quit it")
- def perspective_print(self, msg):
- print "debug", msg
-class Dispatcher(styles.Versioned):
- implements(portal.IRealm)
- persistenceVersion = 2
- def __init__(self):
- self.names = {}
- def upgradeToVersion1(self):
- self.master = self.botmaster.parent
- def upgradeToVersion2(self):
- self.names = {}
- def register(self, name, afactory):
- self.names[name] = afactory
- def unregister(self, name):
- del self.names[name]
- def requestAvatar(self, avatarID, mind, interface):
- assert interface == pb.IPerspective
- afactory = self.names.get(avatarID)
- if afactory:
- p = afactory.getPerspective()
- elif avatarID == "debug":
- p = DebugPerspective()
- p.master = self.master
- p.botmaster = self.botmaster
- elif avatarID == "statusClient":
- p = self.statusClientService.getPerspective()
- else:
- # it must be one of the buildslaves: no other names will make it
- # past the checker
- p = self.botmaster.getPerspective(avatarID)
- if not p:
- raise ValueError("no perspective for '%s'" % avatarID)
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(p.attached, mind)
- d.addCallback(self._avatarAttached, mind)
- return d
- def _avatarAttached(self, p, mind):
- return (pb.IPerspective, p, lambda p=p,mind=mind: p.detached(mind))
-# service hierarchy:
-# BuildMaster
-# BotMaster
-# ChangeMaster
-# all IChangeSource objects
-# StatusClientService
-# TCPClient(self.ircFactory)
-# TCPServer(self.slaveFactory) -> dispatcher.requestAvatar
-# TCPServer(self.site)
-# UNIXServer(ResourcePublisher(self.site))
-class BuildMaster(service.MultiService, styles.Versioned):
- debug = 0
- persistenceVersion = 3
- manhole = None
- debugPassword = None
- projectName = "(unspecified)"
- projectURL = None
- buildbotURL = None
- change_svc = None
- properties = Properties()
- def __init__(self, basedir, configFileName="master.cfg"):
- service.MultiService.__init__(self)
- self.setName("buildmaster")
- self.basedir = basedir
- self.configFileName = configFileName
- # the dispatcher is the realm in which all inbound connections are
- # looked up: slave builders, change notifications, status clients, and
- # the debug port
- dispatcher = Dispatcher()
- dispatcher.master = self
- self.dispatcher = dispatcher
- self.checker = checkers.InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse()
- # the checker starts with no user/passwd pairs: they are added later
- p = portal.Portal(dispatcher)
- p.registerChecker(self.checker)
- self.slaveFactory = pb.PBServerFactory(p)
- self.slaveFactory.unsafeTracebacks = True # let them see exceptions
- self.slavePortnum = None
- self.slavePort = None
- self.botmaster = BotMaster()
- self.botmaster.setName("botmaster")
- self.botmaster.setServiceParent(self)
- dispatcher.botmaster = self.botmaster
- self.status = Status(self.botmaster, self.basedir)
- self.statusTargets = []
- # this ChangeMaster is a dummy, only used by tests. In the real
- # buildmaster, where the BuildMaster instance is activated
- # (startService is called) by twistd, this attribute is overwritten.
- self.useChanges(TestChangeMaster())
- self.readConfig = False
- def upgradeToVersion1(self):
- self.dispatcher = self.slaveFactory.root.portal.realm
- def upgradeToVersion2(self): # post-0.4.3
- self.webServer = self.webTCPPort
- del self.webTCPPort
- self.webDistribServer = self.webUNIXPort
- del self.webUNIXPort
- self.configFileName = "master.cfg"
- def upgradeToVersion3(self):
- # post 0.6.3, solely to deal with the 0.6.3 breakage. Starting with
- # 0.6.5 I intend to do away with .tap files altogether
- self.services = []
- self.namedServices = {}
- del self.change_svc
- def startService(self):
- service.MultiService.startService(self)
- self.loadChanges() # must be done before loading the config file
- if not self.readConfig:
- # TODO: consider catching exceptions during this call to
- # loadTheConfigFile and bailing (reactor.stop) if it fails,
- # since without a config file we can't do anything except reload
- # the config file, and it would be nice for the user to discover
- # this quickly.
- self.loadTheConfigFile()
- if signal and hasattr(signal, "SIGHUP"):
- signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, self._handleSIGHUP)
- for b in self.botmaster.builders.values():
- b.builder_status.addPointEvent(["master", "started"])
- b.builder_status.saveYourself()
- def useChanges(self, changes):
- if self.change_svc:
- # TODO: can return a Deferred
- self.change_svc.disownServiceParent()
- self.change_svc = changes
- self.change_svc.basedir = self.basedir
- self.change_svc.setName("changemaster")
- self.dispatcher.changemaster = self.change_svc
- self.change_svc.setServiceParent(self)
- def loadChanges(self):
- filename = os.path.join(self.basedir, "changes.pck")
- try:
- changes = load(open(filename, "rb"))
- styles.doUpgrade()
- except IOError:
- log.msg("changes.pck missing, using new one")
- changes = ChangeMaster()
- except EOFError:
- log.msg("corrupted changes.pck, using new one")
- changes = ChangeMaster()
- self.useChanges(changes)
- def _handleSIGHUP(self, *args):
- reactor.callLater(0, self.loadTheConfigFile)
- def getStatus(self):
- """
- @rtype: L{buildbot.status.builder.Status}
- """
- return self.status
- def loadTheConfigFile(self, configFile=None):
- if not configFile:
- configFile = os.path.join(self.basedir, self.configFileName)
- log.msg("Creating BuildMaster -- buildbot.version: %s" % buildbot.version)
- log.msg("loading configuration from %s" % configFile)
- configFile = os.path.expanduser(configFile)
- try:
- f = open(configFile, "r")
- except IOError, e:
- log.msg("unable to open config file '%s'" % configFile)
- log.msg("leaving old configuration in place")
- log.err(e)
- return
- try:
- self.loadConfig(f)
- except:
- log.msg("error during loadConfig")
- log.err()
- log.msg("The new config file is unusable, so I'll ignore it.")
- log.msg("I will keep using the previous config file instead.")
- f.close()
- def loadConfig(self, f):
- """Internal function to load a specific configuration file. Any
- errors in the file will be signalled by raising an exception.
- @return: a Deferred that will fire (with None) when the configuration
- changes have been completed. This may involve a round-trip to each
- buildslave that was involved."""
- localDict = {'basedir': os.path.expanduser(self.basedir)}
- try:
- exec f in localDict
- except:
- log.msg("error while parsing config file")
- raise
- try:
- config = localDict['BuildmasterConfig']
- except KeyError:
- log.err("missing config dictionary")
- log.err("config file must define BuildmasterConfig")
- raise
- known_keys = ("bots", "slaves",
- "sources", "change_source",
- "schedulers", "builders", "mergeRequests",
- "slavePortnum", "debugPassword", "logCompressionLimit",
- "manhole", "status", "projectName", "projectURL",
- "buildbotURL", "properties"
- )
- for k in config.keys():
- if k not in known_keys:
- log.msg("unknown key '%s' defined in config dictionary" % k)
- try:
- # required
- schedulers = config['schedulers']
- builders = config['builders']
- for k in builders:
- if k['name'].startswith("_"):
- errmsg = ("builder names must not start with an "
- "underscore: " + k['name'])
- log.err(errmsg)
- raise ValueError(errmsg)
- slavePortnum = config['slavePortnum']
- #slaves = config['slaves']
- #change_source = config['change_source']
- # optional
- debugPassword = config.get('debugPassword')
- manhole = config.get('manhole')
- status = config.get('status', [])
- projectName = config.get('projectName')
- projectURL = config.get('projectURL')
- buildbotURL = config.get('buildbotURL')
- properties = config.get('properties', {})
- logCompressionLimit = config.get('logCompressionLimit')
- if logCompressionLimit is not None and not \
- isinstance(logCompressionLimit, int):
- raise ValueError("logCompressionLimit needs to be bool or int")
- mergeRequests = config.get('mergeRequests')
- if mergeRequests is not None and not callable(mergeRequests):
- raise ValueError("mergeRequests must be a callable")
- except KeyError, e:
- log.msg("config dictionary is missing a required parameter")
- log.msg("leaving old configuration in place")
- raise
- #if "bots" in config:
- # raise KeyError("c['bots'] is no longer accepted")
- slaves = config.get('slaves', [])
- if "bots" in config:
- m = ("c['bots'] is deprecated as of 0.7.6 and will be "
- "removed by 0.8.0 . Please use c['slaves'] instead.")
- log.msg(m)
- warnings.warn(m, DeprecationWarning)
- for name, passwd in config['bots']:
- slaves.append(BuildSlave(name, passwd))
- if "bots" not in config and "slaves" not in config:
- log.msg("config dictionary must have either 'bots' or 'slaves'")
- log.msg("leaving old configuration in place")
- raise KeyError("must have either 'bots' or 'slaves'")
- #if "sources" in config:
- # raise KeyError("c['sources'] is no longer accepted")
- change_source = config.get('change_source', [])
- if isinstance(change_source, (list, tuple)):
- change_sources = change_source
- else:
- change_sources = [change_source]
- if "sources" in config:
- m = ("c['sources'] is deprecated as of 0.7.6 and will be "
- "removed by 0.8.0 . Please use c['change_source'] instead.")
- log.msg(m)
- warnings.warn(m, DeprecationWarning)
- for s in config['sources']:
- change_sources.append(s)
- # do some validation first
- for s in slaves:
- assert interfaces.IBuildSlave.providedBy(s)
- if s.slavename in ("debug", "change", "status"):
- raise KeyError(
- "reserved name '%s' used for a bot" % s.slavename)
- if config.has_key('interlocks'):
- raise KeyError("c['interlocks'] is no longer accepted")
- assert isinstance(change_sources, (list, tuple))
- for s in change_sources:
- assert interfaces.IChangeSource(s, None)
- # this assertion catches c['schedulers'] = Scheduler(), since
- # Schedulers are service.MultiServices and thus iterable.
- errmsg = "c['schedulers'] must be a list of Scheduler instances"
- assert isinstance(schedulers, (list, tuple)), errmsg
- for s in schedulers:
- assert interfaces.IScheduler(s, None), errmsg
- assert isinstance(status, (list, tuple))
- for s in status:
- assert interfaces.IStatusReceiver(s, None)
- slavenames = [s.slavename for s in slaves]
- buildernames = []
- dirnames = []
- for b in builders:
- if type(b) is tuple:
- raise ValueError("builder %s must be defined with a dict, "
- "not a tuple" % b[0])
- if b.has_key('slavename') and b['slavename'] not in slavenames:
- raise ValueError("builder %s uses undefined slave %s" \
- % (b['name'], b['slavename']))
- for n in b.get('slavenames', []):
- if n not in slavenames:
- raise ValueError("builder %s uses undefined slave %s" \
- % (b['name'], n))
- if b['name'] in buildernames:
- raise ValueError("duplicate builder name %s"
- % b['name'])
- buildernames.append(b['name'])
- if b['builddir'] in dirnames:
- raise ValueError("builder %s reuses builddir %s"
- % (b['name'], b['builddir']))
- dirnames.append(b['builddir'])
- unscheduled_buildernames = buildernames[:]
- schedulernames = []
- for s in schedulers:
- for b in s.listBuilderNames():
- assert b in buildernames, \
- "%s uses unknown builder %s" % (s, b)
- if b in unscheduled_buildernames:
- unscheduled_buildernames.remove(b)
- if s.name in schedulernames:
- # TODO: schedulers share a namespace with other Service
- # children of the BuildMaster node, like status plugins, the
- # Manhole, the ChangeMaster, and the BotMaster (although most
- # of these don't have names)
- msg = ("Schedulers must have unique names, but "
- "'%s' was a duplicate" % (s.name,))
- raise ValueError(msg)
- schedulernames.append(s.name)
- if unscheduled_buildernames:
- log.msg("Warning: some Builders have no Schedulers to drive them:"
- " %s" % (unscheduled_buildernames,))
- # assert that all locks used by the Builds and their Steps are
- # uniquely named.
- lock_dict = {}
- for b in builders:
- for l in b.get('locks', []):
- if isinstance(l, locks.LockAccess): # User specified access to the lock
- l = l.lockid
- if lock_dict.has_key(l.name):
- if lock_dict[l.name] is not l:
- raise ValueError("Two different locks (%s and %s) "
- "share the name %s"
- % (l, lock_dict[l.name], l.name))
- else:
- lock_dict[l.name] = l
- # TODO: this will break with any BuildFactory that doesn't use a
- # .steps list, but I think the verification step is more
- # important.
- for s in b['factory'].steps:
- for l in s[1].get('locks', []):
- if isinstance(l, locks.LockAccess): # User specified access to the lock
- l = l.lockid
- if lock_dict.has_key(l.name):
- if lock_dict[l.name] is not l:
- raise ValueError("Two different locks (%s and %s)"
- " share the name %s"
- % (l, lock_dict[l.name], l.name))
- else:
- lock_dict[l.name] = l
- if not isinstance(properties, dict):
- raise ValueError("c['properties'] must be a dictionary")
- # slavePortnum supposed to be a strports specification
- if type(slavePortnum) is int:
- slavePortnum = "tcp:%d" % slavePortnum
- # now we're committed to implementing the new configuration, so do
- # it atomically
- # TODO: actually, this is spread across a couple of Deferreds, so it
- # really isn't atomic.
- d = defer.succeed(None)
- self.projectName = projectName
- self.projectURL = projectURL
- self.buildbotURL = buildbotURL
- self.properties = Properties()
- self.properties.update(properties, self.configFileName)
- if logCompressionLimit is not None:
- self.status.logCompressionLimit = logCompressionLimit
- if mergeRequests is not None:
- self.botmaster.mergeRequests = mergeRequests
- # self.slaves: Disconnect any that were attached and removed from the
- # list. Update self.checker with the new list of passwords, including
- # debug/change/status.
- d.addCallback(lambda res: self.loadConfig_Slaves(slaves))
- # self.debugPassword
- if debugPassword:
- self.checker.addUser("debug", debugPassword)
- self.debugPassword = debugPassword
- # self.manhole
- if manhole != self.manhole:
- # changing
- if self.manhole:
- # disownServiceParent may return a Deferred
- d.addCallback(lambda res: self.manhole.disownServiceParent())
- def _remove(res):
- self.manhole = None
- return res
- d.addCallback(_remove)
- if manhole:
- def _add(res):
- self.manhole = manhole
- manhole.setServiceParent(self)
- d.addCallback(_add)
- # add/remove self.botmaster.builders to match builders. The
- # botmaster will handle startup/shutdown issues.
- d.addCallback(lambda res: self.loadConfig_Builders(builders))
- d.addCallback(lambda res: self.loadConfig_status(status))
- # Schedulers are added after Builders in case they start right away
- d.addCallback(lambda res: self.loadConfig_Schedulers(schedulers))
- # and Sources go after Schedulers for the same reason
- d.addCallback(lambda res: self.loadConfig_Sources(change_sources))
- # self.slavePort
- if self.slavePortnum != slavePortnum:
- if self.slavePort:
- def closeSlavePort(res):
- d1 = self.slavePort.disownServiceParent()
- self.slavePort = None
- return d1
- d.addCallback(closeSlavePort)
- if slavePortnum is not None:
- def openSlavePort(res):
- self.slavePort = strports.service(slavePortnum,
- self.slaveFactory)
- self.slavePort.setServiceParent(self)
- d.addCallback(openSlavePort)
- log.msg("BuildMaster listening on port %s" % slavePortnum)
- self.slavePortnum = slavePortnum
- log.msg("configuration update started")
- def _done(res):
- self.readConfig = True
- log.msg("configuration update complete")
- d.addCallback(_done)
- d.addCallback(lambda res: self.botmaster.maybeStartAllBuilds())
- return d
- def loadConfig_Slaves(self, new_slaves):
- # set up the Checker with the names and passwords of all valid bots
- self.checker.users = {} # violates abstraction, oh well
- for s in new_slaves:
- self.checker.addUser(s.slavename, s.password)
- self.checker.addUser("change", "changepw")
- # let the BotMaster take care of the rest
- return self.botmaster.loadConfig_Slaves(new_slaves)
- def loadConfig_Sources(self, sources):
- if not sources:
- log.msg("warning: no ChangeSources specified in c['change_source']")
- # shut down any that were removed, start any that were added
- deleted_sources = [s for s in self.change_svc if s not in sources]
- added_sources = [s for s in sources if s not in self.change_svc]
- dl = [self.change_svc.removeSource(s) for s in deleted_sources]
- def addNewOnes(res):
- [self.change_svc.addSource(s) for s in added_sources]
- d = defer.DeferredList(dl, fireOnOneErrback=1, consumeErrors=0)
- d.addCallback(addNewOnes)
- return d
- def allSchedulers(self):
- return [child for child in self
- if interfaces.IScheduler.providedBy(child)]
- def loadConfig_Schedulers(self, newschedulers):
- oldschedulers = self.allSchedulers()
- removed = [s for s in oldschedulers if s not in newschedulers]
- added = [s for s in newschedulers if s not in oldschedulers]
- dl = [defer.maybeDeferred(s.disownServiceParent) for s in removed]
- def addNewOnes(res):
- log.msg("adding %d new schedulers, removed %d" %
- (len(added), len(dl)))
- for s in added:
- s.setServiceParent(self)
- d = defer.DeferredList(dl, fireOnOneErrback=1)
- d.addCallback(addNewOnes)
- if removed or added:
- # notify Downstream schedulers to potentially pick up
- # new schedulers now that we have removed and added some
- def updateDownstreams(res):
- log.msg("notifying downstream schedulers of changes")
- for s in newschedulers:
- if interfaces.IDownstreamScheduler.providedBy(s):
- s.checkUpstreamScheduler()
- d.addCallback(updateDownstreams)
- return d
- def loadConfig_Builders(self, newBuilderData):
- somethingChanged = False
- newList = {}
- newBuilderNames = []
- allBuilders = self.botmaster.builders.copy()
- for data in newBuilderData:
- name = data['name']
- newList[name] = data
- newBuilderNames.append(name)
- # identify all that were removed
- for oldname in self.botmaster.getBuildernames():
- if oldname not in newList:
- log.msg("removing old builder %s" % oldname)
- del allBuilders[oldname]
- somethingChanged = True
- # announce the change
- self.status.builderRemoved(oldname)
- # everything in newList is either unchanged, changed, or new
- for name, data in newList.items():
- old = self.botmaster.builders.get(name)
- basedir = data['builddir'] # used on both master and slave
- #name, slave, builddir, factory = data
- if not old: # new
- # category added after 0.6.2
- category = data.get('category', None)
- log.msg("adding new builder %s for category %s" %
- (name, category))
- statusbag = self.status.builderAdded(name, basedir, category)
- builder = Builder(data, statusbag)
- allBuilders[name] = builder
- somethingChanged = True
- elif old.compareToSetup(data):
- # changed: try to minimize the disruption and only modify the
- # pieces that really changed
- diffs = old.compareToSetup(data)
- log.msg("updating builder %s: %s" % (name, "\n".join(diffs)))
- statusbag = old.builder_status
- statusbag.saveYourself() # seems like a good idea
- # TODO: if the basedir was changed, we probably need to make
- # a new statusbag
- new_builder = Builder(data, statusbag)
- new_builder.consumeTheSoulOfYourPredecessor(old)
- # that migrates any retained slavebuilders too
- # point out that the builder was updated. On the Waterfall,
- # this will appear just after any currently-running builds.
- statusbag.addPointEvent(["config", "updated"])
- allBuilders[name] = new_builder
- somethingChanged = True
- else:
- # unchanged: leave it alone
- log.msg("builder %s is unchanged" % name)
- pass
- if somethingChanged:
- sortedAllBuilders = [allBuilders[name] for name in newBuilderNames]
- d = self.botmaster.setBuilders(sortedAllBuilders)
- return d
- return None
- def loadConfig_status(self, status):
- dl = []
- # remove old ones
- for s in self.statusTargets[:]:
- if not s in status:
- log.msg("removing IStatusReceiver", s)
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(s.disownServiceParent)
- dl.append(d)
- self.statusTargets.remove(s)
- # after those are finished going away, add new ones
- def addNewOnes(res):
- for s in status:
- if not s in self.statusTargets:
- log.msg("adding IStatusReceiver", s)
- s.setServiceParent(self)
- self.statusTargets.append(s)
- d = defer.DeferredList(dl, fireOnOneErrback=1)
- d.addCallback(addNewOnes)
- return d
- def addChange(self, change):
- for s in self.allSchedulers():
- s.addChange(change)
- def submitBuildSet(self, bs):
- # determine the set of Builders to use
- builders = []
- for name in bs.builderNames:
- b = self.botmaster.builders.get(name)
- if b:
- if b not in builders:
- builders.append(b)
- continue
- # TODO: add aliases like 'all'
- raise KeyError("no such builder named '%s'" % name)
- # now tell the BuildSet to create BuildRequests for all those
- # Builders and submit them
- bs.start(builders)
- self.status.buildsetSubmitted(bs.status)
-class Control:
- implements(interfaces.IControl)
- def __init__(self, master):
- self.master = master
- def addChange(self, change):
- self.master.change_svc.addChange(change)
- def submitBuildSet(self, bs):
- self.master.submitBuildSet(bs)
- def getBuilder(self, name):
- b = self.master.botmaster.builders[name]
- return interfaces.IBuilderControl(b)
-components.registerAdapter(Control, BuildMaster, interfaces.IControl)
-# so anybody who can get a handle on the BuildMaster can cause a build with:
-# IControl(master).getBuilder("full-2.3").requestBuild(buildrequest)