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path: root/buildbot/buildbot/status
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Diffstat (limited to 'buildbot/buildbot/status')
28 files changed, 0 insertions, 8955 deletions
diff --git a/buildbot/buildbot/status/__init__.py b/buildbot/buildbot/status/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/buildbot/buildbot/status/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/buildbot/buildbot/status/base.py b/buildbot/buildbot/status/base.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7588198..0000000
--- a/buildbot/buildbot/status/base.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.application import service
-from buildbot.interfaces import IStatusReceiver
-from buildbot import util, pbutil
-class StatusReceiver:
- implements(IStatusReceiver)
- def requestSubmitted(self, request):
- pass
- def buildsetSubmitted(self, buildset):
- pass
- def builderAdded(self, builderName, builder):
- pass
- def builderChangedState(self, builderName, state):
- pass
- def buildStarted(self, builderName, build):
- pass
- def buildETAUpdate(self, build, ETA):
- pass
- def stepStarted(self, build, step):
- pass
- def stepTextChanged(self, build, step, text):
- pass
- def stepText2Changed(self, build, step, text2):
- pass
- def stepETAUpdate(self, build, step, ETA, expectations):
- pass
- def logStarted(self, build, step, log):
- pass
- def logChunk(self, build, step, log, channel, text):
- pass
- def logFinished(self, build, step, log):
- pass
- def stepFinished(self, build, step, results):
- pass
- def buildFinished(self, builderName, build, results):
- pass
- def builderRemoved(self, builderName):
- pass
-class StatusReceiverMultiService(StatusReceiver, service.MultiService,
- util.ComparableMixin):
- implements(IStatusReceiver)
- def __init__(self):
- service.MultiService.__init__(self)
-class StatusReceiverPerspective(StatusReceiver, pbutil.NewCredPerspective):
- implements(IStatusReceiver)
diff --git a/buildbot/buildbot/status/builder.py b/buildbot/buildbot/status/builder.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 97f356f..0000000
--- a/buildbot/buildbot/status/builder.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2182 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: buildbot.test.test_status -*-
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.python import log
-from twisted.persisted import styles
-from twisted.internet import reactor, defer, threads
-from twisted.protocols import basic
-from buildbot.process.properties import Properties
-import os, shutil, sys, re, urllib, itertools
-from cPickle import load, dump
-from cStringIO import StringIO
-from bz2 import BZ2File
-# sibling imports
-from buildbot import interfaces, util, sourcestamp
-Results = ["success", "warnings", "failure", "skipped", "exception"]
-# build processes call the following methods:
-# setDefaults
-# currentlyBuilding
-# currentlyIdle
-# currentlyInterlocked
-# currentlyOffline
-# currentlyWaiting
-# setCurrentActivity
-# updateCurrentActivity
-# addFileToCurrentActivity
-# finishCurrentActivity
-# startBuild
-# finishBuild
-ChunkTypes = ["stdout", "stderr", "header"]
-class LogFileScanner(basic.NetstringReceiver):
- def __init__(self, chunk_cb, channels=[]):
- self.chunk_cb = chunk_cb
- self.channels = channels
- def stringReceived(self, line):
- channel = int(line[0])
- if not self.channels or (channel in self.channels):
- self.chunk_cb((channel, line[1:]))
-class LogFileProducer:
- """What's the plan?
- the LogFile has just one FD, used for both reading and writing.
- Each time you add an entry, fd.seek to the end and then write.
- Each reader (i.e. Producer) keeps track of their own offset. The reader
- starts by seeking to the start of the logfile, and reading forwards.
- Between each hunk of file they yield chunks, so they must remember their
- offset before yielding and re-seek back to that offset before reading
- more data. When their read() returns EOF, they're finished with the first
- phase of the reading (everything that's already been written to disk).
- After EOF, the remaining data is entirely in the current entries list.
- These entries are all of the same channel, so we can do one "".join and
- obtain a single chunk to be sent to the listener. But since that involves
- a yield, and more data might arrive after we give up control, we have to
- subscribe them before yielding. We can't subscribe them any earlier,
- otherwise they'd get data out of order.
- We're using a generator in the first place so that the listener can
- throttle us, which means they're pulling. But the subscription means
- we're pushing. Really we're a Producer. In the first phase we can be
- either a PullProducer or a PushProducer. In the second phase we're only a
- PushProducer.
- So the client gives a LogFileConsumer to File.subscribeConsumer . This
- Consumer must have registerProducer(), unregisterProducer(), and
- writeChunk(), and is just like a regular twisted.interfaces.IConsumer,
- except that writeChunk() takes chunks (tuples of (channel,text)) instead
- of the normal write() which takes just text. The LogFileConsumer is
- allowed to call stopProducing, pauseProducing, and resumeProducing on the
- producer instance it is given. """
- paused = False
- subscribed = False
- def __init__(self, logfile, consumer):
- self.logfile = logfile
- self.consumer = consumer
- self.chunkGenerator = self.getChunks()
- consumer.registerProducer(self, True)
- def getChunks(self):
- f = self.logfile.getFile()
- offset = 0
- chunks = []
- p = LogFileScanner(chunks.append)
- f.seek(offset)
- data = f.read(self.BUFFERSIZE)
- offset = f.tell()
- while data:
- p.dataReceived(data)
- while chunks:
- c = chunks.pop(0)
- yield c
- f.seek(offset)
- data = f.read(self.BUFFERSIZE)
- offset = f.tell()
- del f
- # now subscribe them to receive new entries
- self.subscribed = True
- self.logfile.watchers.append(self)
- d = self.logfile.waitUntilFinished()
- # then give them the not-yet-merged data
- if self.logfile.runEntries:
- channel = self.logfile.runEntries[0][0]
- text = "".join([c[1] for c in self.logfile.runEntries])
- yield (channel, text)
- # now we've caught up to the present. Anything further will come from
- # the logfile subscription. We add the callback *after* yielding the
- # data from runEntries, because the logfile might have finished
- # during the yield.
- d.addCallback(self.logfileFinished)
- def stopProducing(self):
- # TODO: should we still call consumer.finish? probably not.
- self.paused = True
- self.consumer = None
- self.done()
- def done(self):
- if self.chunkGenerator:
- self.chunkGenerator = None # stop making chunks
- if self.subscribed:
- self.logfile.watchers.remove(self)
- self.subscribed = False
- def pauseProducing(self):
- self.paused = True
- def resumeProducing(self):
- # Twisted-1.3.0 has a bug which causes hangs when resumeProducing
- # calls transport.write (there is a recursive loop, fixed in 2.0 in
- # t.i.abstract.FileDescriptor.doWrite by setting the producerPaused
- # flag *before* calling resumeProducing). To work around this, we
- # just put off the real resumeProducing for a moment. This probably
- # has a performance hit, but I'm going to assume that the log files
- # are not retrieved frequently enough for it to be an issue.
- reactor.callLater(0, self._resumeProducing)
- def _resumeProducing(self):
- self.paused = False
- if not self.chunkGenerator:
- return
- try:
- while not self.paused:
- chunk = self.chunkGenerator.next()
- self.consumer.writeChunk(chunk)
- # we exit this when the consumer says to stop, or we run out
- # of chunks
- except StopIteration:
- # if the generator finished, it will have done releaseFile
- self.chunkGenerator = None
- # now everything goes through the subscription, and they don't get to
- # pause anymore
- def logChunk(self, build, step, logfile, channel, chunk):
- if self.consumer:
- self.consumer.writeChunk((channel, chunk))
- def logfileFinished(self, logfile):
- self.done()
- if self.consumer:
- self.consumer.unregisterProducer()
- self.consumer.finish()
- self.consumer = None
-def _tryremove(filename, timeout, retries):
- """Try to remove a file, and if failed, try again in timeout.
- Increases the timeout by a factor of 4, and only keeps trying for
- another retries-amount of times.
- """
- try:
- os.unlink(filename)
- except OSError:
- if retries > 0:
- reactor.callLater(timeout, _tryremove, filename, timeout * 4,
- retries - 1)
- else:
- log.msg("giving up on removing %s after over %d seconds" %
- (filename, timeout))
-class LogFile:
- """A LogFile keeps all of its contents on disk, in a non-pickle format to
- which new entries can easily be appended. The file on disk has a name
- like 12-log-compile-output, under the Builder's directory. The actual
- filename is generated (before the LogFile is created) by
- L{BuildStatus.generateLogfileName}.
- Old LogFile pickles (which kept their contents in .entries) must be
- upgraded. The L{BuilderStatus} is responsible for doing this, when it
- loads the L{BuildStatus} into memory. The Build pickle is not modified,
- so users who go from 0.6.5 back to 0.6.4 don't have to lose their
- logs."""
- implements(interfaces.IStatusLog, interfaces.ILogFile)
- finished = False
- length = 0
- chunkSize = 10*1000
- runLength = 0
- runEntries = [] # provided so old pickled builds will getChunks() ok
- entries = None
- filename = None # relative to the Builder's basedir
- openfile = None
- def __init__(self, parent, name, logfilename):
- """
- @type parent: L{BuildStepStatus}
- @param parent: the Step that this log is a part of
- @type name: string
- @param name: the name of this log, typically 'output'
- @type logfilename: string
- @param logfilename: the Builder-relative pathname for the saved entries
- """
- self.step = parent
- self.name = name
- self.filename = logfilename
- fn = self.getFilename()
- if os.path.exists(fn):
- # the buildmaster was probably stopped abruptly, before the
- # BuilderStatus could be saved, so BuilderStatus.nextBuildNumber
- # is out of date, and we're overlapping with earlier builds now.
- # Warn about it, but then overwrite the old pickle file
- log.msg("Warning: Overwriting old serialized Build at %s" % fn)
- self.openfile = open(fn, "w+")
- self.runEntries = []
- self.watchers = []
- self.finishedWatchers = []
- def getFilename(self):
- return os.path.join(self.step.build.builder.basedir, self.filename)
- def hasContents(self):
- return os.path.exists(self.getFilename() + '.bz2') or \
- os.path.exists(self.getFilename())
- def getName(self):
- return self.name
- def getStep(self):
- return self.step
- def isFinished(self):
- return self.finished
- def waitUntilFinished(self):
- if self.finished:
- d = defer.succeed(self)
- else:
- d = defer.Deferred()
- self.finishedWatchers.append(d)
- return d
- def getFile(self):
- if self.openfile:
- # this is the filehandle we're using to write to the log, so
- # don't close it!
- return self.openfile
- # otherwise they get their own read-only handle
- # try a compressed log first
- try:
- return BZ2File(self.getFilename() + ".bz2", "r")
- except IOError:
- pass
- return open(self.getFilename(), "r")
- def getText(self):
- # this produces one ginormous string
- return "".join(self.getChunks([STDOUT, STDERR], onlyText=True))
- def getTextWithHeaders(self):
- return "".join(self.getChunks(onlyText=True))
- def getChunks(self, channels=[], onlyText=False):
- # generate chunks for everything that was logged at the time we were
- # first called, so remember how long the file was when we started.
- # Don't read beyond that point. The current contents of
- # self.runEntries will follow.
- # this returns an iterator, which means arbitrary things could happen
- # while we're yielding. This will faithfully deliver the log as it
- # existed when it was started, and not return anything after that
- # point. To use this in subscribe(catchup=True) without missing any
- # data, you must insure that nothing will be added to the log during
- # yield() calls.
- f = self.getFile()
- offset = 0
- f.seek(0, 2)
- remaining = f.tell()
- leftover = None
- if self.runEntries and (not channels or
- (self.runEntries[0][0] in channels)):
- leftover = (self.runEntries[0][0],
- "".join([c[1] for c in self.runEntries]))
- # freeze the state of the LogFile by passing a lot of parameters into
- # a generator
- return self._generateChunks(f, offset, remaining, leftover,
- channels, onlyText)
- def _generateChunks(self, f, offset, remaining, leftover,
- channels, onlyText):
- chunks = []
- p = LogFileScanner(chunks.append, channels)
- f.seek(offset)
- data = f.read(min(remaining, self.BUFFERSIZE))
- remaining -= len(data)
- offset = f.tell()
- while data:
- p.dataReceived(data)
- while chunks:
- channel, text = chunks.pop(0)
- if onlyText:
- yield text
- else:
- yield (channel, text)
- f.seek(offset)
- data = f.read(min(remaining, self.BUFFERSIZE))
- remaining -= len(data)
- offset = f.tell()
- del f
- if leftover:
- if onlyText:
- yield leftover[1]
- else:
- yield leftover
- def readlines(self, channel=STDOUT):
- """Return an iterator that produces newline-terminated lines,
- excluding header chunks."""
- # TODO: make this memory-efficient, by turning it into a generator
- # that retrieves chunks as necessary, like a pull-driven version of
- # twisted.protocols.basic.LineReceiver
- alltext = "".join(self.getChunks([channel], onlyText=True))
- io = StringIO(alltext)
- return io.readlines()
- def subscribe(self, receiver, catchup):
- if self.finished:
- return
- self.watchers.append(receiver)
- if catchup:
- for channel, text in self.getChunks():
- # TODO: add logChunks(), to send over everything at once?
- receiver.logChunk(self.step.build, self.step, self,
- channel, text)
- def unsubscribe(self, receiver):
- if receiver in self.watchers:
- self.watchers.remove(receiver)
- def subscribeConsumer(self, consumer):
- p = LogFileProducer(self, consumer)
- p.resumeProducing()
- # interface used by the build steps to add things to the log
- def merge(self):
- # merge all .runEntries (which are all of the same type) into a
- # single chunk for .entries
- if not self.runEntries:
- return
- channel = self.runEntries[0][0]
- text = "".join([c[1] for c in self.runEntries])
- assert channel < 10
- f = self.openfile
- f.seek(0, 2)
- offset = 0
- while offset < len(text):
- size = min(len(text)-offset, self.chunkSize)
- f.write("%d:%d" % (1 + size, channel))
- f.write(text[offset:offset+size])
- f.write(",")
- offset += size
- self.runEntries = []
- self.runLength = 0
- def addEntry(self, channel, text):
- assert not self.finished
- # we only add to .runEntries here. merge() is responsible for adding
- # merged chunks to .entries
- if self.runEntries and channel != self.runEntries[0][0]:
- self.merge()
- self.runEntries.append((channel, text))
- self.runLength += len(text)
- if self.runLength >= self.chunkSize:
- self.merge()
- for w in self.watchers:
- w.logChunk(self.step.build, self.step, self, channel, text)
- self.length += len(text)
- def addStdout(self, text):
- self.addEntry(STDOUT, text)
- def addStderr(self, text):
- self.addEntry(STDERR, text)
- def addHeader(self, text):
- self.addEntry(HEADER, text)
- def finish(self):
- self.merge()
- if self.openfile:
- # we don't do an explicit close, because there might be readers
- # shareing the filehandle. As soon as they stop reading, the
- # filehandle will be released and automatically closed. We will
- # do a sync, however, to make sure the log gets saved in case of
- # a crash.
- self.openfile.flush()
- os.fsync(self.openfile.fileno())
- del self.openfile
- self.finished = True
- watchers = self.finishedWatchers
- self.finishedWatchers = []
- for w in watchers:
- w.callback(self)
- self.watchers = []
- def compressLog(self):
- compressed = self.getFilename() + ".bz2.tmp"
- d = threads.deferToThread(self._compressLog, compressed)
- d.addCallback(self._renameCompressedLog, compressed)
- d.addErrback(self._cleanupFailedCompress, compressed)
- return d
- def _compressLog(self, compressed):
- infile = self.getFile()
- cf = BZ2File(compressed, 'w')
- bufsize = 1024*1024
- while True:
- buf = infile.read(bufsize)
- cf.write(buf)
- if len(buf) < bufsize:
- break
- cf.close()
- def _renameCompressedLog(self, rv, compressed):
- filename = self.getFilename() + '.bz2'
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- # windows cannot rename a file on top of an existing one, so
- # fall back to delete-first. There are ways this can fail and
- # lose the builder's history, so we avoid using it in the
- # general (non-windows) case
- if os.path.exists(filename):
- os.unlink(filename)
- os.rename(compressed, filename)
- _tryremove(self.getFilename(), 1, 5)
- def _cleanupFailedCompress(self, failure, compressed):
- log.msg("failed to compress %s" % self.getFilename())
- if os.path.exists(compressed):
- _tryremove(compressed, 1, 5)
- failure.trap() # reraise the failure
- # persistence stuff
- def __getstate__(self):
- d = self.__dict__.copy()
- del d['step'] # filled in upon unpickling
- del d['watchers']
- del d['finishedWatchers']
- d['entries'] = [] # let 0.6.4 tolerate the saved log. TODO: really?
- if d.has_key('finished'):
- del d['finished']
- if d.has_key('openfile'):
- del d['openfile']
- return d
- def __setstate__(self, d):
- self.__dict__ = d
- self.watchers = [] # probably not necessary
- self.finishedWatchers = [] # same
- # self.step must be filled in by our parent
- self.finished = True
- def upgrade(self, logfilename):
- """Save our .entries to a new-style offline log file (if necessary),
- and modify our in-memory representation to use it. The original
- pickled LogFile (inside the pickled Build) won't be modified."""
- self.filename = logfilename
- if not os.path.exists(self.getFilename()):
- self.openfile = open(self.getFilename(), "w")
- self.finished = False
- for channel,text in self.entries:
- self.addEntry(channel, text)
- self.finish() # releases self.openfile, which will be closed
- del self.entries
-class HTMLLogFile:
- implements(interfaces.IStatusLog)
- filename = None
- def __init__(self, parent, name, logfilename, html):
- self.step = parent
- self.name = name
- self.filename = logfilename
- self.html = html
- def getName(self):
- return self.name # set in BuildStepStatus.addLog
- def getStep(self):
- return self.step
- def isFinished(self):
- return True
- def waitUntilFinished(self):
- return defer.succeed(self)
- def hasContents(self):
- return True
- def getText(self):
- return self.html # looks kinda like text
- def getTextWithHeaders(self):
- return self.html
- def getChunks(self):
- return [(STDERR, self.html)]
- def subscribe(self, receiver, catchup):
- pass
- def unsubscribe(self, receiver):
- pass
- def finish(self):
- pass
- def __getstate__(self):
- d = self.__dict__.copy()
- del d['step']
- return d
- def upgrade(self, logfilename):
- pass
-class Event:
- implements(interfaces.IStatusEvent)
- started = None
- finished = None
- text = []
- # IStatusEvent methods
- def getTimes(self):
- return (self.started, self.finished)
- def getText(self):
- return self.text
- def getLogs(self):
- return []
- def finish(self):
- self.finished = util.now()
-class TestResult:
- implements(interfaces.ITestResult)
- def __init__(self, name, results, text, logs):
- assert isinstance(name, tuple)
- self.name = name
- self.results = results
- self.text = text
- self.logs = logs
- def getName(self):
- return self.name
- def getResults(self):
- return self.results
- def getText(self):
- return self.text
- def getLogs(self):
- return self.logs
-class BuildSetStatus:
- implements(interfaces.IBuildSetStatus)
- def __init__(self, source, reason, builderNames, bsid=None):
- self.source = source
- self.reason = reason
- self.builderNames = builderNames
- self.id = bsid
- self.successWatchers = []
- self.finishedWatchers = []
- self.stillHopeful = True
- self.finished = False
- def setBuildRequestStatuses(self, buildRequestStatuses):
- self.buildRequests = buildRequestStatuses
- def setResults(self, results):
- # the build set succeeds only if all its component builds succeed
- self.results = results
- def giveUpHope(self):
- self.stillHopeful = False
- def notifySuccessWatchers(self):
- for d in self.successWatchers:
- d.callback(self)
- self.successWatchers = []
- def notifyFinishedWatchers(self):
- self.finished = True
- for d in self.finishedWatchers:
- d.callback(self)
- self.finishedWatchers = []
- # methods for our clients
- def getSourceStamp(self):
- return self.source
- def getReason(self):
- return self.reason
- def getResults(self):
- return self.results
- def getID(self):
- return self.id
- def getBuilderNames(self):
- return self.builderNames
- def getBuildRequests(self):
- return self.buildRequests
- def isFinished(self):
- return self.finished
- def waitUntilSuccess(self):
- if self.finished or not self.stillHopeful:
- # the deferreds have already fired
- return defer.succeed(self)
- d = defer.Deferred()
- self.successWatchers.append(d)
- return d
- def waitUntilFinished(self):
- if self.finished:
- return defer.succeed(self)
- d = defer.Deferred()
- self.finishedWatchers.append(d)
- return d
-class BuildRequestStatus:
- implements(interfaces.IBuildRequestStatus)
- def __init__(self, source, builderName):
- self.source = source
- self.builderName = builderName
- self.builds = [] # list of BuildStatus objects
- self.observers = []
- self.submittedAt = None
- def buildStarted(self, build):
- self.builds.append(build)
- for o in self.observers[:]:
- o(build)
- # methods called by our clients
- def getSourceStamp(self):
- return self.source
- def getBuilderName(self):
- return self.builderName
- def getBuilds(self):
- return self.builds
- def subscribe(self, observer):
- self.observers.append(observer)
- for b in self.builds:
- observer(b)
- def unsubscribe(self, observer):
- self.observers.remove(observer)
- def getSubmitTime(self):
- return self.submittedAt
- def setSubmitTime(self, t):
- self.submittedAt = t
-class BuildStepStatus(styles.Versioned):
- """
- I represent a collection of output status for a
- L{buildbot.process.step.BuildStep}.
- Statistics contain any information gleaned from a step that is
- not in the form of a logfile. As an example, steps that run
- tests might gather statistics about the number of passed, failed,
- or skipped tests.
- @type progress: L{buildbot.status.progress.StepProgress}
- @cvar progress: tracks ETA for the step
- @type text: list of strings
- @cvar text: list of short texts that describe the command and its status
- @type text2: list of strings
- @cvar text2: list of short texts added to the overall build description
- @type logs: dict of string -> L{buildbot.status.builder.LogFile}
- @ivar logs: logs of steps
- @type statistics: dict
- @ivar statistics: results from running this step
- """
- # note that these are created when the Build is set up, before each
- # corresponding BuildStep has started.
- implements(interfaces.IBuildStepStatus, interfaces.IStatusEvent)
- persistenceVersion = 2
- started = None
- finished = None
- progress = None
- text = []
- results = (None, [])
- text2 = []
- watchers = []
- updates = {}
- finishedWatchers = []
- statistics = {}
- def __init__(self, parent):
- assert interfaces.IBuildStatus(parent)
- self.build = parent
- self.logs = []
- self.urls = {}
- self.watchers = []
- self.updates = {}
- self.finishedWatchers = []
- self.statistics = {}
- def getName(self):
- """Returns a short string with the name of this step. This string
- may have spaces in it."""
- return self.name
- def getBuild(self):
- return self.build
- def getTimes(self):
- return (self.started, self.finished)
- def getExpectations(self):
- """Returns a list of tuples (name, current, target)."""
- if not self.progress:
- return []
- ret = []
- metrics = self.progress.progress.keys()
- metrics.sort()
- for m in metrics:
- t = (m, self.progress.progress[m], self.progress.expectations[m])
- ret.append(t)
- return ret
- def getLogs(self):
- return self.logs
- def getURLs(self):
- return self.urls.copy()
- def isFinished(self):
- return (self.finished is not None)
- def waitUntilFinished(self):
- if self.finished:
- d = defer.succeed(self)
- else:
- d = defer.Deferred()
- self.finishedWatchers.append(d)
- return d
- # while the step is running, the following methods make sense.
- # Afterwards they return None
- def getETA(self):
- if self.started is None:
- return None # not started yet
- if self.finished is not None:
- return None # already finished
- if not self.progress:
- return None # no way to predict
- return self.progress.remaining()
- # Once you know the step has finished, the following methods are legal.
- # Before this step has finished, they all return None.
- def getText(self):
- """Returns a list of strings which describe the step. These are
- intended to be displayed in a narrow column. If more space is
- available, the caller should join them together with spaces before
- presenting them to the user."""
- return self.text
- def getResults(self):
- """Return a tuple describing the results of the step.
- 'result' is one of the constants in L{buildbot.status.builder}:
- 'strings' is an optional list of strings that the step wants to
- append to the overall build's results. These strings are usually
- more terse than the ones returned by getText(): in particular,
- successful Steps do not usually contribute any text to the
- overall build.
- @rtype: tuple of int, list of strings
- @returns: (result, strings)
- """
- return (self.results, self.text2)
- def hasStatistic(self, name):
- """Return true if this step has a value for the given statistic.
- """
- return self.statistics.has_key(name)
- def getStatistic(self, name, default=None):
- """Return the given statistic, if present
- """
- return self.statistics.get(name, default)
- # subscription interface
- def subscribe(self, receiver, updateInterval=10):
- # will get logStarted, logFinished, stepETAUpdate
- assert receiver not in self.watchers
- self.watchers.append(receiver)
- self.sendETAUpdate(receiver, updateInterval)
- def sendETAUpdate(self, receiver, updateInterval):
- self.updates[receiver] = None
- # they might unsubscribe during stepETAUpdate
- receiver.stepETAUpdate(self.build, self,
- self.getETA(), self.getExpectations())
- if receiver in self.watchers:
- self.updates[receiver] = reactor.callLater(updateInterval,
- self.sendETAUpdate,
- receiver,
- updateInterval)
- def unsubscribe(self, receiver):
- if receiver in self.watchers:
- self.watchers.remove(receiver)
- if receiver in self.updates:
- if self.updates[receiver] is not None:
- self.updates[receiver].cancel()
- del self.updates[receiver]
- # methods to be invoked by the BuildStep
- def setName(self, stepname):
- self.name = stepname
- def setColor(self, color):
- log.msg("BuildStepStatus.setColor is no longer supported -- ignoring color %s" % (color,))
- def setProgress(self, stepprogress):
- self.progress = stepprogress
- def stepStarted(self):
- self.started = util.now()
- if self.build:
- self.build.stepStarted(self)
- def addLog(self, name):
- assert self.started # addLog before stepStarted won't notify watchers
- logfilename = self.build.generateLogfileName(self.name, name)
- log = LogFile(self, name, logfilename)
- self.logs.append(log)
- for w in self.watchers:
- receiver = w.logStarted(self.build, self, log)
- if receiver:
- log.subscribe(receiver, True)
- d = log.waitUntilFinished()
- d.addCallback(lambda log: log.unsubscribe(receiver))
- d = log.waitUntilFinished()
- d.addCallback(self.logFinished)
- return log
- def addHTMLLog(self, name, html):
- assert self.started # addLog before stepStarted won't notify watchers
- logfilename = self.build.generateLogfileName(self.name, name)
- log = HTMLLogFile(self, name, logfilename, html)
- self.logs.append(log)
- for w in self.watchers:
- receiver = w.logStarted(self.build, self, log)
- # TODO: think about this: there isn't much point in letting
- # them subscribe
- #if receiver:
- # log.subscribe(receiver, True)
- w.logFinished(self.build, self, log)
- def logFinished(self, log):
- for w in self.watchers:
- w.logFinished(self.build, self, log)
- def addURL(self, name, url):
- self.urls[name] = url
- def setText(self, text):
- self.text = text
- for w in self.watchers:
- w.stepTextChanged(self.build, self, text)
- def setText2(self, text):
- self.text2 = text
- for w in self.watchers:
- w.stepText2Changed(self.build, self, text)
- def setStatistic(self, name, value):
- """Set the given statistic. Usually called by subclasses.
- """
- self.statistics[name] = value
- def stepFinished(self, results):
- self.finished = util.now()
- self.results = results
- cld = [] # deferreds for log compression
- logCompressionLimit = self.build.builder.logCompressionLimit
- for loog in self.logs:
- if not loog.isFinished():
- loog.finish()
- # if log compression is on, and it's a real LogFile,
- # HTMLLogFiles aren't files
- if logCompressionLimit is not False and \
- isinstance(loog, LogFile):
- if os.path.getsize(loog.getFilename()) > logCompressionLimit:
- cld.append(loog.compressLog())
- for r in self.updates.keys():
- if self.updates[r] is not None:
- self.updates[r].cancel()
- del self.updates[r]
- watchers = self.finishedWatchers
- self.finishedWatchers = []
- for w in watchers:
- w.callback(self)
- if cld:
- return defer.DeferredList(cld)
- # persistence
- def __getstate__(self):
- d = styles.Versioned.__getstate__(self)
- del d['build'] # filled in when loading
- if d.has_key('progress'):
- del d['progress']
- del d['watchers']
- del d['finishedWatchers']
- del d['updates']
- return d
- def __setstate__(self, d):
- styles.Versioned.__setstate__(self, d)
- # self.build must be filled in by our parent
- for loog in self.logs:
- loog.step = self
- def upgradeToVersion1(self):
- if not hasattr(self, "urls"):
- self.urls = {}
- def upgradeToVersion2(self):
- if not hasattr(self, "statistics"):
- self.statistics = {}
-class BuildStatus(styles.Versioned):
- implements(interfaces.IBuildStatus, interfaces.IStatusEvent)
- persistenceVersion = 3
- source = None
- reason = None
- changes = []
- blamelist = []
- requests = []
- progress = None
- started = None
- finished = None
- currentStep = None
- text = []
- results = None
- slavename = "???"
- # these lists/dicts are defined here so that unserialized instances have
- # (empty) values. They are set in __init__ to new objects to make sure
- # each instance gets its own copy.
- watchers = []
- updates = {}
- finishedWatchers = []
- testResults = {}
- def __init__(self, parent, number):
- """
- @type parent: L{BuilderStatus}
- @type number: int
- """
- assert interfaces.IBuilderStatus(parent)
- self.builder = parent
- self.number = number
- self.watchers = []
- self.updates = {}
- self.finishedWatchers = []
- self.steps = []
- self.testResults = {}
- self.properties = Properties()
- self.requests = []
- # IBuildStatus
- def getBuilder(self):
- """
- @rtype: L{BuilderStatus}
- """
- return self.builder
- def getProperty(self, propname):
- return self.properties[propname]
- def getProperties(self):
- return self.properties
- def getNumber(self):
- return self.number
- def getPreviousBuild(self):
- if self.number == 0:
- return None
- return self.builder.getBuild(self.number-1)
- def getSourceStamp(self, absolute=False):
- if not absolute or not self.properties.has_key('got_revision'):
- return self.source
- return self.source.getAbsoluteSourceStamp(self.properties['got_revision'])
- def getReason(self):
- return self.reason
- def getChanges(self):
- return self.changes
- def getRequests(self):
- return self.requests
- def getResponsibleUsers(self):
- return self.blamelist
- def getInterestedUsers(self):
- # TODO: the Builder should add others: sheriffs, domain-owners
- return self.blamelist + self.properties.getProperty('owners', [])
- def getSteps(self):
- """Return a list of IBuildStepStatus objects. For invariant builds
- (those which always use the same set of Steps), this should be the
- complete list, however some of the steps may not have started yet
- (step.getTimes()[0] will be None). For variant builds, this may not
- be complete (asking again later may give you more of them)."""
- return self.steps
- def getTimes(self):
- return (self.started, self.finished)
- _sentinel = [] # used as a sentinel to indicate unspecified initial_value
- def getSummaryStatistic(self, name, summary_fn, initial_value=_sentinel):
- """Summarize the named statistic over all steps in which it
- exists, using combination_fn and initial_value to combine multiple
- results into a single result. This translates to a call to Python's
- X{reduce}::
- return reduce(summary_fn, step_stats_list, initial_value)
- """
- step_stats_list = [
- st.getStatistic(name)
- for st in self.steps
- if st.hasStatistic(name) ]
- if initial_value is self._sentinel:
- return reduce(summary_fn, step_stats_list)
- else:
- return reduce(summary_fn, step_stats_list, initial_value)
- def isFinished(self):
- return (self.finished is not None)
- def waitUntilFinished(self):
- if self.finished:
- d = defer.succeed(self)
- else:
- d = defer.Deferred()
- self.finishedWatchers.append(d)
- return d
- # while the build is running, the following methods make sense.
- # Afterwards they return None
- def getETA(self):
- if self.finished is not None:
- return None
- if not self.progress:
- return None
- eta = self.progress.eta()
- if eta is None:
- return None
- return eta - util.now()
- def getCurrentStep(self):
- return self.currentStep
- # Once you know the build has finished, the following methods are legal.
- # Before ths build has finished, they all return None.
- def getText(self):
- text = []
- text.extend(self.text)
- for s in self.steps:
- text.extend(s.text2)
- return text
- def getResults(self):
- return self.results
- def getSlavename(self):
- return self.slavename
- def getTestResults(self):
- return self.testResults
- def getLogs(self):
- # TODO: steps should contribute significant logs instead of this
- # hack, which returns every log from every step. The logs should get
- # names like "compile" and "test" instead of "compile.output"
- logs = []
- for s in self.steps:
- for log in s.getLogs():
- logs.append(log)
- return logs
- # subscription interface
- def subscribe(self, receiver, updateInterval=None):
- # will receive stepStarted and stepFinished messages
- # and maybe buildETAUpdate
- self.watchers.append(receiver)
- if updateInterval is not None:
- self.sendETAUpdate(receiver, updateInterval)
- def sendETAUpdate(self, receiver, updateInterval):
- self.updates[receiver] = None
- ETA = self.getETA()
- if ETA is not None:
- receiver.buildETAUpdate(self, self.getETA())
- # they might have unsubscribed during buildETAUpdate
- if receiver in self.watchers:
- self.updates[receiver] = reactor.callLater(updateInterval,
- self.sendETAUpdate,
- receiver,
- updateInterval)
- def unsubscribe(self, receiver):
- if receiver in self.watchers:
- self.watchers.remove(receiver)
- if receiver in self.updates:
- if self.updates[receiver] is not None:
- self.updates[receiver].cancel()
- del self.updates[receiver]
- # methods for the base.Build to invoke
- def addStepWithName(self, name):
- """The Build is setting up, and has added a new BuildStep to its
- list. Create a BuildStepStatus object to which it can send status
- updates."""
- s = BuildStepStatus(self)
- s.setName(name)
- self.steps.append(s)
- return s
- def setProperty(self, propname, value, source):
- self.properties.setProperty(propname, value, source)
- def addTestResult(self, result):
- self.testResults[result.getName()] = result
- def setSourceStamp(self, sourceStamp):
- self.source = sourceStamp
- self.changes = self.source.changes
- def setRequests(self, requests):
- self.requests = requests
- def setReason(self, reason):
- self.reason = reason
- def setBlamelist(self, blamelist):
- self.blamelist = blamelist
- def setProgress(self, progress):
- self.progress = progress
- def buildStarted(self, build):
- """The Build has been set up and is about to be started. It can now
- be safely queried, so it is time to announce the new build."""
- self.started = util.now()
- # now that we're ready to report status, let the BuilderStatus tell
- # the world about us
- self.builder.buildStarted(self)
- def setSlavename(self, slavename):
- self.slavename = slavename
- def setText(self, text):
- assert isinstance(text, (list, tuple))
- self.text = text
- def setResults(self, results):
- self.results = results
- def buildFinished(self):
- self.currentStep = None
- self.finished = util.now()
- for r in self.updates.keys():
- if self.updates[r] is not None:
- self.updates[r].cancel()
- del self.updates[r]
- watchers = self.finishedWatchers
- self.finishedWatchers = []
- for w in watchers:
- w.callback(self)
- # methods called by our BuildStepStatus children
- def stepStarted(self, step):
- self.currentStep = step
- name = self.getBuilder().getName()
- for w in self.watchers:
- receiver = w.stepStarted(self, step)
- if receiver:
- if type(receiver) == type(()):
- step.subscribe(receiver[0], receiver[1])
- else:
- step.subscribe(receiver)
- d = step.waitUntilFinished()
- d.addCallback(lambda step: step.unsubscribe(receiver))
- step.waitUntilFinished().addCallback(self._stepFinished)
- def _stepFinished(self, step):
- results = step.getResults()
- for w in self.watchers:
- w.stepFinished(self, step, results)
- # methods called by our BuilderStatus parent
- def pruneLogs(self):
- # this build is somewhat old: remove the build logs to save space
- # TODO: delete logs visible through IBuildStatus.getLogs
- for s in self.steps:
- s.pruneLogs()
- def pruneSteps(self):
- # this build is very old: remove the build steps too
- self.steps = []
- # persistence stuff
- def generateLogfileName(self, stepname, logname):
- """Return a filename (relative to the Builder's base directory) where
- the logfile's contents can be stored uniquely.
- The base filename is made by combining our build number, the Step's
- name, and the log's name, then removing unsuitable characters. The
- filename is then made unique by appending _0, _1, etc, until it does
- not collide with any other logfile.
- These files are kept in the Builder's basedir (rather than a
- per-Build subdirectory) because that makes cleanup easier: cron and
- find will help get rid of the old logs, but the empty directories are
- more of a hassle to remove."""
- starting_filename = "%d-log-%s-%s" % (self.number, stepname, logname)
- starting_filename = re.sub(r'[^\w\.\-]', '_', starting_filename)
- # now make it unique
- unique_counter = 0
- filename = starting_filename
- while filename in [l.filename
- for step in self.steps
- for l in step.getLogs()
- if l.filename]:
- filename = "%s_%d" % (starting_filename, unique_counter)
- unique_counter += 1
- return filename
- def __getstate__(self):
- d = styles.Versioned.__getstate__(self)
- # for now, a serialized Build is always "finished". We will never
- # save unfinished builds.
- if not self.finished:
- d['finished'] = True
- # TODO: push an "interrupted" step so it is clear that the build
- # was interrupted. The builder will have a 'shutdown' event, but
- # someone looking at just this build will be confused as to why
- # the last log is truncated.
- del d['builder'] # filled in by our parent when loading
- del d['watchers']
- del d['updates']
- del d['requests']
- del d['finishedWatchers']
- return d
- def __setstate__(self, d):
- styles.Versioned.__setstate__(self, d)
- # self.builder must be filled in by our parent when loading
- for step in self.steps:
- step.build = self
- self.watchers = []
- self.updates = {}
- self.finishedWatchers = []
- def upgradeToVersion1(self):
- if hasattr(self, "sourceStamp"):
- # the old .sourceStamp attribute wasn't actually very useful
- maxChangeNumber, patch = self.sourceStamp
- changes = getattr(self, 'changes', [])
- source = sourcestamp.SourceStamp(branch=None,
- revision=None,
- patch=patch,
- changes=changes)
- self.source = source
- self.changes = source.changes
- del self.sourceStamp
- def upgradeToVersion2(self):
- self.properties = {}
- def upgradeToVersion3(self):
- # in version 3, self.properties became a Properties object
- propdict = self.properties
- self.properties = Properties()
- self.properties.update(propdict, "Upgrade from previous version")
- def upgradeLogfiles(self):
- # upgrade any LogFiles that need it. This must occur after we've been
- # attached to our Builder, and after we know about all LogFiles of
- # all Steps (to get the filenames right).
- assert self.builder
- for s in self.steps:
- for l in s.getLogs():
- if l.filename:
- pass # new-style, log contents are on disk
- else:
- logfilename = self.generateLogfileName(s.name, l.name)
- # let the logfile update its .filename pointer,
- # transferring its contents onto disk if necessary
- l.upgrade(logfilename)
- def saveYourself(self):
- filename = os.path.join(self.builder.basedir, "%d" % self.number)
- if os.path.isdir(filename):
- # leftover from 0.5.0, which stored builds in directories
- shutil.rmtree(filename, ignore_errors=True)
- tmpfilename = filename + ".tmp"
- try:
- dump(self, open(tmpfilename, "wb"), -1)
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- # windows cannot rename a file on top of an existing one, so
- # fall back to delete-first. There are ways this can fail and
- # lose the builder's history, so we avoid using it in the
- # general (non-windows) case
- if os.path.exists(filename):
- os.unlink(filename)
- os.rename(tmpfilename, filename)
- except:
- log.msg("unable to save build %s-#%d" % (self.builder.name,
- self.number))
- log.err()
-class BuilderStatus(styles.Versioned):
- """I handle status information for a single process.base.Builder object.
- That object sends status changes to me (frequently as Events), and I
- provide them on demand to the various status recipients, like the HTML
- waterfall display and the live status clients. It also sends build
- summaries to me, which I log and provide to status clients who aren't
- interested in seeing details of the individual build steps.
- I am responsible for maintaining the list of historic Events and Builds,
- pruning old ones, and loading them from / saving them to disk.
- I live in the buildbot.process.base.Builder object, in the
- .builder_status attribute.
- @type category: string
- @ivar category: user-defined category this builder belongs to; can be
- used to filter on in status clients
- """
- implements(interfaces.IBuilderStatus, interfaces.IEventSource)
- persistenceVersion = 1
- # these limit the amount of memory we consume, as well as the size of the
- # main Builder pickle. The Build and LogFile pickles on disk must be
- # handled separately.
- buildCacheSize = 30
- buildHorizon = 100 # forget builds beyond this
- stepHorizon = 50 # forget steps in builds beyond this
- category = None
- currentBigState = "offline" # or idle/waiting/interlocked/building
- basedir = None # filled in by our parent
- def __init__(self, buildername, category=None):
- self.name = buildername
- self.category = category
- self.slavenames = []
- self.events = []
- # these three hold Events, and are used to retrieve the current
- # state of the boxes.
- self.lastBuildStatus = None
- #self.currentBig = None
- #self.currentSmall = None
- self.currentBuilds = []
- self.pendingBuilds = []
- self.nextBuild = None
- self.watchers = []
- self.buildCache = [] # TODO: age builds out of the cache
- self.logCompressionLimit = False # default to no compression for tests
- # persistence
- def __getstate__(self):
- # when saving, don't record transient stuff like what builds are
- # currently running, because they won't be there when we start back
- # up. Nor do we save self.watchers, nor anything that gets set by our
- # parent like .basedir and .status
- d = styles.Versioned.__getstate__(self)
- d['watchers'] = []
- del d['buildCache']
- for b in self.currentBuilds:
- b.saveYourself()
- # TODO: push a 'hey, build was interrupted' event
- del d['currentBuilds']
- del d['pendingBuilds']
- del d['currentBigState']
- del d['basedir']
- del d['status']
- del d['nextBuildNumber']
- return d
- def __setstate__(self, d):
- # when loading, re-initialize the transient stuff. Remember that
- # upgradeToVersion1 and such will be called after this finishes.
- styles.Versioned.__setstate__(self, d)
- self.buildCache = []
- self.currentBuilds = []
- self.pendingBuilds = []
- self.watchers = []
- self.slavenames = []
- # self.basedir must be filled in by our parent
- # self.status must be filled in by our parent
- def upgradeToVersion1(self):
- if hasattr(self, 'slavename'):
- self.slavenames = [self.slavename]
- del self.slavename
- if hasattr(self, 'nextBuildNumber'):
- del self.nextBuildNumber # determineNextBuildNumber chooses this
- def determineNextBuildNumber(self):
- """Scan our directory of saved BuildStatus instances to determine
- what our self.nextBuildNumber should be. Set it one larger than the
- highest-numbered build we discover. This is called by the top-level
- Status object shortly after we are created or loaded from disk.
- """
- existing_builds = [int(f)
- for f in os.listdir(self.basedir)
- if re.match("^\d+$", f)]
- if existing_builds:
- self.nextBuildNumber = max(existing_builds) + 1
- else:
- self.nextBuildNumber = 0
- def setLogCompressionLimit(self, lowerLimit):
- self.logCompressionLimit = lowerLimit
- def saveYourself(self):
- for b in self.buildCache:
- if not b.isFinished:
- # interrupted build, need to save it anyway.
- # BuildStatus.saveYourself will mark it as interrupted.
- b.saveYourself()
- filename = os.path.join(self.basedir, "builder")
- tmpfilename = filename + ".tmp"
- try:
- dump(self, open(tmpfilename, "wb"), -1)
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- # windows cannot rename a file on top of an existing one
- if os.path.exists(filename):
- os.unlink(filename)
- os.rename(tmpfilename, filename)
- except:
- log.msg("unable to save builder %s" % self.name)
- log.err()
- # build cache management
- def addBuildToCache(self, build):
- if build in self.buildCache:
- return
- self.buildCache.append(build)
- while len(self.buildCache) > self.buildCacheSize:
- self.buildCache.pop(0)
- def getBuildByNumber(self, number):
- for b in self.currentBuilds:
- if b.number == number:
- return b
- for build in self.buildCache:
- if build.number == number:
- return build
- filename = os.path.join(self.basedir, "%d" % number)
- try:
- build = load(open(filename, "rb"))
- styles.doUpgrade()
- build.builder = self
- # handle LogFiles from after 0.5.0 and before 0.6.5
- build.upgradeLogfiles()
- self.addBuildToCache(build)
- return build
- except IOError:
- raise IndexError("no such build %d" % number)
- except EOFError:
- raise IndexError("corrupted build pickle %d" % number)
- def prune(self):
- return # TODO: change this to walk through the filesystem
- # first, blow away all builds beyond our build horizon
- self.builds = self.builds[-self.buildHorizon:]
- # then prune steps in builds past the step horizon
- for b in self.builds[0:-self.stepHorizon]:
- b.pruneSteps()
- # IBuilderStatus methods
- def getName(self):
- return self.name
- def getState(self):
- return (self.currentBigState, self.currentBuilds)
- def getSlaves(self):
- return [self.status.getSlave(name) for name in self.slavenames]
- def getPendingBuilds(self):
- return self.pendingBuilds
- def getCurrentBuilds(self):
- return self.currentBuilds
- def getLastFinishedBuild(self):
- b = self.getBuild(-1)
- if not (b and b.isFinished()):
- b = self.getBuild(-2)
- return b
- def getBuild(self, number):
- if number < 0:
- number = self.nextBuildNumber + number
- if number < 0 or number >= self.nextBuildNumber:
- return None
- try:
- return self.getBuildByNumber(number)
- except IndexError:
- return None
- def getEvent(self, number):
- try:
- return self.events[number]
- except IndexError:
- return None
- def generateFinishedBuilds(self, branches=[],
- num_builds=None,
- max_buildnum=None,
- finished_before=None,
- max_search=200):
- got = 0
- for Nb in itertools.count(1):
- if Nb > self.nextBuildNumber:
- break
- if Nb > max_search:
- break
- build = self.getBuild(-Nb)
- if build is None:
- continue
- if max_buildnum is not None:
- if build.getNumber() > max_buildnum:
- continue
- if not build.isFinished():
- continue
- if finished_before is not None:
- start, end = build.getTimes()
- if end >= finished_before:
- continue
- if branches:
- if build.getSourceStamp().branch not in branches:
- continue
- got += 1
- yield build
- if num_builds is not None:
- if got >= num_builds:
- return
- def eventGenerator(self, branches=[]):
- """This function creates a generator which will provide all of this
- Builder's status events, starting with the most recent and
- progressing backwards in time. """
- # remember the oldest-to-earliest flow here. "next" means earlier.
- # TODO: interleave build steps and self.events by timestamp.
- # TODO: um, I think we're already doing that.
- # TODO: there's probably something clever we could do here to
- # interleave two event streams (one from self.getBuild and the other
- # from self.getEvent), which would be simpler than this control flow
- eventIndex = -1
- e = self.getEvent(eventIndex)
- for Nb in range(1, self.nextBuildNumber+1):
- b = self.getBuild(-Nb)
- if not b:
- break
- if branches and not b.getSourceStamp().branch in branches:
- continue
- steps = b.getSteps()
- for Ns in range(1, len(steps)+1):
- if steps[-Ns].started:
- step_start = steps[-Ns].getTimes()[0]
- while e is not None and e.getTimes()[0] > step_start:
- yield e
- eventIndex -= 1
- e = self.getEvent(eventIndex)
- yield steps[-Ns]
- yield b
- while e is not None:
- yield e
- eventIndex -= 1
- e = self.getEvent(eventIndex)
- def subscribe(self, receiver):
- # will get builderChangedState, buildStarted, and buildFinished
- self.watchers.append(receiver)
- self.publishState(receiver)
- def unsubscribe(self, receiver):
- self.watchers.remove(receiver)
- ## Builder interface (methods called by the Builder which feeds us)
- def setSlavenames(self, names):
- self.slavenames = names
- def addEvent(self, text=[]):
- # this adds a duration event. When it is done, the user should call
- # e.finish(). They can also mangle it by modifying .text
- e = Event()
- e.started = util.now()
- e.text = text
- self.events.append(e)
- return e # they are free to mangle it further
- def addPointEvent(self, text=[]):
- # this adds a point event, one which occurs as a single atomic
- # instant of time.
- e = Event()
- e.started = util.now()
- e.finished = 0
- e.text = text
- self.events.append(e)
- return e # for consistency, but they really shouldn't touch it
- def setBigState(self, state):
- needToUpdate = state != self.currentBigState
- self.currentBigState = state
- if needToUpdate:
- self.publishState()
- def publishState(self, target=None):
- state = self.currentBigState
- if target is not None:
- # unicast
- target.builderChangedState(self.name, state)
- return
- for w in self.watchers:
- try:
- w.builderChangedState(self.name, state)
- except:
- log.msg("Exception caught publishing state to %r" % w)
- log.err()
- def newBuild(self):
- """The Builder has decided to start a build, but the Build object is
- not yet ready to report status (it has not finished creating the
- Steps). Create a BuildStatus object that it can use."""
- number = self.nextBuildNumber
- self.nextBuildNumber += 1
- # TODO: self.saveYourself(), to make sure we don't forget about the
- # build number we've just allocated. This is not quite as important
- # as it was before we switch to determineNextBuildNumber, but I think
- # it may still be useful to have the new build save itself.
- s = BuildStatus(self, number)
- s.waitUntilFinished().addCallback(self._buildFinished)
- return s
- def addBuildRequest(self, brstatus):
- self.pendingBuilds.append(brstatus)
- for w in self.watchers:
- w.requestSubmitted(brstatus)
- def removeBuildRequest(self, brstatus):
- self.pendingBuilds.remove(brstatus)
- # buildStarted is called by our child BuildStatus instances
- def buildStarted(self, s):
- """Now the BuildStatus object is ready to go (it knows all of its
- Steps, its ETA, etc), so it is safe to notify our watchers."""
- assert s.builder is self # paranoia
- assert s.number == self.nextBuildNumber - 1
- assert s not in self.currentBuilds
- self.currentBuilds.append(s)
- self.addBuildToCache(s)
- # now that the BuildStatus is prepared to answer queries, we can
- # announce the new build to all our watchers
- for w in self.watchers: # TODO: maybe do this later? callLater(0)?
- try:
- receiver = w.buildStarted(self.getName(), s)
- if receiver:
- if type(receiver) == type(()):
- s.subscribe(receiver[0], receiver[1])
- else:
- s.subscribe(receiver)
- d = s.waitUntilFinished()
- d.addCallback(lambda s: s.unsubscribe(receiver))
- except:
- log.msg("Exception caught notifying %r of buildStarted event" % w)
- log.err()
- def _buildFinished(self, s):
- assert s in self.currentBuilds
- s.saveYourself()
- self.currentBuilds.remove(s)
- name = self.getName()
- results = s.getResults()
- for w in self.watchers:
- try:
- w.buildFinished(name, s, results)
- except:
- log.msg("Exception caught notifying %r of buildFinished event" % w)
- log.err()
- self.prune() # conserve disk
- # waterfall display (history)
- # I want some kind of build event that holds everything about the build:
- # why, what changes went into it, the results of the build, itemized
- # test results, etc. But, I do kind of need something to be inserted in
- # the event log first, because intermixing step events and the larger
- # build event is fraught with peril. Maybe an Event-like-thing that
- # doesn't have a file in it but does have links. Hmm, that's exactly
- # what it does now. The only difference would be that this event isn't
- # pushed to the clients.
- # publish to clients
- def sendLastBuildStatus(self, client):
- #client.newLastBuildStatus(self.lastBuildStatus)
- pass
- def sendCurrentActivityBigToEveryone(self):
- for s in self.subscribers:
- self.sendCurrentActivityBig(s)
- def sendCurrentActivityBig(self, client):
- state = self.currentBigState
- if state == "offline":
- client.currentlyOffline()
- elif state == "idle":
- client.currentlyIdle()
- elif state == "building":
- client.currentlyBuilding()
- else:
- log.msg("Hey, self.currentBigState is weird:", state)
- ## HTML display interface
- def getEventNumbered(self, num):
- # deal with dropped events, pruned events
- first = self.events[0].number
- if first + len(self.events)-1 != self.events[-1].number:
- log.msg(self,
- "lost an event somewhere: [0] is %d, [%d] is %d" % \
- (self.events[0].number,
- len(self.events) - 1,
- self.events[-1].number))
- for e in self.events:
- log.msg("e[%d]: " % e.number, e)
- return None
- offset = num - first
- log.msg(self, "offset", offset)
- try:
- return self.events[offset]
- except IndexError:
- return None
- ## Persistence of Status
- def loadYourOldEvents(self):
- if hasattr(self, "allEvents"):
- # first time, nothing to get from file. Note that this is only if
- # the Application gets .run() . If it gets .save()'ed, then the
- # .allEvents attribute goes away in the initial __getstate__ and
- # we try to load a non-existent file.
- return
- self.allEvents = self.loadFile("events", [])
- if self.allEvents:
- self.nextEventNumber = self.allEvents[-1].number + 1
- else:
- self.nextEventNumber = 0
- def saveYourOldEvents(self):
- self.saveFile("events", self.allEvents)
- ## clients
- def addClient(self, client):
- if client not in self.subscribers:
- self.subscribers.append(client)
- self.sendLastBuildStatus(client)
- self.sendCurrentActivityBig(client)
- client.newEvent(self.currentSmall)
- def removeClient(self, client):
- if client in self.subscribers:
- self.subscribers.remove(client)
-class SlaveStatus:
- implements(interfaces.ISlaveStatus)
- admin = None
- host = None
- connected = False
- graceful_shutdown = False
- def __init__(self, name):
- self.name = name
- self._lastMessageReceived = 0
- self.runningBuilds = []
- self.graceful_callbacks = []
- def getName(self):
- return self.name
- def getAdmin(self):
- return self.admin
- def getHost(self):
- return self.host
- def isConnected(self):
- return self.connected
- def lastMessageReceived(self):
- return self._lastMessageReceived
- def getRunningBuilds(self):
- return self.runningBuilds
- def setAdmin(self, admin):
- self.admin = admin
- def setHost(self, host):
- self.host = host
- def setConnected(self, isConnected):
- self.connected = isConnected
- def setLastMessageReceived(self, when):
- self._lastMessageReceived = when
- def buildStarted(self, build):
- self.runningBuilds.append(build)
- def buildFinished(self, build):
- self.runningBuilds.remove(build)
- def getGraceful(self):
- """Return the graceful shutdown flag"""
- return self.graceful_shutdown
- def setGraceful(self, graceful):
- """Set the graceful shutdown flag, and notify all the watchers"""
- self.graceful_shutdown = graceful
- for cb in self.graceful_callbacks:
- reactor.callLater(0, cb, graceful)
- def addGracefulWatcher(self, watcher):
- """Add watcher to the list of watchers to be notified when the
- graceful shutdown flag is changed."""
- if not watcher in self.graceful_callbacks:
- self.graceful_callbacks.append(watcher)
- def removeGracefulWatcher(self, watcher):
- """Remove watcher from the list of watchers to be notified when the
- graceful shutdown flag is changed."""
- if watcher in self.graceful_callbacks:
- self.graceful_callbacks.remove(watcher)
-class Status:
- """
- I represent the status of the buildmaster.
- """
- implements(interfaces.IStatus)
- def __init__(self, botmaster, basedir):
- """
- @type botmaster: L{buildbot.master.BotMaster}
- @param botmaster: the Status object uses C{.botmaster} to get at
- both the L{buildbot.master.BuildMaster} (for
- various buildbot-wide parameters) and the
- actual Builders (to get at their L{BuilderStatus}
- objects). It is not allowed to change or influence
- anything through this reference.
- @type basedir: string
- @param basedir: this provides a base directory in which saved status
- information (changes.pck, saved Build status
- pickles) can be stored
- """
- self.botmaster = botmaster
- self.basedir = basedir
- self.watchers = []
- self.activeBuildSets = []
- assert os.path.isdir(basedir)
- # compress logs bigger than 4k, a good default on linux
- self.logCompressionLimit = 4*1024
- # methods called by our clients
- def getProjectName(self):
- return self.botmaster.parent.projectName
- def getProjectURL(self):
- return self.botmaster.parent.projectURL
- def getBuildbotURL(self):
- return self.botmaster.parent.buildbotURL
- def getURLForThing(self, thing):
- prefix = self.getBuildbotURL()
- if not prefix:
- return None
- if interfaces.IStatus.providedBy(thing):
- return prefix
- if interfaces.ISchedulerStatus.providedBy(thing):
- pass
- if interfaces.IBuilderStatus.providedBy(thing):
- builder = thing
- return prefix + "builders/%s" % (
- urllib.quote(builder.getName(), safe=''),
- )
- if interfaces.IBuildStatus.providedBy(thing):
- build = thing
- builder = build.getBuilder()
- return prefix + "builders/%s/builds/%d" % (
- urllib.quote(builder.getName(), safe=''),
- build.getNumber())
- if interfaces.IBuildStepStatus.providedBy(thing):
- step = thing
- build = step.getBuild()
- builder = build.getBuilder()
- return prefix + "builders/%s/builds/%d/steps/%s" % (
- urllib.quote(builder.getName(), safe=''),
- build.getNumber(),
- urllib.quote(step.getName(), safe=''))
- # IBuildSetStatus
- # IBuildRequestStatus
- # ISlaveStatus
- # IStatusEvent
- if interfaces.IStatusEvent.providedBy(thing):
- from buildbot.changes import changes
- # TODO: this is goofy, create IChange or something
- if isinstance(thing, changes.Change):
- change = thing
- return "%schanges/%d" % (prefix, change.number)
- if interfaces.IStatusLog.providedBy(thing):
- log = thing
- step = log.getStep()
- build = step.getBuild()
- builder = build.getBuilder()
- logs = step.getLogs()
- for i in range(len(logs)):
- if log is logs[i]:
- lognum = i
- break
- else:
- return None
- return prefix + "builders/%s/builds/%d/steps/%s/logs/%d" % (
- urllib.quote(builder.getName(), safe=''),
- build.getNumber(),
- urllib.quote(step.getName(), safe=''),
- lognum)
- def getChangeSources(self):
- return list(self.botmaster.parent.change_svc)
- def getChange(self, number):
- return self.botmaster.parent.change_svc.getChangeNumbered(number)
- def getSchedulers(self):
- return self.botmaster.parent.allSchedulers()
- def getBuilderNames(self, categories=None):
- if categories == None:
- return self.botmaster.builderNames[:] # don't let them break it
- l = []
- # respect addition order
- for name in self.botmaster.builderNames:
- builder = self.botmaster.builders[name]
- if builder.builder_status.category in categories:
- l.append(name)
- return l
- def getBuilder(self, name):
- """
- @rtype: L{BuilderStatus}
- """
- return self.botmaster.builders[name].builder_status
- def getSlaveNames(self):
- return self.botmaster.slaves.keys()
- def getSlave(self, slavename):
- return self.botmaster.slaves[slavename].slave_status
- def getBuildSets(self):
- return self.activeBuildSets[:]
- def generateFinishedBuilds(self, builders=[], branches=[],
- num_builds=None, finished_before=None,
- max_search=200):
- def want_builder(bn):
- if builders:
- return bn in builders
- return True
- builder_names = [bn
- for bn in self.getBuilderNames()
- if want_builder(bn)]
- # 'sources' is a list of generators, one for each Builder we're
- # using. When the generator is exhausted, it is replaced in this list
- # with None.
- sources = []
- for bn in builder_names:
- b = self.getBuilder(bn)
- g = b.generateFinishedBuilds(branches,
- finished_before=finished_before,
- max_search=max_search)
- sources.append(g)
- # next_build the next build from each source
- next_build = [None] * len(sources)
- def refill():
- for i,g in enumerate(sources):
- if next_build[i]:
- # already filled
- continue
- if not g:
- # already exhausted
- continue
- try:
- next_build[i] = g.next()
- except StopIteration:
- next_build[i] = None
- sources[i] = None
- got = 0
- while True:
- refill()
- # find the latest build among all the candidates
- candidates = [(i, b, b.getTimes()[1])
- for i,b in enumerate(next_build)
- if b is not None]
- candidates.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(x[2], y[2]))
- if not candidates:
- return
- # and remove it from the list
- i, build, finshed_time = candidates[-1]
- next_build[i] = None
- got += 1
- yield build
- if num_builds is not None:
- if got >= num_builds:
- return
- def subscribe(self, target):
- self.watchers.append(target)
- for name in self.botmaster.builderNames:
- self.announceNewBuilder(target, name, self.getBuilder(name))
- def unsubscribe(self, target):
- self.watchers.remove(target)
- # methods called by upstream objects
- def announceNewBuilder(self, target, name, builder_status):
- t = target.builderAdded(name, builder_status)
- if t:
- builder_status.subscribe(t)
- def builderAdded(self, name, basedir, category=None):
- """
- @rtype: L{BuilderStatus}
- """
- filename = os.path.join(self.basedir, basedir, "builder")
- log.msg("trying to load status pickle from %s" % filename)
- builder_status = None
- try:
- builder_status = load(open(filename, "rb"))
- styles.doUpgrade()
- except IOError:
- log.msg("no saved status pickle, creating a new one")
- except:
- log.msg("error while loading status pickle, creating a new one")
- log.msg("error follows:")
- log.err()
- if not builder_status:
- builder_status = BuilderStatus(name, category)
- builder_status.addPointEvent(["builder", "created"])
- log.msg("added builder %s in category %s" % (name, category))
- # an unpickled object might not have category set from before,
- # so set it here to make sure
- builder_status.category = category
- builder_status.basedir = os.path.join(self.basedir, basedir)
- builder_status.name = name # it might have been updated
- builder_status.status = self
- if not os.path.isdir(builder_status.basedir):
- os.makedirs(builder_status.basedir)
- builder_status.determineNextBuildNumber()
- builder_status.setBigState("offline")
- builder_status.setLogCompressionLimit(self.logCompressionLimit)
- for t in self.watchers:
- self.announceNewBuilder(t, name, builder_status)
- return builder_status
- def builderRemoved(self, name):
- for t in self.watchers:
- t.builderRemoved(name)
- def prune(self):
- for b in self.botmaster.builders.values():
- b.builder_status.prune()
- def buildsetSubmitted(self, bss):
- self.activeBuildSets.append(bss)
- bss.waitUntilFinished().addCallback(self.activeBuildSets.remove)
- for t in self.watchers:
- t.buildsetSubmitted(bss)
diff --git a/buildbot/buildbot/status/client.py b/buildbot/buildbot/status/client.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d4611d..0000000
--- a/buildbot/buildbot/status/client.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,564 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: buildbot.test.test_status -*-
-from twisted.spread import pb
-from twisted.python import components, log as twlog
-from twisted.internet import reactor
-from twisted.application import strports
-from twisted.cred import portal, checkers
-from buildbot import interfaces
-from zope.interface import Interface, implements
-from buildbot.status import builder, base
-from buildbot.changes import changes
-class IRemote(Interface):
- pass
-def makeRemote(obj):
- # we want IRemote(None) to be None, but you can't really do that with
- # adapters, so we fake it
- if obj is None:
- return None
- return IRemote(obj)
-class RemoteBuildSet(pb.Referenceable):
- def __init__(self, buildset):
- self.b = buildset
- def remote_getSourceStamp(self):
- return self.b.getSourceStamp()
- def remote_getReason(self):
- return self.b.getReason()
- def remote_getID(self):
- return self.b.getID()
- def remote_getBuilderNames(self):
- return self.b.getBuilderNames()
- def remote_getBuildRequests(self):
- """Returns a list of (builderName, BuildRequest) tuples."""
- return [(br.getBuilderName(), IRemote(br))
- for br in self.b.getBuildRequests()]
- def remote_isFinished(self):
- return self.b.isFinished()
- def remote_waitUntilSuccess(self):
- d = self.b.waitUntilSuccess()
- d.addCallback(lambda res: self)
- return d
- def remote_waitUntilFinished(self):
- d = self.b.waitUntilFinished()
- d.addCallback(lambda res: self)
- return d
- def remote_getResults(self):
- return self.b.getResults()
- interfaces.IBuildSetStatus, IRemote)
-class RemoteBuilder(pb.Referenceable):
- def __init__(self, builder):
- self.b = builder
- def remote_getName(self):
- return self.b.getName()
- def remote_getState(self):
- state, builds = self.b.getState()
- return (state,
- None, # TODO: remove leftover ETA
- [makeRemote(b) for b in builds])
- def remote_getSlaves(self):
- return [IRemote(s) for s in self.b.getSlaves()]
- def remote_getLastFinishedBuild(self):
- return makeRemote(self.b.getLastFinishedBuild())
- def remote_getCurrentBuilds(self):
- return [IRemote(b) for b in self.b.getCurrentBuilds()]
- def remote_getBuild(self, number):
- return makeRemote(self.b.getBuild(number))
- def remote_getEvent(self, number):
- return IRemote(self.b.getEvent(number))
- interfaces.IBuilderStatus, IRemote)
-class RemoteBuildRequest(pb.Referenceable):
- def __init__(self, buildreq):
- self.b = buildreq
- self.observers = []
- def remote_getSourceStamp(self):
- return self.b.getSourceStamp()
- def remote_getBuilderName(self):
- return self.b.getBuilderName()
- def remote_subscribe(self, observer):
- """The observer's remote_newbuild method will be called (with two
- arguments: the RemoteBuild object, and our builderName) for each new
- Build that is created to handle this BuildRequest."""
- self.observers.append(observer)
- def send(bs):
- d = observer.callRemote("newbuild",
- IRemote(bs), self.b.getBuilderName())
- d.addErrback(lambda err: None)
- reactor.callLater(0, self.b.subscribe, send)
- def remote_unsubscribe(self, observer):
- # PB (well, at least oldpb) doesn't re-use RemoteReference instances,
- # so sending the same object across the wire twice will result in two
- # separate objects that compare as equal ('a is not b' and 'a == b').
- # That means we can't use a simple 'self.observers.remove(observer)'
- # here.
- for o in self.observers:
- if o == observer:
- self.observers.remove(o)
- interfaces.IBuildRequestStatus, IRemote)
-class RemoteBuild(pb.Referenceable):
- def __init__(self, build):
- self.b = build
- self.observers = []
- def remote_getBuilderName(self):
- return self.b.getBuilder().getName()
- def remote_getNumber(self):
- return self.b.getNumber()
- def remote_getReason(self):
- return self.b.getReason()
- def remote_getChanges(self):
- return [IRemote(c) for c in self.b.getChanges()]
- def remote_getResponsibleUsers(self):
- return self.b.getResponsibleUsers()
- def remote_getSteps(self):
- return [IRemote(s) for s in self.b.getSteps()]
- def remote_getTimes(self):
- return self.b.getTimes()
- def remote_isFinished(self):
- return self.b.isFinished()
- def remote_waitUntilFinished(self):
- # the Deferred returned by callRemote() will fire when this build is
- # finished
- d = self.b.waitUntilFinished()
- d.addCallback(lambda res: self)
- return d
- def remote_getETA(self):
- return self.b.getETA()
- def remote_getCurrentStep(self):
- return makeRemote(self.b.getCurrentStep())
- def remote_getText(self):
- return self.b.getText()
- def remote_getResults(self):
- return self.b.getResults()
- def remote_getLogs(self):
- logs = {}
- for name,log in self.b.getLogs().items():
- logs[name] = IRemote(log)
- return logs
- def remote_subscribe(self, observer, updateInterval=None):
- """The observer will have remote_stepStarted(buildername, build,
- stepname, step), remote_stepFinished(buildername, build, stepname,
- step, results), and maybe remote_buildETAUpdate(buildername, build,
- eta)) messages sent to it."""
- self.observers.append(observer)
- s = BuildSubscriber(observer)
- self.b.subscribe(s, updateInterval)
- def remote_unsubscribe(self, observer):
- # TODO: is the observer automatically unsubscribed when the build
- # finishes? Or are they responsible for unsubscribing themselves
- # anyway? How do we avoid a race condition here?
- for o in self.observers:
- if o == observer:
- self.observers.remove(o)
- interfaces.IBuildStatus, IRemote)
-class BuildSubscriber:
- def __init__(self, observer):
- self.observer = observer
- def buildETAUpdate(self, build, eta):
- self.observer.callRemote("buildETAUpdate",
- build.getBuilder().getName(),
- IRemote(build),
- eta)
- def stepStarted(self, build, step):
- self.observer.callRemote("stepStarted",
- build.getBuilder().getName(),
- IRemote(build),
- step.getName(), IRemote(step))
- return None
- def stepFinished(self, build, step, results):
- self.observer.callRemote("stepFinished",
- build.getBuilder().getName(),
- IRemote(build),
- step.getName(), IRemote(step),
- results)
-class RemoteBuildStep(pb.Referenceable):
- def __init__(self, step):
- self.s = step
- def remote_getName(self):
- return self.s.getName()
- def remote_getBuild(self):
- return IRemote(self.s.getBuild())
- def remote_getTimes(self):
- return self.s.getTimes()
- def remote_getExpectations(self):
- return self.s.getExpectations()
- def remote_getLogs(self):
- logs = {}
- for log in self.s.getLogs():
- logs[log.getName()] = IRemote(log)
- return logs
- def remote_isFinished(self):
- return self.s.isFinished()
- def remote_waitUntilFinished(self):
- return self.s.waitUntilFinished() # returns a Deferred
- def remote_getETA(self):
- return self.s.getETA()
- def remote_getText(self):
- return self.s.getText()
- def remote_getResults(self):
- return self.s.getResults()
- interfaces.IBuildStepStatus, IRemote)
-class RemoteSlave:
- def __init__(self, slave):
- self.s = slave
- def remote_getName(self):
- return self.s.getName()
- def remote_getAdmin(self):
- return self.s.getAdmin()
- def remote_getHost(self):
- return self.s.getHost()
- def remote_isConnected(self):
- return self.s.isConnected()
- interfaces.ISlaveStatus, IRemote)
-class RemoteEvent:
- def __init__(self, event):
- self.e = event
- def remote_getTimes(self):
- return self.s.getTimes()
- def remote_getText(self):
- return self.s.getText()
- interfaces.IStatusEvent, IRemote)
-class RemoteLog(pb.Referenceable):
- def __init__(self, log):
- self.l = log
- def remote_getName(self):
- return self.l.getName()
- def remote_isFinished(self):
- return self.l.isFinished()
- def remote_waitUntilFinished(self):
- d = self.l.waitUntilFinished()
- d.addCallback(lambda res: self)
- return d
- def remote_getText(self):
- return self.l.getText()
- def remote_getTextWithHeaders(self):
- return self.l.getTextWithHeaders()
- def remote_getChunks(self):
- return self.l.getChunks()
- # TODO: subscription interface
-components.registerAdapter(RemoteLog, builder.LogFile, IRemote)
-# TODO: something similar for builder.HTMLLogfile ?
-class RemoteChange:
- def __init__(self, change):
- self.c = change
- def getWho(self):
- return self.c.who
- def getFiles(self):
- return self.c.files
- def getComments(self):
- return self.c.comments
-components.registerAdapter(RemoteChange, changes.Change, IRemote)
-class StatusClientPerspective(base.StatusReceiverPerspective):
- subscribed = None
- client = None
- def __init__(self, status):
- self.status = status # the IStatus
- self.subscribed_to_builders = [] # Builders to which we're subscribed
- self.subscribed_to = [] # everything else we're subscribed to
- def __getstate__(self):
- d = self.__dict__.copy()
- d['client'] = None
- return d
- def attached(self, mind):
- #twlog.msg("StatusClientPerspective.attached")
- return self
- def detached(self, mind):
- twlog.msg("PB client detached")
- self.client = None
- for name in self.subscribed_to_builders:
- twlog.msg(" unsubscribing from Builder(%s)" % name)
- self.status.getBuilder(name).unsubscribe(self)
- for s in self.subscribed_to:
- twlog.msg(" unsubscribe from %s" % s)
- s.unsubscribe(self)
- self.subscribed = None
- def perspective_subscribe(self, mode, interval, target):
- """The remote client wishes to subscribe to some set of events.
- 'target' will be sent remote messages when these events happen.
- 'mode' indicates which events are desired: it is a string with one
- of the following values:
- 'builders': builderAdded, builderRemoved
- 'builds': those plus builderChangedState, buildStarted, buildFinished
- 'steps': all those plus buildETAUpdate, stepStarted, stepFinished
- 'logs': all those plus stepETAUpdate, logStarted, logFinished
- 'full': all those plus logChunk (with the log contents)
- Messages are defined by buildbot.interfaces.IStatusReceiver .
- 'interval' is used to specify how frequently ETAUpdate messages
- should be sent.
- Raising or lowering the subscription level will take effect starting
- with the next build or step."""
- assert mode in ("builders", "builds", "steps", "logs", "full")
- assert target
- twlog.msg("PB subscribe(%s)" % mode)
- self.client = target
- self.subscribed = mode
- self.interval = interval
- self.subscribed_to.append(self.status)
- # wait a moment before subscribing, so the new-builder messages
- # won't appear before this remote method finishes
- reactor.callLater(0, self.status.subscribe, self)
- return None
- def perspective_unsubscribe(self):
- twlog.msg("PB unsubscribe")
- self.status.unsubscribe(self)
- self.subscribed_to.remove(self.status)
- self.client = None
- def perspective_getBuildSets(self):
- """This returns tuples of (buildset, bsid), because that is much more
- convenient for tryclient."""
- return [(IRemote(s), s.getID()) for s in self.status.getBuildSets()]
- def perspective_getBuilderNames(self):
- return self.status.getBuilderNames()
- def perspective_getBuilder(self, name):
- b = self.status.getBuilder(name)
- return IRemote(b)
- def perspective_getSlave(self, name):
- s = self.status.getSlave(name)
- return IRemote(s)
- def perspective_ping(self):
- """Ping method to allow pb clients to validate their connections."""
- return "pong"
- # IStatusReceiver methods, invoked if we've subscribed
- # mode >= builder
- def builderAdded(self, name, builder):
- self.client.callRemote("builderAdded", name, IRemote(builder))
- if self.subscribed in ("builds", "steps", "logs", "full"):
- self.subscribed_to_builders.append(name)
- return self
- return None
- def builderChangedState(self, name, state):
- self.client.callRemote("builderChangedState", name, state, None)
- # TODO: remove leftover ETA argument
- def builderRemoved(self, name):
- if name in self.subscribed_to_builders:
- self.subscribed_to_builders.remove(name)
- self.client.callRemote("builderRemoved", name)
- def buildsetSubmitted(self, buildset):
- # TODO: deliver to client, somehow
- pass
- # mode >= builds
- def buildStarted(self, name, build):
- self.client.callRemote("buildStarted", name, IRemote(build))
- if self.subscribed in ("steps", "logs", "full"):
- self.subscribed_to.append(build)
- return (self, self.interval)
- return None
- def buildFinished(self, name, build, results):
- if build in self.subscribed_to:
- # we might have joined during the build
- self.subscribed_to.remove(build)
- self.client.callRemote("buildFinished",
- name, IRemote(build), results)
- # mode >= steps
- def buildETAUpdate(self, build, eta):
- self.client.callRemote("buildETAUpdate",
- build.getBuilder().getName(), IRemote(build),
- eta)
- def stepStarted(self, build, step):
- # we add some information here so the client doesn't have to do an
- # extra round-trip
- self.client.callRemote("stepStarted",
- build.getBuilder().getName(), IRemote(build),
- step.getName(), IRemote(step))
- if self.subscribed in ("logs", "full"):
- self.subscribed_to.append(step)
- return (self, self.interval)
- return None
- def stepFinished(self, build, step, results):
- self.client.callRemote("stepFinished",
- build.getBuilder().getName(), IRemote(build),
- step.getName(), IRemote(step),
- results)
- if step in self.subscribed_to:
- # eventually (through some new subscription method) we could
- # join in the middle of the step
- self.subscribed_to.remove(step)
- # mode >= logs
- def stepETAUpdate(self, build, step, ETA, expectations):
- self.client.callRemote("stepETAUpdate",
- build.getBuilder().getName(), IRemote(build),
- step.getName(), IRemote(step),
- ETA, expectations)
- def logStarted(self, build, step, log):
- # TODO: make the HTMLLog adapter
- rlog = IRemote(log, None)
- if not rlog:
- print "hey, couldn't adapt %s to IRemote" % log
- self.client.callRemote("logStarted",
- build.getBuilder().getName(), IRemote(build),
- step.getName(), IRemote(step),
- log.getName(), IRemote(log, None))
- if self.subscribed in ("full",):
- self.subscribed_to.append(log)
- return self
- return None
- def logFinished(self, build, step, log):
- self.client.callRemote("logFinished",
- build.getBuilder().getName(), IRemote(build),
- step.getName(), IRemote(step),
- log.getName(), IRemote(log, None))
- if log in self.subscribed_to:
- self.subscribed_to.remove(log)
- # mode >= full
- def logChunk(self, build, step, log, channel, text):
- self.client.callRemote("logChunk",
- build.getBuilder().getName(), IRemote(build),
- step.getName(), IRemote(step),
- log.getName(), IRemote(log),
- channel, text)
-class PBListener(base.StatusReceiverMultiService):
- """I am a listener for PB-based status clients."""
- compare_attrs = ["port", "cred"]
- implements(portal.IRealm)
- def __init__(self, port, user="statusClient", passwd="clientpw"):
- base.StatusReceiverMultiService.__init__(self)
- if type(port) is int:
- port = "tcp:%d" % port
- self.port = port
- self.cred = (user, passwd)
- p = portal.Portal(self)
- c = checkers.InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse()
- c.addUser(user, passwd)
- p.registerChecker(c)
- f = pb.PBServerFactory(p)
- s = strports.service(port, f)
- s.setServiceParent(self)
- def setServiceParent(self, parent):
- base.StatusReceiverMultiService.setServiceParent(self, parent)
- self.setup()
- def setup(self):
- self.status = self.parent.getStatus()
- def requestAvatar(self, avatarID, mind, interface):
- assert interface == pb.IPerspective
- p = StatusClientPerspective(self.status)
- p.attached(mind) # perhaps .callLater(0) ?
- return (pb.IPerspective, p,
- lambda p=p,mind=mind: p.detached(mind))
diff --git a/buildbot/buildbot/status/html.py b/buildbot/buildbot/status/html.py
deleted file mode 100644
index cc36a4a..0000000
--- a/buildbot/buildbot/status/html.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-# compatibility wrapper. This is currently the preferred place for master.cfg
-# to import from.
-from buildbot.status.web.baseweb import Waterfall, WebStatus
-_hush_pyflakes = [Waterfall, WebStatus]
diff --git a/buildbot/buildbot/status/mail.py b/buildbot/buildbot/status/mail.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e32cfa9..0000000
--- a/buildbot/buildbot/status/mail.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,524 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: buildbot.test.test_status -*-
-# the email.MIMEMultipart module is only available in python-2.2.2 and later
-import re
-from email.Message import Message
-from email.Utils import formatdate
-from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
- from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart
- canDoAttachments = True
-except ImportError:
- canDoAttachments = False
-import urllib
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.internet import defer
-from twisted.mail.smtp import sendmail
-from twisted.python import log as twlog
-from buildbot import interfaces, util
-from buildbot.status import base
-from buildbot.status.builder import FAILURE, SUCCESS, WARNINGS, Results
-VALID_EMAIL = re.compile("[a-zA-Z0-9\.\_\%\-\+]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\.\_\%\-]+.[a-zA-Z]{2,6}")
-def message(attrs):
- """Generate a buildbot mail message and return a tuple of message text
- and type.
- This function can be replaced using the customMesg variable in MailNotifier.
- A message function will *always* get a dictionary of attributes with
- the following values:
- builderName - (str) Name of the builder that generated this event.
- projectName - (str) Name of the project.
- mode - (str) Mode set in MailNotifier. (failing, passing, problem).
- result - (str) Builder result as a string. 'success', 'warnings',
- 'failure', 'skipped', or 'exception'
- buildURL - (str) URL to build page.
- buildbotURL - (str) URL to buildbot main page.
- buildText - (str) Build text from build.getText().
- slavename - (str) Slavename.
- reason - (str) Build reason from build.getReason().
- responsibleUsers - (List of str) List of responsible users.
- branch - (str) Name of branch used. If no SourceStamp exists branch
- is an empty string.
- revision - (str) Name of revision used. If no SourceStamp exists revision
- is an empty string.
- patch - (str) Name of patch used. If no SourceStamp exists patch
- is an empty string.
- changes - (list of objs) List of change objects from SourceStamp. A change
- object has the following useful information:
- who - who made this change
- revision - what VC revision is this change
- branch - on what branch did this change occur
- when - when did this change occur
- files - what files were affected in this change
- comments - comments reguarding the change.
- The functions asText and asHTML return a list of strings with
- the above information formatted.
- logs - (List of Tuples) List of tuples that contain the log name, log url
- and log contents as a list of strings.
- """
- text = ""
- if attrs['mode'] == "all":
- text += "The Buildbot has finished a build"
- elif attrs['mode'] == "failing":
- text += "The Buildbot has detected a failed build"
- elif attrs['mode'] == "passing":
- text += "The Buildbot has detected a passing build"
- else:
- text += "The Buildbot has detected a new failure"
- text += " of %s on %s.\n" % (attrs['builderName'], attrs['projectName'])
- if attrs['buildURL']:
- text += "Full details are available at:\n %s\n" % attrs['buildURL']
- text += "\n"
- if attrs['buildbotURL']:
- text += "Buildbot URL: %s\n\n" % urllib.quote(attrs['buildbotURL'], '/:')
- text += "Buildslave for this Build: %s\n\n" % attrs['slavename']
- text += "Build Reason: %s\n" % attrs['reason']
- #
- # No source stamp
- #
- if attrs['branch']:
- source = "unavailable"
- else:
- source = ""
- if attrs['branch']:
- source += "[branch %s] " % attrs['branch']
- if attrs['revision']:
- source += attrs['revision']
- else:
- source += "HEAD"
- if attrs['patch']:
- source += " (plus patch)"
- text += "Build Source Stamp: %s\n" % source
- text += "Blamelist: %s\n" % ",".join(attrs['responsibleUsers'])
- text += "\n"
- t = attrs['buildText']
- if t:
- t = ": " + " ".join(t)
- else:
- t = ""
- if attrs['result'] == 'success':
- text += "Build succeeded!\n"
- elif attrs['result'] == 'warnings':
- text += "Build Had Warnings%s\n" % t
- else:
- text += "BUILD FAILED%s\n" % t
- text += "\n"
- text += "sincerely,\n"
- text += " -The Buildbot\n"
- text += "\n"
- return (text, 'plain')
-class Domain(util.ComparableMixin):
- implements(interfaces.IEmailLookup)
- compare_attrs = ["domain"]
- def __init__(self, domain):
- assert "@" not in domain
- self.domain = domain
- def getAddress(self, name):
- """If name is already an email address, pass it through."""
- if '@' in name:
- return name
- return name + "@" + self.domain
-class MailNotifier(base.StatusReceiverMultiService):
- """This is a status notifier which sends email to a list of recipients
- upon the completion of each build. It can be configured to only send out
- mail for certain builds, and only send messages when the build fails, or
- when it transitions from success to failure. It can also be configured to
- include various build logs in each message.
- By default, the message will be sent to the Interested Users list, which
- includes all developers who made changes in the build. You can add
- additional recipients with the extraRecipients argument.
- To get a simple one-message-per-build (say, for a mailing list), use
- sendToInterestedUsers=False, extraRecipients=['listaddr@example.org']
- Each MailNotifier sends mail to a single set of recipients. To send
- different kinds of mail to different recipients, use multiple
- MailNotifiers.
- """
- implements(interfaces.IEmailSender)
- compare_attrs = ["extraRecipients", "lookup", "fromaddr", "mode",
- "categories", "builders", "addLogs", "relayhost",
- "subject", "sendToInterestedUsers", "customMesg"]
- def __init__(self, fromaddr, mode="all", categories=None, builders=None,
- addLogs=False, relayhost="localhost",
- subject="buildbot %(result)s in %(projectName)s on %(builder)s",
- lookup=None, extraRecipients=[],
- sendToInterestedUsers=True, customMesg=message):
- """
- @type fromaddr: string
- @param fromaddr: the email address to be used in the 'From' header.
- @type sendToInterestedUsers: boolean
- @param sendToInterestedUsers: if True (the default), send mail to all
- of the Interested Users. If False, only
- send mail to the extraRecipients list.
- @type extraRecipients: tuple of string
- @param extraRecipients: a list of email addresses to which messages
- should be sent (in addition to the
- InterestedUsers list, which includes any
- developers who made Changes that went into this
- build). It is a good idea to create a small
- mailing list and deliver to that, then let
- subscribers come and go as they please.
- @type subject: string
- @param subject: a string to be used as the subject line of the message.
- %(builder)s will be replaced with the name of the
- builder which provoked the message.
- @type mode: string (defaults to all)
- @param mode: one of:
- - 'all': send mail about all builds, passing and failing
- - 'failing': only send mail about builds which fail
- - 'passing': only send mail about builds which succeed
- - 'problem': only send mail about a build which failed
- when the previous build passed
- @type builders: list of strings
- @param builders: a list of builder names for which mail should be
- sent. Defaults to None (send mail for all builds).
- Use either builders or categories, but not both.
- @type categories: list of strings
- @param categories: a list of category names to serve status
- information for. Defaults to None (all
- categories). Use either builders or categories,
- but not both.
- @type addLogs: boolean.
- @param addLogs: if True, include all build logs as attachments to the
- messages. These can be quite large. This can also be
- set to a list of log names, to send a subset of the
- logs. Defaults to False.
- @type relayhost: string
- @param relayhost: the host to which the outbound SMTP connection
- should be made. Defaults to 'localhost'
- @type lookup: implementor of {IEmailLookup}
- @param lookup: object which provides IEmailLookup, which is
- responsible for mapping User names (which come from
- the VC system) into valid email addresses. If not
- provided, the notifier will only be able to send mail
- to the addresses in the extraRecipients list. Most of
- the time you can use a simple Domain instance. As a
- shortcut, you can pass as string: this will be
- treated as if you had provided Domain(str). For
- example, lookup='twistedmatrix.com' will allow mail
- to be sent to all developers whose SVN usernames
- match their twistedmatrix.com account names.
- @type customMesg: func
- @param customMesg: A function that returns a tuple containing the text of
- a custom message and its type. This function takes
- the dict attrs which has the following values:
- builderName - (str) Name of the builder that generated this event.
- projectName - (str) Name of the project.
- mode - (str) Mode set in MailNotifier. (failing, passing, problem).
- result - (str) Builder result as a string. 'success', 'warnings',
- 'failure', 'skipped', or 'exception'
- buildURL - (str) URL to build page.
- buildbotURL - (str) URL to buildbot main page.
- buildText - (str) Build text from build.getText().
- slavename - (str) Slavename.
- reason - (str) Build reason from build.getReason().
- responsibleUsers - (List of str) List of responsible users.
- branch - (str) Name of branch used. If no SourceStamp exists branch
- is an empty string.
- revision - (str) Name of revision used. If no SourceStamp exists revision
- is an empty string.
- patch - (str) Name of patch used. If no SourceStamp exists patch
- is an empty string.
- changes - (list of objs) List of change objects from SourceStamp. A change
- object has the following useful information:
- who - who made this change
- revision - what VC revision is this change
- branch - on what branch did this change occur
- when - when did this change occur
- files - what files were affected in this change
- comments - comments reguarding the change.
- The functions asText and asHTML return a list of strings with
- the above information formatted.
- logs - (List of Tuples) List of tuples that contain the log name, log url,
- and log contents as a list of strings.
- """
- base.StatusReceiverMultiService.__init__(self)
- assert isinstance(extraRecipients, (list, tuple))
- for r in extraRecipients:
- assert isinstance(r, str)
- assert VALID_EMAIL.search(r) # require full email addresses, not User names
- self.extraRecipients = extraRecipients
- self.sendToInterestedUsers = sendToInterestedUsers
- self.fromaddr = fromaddr
- assert mode in ('all', 'failing', 'problem')
- self.mode = mode
- self.categories = categories
- self.builders = builders
- self.addLogs = addLogs
- self.relayhost = relayhost
- self.subject = subject
- if lookup is not None:
- if type(lookup) is str:
- lookup = Domain(lookup)
- assert interfaces.IEmailLookup.providedBy(lookup)
- self.lookup = lookup
- self.customMesg = customMesg
- self.watched = []
- self.status = None
- # you should either limit on builders or categories, not both
- if self.builders != None and self.categories != None:
- twlog.err("Please specify only builders to ignore or categories to include")
- raise # FIXME: the asserts above do not raise some Exception either
- def setServiceParent(self, parent):
- """
- @type parent: L{buildbot.master.BuildMaster}
- """
- base.StatusReceiverMultiService.setServiceParent(self, parent)
- self.setup()
- def setup(self):
- self.status = self.parent.getStatus()
- self.status.subscribe(self)
- def disownServiceParent(self):
- self.status.unsubscribe(self)
- for w in self.watched:
- w.unsubscribe(self)
- return base.StatusReceiverMultiService.disownServiceParent(self)
- def builderAdded(self, name, builder):
- # only subscribe to builders we are interested in
- if self.categories != None and builder.category not in self.categories:
- return None
- self.watched.append(builder)
- return self # subscribe to this builder
- def builderRemoved(self, name):
- pass
- def builderChangedState(self, name, state):
- pass
- def buildStarted(self, name, build):
- pass
- def buildFinished(self, name, build, results):
- # here is where we actually do something.
- builder = build.getBuilder()
- if self.builders is not None and name not in self.builders:
- return # ignore this build
- if self.categories is not None and \
- builder.category not in self.categories:
- return # ignore this build
- if self.mode == "failing" and results != FAILURE:
- return
- if self.mode == "passing" and results != SUCCESS:
- return
- if self.mode == "problem":
- if results != FAILURE:
- return
- prev = build.getPreviousBuild()
- if prev and prev.getResults() == FAILURE:
- return
- # for testing purposes, buildMessage returns a Deferred that fires
- # when the mail has been sent. To help unit tests, we return that
- # Deferred here even though the normal IStatusReceiver.buildFinished
- # signature doesn't do anything with it. If that changes (if
- # .buildFinished's return value becomes significant), we need to
- # rearrange this.
- return self.buildMessage(name, build, results)
- def buildMessage(self, name, build, results):
- #
- # logs is a list of tuples that contain the log
- # name, log url, and the log contents as a list of strings.
- #
- logs = list()
- for log in build.getLogs():
- stepName = log.getStep().getName()
- logName = log.getName()
- logs.append(('%s.%s' % (stepName, logName),
- '%s/steps/%s/logs/%s' % (self.status.getURLForThing(build), stepName, logName),
- log.getText().splitlines()))
- attrs = {'builderName': name,
- 'projectName': self.status.getProjectName(),
- 'mode': self.mode,
- 'result': Results[results],
- 'buildURL': self.status.getURLForThing(build),
- 'buildbotURL': self.status.getBuildbotURL(),
- 'buildText': build.getText(),
- 'slavename': build.getSlavename(),
- 'reason': build.getReason(),
- 'responsibleUsers': build.getResponsibleUsers(),
- 'branch': "",
- 'revision': "",
- 'patch': "",
- 'changes': [],
- 'logs': logs}
- ss = build.getSourceStamp()
- if ss:
- attrs['branch'] = ss.branch
- attrs['revision'] = ss.revision
- attrs['patch'] = ss.patch
- attrs['changes'] = ss.changes[:]
- text, type = self.customMesg(attrs)
- assert type in ('plain', 'html'), "'%s' message type must be 'plain' or 'html'." % type
- haveAttachments = False
- if attrs['patch'] or self.addLogs:
- haveAttachments = True
- if not canDoAttachments:
- twlog.msg("warning: I want to send mail with attachments, "
- "but this python is too old to have "
- "email.MIMEMultipart . Please upgrade to python-2.3 "
- "or newer to enable addLogs=True")
- if haveAttachments and canDoAttachments:
- m = MIMEMultipart()
- m.attach(MIMEText(text, type))
- else:
- m = Message()
- m.set_payload(text)
- m.set_type("text/%s" % type)
- m['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=True)
- m['Subject'] = self.subject % { 'result': attrs['result'],
- 'projectName': attrs['projectName'],
- 'builder': attrs['builderName'],
- }
- m['From'] = self.fromaddr
- # m['To'] is added later
- if attrs['patch']:
- a = MIMEText(attrs['patch'][1])
- a.add_header('Content-Disposition', "attachment",
- filename="source patch")
- m.attach(a)
- if self.addLogs:
- for log in build.getLogs():
- name = "%s.%s" % (log.getStep().getName(),
- log.getName())
- if self._shouldAttachLog(log.getName()) or self._shouldAttachLog(name):
- a = MIMEText(log.getText())
- a.add_header('Content-Disposition', "attachment",
- filename=name)
- m.attach(a)
- # now, who is this message going to?
- dl = []
- recipients = []
- if self.sendToInterestedUsers and self.lookup:
- for u in build.getInterestedUsers():
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.lookup.getAddress, u)
- d.addCallback(recipients.append)
- dl.append(d)
- d = defer.DeferredList(dl)
- d.addCallback(self._gotRecipients, recipients, m)
- return d
- def _shouldAttachLog(self, logname):
- if type(self.addLogs) is bool:
- return self.addLogs
- return logname in self.addLogs
- def _gotRecipients(self, res, rlist, m):
- recipients = set()
- for r in rlist:
- if r is None: # getAddress didn't like this address
- continue
- # Git can give emails like 'User' <user@foo.com>@foo.com so check
- # for two @ and chop the last
- if r.count('@') > 1:
- r = r[:r.rindex('@')]
- if VALID_EMAIL.search(r):
- recipients.add(r)
- else:
- twlog.msg("INVALID EMAIL: %r" + r)
- # if we're sending to interested users move the extra's to the CC
- # list so they can tell if they are also interested in the change
- # unless there are no interested users
- if self.sendToInterestedUsers and len(recipients):
- m['CC'] = ", ".join(sorted(self.extraRecipients[:]))
- else:
- [recipients.add(r) for r in self.extraRecipients[:]]
- m['To'] = ", ".join(sorted(recipients))
- # The extras weren't part of the TO list so add them now
- if self.sendToInterestedUsers:
- for r in self.extraRecipients:
- recipients.add(r)
- return self.sendMessage(m, list(recipients))
- def sendMessage(self, m, recipients):
- s = m.as_string()
- twlog.msg("sending mail (%d bytes) to" % len(s), recipients)
- return sendmail(self.relayhost, self.fromaddr, recipients, s)
diff --git a/buildbot/buildbot/status/progress.py b/buildbot/buildbot/status/progress.py
deleted file mode 100644
index dc4d3d5..0000000
--- a/buildbot/buildbot/status/progress.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: buildbot.test.test_status -*-
-from twisted.internet import reactor
-from twisted.spread import pb
-from twisted.python import log
-from buildbot import util
-class StepProgress:
- """I keep track of how much progress a single BuildStep has made.
- Progress is measured along various axes. Time consumed is one that is
- available for all steps. Amount of command output is another, and may be
- better quantified by scanning the output for markers to derive number of
- files compiled, directories walked, tests run, etc.
- I am created when the build begins, and given to a BuildProgress object
- so it can track the overall progress of the whole build.
- """
- startTime = None
- stopTime = None
- expectedTime = None
- buildProgress = None
- debug = False
- def __init__(self, name, metricNames):
- self.name = name
- self.progress = {}
- self.expectations = {}
- for m in metricNames:
- self.progress[m] = None
- self.expectations[m] = None
- def setBuildProgress(self, bp):
- self.buildProgress = bp
- def setExpectations(self, metrics):
- """The step can call this to explicitly set a target value for one
- of its metrics. E.g., ShellCommands knows how many commands it will
- execute, so it could set the 'commands' expectation."""
- for metric, value in metrics.items():
- self.expectations[metric] = value
- self.buildProgress.newExpectations()
- def setExpectedTime(self, seconds):
- self.expectedTime = seconds
- self.buildProgress.newExpectations()
- def start(self):
- if self.debug: print "StepProgress.start[%s]" % self.name
- self.startTime = util.now()
- def setProgress(self, metric, value):
- """The step calls this as progress is made along various axes."""
- if self.debug:
- print "setProgress[%s][%s] = %s" % (self.name, metric, value)
- self.progress[metric] = value
- if self.debug:
- r = self.remaining()
- print " step remaining:", r
- self.buildProgress.newProgress()
- def finish(self):
- """This stops the 'time' metric and marks the step as finished
- overall. It should be called after the last .setProgress has been
- done for each axis."""
- if self.debug: print "StepProgress.finish[%s]" % self.name
- self.stopTime = util.now()
- self.buildProgress.stepFinished(self.name)
- def totalTime(self):
- if self.startTime != None and self.stopTime != None:
- return self.stopTime - self.startTime
- def remaining(self):
- if self.startTime == None:
- return self.expectedTime
- if self.stopTime != None:
- return 0 # already finished
- # TODO: replace this with cleverness that graphs each metric vs.
- # time, then finds the inverse function. Will probably need to save
- # a timestamp with each setProgress update, when finished, go back
- # and find the 2% transition points, then save those 50 values in a
- # list. On the next build, do linear interpolation between the two
- # closest samples to come up with a percentage represented by that
- # metric.
- # TODO: If no other metrics are available, just go with elapsed
- # time. Given the non-time-uniformity of text output from most
- # steps, this would probably be better than the text-percentage
- # scheme currently implemented.
- percentages = []
- for metric, value in self.progress.items():
- expectation = self.expectations[metric]
- if value != None and expectation != None:
- p = 1.0 * value / expectation
- percentages.append(p)
- if percentages:
- avg = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, percentages) / len(percentages)
- if avg > 1.0:
- # overdue
- avg = 1.0
- if avg < 0.0:
- avg = 0.0
- if percentages and self.expectedTime != None:
- return self.expectedTime - (avg * self.expectedTime)
- if self.expectedTime is not None:
- # fall back to pure time
- return self.expectedTime - (util.now() - self.startTime)
- return None # no idea
-class WatcherState:
- def __init__(self, interval):
- self.interval = interval
- self.timer = None
- self.needUpdate = 0
-class BuildProgress(pb.Referenceable):
- """I keep track of overall build progress. I hold a list of StepProgress
- objects.
- """
- def __init__(self, stepProgresses):
- self.steps = {}
- for s in stepProgresses:
- self.steps[s.name] = s
- s.setBuildProgress(self)
- self.finishedSteps = []
- self.watchers = {}
- self.debug = 0
- def setExpectationsFrom(self, exp):
- """Set our expectations from the builder's Expectations object."""
- for name, metrics in exp.steps.items():
- s = self.steps[name]
- s.setExpectedTime(exp.times[name])
- s.setExpectations(exp.steps[name])
- def newExpectations(self):
- """Call this when one of the steps has changed its expectations.
- This should trigger us to update our ETA value and notify any
- subscribers."""
- pass # subscribers are not implemented: they just poll
- def stepFinished(self, stepname):
- assert(stepname not in self.finishedSteps)
- self.finishedSteps.append(stepname)
- if len(self.finishedSteps) == len(self.steps.keys()):
- self.sendLastUpdates()
- def newProgress(self):
- r = self.remaining()
- if self.debug:
- print " remaining:", r
- if r != None:
- self.sendAllUpdates()
- def remaining(self):
- # sum eta of all steps
- sum = 0
- for name, step in self.steps.items():
- rem = step.remaining()
- if rem == None:
- return None # not sure
- sum += rem
- return sum
- def eta(self):
- left = self.remaining()
- if left == None:
- return None # not sure
- done = util.now() + left
- return done
- def remote_subscribe(self, remote, interval=5):
- # [interval, timer, needUpdate]
- # don't send an update more than once per interval
- self.watchers[remote] = WatcherState(interval)
- remote.notifyOnDisconnect(self.removeWatcher)
- self.updateWatcher(remote)
- self.startTimer(remote)
- log.msg("BuildProgress.remote_subscribe(%s)" % remote)
- def remote_unsubscribe(self, remote):
- # TODO: this doesn't work. I think 'remote' will always be different
- # than the object that appeared in _subscribe.
- log.msg("BuildProgress.remote_unsubscribe(%s)" % remote)
- self.removeWatcher(remote)
- #remote.dontNotifyOnDisconnect(self.removeWatcher)
- def removeWatcher(self, remote):
- #log.msg("removeWatcher(%s)" % remote)
- try:
- timer = self.watchers[remote].timer
- if timer:
- timer.cancel()
- del self.watchers[remote]
- except KeyError:
- log.msg("Weird, removeWatcher on non-existent subscriber:",
- remote)
- def sendAllUpdates(self):
- for r in self.watchers.keys():
- self.updateWatcher(r)
- def updateWatcher(self, remote):
- # an update wants to go to this watcher. Send it if we can, otherwise
- # queue it for later
- w = self.watchers[remote]
- if not w.timer:
- # no timer, so send update now and start the timer
- self.sendUpdate(remote)
- self.startTimer(remote)
- else:
- # timer is running, just mark as needing an update
- w.needUpdate = 1
- def startTimer(self, remote):
- w = self.watchers[remote]
- timer = reactor.callLater(w.interval, self.watcherTimeout, remote)
- w.timer = timer
- def sendUpdate(self, remote, last=0):
- self.watchers[remote].needUpdate = 0
- #text = self.asText() # TODO: not text, duh
- try:
- remote.callRemote("progress", self.remaining())
- if last:
- remote.callRemote("finished", self)
- except:
- log.deferr()
- self.removeWatcher(remote)
- def watcherTimeout(self, remote):
- w = self.watchers.get(remote, None)
- if not w:
- return # went away
- w.timer = None
- if w.needUpdate:
- self.sendUpdate(remote)
- self.startTimer(remote)
- def sendLastUpdates(self):
- for remote in self.watchers.keys():
- self.sendUpdate(remote, 1)
- self.removeWatcher(remote)
-class Expectations:
- debug = False
- # decay=1.0 ignores all but the last build
- # 0.9 is short time constant. 0.1 is very long time constant
- # TODO: let decay be specified per-metric
- decay = 0.5
- def __init__(self, buildprogress):
- """Create us from a successful build. We will expect each step to
- take as long as it did in that build."""
- # .steps maps stepname to dict2
- # dict2 maps metricname to final end-of-step value
- self.steps = {}
- # .times maps stepname to per-step elapsed time
- self.times = {}
- for name, step in buildprogress.steps.items():
- self.steps[name] = {}
- for metric, value in step.progress.items():
- self.steps[name][metric] = value
- self.times[name] = None
- if step.startTime is not None and step.stopTime is not None:
- self.times[name] = step.stopTime - step.startTime
- def wavg(self, old, current):
- if old is None:
- return current
- if current is None:
- return old
- else:
- return (current * self.decay) + (old * (1 - self.decay))
- def update(self, buildprogress):
- for name, stepprogress in buildprogress.steps.items():
- old = self.times[name]
- current = stepprogress.totalTime()
- if current == None:
- log.msg("Expectations.update: current[%s] was None!" % name)
- continue
- new = self.wavg(old, current)
- self.times[name] = new
- if self.debug:
- print "new expected time[%s] = %s, old %s, cur %s" % \
- (name, new, old, current)
- for metric, current in stepprogress.progress.items():
- old = self.steps[name][metric]
- new = self.wavg(old, current)
- if self.debug:
- print "new expectation[%s][%s] = %s, old %s, cur %s" % \
- (name, metric, new, old, current)
- self.steps[name][metric] = new
- def expectedBuildTime(self):
- if None in self.times.values():
- return None
- #return sum(self.times.values())
- # python-2.2 doesn't have 'sum'. TODO: drop python-2.2 support
- s = 0
- for v in self.times.values():
- s += v
- return s
diff --git a/buildbot/buildbot/status/tests.py b/buildbot/buildbot/status/tests.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c4c894..0000000
--- a/buildbot/buildbot/status/tests.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-from twisted.web import resource
-from twisted.web.error import NoResource
-# these are our test result types. Steps are responsible for mapping results
-# into these values.
- "skip", "expected failure", "failure", "error", "unexpected success", \
- "success"
-UNKNOWN = "unknown" # catch-all
-class OneTest(resource.Resource):
- isLeaf = 1
- def __init__(self, parent, testName, results):
- self.parent = parent
- self.testName = testName
- self.resultType, self.results = results
- def render(self, request):
- request.setHeader("content-type", "text/html")
- if request.method == "HEAD":
- request.setHeader("content-length", len(self.html(request)))
- return ''
- return self.html(request)
- def html(self, request):
- # turn ourselves into HTML
- raise NotImplementedError
-class TestResults(resource.Resource):
- oneTestClass = OneTest
- def __init__(self):
- resource.Resource.__init__(self)
- self.tests = {}
- def addTest(self, testName, resultType, results=None):
- self.tests[testName] = (resultType, results)
- # TODO: .setName and .delete should be used on our Swappable
- def countTests(self):
- return len(self.tests)
- def countFailures(self):
- failures = 0
- for t in self.tests.values():
- if t[0] in (FAILURE, ERROR):
- failures += 1
- return failures
- def summary(self):
- """Return a short list of text strings as a summary, suitable for
- inclusion in an Event"""
- return ["some", "tests"]
- def describeOneTest(self, testname):
- return "%s: %s\n" % (testname, self.tests[testname][0])
- def html(self):
- data = "<html>\n<head><title>Test Results</title></head>\n"
- data += "<body>\n"
- data += "<pre>\n"
- tests = self.tests.keys()
- tests.sort()
- for testname in tests:
- data += self.describeOneTest(testname)
- data += "</pre>\n"
- data += "</body></html>\n"
- return data
- def render(self, request):
- request.setHeader("content-type", "text/html")
- if request.method == "HEAD":
- request.setHeader("content-length", len(self.html()))
- return ''
- return self.html()
- def getChild(self, path, request):
- if self.tests.has_key(path):
- return self.oneTestClass(self, path, self.tests[path])
- return NoResource("No such test '%s'" % path)
diff --git a/buildbot/buildbot/status/tinderbox.py b/buildbot/buildbot/status/tinderbox.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 51d404b..0000000
--- a/buildbot/buildbot/status/tinderbox.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-from email.Message import Message
-from email.Utils import formatdate
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.internet import defer
-from buildbot import interfaces
-from buildbot.status import mail
-from buildbot.status.builder import SUCCESS, WARNINGS
-from buildbot.steps.shell import WithProperties
-import zlib, bz2, base64
-# TODO: docs, maybe a test of some sort just to make sure it actually imports
-# and can format email without raising an exception.
-class TinderboxMailNotifier(mail.MailNotifier):
- """This is a Tinderbox status notifier. It can send e-mail to a number of
- different tinderboxes or people. E-mails are sent at the beginning and
- upon completion of each build. It can be configured to send out e-mails
- for only certain builds.
- The most basic usage is as follows::
- TinderboxMailNotifier(fromaddr="buildbot@localhost",
- tree="MyTinderboxTree",
- extraRecipients=["tinderboxdaemon@host.org"])
- The builder name (as specified in master.cfg) is used as the "build"
- tinderbox option.
- """
- implements(interfaces.IEmailSender)
- compare_attrs = ["extraRecipients", "fromaddr", "categories", "builders",
- "addLogs", "relayhost", "subject", "binaryURL", "tree",
- "logCompression", "errorparser", "columnName",
- "useChangeTime"]
- def __init__(self, fromaddr, tree, extraRecipients,
- categories=None, builders=None, relayhost="localhost",
- subject="buildbot %(result)s in %(builder)s", binaryURL="",
- logCompression="", errorparser="unix", columnName=None,
- useChangeTime=False):
- """
- @type fromaddr: string
- @param fromaddr: the email address to be used in the 'From' header.
- @type tree: string
- @param tree: The Tinderbox tree to post to.
- @type extraRecipients: tuple of string
- @param extraRecipients: E-mail addresses of recipients. This should at
- least include the tinderbox daemon.
- @type categories: list of strings
- @param categories: a list of category names to serve status
- information for. Defaults to None (all
- categories). Use either builders or categories,
- but not both.
- @type builders: list of strings
- @param builders: a list of builder names for which mail should be
- sent. Defaults to None (send mail for all builds).
- Use either builders or categories, but not both.
- @type relayhost: string
- @param relayhost: the host to which the outbound SMTP connection
- should be made. Defaults to 'localhost'
- @type subject: string
- @param subject: a string to be used as the subject line of the message.
- %(builder)s will be replaced with the name of the
- %builder which provoked the message.
- This parameter is not significant for the tinderbox
- daemon.
- @type binaryURL: string
- @param binaryURL: If specified, this should be the location where final
- binary for a build is located.
- (ie. http://www.myproject.org/nightly/08-08-2006.tgz)
- It will be posted to the Tinderbox.
- @type logCompression: string
- @param logCompression: The type of compression to use on the log.
- Valid options are"bzip2" and "gzip". gzip is
- only known to work on Python 2.4 and above.
- @type errorparser: string
- @param errorparser: The error parser that the Tinderbox server
- should use when scanning the log file.
- Default is "unix".
- @type columnName: string
- @param columnName: When columnName is None, use the buildername as
- the Tinderbox column name. When columnName is a
- string this exact string will be used for all
- builders that this TinderboxMailNotifier cares
- about (not recommended). When columnName is a
- WithProperties instance it will be interpolated
- as such. See WithProperties for more detail.
- @type useChangeTime: bool
- @param useChangeTime: When True, the time of the first Change for a
- build is used as the builddate. When False,
- the current time is used as the builddate.
- """
- mail.MailNotifier.__init__(self, fromaddr, categories=categories,
- builders=builders, relayhost=relayhost,
- subject=subject,
- extraRecipients=extraRecipients,
- sendToInterestedUsers=False)
- self.tree = tree
- self.binaryURL = binaryURL
- self.logCompression = logCompression
- self.errorparser = errorparser
- self.useChangeTime = useChangeTime
- assert columnName is None or type(columnName) is str \
- or isinstance(columnName, WithProperties), \
- "columnName must be None, a string, or a WithProperties instance"
- self.columnName = columnName
- def buildStarted(self, name, build):
- builder = build.getBuilder()
- if self.builders is not None and name not in self.builders:
- return # ignore this Build
- if self.categories is not None and \
- builder.category not in self.categories:
- return # ignore this build
- self.buildMessage(name, build, "building")
- def buildMessage(self, name, build, results):
- text = ""
- res = ""
- # shortform
- t = "tinderbox:"
- text += "%s tree: %s\n" % (t, self.tree)
- # the start time
- # getTimes() returns a fractioned time that tinderbox doesn't understand
- builddate = int(build.getTimes()[0])
- # attempt to pull a Change time from this Build's Changes.
- # if that doesn't work, fall back on the current time
- if self.useChangeTime:
- try:
- builddate = build.getChanges()[-1].when
- except:
- pass
- text += "%s builddate: %s\n" % (t, builddate)
- text += "%s status: " % t
- if results == "building":
- res = "building"
- text += res
- elif results == SUCCESS:
- res = "success"
- text += res
- elif results == WARNINGS:
- res = "testfailed"
- text += res
- else:
- res += "busted"
- text += res
- text += "\n";
- if self.columnName is None:
- # use the builder name
- text += "%s build: %s\n" % (t, name)
- elif type(self.columnName) is str:
- # use the exact string given
- text += "%s build: %s\n" % (t, self.columnName)
- elif isinstance(self.columnName, WithProperties):
- # interpolate the WithProperties instance, use that
- text += "%s build: %s\n" % (t, build.getProperties().render(self.columnName))
- else:
- raise Exception("columnName is an unhandled value")
- text += "%s errorparser: %s\n" % (t, self.errorparser)
- # if the build just started...
- if results == "building":
- text += "%s END\n" % t
- # if the build finished...
- else:
- text += "%s binaryurl: %s\n" % (t, self.binaryURL)
- text += "%s logcompression: %s\n" % (t, self.logCompression)
- # logs will always be appended
- logEncoding = ""
- tinderboxLogs = ""
- for log in build.getLogs():
- l = ""
- if self.logCompression == "bzip2":
- compressedLog = bz2.compress(log.getText())
- l = base64.encodestring(compressedLog)
- logEncoding = "base64";
- elif self.logCompression == "gzip":
- compressedLog = zlib.compress(log.getText())
- l = base64.encodestring(compressedLog)
- logEncoding = "base64";
- else:
- l = log.getText()
- tinderboxLogs += l
- text += "%s logencoding: %s\n" % (t, logEncoding)
- text += "%s END\n\n" % t
- text += tinderboxLogs
- text += "\n"
- m = Message()
- m.set_payload(text)
- m['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=True)
- m['Subject'] = self.subject % { 'result': res,
- 'builder': name,
- }
- m['From'] = self.fromaddr
- # m['To'] is added later
- d = defer.DeferredList([])
- d.addCallback(self._gotRecipients, self.extraRecipients, m)
- return d
diff --git a/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/__init__.py b/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/about.py b/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/about.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 09748e6..0000000
--- a/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/about.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-from twisted.web import html
-from buildbot.status.web.base import HtmlResource
-import buildbot
-import twisted
-import sys
-class AboutBuildbot(HtmlResource):
- title = "About this Buildbot"
- def body(self, request):
- data = ''
- data += '<h1>Welcome to the Buildbot</h1>\n'
- data += '<h2>Version Information</h2>\n'
- data += '<ul>\n'
- data += ' <li>Buildbot: %s</li>\n' % html.escape(buildbot.version)
- data += ' <li>Twisted: %s</li>\n' % html.escape(twisted.__version__)
- data += ' <li>Python: %s</li>\n' % html.escape(sys.version)
- data += ' <li>Buildmaster platform: %s</li>\n' % html.escape(sys.platform)
- data += '</ul>\n'
- data += '''
-<h2>Source code</h2>
-<p>Buildbot is a free software project, released under the terms of the
-<a href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html">GNU GPL</a>.</p>
-<p>Please visit the <a href="http://buildbot.net/">Buildbot Home Page</a> for
-more information, including documentation, bug reports, and source
- return data
diff --git a/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/base.py b/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/base.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e515a25..0000000
--- a/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/base.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,421 +0,0 @@
-import urlparse, urllib, time
-from zope.interface import Interface
-from twisted.web import html, resource
-from buildbot.status import builder
-from buildbot.status.builder import SUCCESS, WARNINGS, FAILURE, SKIPPED, EXCEPTION
-from buildbot import version, util
-class ITopBox(Interface):
- """I represent a box in the top row of the waterfall display: the one
- which shows the status of the last build for each builder."""
- def getBox(self, request):
- """Return a Box instance, which can produce a <td> cell.
- """
-class ICurrentBox(Interface):
- """I represent the 'current activity' box, just above the builder name."""
- def getBox(self, status):
- """Return a Box instance, which can produce a <td> cell.
- """
-class IBox(Interface):
- """I represent a box in the waterfall display."""
- def getBox(self, request):
- """Return a Box instance, which wraps an Event and can produce a <td>
- cell.
- """
-class IHTMLLog(Interface):
- pass
-css_classes = {SUCCESS: "success",
- WARNINGS: "warnings",
- FAILURE: "failure",
- SKIPPED: "skipped",
- EXCEPTION: "exception",
- }
-<div class="row">
- <span class="label">%(label)s</span>
- <span class="field">%(field)s</span>
-def make_row(label, field):
- """Create a name/value row for the HTML.
- `label` is plain text; it will be HTML-encoded.
- `field` is a bit of HTML structure; it will not be encoded in
- any way.
- """
- label = html.escape(label)
- return ROW_TEMPLATE % {"label": label, "field": field}
-def make_stop_form(stopURL, on_all=False, label="Build"):
- if on_all:
- data = """<form action="%s" class='command stopbuild'>
- <p>To stop all builds, fill out the following fields and
- push the 'Stop' button</p>\n""" % stopURL
- else:
- data = """<form action="%s" class='command stopbuild'>
- <p>To stop this build, fill out the following fields and
- push the 'Stop' button</p>\n""" % stopURL
- data += make_row("Your name:",
- "<input type='text' name='username' />")
- data += make_row("Reason for stopping build:",
- "<input type='text' name='comments' />")
- data += '<input type="submit" value="Stop %s" /></form>\n' % label
- return data
-def make_force_build_form(forceURL, on_all=False):
- if on_all:
- data = """<form action="%s" class="command forcebuild">
- <p>To force a build on all Builders, fill out the following fields
- and push the 'Force Build' button</p>""" % forceURL
- else:
- data = """<form action="%s" class="command forcebuild">
- <p>To force a build, fill out the following fields and
- push the 'Force Build' button</p>""" % forceURL
- return (data
- + make_row("Your name:",
- "<input type='text' name='username' />")
- + make_row("Reason for build:",
- "<input type='text' name='comments' />")
- + make_row("Branch to build:",
- "<input type='text' name='branch' />")
- + make_row("Revision to build:",
- "<input type='text' name='revision' />")
- + '<input type="submit" value="Force Build" /></form>\n')
-def td(text="", parms={}, **props):
- data = ""
- data += " "
- #if not props.has_key("border"):
- # props["border"] = 1
- props.update(parms)
- comment = props.get("comment", None)
- if comment:
- data += "<!-- %s -->" % comment
- data += "<td"
- class_ = props.get('class_', None)
- if class_:
- props["class"] = class_
- for prop in ("align", "colspan", "rowspan", "border",
- "valign", "halign", "class"):
- p = props.get(prop, None)
- if p != None:
- data += " %s=\"%s\"" % (prop, p)
- data += ">"
- if not text:
- text = "&nbsp;"
- if isinstance(text, list):
- data += "<br />".join(text)
- else:
- data += text
- data += "</td>\n"
- return data
-def build_get_class(b):
- """
- Return the class to use for a finished build or buildstep,
- based on the result.
- """
- # FIXME: this getResults duplicity might need to be fixed
- result = b.getResults()
- #print "THOMAS: result for b %r: %r" % (b, result)
- if isinstance(b, builder.BuildStatus):
- result = b.getResults()
- elif isinstance(b, builder.BuildStepStatus):
- result = b.getResults()[0]
- # after forcing a build, b.getResults() returns ((None, []), []), ugh
- if isinstance(result, tuple):
- result = result[0]
- else:
- raise TypeError, "%r is not a BuildStatus or BuildStepStatus" % b
- if result == None:
- # FIXME: this happens when a buildstep is running ?
- return "running"
- return builder.Results[result]
-def path_to_root(request):
- # /waterfall : ['waterfall'] -> ''
- # /somewhere/lower : ['somewhere', 'lower'] -> '../'
- # /somewhere/indexy/ : ['somewhere', 'indexy', ''] -> '../../'
- # / : [] -> ''
- if request.prepath:
- segs = len(request.prepath) - 1
- else:
- segs = 0
- root = "../" * segs
- return root
-def path_to_builder(request, builderstatus):
- return (path_to_root(request) +
- "builders/" +
- urllib.quote(builderstatus.getName(), safe=''))
-def path_to_build(request, buildstatus):
- return (path_to_builder(request, buildstatus.getBuilder()) +
- "/builds/%d" % buildstatus.getNumber())
-def path_to_step(request, stepstatus):
- return (path_to_build(request, stepstatus.getBuild()) +
- "/steps/%s" % urllib.quote(stepstatus.getName(), safe=''))
-def path_to_slave(request, slave):
- return (path_to_root(request) +
- "buildslaves/" +
- urllib.quote(slave.getName(), safe=''))
-class Box:
- # a Box wraps an Event. The Box has HTML <td> parameters that Events
- # lack, and it has a base URL to which each File's name is relative.
- # Events don't know about HTML.
- spacer = False
- def __init__(self, text=[], class_=None, urlbase=None,
- **parms):
- self.text = text
- self.class_ = class_
- self.urlbase = urlbase
- self.show_idle = 0
- if parms.has_key('show_idle'):
- del parms['show_idle']
- self.show_idle = 1
- self.parms = parms
- # parms is a dict of HTML parameters for the <td> element that will
- # represent this Event in the waterfall display.
- def td(self, **props):
- props.update(self.parms)
- text = self.text
- if not text and self.show_idle:
- text = ["[idle]"]
- return td(text, props, class_=self.class_)
-class HtmlResource(resource.Resource):
- # this is a cheap sort of template thingy
- contentType = "text/html; charset=UTF-8"
- title = "Buildbot"
- addSlash = False # adapted from Nevow
- def getChild(self, path, request):
- if self.addSlash and path == "" and len(request.postpath) == 0:
- return self
- return resource.Resource.getChild(self, path, request)
- def render(self, request):
- # tell the WebStatus about the HTTPChannel that got opened, so they
- # can close it if we get reconfigured and the WebStatus goes away.
- # They keep a weakref to this, since chances are good that it will be
- # closed by the browser or by us before we get reconfigured. See
- # ticket #102 for details.
- if hasattr(request, "channel"):
- # web.distrib.Request has no .channel
- request.site.buildbot_service.registerChannel(request.channel)
- # Our pages no longer require that their URL end in a slash. Instead,
- # they all use request.childLink() or some equivalent which takes the
- # last path component into account. This clause is left here for
- # historical and educational purposes.
- if False and self.addSlash and request.prepath[-1] != '':
- # this is intended to behave like request.URLPath().child('')
- # but we need a relative URL, since we might be living behind a
- # reverse proxy
- #
- # note that the Location: header (as used in redirects) are
- # required to have absolute URIs, and my attempt to handle
- # reverse-proxies gracefully violates rfc2616. This frequently
- # works, but single-component paths sometimes break. The best
- # strategy is to avoid these redirects whenever possible by using
- # HREFs with trailing slashes, and only use the redirects for
- # manually entered URLs.
- url = request.prePathURL()
- scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlparse.urlsplit(url)
- new_url = request.prepath[-1] + "/"
- if query:
- new_url += "?" + query
- request.redirect(new_url)
- return ''
- data = self.content(request)
- if isinstance(data, unicode):
- data = data.encode("utf-8")
- request.setHeader("content-type", self.contentType)
- if request.method == "HEAD":
- request.setHeader("content-length", len(data))
- return ''
- return data
- def getStatus(self, request):
- return request.site.buildbot_service.getStatus()
- def getControl(self, request):
- return request.site.buildbot_service.getControl()
- def getChangemaster(self, request):
- return request.site.buildbot_service.getChangeSvc()
- def path_to_root(self, request):
- return path_to_root(request)
- def footer(self, s, req):
- # TODO: this stuff should be generated by a template of some sort
- projectURL = s.getProjectURL()
- projectName = s.getProjectName()
- data = '<hr /><div class="footer">\n'
- welcomeurl = self.path_to_root(req) + "index.html"
- data += '[<a href="%s">welcome</a>]\n' % welcomeurl
- data += "<br />\n"
- data += '<a href="http://buildbot.sourceforge.net/">Buildbot</a>'
- data += "-%s " % version
- if projectName:
- data += "working for the "
- if projectURL:
- data += "<a href=\"%s\">%s</a> project." % (projectURL,
- projectName)
- else:
- data += "%s project." % projectName
- data += "<br />\n"
- data += ("Page built: " +
- time.strftime("%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S",
- time.localtime(util.now()))
- + "\n")
- data += '</div>\n'
- return data
- def getTitle(self, request):
- return self.title
- def fillTemplate(self, template, request):
- s = request.site.buildbot_service
- values = s.template_values.copy()
- values['root'] = self.path_to_root(request)
- # e.g. to reference the top-level 'buildbot.css' page, use
- # "%(root)sbuildbot.css"
- values['title'] = self.getTitle(request)
- return template % values
- def content(self, request):
- s = request.site.buildbot_service
- data = ""
- data += self.fillTemplate(s.header, request)
- data += "<head>\n"
- for he in s.head_elements:
- data += " " + self.fillTemplate(he, request) + "\n"
- data += self.head(request)
- data += "</head>\n\n"
- data += '<body %s>\n' % " ".join(['%s="%s"' % (k,v)
- for (k,v) in s.body_attrs.items()])
- data += self.body(request)
- data += "</body>\n"
- data += self.fillTemplate(s.footer, request)
- return data
- def head(self, request):
- return ""
- def body(self, request):
- return "Dummy\n"
-class StaticHTML(HtmlResource):
- def __init__(self, body, title):
- HtmlResource.__init__(self)
- self.bodyHTML = body
- self.title = title
- def body(self, request):
- return self.bodyHTML
-MINUTE = 60
-DAY = 24*HOUR
-def plural(word, words, num):
- if int(num) == 1:
- return "%d %s" % (num, word)
- else:
- return "%d %s" % (num, words)
-def abbreviate_age(age):
- if age <= 90:
- return "%s ago" % plural("second", "seconds", age)
- if age < 90*MINUTE:
- return "about %s ago" % plural("minute", "minutes", age / MINUTE)
- if age < DAY:
- return "about %s ago" % plural("hour", "hours", age / HOUR)
- if age < 2*WEEK:
- return "about %s ago" % plural("day", "days", age / DAY)
- if age < 2*MONTH:
- return "about %s ago" % plural("week", "weeks", age / WEEK)
- return "a long time ago"
-class OneLineMixin:
- LINE_TIME_FORMAT = "%b %d %H:%M"
- def get_line_values(self, req, build):
- '''
- Collect the data needed for each line display
- '''
- builder_name = build.getBuilder().getName()
- results = build.getResults()
- text = build.getText()
- try:
- rev = build.getProperty("got_revision")
- if rev is None:
- rev = "??"
- except KeyError:
- rev = "??"
- rev = str(rev)
- if len(rev) > 40:
- rev = "version is too-long"
- root = self.path_to_root(req)
- css_class = css_classes.get(results, "")
- values = {'class': css_class,
- 'builder_name': builder_name,
- 'buildnum': build.getNumber(),
- 'results': css_class,
- 'text': " ".join(build.getText()),
- 'buildurl': path_to_build(req, build),
- 'builderurl': path_to_builder(req, build.getBuilder()),
- 'rev': rev,
- 'time': time.strftime(self.LINE_TIME_FORMAT,
- time.localtime(build.getTimes()[0])),
- }
- return values
- def make_line(self, req, build, include_builder=True):
- '''
- Format and render a single line into HTML
- '''
- values = self.get_line_values(req, build)
- fmt_pieces = ['<font size="-1">(%(time)s)</font>',
- 'rev=[%(rev)s]',
- '<span class="%(class)s">%(results)s</span>',
- ]
- if include_builder:
- fmt_pieces.append('<a href="%(builderurl)s">%(builder_name)s</a>')
- fmt_pieces.append('<a href="%(buildurl)s">#%(buildnum)d</a>:')
- fmt_pieces.append('%(text)s')
- data = " ".join(fmt_pieces) % values
- return data
-def map_branches(branches):
- # when the query args say "trunk", present that to things like
- # IBuilderStatus.generateFinishedBuilds as None, since that's the
- # convention in use. But also include 'trunk', because some VC systems
- # refer to it that way. In the long run we should clean this up better,
- # maybe with Branch objects or something.
- if "trunk" in branches:
- return branches + [None]
- return branches
diff --git a/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/baseweb.py b/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/baseweb.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a963a9a..0000000
--- a/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/baseweb.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,614 +0,0 @@
-import os, sys, urllib, weakref
-from itertools import count
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.python import log
-from twisted.application import strports, service
-from twisted.web import server, distrib, static, html
-from twisted.spread import pb
-from buildbot.interfaces import IControl, IStatusReceiver
-from buildbot.status.web.base import HtmlResource, Box, \
- build_get_class, ICurrentBox, OneLineMixin, map_branches, \
- make_stop_form, make_force_build_form
-from buildbot.status.web.feeds import Rss20StatusResource, \
- Atom10StatusResource
-from buildbot.status.web.waterfall import WaterfallStatusResource
-from buildbot.status.web.grid import GridStatusResource
-from buildbot.status.web.changes import ChangesResource
-from buildbot.status.web.builder import BuildersResource
-from buildbot.status.web.slaves import BuildSlavesResource
-from buildbot.status.web.xmlrpc import XMLRPCServer
-from buildbot.status.web.about import AboutBuildbot
-# this class contains the status services (WebStatus and the older Waterfall)
-# which can be put in c['status']. It also contains some of the resources
-# that are attached to the WebStatus at various well-known URLs, which the
-# admin might wish to attach (using WebStatus.putChild) at other URLs.
-class LastBuild(HtmlResource):
- def body(self, request):
- return "missing\n"
-def getLastNBuilds(status, numbuilds, builders=[], branches=[]):
- """Return a list with the last few Builds, sorted by start time.
- builder_names=None means all builders
- """
- # TODO: this unsorts the list of builder names, ick
- builder_names = set(status.getBuilderNames())
- if builders:
- builder_names = builder_names.intersection(set(builders))
- # to make sure that we get everything, we must get 'numbuilds' builds
- # from *each* source, then sort by ending time, then trim to the last
- # 20. We could be more efficient, but it would require the same
- # gnarly code that the Waterfall uses to generate one event at a
- # time. TODO: factor that code out into some useful class.
- events = []
- for builder_name in builder_names:
- builder = status.getBuilder(builder_name)
- for build_number in count(1):
- if build_number > numbuilds:
- break # enough from this builder, move on to another
- build = builder.getBuild(-build_number)
- if not build:
- break # no more builds here, move on to the next builder
- #if not build.isFinished():
- # continue
- (build_start, build_end) = build.getTimes()
- event = (build_start, builder_name, build)
- events.append(event)
- def _sorter(a, b):
- return cmp( a[:2], b[:2] )
- events.sort(_sorter)
- # now only return the actual build, and only return some of them
- return [e[2] for e in events[-numbuilds:]]
-# /one_line_per_build
-# accepts builder=, branch=, numbuilds=
-class OneLinePerBuild(HtmlResource, OneLineMixin):
- """This shows one line per build, combining all builders together. Useful
- query arguments:
- numbuilds=: how many lines to display
- builder=: show only builds for this builder. Multiple builder= arguments
- can be used to see builds from any builder in the set.
- """
- title = "Recent Builds"
- def __init__(self, numbuilds=20):
- HtmlResource.__init__(self)
- self.numbuilds = numbuilds
- def getChild(self, path, req):
- status = self.getStatus(req)
- builder = status.getBuilder(path)
- return OneLinePerBuildOneBuilder(builder)
- def body(self, req):
- status = self.getStatus(req)
- control = self.getControl(req)
- numbuilds = int(req.args.get("numbuilds", [self.numbuilds])[0])
- builders = req.args.get("builder", [])
- branches = [b for b in req.args.get("branch", []) if b]
- g = status.generateFinishedBuilds(builders, map_branches(branches),
- numbuilds)
- data = ""
- # really this is "up to %d builds"
- data += "<h1>Last %d finished builds: %s</h1>\n" % \
- (numbuilds, ", ".join(branches))
- if builders:
- data += ("<p>of builders: %s</p>\n" % (", ".join(builders)))
- data += "<ul>\n"
- got = 0
- building = False
- online = 0
- for build in g:
- got += 1
- data += " <li>" + self.make_line(req, build) + "</li>\n"
- builder_status = build.getBuilder().getState()[0]
- if builder_status == "building":
- building = True
- online += 1
- elif builder_status != "offline":
- online += 1
- if not got:
- data += " <li>No matching builds found</li>\n"
- data += "</ul>\n"
- if control is not None:
- if building:
- stopURL = "builders/_all/stop"
- data += make_stop_form(stopURL, True, "Builds")
- if online:
- forceURL = "builders/_all/force"
- data += make_force_build_form(forceURL, True)
- return data
-# /one_line_per_build/$BUILDERNAME
-# accepts branch=, numbuilds=
-class OneLinePerBuildOneBuilder(HtmlResource, OneLineMixin):
- def __init__(self, builder, numbuilds=20):
- HtmlResource.__init__(self)
- self.builder = builder
- self.builder_name = builder.getName()
- self.numbuilds = numbuilds
- self.title = "Recent Builds of %s" % self.builder_name
- def body(self, req):
- status = self.getStatus(req)
- numbuilds = int(req.args.get("numbuilds", [self.numbuilds])[0])
- branches = [b for b in req.args.get("branch", []) if b]
- # walk backwards through all builds of a single builder
- g = self.builder.generateFinishedBuilds(map_branches(branches),
- numbuilds)
- data = ""
- data += ("<h1>Last %d builds of builder %s: %s</h1>\n" %
- (numbuilds, self.builder_name, ", ".join(branches)))
- data += "<ul>\n"
- got = 0
- for build in g:
- got += 1
- data += " <li>" + self.make_line(req, build) + "</li>\n"
- if not got:
- data += " <li>No matching builds found</li>\n"
- data += "</ul>\n"
- return data
-# /one_box_per_builder
-# accepts builder=, branch=
-class OneBoxPerBuilder(HtmlResource):
- """This shows a narrow table with one row per builder. The leftmost column
- contains the builder name. The next column contains the results of the
- most recent build. The right-hand column shows the builder's current
- activity.
- builder=: show only builds for this builder. Multiple builder= arguments
- can be used to see builds from any builder in the set.
- """
- title = "Latest Build"
- def body(self, req):
- status = self.getStatus(req)
- control = self.getControl(req)
- builders = req.args.get("builder", status.getBuilderNames())
- branches = [b for b in req.args.get("branch", []) if b]
- data = ""
- data += "<h2>Latest builds: %s</h2>\n" % ", ".join(branches)
- data += "<table>\n"
- building = False
- online = 0
- base_builders_url = self.path_to_root(req) + "builders/"
- for bn in builders:
- base_builder_url = base_builders_url + urllib.quote(bn, safe='')
- builder = status.getBuilder(bn)
- data += "<tr>\n"
- data += '<td class="box"><a href="%s">%s</a></td>\n' \
- % (base_builder_url, html.escape(bn))
- builds = list(builder.generateFinishedBuilds(map_branches(branches),
- num_builds=1))
- if builds:
- b = builds[0]
- url = (base_builder_url + "/builds/%d" % b.getNumber())
- try:
- label = b.getProperty("got_revision")
- except KeyError:
- label = None
- if not label or len(str(label)) > 20:
- label = "#%d" % b.getNumber()
- text = ['<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (url, label)]
- text.extend(b.getText())
- box = Box(text,
- class_="LastBuild box %s" % build_get_class(b))
- data += box.td(align="center")
- else:
- data += '<td class="LastBuild box" >no build</td>\n'
- current_box = ICurrentBox(builder).getBox(status)
- data += current_box.td(align="center")
- builder_status = builder.getState()[0]
- if builder_status == "building":
- building = True
- online += 1
- elif builder_status != "offline":
- online += 1
- data += "</table>\n"
- if control is not None:
- if building:
- stopURL = "builders/_all/stop"
- data += make_stop_form(stopURL, True, "Builds")
- if online:
- forceURL = "builders/_all/force"
- data += make_force_build_form(forceURL, True)
- return data
-HEADER = '''
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
- "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
- xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
- lang="en"
- xml:lang="en">
- '<title>%(title)s</title>',
- '<link href="%(root)sbuildbot.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />',
- ]
- 'vlink': "#800080",
- }
-FOOTER = '''
-class WebStatus(service.MultiService):
- implements(IStatusReceiver)
- # TODO: IStatusReceiver is really about things which subscribe to hear
- # about buildbot events. We need a different interface (perhaps a parent
- # of IStatusReceiver) for status targets that don't subscribe, like the
- # WebStatus class. buildbot.master.BuildMaster.loadConfig:737 asserts
- # that everything in c['status'] provides IStatusReceiver, but really it
- # should check that they provide IStatusTarget instead.
- """
- The webserver provided by this class has the following resources:
- /waterfall : the big time-oriented 'waterfall' display, with links
- to individual changes, builders, builds, steps, and logs.
- A number of query-arguments can be added to influence
- the display.
- /rss : a rss feed summarizing all failed builds. The same
- query-arguments used by 'waterfall' can be added to
- influence the feed output.
- /atom : an atom feed summarizing all failed builds. The same
- query-arguments used by 'waterfall' can be added to
- influence the feed output.
- /grid : another summary display that shows a grid of builds, with
- sourcestamps on the x axis, and builders on the y. Query
- arguments similar to those for the waterfall can be added.
- /builders/BUILDERNAME: a page summarizing the builder. This includes
- references to the Schedulers that feed it,
- any builds currently in the queue, which
- buildslaves are designated or attached, and a
- summary of the build process it uses.
- /builders/BUILDERNAME/builds/NUM: a page describing a single Build
- /builders/BUILDERNAME/builds/NUM/steps/STEPNAME: describes a single step
- /builders/BUILDERNAME/builds/NUM/steps/STEPNAME/logs/LOGNAME: a StatusLog
- /builders/BUILDERNAME/builds/NUM/tests : summarize test results
- /builders/BUILDERNAME/builds/NUM/tests/TEST.NAME: results of one test
- /builders/_all/{force,stop}: force a build/stop building on all builders.
- /changes : summarize all ChangeSources
- /changes/CHANGENUM: a page describing a single Change
- /schedulers/SCHEDULERNAME: a page describing a Scheduler, including
- a description of its behavior, a list of the
- Builders it triggers, and list of the Changes
- that are queued awaiting the tree-stable
- timer, and controls to accelerate the timer.
- /buildslaves : list all BuildSlaves
- /buildslaves/SLAVENAME : describe a single BuildSlave
- /one_line_per_build : summarize the last few builds, one line each
- /one_line_per_build/BUILDERNAME : same, but only for a single builder
- /one_box_per_builder : show the latest build and current activity
- /about : describe this buildmaster (Buildbot and support library versions)
- /xmlrpc : (not yet implemented) an XMLRPC server with build status
- All URLs for pages which are not defined here are used to look
- for files in PUBLIC_HTML, which defaults to BASEDIR/public_html.
- This means that /robots.txt or /buildbot.css or /favicon.ico can
- be placed in that directory.
- If an index file (index.html, index.htm, or index, in that order) is
- present in PUBLIC_HTML, it will be used for the root resource. If not,
- the default behavior is to put a redirection to the /waterfall page.
- All of the resources provided by this service use relative URLs to reach
- each other. The only absolute links are the c['projectURL'] links at the
- top and bottom of the page, and the buildbot home-page link at the
- bottom.
- This webserver defines class attributes on elements so they can be styled
- with CSS stylesheets. All pages pull in PUBLIC_HTML/buildbot.css, and you
- can cause additional stylesheets to be loaded by adding a suitable <link>
- to the WebStatus instance's .head_elements attribute.
- Buildbot uses some generic classes to identify the type of object, and
- some more specific classes for the various kinds of those types. It does
- this by specifying both in the class attributes where applicable,
- separated by a space. It is important that in your CSS you declare the
- more generic class styles above the more specific ones. For example,
- first define a style for .Event, and below that for .SUCCESS
- The following CSS class names are used:
- - Activity, Event, BuildStep, LastBuild: general classes
- - waiting, interlocked, building, offline, idle: Activity states
- - start, running, success, failure, warnings, skipped, exception:
- LastBuild and BuildStep states
- - Change: box with change
- - Builder: box for builder name (at top)
- - Project
- - Time
- """
- # we are not a ComparableMixin, and therefore the webserver will be
- # rebuilt every time we reconfig. This is because WebStatus.putChild()
- # makes it too difficult to tell whether two instances are the same or
- # not (we'd have to do a recursive traversal of all children to discover
- # all the changes).
- def __init__(self, http_port=None, distrib_port=None, allowForce=False,
- public_html="public_html", site=None):
- """Run a web server that provides Buildbot status.
- @type http_port: int or L{twisted.application.strports} string
- @param http_port: a strports specification describing which port the
- buildbot should use for its web server, with the
- Waterfall display as the root page. For backwards
- compatibility this can also be an int. Use
- 'tcp:8000' to listen on that port, or
- 'tcp:12345:interface=' if you only want
- local processes to connect to it (perhaps because
- you are using an HTTP reverse proxy to make the
- buildbot available to the outside world, and do not
- want to make the raw port visible).
- @type distrib_port: int or L{twisted.application.strports} string
- @param distrib_port: Use this if you want to publish the Waterfall
- page using web.distrib instead. The most common
- case is to provide a string that is an absolute
- pathname to the unix socket on which the
- publisher should listen
- (C{os.path.expanduser(~/.twistd-web-pb)} will
- match the default settings of a standard
- twisted.web 'personal web server'). Another
- possibility is to pass an integer, which means
- the publisher should listen on a TCP socket,
- allowing the web server to be on a different
- machine entirely. Both forms are provided for
- backwards compatibility; the preferred form is a
- strports specification like
- 'unix:/home/buildbot/.twistd-web-pb'. Providing
- a non-absolute pathname will probably confuse
- the strports parser.
- @param allowForce: boolean, if True then the webserver will allow
- visitors to trigger and cancel builds
- @param public_html: the path to the public_html directory for this display,
- either absolute or relative to the basedir. The default
- is 'public_html', which selects BASEDIR/public_html.
- @type site: None or L{twisted.web.server.Site}
- @param site: Use this if you want to define your own object instead of
- using the default.`
- """
- service.MultiService.__init__(self)
- if type(http_port) is int:
- http_port = "tcp:%d" % http_port
- self.http_port = http_port
- if distrib_port is not None:
- if type(distrib_port) is int:
- distrib_port = "tcp:%d" % distrib_port
- if distrib_port[0] in "/~.": # pathnames
- distrib_port = "unix:%s" % distrib_port
- self.distrib_port = distrib_port
- self.allowForce = allowForce
- self.public_html = public_html
- # If we were given a site object, go ahead and use it.
- if site:
- self.site = site
- else:
- # this will be replaced once we've been attached to a parent (and
- # thus have a basedir and can reference BASEDIR)
- root = static.Data("placeholder", "text/plain")
- self.site = server.Site(root)
- self.childrenToBeAdded = {}
- self.setupUsualPages()
- # the following items are accessed by HtmlResource when it renders
- # each page.
- self.site.buildbot_service = self
- self.header = HEADER
- self.head_elements = HEAD_ELEMENTS[:]
- self.body_attrs = BODY_ATTRS.copy()
- self.footer = FOOTER
- self.template_values = {}
- # keep track of cached connections so we can break them when we shut
- # down. See ticket #102 for more details.
- self.channels = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
- if self.http_port is not None:
- s = strports.service(self.http_port, self.site)
- s.setServiceParent(self)
- if self.distrib_port is not None:
- f = pb.PBServerFactory(distrib.ResourcePublisher(self.site))
- s = strports.service(self.distrib_port, f)
- s.setServiceParent(self)
- def setupUsualPages(self):
- #self.putChild("", IndexOrWaterfallRedirection())
- self.putChild("waterfall", WaterfallStatusResource())
- self.putChild("grid", GridStatusResource())
- self.putChild("builders", BuildersResource()) # has builds/steps/logs
- self.putChild("changes", ChangesResource())
- self.putChild("buildslaves", BuildSlavesResource())
- #self.putChild("schedulers", SchedulersResource())
- self.putChild("one_line_per_build", OneLinePerBuild())
- self.putChild("one_box_per_builder", OneBoxPerBuilder())
- self.putChild("xmlrpc", XMLRPCServer())
- self.putChild("about", AboutBuildbot())
- def __repr__(self):
- if self.http_port is None:
- return "<WebStatus on path %s at %s>" % (self.distrib_port,
- hex(id(self)))
- if self.distrib_port is None:
- return "<WebStatus on port %s at %s>" % (self.http_port,
- hex(id(self)))
- return ("<WebStatus on port %s and path %s at %s>" %
- (self.http_port, self.distrib_port, hex(id(self))))
- def setServiceParent(self, parent):
- service.MultiService.setServiceParent(self, parent)
- # this class keeps a *separate* link to the buildmaster, rather than
- # just using self.parent, so that when we are "disowned" (and thus
- # parent=None), any remaining HTTP clients of this WebStatus will still
- # be able to get reasonable results.
- self.master = parent
- self.setupSite()
- def setupSite(self):
- # this is responsible for creating the root resource. It isn't done
- # at __init__ time because we need to reference the parent's basedir.
- htmldir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.master.basedir, self.public_html))
- if os.path.isdir(htmldir):
- log.msg("WebStatus using (%s)" % htmldir)
- else:
- log.msg("WebStatus: warning: %s is missing. Do you need to run"
- " 'buildbot upgrade-master' on this buildmaster?" % htmldir)
- # all static pages will get a 404 until upgrade-master is used to
- # populate this directory. Create the directory, though, since
- # otherwise we get internal server errors instead of 404s.
- os.mkdir(htmldir)
- root = static.File(htmldir)
- for name, child_resource in self.childrenToBeAdded.iteritems():
- root.putChild(name, child_resource)
- status = self.getStatus()
- root.putChild("rss", Rss20StatusResource(status))
- root.putChild("atom", Atom10StatusResource(status))
- self.site.resource = root
- def putChild(self, name, child_resource):
- """This behaves a lot like root.putChild() . """
- self.childrenToBeAdded[name] = child_resource
- def registerChannel(self, channel):
- self.channels[channel] = 1 # weakrefs
- def stopService(self):
- for channel in self.channels:
- try:
- channel.transport.loseConnection()
- except:
- log.msg("WebStatus.stopService: error while disconnecting"
- " leftover clients")
- log.err()
- return service.MultiService.stopService(self)
- def getStatus(self):
- return self.master.getStatus()
- def getControl(self):
- if self.allowForce:
- return IControl(self.master)
- return None
- def getChangeSvc(self):
- return self.master.change_svc
- def getPortnum(self):
- # this is for the benefit of unit tests
- s = list(self)[0]
- return s._port.getHost().port
-# resources can get access to the IStatus by calling
-# request.site.buildbot_service.getStatus()
-# this is the compatibility class for the old waterfall. It is exactly like a
-# regular WebStatus except that the root resource (e.g. http://buildbot.net/)
-# always redirects to a WaterfallStatusResource, and the old arguments are
-# mapped into the new resource-tree approach. In the normal WebStatus, the
-# root resource either redirects the browser to /waterfall or serves
-# PUBLIC_HTML/index.html, and favicon/robots.txt are provided by
-# having the admin write actual files into PUBLIC_HTML/ .
-# note: we don't use a util.Redirect here because HTTP requires that the
-# Location: header provide an absolute URI, and it's non-trivial to figure
-# out our absolute URI from here.
-class Waterfall(WebStatus):
- if hasattr(sys, "frozen"):
- # all 'data' files are in the directory of our executable
- here = os.path.dirname(sys.executable)
- buildbot_icon = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(here, "buildbot.png"))
- buildbot_css = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(here, "classic.css"))
- else:
- # running from source
- # the icon is sibpath(__file__, "../buildbot.png") . This is for
- # portability.
- up = os.path.dirname
- buildbot_icon = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(up(up(up(__file__))),
- "buildbot.png"))
- buildbot_css = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(up(__file__),
- "classic.css"))
- compare_attrs = ["http_port", "distrib_port", "allowForce",
- "categories", "css", "favicon", "robots_txt"]
- def __init__(self, http_port=None, distrib_port=None, allowForce=True,
- categories=None, css=buildbot_css, favicon=buildbot_icon,
- robots_txt=None):
- import warnings
- m = ("buildbot.status.html.Waterfall is deprecated as of 0.7.6 "
- "and will be removed from a future release. "
- "Please use html.WebStatus instead.")
- warnings.warn(m, DeprecationWarning)
- WebStatus.__init__(self, http_port, distrib_port, allowForce)
- self.css = css
- if css:
- if os.path.exists(os.path.join("public_html", "buildbot.css")):
- # they've upgraded, so defer to that copy instead
- pass
- else:
- data = open(css, "rb").read()
- self.putChild("buildbot.css", static.Data(data, "text/plain"))
- self.favicon = favicon
- self.robots_txt = robots_txt
- if favicon:
- data = open(favicon, "rb").read()
- self.putChild("favicon.ico", static.Data(data, "image/x-icon"))
- if robots_txt:
- data = open(robots_txt, "rb").read()
- self.putChild("robots.txt", static.Data(data, "text/plain"))
- self.putChild("", WaterfallStatusResource(categories))
diff --git a/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/build.py b/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/build.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d01358..0000000
--- a/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/build.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
-from twisted.web import html
-from twisted.web.util import Redirect, DeferredResource
-from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
-import urllib, time
-from twisted.python import log
-from buildbot.status.web.base import HtmlResource, make_row, make_stop_form, \
- css_classes, path_to_builder, path_to_slave
-from buildbot.status.web.tests import TestsResource
-from buildbot.status.web.step import StepsResource
-from buildbot import version, util
-# /builders/$builder/builds/$buildnum
-class StatusResourceBuild(HtmlResource):
- addSlash = True
- def __init__(self, build_status, build_control, builder_control):
- HtmlResource.__init__(self)
- self.build_status = build_status
- self.build_control = build_control
- self.builder_control = builder_control
- def getTitle(self, request):
- return ("Buildbot: %s Build #%d" %
- (html.escape(self.build_status.getBuilder().getName()),
- self.build_status.getNumber()))
- def body(self, req):
- b = self.build_status
- status = self.getStatus(req)
- projectURL = status.getProjectURL()
- projectName = status.getProjectName()
- data = ('<div class="title"><a href="%s">%s</a></div>\n'
- % (self.path_to_root(req), projectName))
- builder_name = b.getBuilder().getName()
- data += ("<h1><a href=\"%s\">Builder %s</a>: Build #%d</h1>\n"
- % (path_to_builder(req, b.getBuilder()),
- builder_name, b.getNumber()))
- if not b.isFinished():
- data += "<h2>Build In Progress</h2>"
- when = b.getETA()
- if when is not None:
- when_time = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S",
- time.localtime(time.time() + when))
- data += "<div>ETA %ds (%s)</div>\n" % (when, when_time)
- if self.build_control is not None:
- stopURL = urllib.quote(req.childLink("stop"))
- data += make_stop_form(stopURL)
- if b.isFinished():
- results = b.getResults()
- data += "<h2>Results:</h2>\n"
- text = " ".join(b.getText())
- data += '<span class="%s">%s</span>\n' % (css_classes[results],
- text)
- if b.getTestResults():
- url = req.childLink("tests")
- data += "<h3><a href=\"%s\">test results</a></h3>\n" % url
- ss = b.getSourceStamp()
- data += "<h2>SourceStamp:</h2>\n"
- data += " <ul>\n"
- if ss.branch:
- data += " <li>Branch: %s</li>\n" % html.escape(ss.branch)
- if ss.revision:
- data += " <li>Revision: %s</li>\n" % html.escape(str(ss.revision))
- if ss.patch:
- data += " <li>Patch: YES</li>\n" # TODO: provide link to .diff
- if ss.changes:
- data += " <li>Changes: see below</li>\n"
- if (ss.branch is None and ss.revision is None and ss.patch is None
- and not ss.changes):
- data += " <li>build of most recent revision</li>\n"
- got_revision = None
- try:
- got_revision = b.getProperty("got_revision")
- except KeyError:
- pass
- if got_revision:
- got_revision = str(got_revision)
- if len(got_revision) > 40:
- got_revision = "[revision string too long]"
- data += " <li>Got Revision: %s</li>\n" % got_revision
- data += " </ul>\n"
- # TODO: turn this into a table, or some other sort of definition-list
- # that doesn't take up quite so much vertical space
- try:
- slaveurl = path_to_slave(req, status.getSlave(b.getSlavename()))
- data += "<h2>Buildslave:</h2>\n <a href=\"%s\">%s</a>\n" % (html.escape(slaveurl), html.escape(b.getSlavename()))
- except KeyError:
- data += "<h2>Buildslave:</h2>\n %s\n" % html.escape(b.getSlavename())
- data += "<h2>Reason:</h2>\n%s\n" % html.escape(b.getReason())
- data += "<h2>Steps and Logfiles:</h2>\n"
- # TODO:
-# urls = self.original.getURLs()
-# ex_url_class = "BuildStep external"
-# for name, target in urls.items():
-# text.append('[<a href="%s" class="%s">%s</a>]' %
-# (target, ex_url_class, html.escape(name)))
- if b.getLogs():
- data += "<ol>\n"
- for s in b.getSteps():
- name = s.getName()
- data += (" <li><a href=\"%s\">%s</a> [%s]\n"
- % (req.childLink("steps/%s" % urllib.quote(name)),
- name,
- " ".join(s.getText())))
- if s.getLogs():
- data += " <ol>\n"
- for logfile in s.getLogs():
- logname = logfile.getName()
- logurl = req.childLink("steps/%s/logs/%s" %
- (urllib.quote(name),
- urllib.quote(logname)))
- data += (" <li><a href=\"%s\">%s</a></li>\n" %
- (logurl, logfile.getName()))
- data += " </ol>\n"
- data += " </li>\n"
- data += "</ol>\n"
- data += "<h2>Build Properties:</h2>\n"
- data += "<table><tr><th valign=\"left\">Name</th><th valign=\"left\">Value</th><th valign=\"left\">Source</th></tr>\n"
- for name, value, source in b.getProperties().asList():
- value = str(value)
- if len(value) > 500:
- value = value[:500] + " .. [property value too long]"
- data += "<tr>"
- data += "<td>%s</td>" % html.escape(name)
- data += "<td>%s</td>" % html.escape(value)
- data += "<td>%s</td>" % html.escape(source)
- data += "</tr>\n"
- data += "</table>"
- data += "<h2>Blamelist:</h2>\n"
- if list(b.getResponsibleUsers()):
- data += " <ol>\n"
- for who in b.getResponsibleUsers():
- data += " <li>%s</li>\n" % html.escape(who)
- data += " </ol>\n"
- else:
- data += "<div>no responsible users</div>\n"
- (start, end) = b.getTimes()
- data += "<h2>Timing</h2>\n"
- data += "<table>\n"
- data += "<tr><td>Start</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" % time.ctime(start)
- if end:
- data += "<tr><td>End</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" % time.ctime(end)
- data += "<tr><td>Elapsed</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" % util.formatInterval(end - start)
- data += "</table>\n"
- if ss.changes:
- data += "<h2>All Changes</h2>\n"
- data += "<ol>\n"
- for c in ss.changes:
- data += "<li>" + c.asHTML() + "</li>\n"
- data += "</ol>\n"
- #data += html.PRE(b.changesText()) # TODO
- if b.isFinished() and self.builder_control is not None:
- data += "<h3>Resubmit Build:</h3>\n"
- # can we rebuild it exactly?
- exactly = (ss.revision is not None) or b.getChanges()
- if exactly:
- data += ("<p>This tree was built from a specific set of \n"
- "source files, and can be rebuilt exactly</p>\n")
- else:
- data += ("<p>This tree was built from the most recent "
- "revision")
- if ss.branch:
- data += " (along some branch)"
- data += (" and thus it might not be possible to rebuild it \n"
- "exactly. Any changes that have been committed \n"
- "after this build was started <b>will</b> be \n"
- "included in a rebuild.</p>\n")
- rebuildURL = urllib.quote(req.childLink("rebuild"))
- data += ('<form action="%s" class="command rebuild">\n'
- % rebuildURL)
- data += make_row("Your name:",
- "<input type='text' name='username' />")
- data += make_row("Reason for re-running build:",
- "<input type='text' name='comments' />")
- data += '<input type="submit" value="Rebuild" />\n'
- data += '</form>\n'
- # TODO: this stuff should be generated by a template of some sort
- data += '<hr /><div class="footer">\n'
- welcomeurl = self.path_to_root(req) + "index.html"
- data += '[<a href="%s">welcome</a>]\n' % welcomeurl
- data += "<br />\n"
- data += '<a href="http://buildbot.sourceforge.net/">Buildbot</a>'
- data += "-%s " % version
- if projectName:
- data += "working for the "
- if projectURL:
- data += "<a href=\"%s\">%s</a> project." % (projectURL,
- projectName)
- else:
- data += "%s project." % projectName
- data += "<br />\n"
- data += ("Page built: " +
- time.strftime("%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S",
- time.localtime(util.now()))
- + "\n")
- data += '</div>\n'
- return data
- def stop(self, req):
- b = self.build_status
- c = self.build_control
- log.msg("web stopBuild of build %s:%s" % \
- (b.getBuilder().getName(), b.getNumber()))
- name = req.args.get("username", ["<unknown>"])[0]
- comments = req.args.get("comments", ["<no reason specified>"])[0]
- reason = ("The web-page 'stop build' button was pressed by "
- "'%s': %s\n" % (name, comments))
- c.stopBuild(reason)
- # we're at http://localhost:8080/svn-hello/builds/5/stop?[args] and
- # we want to go to: http://localhost:8080/svn-hello
- r = Redirect("../..")
- d = defer.Deferred()
- reactor.callLater(1, d.callback, r)
- return DeferredResource(d)
- def rebuild(self, req):
- b = self.build_status
- bc = self.builder_control
- builder_name = b.getBuilder().getName()
- log.msg("web rebuild of build %s:%s" % (builder_name, b.getNumber()))
- name = req.args.get("username", ["<unknown>"])[0]
- comments = req.args.get("comments", ["<no reason specified>"])[0]
- reason = ("The web-page 'rebuild' button was pressed by "
- "'%s': %s\n" % (name, comments))
- if not bc or not b.isFinished():
- log.msg("could not rebuild: bc=%s, isFinished=%s"
- % (bc, b.isFinished()))
- # TODO: indicate an error
- else:
- bc.resubmitBuild(b, reason)
- # we're at
- # http://localhost:8080/builders/NAME/builds/5/rebuild?[args]
- # Where should we send them?
- #
- # Ideally it would be to the per-build page that they just started,
- # but we don't know the build number for it yet (besides, it might
- # have to wait for a current build to finish). The next-most
- # preferred place is somewhere that the user can see tangible
- # evidence of their build starting (or to see the reason that it
- # didn't start). This should be the Builder page.
- r = Redirect("../..") # the Builder's page
- d = defer.Deferred()
- reactor.callLater(1, d.callback, r)
- return DeferredResource(d)
- def getChild(self, path, req):
- if path == "stop":
- return self.stop(req)
- if path == "rebuild":
- return self.rebuild(req)
- if path == "steps":
- return StepsResource(self.build_status)
- if path == "tests":
- return TestsResource(self.build_status)
- return HtmlResource.getChild(self, path, req)
-# /builders/$builder/builds
-class BuildsResource(HtmlResource):
- addSlash = True
- def __init__(self, builder_status, builder_control):
- HtmlResource.__init__(self)
- self.builder_status = builder_status
- self.builder_control = builder_control
- def getChild(self, path, req):
- try:
- num = int(path)
- except ValueError:
- num = None
- if num is not None:
- build_status = self.builder_status.getBuild(num)
- if build_status:
- if self.builder_control:
- build_control = self.builder_control.getBuild(num)
- else:
- build_control = None
- return StatusResourceBuild(build_status, build_control,
- self.builder_control)
- return HtmlResource.getChild(self, path, req)
diff --git a/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/builder.py b/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/builder.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 35f65e9..0000000
--- a/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/builder.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,312 +0,0 @@
-from twisted.web.error import NoResource
-from twisted.web import html, static
-from twisted.web.util import Redirect
-import re, urllib, time
-from twisted.python import log
-from buildbot import interfaces
-from buildbot.status.web.base import HtmlResource, make_row, \
- make_force_build_form, OneLineMixin, path_to_build, path_to_slave, path_to_builder
-from buildbot.process.base import BuildRequest
-from buildbot.sourcestamp import SourceStamp
-from buildbot.status.web.build import BuildsResource, StatusResourceBuild
-# /builders/$builder
-class StatusResourceBuilder(HtmlResource, OneLineMixin):
- addSlash = True
- def __init__(self, builder_status, builder_control):
- HtmlResource.__init__(self)
- self.builder_status = builder_status
- self.builder_control = builder_control
- def getTitle(self, request):
- return "Buildbot: %s" % html.escape(self.builder_status.getName())
- def build_line(self, build, req):
- buildnum = build.getNumber()
- buildurl = path_to_build(req, build)
- data = '<a href="%s">#%d</a> ' % (buildurl, buildnum)
- when = build.getETA()
- if when is not None:
- when_time = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S",
- time.localtime(time.time() + when))
- data += "ETA %ds (%s) " % (when, when_time)
- step = build.getCurrentStep()
- if step:
- data += "[%s]" % step.getName()
- else:
- data += "[waiting for Lock]"
- # TODO: is this necessarily the case?
- if self.builder_control is not None:
- stopURL = path_to_build(req, build) + '/stop'
- data += '''
-<form action="%s" class="command stopbuild" style="display:inline">
- <input type="submit" value="Stop Build" />
-</form>''' % stopURL
- return data
- def body(self, req):
- b = self.builder_status
- control = self.builder_control
- status = self.getStatus(req)
- slaves = b.getSlaves()
- connected_slaves = [s for s in slaves if s.isConnected()]
- projectName = status.getProjectName()
- data = '<a href="%s">%s</a>\n' % (self.path_to_root(req), projectName)
- data += "<h1>Builder: %s</h1>\n" % html.escape(b.getName())
- # the first section shows builds which are currently running, if any.
- current = b.getCurrentBuilds()
- if current:
- data += "<h2>Currently Building:</h2>\n"
- data += "<ul>\n"
- for build in current:
- data += " <li>" + self.build_line(build, req) + "</li>\n"
- data += "</ul>\n"
- else:
- data += "<h2>no current builds</h2>\n"
- # Then a section with the last 5 builds, with the most recent build
- # distinguished from the rest.
- data += "<h2>Recent Builds:</h2>\n"
- data += "<ul>\n"
- for i,build in enumerate(b.generateFinishedBuilds(num_builds=5)):
- data += " <li>" + self.make_line(req, build, False) + "</li>\n"
- if i == 0:
- data += "<br />\n" # separator
- # TODO: or empty list?
- data += "</ul>\n"
- data += "<h2>Buildslaves:</h2>\n"
- data += "<ol>\n"
- for slave in slaves:
- slaveurl = path_to_slave(req, slave)
- data += "<li><b><a href=\"%s\">%s</a></b>: " % (html.escape(slaveurl), html.escape(slave.getName()))
- if slave.isConnected():
- data += "CONNECTED\n"
- if slave.getAdmin():
- data += make_row("Admin:", html.escape(slave.getAdmin()))
- if slave.getHost():
- data += "<span class='label'>Host info:</span>\n"
- data += html.PRE(slave.getHost())
- else:
- data += ("NOT CONNECTED\n")
- data += "</li>\n"
- data += "</ol>\n"
- if control is not None and connected_slaves:
- forceURL = path_to_builder(req, b) + '/force'
- data += make_force_build_form(forceURL)
- elif control is not None:
- data += """
- <p>All buildslaves appear to be offline, so it's not possible
- to force this build to execute at this time.</p>
- """
- if control is not None:
- pingURL = path_to_builder(req, b) + '/ping'
- data += """
- <form action="%s" class='command pingbuilder'>
- <p>To ping the buildslave(s), push the 'Ping' button</p>
- <input type="submit" value="Ping Builder" />
- </form>
- """ % pingURL
- data += self.footer(status, req)
- return data
- def force(self, req):
- """
- Custom properties can be passed from the web form. To do
- this, subclass this class, overriding the force() method. You
- can then determine the properties (usually from form values,
- by inspecting req.args), then pass them to this superclass
- force method.
- """
- name = req.args.get("username", ["<unknown>"])[0]
- reason = req.args.get("comments", ["<no reason specified>"])[0]
- branch = req.args.get("branch", [""])[0]
- revision = req.args.get("revision", [""])[0]
- r = "The web-page 'force build' button was pressed by '%s': %s\n" \
- % (name, reason)
- log.msg("web forcebuild of builder '%s', branch='%s', revision='%s'"
- % (self.builder_status.getName(), branch, revision))
- if not self.builder_control:
- # TODO: tell the web user that their request was denied
- log.msg("but builder control is disabled")
- return Redirect("..")
- # keep weird stuff out of the branch and revision strings. TODO:
- # centralize this somewhere.
- if not re.match(r'^[\w\.\-\/]*$', branch):
- log.msg("bad branch '%s'" % branch)
- return Redirect("..")
- if not re.match(r'^[\w\.\-\/]*$', revision):
- log.msg("bad revision '%s'" % revision)
- return Redirect("..")
- if not branch:
- branch = None
- if not revision:
- revision = None
- # TODO: if we can authenticate that a particular User pushed the
- # button, use their name instead of None, so they'll be informed of
- # the results.
- s = SourceStamp(branch=branch, revision=revision)
- req = BuildRequest(r, s, builderName=self.builder_status.getName())
- try:
- self.builder_control.requestBuildSoon(req)
- except interfaces.NoSlaveError:
- # TODO: tell the web user that their request could not be
- # honored
- pass
- # send the user back to the builder page
- return Redirect(".")
- def ping(self, req):
- log.msg("web ping of builder '%s'" % self.builder_status.getName())
- self.builder_control.ping() # TODO: there ought to be an ISlaveControl
- # send the user back to the builder page
- return Redirect(".")
- def getChild(self, path, req):
- if path == "force":
- return self.force(req)
- if path == "ping":
- return self.ping(req)
- if path == "events":
- num = req.postpath.pop(0)
- req.prepath.append(num)
- num = int(num)
- # TODO: is this dead code? .statusbag doesn't exist,right?
- log.msg("getChild['path']: %s" % req.uri)
- return NoResource("events are unavailable until code gets fixed")
- filename = req.postpath.pop(0)
- req.prepath.append(filename)
- e = self.builder_status.getEventNumbered(num)
- if not e:
- return NoResource("No such event '%d'" % num)
- file = e.files.get(filename, None)
- if file == None:
- return NoResource("No such file '%s'" % filename)
- if type(file) == type(""):
- if file[:6] in ("<HTML>", "<html>"):
- return static.Data(file, "text/html")
- return static.Data(file, "text/plain")
- return file
- if path == "builds":
- return BuildsResource(self.builder_status, self.builder_control)
- return HtmlResource.getChild(self, path, req)
-# /builders/_all
-class StatusResourceAllBuilders(HtmlResource, OneLineMixin):
- def __init__(self, status, control):
- HtmlResource.__init__(self)
- self.status = status
- self.control = control
- def getChild(self, path, req):
- if path == "force":
- return self.force(req)
- if path == "stop":
- return self.stop(req)
- return HtmlResource.getChild(self, path, req)
- def force(self, req):
- for bname in self.status.getBuilderNames():
- builder_status = self.status.getBuilder(bname)
- builder_control = None
- c = self.getControl(req)
- if c:
- builder_control = c.getBuilder(bname)
- build = StatusResourceBuilder(builder_status, builder_control)
- build.force(req)
- # back to the welcome page
- return Redirect("../..")
- def stop(self, req):
- for bname in self.status.getBuilderNames():
- builder_status = self.status.getBuilder(bname)
- builder_control = None
- c = self.getControl(req)
- if c:
- builder_control = c.getBuilder(bname)
- (state, current_builds) = builder_status.getState()
- if state != "building":
- continue
- for b in current_builds:
- build_status = builder_status.getBuild(b.number)
- if not build_status:
- continue
- if builder_control:
- build_control = builder_control.getBuild(b.number)
- else:
- build_control = None
- build = StatusResourceBuild(build_status, build_control,
- builder_control)
- build.stop(req)
- # go back to the welcome page
- return Redirect("../..")
-# /builders
-class BuildersResource(HtmlResource):
- title = "Builders"
- addSlash = True
- def body(self, req):
- s = self.getStatus(req)
- data = ""
- data += "<h1>Builders</h1>\n"
- # TODO: this is really basic. It should be expanded to include a
- # brief one-line summary of the builder (perhaps with whatever the
- # builder is currently doing)
- data += "<ol>\n"
- for bname in s.getBuilderNames():
- data += (' <li><a href="%s">%s</a></li>\n' %
- (req.childLink(urllib.quote(bname, safe='')),
- bname))
- data += "</ol>\n"
- data += self.footer(s, req)
- return data
- def getChild(self, path, req):
- s = self.getStatus(req)
- if path in s.getBuilderNames():
- builder_status = s.getBuilder(path)
- builder_control = None
- c = self.getControl(req)
- if c:
- builder_control = c.getBuilder(path)
- return StatusResourceBuilder(builder_status, builder_control)
- if path == "_all":
- return StatusResourceAllBuilders(self.getStatus(req),
- self.getControl(req))
- return HtmlResource.getChild(self, path, req)
diff --git a/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/changes.py b/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/changes.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ff562c6..0000000
--- a/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/changes.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.python import components
-from twisted.web.error import NoResource
-from buildbot.changes.changes import Change
-from buildbot.status.web.base import HtmlResource, StaticHTML, IBox, Box
-# /changes/NN
-class ChangesResource(HtmlResource):
- def body(self, req):
- data = ""
- data += "Change sources:\n"
- sources = self.getStatus(req).getChangeSources()
- if sources:
- data += "<ol>\n"
- for s in sources:
- data += "<li>%s</li>\n" % s.describe()
- data += "</ol>\n"
- else:
- data += "none (push only)\n"
- return data
- def getChild(self, path, req):
- num = int(path)
- c = self.getStatus(req).getChange(num)
- if not c:
- return NoResource("No change number '%d'" % num)
- return StaticHTML(c.asHTML(), "Change #%d" % num)
-class ChangeBox(components.Adapter):
- implements(IBox)
- def getBox(self, req):
- url = req.childLink("../changes/%d" % self.original.number)
- text = self.original.get_HTML_box(url)
- return Box([text], class_="Change")
-components.registerAdapter(ChangeBox, Change, IBox)
diff --git a/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/classic.css b/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/classic.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a5b0ea..0000000
--- a/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/classic.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-a:visited {
- color: #800080;
-td.Event, td.BuildStep, td.Activity, td.Change, td.Time, td.Builder {
- border-top: 1px solid;
- border-right: 1px solid;
-td.box {
- border: 1px solid;
-/* Activity states */
-.offline {
- background-color: gray;
-.idle {
- background-color: white;
-.waiting {
- background-color: yellow;
-.building {
- background-color: yellow;
-/* LastBuild, BuildStep states */
-.success {
- background-color: #72ff75;
-.failure {
- background-color: red;
-.warnings {
- background-color: #ff8000;
-.exception {
- background-color: #c000c0;
-.start,.running {
- background-color: yellow;
-/* grid styles */
-table.Grid {
- border-collapse: collapse;
-table.Grid tr td {
- padding: 0.2em;
- margin: 0px;
- text-align: center;
-table.Grid tr td.title {
- font-size: 90%;
- border-right: 1px gray solid;
- border-bottom: 1px gray solid;
-table.Grid tr td.sourcestamp {
- font-size: 90%;
-table.Grid tr td.builder {
- text-align: right;
- font-size: 90%;
-table.Grid tr td.build {
- border: 1px gray solid;
-div.footer {
- font-size: 80%;
diff --git a/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/feeds.py b/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/feeds.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c86ca3b..0000000
--- a/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/feeds.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
-# This module enables ATOM and RSS feeds from webstatus.
-# It is based on "feeder.py" which was part of the Buildbot
-# configuration for the Subversion project. The original file was
-# created by Lieven Gobaerts and later adjusted by API
-# (apinheiro@igalia.coma) and also here
-# http://code.google.com/p/pybots/source/browse/trunk/master/Feeder.py
-# All subsequent changes to feeder.py where made by Chandan-Dutta
-# Chowdhury <chandan-dutta.chowdhury @ hp.com> and Gareth Armstrong
-# <gareth.armstrong @ hp.com>.
-# Those modifications are as follows:
-# 1) the feeds are usable from baseweb.WebStatus
-# 2) feeds are fully validated ATOM 1.0 and RSS 2.0 feeds, verified
-# with code from http://feedvalidator.org
-# 3) nicer xml output
-# 4) feeds can be filtered as per the /waterfall display with the
-# builder and category filters
-# 5) cleaned up white space and imports
-# Finally, the code was directly integrated into these two files,
-# buildbot/status/web/feeds.py (you're reading it, ;-)) and
-# buildbot/status/web/baseweb.py.
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-import time
-from twisted.web import resource
-from buildbot.status.builder import SUCCESS, WARNINGS, FAILURE, EXCEPTION
-class XmlResource(resource.Resource):
- contentType = "text/xml; charset=UTF-8"
- def render(self, request):
- data = self.content(request)
- request.setHeader("content-type", self.contentType)
- if request.method == "HEAD":
- request.setHeader("content-length", len(data))
- return ''
- return data
- docType = ''
- def header (self, request):
- data = ('<?xml version="1.0"?>\n')
- return data
- def footer(self, request):
- data = ''
- return data
- def content(self, request):
- data = self.docType
- data += self.header(request)
- data += self.body(request)
- data += self.footer(request)
- return data
- def body(self, request):
- return ''
-class FeedResource(XmlResource):
- title = None
- link = 'http://dummylink'
- language = 'en-us'
- description = 'Dummy rss'
- status = None
- def __init__(self, status, categories=None, title=None):
- self.status = status
- self.categories = categories
- self.title = title
- self.link = self.status.getBuildbotURL()
- self.description = 'List of FAILED builds'
- self.pubdate = time.gmtime(int(time.time()))
- def getBuilds(self, request):
- builds = []
- # THIS is lifted straight from the WaterfallStatusResource Class in
- # status/web/waterfall.py
- #
- # we start with all Builders available to this Waterfall: this is
- # limited by the config-file -time categories= argument, and defaults
- # to all defined Builders.
- allBuilderNames = self.status.getBuilderNames(categories=self.categories)
- builders = [self.status.getBuilder(name) for name in allBuilderNames]
- # but if the URL has one or more builder= arguments (or the old show=
- # argument, which is still accepted for backwards compatibility), we
- # use that set of builders instead. We still don't show anything
- # outside the config-file time set limited by categories=.
- showBuilders = request.args.get("show", [])
- showBuilders.extend(request.args.get("builder", []))
- if showBuilders:
- builders = [b for b in builders if b.name in showBuilders]
- # now, if the URL has one or category= arguments, use them as a
- # filter: only show those builders which belong to one of the given
- # categories.
- showCategories = request.args.get("category", [])
- if showCategories:
- builders = [b for b in builders if b.category in showCategories]
- maxFeeds = 25
- # Copy all failed builds in a new list.
- # This could clearly be implemented much better if we had
- # access to a global list of builds.
- for b in builders:
- lastbuild = b.getLastFinishedBuild()
- if lastbuild is None:
- continue
- lastnr = lastbuild.getNumber()
- totalbuilds = 0
- i = lastnr
- while i >= 0:
- build = b.getBuild(i)
- i -= 1
- if not build:
- continue
- results = build.getResults()
- # only add entries for failed builds!
- if results == FAILURE:
- totalbuilds += 1
- builds.append(build)
- # stop for this builder when our total nr. of feeds is reached
- if totalbuilds >= maxFeeds:
- break
- # Sort build list by date, youngest first.
- if sys.version_info[:3] >= (2,4,0):
- builds.sort(key=lambda build: build.getTimes(), reverse=True)
- else:
- # If you need compatibility with python < 2.4, use this for
- # sorting instead:
- # We apply Decorate-Sort-Undecorate
- deco = [(build.getTimes(), build) for build in builds]
- deco.sort()
- deco.reverse()
- builds = [build for (b1, build) in deco]
- if builds:
- builds = builds[:min(len(builds), maxFeeds)]
- return builds
- def body (self, request):
- data = ''
- builds = self.getBuilds(request)
- for build in builds:
- start, finished = build.getTimes()
- finishedTime = time.gmtime(int(finished))
- projectName = self.status.getProjectName()
- link = re.sub(r'index.html', "", self.status.getURLForThing(build))
- # title: trunk r22191 (plus patch) failed on 'i686-debian-sarge1 shared gcc-3.3.5'
- ss = build.getSourceStamp()
- source = ""
- if ss.branch:
- source += "Branch %s " % ss.branch
- if ss.revision:
- source += "Revision %s " % str(ss.revision)
- if ss.patch:
- source += " (plus patch)"
- if ss.changes:
- pass
- if (ss.branch is None and ss.revision is None and ss.patch is None
- and not ss.changes):
- source += "Latest revision "
- got_revision = None
- try:
- got_revision = build.getProperty("got_revision")
- except KeyError:
- pass
- if got_revision:
- got_revision = str(got_revision)
- if len(got_revision) > 40:
- got_revision = "[revision string too long]"
- source += "(Got Revision: %s)" % got_revision
- title = ('%s failed on "%s"' %
- (source, build.getBuilder().getName()))
- # get name of the failed step and the last 30 lines of its log.
- if build.getLogs():
- log = build.getLogs()[-1]
- laststep = log.getStep().getName()
- try:
- lastlog = log.getText()
- except IOError:
- # Probably the log file has been removed
- lastlog='<b>log file not available</b>'
- lines = re.split('\n', lastlog)
- lastlog = ''
- for logline in lines[max(0, len(lines)-30):]:
- lastlog = lastlog + logline + '<br/>'
- lastlog = lastlog.replace('\n', '<br/>')
- description = ''
- description += ('Date: %s<br/><br/>' %
- time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT",
- finishedTime))
- description += ('Full details available here: <a href="%s">%s</a><br/>' %
- (self.link, projectName))
- builder_summary_link = ('%s/builders/%s' %
- (re.sub(r'/index.html', '', self.link),
- build.getBuilder().getName()))
- description += ('Build summary: <a href="%s">%s</a><br/><br/>' %
- (builder_summary_link,
- build.getBuilder().getName()))
- description += ('Build details: <a href="%s">%s</a><br/><br/>' %
- (link, self.link + link[1:]))
- description += ('Author list: <b>%s</b><br/><br/>' %
- ",".join(build.getResponsibleUsers()))
- description += ('Failed step: <b>%s</b><br/><br/>' % laststep)
- description += 'Last lines of the build log:<br/>'
- data += self.item(title, description=description, lastlog=lastlog,
- link=link, pubDate=finishedTime)
- return data
- def item(self, title='', link='', description='', pubDate=''):
- """Generates xml for one item in the feed."""
-class Rss20StatusResource(FeedResource):
- def __init__(self, status, categories=None, title=None):
- FeedResource.__init__(self, status, categories, title)
- contentType = 'application/rss+xml'
- def header(self, request):
- data = FeedResource.header(self, request)
- data += ('<rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">\n')
- data += (' <channel>\n')
- if self.title is None:
- title = 'Build status of ' + status.getProjectName()
- else:
- title = self.title
- data += (' <title>%s</title>\n' % title)
- if self.link is not None:
- data += (' <link>%s</link>\n' % self.link)
- link = re.sub(r'/index.html', '', self.link)
- data += (' <atom:link href="%s/rss" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml"/>\n' % link)
- if self.language is not None:
- data += (' <language>%s</language>\n' % self.language)
- if self.description is not None:
- data += (' <description>%s</description>\n' % self.description)
- if self.pubdate is not None:
- rfc822_pubdate = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT",
- self.pubdate)
- data += (' <pubDate>%s</pubDate>\n' % rfc822_pubdate)
- return data
- def item(self, title='', link='', description='', lastlog='', pubDate=''):
- data = (' <item>\n')
- data += (' <title>%s</title>\n' % title)
- if link is not None:
- data += (' <link>%s</link>\n' % link)
- if (description is not None and lastlog is not None):
- lastlog = re.sub(r'<br/>', "\n", lastlog)
- lastlog = re.sub(r'&', "&amp;", lastlog)
- lastlog = re.sub(r"'", "&apos;", lastlog)
- lastlog = re.sub(r'"', "&quot;", lastlog)
- lastlog = re.sub(r'<', '&lt;', lastlog)
- lastlog = re.sub(r'>', '&gt;', lastlog)
- lastlog = lastlog.replace('\n', '<br/>')
- content = '<![CDATA['
- content += description
- content += lastlog
- content += ']]>'
- data += (' <description>%s</description>\n' % content)
- if pubDate is not None:
- rfc822pubDate = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT",
- pubDate)
- data += (' <pubDate>%s</pubDate>\n' % rfc822pubDate)
- # Every RSS item must have a globally unique ID
- guid = ('tag:%s@%s,%s:%s' % (os.environ['USER'],
- os.environ['HOSTNAME'],
- time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", pubDate),
- time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S",
- pubDate)))
- data += (' <guid isPermaLink="false">%s</guid>\n' % guid)
- data += (' </item>\n')
- return data
- def footer(self, request):
- data = (' </channel>\n'
- '</rss>')
- return data
-class Atom10StatusResource(FeedResource):
- def __init__(self, status, categories=None, title=None):
- FeedResource.__init__(self, status, categories, title)
- contentType = 'application/atom+xml'
- def header(self, request):
- data = FeedResource.header(self, request)
- data += '<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">\n'
- data += (' <id>%s</id>\n' % self.status.getBuildbotURL())
- if self.title is None:
- title = 'Build status of ' + status.getProjectName()
- else:
- title = self.title
- data += (' <title>%s</title>\n' % title)
- if self.link is not None:
- link = re.sub(r'/index.html', '', self.link)
- data += (' <link rel="self" href="%s/atom"/>\n' % link)
- data += (' <link rel="alternate" href="%s/"/>\n' % link)
- if self.description is not None:
- data += (' <subtitle>%s</subtitle>\n' % self.description)
- if self.pubdate is not None:
- rfc3339_pubdate = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ",
- self.pubdate)
- data += (' <updated>%s</updated>\n' % rfc3339_pubdate)
- data += (' <author>\n')
- data += (' <name>Build Bot</name>\n')
- data += (' </author>\n')
- return data
- def item(self, title='', link='', description='', lastlog='', pubDate=''):
- data = (' <entry>\n')
- data += (' <title>%s</title>\n' % title)
- if link is not None:
- data += (' <link href="%s"/>\n' % link)
- if (description is not None and lastlog is not None):
- lastlog = re.sub(r'<br/>', "\n", lastlog)
- lastlog = re.sub(r'&', "&amp;", lastlog)
- lastlog = re.sub(r"'", "&apos;", lastlog)
- lastlog = re.sub(r'"', "&quot;", lastlog)
- lastlog = re.sub(r'<', '&lt;', lastlog)
- lastlog = re.sub(r'>', '&gt;', lastlog)
- data += (' <content type="xhtml">\n')
- data += (' <div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">\n')
- data += (' %s\n' % description)
- data += (' <pre xml:space="preserve">%s</pre>\n' % lastlog)
- data += (' </div>\n')
- data += (' </content>\n')
- if pubDate is not None:
- rfc3339pubDate = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ",
- pubDate)
- data += (' <updated>%s</updated>\n' % rfc3339pubDate)
- # Every Atom entry must have a globally unique ID
- # http://diveintomark.org/archives/2004/05/28/howto-atom-id
- guid = ('tag:%s@%s,%s:%s' % (os.environ['USER'],
- os.environ['HOSTNAME'],
- time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", pubDate),
- time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S",
- pubDate)))
- data += (' <id>%s</id>\n' % guid)
- data += (' <author>\n')
- data += (' <name>Build Bot</name>\n')
- data += (' </author>\n')
- data += (' </entry>\n')
- return data
- def footer(self, request):
- data = ('</feed>')
- return data
diff --git a/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/grid.py b/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/grid.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 79527d8..0000000
--- a/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/grid.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import generators
-import sys, time, os.path
-import urllib
-from buildbot import util
-from buildbot import version
-from buildbot.status.web.base import HtmlResource
-#from buildbot.status.web.base import Box, HtmlResource, IBox, ICurrentBox, \
-# ITopBox, td, build_get_class, path_to_build, path_to_step, map_branches
-from buildbot.status.web.base import build_get_class
-# set grid_css to the full pathname of the css file
-if hasattr(sys, "frozen"):
- # all 'data' files are in the directory of our executable
- here = os.path.dirname(sys.executable)
- grid_css = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(here, "grid.css"))
- # running from source; look for a sibling to __file__
- up = os.path.dirname
- grid_css = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(up(__file__), "grid.css"))
-class ANYBRANCH: pass # a flag value, used below
-class GridStatusResource(HtmlResource):
- # TODO: docs
- status = None
- control = None
- changemaster = None
- def __init__(self, allowForce=True, css=None):
- HtmlResource.__init__(self)
- self.allowForce = allowForce
- self.css = css or grid_css
- def getTitle(self, request):
- status = self.getStatus(request)
- p = status.getProjectName()
- if p:
- return "BuildBot: %s" % p
- else:
- return "BuildBot"
- def getChangemaster(self, request):
- # TODO: this wants to go away, access it through IStatus
- return request.site.buildbot_service.getChangeSvc()
- # handle reloads through an http header
- # TODO: send this as a real header, rather than a tag
- def get_reload_time(self, request):
- if "reload" in request.args:
- try:
- reload_time = int(request.args["reload"][0])
- return max(reload_time, 15)
- except ValueError:
- pass
- return None
- def head(self, request):
- head = ''
- reload_time = self.get_reload_time(request)
- if reload_time is not None:
- head += '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="%d">\n' % reload_time
- return head
-# def setBuildmaster(self, buildmaster):
-# self.status = buildmaster.getStatus()
-# if self.allowForce:
-# self.control = interfaces.IControl(buildmaster)
-# else:
-# self.control = None
-# self.changemaster = buildmaster.change_svc
-# # try to set the page title
-# p = self.status.getProjectName()
-# if p:
-# self.title = "BuildBot: %s" % p
- def build_td(self, request, build):
- if not build:
- return '<td class="build">&nbsp;</td>\n'
- if build.isFinished():
- # get the text and annotate the first line with a link
- text = build.getText()
- if not text: text = [ "(no information)" ]
- if text == [ "build", "successful" ]: text = [ "OK" ]
- else:
- text = [ 'building' ]
- name = build.getBuilder().getName()
- number = build.getNumber()
- url = "builders/%s/builds/%d" % (name, number)
- text[0] = '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (url, text[0])
- text = '<br />\n'.join(text)
- class_ = build_get_class(build)
- return '<td class="build %s">%s</td>\n' % (class_, text)
- def builder_td(self, request, builder):
- state, builds = builder.getState()
- # look for upcoming builds. We say the state is "waiting" if the
- # builder is otherwise idle and there is a scheduler which tells us a
- # build will be performed some time in the near future. TODO: this
- # functionality used to be in BuilderStatus.. maybe this code should
- # be merged back into it.
- upcoming = []
- builderName = builder.getName()
- for s in self.getStatus(request).getSchedulers():
- if builderName in s.listBuilderNames():
- upcoming.extend(s.getPendingBuildTimes())
- if state == "idle" and upcoming:
- state = "waiting"
- # TODO: for now, this pending/upcoming stuff is in the "current
- # activity" box, but really it should go into a "next activity" row
- # instead. The only times it should show up in "current activity" is
- # when the builder is otherwise idle.
- # are any builds pending? (waiting for a slave to be free)
- url = 'builders/%s/' % urllib.quote(builder.getName(), safe='')
- text = '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (url, builder.getName())
- pbs = builder.getPendingBuilds()
- if state != 'idle' or pbs:
- if pbs:
- text += "<br />(%s with %d pending)" % (state, len(pbs))
- else:
- text += "<br />(%s)" % state
- return '<td valign="center" class="builder %s">%s</td>\n' % \
- (state, text)
- def stamp_td(self, stamp):
- text = stamp.getText()
- return '<td valign="bottom" class="sourcestamp">%s</td>\n' % \
- "<br />".join(text)
- def body(self, request):
- "This method builds the main waterfall display."
- # get url parameters
- numBuilds = int(request.args.get("width", [5])[0])
- categories = request.args.get("category", [])
- branch = request.args.get("branch", [ANYBRANCH])[0]
- if branch == 'trunk': branch = None
- # and the data we want to render
- status = self.getStatus(request)
- stamps = self.getRecentSourcestamps(status, numBuilds, categories, branch)
- projectURL = status.getProjectURL()
- projectName = status.getProjectName()
- data = '<table class="Grid" border="0" cellspacing="0">\n'
- data += '<tr>\n'
- data += '<td class="title"><a href="%s">%s</a>' % (projectURL, projectName)
- if categories:
- if len(categories) > 1:
- data += '\n<br /><b>Categories:</b><br/>%s' % ('<br/>'.join(categories))
- else:
- data += '\n<br /><b>Category:</b> %s' % categories[0]
- if branch != ANYBRANCH:
- data += '\n<br /><b>Branch:</b> %s' % (branch or 'trunk')
- data += '</td>\n'
- for stamp in stamps:
- data += self.stamp_td(stamp)
- data += '</tr>\n'
- sortedBuilderNames = status.getBuilderNames()[:]
- sortedBuilderNames.sort()
- for bn in sortedBuilderNames:
- builds = [None] * len(stamps)
- builder = status.getBuilder(bn)
- if categories and builder.category not in categories:
- continue
- build = builder.getBuild(-1)
- while build and None in builds:
- ss = build.getSourceStamp(absolute=True)
- for i in range(len(stamps)):
- if ss == stamps[i] and builds[i] is None:
- builds[i] = build
- build = build.getPreviousBuild()
- data += '<tr>\n'
- data += self.builder_td(request, builder)
- for build in builds:
- data += self.build_td(request, build)
- data += '</tr>\n'
- data += '</table>\n'
- # TODO: this stuff should be generated by a template of some sort
- data += '<hr /><div class="footer">\n'
- welcomeurl = self.path_to_root(request) + "index.html"
- data += '[<a href="%s">welcome</a>]\n' % welcomeurl
- data += "<br />\n"
- data += '<a href="http://buildbot.sourceforge.net/">Buildbot</a>'
- data += "-%s " % version
- if projectName:
- data += "working for the "
- if projectURL:
- data += "<a href=\"%s\">%s</a> project." % (projectURL,
- projectName)
- else:
- data += "%s project." % projectName
- data += "<br />\n"
- data += ("Page built: " +
- time.strftime("%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S",
- time.localtime(util.now()))
- + "\n")
- data += '</div>\n'
- return data
- def getRecentSourcestamps(self, status, numBuilds, categories, branch):
- """
- get a list of the most recent NUMBUILDS SourceStamp tuples, sorted
- by the earliest start we've seen for them
- """
- # TODO: use baseweb's getLastNBuilds?
- sourcestamps = { } # { ss-tuple : earliest time }
- for bn in status.getBuilderNames():
- builder = status.getBuilder(bn)
- if categories and builder.category not in categories:
- continue
- build = builder.getBuild(-1)
- while build:
- ss = build.getSourceStamp(absolute=True)
- start = build.getTimes()[0]
- build = build.getPreviousBuild()
- # skip un-started builds
- if not start: continue
- # skip non-matching branches
- if branch != ANYBRANCH and ss.branch != branch: continue
- sourcestamps[ss] = min(sourcestamps.get(ss, sys.maxint), start)
- # now sort those and take the NUMBUILDS most recent
- sourcestamps = sourcestamps.items()
- sourcestamps.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x[1], y[1]))
- sourcestamps = map(lambda tup : tup[0], sourcestamps)
- sourcestamps = sourcestamps[-numBuilds:]
- return sourcestamps
diff --git a/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/index.html b/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/index.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 23e6650..0000000
--- a/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/index.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-15">
-<title>Welcome to the Buildbot</title>
-<h1>Welcome to the Buildbot!</h1>
- <li>the <a href="waterfall">Waterfall Display</a> will give you a
- time-oriented summary of recent buildbot activity.</li>
- <li>the <a href="grid">Grid Display</a> will give you a
- developer-oriented summary of recent buildbot activity.</li>
- <li>The <a href="one_box_per_builder">Latest Build</a> for each builder is
- here.</li>
- <li><a href="one_line_per_build">Recent Builds</a> are summarized here, one
- per line.</li>
- <li><a href="buildslaves">Buildslave</a> information</li>
- <li><a href="changes">ChangeSource</a> information.</li>
- <br />
- <li><a href="about">About this Buildbot</a></li>
-</body> </html>
diff --git a/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/logs.py b/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/logs.py
deleted file mode 100644
index dfcf7f0..0000000
--- a/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/logs.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.python import components
-from twisted.spread import pb
-from twisted.web import html, server
-from twisted.web.resource import Resource
-from twisted.web.error import NoResource
-from buildbot import interfaces
-from buildbot.status import builder
-from buildbot.status.web.base import IHTMLLog, HtmlResource
-textlog_stylesheet = """
-<style type="text/css">
- div.data {
- font-family: "Courier New", courier, monotype;
- }
- span.stdout {
- font-family: "Courier New", courier, monotype;
- }
- span.stderr {
- font-family: "Courier New", courier, monotype;
- color: red;
- }
- span.header {
- font-family: "Courier New", courier, monotype;
- color: blue;
- }
-class ChunkConsumer:
- implements(interfaces.IStatusLogConsumer)
- def __init__(self, original, textlog):
- self.original = original
- self.textlog = textlog
- def registerProducer(self, producer, streaming):
- self.producer = producer
- self.original.registerProducer(producer, streaming)
- def unregisterProducer(self):
- self.original.unregisterProducer()
- def writeChunk(self, chunk):
- formatted = self.textlog.content([chunk])
- try:
- self.original.write(formatted)
- except pb.DeadReferenceError:
- self.producing.stopProducing()
- def finish(self):
- self.textlog.finished()
-# /builders/$builder/builds/$buildnum/steps/$stepname/logs/$logname
-class TextLog(Resource):
- # a new instance of this Resource is created for each client who views
- # it, so we can afford to track the request in the Resource.
- implements(IHTMLLog)
- asText = False
- subscribed = False
- def __init__(self, original):
- Resource.__init__(self)
- self.original = original
- def getChild(self, path, req):
- if path == "text":
- self.asText = True
- return self
- return HtmlResource.getChild(self, path, req)
- def htmlHeader(self, request):
- title = "Log File contents"
- data = "<html>\n<head><title>" + title + "</title>\n"
- data += textlog_stylesheet
- data += "</head>\n"
- data += "<body vlink=\"#800080\">\n"
- texturl = request.childLink("text")
- data += '<a href="%s">(view as text)</a><br />\n' % texturl
- data += "<pre>\n"
- return data
- def content(self, entries):
- spanfmt = '<span class="%s">%s</span>'
- data = ""
- for type, entry in entries:
- if type >= len(builder.ChunkTypes) or type < 0:
- # non-std channel, don't display
- continue
- if self.asText:
- if type != builder.HEADER:
- data += entry
- else:
- data += spanfmt % (builder.ChunkTypes[type],
- html.escape(entry))
- return data
- def htmlFooter(self):
- data = "</pre>\n"
- data += "</body></html>\n"
- return data
- def render_HEAD(self, request):
- if self.asText:
- request.setHeader("content-type", "text/plain")
- else:
- request.setHeader("content-type", "text/html")
- # vague approximation, ignores markup
- request.setHeader("content-length", self.original.length)
- return ''
- def render_GET(self, req):
- self.req = req
- if self.asText:
- req.setHeader("content-type", "text/plain")
- else:
- req.setHeader("content-type", "text/html")
- if not self.asText:
- req.write(self.htmlHeader(req))
- self.original.subscribeConsumer(ChunkConsumer(req, self))
- return server.NOT_DONE_YET
- def finished(self):
- if not self.req:
- return
- try:
- if not self.asText:
- self.req.write(self.htmlFooter())
- self.req.finish()
- except pb.DeadReferenceError:
- pass
- # break the cycle, the Request's .notifications list includes the
- # Deferred (from req.notifyFinish) that's pointing at us.
- self.req = None
-components.registerAdapter(TextLog, interfaces.IStatusLog, IHTMLLog)
-class HTMLLog(Resource):
- implements(IHTMLLog)
- def __init__(self, original):
- Resource.__init__(self)
- self.original = original
- def render(self, request):
- request.setHeader("content-type", "text/html")
- return self.original.html
-components.registerAdapter(HTMLLog, builder.HTMLLogFile, IHTMLLog)
-class LogsResource(HtmlResource):
- addSlash = True
- def __init__(self, step_status):
- HtmlResource.__init__(self)
- self.step_status = step_status
- def getChild(self, path, req):
- for log in self.step_status.getLogs():
- if path == log.getName():
- if log.hasContents():
- return IHTMLLog(interfaces.IStatusLog(log))
- return NoResource("Empty Log '%s'" % path)
- return HtmlResource.getChild(self, path, req)
diff --git a/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/robots.txt b/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/robots.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 47a9d27..0000000
--- a/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/robots.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-User-agent: *
-Disallow: /waterfall
-Disallow: /builders
-Disallow: /changes
-Disallow: /buildslaves
-Disallow: /schedulers
-Disallow: /one_line_per_build
-Disallow: /one_box_per_builder
-Disallow: /xmlrpc
diff --git a/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/slaves.py b/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/slaves.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5782873..0000000
--- a/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/slaves.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-import time, urllib
-from twisted.python import log
-from twisted.web import html
-from twisted.web.util import Redirect
-from buildbot.status.web.base import HtmlResource, abbreviate_age, OneLineMixin, path_to_slave
-from buildbot import version, util
-# /buildslaves/$slavename
-class OneBuildSlaveResource(HtmlResource, OneLineMixin):
- addSlash = False
- def __init__(self, slavename):
- HtmlResource.__init__(self)
- self.slavename = slavename
- def getTitle(self, req):
- return "Buildbot: %s" % html.escape(self.slavename)
- def getChild(self, path, req):
- if path == "shutdown":
- s = self.getStatus(req)
- slave = s.getSlave(self.slavename)
- slave.setGraceful(True)
- return Redirect(path_to_slave(req, slave))
- def body(self, req):
- s = self.getStatus(req)
- slave = s.getSlave(self.slavename)
- my_builders = []
- for bname in s.getBuilderNames():
- b = s.getBuilder(bname)
- for bs in b.getSlaves():
- slavename = bs.getName()
- if bs.getName() == self.slavename:
- my_builders.append(b)
- # Current builds
- current_builds = []
- for b in my_builders:
- for cb in b.getCurrentBuilds():
- if cb.getSlavename() == self.slavename:
- current_builds.append(cb)
- data = []
- projectName = s.getProjectName()
- data.append("<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>\n" % (self.path_to_root(req), projectName))
- data.append("<h1>Build Slave: %s</h1>\n" % self.slavename)
- shutdown_url = req.childLink("shutdown")
- if not slave.isConnected():
- data.append("<h2>NOT CONNECTED</h2>\n")
- elif not slave.getGraceful():
- data.append('''<form method="POST" action="%s">
-<input type="submit" value="Gracefully Shutdown">
-</form>''' % shutdown_url)
- else:
- data.append("Gracefully shutting down...\n")
- if current_builds:
- data.append("<h2>Currently building:</h2>\n")
- data.append("<ul>\n")
- for build in current_builds:
- data.append("<li>%s</li>\n" % self.make_line(req, build, True))
- data.append("</ul>\n")
- else:
- data.append("<h2>no current builds</h2>\n")
- # Recent builds
- data.append("<h2>Recent builds:</h2>\n")
- data.append("<ul>\n")
- n = 0
- try:
- max_builds = int(req.args.get('builds')[0])
- except:
- max_builds = 10
- for build in s.generateFinishedBuilds(builders=[b.getName() for b in my_builders]):
- if build.getSlavename() == self.slavename:
- n += 1
- data.append("<li>%s</li>\n" % self.make_line(req, build, True))
- if n > max_builds:
- break
- data.append("</ul>\n")
- projectURL = s.getProjectURL()
- projectName = s.getProjectName()
- data.append('<hr /><div class="footer">\n')
- welcomeurl = self.path_to_root(req) + "index.html"
- data.append("[<a href=\"%s\">welcome</a>]\n" % welcomeurl)
- data.append("<br />\n")
- data.append('<a href="http://buildbot.sourceforge.net/">Buildbot</a>')
- data.append("-%s " % version)
- if projectName:
- data.append("working for the ")
- if projectURL:
- data.append("<a href=\"%s\">%s</a> project." % (projectURL,
- projectName))
- else:
- data.append("%s project." % projectName)
- data.append("<br />\n")
- data.append("Page built: " +
- time.strftime("%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S",
- time.localtime(util.now()))
- + "\n")
- data.append("</div>\n")
- return "".join(data)
-# /buildslaves
-class BuildSlavesResource(HtmlResource):
- title = "BuildSlaves"
- addSlash = True
- def body(self, req):
- s = self.getStatus(req)
- data = ""
- data += "<h1>Build Slaves</h1>\n"
- used_by_builder = {}
- for bname in s.getBuilderNames():
- b = s.getBuilder(bname)
- for bs in b.getSlaves():
- slavename = bs.getName()
- if slavename not in used_by_builder:
- used_by_builder[slavename] = []
- used_by_builder[slavename].append(bname)
- data += "<ol>\n"
- for name in util.naturalSort(s.getSlaveNames()):
- slave = s.getSlave(name)
- slave_status = s.botmaster.slaves[name].slave_status
- isBusy = len(slave_status.getRunningBuilds())
- data += " <li><a href=\"%s\">%s</a>:\n" % (req.childLink(urllib.quote(name,'')), name)
- data += " <ul>\n"
- builder_links = ['<a href="%s">%s</a>'
- % (req.childLink("../builders/%s" % bname),bname)
- for bname in used_by_builder.get(name, [])]
- if builder_links:
- data += (" <li>Used by Builders: %s</li>\n" %
- ", ".join(builder_links))
- else:
- data += " <li>Not used by any Builders</li>\n"
- if slave.isConnected():
- data += " <li>Slave is currently connected</li>\n"
- admin = slave.getAdmin()
- if admin:
- # munge it to avoid feeding the spambot harvesters
- admin = admin.replace("@", " -at- ")
- data += " <li>Admin: %s</li>\n" % admin
- last = slave.lastMessageReceived()
- if last:
- lt = time.strftime("%Y-%b-%d %H:%M:%S",
- time.localtime(last))
- age = abbreviate_age(time.time() - last)
- data += " <li>Last heard from: %s " % age
- data += '<font size="-1">(%s)</font>' % lt
- data += "</li>\n"
- if isBusy:
- data += "<li>Slave is currently building.</li>"
- else:
- data += "<li>Slave is idle.</li>"
- else:
- data += " <li><b>Slave is NOT currently connected</b></li>\n"
- data += " </ul>\n"
- data += " </li>\n"
- data += "\n"
- data += "</ol>\n"
- return data
- def getChild(self, path, req):
- return OneBuildSlaveResource(path)
diff --git a/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/step.py b/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/step.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b65626f..0000000
--- a/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/step.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-from twisted.web import html
-import urllib
-from buildbot.status.web.base import HtmlResource, path_to_builder, \
- path_to_build
-from buildbot.status.web.logs import LogsResource
-from buildbot import util
-from time import ctime
-# /builders/$builder/builds/$buildnum/steps/$stepname
-class StatusResourceBuildStep(HtmlResource):
- title = "Build Step"
- addSlash = True
- def __init__(self, build_status, step_status):
- HtmlResource.__init__(self)
- self.status = build_status
- self.step_status = step_status
- def body(self, req):
- s = self.step_status
- b = s.getBuild()
- builder_name = b.getBuilder().getName()
- build_num = b.getNumber()
- data = ""
- data += ('<h1>BuildStep <a href="%s">%s</a>:' %
- (path_to_builder(req, b.getBuilder()), builder_name))
- data += '<a href="%s">#%d</a>' % (path_to_build(req, b), build_num)
- data += ":%s</h1>\n" % s.getName()
- if s.isFinished():
- data += ("<h2>Finished</h2>\n"
- "<p>%s</p>\n" % html.escape("%s" % s.getText()))
- else:
- data += ("<h2>Not Finished</h2>\n"
- "<p>ETA %s seconds</p>\n" % s.getETA())
- exp = s.getExpectations()
- if exp:
- data += ("<h2>Expectations</h2>\n"
- "<ul>\n")
- for e in exp:
- data += "<li>%s: current=%s, target=%s</li>\n" % \
- (html.escape(e[0]), e[1], e[2])
- data += "</ul>\n"
- (start, end) = s.getTimes()
- data += "<h2>Timing</h2>\n"
- data += "<table>\n"
- data += "<tr><td>Start</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" % ctime(start)
- if end:
- data += "<tr><td>End</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" % ctime(end)
- data += "<tr><td>Elapsed</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" % util.formatInterval(end - start)
- data += "</table>\n"
- logs = s.getLogs()
- if logs:
- data += ("<h2>Logs</h2>\n"
- "<ul>\n")
- for logfile in logs:
- if logfile.hasContents():
- # FIXME: If the step name has a / in it, this is broken
- # either way. If we quote it but say '/'s are safe,
- # it chops up the step name. If we quote it and '/'s
- # are not safe, it escapes the / that separates the
- # step name from the log number.
- logname = logfile.getName()
- logurl = req.childLink("logs/%s" % urllib.quote(logname))
- data += ('<li><a href="%s">%s</a></li>\n' %
- (logurl, html.escape(logname)))
- else:
- data += '<li>%s</li>\n' % html.escape(logname)
- data += "</ul>\n"
- return data
- def getChild(self, path, req):
- if path == "logs":
- return LogsResource(self.step_status)
- return HtmlResource.getChild(self, path, req)
-# /builders/$builder/builds/$buildnum/steps
-class StepsResource(HtmlResource):
- addSlash = True
- def __init__(self, build_status):
- HtmlResource.__init__(self)
- self.build_status = build_status
- def getChild(self, path, req):
- for s in self.build_status.getSteps():
- if s.getName() == path:
- return StatusResourceBuildStep(self.build_status, s)
- return HtmlResource.getChild(self, path, req)
diff --git a/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/tests.py b/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/tests.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b96bba2..0000000
--- a/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/tests.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-from twisted.web.error import NoResource
-from twisted.web import html
-from buildbot.status.web.base import HtmlResource
-# /builders/$builder/builds/$buildnum/tests/$testname
-class TestResult(HtmlResource):
- title = "Test Logs"
- def __init__(self, name, test_result):
- HtmlResource.__init__(self)
- self.name = name
- self.test_result = test_result
- def body(self, request):
- dotname = ".".join(self.name)
- logs = self.test_result.getLogs()
- lognames = logs.keys()
- lognames.sort()
- data = "<h1>%s</h1>\n" % html.escape(dotname)
- for name in lognames:
- data += "<h2>%s</h2>\n" % html.escape(name)
- data += "<pre>" + logs[name] + "</pre>\n\n"
- return data
-# /builders/$builder/builds/$buildnum/tests
-class TestsResource(HtmlResource):
- title = "Test Results"
- def __init__(self, build_status):
- HtmlResource.__init__(self)
- self.build_status = build_status
- self.test_results = build_status.getTestResults()
- def body(self, request):
- r = self.test_results
- data = "<h1>Test Results</h1>\n"
- data += "<ul>\n"
- testnames = r.keys()
- testnames.sort()
- for name in testnames:
- res = r[name]
- dotname = ".".join(name)
- data += " <li>%s: " % dotname
- # TODO: this could break on weird test names. At the moment,
- # test names only come from Trial tests, where the name
- # components must be legal python names, but that won't always
- # be a restriction.
- url = request.childLink(dotname)
- data += "<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>" % (url, " ".join(res.getText()))
- data += "</li>\n"
- data += "</ul>\n"
- return data
- def getChild(self, path, request):
- try:
- name = tuple(path.split("."))
- result = self.test_results[name]
- return TestResult(name, result)
- except KeyError:
- return NoResource("No such test name '%s'" % path)
diff --git a/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/waterfall.py b/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/waterfall.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d3ab60..0000000
--- a/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/waterfall.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,962 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: buildbot.test.test_web -*-
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.python import log, components
-from twisted.web import html
-import urllib
-import time
-import operator
-from buildbot import interfaces, util
-from buildbot import version
-from buildbot.status import builder
-from buildbot.status.web.base import Box, HtmlResource, IBox, ICurrentBox, \
- ITopBox, td, build_get_class, path_to_build, path_to_step, map_branches
-class CurrentBox(components.Adapter):
- # this provides the "current activity" box, just above the builder name
- implements(ICurrentBox)
- def formatETA(self, prefix, eta):
- if eta is None:
- return []
- if eta < 60:
- return ["< 1 min"]
- eta_parts = ["~"]
- eta_secs = eta
- if eta_secs > 3600:
- eta_parts.append("%d hrs" % (eta_secs / 3600))
- eta_secs %= 3600
- if eta_secs > 60:
- eta_parts.append("%d mins" % (eta_secs / 60))
- eta_secs %= 60
- abstime = time.strftime("%H:%M", time.localtime(util.now()+eta))
- return [prefix, " ".join(eta_parts), "at %s" % abstime]
- def getBox(self, status):
- # getState() returns offline, idle, or building
- state, builds = self.original.getState()
- # look for upcoming builds. We say the state is "waiting" if the
- # builder is otherwise idle and there is a scheduler which tells us a
- # build will be performed some time in the near future. TODO: this
- # functionality used to be in BuilderStatus.. maybe this code should
- # be merged back into it.
- upcoming = []
- builderName = self.original.getName()
- for s in status.getSchedulers():
- if builderName in s.listBuilderNames():
- upcoming.extend(s.getPendingBuildTimes())
- if state == "idle" and upcoming:
- state = "waiting"
- if state == "building":
- text = ["building"]
- if builds:
- for b in builds:
- eta = b.getETA()
- text.extend(self.formatETA("ETA in", eta))
- elif state == "offline":
- text = ["offline"]
- elif state == "idle":
- text = ["idle"]
- elif state == "waiting":
- text = ["waiting"]
- else:
- # just in case I add a state and forget to update this
- text = [state]
- # TODO: for now, this pending/upcoming stuff is in the "current
- # activity" box, but really it should go into a "next activity" row
- # instead. The only times it should show up in "current activity" is
- # when the builder is otherwise idle.
- # are any builds pending? (waiting for a slave to be free)
- pbs = self.original.getPendingBuilds()
- if pbs:
- text.append("%d pending" % len(pbs))
- for t in upcoming:
- eta = t - util.now()
- text.extend(self.formatETA("next in", eta))
- return Box(text, class_="Activity " + state)
-components.registerAdapter(CurrentBox, builder.BuilderStatus, ICurrentBox)
-class BuildTopBox(components.Adapter):
- # this provides a per-builder box at the very top of the display,
- # showing the results of the most recent build
- implements(IBox)
- def getBox(self, req):
- assert interfaces.IBuilderStatus(self.original)
- branches = [b for b in req.args.get("branch", []) if b]
- builder = self.original
- builds = list(builder.generateFinishedBuilds(map_branches(branches),
- num_builds=1))
- if not builds:
- return Box(["none"], class_="LastBuild")
- b = builds[0]
- name = b.getBuilder().getName()
- number = b.getNumber()
- url = path_to_build(req, b)
- text = b.getText()
- tests_failed = b.getSummaryStatistic('tests-failed', operator.add, 0)
- if tests_failed: text.extend(["Failed tests: %d" % tests_failed])
- # TODO: maybe add logs?
- # TODO: add link to the per-build page at 'url'
- class_ = build_get_class(b)
- return Box(text, class_="LastBuild %s" % class_)
-components.registerAdapter(BuildTopBox, builder.BuilderStatus, ITopBox)
-class BuildBox(components.Adapter):
- # this provides the yellow "starting line" box for each build
- implements(IBox)
- def getBox(self, req):
- b = self.original
- number = b.getNumber()
- url = path_to_build(req, b)
- reason = b.getReason()
- text = ('<a title="Reason: %s" href="%s">Build %d</a>'
- % (html.escape(reason), url, number))
- class_ = "start"
- if b.isFinished() and not b.getSteps():
- # the steps have been pruned, so there won't be any indication
- # of whether it succeeded or failed.
- class_ = build_get_class(b)
- return Box([text], class_="BuildStep " + class_)
-components.registerAdapter(BuildBox, builder.BuildStatus, IBox)
-class StepBox(components.Adapter):
- implements(IBox)
- def getBox(self, req):
- urlbase = path_to_step(req, self.original)
- text = self.original.getText()
- if text is None:
- log.msg("getText() gave None", urlbase)
- text = []
- text = text[:]
- logs = self.original.getLogs()
- for num in range(len(logs)):
- name = logs[num].getName()
- if logs[num].hasContents():
- url = urlbase + "/logs/%s" % urllib.quote(name)
- text.append("<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>" % (url, html.escape(name)))
- else:
- text.append(html.escape(name))
- urls = self.original.getURLs()
- ex_url_class = "BuildStep external"
- for name, target in urls.items():
- text.append('[<a href="%s" class="%s">%s</a>]' %
- (target, ex_url_class, html.escape(name)))
- class_ = "BuildStep " + build_get_class(self.original)
- return Box(text, class_=class_)
-components.registerAdapter(StepBox, builder.BuildStepStatus, IBox)
-class EventBox(components.Adapter):
- implements(IBox)
- def getBox(self, req):
- text = self.original.getText()
- class_ = "Event"
- return Box(text, class_=class_)
-components.registerAdapter(EventBox, builder.Event, IBox)
-class Spacer:
- implements(interfaces.IStatusEvent)
- def __init__(self, start, finish):
- self.started = start
- self.finished = finish
- def getTimes(self):
- return (self.started, self.finished)
- def getText(self):
- return []
-class SpacerBox(components.Adapter):
- implements(IBox)
- def getBox(self, req):
- #b = Box(["spacer"], "white")
- b = Box([])
- b.spacer = True
- return b
-components.registerAdapter(SpacerBox, Spacer, IBox)
-def insertGaps(g, lastEventTime, idleGap=2):
- debug = False
- e = g.next()
- starts, finishes = e.getTimes()
- if debug: log.msg("E0", starts, finishes)
- if finishes == 0:
- finishes = starts
- if debug: log.msg("E1 finishes=%s, gap=%s, lET=%s" % \
- (finishes, idleGap, lastEventTime))
- if finishes is not None and finishes + idleGap < lastEventTime:
- if debug: log.msg(" spacer0")
- yield Spacer(finishes, lastEventTime)
- followingEventStarts = starts
- if debug: log.msg(" fES0", starts)
- yield e
- while 1:
- e = g.next()
- starts, finishes = e.getTimes()
- if debug: log.msg("E2", starts, finishes)
- if finishes == 0:
- finishes = starts
- if finishes is not None and finishes + idleGap < followingEventStarts:
- # there is a gap between the end of this event and the beginning
- # of the next one. Insert an idle event so the waterfall display
- # shows a gap here.
- if debug:
- log.msg(" finishes=%s, gap=%s, fES=%s" % \
- (finishes, idleGap, followingEventStarts))
- yield Spacer(finishes, followingEventStarts)
- yield e
- followingEventStarts = starts
- if debug: log.msg(" fES1", starts)
-HELP = '''
-<form action="../waterfall" method="GET">
-<h1>The Waterfall Display</h1>
-<p>The Waterfall display can be controlled by adding query arguments to the
-URL. For example, if your Waterfall is accessed via the URL
-<tt>http://buildbot.example.org:8080</tt>, then you could add a
-<tt>branch=</tt> argument (described below) by going to
-<tt>http://buildbot.example.org:8080?branch=beta4</tt> instead. Remember that
-query arguments are separated from each other with ampersands, but they are
-separated from the main URL with a question mark, so to add a
-<tt>branch=</tt> and two <tt>builder=</tt> arguments, you would use
-<h2>Limiting the Displayed Interval</h2>
-<p>The <tt>last_time=</tt> argument is a unix timestamp (seconds since the
-start of 1970) that will be used as an upper bound on the interval of events
-displayed: nothing will be shown that is more recent than the given time.
-When no argument is provided, all events up to and including the most recent
-steps are included.</p>
-<p>The <tt>first_time=</tt> argument provides the lower bound. No events will
-be displayed that occurred <b>before</b> this timestamp. Instead of providing
-<tt>first_time=</tt>, you can provide <tt>show_time=</tt>: in this case,
-<tt>first_time</tt> will be set equal to <tt>last_time</tt> minus
-<tt>show_time</tt>. <tt>show_time</tt> overrides <tt>first_time</tt>.</p>
-<p>The display normally shows the latest 200 events that occurred in the
-given interval, where each timestamp on the left hand edge counts as a single
-event. You can add a <tt>num_events=</tt> argument to override this this.</p>
-<h2>Hiding non-Build events</h2>
-<p>By passing <tt>show_events=false</tt>, you can remove the "buildslave
-attached", "buildslave detached", and "builder reconfigured" events that
-appear in-between the actual builds.</p>
-<h2>Showing only Certain Branches</h2>
-<p>If you provide one or more <tt>branch=</tt> arguments, the display will be
-limited to builds that used one of the given branches. If no <tt>branch=</tt>
-arguments are given, builds from all branches will be displayed.</p>
-Erase the text from these "Show Branch:" boxes to remove that branch filter.
-<h2>Limiting the Builders that are Displayed</h2>
-<p>By adding one or more <tt>builder=</tt> arguments, the display will be
-limited to showing builds that ran on the given builders. This serves to
-limit the display to the specific named columns. If no <tt>builder=</tt>
-arguments are provided, all Builders will be displayed.</p>
-<p>To view a Waterfall page with only a subset of Builders displayed, select
-the Builders you are interested in here.</p>
-<h2>Auto-reloading the Page</h2>
-<p>Adding a <tt>reload=</tt> argument will cause the page to automatically
-reload itself after that many seconds.</p>
-<h2>Reload Waterfall Page</h2>
-<input type="submit" value="View Waterfall" />
-class WaterfallHelp(HtmlResource):
- title = "Waterfall Help"
- def __init__(self, categories=None):
- HtmlResource.__init__(self)
- self.categories = categories
- def body(self, request):
- data = ''
- status = self.getStatus(request)
- showEvents_checked = 'checked="checked"'
- if request.args.get("show_events", ["true"])[0].lower() == "true":
- showEvents_checked = ''
- show_events_input = ('<p>'
- '<input type="checkbox" name="show_events" '
- 'value="false" %s>'
- 'Hide non-Build events'
- '</p>\n'
- ) % showEvents_checked
- branches = [b
- for b in request.args.get("branch", [])
- if b]
- branches.append('')
- show_branches_input = '<table>\n'
- for b in branches:
- show_branches_input += ('<tr>'
- '<td>Show Branch: '
- '<input type="text" name="branch" '
- 'value="%s">'
- '</td></tr>\n'
- ) % (b,)
- show_branches_input += '</table>\n'
- # this has a set of toggle-buttons to let the user choose the
- # builders
- showBuilders = request.args.get("show", [])
- showBuilders.extend(request.args.get("builder", []))
- allBuilders = status.getBuilderNames(categories=self.categories)
- show_builders_input = '<table>\n'
- for bn in allBuilders:
- checked = ""
- if bn in showBuilders:
- checked = 'checked="checked"'
- show_builders_input += ('<tr>'
- '<td><input type="checkbox"'
- ' name="builder" '
- 'value="%s" %s></td> '
- '<td>%s</td></tr>\n'
- ) % (bn, checked, bn)
- show_builders_input += '</table>\n'
- # a couple of radio-button selectors for refresh time will appear
- # just after that text
- show_reload_input = '<table>\n'
- times = [("none", "None"),
- ("60", "60 seconds"),
- ("300", "5 minutes"),
- ("600", "10 minutes"),
- ]
- current_reload_time = request.args.get("reload", ["none"])
- if current_reload_time:
- current_reload_time = current_reload_time[0]
- if current_reload_time not in [t[0] for t in times]:
- times.insert(0, (current_reload_time, current_reload_time) )
- for value, name in times:
- checked = ""
- if value == current_reload_time:
- checked = 'checked="checked"'
- show_reload_input += ('<tr>'
- '<td><input type="radio" name="reload" '
- 'value="%s" %s></td> '
- '<td>%s</td></tr>\n'
- ) % (value, checked, name)
- show_reload_input += '</table>\n'
- fields = {"show_events_input": show_events_input,
- "show_branches_input": show_branches_input,
- "show_builders_input": show_builders_input,
- "show_reload_input": show_reload_input,
- }
- data += HELP % fields
- return data
-class WaterfallStatusResource(HtmlResource):
- """This builds the main status page, with the waterfall display, and
- all child pages."""
- def __init__(self, categories=None):
- HtmlResource.__init__(self)
- self.categories = categories
- self.putChild("help", WaterfallHelp(categories))
- def getTitle(self, request):
- status = self.getStatus(request)
- p = status.getProjectName()
- if p:
- return "BuildBot: %s" % p
- else:
- return "BuildBot"
- def getChangemaster(self, request):
- # TODO: this wants to go away, access it through IStatus
- return request.site.buildbot_service.getChangeSvc()
- def get_reload_time(self, request):
- if "reload" in request.args:
- try:
- reload_time = int(request.args["reload"][0])
- return max(reload_time, 15)
- except ValueError:
- pass
- return None
- def head(self, request):
- head = ''
- reload_time = self.get_reload_time(request)
- if reload_time is not None:
- head += '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="%d">\n' % reload_time
- return head
- def body(self, request):
- "This method builds the main waterfall display."
- status = self.getStatus(request)
- data = ''
- projectName = status.getProjectName()
- projectURL = status.getProjectURL()
- phase = request.args.get("phase",["2"])
- phase = int(phase[0])
- # we start with all Builders available to this Waterfall: this is
- # limited by the config-file -time categories= argument, and defaults
- # to all defined Builders.
- allBuilderNames = status.getBuilderNames(categories=self.categories)
- builders = [status.getBuilder(name) for name in allBuilderNames]
- # but if the URL has one or more builder= arguments (or the old show=
- # argument, which is still accepted for backwards compatibility), we
- # use that set of builders instead. We still don't show anything
- # outside the config-file time set limited by categories=.
- showBuilders = request.args.get("show", [])
- showBuilders.extend(request.args.get("builder", []))
- if showBuilders:
- builders = [b for b in builders if b.name in showBuilders]
- # now, if the URL has one or category= arguments, use them as a
- # filter: only show those builders which belong to one of the given
- # categories.
- showCategories = request.args.get("category", [])
- if showCategories:
- builders = [b for b in builders if b.category in showCategories]
- builderNames = [b.name for b in builders]
- if phase == -1:
- return self.body0(request, builders)
- (changeNames, builderNames, timestamps, eventGrid, sourceEvents) = \
- self.buildGrid(request, builders)
- if phase == 0:
- return self.phase0(request, (changeNames + builderNames),
- timestamps, eventGrid)
- # start the table: top-header material
- data += '<table border="0" cellspacing="0">\n'
- if projectName and projectURL:
- # TODO: this is going to look really ugly
- topleft = '<a href="%s">%s</a><br />last build' % \
- (projectURL, projectName)
- else:
- topleft = "last build"
- data += ' <tr class="LastBuild">\n'
- data += td(topleft, align="right", colspan=2, class_="Project")
- for b in builders:
- box = ITopBox(b).getBox(request)
- data += box.td(align="center")
- data += " </tr>\n"
- data += ' <tr class="Activity">\n'
- data += td('current activity', align='right', colspan=2)
- for b in builders:
- box = ICurrentBox(b).getBox(status)
- data += box.td(align="center")
- data += " </tr>\n"
- data += " <tr>\n"
- TZ = time.tzname[time.localtime()[-1]]
- data += td("time (%s)" % TZ, align="center", class_="Time")
- data += td('<a href="%s">changes</a>' % request.childLink("../changes"),
- align="center", class_="Change")
- for name in builderNames:
- safename = urllib.quote(name, safe='')
- data += td('<a href="%s">%s</a>' %
- (request.childLink("../builders/%s" % safename), name),
- align="center", class_="Builder")
- data += " </tr>\n"
- if phase == 1:
- f = self.phase1
- else:
- f = self.phase2
- data += f(request, changeNames + builderNames, timestamps, eventGrid,
- sourceEvents)
- data += "</table>\n"
- data += '<hr /><div class="footer">\n'
- def with_args(req, remove_args=[], new_args=[], new_path=None):
- # sigh, nevow makes this sort of manipulation easier
- newargs = req.args.copy()
- for argname in remove_args:
- newargs[argname] = []
- if "branch" in newargs:
- newargs["branch"] = [b for b in newargs["branch"] if b]
- for k,v in new_args:
- if k in newargs:
- newargs[k].append(v)
- else:
- newargs[k] = [v]
- newquery = "&".join(["%s=%s" % (k, v)
- for k in newargs
- for v in newargs[k]
- ])
- if new_path:
- new_url = new_path
- elif req.prepath:
- new_url = req.prepath[-1]
- else:
- new_url = ''
- if newquery:
- new_url += "?" + newquery
- return new_url
- if timestamps:
- bottom = timestamps[-1]
- nextpage = with_args(request, ["last_time"],
- [("last_time", str(int(bottom)))])
- data += '[<a href="%s">next page</a>]\n' % nextpage
- helpurl = self.path_to_root(request) + "waterfall/help"
- helppage = with_args(request, new_path=helpurl)
- data += '[<a href="%s">help</a>]\n' % helppage
- welcomeurl = self.path_to_root(request) + "index.html"
- data += '[<a href="%s">welcome</a>]\n' % welcomeurl
- if self.get_reload_time(request) is not None:
- no_reload_page = with_args(request, remove_args=["reload"])
- data += '[<a href="%s">Stop Reloading</a>]\n' % no_reload_page
- data += "<br />\n"
- bburl = "http://buildbot.net/?bb-ver=%s" % urllib.quote(version)
- data += '<a href="%s">Buildbot-%s</a> ' % (bburl, version)
- if projectName:
- data += "working for the "
- if projectURL:
- data += '<a href="%s">%s</a> project.' % (projectURL,
- projectName)
- else:
- data += "%s project." % projectName
- data += "<br />\n"
- # TODO: push this to the right edge, if possible
- data += ("Page built: " +
- time.strftime("%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S",
- time.localtime(util.now()))
- + "\n")
- data += '</div>\n'
- return data
- def body0(self, request, builders):
- # build the waterfall display
- data = ""
- data += "<h2>Basic display</h2>\n"
- data += '<p>See <a href="%s">here</a>' % request.childLink("../waterfall")
- data += " for the waterfall display</p>\n"
- data += '<table border="0" cellspacing="0">\n'
- names = map(lambda builder: builder.name, builders)
- # the top row is two blank spaces, then the top-level status boxes
- data += " <tr>\n"
- data += td("", colspan=2)
- for b in builders:
- text = ""
- state, builds = b.getState()
- if state != "offline":
- text += "%s<br />\n" % state #b.getCurrentBig().text[0]
- else:
- text += "OFFLINE<br />\n"
- data += td(text, align="center")
- # the next row has the column headers: time, changes, builder names
- data += " <tr>\n"
- data += td("Time", align="center")
- data += td("Changes", align="center")
- for name in names:
- data += td('<a href="%s">%s</a>' %
- (request.childLink("../" + urllib.quote(name)), name),
- align="center")
- data += " </tr>\n"
- # all further rows involve timestamps, commit events, and build events
- data += " <tr>\n"
- data += td("04:00", align="bottom")
- data += td("fred", align="center")
- for name in names:
- data += td("stuff", align="center")
- data += " </tr>\n"
- data += "</table>\n"
- return data
- def buildGrid(self, request, builders):
- debug = False
- # TODO: see if we can use a cached copy
- showEvents = False
- if request.args.get("show_events", ["true"])[0].lower() == "true":
- showEvents = True
- filterBranches = [b for b in request.args.get("branch", []) if b]
- filterBranches = map_branches(filterBranches)
- maxTime = int(request.args.get("last_time", [util.now()])[0])
- if "show_time" in request.args:
- minTime = maxTime - int(request.args["show_time"][0])
- elif "first_time" in request.args:
- minTime = int(request.args["first_time"][0])
- else:
- minTime = None
- spanLength = 10 # ten-second chunks
- maxPageLen = int(request.args.get("num_events", [200])[0])
- # first step is to walk backwards in time, asking each column
- # (commit, all builders) if they have any events there. Build up the
- # array of events, and stop when we have a reasonable number.
- commit_source = self.getChangemaster(request)
- lastEventTime = util.now()
- sources = [commit_source] + builders
- changeNames = ["changes"]
- builderNames = map(lambda builder: builder.getName(), builders)
- sourceNames = changeNames + builderNames
- sourceEvents = []
- sourceGenerators = []
- def get_event_from(g):
- try:
- while True:
- e = g.next()
- # e might be builder.BuildStepStatus,
- # builder.BuildStatus, builder.Event,
- # waterfall.Spacer(builder.Event), or changes.Change .
- # The showEvents=False flag means we should hide
- # builder.Event .
- if not showEvents and isinstance(e, builder.Event):
- continue
- break
- event = interfaces.IStatusEvent(e)
- if debug:
- log.msg("gen %s gave1 %s" % (g, event.getText()))
- except StopIteration:
- event = None
- return event
- for s in sources:
- gen = insertGaps(s.eventGenerator(filterBranches), lastEventTime)
- sourceGenerators.append(gen)
- # get the first event
- sourceEvents.append(get_event_from(gen))
- eventGrid = []
- timestamps = []
- lastEventTime = 0
- for e in sourceEvents:
- if e and e.getTimes()[0] > lastEventTime:
- lastEventTime = e.getTimes()[0]
- if lastEventTime == 0:
- lastEventTime = util.now()
- spanStart = lastEventTime - spanLength
- debugGather = 0
- while 1:
- if debugGather: log.msg("checking (%s,]" % spanStart)
- # the tableau of potential events is in sourceEvents[]. The
- # window crawls backwards, and we examine one source at a time.
- # If the source's top-most event is in the window, is it pushed
- # onto the events[] array and the tableau is refilled. This
- # continues until the tableau event is not in the window (or is
- # missing).
- spanEvents = [] # for all sources, in this span. row of eventGrid
- firstTimestamp = None # timestamp of first event in the span
- lastTimestamp = None # last pre-span event, for next span
- for c in range(len(sourceGenerators)):
- events = [] # for this source, in this span. cell of eventGrid
- event = sourceEvents[c]
- while event and spanStart < event.getTimes()[0]:
- # to look at windows that don't end with the present,
- # condition the .append on event.time <= spanFinish
- if not IBox(event, None):
- log.msg("BAD EVENT", event, event.getText())
- assert 0
- if debug:
- log.msg("pushing", event.getText(), event)
- events.append(event)
- starts, finishes = event.getTimes()
- firstTimestamp = util.earlier(firstTimestamp, starts)
- event = get_event_from(sourceGenerators[c])
- if debug:
- log.msg("finished span")
- if event:
- # this is the last pre-span event for this source
- lastTimestamp = util.later(lastTimestamp,
- event.getTimes()[0])
- if debugGather:
- log.msg(" got %s from %s" % (events, sourceNames[c]))
- sourceEvents[c] = event # refill the tableau
- spanEvents.append(events)
- # only show events older than maxTime. This makes it possible to
- # visit a page that shows what it would be like to scroll off the
- # bottom of this one.
- if firstTimestamp is not None and firstTimestamp <= maxTime:
- eventGrid.append(spanEvents)
- timestamps.append(firstTimestamp)
- if lastTimestamp:
- spanStart = lastTimestamp - spanLength
- else:
- # no more events
- break
- if minTime is not None and lastTimestamp < minTime:
- break
- if len(timestamps) > maxPageLen:
- break
- # now loop
- # loop is finished. now we have eventGrid[] and timestamps[]
- if debugGather: log.msg("finished loop")
- assert(len(timestamps) == len(eventGrid))
- return (changeNames, builderNames, timestamps, eventGrid, sourceEvents)
- def phase0(self, request, sourceNames, timestamps, eventGrid):
- # phase0 rendering
- if not timestamps:
- return "no events"
- data = ""
- for r in range(0, len(timestamps)):
- data += "<p>\n"
- data += "[%s]<br />" % timestamps[r]
- row = eventGrid[r]
- assert(len(row) == len(sourceNames))
- for c in range(0, len(row)):
- if row[c]:
- data += "<b>%s</b><br />\n" % sourceNames[c]
- for e in row[c]:
- log.msg("Event", r, c, sourceNames[c], e.getText())
- lognames = [loog.getName() for loog in e.getLogs()]
- data += "%s: %s: %s<br />" % (e.getText(),
- e.getTimes()[0],
- lognames)
- else:
- data += "<b>%s</b> [none]<br />\n" % sourceNames[c]
- return data
- def phase1(self, request, sourceNames, timestamps, eventGrid,
- sourceEvents):
- # phase1 rendering: table, but boxes do not overlap
- data = ""
- if not timestamps:
- return data
- lastDate = None
- for r in range(0, len(timestamps)):
- chunkstrip = eventGrid[r]
- # chunkstrip is a horizontal strip of event blocks. Each block
- # is a vertical list of events, all for the same source.
- assert(len(chunkstrip) == len(sourceNames))
- maxRows = reduce(lambda x,y: max(x,y),
- map(lambda x: len(x), chunkstrip))
- for i in range(maxRows):
- data += " <tr>\n";
- if i == 0:
- stuff = []
- # add the date at the beginning, and each time it changes
- today = time.strftime("<b>%d %b %Y</b>",
- time.localtime(timestamps[r]))
- todayday = time.strftime("<b>%a</b>",
- time.localtime(timestamps[r]))
- if today != lastDate:
- stuff.append(todayday)
- stuff.append(today)
- lastDate = today
- stuff.append(
- time.strftime("%H:%M:%S",
- time.localtime(timestamps[r])))
- data += td(stuff, valign="bottom", align="center",
- rowspan=maxRows, class_="Time")
- for c in range(0, len(chunkstrip)):
- block = chunkstrip[c]
- assert(block != None) # should be [] instead
- # bottom-justify
- offset = maxRows - len(block)
- if i < offset:
- data += td("")
- else:
- e = block[i-offset]
- box = IBox(e).getBox(request)
- box.parms["show_idle"] = 1
- data += box.td(valign="top", align="center")
- data += " </tr>\n"
- return data
- def phase2(self, request, sourceNames, timestamps, eventGrid,
- sourceEvents):
- data = ""
- if not timestamps:
- return data
- # first pass: figure out the height of the chunks, populate grid
- grid = []
- for i in range(1+len(sourceNames)):
- grid.append([])
- # grid is a list of columns, one for the timestamps, and one per
- # event source. Each column is exactly the same height. Each element
- # of the list is a single <td> box.
- lastDate = time.strftime("<b>%d %b %Y</b>",
- time.localtime(util.now()))
- for r in range(0, len(timestamps)):
- chunkstrip = eventGrid[r]
- # chunkstrip is a horizontal strip of event blocks. Each block
- # is a vertical list of events, all for the same source.
- assert(len(chunkstrip) == len(sourceNames))
- maxRows = reduce(lambda x,y: max(x,y),
- map(lambda x: len(x), chunkstrip))
- for i in range(maxRows):
- if i != maxRows-1:
- grid[0].append(None)
- else:
- # timestamp goes at the bottom of the chunk
- stuff = []
- # add the date at the beginning (if it is not the same as
- # today's date), and each time it changes
- todayday = time.strftime("<b>%a</b>",
- time.localtime(timestamps[r]))
- today = time.strftime("<b>%d %b %Y</b>",
- time.localtime(timestamps[r]))
- if today != lastDate:
- stuff.append(todayday)
- stuff.append(today)
- lastDate = today
- stuff.append(
- time.strftime("%H:%M:%S",
- time.localtime(timestamps[r])))
- grid[0].append(Box(text=stuff, class_="Time",
- valign="bottom", align="center"))
- # at this point the timestamp column has been populated with
- # maxRows boxes, most None but the last one has the time string
- for c in range(0, len(chunkstrip)):
- block = chunkstrip[c]
- assert(block != None) # should be [] instead
- for i in range(maxRows - len(block)):
- # fill top of chunk with blank space
- grid[c+1].append(None)
- for i in range(len(block)):
- # so the events are bottom-justified
- b = IBox(block[i]).getBox(request)
- b.parms['valign'] = "top"
- b.parms['align'] = "center"
- grid[c+1].append(b)
- # now all the other columns have maxRows new boxes too
- # populate the last row, if empty
- gridlen = len(grid[0])
- for i in range(len(grid)):
- strip = grid[i]
- assert(len(strip) == gridlen)
- if strip[-1] == None:
- if sourceEvents[i-1]:
- filler = IBox(sourceEvents[i-1]).getBox(request)
- else:
- # this can happen if you delete part of the build history
- filler = Box(text=["?"], align="center")
- strip[-1] = filler
- strip[-1].parms['rowspan'] = 1
- # second pass: bubble the events upwards to un-occupied locations
- # Every square of the grid that has a None in it needs to have
- # something else take its place.
- noBubble = request.args.get("nobubble",['0'])
- noBubble = int(noBubble[0])
- if not noBubble:
- for col in range(len(grid)):
- strip = grid[col]
- if col == 1: # changes are handled differently
- for i in range(2, len(strip)+1):
- # only merge empty boxes. Don't bubble commit boxes.
- if strip[-i] == None:
- next = strip[-i+1]
- assert(next)
- if next:
- #if not next.event:
- if next.spacer:
- # bubble the empty box up
- strip[-i] = next
- strip[-i].parms['rowspan'] += 1
- strip[-i+1] = None
- else:
- # we are above a commit box. Leave it
- # be, and turn the current box into an
- # empty one
- strip[-i] = Box([], rowspan=1,
- comment="commit bubble")
- strip[-i].spacer = True
- else:
- # we are above another empty box, which
- # somehow wasn't already converted.
- # Shouldn't happen
- pass
- else:
- for i in range(2, len(strip)+1):
- # strip[-i] will go from next-to-last back to first
- if strip[-i] == None:
- # bubble previous item up
- assert(strip[-i+1] != None)
- strip[-i] = strip[-i+1]
- strip[-i].parms['rowspan'] += 1
- strip[-i+1] = None
- else:
- strip[-i].parms['rowspan'] = 1
- # third pass: render the HTML table
- for i in range(gridlen):
- data += " <tr>\n";
- for strip in grid:
- b = strip[i]
- if b:
- data += b.td()
- else:
- if noBubble:
- data += td([])
- # Nones are left empty, rowspan should make it all fit
- data += " </tr>\n"
- return data
diff --git a/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/xmlrpc.py b/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/xmlrpc.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 234e7ff..0000000
--- a/buildbot/buildbot/status/web/xmlrpc.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-from twisted.python import log
-from twisted.web import xmlrpc
-from buildbot.status.builder import Results
-from itertools import count
-class XMLRPCServer(xmlrpc.XMLRPC):
- def __init__(self):
- xmlrpc.XMLRPC.__init__(self)
- def render(self, req):
- # extract the IStatus and IControl objects for later use, since they
- # come from the request object. They'll be the same each time, but
- # they aren't available until the first request arrives.
- self.status = req.site.buildbot_service.getStatus()
- self.control = req.site.buildbot_service.getControl()
- return xmlrpc.XMLRPC.render(self, req)
- def xmlrpc_getAllBuilders(self):
- """Return a list of all builder names
- """
- log.msg("getAllBuilders")
- return self.status.getBuilderNames()
- def xmlrpc_getLastBuildResults(self, builder_name):
- """Return the result of the last build for the given builder
- """
- builder = self.status.getBuilder(builder_name)
- lastbuild = builder.getBuild(-1)
- return Results[lastbuild.getResults()]
- def xmlrpc_getLastBuilds(self, builder_name, num_builds):
- """Return the last N completed builds for the given builder.
- 'builder_name' is the name of the builder to query
- 'num_builds' is the number of builds to return
- Each build is returned in the same form as xmlrpc_getAllBuildsInInterval
- """
- log.msg("getLastBuilds: %s - %d" % (builder_name, num_builds))
- builder = self.status.getBuilder(builder_name)
- all_builds = []
- for build_number in range(1, num_builds+1):
- build = builder.getBuild(-build_number)
- if not build:
- break
- if not build.isFinished():
- continue
- (build_start, build_end) = build.getTimes()
- ss = build.getSourceStamp()
- branch = ss.branch
- if branch is None:
- branch = ""
- try:
- revision = build.getProperty("got_revision")
- except KeyError:
- revision = ""
- revision = str(revision)
- answer = (builder_name,
- build.getNumber(),
- build_end,
- branch,
- revision,
- Results[build.getResults()],
- build.getText(),
- )
- all_builds.append((build_end, answer))
- # now we've gotten all the builds we're interested in. Sort them by
- # end time.
- all_builds.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(a[0], b[0]))
- # and remove the timestamps
- all_builds = [t[1] for t in all_builds]
- log.msg("ready to go: %s" % (all_builds,))
- return all_builds
- def xmlrpc_getAllBuildsInInterval(self, start, stop):
- """Return a list of builds that have completed after the 'start'
- timestamp and before the 'stop' timestamp. This looks at all
- Builders.
- The timestamps are integers, interpreted as standard unix timestamps
- (seconds since epoch).
- Each Build is returned as a tuple in the form::
- (buildername, buildnumber, build_end, branchname, revision,
- results, text)
- The buildnumber is an integer. 'build_end' is an integer (seconds
- since epoch) specifying when the build finished.
- The branchname is a string, which may be an empty string to indicate
- None (i.e. the default branch). The revision is a string whose
- meaning is specific to the VC system in use, and comes from the
- 'got_revision' build property. The results are expressed as a string,
- one of ('success', 'warnings', 'failure', 'exception'). The text is a
- list of short strings that ought to be joined by spaces and include
- slightly more data about the results of the build.
- """
- #log.msg("start: %s %s %s" % (start, type(start), start.__class__))
- log.msg("getAllBuildsInInterval: %d - %d" % (start, stop))
- all_builds = []
- for builder_name in self.status.getBuilderNames():
- builder = self.status.getBuilder(builder_name)
- for build_number in count(1):
- build = builder.getBuild(-build_number)
- if not build:
- break
- if not build.isFinished():
- continue
- (build_start, build_end) = build.getTimes()
- # in reality, builds are mostly ordered by start time. For
- # the purposes of this method, we pretend that they are
- # strictly ordered by end time, so that we can stop searching
- # when we start seeing builds that are outside the window.
- if build_end > stop:
- continue # keep looking
- if build_end < start:
- break # stop looking
- ss = build.getSourceStamp()
- branch = ss.branch
- if branch is None:
- branch = ""
- try:
- revision = build.getProperty("got_revision")
- except KeyError:
- revision = ""
- revision = str(revision)
- answer = (builder_name,
- build.getNumber(),
- build_end,
- branch,
- revision,
- Results[build.getResults()],
- build.getText(),
- )
- all_builds.append((build_end, answer))
- # we've gotten all the builds that we care about from this
- # particular builder, so now we can continue on the next builder
- # now we've gotten all the builds we're interested in. Sort them by
- # end time.
- all_builds.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(a[0], b[0]))
- # and remove the timestamps
- all_builds = [t[1] for t in all_builds]
- log.msg("ready to go: %s" % (all_builds,))
- return all_builds
- def xmlrpc_getBuild(self, builder_name, build_number):
- """Return information about a specific build.
- """
- builder = self.status.getBuilder(builder_name)
- build = builder.getBuild(build_number)
- info = {}
- info['builder_name'] = builder.getName()
- info['url'] = self.status.getURLForThing(build) or ''
- info['reason'] = build.getReason()
- info['slavename'] = build.getSlavename()
- info['results'] = build.getResults()
- info['text'] = build.getText()
- # Added to help out requests for build -N
- info['number'] = build.number
- ss = build.getSourceStamp()
- branch = ss.branch
- if branch is None:
- branch = ""
- info['branch'] = str(branch)
- try:
- revision = str(build.getProperty("got_revision"))
- except KeyError:
- revision = ""
- info['revision'] = str(revision)
- info['start'], info['end'] = build.getTimes()
- info_steps = []
- for s in build.getSteps():
- stepinfo = {}
- stepinfo['name'] = s.getName()
- stepinfo['start'], stepinfo['end'] = s.getTimes()
- stepinfo['results'] = s.getResults()
- info_steps.append(stepinfo)
- info['steps'] = info_steps
- info_logs = []
- for l in build.getLogs():
- loginfo = {}
- loginfo['name'] = l.getStep().getName() + "/" + l.getName()
- #loginfo['text'] = l.getText()
- loginfo['text'] = "HUGE"
- info_logs.append(loginfo)
- info['logs'] = info_logs
- return info
diff --git a/buildbot/buildbot/status/words.py b/buildbot/buildbot/status/words.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e98651..0000000
--- a/buildbot/buildbot/status/words.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,875 +0,0 @@
-# code to deliver build status through twisted.words (instant messaging
-# protocols: irc, etc)
-import re, shlex
-from zope.interface import Interface, implements
-from twisted.internet import protocol, reactor
-from twisted.words.protocols import irc
-from twisted.python import log, failure
-from twisted.application import internet
-from buildbot import interfaces, util
-from buildbot import version
-from buildbot.sourcestamp import SourceStamp
-from buildbot.process.base import BuildRequest
-from buildbot.status import base
-from buildbot.status.builder import SUCCESS, WARNINGS, FAILURE, EXCEPTION
-from buildbot.scripts.runner import ForceOptions
-from string import join, capitalize, lower
-class UsageError(ValueError):
- def __init__(self, string = "Invalid usage", *more):
- ValueError.__init__(self, string, *more)
-class IrcBuildRequest:
- hasStarted = False
- timer = None
- def __init__(self, parent):
- self.parent = parent
- self.timer = reactor.callLater(5, self.soon)
- def soon(self):
- del self.timer
- if not self.hasStarted:
- self.parent.send("The build has been queued, I'll give a shout"
- " when it starts")
- def started(self, c):
- self.hasStarted = True
- if self.timer:
- self.timer.cancel()
- del self.timer
- s = c.getStatus()
- eta = s.getETA()
- response = "build #%d forced" % s.getNumber()
- if eta is not None:
- response = "build forced [ETA %s]" % self.parent.convertTime(eta)
- self.parent.send(response)
- self.parent.send("I'll give a shout when the build finishes")
- d = s.waitUntilFinished()
- d.addCallback(self.parent.watchedBuildFinished)
-class Contact:
- """I hold the state for a single user's interaction with the buildbot.
- This base class provides all the basic behavior (the queries and
- responses). Subclasses for each channel type (IRC, different IM
- protocols) are expected to provide the lower-level send/receive methods.
- There will be one instance of me for each user who interacts personally
- with the buildbot. There will be an additional instance for each
- 'broadcast contact' (chat rooms, IRC channels as a whole).
- """
- def __init__(self, channel):
- self.channel = channel
- self.notify_events = {}
- self.subscribed = 0
- self.add_notification_events(channel.notify_events)
- silly = {
- "What happen ?": "Somebody set up us the bomb.",
- "It's You !!": ["How are you gentlemen !!",
- "All your base are belong to us.",
- "You are on the way to destruction."],
- "What you say !!": ["You have no chance to survive make your time.",
- "HA HA HA HA ...."],
- }
- def getCommandMethod(self, command):
- meth = getattr(self, 'command_' + command.upper(), None)
- return meth
- def getBuilder(self, which):
- try:
- b = self.channel.status.getBuilder(which)
- except KeyError:
- raise UsageError, "no such builder '%s'" % which
- return b
- def getControl(self, which):
- if not self.channel.control:
- raise UsageError("builder control is not enabled")
- try:
- bc = self.channel.control.getBuilder(which)
- except KeyError:
- raise UsageError("no such builder '%s'" % which)
- return bc
- def getAllBuilders(self):
- """
- @rtype: list of L{buildbot.process.builder.Builder}
- """
- names = self.channel.status.getBuilderNames(categories=self.channel.categories)
- names.sort()
- builders = [self.channel.status.getBuilder(n) for n in names]
- return builders
- def convertTime(self, seconds):
- if seconds < 60:
- return "%d seconds" % seconds
- minutes = int(seconds / 60)
- seconds = seconds - 60*minutes
- if minutes < 60:
- return "%dm%02ds" % (minutes, seconds)
- hours = int(minutes / 60)
- minutes = minutes - 60*hours
- return "%dh%02dm%02ds" % (hours, minutes, seconds)
- def doSilly(self, message):
- response = self.silly[message]
- if type(response) != type([]):
- response = [response]
- when = 0.5
- for r in response:
- reactor.callLater(when, self.send, r)
- when += 2.5
- def command_HELLO(self, args, who):
- self.send("yes?")
- def command_VERSION(self, args, who):
- self.send("buildbot-%s at your service" % version)
- def command_LIST(self, args, who):
- args = args.split()
- if len(args) == 0:
- raise UsageError, "try 'list builders'"
- if args[0] == 'builders':
- builders = self.getAllBuilders()
- str = "Configured builders: "
- for b in builders:
- str += b.name
- state = b.getState()[0]
- if state == 'offline':
- str += "[offline]"
- str += " "
- str.rstrip()
- self.send(str)
- return
- command_LIST.usage = "list builders - List configured builders"
- def command_STATUS(self, args, who):
- args = args.split()
- if len(args) == 0:
- which = "all"
- elif len(args) == 1:
- which = args[0]
- else:
- raise UsageError, "try 'status <builder>'"
- if which == "all":
- builders = self.getAllBuilders()
- for b in builders:
- self.emit_status(b.name)
- return
- self.emit_status(which)
- command_STATUS.usage = "status [<which>] - List status of a builder (or all builders)"
- def validate_notification_event(self, event):
- if not re.compile("^(started|finished|success|failure|exception|warnings|(success|warnings|exception|failure)To(Failure|Success|Warnings|Exception))$").match(event):
- raise UsageError("try 'notify on|off <EVENT>'")
- def list_notified_events(self):
- self.send( "The following events are being notified: %r" % self.notify_events.keys() )
- def notify_for(self, *events):
- for event in events:
- if self.notify_events.has_key(event):
- return 1
- return 0
- def subscribe_to_build_events(self):
- self.channel.status.subscribe(self)
- self.subscribed = 1
- def unsubscribe_from_build_events(self):
- self.channel.status.unsubscribe(self)
- self.subscribed = 0
- def add_notification_events(self, events):
- for event in events:
- self.validate_notification_event(event)
- self.notify_events[event] = 1
- if not self.subscribed:
- self.subscribe_to_build_events()
- def remove_notification_events(self, events):
- for event in events:
- self.validate_notification_event(event)
- del self.notify_events[event]
- if len(self.notify_events) == 0 and self.subscribed:
- self.unsubscribe_from_build_events()
- def remove_all_notification_events(self):
- self.notify_events = {}
- if self.subscribed:
- self.unsubscribe_from_build_events()
- def command_NOTIFY(self, args, who):
- args = args.split()
- if not args:
- raise UsageError("try 'notify on|off|list <EVENT>'")
- action = args.pop(0)
- events = args
- if action == "on":
- if not events: events = ('started','finished')
- self.add_notification_events(events)
- self.list_notified_events()
- elif action == "off":
- if events:
- self.remove_notification_events(events)
- else:
- self.remove_all_notification_events()
- self.list_notified_events()
- elif action == "list":
- self.list_notified_events()
- return
- else:
- raise UsageError("try 'notify on|off <EVENT>'")
- command_NOTIFY.usage = "notify on|off|list [<EVENT>] ... - Notify me about build events. event should be one or more of: 'started', 'finished', 'failure', 'success', 'exception' or 'xToY' (where x and Y are one of success, warnings, failure, exception, but Y is capitalized)"
- def command_WATCH(self, args, who):
- args = args.split()
- if len(args) != 1:
- raise UsageError("try 'watch <builder>'")
- which = args[0]
- b = self.getBuilder(which)
- builds = b.getCurrentBuilds()
- if not builds:
- self.send("there are no builds currently running")
- return
- for build in builds:
- assert not build.isFinished()
- d = build.waitUntilFinished()
- d.addCallback(self.watchedBuildFinished)
- r = "watching build %s #%d until it finishes" \
- % (which, build.getNumber())
- eta = build.getETA()
- if eta is not None:
- r += " [%s]" % self.convertTime(eta)
- r += ".."
- self.send(r)
- command_WATCH.usage = "watch <which> - announce the completion of an active build"
- def buildsetSubmitted(self, buildset):
- log.msg('[Contact] Buildset %s added' % (buildset))
- def builderAdded(self, builderName, builder):
- log.msg('[Contact] Builder %s added' % (builder))
- builder.subscribe(self)
- def builderChangedState(self, builderName, state):
- log.msg('[Contact] Builder %s changed state to %s' % (builderName, state))
- def requestSubmitted(self, brstatus):
- log.msg('[Contact] BuildRequest for %s submiitted to Builder %s' %
- (brstatus.getSourceStamp(), brstatus.builderName))
- def builderRemoved(self, builderName):
- log.msg('[Contact] Builder %s removed' % (builderName))
- def buildStarted(self, builderName, build):
- builder = build.getBuilder()
- log.msg('[Contact] Builder %r in category %s started' % (builder, builder.category))
- # only notify about builders we are interested in
- if (self.channel.categories != None and
- builder.category not in self.channel.categories):
- log.msg('Not notifying for a build in the wrong category')
- return
- if not self.notify_for('started'):
- log.msg('Not notifying for a build when started-notification disabled')
- return
- r = "build #%d of %s started" % \
- (build.getNumber(),
- builder.getName())
- r += " including [" + ", ".join(map(lambda c: repr(c.revision), build.getChanges())) + "]"
- self.send(r)
- def buildFinished(self, builderName, build, results):
- builder = build.getBuilder()
- results_descriptions = {
- SUCCESS: "Success",
- WARNINGS: "Warnings",
- FAILURE: "Failure",
- EXCEPTION: "Exception",
- }
- # only notify about builders we are interested in
- log.msg('[Contact] builder %r in category %s finished' % (builder, builder.category))
- if self.notify_for('started'):
- return
- if (self.channel.categories != None and
- builder.category not in self.channel.categories):
- return
- results = build.getResults()
- r = "build #%d of %s is complete: %s" % \
- (build.getNumber(),
- builder.getName(),
- results_descriptions.get(results, "??"))
- r += " [%s]" % " ".join(build.getText())
- buildurl = self.channel.status.getURLForThing(build)
- if buildurl:
- r += " Build details are at %s" % buildurl
- if self.notify_for('finished') or self.notify_for(lower(results_descriptions.get(results))):
- self.send(r)
- return
- prevBuild = build.getPreviousBuild()
- if prevBuild:
- prevResult = prevBuild.getResults()
- required_notification_control_string = join((lower(results_descriptions.get(prevResult)), \
- 'To', \
- capitalize(results_descriptions.get(results))), \
- '')
- if (self.notify_for(required_notification_control_string)):
- self.send(r)
- def watchedBuildFinished(self, b):
- results = {SUCCESS: "Success",
- WARNINGS: "Warnings",
- FAILURE: "Failure",
- EXCEPTION: "Exception",
- }
- # only notify about builders we are interested in
- builder = b.getBuilder()
- log.msg('builder %r in category %s finished' % (builder,
- builder.category))
- if (self.channel.categories != None and
- builder.category not in self.channel.categories):
- return
- r = "Hey! build %s #%d is complete: %s" % \
- (b.getBuilder().getName(),
- b.getNumber(),
- results.get(b.getResults(), "??"))
- r += " [%s]" % " ".join(b.getText())
- self.send(r)
- buildurl = self.channel.status.getURLForThing(b)
- if buildurl:
- self.send("Build details are at %s" % buildurl)
- def command_FORCE(self, args, who):
- args = shlex.split(args) # TODO: this requires python2.3 or newer
- if not args:
- raise UsageError("try 'force build WHICH <REASON>'")
- what = args.pop(0)
- if what != "build":
- raise UsageError("try 'force build WHICH <REASON>'")
- opts = ForceOptions()
- opts.parseOptions(args)
- which = opts['builder']
- branch = opts['branch']
- revision = opts['revision']
- reason = opts['reason']
- if which is None:
- raise UsageError("you must provide a Builder, "
- "try 'force build WHICH <REASON>'")
- # keep weird stuff out of the branch and revision strings. TODO:
- # centralize this somewhere.
- if branch and not re.match(r'^[\w\.\-\/]*$', branch):
- log.msg("bad branch '%s'" % branch)
- self.send("sorry, bad branch '%s'" % branch)
- return
- if revision and not re.match(r'^[\w\.\-\/]*$', revision):
- log.msg("bad revision '%s'" % revision)
- self.send("sorry, bad revision '%s'" % revision)
- return
- bc = self.getControl(which)
- r = "forced: by %s: %s" % (self.describeUser(who), reason)
- # TODO: maybe give certain users the ability to request builds of
- # certain branches
- s = SourceStamp(branch=branch, revision=revision)
- req = BuildRequest(r, s, which)
- try:
- bc.requestBuildSoon(req)
- except interfaces.NoSlaveError:
- self.send("sorry, I can't force a build: all slaves are offline")
- return
- ireq = IrcBuildRequest(self)
- req.subscribe(ireq.started)
- command_FORCE.usage = "force build <which> <reason> - Force a build"
- def command_STOP(self, args, who):
- args = args.split(None, 2)
- if len(args) < 3 or args[0] != 'build':
- raise UsageError, "try 'stop build WHICH <REASON>'"
- which = args[1]
- reason = args[2]
- buildercontrol = self.getControl(which)
- r = "stopped: by %s: %s" % (self.describeUser(who), reason)
- # find an in-progress build
- builderstatus = self.getBuilder(which)
- builds = builderstatus.getCurrentBuilds()
- if not builds:
- self.send("sorry, no build is currently running")
- return
- for build in builds:
- num = build.getNumber()
- # obtain the BuildControl object
- buildcontrol = buildercontrol.getBuild(num)
- # make it stop
- buildcontrol.stopBuild(r)
- self.send("build %d interrupted" % num)
- command_STOP.usage = "stop build <which> <reason> - Stop a running build"
- def emit_status(self, which):
- b = self.getBuilder(which)
- str = "%s: " % which
- state, builds = b.getState()
- str += state
- if state == "idle":
- last = b.getLastFinishedBuild()
- if last:
- start,finished = last.getTimes()
- str += ", last build %s ago: %s" % \
- (self.convertTime(int(util.now() - finished)), " ".join(last.getText()))
- if state == "building":
- t = []
- for build in builds:
- step = build.getCurrentStep()
- if step:
- s = "(%s)" % " ".join(step.getText())
- else:
- s = "(no current step)"
- ETA = build.getETA()
- if ETA is not None:
- s += " [ETA %s]" % self.convertTime(ETA)
- t.append(s)
- str += ", ".join(t)
- self.send(str)
- def emit_last(self, which):
- last = self.getBuilder(which).getLastFinishedBuild()
- if not last:
- str = "(no builds run since last restart)"
- else:
- start,finish = last.getTimes()
- str = "%s ago: " % (self.convertTime(int(util.now() - finish)))
- str += " ".join(last.getText())
- self.send("last build [%s]: %s" % (which, str))
- def command_LAST(self, args, who):
- args = args.split()
- if len(args) == 0:
- which = "all"
- elif len(args) == 1:
- which = args[0]
- else:
- raise UsageError, "try 'last <builder>'"
- if which == "all":
- builders = self.getAllBuilders()
- for b in builders:
- self.emit_last(b.name)
- return
- self.emit_last(which)
- command_LAST.usage = "last <which> - list last build status for builder <which>"
- def build_commands(self):
- commands = []
- for k in dir(self):
- if k.startswith('command_'):
- commands.append(k[8:].lower())
- commands.sort()
- return commands
- def command_HELP(self, args, who):
- args = args.split()
- if len(args) == 0:
- self.send("Get help on what? (try 'help <foo>', or 'commands' for a command list)")
- return
- command = args[0]
- meth = self.getCommandMethod(command)
- if not meth:
- raise UsageError, "no such command '%s'" % command
- usage = getattr(meth, 'usage', None)
- if usage:
- self.send("Usage: %s" % usage)
- else:
- self.send("No usage info for '%s'" % command)
- command_HELP.usage = "help <command> - Give help for <command>"
- def command_SOURCE(self, args, who):
- banner = "My source can be found at http://buildbot.net/"
- self.send(banner)
- def command_COMMANDS(self, args, who):
- commands = self.build_commands()
- str = "buildbot commands: " + ", ".join(commands)
- self.send(str)
- command_COMMANDS.usage = "commands - List available commands"
- def command_DESTROY(self, args, who):
- self.act("readies phasers")
- def command_DANCE(self, args, who):
- reactor.callLater(1.0, self.send, "0-<")
- reactor.callLater(3.0, self.send, "0-/")
- reactor.callLater(3.5, self.send, "0-\\")
- def command_EXCITED(self, args, who):
- # like 'buildbot: destroy the sun!'
- self.send("What you say!")
- def handleAction(self, data, user):
- # this is sent when somebody performs an action that mentions the
- # buildbot (like '/me kicks buildbot'). 'user' is the name/nick/id of
- # the person who performed the action, so if their action provokes a
- # response, they can be named.
- if not data.endswith("s buildbot"):
- return
- words = data.split()
- verb = words[-2]
- timeout = 4
- if verb == "kicks":
- response = "%s back" % verb
- timeout = 1
- else:
- response = "%s %s too" % (verb, user)
- reactor.callLater(timeout, self.act, response)
-class IRCContact(Contact):
- # this is the IRC-specific subclass of Contact
- def __init__(self, channel, dest):
- Contact.__init__(self, channel)
- # when people send us public messages ("buildbot: command"),
- # self.dest is the name of the channel ("#twisted"). When they send
- # us private messages (/msg buildbot command), self.dest is their
- # username.
- self.dest = dest
- def describeUser(self, user):
- if self.dest[0] == "#":
- return "IRC user <%s> on channel %s" % (user, self.dest)
- return "IRC user <%s> (privmsg)" % user
- # userJoined(self, user, channel)
- def send(self, message):
- self.channel.msg(self.dest, message.encode("ascii", "replace"))
- def act(self, action):
- self.channel.me(self.dest, action.encode("ascii", "replace"))
- def command_JOIN(self, args, who):
- args = args.split()
- to_join = args[0]
- self.channel.join(to_join)
- self.send("Joined %s" % to_join)
- command_JOIN.usage = "join channel - Join another channel"
- def command_LEAVE(self, args, who):
- args = args.split()
- to_leave = args[0]
- self.send("Buildbot has been told to leave %s" % to_leave)
- self.channel.part(to_leave)
- command_LEAVE.usage = "leave channel - Leave a channel"
- def handleMessage(self, message, who):
- # a message has arrived from 'who'. For broadcast contacts (i.e. when
- # people do an irc 'buildbot: command'), this will be a string
- # describing the sender of the message in some useful-to-log way, and
- # a single Contact may see messages from a variety of users. For
- # unicast contacts (i.e. when people do an irc '/msg buildbot
- # command'), a single Contact will only ever see messages from a
- # single user.
- message = message.lstrip()
- if self.silly.has_key(message):
- return self.doSilly(message)
- parts = message.split(' ', 1)
- if len(parts) == 1:
- parts = parts + ['']
- cmd, args = parts
- log.msg("irc command", cmd)
- meth = self.getCommandMethod(cmd)
- if not meth and message[-1] == '!':
- meth = self.command_EXCITED
- error = None
- try:
- if meth:
- meth(args.strip(), who)
- except UsageError, e:
- self.send(str(e))
- except:
- f = failure.Failure()
- log.err(f)
- error = "Something bad happened (see logs): %s" % f.type
- if error:
- try:
- self.send(error)
- except:
- log.err()
- #self.say(channel, "count %d" % self.counter)
- self.channel.counter += 1
-class IChannel(Interface):
- """I represent the buildbot's presence in a particular IM scheme.
- This provides the connection to the IRC server, or represents the
- buildbot's account with an IM service. Each Channel will have zero or
- more Contacts associated with it.
- """
-class IrcStatusBot(irc.IRCClient):
- """I represent the buildbot to an IRC server.
- """
- implements(IChannel)
- def __init__(self, nickname, password, channels, status, categories, notify_events):
- """
- @type nickname: string
- @param nickname: the nickname by which this bot should be known
- @type password: string
- @param password: the password to use for identifying with Nickserv
- @type channels: list of strings
- @param channels: the bot will maintain a presence in these channels
- @type status: L{buildbot.status.builder.Status}
- @param status: the build master's Status object, through which the
- bot retrieves all status information
- """
- self.nickname = nickname
- self.channels = channels
- self.password = password
- self.status = status
- self.categories = categories
- self.notify_events = notify_events
- self.counter = 0
- self.hasQuit = 0
- self.contacts = {}
- def addContact(self, name, contact):
- self.contacts[name] = contact
- def getContact(self, name):
- if name in self.contacts:
- return self.contacts[name]
- new_contact = IRCContact(self, name)
- self.contacts[name] = new_contact
- return new_contact
- def deleteContact(self, contact):
- name = contact.getName()
- if name in self.contacts:
- assert self.contacts[name] == contact
- del self.contacts[name]
- def log(self, msg):
- log.msg("%s: %s" % (self, msg))
- # the following irc.IRCClient methods are called when we have input
- def privmsg(self, user, channel, message):
- user = user.split('!', 1)[0] # rest is ~user@hostname
- # channel is '#twisted' or 'buildbot' (for private messages)
- channel = channel.lower()
- #print "privmsg:", user, channel, message
- if channel == self.nickname:
- # private message
- contact = self.getContact(user)
- contact.handleMessage(message, user)
- return
- # else it's a broadcast message, maybe for us, maybe not. 'channel'
- # is '#twisted' or the like.
- contact = self.getContact(channel)
- if message.startswith("%s:" % self.nickname) or message.startswith("%s," % self.nickname):
- message = message[len("%s:" % self.nickname):]
- contact.handleMessage(message, user)
- # to track users comings and goings, add code here
- def action(self, user, channel, data):
- #log.msg("action: %s,%s,%s" % (user, channel, data))
- user = user.split('!', 1)[0] # rest is ~user@hostname
- # somebody did an action (/me actions) in the broadcast channel
- contact = self.getContact(channel)
- if "buildbot" in data:
- contact.handleAction(data, user)
- def signedOn(self):
- if self.password:
- self.msg("Nickserv", "IDENTIFY " + self.password)
- for c in self.channels:
- self.join(c)
- def joined(self, channel):
- self.log("I have joined %s" % (channel,))
- def left(self, channel):
- self.log("I have left %s" % (channel,))
- def kickedFrom(self, channel, kicker, message):
- self.log("I have been kicked from %s by %s: %s" % (channel,
- kicker,
- message))
- # we can using the following irc.IRCClient methods to send output. Most
- # of these are used by the IRCContact class.
- #
- # self.say(channel, message) # broadcast
- # self.msg(user, message) # unicast
- # self.me(channel, action) # send action
- # self.away(message='')
- # self.quit(message='')
-class ThrottledClientFactory(protocol.ClientFactory):
- lostDelay = 2
- failedDelay = 60
- def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason):
- reactor.callLater(self.lostDelay, connector.connect)
- def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason):
- reactor.callLater(self.failedDelay, connector.connect)
-class IrcStatusFactory(ThrottledClientFactory):
- protocol = IrcStatusBot
- status = None
- control = None
- shuttingDown = False
- p = None
- def __init__(self, nickname, password, channels, categories, notify_events):
- #ThrottledClientFactory.__init__(self) # doesn't exist
- self.status = None
- self.nickname = nickname
- self.password = password
- self.channels = channels
- self.categories = categories
- self.notify_events = notify_events
- def __getstate__(self):
- d = self.__dict__.copy()
- del d['p']
- return d
- def shutdown(self):
- self.shuttingDown = True
- if self.p:
- self.p.quit("buildmaster reconfigured: bot disconnecting")
- def buildProtocol(self, address):
- p = self.protocol(self.nickname, self.password,
- self.channels, self.status,
- self.categories, self.notify_events)
- p.factory = self
- p.status = self.status
- p.control = self.control
- self.p = p
- return p
- # TODO: I think a shutdown that occurs while the connection is being
- # established will make this explode
- def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason):
- if self.shuttingDown:
- log.msg("not scheduling reconnection attempt")
- return
- ThrottledClientFactory.clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason)
- def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason):
- if self.shuttingDown:
- log.msg("not scheduling reconnection attempt")
- return
- ThrottledClientFactory.clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason)
-class IRC(base.StatusReceiverMultiService):
- """I am an IRC bot which can be queried for status information. I
- connect to a single IRC server and am known by a single nickname on that
- server, however I can join multiple channels."""
- compare_attrs = ["host", "port", "nick", "password",
- "channels", "allowForce",
- "categories"]
- def __init__(self, host, nick, channels, port=6667, allowForce=True,
- categories=None, password=None, notify_events={}):
- base.StatusReceiverMultiService.__init__(self)
- assert allowForce in (True, False) # TODO: implement others
- # need to stash these so we can detect changes later
- self.host = host
- self.port = port
- self.nick = nick
- self.channels = channels
- self.password = password
- self.allowForce = allowForce
- self.categories = categories
- self.notify_events = notify_events
- # need to stash the factory so we can give it the status object
- self.f = IrcStatusFactory(self.nick, self.password,
- self.channels, self.categories, self.notify_events)
- c = internet.TCPClient(host, port, self.f)
- c.setServiceParent(self)
- def setServiceParent(self, parent):
- base.StatusReceiverMultiService.setServiceParent(self, parent)
- self.f.status = parent.getStatus()
- if self.allowForce:
- self.f.control = interfaces.IControl(parent)
- def stopService(self):
- # make sure the factory will stop reconnecting
- self.f.shutdown()
- return base.StatusReceiverMultiService.stopService(self)
-## buildbot: list builders
-# buildbot: watch quick
-# print notification when current build in 'quick' finishes
-## buildbot: status
-## buildbot: status full-2.3
-## building, not, % complete, ETA
-## buildbot: force build full-2.3 "reason"