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path: root/Saludame.activity/utilities.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'Saludame.activity/utilities.py')
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 226 deletions
diff --git a/Saludame.activity/utilities.py b/Saludame.activity/utilities.py
index 782bdb3..c355246 100755
--- a/Saludame.activity/utilities.py
+++ b/Saludame.activity/utilities.py
@@ -1,165 +1,13 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Utilitarios: Text, Button (abstract), ImageButton, TextButton
-from widget import *
+import gui
import pygame
import os
-from game_manager import *
-class Text(Widget):
- def __init__(self, container_rect, x, y, frame_rate, text, size, color, type="normal", alignment=ALIGN_LEFT, bold=False, italic=False):
- self.font = get_font(size, bold, italic)
- self.text = unicode(text)
- self.color = color
- # Render the text and calculate the size
- render = self.font.render(self.text, False, color)
- if alignment == Text.ALIGN_LEFT:
- rect = render.get_rect(topleft=(x, y))
- elif alignment == Text.ALIGN_RIGHT:
- rect = render.get_rect(topright=(x, y))
- else:
- rect = render.get_rect(center=(x, y))
- if type == "tooltip":
- rect.bottomleft = (x, y)
- # Make it fit in the container
- if rect.right > container_rect.right:
- rect.right = container_rect.right
- if rect.bottom > container_rect.bottom:
- rect.bottom = container_rect.bottom
- Widget.__init__(self, container_rect, rect, frame_rate)
- self.refresh()
- def refresh(self):
- background = self.get_background_rect().copy()
- self.background = self.font.render(self.text, False, self.color)
- def switch_color_text(self, color):
- self.color = color
- self.refresh()
- return (self)
-class Image(Widget):
- def __init__(self, container, rect, frame_rate, image):
- if not isinstance(image, pygame.Surface):
- image = pygame.image.load(image)
- if image.get_bitsize() == 8:
- self.background = image.convert()
- else:
- self.background = image.convert_alpha()
- else:
- self.background = image
- Widget.__init__(self, container, pygame.Rect((rect.left, rect.top), self.background.get_rect().size), frame_rate, self.background)
-class Button(Widget):
- # Clase abstracta que representa un boton
- def __init__(self, container, rect, frame_rate, surface, cb_click=None, cb_over=None, cb_out=None):
- Widget.__init__(self, container, rect, frame_rate, surface)
- self.function_on_mouse_click = cb_click
- self.function_on_mouse_over = cb_over
- self.function_on_mouse_out = cb_out
- self.over = False
- self.enable = True
- def set_tooltip(self, text):
- self.tooltip = text
- def set_super_tooltip(self, text):
- self.super_tooltip = text
- def on_mouse_click(self):
- if (self.function_on_mouse_click and self.enable): # if there's a callback setted makes the call
- self.function_on_mouse_click(self)
- def on_mouse_over(self):
- if (self.function_on_mouse_over and self.enable): # if there's a callback setted makes the call
- self.function_on_mouse_over(self)
- def on_mouse_out(self):
- if (self.function_on_mouse_out and self.enable): # if there's a callback setted makes the call
- self.function_on_mouse_out(self)
- def set_on_mouse_click(self, fn):
- self.function_on_mouse_click = fn
- def set_on_mouse_over(self, fn):
- self.function_on_mouse_over = fn
- def set_on_mouse_out(self, fn):
- self.function_on_mouse_out = fn
-class ImageButton(Button):
- def __init__(self, container, rect, frame_rate, image, cb_click=None, cb_over=None, cb_out=None):
- self.image = image
- if not isinstance(image, pygame.Surface):
- image = pygame.image.load(image)
- if image.get_bitsize() == 8:
- self.image = image.convert()
- else:
- self.image = image.convert_alpha()
- rect.size = self.image.get_rect().size
- Button.__init__(self, container, rect, frame_rate, self.image, cb_click, cb_over, cb_out)
- def switch_image_background(self, image):
- if not isinstance(image, pygame.Surface):
- image = pygame.imaself.text_intro.visible = True
- self.text_result.visible = Falsege.load(image).convert_alpha()
- self.background = image
-class TextButton(ImageButton):
- def __init__(self, container, rect, frame_rate, text, size, color, cb_click=None, cb_over=None, cb_out=None):
- self.text = Text(container, rect.x, rect.y, frame_rate, text, size, color)
- ImageButton.__init__(self, container, self.text.rect_in_container, frame_rate, self.text.background, cb_click, cb_over, cb_out)
- def switch_color_text(self, color):
- self.background = self.text.switch_color_text(color).background
-class TextButton2(ImageButton):
- def __init__(self, container, rect, frame_rate, text, size, color, background, cb_click=None, cb_over=None, cb_out=None):
- self.back = background
- self.text = text
- self.size = size
- self.color = color
- rect.size = self.back.get_size()
- surface = self.get_surface()
- ImageButton.__init__(self, container, rect, frame_rate, surface, cb_click, cb_over, cb_out)
- def switch_color_text(self, color):
- self.color = color
- self.background = self.get_surface()
- def get_surface(self):
- font = get_font(self.size)
- render = font.render(self.text, True, self.color)
- surface = self.back.copy()
- surface.blit(render, render.get_rect(center=surface.get_rect().center))
- return surface
+import effects
def get_accept_button(container, rect, text, cb_click=None, cb_over=None, cb_out=None):
background = pygame.image.load("assets/windows/dialog_button.png").convert()
- return TextButton2(container, rect, 1, text, 24, pygame.Color("#397b7e"), background, cb_click, cb_over, cb_out)
+ return gui.TextButton2(container, rect, 1, text, 24, pygame.Color("#397b7e"), background, cb_click, cb_over, cb_out)
def change_color(surface, old_color, new_color):
# No funciona en pygame 1.8.0
@@ -178,79 +26,11 @@ def get_color_tuple(color):
color = pygame.Color(color)
return get_color_tuple(color)
-class TextBlock(Widget):
- def __init__(self, container, x, y, frame_rate, text, size, color, type="normal", fill=True):
- Widget.__init__(self, container, pygame.Rect(x, y, 0, 0), frame_rate)
- self.lines = []
- self.font = get_font(size)
- self.color = color
- self.parse_lines(text)
- self.size = size
- self.prepare_text_block()
- self.fill = fill
- if type == "tooltip":
- self.rect_absolute.bottomleft = (x, y)
- def parse_lines(self, text):
- self.lines = []
- if isinstance(text, unicode):
- eol = u"\n"
- else:
- eol = "\n"
- (b, _, a) = text.partition(eol)
- self.lines.append(b)
- while(a != ''):
- (b, _, a) = a.partition(eol)
- self.lines.append(b)
- def prepare_text_block(self):
- number_of_lines = 0
- for l in self.lines:
- number_of_lines += 1
- r = self.font.render(l, False, self.color)
- if (r.get_rect().width > self.rect_absolute.width):
- self.rect_absolute.width = r.get_rect().width
- self.rect_absolute.height += r.get_rect().height
- # Make it fit in the container
- if self.rect_absolute.right > self.container.right:
- self.rect_absolute.right = self.container.right
- if self.rect_absolute.bottom > self.container.bottom:
- self.rect_absolute.bottom = self.container.bottom
- def draw(self, screen):
- if self.visible:
- number_of_lines = 0
- if self.fill:
- screen.fill((255, 255, 255), (self.rect_absolute))
- for l in self.lines:
- r = self.font.render(l, False, self.color)
- screen.blit(r, (self.rect_absolute.left, self.rect_absolute.top + r.get_rect().height * number_of_lines))
- number_of_lines += 1
-font_dict = {} # Chaches created font instances
-def get_font(size, bold=False, italic=False):
- key = (size, bold, italic)
- if key in font_dict:
- return font_dict[key]
- if bold:
- font = pygame.font.Font("assets/fonts/DroidSans-Bold.ttf", size)
- else:
- font = pygame.font.Font("assets/fonts/DroidSans.ttf", size)
- if italic:
- font.set_italic(True)
- font_dict[key] = font
- return font
+# Fonts - creates an alias for the get_font function
+get_font = gui.get_font
-#### Paths controls ####
+# Paths controls
def check_directory(directory):
print directory