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path: root/ka_controller.py
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authorNostalghia <b.vehikel@googlemail.com>2010-06-27 16:57:23 (GMT)
committer Nostalghia <b.vehikel@googlemail.com>2010-06-27 16:57:23 (GMT)
commit5dce05c339d2fc636b845d7c01d2103c565447f6 (patch)
treeb467ca648fe2feb876705e47ecb86c31b3b2c59b /ka_controller.py
parent22d182db24861239a33806c4869b2d6cc7228d8b (diff)
refactoring th code for page handling
Diffstat (limited to 'ka_controller.py')
1 files changed, 63 insertions, 534 deletions
diff --git a/ka_controller.py b/ka_controller.py
index c5e2d3e..6fe2938 100644
--- a/ka_controller.py
+++ b/ka_controller.py
@@ -15,563 +15,91 @@
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-import gtk
-import gobject
-import cairo
-import model_population
-import model_random
-import ka_debug
-import ka_status
-import ka_incoming
-import ka_task
import ka_extensionpoint
-import kandidtube
-import ka_history
-import no_glade
+import ka_debug
class KandidController(object):
- inv: self.model is not None
- inv: self._widget_tree is not None
+ inv: self._widget_list is not None
+ inv: self._activity_root is not None
- def __init__(self, init_widget_tree, init_activity_root):
+ def __init__(self, widget, activity_root):
- pre: init_widget_tree is not None
+ pre: widget is not None
- self._start_from_scratch = True
- self._widget_tree = init_widget_tree
- self.activity_root = init_activity_root
- self._tube = None
- self.surface_cache = {}
- self._status = ka_status.Status.instance()
- self._gencount = 0
- self._task_lock = -1
+ self._widget = widget
+ self._widget_list = widget.widget_list
+ self._activity_root = activity_root
- # create data model
- self.model = model_population.KandidModel(POPULATION_CAPACITY)
- self.model.randomize()
- self.incoming = ka_incoming.KandidIncoming(INCOMMING_CAPACITY,
- self._widget_tree)
self._pages = []
- self._zoom_controller = None
- self._details_controller = None
- self._ancestors_controller = None
- # add optional pages to kandid notebook
- pages = ka_extensionpoint.list_extensions('page')
- for page in pages:
- page_controller = ka_extensionpoint.create(page, self,
- self._widget_tree)
- self._pages.append(page_controller)
- page_controller.autoconnect_events()
- page_controller.localize()
- page_controller.show()
- if str(type(page_controller)) == "<class 'ep_page_zoom.ZoomController'>":
- self._zoom_controller = page_controller
- if str(type(page_controller)) == "<class 'ep_page_details.DetailsController'>":
- self._details_controller = page_controller
- if str(type(page_controller)) == "<class 'ep_page_ancestors.AncestorsController'>":
- self._ancestors_controller = page_controller
- self._update_population_gui()
- def autoconnect_events(self):
- self._widget_tree.get_widget('breedGenerationButton') \
- .connect('clicked', self.on_breed_generation)
- self._widget_tree.get_widget('randomGenerationButton') \
- .connect('clicked', self.on_random_generation)
- self._widget_tree.get_widget('flurrySpinButton') \
- .connect('value-changed', self.on_flurry_value_changed)
- for cell_index in xrange(self.model.size):
- six = str(cell_index)
- self._widget_tree.get_widget('drawingarea_' + six) \
- .connect('expose-event', self.on_drawingarea_expose)
- self._widget_tree.get_widget('drawingarea_' + six) \
- .connect('size-allocate', self.on_drawingarea_size_allocate)
- self._widget_tree.get_widget('fitness_' + six) \
- .connect('value-changed', self.on_fitness_value_changed)
- menu = self._widget_tree.get_widget('protozoon_menu_' + six)
- self._widget_tree.get_widget('open_popup_' + six) \
- .connect_object('button-press-event', self.on_protozoon_popup, menu)
- self._widget_tree.get_widget('favorite_menuitem_' + six) \
- .connect('activate', self.on_favorite_activate)
- self._widget_tree.get_widget('awfull_menuitem_' + six) \
- .connect('activate', self.on_awfull_activate)
- self._widget_tree.get_widget('zoomprotozoon_menuitem_' + six) \
- .connect('activate', self.on_zoomprotozoon_activate)
- self._widget_tree.get_widget('publishprotozoon_menuitem_' + six) \
- .connect('activate', self.on_publishprotozoon_activate)
- self._widget_tree.get_widget('exportpng_menuitem_' + six) \
- .connect('activate', self.on_exportpng_activate)
- self._widget_tree.get_widget('explain_menuitem_' + six) \
- .connect('activate', self.on_explain_activate)
- self._widget_tree.get_widget('ancestors_menuitem_' + six) \
- .connect('activate', self.on_ancestors_activate)
- for cell_index in xrange(3):
- six = str(cell_index)
- menu = self._widget_tree.get_widget('incoming_menu_' + six)
- self._widget_tree.get_widget('incomingbutton_' + six) \
- .connect_object('button-press-event', self.on_incoming_popup, menu)
- self._widget_tree.get_widget('zoom_menuitem_' + six) \
- .connect('activate', self.on_zoom_incoming)
- self._widget_tree.get_widget('accept_menuitem_' + six) \
- .connect('activate', self.on_accept_incoming)
- self._widget_tree.get_widget('decline_menuitem_' + six) \
- .connect('activate', self.on_decline_incoming)
-# self._widget_tree.get_widget('send_menuitem_' + str(cell_index)) \
-# .connect('activate', self.on_send_activate)
-# self._widget_tree.get_widget('explain_menuitem_' + str(cell_index)) \
-# .connect('activate', self.on_explain_activate)
-# #Create a dictionary to connect events
-# events = {
-# 'on_breed_generation' : self.on_breed_generation,
-# 'on_random_generation' : self.on_random_generation,
-# 'on_flurry_value_changed' : self.on_flurry_value_changed,
-# 'on_zoom_incoming' : self.on_zoom_incoming,
-# 'on_accept_incoming' : self.on_accept_incoming,
-# 'on_decline_incoming' : self.on_decline_incoming,
-# 'delete_event' : gtk.main_quit }
-# for cell_index in range(self.model.size):
-# strix = str(cell_index)
-# key = 'on_drawingarea_#_expose'.replace('#', strix)
-# events[key] = self.on_drawingarea_expose
-# key = 'on_drawingarea_#_size_allocate'.replace('#', strix)
-# events[key] = self.on_drawingarea_size_allocate
-# key = 'on_fitness_#_value_changed'.replace('#', strix)
-# events[key] = self.on_fitness_value_changed
-# events['on_protozoon_popup_' + strix] = self.on_protozoon_popup
-# events['on_publishprotozoon_activate_' + strix] = \
-# self.on_publishprotozoon_activate
-# events['on_zoomprotozoon_activate_' + strix] = \
-# self.on_zoomprotozoon_activate
-# events['on_exportpng_activate_' + strix] = \
-# self.on_exportpng_activate
-# events['on_explain_activate_' + strix] = \
-# self.on_explain_activate
-# events['on_ancestors_activate_' + strix] = \
-# self.on_ancestors_activate
-# events['on_favorite_activate_' + strix] = self.on_favorite_activate
-# events['on_awfull_activate_' + strix] = self.on_awfull_activate
-# for cell_index in range(3):
-# strix = str(cell_index)
-# key = 'on_incoming_#_popup'.replace('#', strix)
-# events[key] = self.on_incoming_popup
-# self._widget_tree.signal_autoconnect(events)
- self.incoming.autoconnect_events()
- gobject.timeout_add(1000, self.on_timer)
- def _update_model(self, in_model):
- if in_model:
- self.model = in_model
-# self.model._state = model_population.STATE_EVOLVED
- self.surface_cache = {}
- self._update_population_gui()
- def _update_population_gui(self):
- # update fitness
- for cell_index in range(self.model.size):
- strix = str(cell_index)
- key = 'fitness_#'.replace('#', strix)
- self._widget_tree.get_widget(key). \
- set_value(self.model.fitness[cell_index])
- # update flurry
- self._widget_tree.get_widget('flurrySpinButton'). \
- set_value(self.model.flurry_rate)
- self._update_generate_buttons()
- def _update_generate_buttons(self):
- # update buttons
- is_sensitive = ka_task.GeneratorTask.is_completed()
- if is_sensitive:
- dummy, moderate, poor = self.model.classify()
- is_sensitive = len(poor) > 0 and len(moderate) > 0
-# ka_debug.info('_update_generate_buttons %s' % is_sensitive)
- self._widget_tree.get_widget('breedGenerationButton'). \
- set_sensitive(is_sensitive)
- self._widget_tree.get_widget('randomGenerationButton'). \
- set_sensitive(is_sensitive)
- def _draw_from_cache(self, widget, cell_index):
- if self.surface_cache.has_key(cell_index):
-# ka_debug.info('_draw_from_cache: ' + widget.name + ' '
-# + str(cell_index))
- ctx = create_context(widget)
- ctx.set_operator(cairo.OPERATOR_SOURCE)
- ctx.set_source_surface(self.surface_cache[cell_index])
- ctx.paint()
- def on_drawingarea_expose(self, widget, event):
- """ Repaint image of a single protozoon inside population area.
- pre: widget is not None
- """
- # draw precalculated protozoon stored in the surface cache.
-# ka_debug.info('on_drawingarea_expose: ' + widget.name + ' '
-# + str(widget.allocation.width)
-# + 'x' + str(widget.allocation.height))
- self._draw_from_cache(widget, name_to_index(widget.name))
- def on_drawingarea_size_allocate(self, widget, event):
- """ New size for drawing area available.
- pre: widget is not None
- """
-# ka_debug.info('on_drawingarea_size_allocate: ' + widget.name + ' '
-# + str(widget.allocation.width)
-# + 'x' + str(widget.allocation.height))
- self.start_calculation([name_to_index(widget.name)])
- def on_fitness_value_changed(self, *args):
- """
- pre: len(args) >= 1
- """
-# ka_debug.info('on_fitness_value_changed %f [%s]' %
-# (args[0].get_value(), args[0].get_name()))
- self.model.fitness[name_to_index(args[0].get_name())] \
- = args[0].get_value()
- self._update_population_gui()
- def on_breed_generation(self, *args):
- if ka_task.GeneratorTask.is_completed():
-# ka_debug.info('on_breed_generation entry')
- self._gencount += 1
- ka_task.GeneratorTask(self.task_breed_generation,
- self.on_model_completed,
- 'breed_'+str(self._gencount)).start()
-# ka_debug.info('on_breed_generation exit')
- else:
- ka_debug.info('on_breed_generation ignored')
- def on_random_generation(self, *args):
- if ka_task.GeneratorTask.is_completed():
-# ka_debug.info('on_random_generation entry')
- self._gencount += 1
- ka_task.GeneratorTask(self.task_random_generation,
- self.on_model_completed,
- 'random_'+str(self._gencount)).start()
-# ka_debug.info('on_random_generation exit')
- else:
- ka_debug.info('on_random_generation ignored')
- def on_model_completed(self, *args):
- """
- pre: len(args) == 1
- """
-# ka_debug.info('on_model_completed entry')
- for cell_index in args[0]:
- self._widget_tree.get_widget('vbox_' + str(cell_index)). \
- set_sensitive(False)
- self.start_calculation(args[0])
-# ka_debug.info('on_model_completed exit')
- def on_timer(self, *args):
- if self._start_from_scratch:
- self._start_from_scratch = False
- compl = ka_task.GeneratorTask.is_completed()
- if self._task_lock == -1:
-# ka_debug.info('on_timer %s %u' % (compl, self._task_lock))
- self._update_generate_buttons()
- self._task_lock = 0 if compl else 1
- elif self._task_lock == 1:
-# ka_debug.info('on_timer %s %u' % (compl, self._task_lock))
- self._update_generate_buttons()
- self._task_lock = 0 if compl else 1
- elif self._task_lock == 0: # and not compl:
-# ka_debug.info('on_timer %s %u' % (compl, self._task_lock))
- self._update_generate_buttons()
- self._task_lock = 1
- return True
- def start_all_calculations(self):
- self._start_from_scratch = False
-# ka_debug.info('start_all_calculations %u' % (self.model.size))
- ka_debug.print_call_stack()
- self.start_calculation([i for i in range(self.model.size)])
- def start_calculation(self, concerned):
- """
- pre: len(concerned) > 0
- pre: forall(concerned, lambda x: 0 <= x <= self.model.size)
- """
- for cell_index in concerned:
- widget_name = 'drawingarea_' + str(cell_index)
- widget = self._widget_tree.get_widget(widget_name)
- task = ka_task.GeneratorTask(self.task_render,
- self.on_image_completed,
- widget_name)
- task.start(self.model.protozoans[cell_index], cell_index,
- widget.allocation.width, widget.allocation.height)
-# ka_debug.info('start_calculation %ux%u for %s' %
-# (widget.allocation.width, widget.allocation.height, widget.name))
- def task_breed_generation(self, task, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- pre: len(args) == 0
- """
-# ka_debug.info('task_breed_generation entry')
- new_indices = self.model.breed_generation()
-# ka_debug.info('task_breed_generation exit')
- return new_indices
- def task_breed_single(self, task, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- pre: len(args) == 1
- """
-# ka_debug.info('task_breed_single entry')
- new_indices = self.model.breed_single(args[0])
-# ka_debug.info('task_breed_single exit')
- return new_indices
- def task_random_generation(self, task, *args, **kwargs):
+ @staticmethod
+ def numeric_compare(page1, page2):
- pre: len(args) == 0
+ pre: page1 is not None
+ pre: page2 is not None
-# ka_debug.info('task_random_generation entry')
- new_indices = self.model.random()
-# ka_debug.info('task_random_generation exit')
- return new_indices
+ return page1.position - page2.position
- def task_render(self, task, *args, **kwargs):
+ def create_pages(self):
- pre: len(args) == 4
+ Add optional pages to kandid notebook
- protozoon, cell_index, width, height = \
- args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]
-# ka_debug.info('task_render entry: ' + str(cell_index))
- surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, width, height)
- ctx = cairo.Context(surface)
- protozoon.render(task, ctx, width, height)
- self.surface_cache[cell_index] = surface
- history = ka_history.KandidHistory.instance()
- history.link_surface(protozoon.get_unique_id(), surface)
-# ka_debug.info('task_render exit: ' + str(cell_index))
- return cell_index
- def on_image_completed(self, *args):
-# ka_debug.info('on_image_completed: ' + str(args[0]))
- cell_index = args[0]
- widget = self._widget_tree.get_widget('drawingarea_'
- + str(cell_index))
- self._draw_from_cache(widget, cell_index)
- self._widget_tree.get_widget('vbox_' + str(cell_index)). \
- set_sensitive(True)
- self._widget_tree.get_widget('fitness_' + str(cell_index)). \
- set_value(self.model.fitness[cell_index])
- def on_flurry_value_changed(self, *args):
- """
- pre: len(args) >= 1
- pre: 0 <= args[0].get_value() <= 9
- """
-# ka_debug.info('on_flurry_value_changed [%s]' % args[0].get_value())
- model_random.set_flurry(args[0].get_value())
- def on_protozoon_popup(self, widget, event):
-# ka_debug.info('on_protozoon_popup: ' + widget.name)
- self._show_popup(widget, event, \
- 'protozoon_menu_%u' % name_to_index(widget.name))
- def on_publishprotozoon_activate(self, *args):
- """Publish single protozoon to all other buddies.
- pre: len(args) >= 1
- """
- ka_debug.info('on_publishprotozoon_activate [%s]' % args[0].get_name())
- if self._tube:
- proto = self.model.protozoans[name_to_index(args[0].get_name())]
- self._tube.publish_protozoon(model_population.to_buffer(proto))
- def on_zoomprotozoon_activate(self, *args):
- """Publish single protozoon to all other buddies.
- pre: len(args) >= 1
- """
-# ka_debug.info('on_zoomprotozoon_activate [%s]' % args[0].get_name())
- if self._zoom_controller is not None:
- self._zoom_controller.start_calculation(
- self.model.protozoans[name_to_index(args[0].get_name())].copy())
- def on_exportpng_activate(self, *args):
- """Publish single protozoon to all other buddies.
- pre: len(args) >= 1
- """
- ka_debug.info('on_exportpng_activate [%s]' % args[0].get_name())
- protozoon = self.model.protozoans[name_to_index(args[0].get_name())]
- exporter = ka_extensionpoint.create('exporter_png',
- protozoon,
- self.activity_root)
- exporter.export(480, 480)
- def on_explain_activate(self, *args):
- """Publish single protozoon to all other buddies.
- pre: len(args) >= 1
- """
- ka_debug.info('on_explain_activate [%s]' % args[0].get_name())
- protozoon = self.model.protozoans[name_to_index(args[0].get_name())]
- if self._details_controller is not None:
- self._details_controller.start_calculation(protozoon)
-# def on_explain_activate(self, *args):
-# """Explain single protozoon to all other buddies.
-# pre: len(args) >= 1
-# """
-# ka_debug.info('on_explain_activate [%s]' % args[0].get_name())
-# protozoon = self.model.protozoans[name_to_index(args[0].get_name())]
- def on_send_activate(self, *args):
- """Publish single protozoon to all other buddies.
- pre: len(args) >= 1
- """
- ka_debug.info('on_send_activate [%s]' % args[0].get_name())
- protozoon = self.model.protozoans[name_to_index(args[0].get_name())]
-# glade_replacement = no_glade.NoGlade()
-# sendDialog = glade_replacement.get_dialog_send()
-# sendDialog.show()
- def on_ancestors_activate(self, *args):
- """Publish single protozoon to all other buddies.
- pre: len(args) >= 1
- """
- ka_debug.info('on_ancestors_activate [%s]' % args[0].get_name())
- protozoon = self.model.protozoans[name_to_index(args[0].get_name())]
- if self._ancestors_controller is not None:
- self._ancestors_controller.start_calculation(protozoon)
- def on_favorite_activate(self, *args):
- """Set best ranking for this protozoon.
- pre: len(args) >= 1
- """
-# ka_debug.info('on_favorite_activate [%s]' % args[0].get_name())
- self.model.raise_fitness(name_to_index(args[0].get_name()))
- self._update_population_gui()
+ page_names = ka_extensionpoint.list_extensions('page')
+ for name in page_names:
+ page_controller = ka_extensionpoint.create(name, self,
+ self._widget_list,
+ self._activity_root)
+ self._pages.append(page_controller)
+ self._pages.sort(cmp=KandidController.numeric_compare)
+ for page_controller in self._pages:
+ self._widget._notebook.append_page(*page_controller.create_gui())
+ page_controller.autoconnect_events()
+ page_controller.localize()
+ page_controller.activate_gui()
- def on_awfull_activate(self, *args):
- """Set last ranking for this protozoon.
- pre: len(args) >= 1
+ def find_page(self, page_name):
-# ka_debug.info('on_awfull_activate [%s]' % args[0].get_name())
- index = name_to_index(args[0].get_name())
- self.model.reduce_fitness(index)
- self._update_population_gui()
- ka_task.GeneratorTask(self.task_breed_single,
- self.on_model_completed,
- args[0].get_name()).start(index)
- def on_page_show(self, *args):
- """Show page from notebook. Page number is in args[0].
- pre: len(args) >= 1
+ pre: page_name is not None and len(page_name) > 1
- ka_debug.info('on_page_show [%u]' % args[0])
- self._widget_tree.get_widget('kandidNotebook'). \
- set_current_page(args[0])
- def on_received(self, code_type, code_element, nick):
- """Update population or protozoon preview when received from others."""
- ka_debug.info('on_received: Received %u bytes, type: [%s], from: [%s]' % \
- (len(code_element), code_type, nick))
- if code_type == kandidtube.SEND_POPULATION:
- self._status.set(ka_status.TOPIC_COLLABORATION,
- ka_status.SUB_RECEIVED,
- 'Population from ' + nick)
- if self.is_overwrite_allowed():
- self._start_from_scratch = False
- self._update_model(model_population.from_buffer(code_element))
- self.start_all_calculations()
- else:
- in_model = model_population.from_buffer(code_element)
- max_fit, best_ix, second_ix = -1, -1, -1
- for index, fit in enumerate(in_model.fitness):
- if fit > max_fit:
- second_ix = best_ix
- best_ix, max_fit = index, fit
- if best_ix >= 0:
- self.incoming.append_protozoon(in_model.protozoans[best_ix])
- if second_ix >= 0:
- self.incoming.append_protozoon(in_model.protozoans[second_ix])
- if best_ix >= 0 or second_ix >= 0:
- ka_debug.info("I've already an evolved population, proposing protozoon %d, %d." % (best_ix, second_ix))
- else:
- ka_debug.info("I've already an evolved population, ignore incoming protozoon.")
- elif code_type == kandidtube.SEND_PROTOZOON:
- ka_debug.info('Proposing protozoon.')
- self._status.set(ka_status.TOPIC_COLLABORATION,
- ka_status.SUB_RECEIVED,
- 'Protozoon from ' + nick)
- self.incoming.append_protozoon(model_population.from_buffer(code_element))
- else:
- ka_debug.err('Somebody called me using an illegal type [%s]'
- % code_type)
- def on_new_tube(self, telepathy_conn, tube, my_id, is_initiator, get_buddy):
- """Creates communication object and sends population
- pre: tube > 0
- pre: get_buddy is not None
+ for page_controller in self._pages:
+ pattern1 = "<class 'ep_page_"
+ pattern2 = "." + page_name + "'>"
+ type_str = str(type(page_controller))
+ if type_str.startswith(pattern1) and type_str.endswith(pattern2):
+ return page_controller
+ ka_debug.err('Missing ' + page_name)
+ return None
+ def find_page_number(self, page_name):
- self._tube = kandidtube.KandidTube(self, telepathy_conn, tube, my_id,
- is_initiator, get_buddy)
-# Event handling for incoming protozoans
- def on_incoming_popup(self, widget, event):
- ka_debug.info('on_incoming_popup: ' + widget.name)
- index = name_to_index(widget.name)
- self._show_popup(widget, event, 'incoming_menu_'+ str(index))
- def _show_popup(self, widget, event, menu):
-# ka_debug.info('%s [%s]' % (menu, widget.name))
- index = name_to_index(menu)
- self._widget_tree.get_widget('favorite_menuitem_' + str(index)). \
- set_sensitive(self.model.fitness[index] < 9.0)
- dummy, moderate, dummy = self.model.classify()
- is_sensitive = len(moderate) > 0
- self._widget_tree.get_widget('awfull_menuitem_' + str(index)). \
- set_sensitive(is_sensitive)
- popup_menu = self._widget_tree.get_widget(menu)
- popup_menu.popup(None, None, None, event.button, event.time)
- def on_zoom_incoming(self, menu_item):
-# ka_debug.info('on_zoom_incoming [%s]' % menu_item.parent.name)
- if self._zoom_controller is not None:
- index = name_to_index(menu_item.parent.name)
- protozoon, dummy = self.incoming.at_index(index)
- self._zoom_controller.start_calculation(protozoon)
- def on_accept_incoming(self, menu_item):
- ka_debug.info('on_accept_incoming [%s]' % menu_item.parent.name)
- protozoon = self.incoming.accept_protozoon(
- name_to_index(menu_item.parent.name))
- if protozoon is not None:
- new_at = self.model.replace(protozoon.copy())
- self.start_calculation([new_at])
- def on_decline_incoming(self, menu_item):
- ka_debug.info('on_decline_incoming [%s]' % menu_item.parent.name)
- self.incoming.decline_protozoon(name_to_index(menu_item.parent.name))
-# data model and persistence
- def is_overwrite_allowed(self):
- """Preserve an already evolved population from over writing."""
- return self.model.is_overwrite_allowed()
- def serialize_model(self):
- """Serialize population to a string buffer."""
- return model_population.to_buffer(self.model)
- def read_file(self, file_path):
- """Delegate reading from journal to data model
- pre: (file_path is not None) and (len(file_path) >= 1)
+ pre: page_name is not None and len(page_name) > 1
- self._start_from_scratch = False
- self._update_model(model_population.read_file(file_path))
-# self.start_all_calculations()
+ for page_number, page_controller in enumerate(self._pages):
+ pattern1 = "<class 'ep_page_"
+ pattern2 = "." + page_name + "'>"
+ type_str = str(type(page_controller))
+ if type_str.startswith(pattern1) and type_str.endswith(pattern2):
+ return page_number
+ return -1
+ def switch_page(self, page_name):
+ """
+ pre: page_name is not None and len(page_name) > 1
+ pre: self.find_page(page_name) is not None
+ """
+ for page_number, page_controller in enumerate(self._pages):
+ pattern1 = "<class 'ep_page_"
+ pattern2 = "." + page_name + "'>"
+ type_str = str(type(page_controller))
+ if type_str.startswith(pattern1) and type_str.endswith(pattern2):
+ self._widget_list.get_widget('kandidNotebook'). \
+ set_current_page(page_number)
+ return
- def write_file(self, file_path):
- """Delegate writing data model to journal
- pre: (file_path is not None) and (len(file_path) >= 1)
- """
- model_population.write_file(file_path, self.model)
def close(self):
"""Clean up on close"""
for page in self._pages:
@@ -588,6 +116,7 @@ def name_to_index(name):
def create_context(widget):
""" Create cairo context for widget.
pre: widget is not None
+ pre: widget.window is not None
ctx = widget.window.cairo_create()
ctx.rectangle(0, 0, \