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path: root/groupthink/listset.py
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authoranishmangal2002 <anishmangal2002@gmail.com>2010-05-20 19:45:49 (GMT)
committer anishmangal2002 <anishmangal2002@gmail.com>2010-05-20 19:45:49 (GMT)
commitee64655f6a54a98adfa1eab832210a082d47945e (patch)
tree56427bb5a414005985cc1f79aba7a2b0f47e09c0 /groupthink/listset.py
parentc1f8d644fc2551acd39317f3554c2cb4c23c770d (diff)
Replaced groupthink symbolic link with actual folder.v36
Diffstat (limited to 'groupthink/listset.py')
1 files changed, 783 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/groupthink/listset.py b/groupthink/listset.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cdb25ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/groupthink/listset.py
@@ -0,0 +1,783 @@
+Copyright 2008 Benjamin M. Schwartz
+This file is LGPLv2+.
+listset.py is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+DObject is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+along with DObject. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import bisect
+from collections import defaultdict
+dobject_helpers is a collection of functions and data structures that are useful
+to DObject, but are not specific to DBus or networked applications.
+def merge(a, b, l=True, g=True, e=True):
+ """Internal helper function for combining sets represented as sorted lists"""
+ x = 0
+ X = len(a)
+ if X == 0:
+ if g:
+ return list(b)
+ else:
+ return []
+ y = 0
+ Y = len(b)
+ if Y == 0:
+ if l:
+ return list(a)
+ else:
+ return []
+ out = []
+ p = a[x]
+ q = b[y]
+ while x < X and y < Y:
+ if p < q:
+ if l: out.append(p)
+ x += 1
+ if x < X: p = a[x]
+ elif p > q:
+ if g: out.append(q)
+ y += 1
+ if y < Y: q = b[y]
+ else:
+ if e: out.append(p)
+ x += 1
+ if x < X: p = a[x]
+ y += 1
+ if y < Y: q = b[y]
+ if x < X:
+ if l: out.extend(a[x:])
+ else:
+ if g: out.extend(b[y:])
+ return out
+def merge_or(a,b):
+ return merge(a,b, True, True, True)
+def merge_xor(a,b):
+ return merge(a, b, True, True, False)
+def merge_and(a,b):
+ return merge(a, b, False, False, True)
+def merge_sub(a,b):
+ return merge(a, b, True, False, False)
+def kill_dupes(a): #assumes a is sorted
+ """Internal helper function for removing duplicates in a sorted list"""
+ prev = a[0]
+ out = [prev]
+ for item in a:
+ if item != prev: #always throws out item 0, but that's ok
+ out.append(item)
+ prev = item
+ return out
+class Comparable:
+ """Currently, ListSet does not provide a mechanism for specifying a
+ comparator. Users who would like to specify a comparator other than the one
+ native to the item may do so by wrapping the item in a Comparable.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, item, comparator):
+ self.item = item
+ self._cmp = comparator
+ def __cmp__(self, other):
+ return self._cmp(self.item, other)
+class ListSet:
+ """ListSet is a sorted set for comparable items. It is inspired by the
+ Java Standard Library's TreeSet. However, it is implemented by a sorted
+ list. This implementation is much slower than a balanced binary tree, but
+ has the distinct advantage that I can actually implement it.
+ The methods of ListSet are all drawn directly from Python's set API,
+ Python's list API, and Java's SortedSet API.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, seq=[]):
+ L = list(seq)
+ if len(L) > 1:
+ L.sort()
+ L = kill_dupes(L)
+ self._list = L
+ def __and__(self, someset):
+ if isinstance(someset, ListSet):
+ L = merge_and(self._list, someset._list)
+ else:
+ L = []
+ for x in self._list:
+ if x in someset:
+ L.append(x)
+ a = ListSet()
+ a._list = L
+ return a
+ def __contains__(self, item):
+ if not self._list:
+ return False
+ if self._list[0] <= item <= self._list[-1]:
+ a = bisect.bisect_left(self._list, item)
+ return item == self._list[a]
+ else:
+ return False
+ def __eq__(self, someset):
+ if isinstance(someset, ListSet):
+ return self._list == someset._list
+ else:
+ return len(self.symmetric_difference(someset)) == 0
+ def __ge__(self, someset):
+ if isinstance(someset, ListSet):
+ return len(merge_or(self._list, someset._list)) == len(self._list)
+ else:
+ a = len(someset)
+ k = 0
+ for i in self._list:
+ if i in someset:
+ k += 1
+ return k == a
+ def __gt__(self, someset):
+ return (len(self) > len(someset)) and (self >= someset)
+ def __iand__(self, someset):
+ if isinstance(someset, ListSet):
+ self._list = merge_and(self._list, someset._list)
+ else:
+ L = []
+ for i in self._list:
+ if i in someset:
+ L.append(i)
+ self._list = L
+ return self
+ def __ior__(self, someset):
+ if isinstance(someset, ListSet):
+ self._list = merge_or(self._list, someset._list)
+ else:
+ self.update(someset)
+ return self
+ def __isub__(self, someset):
+ if isinstance(someset, ListSet):
+ self._list = merge_sub(self._list, someset._list)
+ else:
+ L = []
+ for i in self._list:
+ if i not in someset:
+ L.append(i)
+ self._list = L
+ return self
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return iter(self._list)
+ def __ixor__(self, someset):
+ if isinstance(someset, ListSet):
+ self._list = merge_xor(self._list, someset._list)
+ else:
+ self.symmetric_difference_update(someset)
+ return self
+ def __le__(self, someset):
+ if isinstance(someset, ListSet):
+ return len(merge_or(self._list, someset._list)) == len(someset._list)
+ else:
+ for i in self._list:
+ if i not in someset:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def __lt__(self, someset):
+ return (len(self) < len(someset)) and (self <= someset)
+ def __ne__(self, someset):
+ return not (self == someset)
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self._list)
+ def __nonzero__(self):
+ #ugly, but faster than bool(self_list)
+ return not not self._list
+ def __or__(self, someset):
+ a = ListSet()
+ if isinstance(someset, ListSet):
+ a._list = merge_or(self._list, someset._list)
+ else:
+ a._list = self._list
+ a.update(someset)
+ return a
+ __rand__ = __and__
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "ListSet(" + repr(self._list) +")"
+ __ror__ = __or__
+ def __rsub__(self, someset):
+ if isinstance(someset, ListSet):
+ a = ListSet()
+ a._list = merge_sub(someset._list, self._list)
+ else:
+ a = ListSet(someset)
+ a._list = merge_sub(a._list, self._list)
+ return a
+ def __sub__(self, someset):
+ a = ListSet()
+ if isinstance(someset, ListSet):
+ a._list = merge_sub(self._list, someset._list)
+ else:
+ L = []
+ for i in self._list:
+ if i not in someset:
+ L.append(i)
+ a._list = L
+ return a
+ def __xor__(self, someset):
+ if isinstance(someset, ListSet):
+ a = ListSet()
+ a._list = merge_xor(self._list, someset._list)
+ else:
+ a = self.symmetric_difference(someset)
+ return a
+ __rxor__ = __xor__
+ def add(self, item):
+ a = bisect.bisect_left(self._list, item)
+ if (a == len(self._list)) or (self._list[a] != item):
+ self._list.insert(a, item)
+ def clear(self):
+ self._list = []
+ def copy(self):
+ a = ListSet()
+ a._list = list(self._list) #shallow copy
+ return a
+ def difference(self, iterable):
+ L = list(iterable)
+ L.sort()
+ a = ListSet()
+ a._list = merge_sub(self._list, kill_dupes(L))
+ return a
+ def difference_update(self, iterable):
+ L = list(iterable)
+ L.sort()
+ self._list = merge_sub(self._list, kill_dupes(L))
+ def discard(self, item):
+ if self._list and (item <= self._list[-1]):
+ a = bisect.bisect_left(self._list, item)
+ if self._list[a] == item:
+ self._list.remove(a)
+ def intersection(self, iterable):
+ L = list(iterable)
+ L.sort()
+ a = ListSet()
+ a._list = merge_and(self._list, kill_dupes(L))
+ def intersection_update(self, iterable):
+ L = list(iterable)
+ L.sort()
+ self._list = merge_and(self._list, kill_dupes(L))
+ def issuperset(self, iterable):
+ L = list(iterable)
+ L.sort()
+ m = merge_or(self._list, kill_dupes(L))
+ return len(m) == len(self._list)
+ def issubset(self, iterable):
+ L = list(iterable)
+ L.sort()
+ L = kill_dupes(L)
+ m = merge_or(self._list, L)
+ return len(m) == len(L)
+ def pop(self, i = None):
+ if i == None:
+ return self._list.pop()
+ else:
+ return self._list.pop(i)
+ def remove(self, item):
+ if self._list and (item <= self._list[-1]):
+ a = bisect.bisect_left(self._list, item)
+ if self._list[a] == item:
+ self._list.remove(a)
+ return
+ raise KeyError("Item is not in the set")
+ def symmetric_difference(self, iterable):
+ L = list(iterable)
+ L.sort()
+ a = ListSet()
+ a._list = merge_xor(self._list, kill_dupes(L))
+ return a
+ def symmetric_difference_update(self, iterable):
+ L = list(iterable)
+ L.sort()
+ self._list = merge_xor(self._list, kill_dupes(L))
+ def union(self, iterable):
+ L = list(iterable)
+ L.sort()
+ a = ListSet()
+ a._list = merge_or(self._list, kill_dupes(L))
+ def update(self, iterable):
+ L = list(iterable)
+ L.sort()
+ self._list = merge_or(self._list, kill_dupes(L))
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ if type(key) is int:
+ return self._list[key]
+ elif type(key) is slice:
+ a = ListSet()
+ L = self._list[key]
+ if key.step is not None and key.step < 0:
+ L.reverse()
+ a._list = L
+ return a
+ def __delitem__(self, key):
+ del self._list[key]
+ def index(self, x, i=0, j=-1):
+ if self._list and (x <= self._list[-1]):
+ a = bisect.bisect_left(self._list, x, i, j)
+ if self._list[a] == x:
+ return a
+ raise ValueError("Item not found")
+ def position(self, x, i=0, j=-1):
+ return bisect.bisect_left(self._list, x, i, j)
+ def _subrange(self, x, y, includehead=True, includetail=False, i=0, j=-1):
+ if includehead:
+ a = bisect.bisect_left(self._list, x, i, j)
+ else:
+ a = bisect.bisect_right(self._list, x, i, j)
+ if includetail:
+ b = bisect.bisect_right(self._list, y, a, j)
+ else:
+ b = bisect.bisect_left(self._list, y, a, j)
+ return (a, b)
+ # From Java SortedSet
+ def subset(self, x, y, includehead=True, includetail=False, i=0, j=-1):
+ (a,b) = self._subrange(x, y, includehead, includetail, i, j)
+ s = ListSet()
+ s._list = self._list[a:b]
+ return s
+ def iterslice(self, slic):
+ L = len(self._list)
+ return (self._list[i] for i in xrange(*slic.indices(L)))
+ def subiter(self, x, y, includehead=True, includetail=False, i=0, j=-1):
+ (a,b) = self._subrange(x, y, includehead, includetail, i, j)
+ return (self._list[i] for i in xrange(a,b))
+ def first(self):
+ return self._list[0]
+ def last(self):
+ return self._list[-1]
+ def headset(self, x, include=False, i=0, j=-1):
+ if include:
+ a = bisect.bisect_right(self._list, x, i, j)
+ else:
+ a = bisect.bisect_left(self._list, x, i, j)
+ return self[:a]
+ def tailset(self, x, include=True, i=0, j=-1):
+ if include:
+ a = bisect.bisect_left(self._list, x, i, j)
+ else:
+ a = bisect.bisect_right(self._list, x, i, j)
+ return self[a:]
+ #From Java's NavigableSet
+ def ceiling(self, x, i=0, j=-1):
+ a = bisect.bisect_left(self._list, x, i, j)
+ return self[a]
+ def floor(self, x, i=0, j=-1):
+ a = bisect.bisect_right(self._list, x, i, j)
+ return self[a-1]
+ def higher(self, x, i=0, j=-1):
+ a = bisect.bisect_right(self._list, x, i, j)
+ return self[a]
+ def lower(self, x, i=0, j=-1):
+ a = bisect.bisect_left(self._list, x, i, j)
+ return self[a-1]
+class ListDict:
+ """ListDict is a map whose keys are comparable. It is based on ListSet.
+ Its API is drawn from python's defaultdict and Java's SortedMap."""
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self._dict = defaultdict(*args, **kwargs)
+ self._set = ListSet(self._dict)
+ # Dict methods
+ def __copy__(self):
+ return self.copy()
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'ListDict({'+', '.join(
+ (': '.join((repr(k), repr(self._dict[k])))
+ for k in self._set))+'})'
+ def copy(self):
+ D = ListDict()
+ D._dict = self._dict.copy()
+ D._set = self._set.copy()
+ return D
+ def __contains__(self, k):
+ return k in self._dict
+ def __delitem__(self, k):
+ del self._dict[k]
+ self._set.remove(k)
+ def __eq__(self, d):
+ if isinstance(d, ListDict):
+ return self._dict == d._dict
+ else:
+ return self._dict == d
+ def __ge__(self, d):
+ if isinstance(d, ListDict):
+ return self._dict >= d._dict
+ else:
+ return self._dict >= d
+ def __getitem__(self, k):
+ x = self._dict[k]
+ if self._dict.default_factory is not None:
+ self._set.add(k)
+ return x
+ def __gt__(self, d):
+ if isinstance(d, ListDict):
+ return self._dict > d._dict
+ else:
+ return self._dict > d
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return self._dict.__hash__()
+ def __iter__():
+ return self.iterkeys()
+ def __le__(self, d):
+ if isinstance(d, ListDict):
+ return self._dict <= d._dict
+ else:
+ return self._dict <= d
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self._dict)
+ def __lt__(self, d):
+ if isinstance(d, ListDict):
+ return self._dict < d._dict
+ else:
+ return self._dict < d
+ def __ne__(self, d):
+ if isinstance(d, ListDict):
+ return self._dict != d._dict
+ else:
+ return self._dict != d
+ def __nonzero__(self):
+ return not not self._dict
+ def __setitem__(self, k, v):
+ self._dict[k] = v
+ self._set.add(k)
+ def clear(self):
+ self._dict.clear()
+ self._set.clear()
+ def get(self, k, d=None):
+ return self._dict.get(k, d)
+ def has_key(self, k):
+ return self._dict.has_key(k)
+ def items(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ if not (args or kwargs):
+ return [(k, self._dict[k]) for k in self._set]
+ else:
+ return [(k, self._dict[k]) for k in self._set.subiter(*args, **kwargs)]
+ def iteritems(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ if not (args or kwargs):
+ return ((k, self._dict[k]) for k in self._set)
+ else:
+ return ((k, self._dict[k]) for k in self._set.subiter(*args, **kwargs))
+ def iterkeys(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ if not (args or kwargs):
+ return iter(self._set)
+ else:
+ return self._set.subiter(*args, **kwargs)
+ def itervalues(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ if not (args or kwargs):
+ return (self._dict[k] for k in self._set)
+ else:
+ return (self._dict[k] for k in self._set.subiter(*args, **kwargs))
+ def keys(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ if not (args or kwargs):
+ return self._set.copy()
+ else:
+ return self._set.subset(*args, **kwargs)
+ def pop(self, *args):
+ present = args[0] in self._dict
+ v_or_d = self._dict.pop(*args)
+ if present:
+ self._set.remove(args[0])
+ return v_or_d
+ def popitem(self, i = None):
+ if self._dict:
+ k = self._set.pop(i)
+ return (k, self._dict.pop(k))
+ else:
+ return self._dict.popitem() # Just to raise the appropriate KeyError
+ def setdefault(self, k, x=None):
+ self._set.add(k)
+ return self._dict.setdefault(k, x)
+ def update(self, E, **F):
+ #I'm not sure how to distinguish between dict-like and non-dict-like E
+ if isinstance(E, ListDict):
+ self._set |= E._set
+ self._dict.update(E._dict)
+ else:
+ try:
+ keys = E.keys()
+ self._set.update(keys)
+ self._dict.update(E)
+ except:
+ self._dict.update(E,**F)
+ self._set.update(self._dict)
+ def values(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ if not (args or kwargs):
+ return [self._dict[k] for k in self._set]
+ else:
+ return [self._dict[k] for k in self._set.subiter(*args, **kwargs)]
+ def fromkeys(*args):
+ return ListDict(dict.fromkeys(*args))
+ #SortedMap methods
+ def firstkey(self):
+ return self._set.first()
+ def lastkey(self):
+ return self._set.last()
+ def headdict(self, k, include=False, i=0, j=-1):
+ return self._copysubdict(self._set.headset(k, include, i, j))
+ def taildict(self, k, include=True, i=0, j=-1):
+ return self._copysubdict(self._set.tailset(k, include, i, j))
+ def subdict(self, fromkey, tokey,
+ includehead=True, includetail=False, i=0, j=-1):
+ return self._copysubdict(self._set.subset(fromkey, tokey, includehead,
+ includetail, i, j))
+ def _copysubdict(self, s):
+ L = ListDict()
+ L._set = s
+ L._dict.default_factory = self._dict.default_factory
+ for k in s:
+ L._dict[k] = self._dict[k]
+ return L
+ #NavigableMap methods
+ def ceilingkey(self, k):
+ return self._set.ceiling(k)
+ def floorkey(self, k):
+ return self._set.floor(k)
+ def higherkey(self, k):
+ return self._set.higher(k)
+ def lowerkey(self, k):
+ return self._set.lower(k)
+ #ListSet methods
+ def index(self, k, i=0, j=-1):
+ return self._set.index(k, i, j)
+ def position(self, k, i=0, j=-1):
+ return self._set.position(k, i, j)
+ def nthkey(self, ind):
+ #ind can be an int or a slice
+ return self._set[ind]
+ def nthvalue(self, ind):
+ if type(ind) is int:
+ return self._dict[self._set[ind]]
+ else:
+ return [self._dict[k] for k in self._set[ind]]
+ def nthdict(self, ind):
+ s = self._set[ind]
+ if type(s) is not ListSet:
+ try:
+ s = ListSet(s)
+ except:
+ s = ListSet((s,))
+ return self._copysubdict(s)
+class Overlap1D:
+ """Overlap1D is a structure for determining quickly whether two intervals
+ overlap."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ # _present is a dict of (position,set(objects)) pairs. Each key is
+ # the leftmost point of an object, and each value is the
+ # set of all objects present at that point
+ self._present = ListDict()
+ # _rightend is a dict of (position,set(objects)). Each key is the
+ # rightmost point of one or more objects, and each value is a set of
+ # only those objects that end at this point.
+ self._rightend = ListDict(set)
+ # _objects is a dict of (object, (left, right)). It remembers where
+ # objects start and stop.
+ self._objects = dict()
+ def add(self, obj, left, right):
+ if (not self._present) or left < self._present.firstkey():
+ self._present[left] = set((obj,))
+ elif left not in self._present:
+ # We are adding a new marker to _present. Start with the nearest
+ # marker to the left of the new one.
+ prev = self._present[self._present.lowerkey(left)]
+ # and keep only the objects that are still present at the new
+ # location, i.e. whose rightmost point is further right than
+ # the leftmost point of this new object. We take a closed-left,
+ # open-right convention.
+ newsetgen = (o for o in prev if self._objects[o][1] > left)
+ self._present[left] = set(newsetgen)
+ intermediates = self._present.itervalues(left, right)
+ for s in intermediates:
+ # add the object to each set that is inside its interval
+ s.add(obj)
+ self._objects[obj] = (left,right)
+ self._rightend[right].add(obj)
+ def remove(self, obj):
+ (left, right) = self._objects.pop(obj)
+ intermediates = self._present.itervalues(left, right)
+ for s in intermediates:
+ s.remove(obj)
+ #boolean tests whether self._present[left] is an empty set()
+ if ((not self._present[left]) or
+ (self._present[left] <= self._present[self._present.lowerkey(left)])):
+ del self._present[left]
+ self._rightend[right].remove(obj)
+ if not self._rightend[right]:
+ del self._rightend[right]
+ def overlaps(self, left, right, closed = False):
+ intermediates = self._present.itervalues(left, right)
+ outset = set()
+ for s in intermediates:
+ outset |= s
+ if ((left not in self._present) and self._present and
+ (left > self._present.firstkey())):
+ preleft = self._present.floorkey(left)
+ prev = self._present[preleft]
+ newsetgen = (o for o in prev if self._objects[o][1] > left)
+ outset.update(newsetgen)
+ if closed:
+ if left in self._rightend:
+ outset |= self._rightend[left]
+ if right in self._present:
+ outset |= self.present[right]
+ return outset
+ def collides(self, obj, closed=False):
+ (left, right) = self._objects[obj]
+ return self.overlaps(left, right, closed)
+ def get_interval(self, obj):
+ return self._objects[obj]
+class Overlap2D:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._x = Overlap1D()
+ self._y = Overlap1D()
+ def add(self, obj, x1, x2, y1, y2):
+ self._x.add(obj, x1, x2)
+ self._y.add(obj, y1, y2)
+ def remove(self, obj):
+ self._x.remove(obj)
+ self._y.remove(obj)
+ def overlaps(self, x1, x2, y1, y2, closed = False):
+ xset = self._x.overlaps(x1,x2,closed)
+ yset = self._y.overlaps(y1,y2,closed)
+ return xset & yset
+ def collides(self, obj, closed = False):
+ xset = self._x.collides(obj, closed)
+ yset = self._y.collides(obj, closed)
+ return xset & yset
+ def get_rectangle(self, obj):
+ (x1, x2) = self._x.get_interval(obj)
+ (y1, y2) = self._y.get_interval(obj)
+ return (x1, x2, y1, y2)