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1 files changed, 165 insertions, 162 deletions
diff --git a/MAFH2/Map.py b/MAFH2/Map.py
index 36f4b28..6c88c9b 100644
--- a/MAFH2/Map.py
+++ b/MAFH2/Map.py
@@ -1,162 +1,165 @@
-import pygame
-import math
-from constants import (
-from fortuneengine.GameEngineElement import GameEngineElement
-from gettext import gettext as _
-class Map(GameEngineElement):
- def __init__(self, dgn):
- GameEngineElement.__init__(self, has_draw=True, has_event=True)
- self.draw_macro_set = False
- self.sizeX=dgn.sizeX
- self.sizeY=dgn.sizeY
- self.rectSizeX=38
- self.rectSizeY=38
- self.rects={}
- self.fullRooms={}
- self.totalSurface=pygame.Surface((self.sizeX*40,self.sizeY*40))
- for y in range(self.sizeY):
- for x in range(self.sizeX):
- curRect=pygame.Rect(x*40,y*40,self.rectSizeX,self.rectSizeX)
- self.rects[(x,y)]=curRect
- if dgn.rooms.get((x,y)).get_door('N') != '0':
- self.fullRooms[(x,y)]=True
- self.totalSurface.fill((255,255,255),curRect,0)
- elif dgn.rooms.get((x,y)).get_door('S') != '0':
- self.fullRooms[(x,y)]=True
- self.totalSurface.fill((255,255,255),curRect,0)
- elif dgn.rooms.get((x,y)).get_door('E') != '0':
- self.fullRooms[(x,y)]=True
- self.totalSurface.fill((255,255,255),curRect,0)
- elif dgn.rooms.get((x,y)).get_door('W') != '0':
- self.fullRooms[(x,y)]=True
- self.totalSurface.fill((255,255,255),curRect,0)
- self.add_to_engine()
- def event_handler(self, event):
- if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
- newKey=pygame.key.name(event.key)
- if newKey=='m' or newKey=='[7]':
- self.draw_macro_set = not self.draw_macro_set
- return True
- #Disable other events if macro-map set
- if self.draw_macro_set:
- return True
- def draw(self,screen,time_delta):
- profile = self.game_engine.get_object('profile')
- x, y = profile.position
- playerFacing = profile.playerFacing
- mapView=pygame.transform.chop(self.totalSurface,(0,0,0,0))
- mapView.fill((255,0,0),( x * 40, y * 40,38,38))
- angle = 0
- if playerFacing==NORTH:
- angle=0
- mapView=pygame.transform.rotate(mapView,angle)
- angle=90
- elif playerFacing==SOUTH:
- angle=180
- mapView=pygame.transform.rotate(mapView,angle)
- angle=270
- elif playerFacing==EAST:
- angle=90
- mapView=pygame.transform.rotate(mapView,angle)
- angle=0
- elif playerFacing==WEST:
- angle=270
- mapView=pygame.transform.rotate(mapView,angle)
- angle=180
- sideDifference=self.sizeX-self.sizeY
- angle=angle*(math.pi/180)
- curSect=pygame.Rect(0,0,200,200)
- curSect.top+=((x*40-81)*math.cos(angle))-((y*40-81)*math.sin(angle))
- curSect.left-=((x*40-81)*math.sin(angle))+((y*40-81)*math.cos(angle))
- if playerFacing==EAST:
- curSect.top+=sideDifference*(40-81)
- elif playerFacing==SOUTH:
- curSect.left+=sideDifference*(40-81)
- map_area = (0,700,200,350)
- mini_map = pygame.Surface( (200,200) )
- mini_map.blit( mapView, curSect )
- screen.fill(0,map_area,0)
- screen.blit(mini_map, map_area)
- if self.draw_macro_set:
- self.draw_macro(self, screen)
- def draw_macro(self,player,screen):
- font=pygame.font.SysFont("cmr10",24,False,False)
- macroMap=pygame.transform.scale(self.totalSurface,(self.sizeX*100,self.sizeY*100))
- screen.fill((0,0,0),(200,0,800,700))
- legend=pygame.Surface((200,300))
- legend.fill((255,0,0),(0,0,40,15))
- legend.blit(font.render(_("LOCKED"),True,(255,0,0)),(45,0,30,5))
- legend.fill((150,255,150),(0,25,40,15))
- legend.blit(font.render(_("OPEN"),True,(150,255,150)),(45,25,30,5))
- legend.fill((255,0,255),(0,50,40,15))
- legend.blit(font.render(_("PUZZLE"),True,(255,0,255)),(45,50,30,5))
- legend.fill((255,255,255),(0,75,40,15))
- legend.blit(font.render(_("EXIT"),True,(255,255,255)),(45,75,30,5))
- legend.fill((50,50,50),(0,100,40,15))
- legend.blit(font.render(_("ENTRANCE"),True,(50,50,50)),(45,100,30,5))
- screen.blit(legend,(800,0,300,300))
- screen.blit(macroMap,(200,0,800,700))
- def update_macro(self):
- profile = self.game_engine.get_object('profile')
- x, y = profile.position
- playerFacing = profile.playerFacing
- self.totalSurface.fill((0,255,0),( x * 40, y * 40,38,38))
- current_room = self.game_engine.get_object('dungeon').rooms[profile.position]
- map_filler = [
- ('N',(x * 40+5, y * 40,30,5) ),
- ('S',(x * 40+5, y * 40+35,30,5) ),
- ('E',(x * 40+35, y * 40+5,5,30) ),
- ('W',(x * 40, y * 40+5,5,30) )
- ]
- for dir, filldata in map_filler:
- door_flag = current_room.get_door( dir )
- if door_flag == LOCKED_DOOR or door_flag == LOCKED_PUZZLE_DOOR:
- self.totalSurface.fill( (255,0,0), filldata)
- elif door_flag == UNLOCKED_DOOR:
- self.totalSurface.fill((150,255,150), filldata)
- elif door_flag == PUZZLE_DOOR:
- self.totalSurface.fill((255,0,255), filldata)
- elif door_flag == EXIT_DOOR:
- self.totalSurface.fill((255,255,255), filldata)
- elif door_flag == ENTRANCE_DOOR:
- self.totalSurface.fill((0,0,0), filldata)
+import pygame
+import math
+from constants import (
+from fortuneengine.GameEngineElement import GameEngineElement
+from gettext import gettext as _
+class Map(GameEngineElement):
+ def __init__(self, dgn):
+ GameEngineElement.__init__(self, has_draw=True, has_event=True)
+ self.draw_macro_set = False #A boolean value to determine whether the large map should draw
+ self.sizeX=dgn.sizeX #A variable that represents the number of rooms wide the dungeon is
+ self.sizeY=dgn.sizeY #A variable that represents the number of rooms tall the dungeon is
+ self.rectSizeX=38 #A variable representing the X size of a given room on the mini map
+ self.rectSizeY=38 #A variable representing the Y size of a given room on the mini map
+ self.rects={} #A dictionary of rectangles that represent the rooms on the map
+ self.fullRooms={} #A dictionary representing nothing?
+ self.totalSurface=pygame.Surface((self.sizeX*40,self.sizeY*40)) #A rect representing the size of the map as a whole
+ #A Two dimensional For Loop that goes through all of the positions on the map.
+ for y in range(self.sizeY):
+ for x in range(self.sizeX):
+ curRect=pygame.Rect(x*40,y*40,self.rectSizeX,self.rectSizeX) #Creating a rectangle for the current position on the map.
+ self.rects[(x,y)]=curRect #Adds the rectangle associated with the current position to the dictionary using the position on the map as the key.
+ #Each 'if' tests whether there is a door in a given direction at the current position.
+ #If there is a door in the given direction, it fills the square associated with themeans that the position has a room and fills it accordingly.
+ if dgn.rooms.get((x,y)).get_door('N') != '0':
+ self.fullRooms[(x,y)]=True
+ self.totalSurface.fill((255,255,255),curRect,0)
+ elif dgn.rooms.get((x,y)).get_door('S') != '0':
+ self.fullRooms[(x,y)]=True
+ self.totalSurface.fill((255,255,255),curRect,0)
+ elif dgn.rooms.get((x,y)).get_door('E') != '0':
+ self.fullRooms[(x,y)]=True
+ self.totalSurface.fill((255,255,255),curRect,0)
+ elif dgn.rooms.get((x,y)).get_door('W') != '0':
+ self.fullRooms[(x,y)]=True
+ self.totalSurface.fill((255,255,255),curRect,0)
+ self.add_to_engine() #Adds itself and all callbacks to the engine
+ def event_handler(self, event):
+ if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
+ newKey=pygame.key.name(event.key)
+ if newKey=='m' or newKey=='[7]':
+ self.draw_macro_set = not self.draw_macro_set
+ return True
+ #Disable other events if macro-map set
+ if self.draw_macro_set:
+ return True
+ def draw(self,screen,time_delta):
+ profile = self.game_engine.get_object('profile') #Creates a copy of the profile object
+ x, y = profile.position #Grabs the position of the player from the profiler
+ playerFacing = profile.playerFacing #Grabs the direction the player is facing from the profiler
+ mapView=pygame.transform.chop(self.totalSurface,(0,0,0,0))
+ mapView.fill((255,0,0),( x * 40, y * 40,38,38))
+ angle = 0
+ if playerFacing==NORTH:
+ angle=0
+ mapView=pygame.transform.rotate(mapView,angle)
+ angle=90
+ elif playerFacing==SOUTH:
+ angle=180
+ mapView=pygame.transform.rotate(mapView,angle)
+ angle=270
+ elif playerFacing==EAST:
+ angle=90
+ mapView=pygame.transform.rotate(mapView,angle)
+ angle=0
+ elif playerFacing==WEST:
+ angle=270
+ mapView=pygame.transform.rotate(mapView,angle)
+ angle=180
+ sideDifference=self.sizeX-self.sizeY
+ angle=angle*(math.pi/180)
+ curSect=pygame.Rect(0,0,200,200)
+ curSect.top+=((x*40-81)*math.cos(angle))-((y*40-81)*math.sin(angle))
+ curSect.left-=((x*40-81)*math.sin(angle))+((y*40-81)*math.cos(angle))
+ if playerFacing==EAST:
+ curSect.top+=sideDifference*(40-81)
+ elif playerFacing==SOUTH:
+ curSect.left+=sideDifference*(40-81)
+ map_area = (0,700,200,350)
+ mini_map = pygame.Surface( (200,200) )
+ mini_map.blit( mapView, curSect )
+ screen.fill(0,map_area,0)
+ screen.blit(mini_map, map_area)
+ if self.draw_macro_set:
+ self.draw_macro(self, screen)
+ def draw_macro(self,player,screen):
+ font=pygame.font.SysFont("cmr10",24,False,False)
+ macroMap=pygame.transform.scale(self.totalSurface,(self.sizeX*100,self.sizeY*100))
+ screen.fill((0,0,0),(200,0,800,700))
+ legend=pygame.Surface((200,300))
+ legend.fill((255,0,0),(0,0,40,15))
+ legend.blit(font.render(_("LOCKED"),True,(255,0,0)),(45,0,30,5))
+ legend.fill((150,255,150),(0,25,40,15))
+ legend.blit(font.render(_("OPEN"),True,(150,255,150)),(45,25,30,5))
+ legend.fill((255,0,255),(0,50,40,15))
+ legend.blit(font.render(_("PUZZLE"),True,(255,0,255)),(45,50,30,5))
+ legend.fill((255,255,255),(0,75,40,15))
+ legend.blit(font.render(_("EXIT"),True,(255,255,255)),(45,75,30,5))
+ legend.fill((50,50,50),(0,100,40,15))
+ legend.blit(font.render(_("ENTRANCE"),True,(50,50,50)),(45,100,30,5))
+ screen.blit(legend,(800,0,300,300))
+ screen.blit(macroMap,(200,0,800,700))
+ def update_macro(self):
+ profile = self.game_engine.get_object('profile')
+ x, y = profile.position
+ playerFacing = profile.playerFacing
+ self.totalSurface.fill((0,255,0),( x * 40, y * 40,38,38))
+ current_room = self.game_engine.get_object('dungeon').rooms[profile.position]
+ map_filler = [
+ ('N',(x * 40+5, y * 40,30,5) ),
+ ('S',(x * 40+5, y * 40+35,30,5) ),
+ ('E',(x * 40+35, y * 40+5,5,30) ),
+ ('W',(x * 40, y * 40+5,5,30) )
+ ]
+ for dir, filldata in map_filler:
+ door_flag = current_room.get_door( dir )
+ if door_flag == LOCKED_DOOR or door_flag == LOCKED_PUZZLE_DOOR:
+ self.totalSurface.fill( (255,0,0), filldata)
+ elif door_flag == UNLOCKED_DOOR:
+ self.totalSurface.fill((150,255,150), filldata)
+ elif door_flag == PUZZLE_DOOR:
+ self.totalSurface.fill((255,0,255), filldata)
+ elif door_flag == EXIT_DOOR:
+ self.totalSurface.fill((255,255,255), filldata)
+ elif door_flag == ENTRANCE_DOOR:
+ self.totalSurface.fill((0,0,0), filldata)