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path: root/src/api/CSprite.py
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1 files changed, 542 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/api/CSprite.py b/src/api/CSprite.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6a27e5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/CSprite.py
@@ -0,0 +1,542 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: cp1252 -*-
+import pygame
+import math
+import CImage
+import CMath
+# TODO: Cambiar las conversiones de grados a radianes y viceversa usando las funciones.
+# TODO: This class is a rotating sprite. update() in each frame rotates the sprite
+# image, so this is inneficient for sprites that does not rotate continuoulsy.
+class CSprite(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
+ x = 0
+ y = 0
+ velX = 0
+ velY = 0
+ accelX = 0
+ accelY = 0
+ """ An enhanced Sprite class
+ expects a gameEngine.Scene class as its one parameter
+ Use methods to change image, direction, speed
+ Will automatically travel in direction and speed indicated
+ Automatically rotates to point in indicated direction
+ Five kinds of boundary collision
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self)
+# self.mGroup = aGroup
+ self.x = 0
+ self.y = 0
+ self.velX = 0
+ self.velY = 0
+ self.accelX = 0
+ self.accelY = 0
+ # Components of the velocity vector.
+ self.dx = 0
+ self.dy = 0
+ # Speed of the sprite.
+ self.mSpeed = 0
+ self.maxSpeed = 10
+ self.minSpeed = -3
+ # TODO: Take this values from a constants class.
+ self.setBounds(0, 0, 1200, 900)
+ # Constants for the actions then the sprite reaches a border.
+ CSprite.WRAP = 0 # Wrap around the edges.
+ CSprite.BOUNCE = 1 # Bounce off the screen changing direction.
+ CSprite.STOP = 2 # Stop at the edge of the screen.
+ CSprite.HIDE = 3 # Move off-stage and stop.
+ CSprite.CONTINUE = 4 # Move on forever.
+ # Action for the sprite when it reaches a border.
+ self.mBoundAction = CSprite.WRAP
+ #create a default text image as a placeholder
+ #This will usually be changed by a setImage call
+ #self.font = pygame.font.Font("freesansbold.ttf", 30)
+ self.font = pygame.font.Font("goodfoot.ttf", 30)
+ self.mImageMaster = self.font.render(">sprite>", True, (0, 0,0), (0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF))
+ # Set the image of the sprite.
+ self.image = self.mImageMaster
+ self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
+ # Set the position of the image.
+ # oldCenter is used to draw the trace in drawTrace().
+ # oldCenter is the position of the sprite in the previous frame.
+ self.oldCenter = (self.x, self.y)
+ self.rect.center = (self.x, self.y)
+ # Angle of rotation in degrees used for movement calculations.
+ self.mAngle = 0
+ # Angle of rotation in degrees of the sprite image (usually the same as mAngle).
+ self.mRotation = 0
+ self.pressed = False
+ self.states = {}
+ self.currentState = "default"
+ def setXY(self, aX, aY):
+ self.x = aX
+ self.y = aY
+ self.rect.center = (self.x, self.y)
+ def update(self):
+ self.oldCenter = self.rect.center
+ # Run the logic for the sprite.
+ self.updateLogic()
+ # Calculate next position based on angle and velocity.
+ self.__updatePosition()
+ # Rotate the image according to the angle of the sprite.
+ self.__rotateSpriteImage()
+ self.checkBounds()
+ self.rect.center = (self.x, self.y)
+ # TODO: Test this. Need to pass a reference to background to draw.
+ # self.drawTrace((255,0,0))
+ self.velX = self.velX + self.accelX
+ self.velY = self.velY + self.accelY
+ #TODO: Arreglar con vectores.
+ if (self.velX > self.maxSpeed):
+ self.velX = self.maxSpeed
+ if (self.velY > self.maxSpeed):
+ self.velY = self.maxSpeed
+ self.x = self.x + self.velX
+ self.y = self.y + self.velY
+ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # updateLogic().
+ # Override this method to implement the sprite's response to events.
+ # This is the function that contains the logic of the sprite (it's behaviour).
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # Nothing.
+ #
+ # Returns: Nothing.
+ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def updateLogic(self):
+ pass
+ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # __updatePosition().
+ # Calculate the next position of the sprite based on angle and velocity.
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # Nothing.
+ #
+ # Returns: Nothing.
+ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def __updatePosition(self):
+ theta = CMath.degToRad(self.mAngle)
+ self.dx = math.cos(theta) * self.mSpeed
+ self.dy = math.sin(theta) * self.mSpeed
+ self.dy *= -1
+ self.x += self.dx
+ self.y += self.dy
+ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # __rotateSpriteImage().
+ # Rotates the sprite image according to the rotation attribute.
+ # The registration point is assumed to be in the center of the image.
+ # This function is called in update() every frame.
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # Nothing.
+ #
+ # Returns: Nothing.
+ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def __rotateSpriteImage(self):
+ oldCenter = self.rect.center
+ self.oldCenter = oldCenter
+ self.image = pygame.transform.rotate(self.mImageMaster, self.mRotation)
+ self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
+ self.rect.center = oldCenter
+ # Debug: Draw the collision circle.
+ #pygame.draw.circle(self.image, (255,0,0), (self.rect.w/2 , self.rect.h/2), self.radius, 2)
+ def setSpeed(self, speed):
+ """ immediately sets the objects speed to the
+ given value.
+ """
+ self.mSpeed = speed
+ def speedUp(self, amount):
+ """ changes speed by the given amount
+ Use a negative value to slow down
+ """
+ self.mSpeed += amount
+ if self.mSpeed < self.minSpeed:
+ self.mSpeed = self.minSpeed
+ if self.mSpeed > self.maxSpeed:
+ self.mSpeed = self.maxSpeed
+ def setAngle(self, dir):
+ """ sets both the direction of motion
+ and visual rotation to the given angle
+ If you want to set one or the other,
+ set them directly. Angle measured in degrees
+ """
+ self.mAngle = dir
+ self.mRotation = dir
+ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # turnBy().
+ # Turn by the sprite by given number of degrees. Changes both angles (the
+ # angle of the sprite and the rotation attribute of the image). A positive
+ # angle is counter-clockwise and a negative angle is clockwise.
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # aAngleInc: Number of degrees to add to the current rotation angle.
+ #
+ # Returns: Nothing.
+ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def turnBy(self, aAngleInc):
+ self.mAngle = CMath.toStandardAngle(self.mAngle + aAngleInc)
+ self.mRotation = self.mAngle
+ # TODO: Es igual que la anterior pero solo para mRotation
+ # Estas cuentas estan mal, hay que usar toStandardAngle().
+ def rotateBy(self, amt):
+ """ change visual orientation by given
+ number of degrees. Does not change direction
+ of travel.
+ """
+ self.mRotation += amt
+ if self.mRotation > 360:
+ self.mRotation = amt
+ if self.mRotation < 0:
+ self.mRotation = 360 - amt
+ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # setImage().
+ # Loads the given file name as the master image that then is rotated.
+ # The sprite must be facing east (angle 0). In the main loop the sprite is
+ # rotated automatically.
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # aImageFilename: File path of the sprite image to be loaded.
+ # aIsTransparent: If the image is transparent (True) or not (True, by default).
+ #
+ # Returns: Nothing.
+ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def setImage (self, aImageFilename, aIsTransparent=True):
+ #TODO: loadImage esta en la clase CImage.
+ self.mImageMaster = CImage.loadImage(aImageFilename, aIsTransparent)
+ #self.mImageMaster = self.mImageMaster.convert()
+ self.image = self.mImageMaster
+ self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
+ def setDX(self, dx):
+ """ changes dx value and updates vector """
+ self.dx = dx
+ self.updateVector()
+ def addDX(self, amt):
+ """ adds amt to dx, updates vector """
+ self.dx += amt
+ self.updateVector()
+ def setDY(self, dy):
+ """ changes dy value and updates vector """
+ self.dy = dy
+ self.updateVector()
+ def addDY(self, amt):
+ """ adds amt to dy and updates vector """
+ self.dy += amt
+ self.updateVector()
+ def setComponents(self, components):
+ """ expects (dx, dy) for components
+ change speed and angle according to dx, dy values """
+ (self.dx, self.dy) = components
+ self.updateVector()
+ def setBoundAction (self, aBoundAction):
+ self.mBoundAction = aBoundAction
+ def getBoundAction(self):
+ return self.mBoundAction
+ def setPosition (self, position):
+ """ place the sprite directly at the given position
+ expects an (x, y) tuple
+ """
+ (self.x, self.y) = position
+ def moveBy (self, vector):
+ """ move the sprite by the (dx, dy) values in vector
+ automatically calls checkBounds. Doesn't change
+ speed or angle settings.
+ """
+ (dx, dy) = vector
+ self.x += dx
+ self.y += dy
+ self.checkBounds()
+ def forward(self, amt):
+ """ move amt pixels in the current direction
+ of travel
+ """
+ #calculate dx dy based on current direction
+ radians = self.mAngle * math.pi / 180
+ dx = amt * math.cos(radians)
+ dy = amt * math.sin(radians) * -1
+ self.x += dx
+ self.y += dy
+ def addForce(self, amt, angle):
+ """ apply amt of thrust in angle.
+ change speed and dir accordingly
+ add a force straight down to simulate gravity
+ in rotation direction to simulate spacecraft thrust
+ in dir direction to accelerate forward
+ at an angle for retro-rockets, etc.
+ """
+ #calculate dx dy based on angle
+ radians = angle * math.pi / 180
+ dx = amt * math.cos(radians)
+ dy = amt * math.sin(radians) * -1
+ self.dx += dx
+ self.dy += dy
+ self.updateVector()
+ def updateVector(self):
+ #calculate new speed and angle based on dx, dy
+ #call this any time you change dx or dy
+ self.mSpeed = math.sqrt((self.dx * self.dx) + (self.dy * self.dy))
+ dy = self.dy * -1
+ dx = self.dx
+ radians = math.atan2(dy, dx)
+ self.mAngle = radians / math.pi * 180
+ def setSpeedLimits(self, max, min):
+ """ determines maximum and minimum
+ speeds you will allow through
+ speedUp() method. You can still
+ directly set any speed you want
+ with setSpeed() Default values:
+ max: 10
+ min: -3
+ """
+ self.maxSpeed = max
+ self.minSpeed = min
+ def dataTrace(self):
+ """ utility method for debugging
+ print major properties
+ extend to add your own properties
+ """
+ print "x: %d, y: %d, speed: %.2f, dir: %.f, dx: %.2f, dy: %.2f" % \
+ (self.x, self.y, self.mSpeed, self.mAngle, self.dx, self.dy)
+ def mouseDown(self):
+ """ boolean function. Returns True if the mouse is
+ clicked over the sprite, False otherwise
+ """
+ self.pressed = False
+ if pygame.mouse.get_pressed() == (1, 0, 0):
+ if self.rect.collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos()):
+ self.pressed = True
+ return self.pressed
+ def clicked(self):
+ """ Boolean function. Returns True only if mouse
+ is pressed and released over sprite
+ """
+ released = False
+ if self.pressed:
+ if pygame.mouse.get_pressed() == (0, 0, 0):
+ if self.rect.collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos()):
+ released = True
+ return released
+ def collidesWith(self, target):
+ """ boolean function. Returns True if the sprite
+ is currently colliding with the target sprite,
+ False otherwise
+ """
+ collision = False
+ if self.rect.colliderect(target.rect):
+ collision = True
+ return collision
+ def collidesGroup(self, target):
+ """ wrapper for pygame.sprite.collideany
+ simplifies checking sprite - group collisions
+ returns result of collision check (sprite from group
+ that was hit or None)
+ """
+ collision = pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(self, target)
+ return collision
+ def distanceTo(self, point):
+ """ returns distance to any point in pixels
+ can be used in circular collision detection
+ """
+ (pointx, pointy) = point
+ dx = self.x - pointx
+ dy = self.y - pointy
+ dist = math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy))
+ return dist
+ def dirTo(self, point):
+ """ returns direction (in degrees) to
+ a point """
+ (pointx, pointy) = point
+ dx = self.x - pointx
+ dy = self.y - pointy
+ dy *= -1
+ radians = math.atan2(dy, dx)
+ dir = radians * 180 / math.pi
+ dir += 180
+ return dir
+ #TODO: no hay scene, ver como agarra el background...
+ def drawTrace(self, color=(0x00, 0x00, 0x00)):
+ """ traces a line between previous position
+ and current position of object
+ """
+ pygame.draw.line(self.scene.background, color, self.oldCenter,
+ self.rect.center, 3)
+ self.screen.blit(self.scene.background, (0, 0))
+ def addState(self, stateName, stateImageFile):
+ """ Creates a new sprite state with the associated name
+ and image. Useful to build multi-state sprites.
+ """
+ #load the image
+ # TODO: Use the loading function.
+ tempImage = pygame.image.load(stateImageFile)
+ tempImage.convert()
+ self.states[stateName] = tempImage
+ def setState(self, stateName):
+ """ attempts to set the sprite to the indicated state
+ (image)
+ """
+ self.mImageMaster = self.states[stateName]
+ self.rect = self.mImageMaster.get_rect()
+ self.currentState = stateName
+ def getState(self):
+ """ returns the current state name
+ (default if no states have been explicitly set)
+ """
+ return self.currentState
+ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # setBounds().
+ # Sets the boundaries used in checkBounds() to implement sprite behaviour
+ # when it reaches the edge of the screen or this bound rectangle.
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # aMinX: Horizontal coordinate of the left edge.
+ # aMaxX: Horizontal coordinate of the right edge.
+ # aMinY: Vertical coordinate of the top edge.
+ # aMaxY: Vertical coordinate of the bottom edge.
+ #
+ # Returns: Nothing.
+ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def setBounds(self, aMinX, aMinY, aMaxX, aMaxY):
+ self.mMinX = aMinX
+ self.mMaxX = aMaxX
+ self.mMinY = aMinY
+ self.mMaxY = aMaxY
+ def checkBounds(self):
+ """ checks boundary and acts based on
+ self.BoundAction.
+ WRAP: wrap around screen (default)
+ BOUNCE: bounce off screen
+ STOP: stop at edge of screen
+ HIDE: move off stage and wait
+ CONTINUE: keep going at present course and speed
+ automatically called by update
+ """
+ # TODO
+ scrWidth = self.mMaxX
+ scrHeight = self.mMaxY
+ #print scrWidth, scrHeight
+ #create variables to simplify checking
+ offRight = offLeft = offTop = offBottom = offScreen = False
+ if self.x > scrWidth:
+ offRight = True
+ if self.x < 0:
+ offLeft = True
+ if self.y > scrHeight:
+ offBottom = True
+ if self.y < 0:
+ offTop = True
+ if offRight or offLeft or offTop or offBottom:
+ offScreen = True
+ if self.mBoundAction == self.WRAP:
+ if offRight:
+ self.x = 0
+ if offLeft:
+ self.x = scrWidth
+ if offBottom:
+ self.y = 0
+ if offTop:
+ self.y = scrHeight
+ elif self.mBoundAction == self.BOUNCE:
+ if offLeft or offRight:
+ self.dx *= -1
+ if offTop or offBottom:
+ self.dy *= -1
+ self.updateVector()
+ self.mRotation = self.mAngle
+ elif self.mBoundAction == self.STOP:
+ if offScreen:
+ self.mSpeed = 0
+ elif self.mBoundAction == self.HIDE:
+ if offScreen:
+ self.mSpeed = 0
+ self.setPosition((-1000, -1000))
+ elif self.mBoundAction == self.CONTINUE:
+ pass
+ else:
+ # assume it's continue - keep going forever
+ pass