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path: root/olpcgames/activity.py
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authorflavio <fdanesse@gmail.com>2013-03-13 21:50:29 (GMT)
committer flavio <fdanesse@gmail.com>2013-03-13 21:50:29 (GMT)
commit6d79836fe1bb76965a80447cc18bdb837f431b20 (patch)
tree81045cb936cc99bc2bd60ac9bfb4e51e6ebfda4e /olpcgames/activity.py
Diffstat (limited to 'olpcgames/activity.py')
1 files changed, 241 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/olpcgames/activity.py b/olpcgames/activity.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..538ba13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/olpcgames/activity.py
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+"""Embeds the Canvas widget into a Sugar-specific Activity environment
+The olpcgames.activity module encapsulates creation of a Pygame activity.
+Your Activity should inherit from this class. Simply setting some class
+attributes is all you need to do in a class inheriting from
+olpcgames.activity.PygameActivity in order to get Pygame to work.
+(The skeleton builder script creates this file automatically for you).
+ You should not import pygame into your activity file, as the olpcgames
+ wrapper needs to be initialized before pygame is imported the first time.
+Example usage:
+ class PygameActivity(activity.Activity):
+ game_name = None
+ game_title = 'Pygame Game'
+ game_size = (units.grid_to_pixels(16),
+ units.grid_to_pixels(11))
+ pygame_mode = 'SDL'
+import logging
+logging.root.setLevel( logging.WARN )
+log = logging.getLogger( 'olpcgames.activity' )
+##log.setLevel( logging.DEBUG )
+import pygtk
+import gtk
+import gtk.gdk
+import os
+from sugar.activity import activity
+from sugar.graphics import style
+from olpcgames.canvas import PygameCanvas
+from olpcgames import mesh, util
+__all__ = ['PygameActivity']
+class PygameActivity(activity.Activity):
+ """Pygame-specific activity type, provides boilerplate toolbar, creates canvas
+ Subclass Overrides:
+ game_name -- specifies a fully-qualified name for the game's main-loop
+ format like so:
+ 'package.module:main'
+ if no function name is provided, "main" is assumed.
+ game_handler -- DEPRECATED. alternate specification via direct
+ reference to a main-loop function.
+ game_size -- two-value tuple specifying the size of the display in pixels,
+ this is currently static, so once the window is created it cannot be
+ changed.
+ If None, use the bulk of the screen for the Pygame surface based on
+ the values reported by the gtk.gdk functions. Note that None is
+ *not* the default value.
+ game_title -- title to be displayed in the Sugar Shell UI
+ pygame_mode -- chooses the rendering engine used for handling the
+ Pygame drawing mode, 'SDL' chooses the standard Pygame renderer,
+ 'Cairo' chooses the experimental pygamecairo renderer.
+ Note: You likely do *not* want to use Cairo, it is no longer maintained.
+ PYGAME_CANVAS_CLASS -- normally PygameCanvas, but can be overridden
+ if you want to provide a different canvas class, e.g. to provide a different
+ internal layout. Note: only used where pygame_mode == 'SDL'
+ The Activity, once created, will be made available as olpcgames.ACTIVITY,
+ and that access mechanism should allow code to test for the presence of the
+ activity before accessing Sugar-specific functionality.
+ XXX Note that currently the toolbar and window layout are hard-coded into
+ this super-class, with no easy way of overriding without completely rewriting
+ the __init__ method. We should allow for customising both the UI layout and
+ the toolbar contents/layout/connection.
+ XXX Note that if you change the title of your activity in the toolbar you may
+ see the same focus issues as we have patched around in the build_toolbar
+ method. If so, please report them to Mike Fletcher.
+ """
+ game_name = None
+ game_title = 'Pygame Game'
+ game_handler = None
+ game_size = (16 * style.GRID_CELL_SIZE,
+ 11 * style.GRID_CELL_SIZE)
+ pygame_mode = 'SDL'
+ def __init__(self, handle):
+ """Initialise the Activity with the activity-description handle"""
+ super(PygameActivity, self).__init__(handle)
+ self.make_global()
+ if self.game_size is None:
+ width,height = gtk.gdk.screen_width(), gtk.gdk.screen_height()
+ log.info( 'Total screen size: %s %s', width,height)
+ # for now just fudge the toolbar size...
+ self.game_size = width, height - (1*style.GRID_CELL_SIZE)
+ self.set_title(self.game_title)
+ toolbar = self.build_toolbar()
+ log.debug( 'Toolbar size: %s', toolbar.get_size_request())
+ canvas = self.build_canvas()
+ self.connect( 'configure-event', canvas._translator.do_resize_event )
+ def make_global( self ):
+ """Hack to make olpcgames.ACTIVITY point to us
+ """
+ import weakref, olpcgames
+ assert not olpcgames.ACTIVITY, """Activity.make_global called twice, have you created two Activity instances in a single process?"""
+ olpcgames.ACTIVITY = weakref.proxy( self )
+ def build_toolbar( self ):
+ """Build our Activity toolbar for the Sugar system
+ This is a customisation point for those games which want to
+ provide custom toolbars when running under Sugar.
+ """
+ toolbar = activity.ActivityToolbar(self)
+ toolbar.show()
+ self.set_toolbox(toolbar)
+ def shared_cb(*args, **kwargs):
+ log.info( 'shared: %s, %s', args, kwargs )
+ try:
+ mesh.activity_shared(self)
+ except Exception, err:
+ log.error( """Failure signaling activity sharing to mesh module: %s""", util.get_traceback(err) )
+ else:
+ log.info( 'mesh activity shared message sent, trying to grab focus' )
+ try:
+ self._pgc.grab_focus()
+ except Exception, err:
+ log.warn( 'Focus failed: %s', err )
+ else:
+ log.info( 'asserting focus' )
+ assert self._pgc.is_focus(), """Did not successfully set pygame canvas focus"""
+ log.info( 'callback finished' )
+ def joined_cb(*args, **kwargs):
+ log.info( 'joined: %s, %s', args, kwargs )
+ mesh.activity_joined(self)
+ self._pgc.grab_focus()
+ self.connect("shared", shared_cb)
+ self.connect("joined", joined_cb)
+ if self.get_shared():
+ # if set at this point, it means we've already joined (i.e.,
+ # launched from Neighborhood)
+ joined_cb()
+ toolbar.title.unset_flags(gtk.CAN_FOCUS)
+ return toolbar
+ def build_canvas( self ):
+ """Construct the Pygame or PygameCairo canvas for drawing"""
+ assert self.game_handler or self.game_name, 'You must specify a game_handler or game_name on your Activity (%r)'%(
+ self.game_handler or self.game_name
+ )
+ if self.pygame_mode != 'Cairo':
+ self._pgc = self.PYGAME_CANVAS_CLASS(*self.game_size)
+ self.set_canvas(self._pgc)
+ self._pgc.grab_focus()
+ self._pgc.connect_game(self.game_handler or self.game_name)
+ # XXX Bad coder, do not hide in a widely subclassed operation
+ # map signal does not appear to show up on socket instances
+ gtk.gdk.threads_init()
+ return self._pgc
+ else:
+ import hippo
+ self._drawarea = gtk.DrawingArea()
+ canvas = hippo.Canvas()
+ canvas.grab_focus()
+ self.set_canvas(canvas)
+ self.show_all()
+ import pygamecairo
+ pygamecairo.install()
+ pygamecairo.display.init(canvas)
+ app = self.game_handler or self.game_name
+ if ':' not in app:
+ app += ':main'
+ mod_name, fn_name = app.split(':')
+ mod = __import__(mod_name, globals(), locals(), [])
+ fn = getattr(mod, fn_name)
+ fn()
+ def read_file(self, file_path):
+ """Handle request to read the given file on the Pygame side
+ This is complicated rather noticeably by the silly semantics of the Journal
+ where it unlinks the file as soon as this method returns. We either have to
+ handle the file-opening in PyGTK (not acceptable), block this thread until
+ the Pygame thread handles the event (which it may never do) or we have
+ to make the silly thing use a non-standard file-opening interface.
+ """
+ log.info( 'read_file: %s %s', file_path, self.metadata )
+ import olpcgames, pygame
+ from olpcgames import eventwrap
+ event = eventwrap.Event(
+ type = pygame.USEREVENT,
+ code = olpcgames.FILE_READ_REQUEST,
+ filename = file_path,
+ metadata = self.metadata,
+ )
+ eventwrap.post( event )
+ event.block()
+ def write_file( self, file_path ):
+ """Handle request to write to the given file on the Pygame side
+ This is rather complicated by the need to have the file complete by the
+ time the function returns. Very poor API, after all, if I have to write a
+ multi-hundred-megabyte file it might take many minutes to complete
+ writing.
+ """
+ log.info( 'write_file: %s %s', file_path, self.metadata )
+ if os.path.exists( file_path ):
+ self.read_file( file_path )
+ import olpcgames, pygame
+ from olpcgames import eventwrap
+ event = eventwrap.Event(
+ type = pygame.USEREVENT,
+ code = olpcgames.FILE_WRITE_REQUEST,
+ filename = file_path,
+ metadata = self.metadata,
+ )
+ eventwrap.post( event )
+ event.block()
+ if not os.path.exists( file_path ):
+ log.warn( '''No file created in %r''', file_path )
+ raise NotImplementedError( """Pygame Activity code did not produce a file for %s"""%( file_path, ))
+ else:
+ log.info( '''Stored file in %r''', file_path )
+import olpcgames
+olpcgames.PyGameActivity = PygameActivity
+PyGameActivity = PygameActivity