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path: root/groupthink/aatree.py
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authoranishmangal2002 <anishmangal2002@gmail.com>2010-05-20 19:45:49 (GMT)
committer anishmangal2002 <anishmangal2002@gmail.com>2010-05-20 19:45:49 (GMT)
commitee64655f6a54a98adfa1eab832210a082d47945e (patch)
tree56427bb5a414005985cc1f79aba7a2b0f47e09c0 /groupthink/aatree.py
parentc1f8d644fc2551acd39317f3554c2cb4c23c770d (diff)
Replaced groupthink symbolic link with actual folder.v36
Diffstat (limited to 'groupthink/aatree.py')
1 files changed, 598 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/groupthink/aatree.py b/groupthink/aatree.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6676277
--- /dev/null
+++ b/groupthink/aatree.py
@@ -0,0 +1,598 @@
+class Node:
+ """Conventions: a nonexistent child or parent is None."""
+ parent = None
+ leftchild = None
+ rightchild = None
+ annotation = None
+ value = None
+class AANode(Node):
+ level = 1
+class Walker:
+ """descend must return 0 if the node in question is the one desired,
+ -1 if the left child would be better, or 1 if the right child would be
+ better"""
+ def descend(self, node):
+ raise
+ def prepare_descend(self, *args): #optional method to prepare for descent
+ raise
+ """ascend should return True iff it should run again on the parent.
+ It should set the state such that a subsequent
+ descent would retrace these steps."""
+ def ascend(self, node):
+ raise
+ def prepare_ascend(self, *args): #optional method to prepare for ascent
+ raise
+class SearchWalker(Walker):
+ """Convention: leftchild.annotation < annotation < rightchild.annotation"""
+ val = 0
+ compare = cmp
+ def prepare_descend(self, val, comparator=cmp):
+ self.val = val
+ self.compare = comparator
+ def descend(self, node):
+ x = self.compare(node.annotation, self.val)
+ return x
+ def ascend(self, node):
+ self.val = node.annotation
+ return False
+class RandomWalker(Walker):
+ def prepare_descend(self):
+ from random import choice as choice
+ self.choice = choice
+ def descend(self, node):
+ return self.choice((-1,1))
+ #ascend not implemented; it doesn't make sense because there is no
+ #state and no reproducibility
+def descend(node, walker): #move down from a root node
+ x = walker.descend(node)
+ while x != 0:
+ if x == 1:
+ if node.rightchild is None:
+ return (node, 1)
+ else:
+ node = node.rightchild
+ else: #x == -1
+ if node.leftchild is None:
+ return (node, -1)
+ else:
+ node = node.leftchild
+ x = walker.descend(node)
+ return (node, 0)
+def ascend(node, walker): #Move up from a leaf node
+ while node is not None and walker.ascend(node):
+ node = node.parent
+def search(root, val):
+ """Searches a correctly sorted binary tree, starting with the root Node, for
+ val. Returns a node that contains val if val is present, otherwise a node
+ for which val would be an acceptable child value."""
+ w = SearchWalker
+ w.prepared_descend(val)
+ return descend(root, w)
+def findmin(root):
+ while root.leftchild is not None:
+ root = root.leftchild
+ return root
+def findmax(root):
+ while root.rightchild is not None:
+ root = root.rightchild
+ return root
+class MonoidTree:
+ makenode = Node
+ """A Monoid Annotation Tree is a binary tree whose nodes are each annotated
+ by values from some monoid. The annotation of an internal node is computed
+ by applying the operation to the annotations of its children. The annotation of a leaf
+ node is specified by the user. Every node must either have two children or
+ be a leaf node.
+ Each leaf node may also be associated with an arbitrary opaque value of the user's
+ choosing. This node and value will remain associated."""
+ def __init__(self, operation, rootnode):
+ """The rootnode must have a valid annotation, and its parent must be None"""
+ self.op = operation
+ self.root = rootnode
+ def _update(self, node, sentinel=None):
+ """node must be an internal node"""
+ while node is not sentinel:
+ #oldval = node.annotation
+ node.annotation = self.op(node.leftchild.annotation, node.rightchild.annotation)
+ #if oldval == node.annotation:
+ # #this node has not changed, so nodes above it will also not have changed
+ # break
+ #else:
+ node = node.parent
+ _update_add = _update
+ _update_del = _update
+ def _split_link(self, node):
+ """Introduce and return a new node (newparent) between node and its parent"""
+ newparent = self.makenode()
+ newparent.parent = node.parent
+ if node.parent is not None:
+ if node.parent.leftchild is node:
+ node.parent.leftchild = newparent
+ else:
+ assert node.parent.rightchild is node
+ node.parent.rightchild = newparent
+ else:
+ self.root = newparent
+ node.parent = newparent
+ return newparent
+ def addleft(self, new, old):
+ """Add a new leaf node to the left of an old leaf node"""
+ newparent = self._split_link(old)
+ newparent.rightchild = old
+ newparent.leftchild = new
+ new.parent = newparent
+ self._update_add(newparent)
+ def addright(self, new, old):
+ """Add a new leaf node to the right of an old leaf node"""
+ newparent = self._split_link(old)
+ newparent.rightchild = new
+ newparent.leftchild = old
+ new.parent = newparent
+ self._update_add(newparent)
+ def add(self, new, walker):
+ leaf, position = descend(self.root, walker)
+ assert leaf.leftchild is None
+ assert leaf.rightchild is None
+ if position == 1:
+ self.addright(new, leaf)
+ else: #Makes left the default for duplicate values
+ self.addleft(new, leaf)
+ def remove(self, leaf):
+ p = leaf.parent
+ if p.leftchild is leaf:
+ sibling = p.rightchild
+ else:
+ assert p.rightchild is leaf
+ sibling = p.leftchild
+ gp = p.parent
+ if gp.leftchild is p:
+ gp.leftchild = sibling
+ elif gp.rightchild is p:
+ gp.rightchild = sibling
+ sibling.parent = gp
+ # The only remaining reference to p is now in leaf itself, and the only
+ # remaining reference to leaf is in the user's hands
+ self._update_del(gp)
+ def change_annotation(self, leaf, newann):
+ assert leaf.leftchild is None
+ assert leaf.rightchild is None
+ leaf.annotation = newann
+ self._update(leaf.parent)
+ def getnext(self, leaf, skip=None):
+ assert leaf.leftchild is None
+ assert leaf.rightchild is None
+ node = leaf
+ while ((node.parent is not None) and
+ ((node.parent.rightchild is node) or
+ ((skip is not None) and skip(node.parent.rightchild)))):
+ # Move up until you can move right
+ node = node.parent
+ if (node.parent is not None) and (node.parent.leftchild is node):
+ node = node.parent.rightchild
+ while node.leftchild is not None:
+ # Move down, staying as far left as possible.
+ assert node.rightchild is not None
+ if (skip is not None) and skip(node.leftchild):
+ node = node.rightchild
+ else:
+ node = node.leftchild
+ return node
+ else:
+ raise StopIteration("No next node")
+ def _build_subtree(self, nodes):
+ #FIXME: This cannot be helpful because insertion of a subtree requires
+ #rebalancing the main tree by more than one level, which is not possible
+ #with a single invocation of skew and split
+ L = len(nodes)
+ if L == 1:
+ return nodes[0]
+ else:
+ next = []
+ sentinel = 'g' #must not be None, since None is the root sentinel
+ if L % 2:
+ n2 = nodes.pop()
+ n1 = nodes.pop()
+ newnode = self.makenode()
+ newnode.parent=sentinel #totally arbitrary constant
+ newnode.leftchild = n1
+ n1.parent = newnode
+ newnode.rightchild = n2
+ n2.parent = newnode
+ self._update_add(newnode, sentinel)
+ nodes.append(newnode)
+ for i in xrange(0,L,2):
+ n1,n2 = nodes[i:(i+2)]
+ newnode = self.makenode()
+ newnode.parent=sentinel #totally arbitrary constant
+ newnode.leftchild = n1
+ n1.parent = newnode
+ newnode.rightchild = n2
+ n2.parent = newnode
+ self._update_add(newnode, sentinel)
+class SumWalker(Walker):
+ """SumWalker is designed to walk over full trees where each leaf has annotation 1
+ and the monoid is +. Target is the zero-indexed position of the target node.
+ There is one exception: the last node in every tree has annotation 0."""
+ target = None
+ offset = None
+ def prepare_descend(self, target):
+ self.target = target
+ self.offset = 0
+ def descend(self, node):
+ if node.annotation == 0: #empty leaf at the last position
+ assert self.target == self.offset
+ return -1
+ elif node.leftchild is None: #leaf node case
+ assert node.rightchild is None
+ assert self.target == self.offset
+ return 0
+ else: #internal node case
+ p = self.offset + node.leftchild.annotation
+ if p <= self.target:
+ self.offset = p
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return -1
+ def prepare_ascend(self):
+ self.target = 0
+ def ascend(self, node):
+ if node.parent is not None:
+ if node.parent.rightchild is node:
+ self.target += node.parent.leftchild.annotation
+ else:
+ assert node.parent.leftchild is node
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+class TreeList:
+ """Implements a list-like interface, backed by a MonoidTree"""
+ _treetype = MonoidTree
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._makenode = self._treetype.makenode
+ r = self._makenode()
+ r.annotation = 0
+ from operator import add
+ self._tree = self._treetype(add, r)
+ self._walker = SumWalker()
+ # We regard the fields of this walker as public API, and manipulate
+ # them directly
+ self._index = {}
+ def __len__(self):
+ return self._tree.root.annotation
+ def _getnode(self, i):
+ self._walker.prepare_descend(i)
+ node, pos = descend(self._tree.root, self._walker)
+ assert pos == 0
+ return node
+ def __getitem__(self, s):
+ if isinstance(s, int):
+ node = self._getnode(s)
+ return node.value
+ else:
+ raise UnimplementedError
+ def __setitem__(self, s, v):
+ if isinstance(s, int):
+ if s < len(self):
+ node = self._getnode(s)
+ oldv = node.value
+ self._index[oldv].remove(node)
+ if not self._index[oldv]:
+ del self._index[oldv]
+ node.value = v
+ if v not in self._index:
+ self._index[v] = set()
+ self._index[v].add(node)
+ else:
+ self.insert(s, v)
+ else:
+ raise UnimplementedError
+ def __delitem__(self, s):
+ if isinstance(s, int):
+ if s < len(self):
+ node = self._getnode(s)
+ oldv = node.value
+ self._index[oldv].remove(node)
+ if not self._index[oldv]:
+ del self._index[oldv]
+ self._tree.remove(node)
+ else:
+ raise UnimplementedError
+ def insert(self, p, v):
+ if p > len(self):
+ raise IndexError("Index out of range")
+ self._walker.prepare_descend(p)
+ newnode = self._makenode()
+ newnode.annotation = 1
+ newnode.value = v
+ self._tree.add(newnode, self._walker)
+ if v not in self._index:
+ self._index[v] = set()
+ self._index[v].add(newnode)
+ def index(self, v):
+ """index returns some index such that self[i] == v. No promises about ordering."""
+ self._walker.prepare_ascend()
+ for node in self._index[v]: #Pull one arbitrary node out of the set
+ assert node.value == v
+ ascend(node, self._walker)
+ break
+ return self._walker.target
+class TreeHideList:
+ """Implements the EagerHideList interface, backed by a MonoidTree"""
+ _treetype = MonoidTree
+ class MultiSumWalker(Walker):
+ index = 0
+ target = 0
+ offset = 0
+ def prepare_descend(self, target, index):
+ self.index = index
+ self.target = target
+ self.offset = 0
+ def descend(self, node):
+ if node.annotation == (0,0): #empty leaf at the last position
+ assert self.target == self.offset
+ return -1
+ elif node.leftchild is None: #leaf node case
+ assert node.rightchild is None
+ assert self.target == self.offset
+ return 0
+ else: #internal node case
+ p = self.offset + node.leftchild.annotation[self.index]
+ if p <= self.target:
+ self.offset = p
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return -1
+ def prepare_ascend(self, index):
+ self.target = 0
+ self.index = index
+ def ascend(self, node):
+ if node.parent is not None:
+ if node.parent.rightchild is node:
+ self.target += node.parent.leftchild.annotation[self.index]
+ else:
+ assert node.parent.leftchild is node
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ @staticmethod
+ def op(a,b):
+ # Convention: a[0] is visible elements. a[1] is all elements.
+ return (a[0] + b[0], a[1] + b[1])
+ @staticmethod
+ def skip(node):
+ return node.annotation[0] == 0
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._makenode = self._treetype.makenode
+ r = self._makenode()
+ r.annotation = (0, 0)
+ self._tree = self._treetype(self.op, r)
+ self._walker = self.MultiSumWalker()
+ # We regard the fields of this walker as public API, and manipulate
+ # them directly
+ self._index = {}
+ unique = True
+ if unique:
+ self._index_lookup = self._index.__getitem__
+ self._index_assign = self._index.__setitem__
+ else:
+ self._index_lookup = self._index_lookup_set
+ self._index_assign = self._index_assign_set
+ def _index_lookup_set(self, item):
+ for v in self._index[item]:
+ return v
+ def _index_assign_set(self, key, value):
+ if key not in self._index:
+ self._index[key] = set()
+ self._index[key].add(value)
+ def __len__(self):
+ return self._tree.root.annotation[0]
+ def _getnode(self, i, a):
+ self._walker.prepare_descend(i, a)
+ node, pos = descend(self._tree.root, self._walker)
+ assert (pos == 0) or ((pos == -1) and (i == len(self)))
+ return node
+ def __getitem__(self, s):
+ if isinstance(s, int):
+ if s < len(self): #FIXME: negative indices
+ node = self._getnode(s, 0)
+ return node.value
+ else:
+ raise IndexError("Index out of range")
+ else:
+ start, stop, stride = s.indices(len(self))
+ if start == stop:
+ return []
+ elif stride == 1:
+ # runs in k + log(N) (amortized)
+ nodes = [self._getnode(start,0)]
+ k = stop - start
+ while len(nodes) < k:
+ nodes.append(self._tree.getnext(nodes[-1],self.skip))
+ return [n.value for n in nodes]
+ else:
+ #FIXME: runs in k*log(N), could be reduced to k*log(step) + log(N)
+ return [self[i] for i in xrange(start,stop,stride)]
+ def index(self, v, visible=True):
+ """index returns some index such that self[i] == v. No promises about ordering."""
+ self._walker.prepare_ascend(0 if visible else 1)
+ node = self._index_lookup(v) #Pull one arbitrary node out of the set
+ assert node.value == v
+ ascend(node, self._walker)
+ return self._walker.target
+ def hide(self, position, length):
+ #self.__getitem__ is eager, so we acquire the list of nodes before
+ #acting on them
+ node = self._getnode(position,0)
+ for i in xrange(position+1,position+length):
+ self._tree.change_annotation(node,(0,1))
+ node = self._tree.getnext(node, self.skip)
+ self._tree.change_annotation(node,(0,1))
+ #FIXME: runs in length*log(N). Could be reduced using a priority queue,
+ #possibly to length + log(N)
+ def getitem_all(self, s):
+ if isinstance(s, int):
+ node = self._getnode(s, 1)
+ return node.value
+ else:
+ #FIXME: runs in k*log(N), could be reduced to k + log(N) by linked list
+ return [self.getitem_all(i) for i in xrange(*s.indices())]
+ def index_all(self, item):
+ return self.index(item, False)
+ def is_visible(self, i):
+ node = self._getnode(i, 1)
+ return node.annotation[0] == 1
+ def is_visible_item(self, item):
+ node = self._index_lookup(item)
+ return node.annotation[0] == 1
+ def insert_sequence_all(self, position, sequence, visibility):
+ node = self._getnode(position,1)
+ self._insert_sequence_leftofnode(node, sequence, visibility)
+ def insert_sequence_leftof(self, target, sequence, visibility):
+ node = self._index_lookup(target)
+ self._insert_sequence_leftofnode(node, sequence, visibility)
+ def _insert_sequence_leftofnode(self, node, sequence, visibility):
+ for i in xrange(len(sequence)):
+ v = sequence[i]
+ viz = visibility[i]
+ newnode = self._makenode()
+ newnode.annotation = (1 if viz else 0, 1)
+ newnode.value = v
+ self._tree.addleft(newnode, node)
+ self._index_assign(v, newnode)
+# Skew, split, and decrease_level are the AA balancing functions, as described
+# at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AA_tree . They have been modified
+# substantially here to (1) maintain bidirectional linking and (2) maintain
+# monoid annotations.
+def skew(node, op=None):
+ L = node.leftchild
+ if (L is not None) and node.level == L.level:
+ node.leftchild = L.rightchild
+ if node.leftchild is not None:
+ node.leftchild.parent = node
+ L.rightchild = node
+ L.parent = node.parent
+ node.parent = L
+ if L.parent is not None:
+ if L.parent.leftchild is node:
+ L.parent.leftchild = L
+ else:
+ assert L.parent.rightchild is node
+ L.parent.rightchild = L
+ if op is not None:
+ L.annotation = node.annotation
+ node.annotation = op(node.leftchild.annotation, node.rightchild.annotation)
+ assert L.annotation == op(L.leftchild.annotation, L.rightchild.annotation)
+ # This assertion is the condition of associativity, guaranteed for any
+ # valid monoid operation.
+ return L
+ else:
+ return node
+def split(node, op=None):
+ R = node.rightchild
+ if ((R is not None) and
+ (R.rightchild is not None) and
+ (node.level == R.rightchild.level)):
+ node.rightchild = R.leftchild
+ node.rightchild.parent = node
+ R.leftchild = node
+ R.parent = node.parent
+ node.parent = R
+ R.level += 1
+ if R.parent is not None:
+ if R.parent.leftchild is node:
+ R.parent.leftchild = R
+ else:
+ assert R.parent.rightchild is node
+ R.parent.rightchild = R
+ if op is not None:
+ R.annotation = node.annotation
+ node.annotation = op(node.leftchild.annotation, node.rightchild.annotation)
+ assert R.annotation == op(R.leftchild.annotation, R.rightchild.annotation)
+ # This assertion is the condition of associativity, guaranteed for any
+ # valid monoid operation.
+ return R
+ else:
+ return node
+def decrease_level(node):
+ # Decrease the level of node if necessary. Returns true if a modification
+ # was made.
+ target = min(node.leftchild.level, node.rightchild.level) + 1
+ if target < node.level:
+ node.level = target
+ if target < node.rightchild.level:
+ node.rightchild.level = target
+ return True
+ return False
+class AAMonoidTree(MonoidTree):
+ makenode = AANode
+ def _update_add(self, node, sentinel=None):
+ """node must be an internal node one level above the leaves, with
+ two leaves itself."""
+ node.level = 2
+ while node is not sentinel:
+ #oldval = node.annotation
+ node.annotation = self.op(node.leftchild.annotation, node.rightchild.annotation)
+ node = skew(node, self.op)
+ node = split(node, self.op)
+ if node.parent is None:
+ self.root = node
+ node = node.parent
+ def _update_del(self, node, sentinel=None):
+ while node is not sentinel:
+ #oldval = node.annotation
+ #oldlevel = node.level
+ node.annotation = self.op(node.leftchild.annotation, node.rightchild.annotation)
+ decrease_level(node)
+ node = skew(node, self.op)
+ node.rightchild = skew(node.rightchild, self.op)
+ if node.rightchild.rightchild is not None:
+ node.rightchild.rightchild = skew(node.rightchild.rightchild, self.op)
+ node = split(node, self.op)
+ node.rightchild = split(node.rightchild, self.op)
+ #if (oldval == node.annotation) and (oldlevel == node.level):
+ # #Nodes above this point will not have changed
+ # break
+ if node.parent is None:
+ self.root = node
+ node = node.parent
+class AATreeList(TreeList):
+ _treetype = AAMonoidTree
+class AATreeHideList(TreeHideList):
+ _treetype = AAMonoidTree