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path: root/model.py
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authorDaniel Drake <dsd@laptop.org>2011-02-02 16:27:46 (GMT)
committer Daniel Drake <dsd@laptop.org>2011-02-02 16:37:48 (GMT)
commit3bc80c776f7ef2578a4b9fd26028574a12982ea3 (patch)
tree890aa0ee4a2b07d9c9704883d11f0385e03a2e70 /model.py
parentca2bbd6d74342247de97cffa150b577246c63107 (diff)
UI rework
This is a rework of the UI that uses a more standard GTK+ principles than previously. There is still a small amount of black magic, kept away inside mediaview.py. The UI/model separation was also refined in places, and a lot of code was simplified. Overall the functionality remains identical, and I tried to keep the UI the same as before (but it is not pixel perfect). As this was quite big there may be some bugs to shake out.
Diffstat (limited to 'model.py')
1 files changed, 252 insertions, 306 deletions
diff --git a/model.py b/model.py
index 9d397b2..f40061e 100644
--- a/model.py
+++ b/model.py
@@ -19,345 +19,316 @@
+from gettext import gettext as _
+from xml.dom.minidom import parse
+import logging
import uuid
-import urllib
-import string
-import fnmatch
import os
-import random
-import cairo
-import gtk
-import gtk.gdk
-import pygtk
-import gc
-import math
import time
-import gobject
-import operator
+import json
-import logging
-logger = logging.getLogger('record:model.py')
+import gobject
+import gst
+import sugar.profile
import sugar.env
-from constants import Constants
+import aplay
+import constants
from instance import Instance
from recorded import Recorded
-from color import Color
-from ui import UI
import utils
-import record
import serialize
+from collab import RecordCollab
+from glive import Glive
+from gplay import Gplay
+logger = logging.getLogger('model')
class Model:
- def __init__( self, pca ):
- self.ca = pca
- self.MODE = Constants.MODE_PHOTO
- self.UPDATING = True
- self.RECORDING = False
- self.FULL = self._isXoFull()
+ def __init__(self, activity_obj):
+ self.activity = activity_obj
+ self.collab = RecordCollab(self.activity, self)
+ self.glive = Glive(self.activity, self)
+ self.gplay = Gplay(self.activity)
+ self.gplay.connect('playback-status-changed', self._playback_status_changed)
+ self._mode = None
+ self._state = constants.STATE_READY
+ self._countdown_value = 0
+ self._countdown_handle = None
+ self._timer_value = 0
+ self._timer_duration = 0
+ self._timer_handle = None
self.mediaHashs = {}
- for key,value in Constants.mediaTypes.items():
+ for key, value in constants.MEDIA_INFO.items():
self.mediaHashs[key] = []
+ def write_file(self, path):
+ ui_serialized = self.activity.serialize()
+ self.mediaHashs['ui'] = ui_serialized
+ dom = serialize.saveMediaHash(self.mediaHashs, self.activity)
+ ui_data = json.dumps(ui_serialized)
+ ui_el = dom.createElement('ui')
+ ui_el.appendChild(dom.createTextNode(ui_data))
+ dom.documentElement.appendChild(ui_el)
+ fd = open(path, "w")
+ dom.writexml(fd)
+ fd.close()
+ def read_file(self, path):
+ try:
+ dom = parse(path)
+ except Exception, e:
+ logger.error('read_file: %s' % e)
+ return
- def updateXoFullStatus( self ):
- self.FULL = self._isXoFull()
- def _isXoFull( self ):
- full = False
- if (utils.getFreespaceKb() <= Constants.keepFreeKbOnXo):
- full = True
- return full
- def getRecdByMd5( self, md5 ):
- for mh in range (0, len(self.mediaHashs)):
- for r in range (0, len(self.mediaHashs[mh])):
- recd = self.mediaHashs[mh][r]
- if (recd.thumbMd5 == md5):
- return recd
- elif (recd.mediaMd5 == md5):
- return recd
- return None
+ serialize.fillMediaHash(dom, self.mediaHashs)
+ for i in dom.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('ui'):
+ for ui_el in i.childNodes:
+ self.activity.deserialize(json.loads(ui_el.data))
- def isVideoMode( self ):
- return self.MODE == Constants.MODE_VIDEO
+ for recd in self.mediaHashs[self._mode]:
+ self.activity.add_thumbnail(recd, True)
+ def get_has_camera(self):
+ return self.glive.get_has_camera()
- def isPhotoMode( self ):
- return self.MODE == Constants.MODE_PHOTO
+ def get_nickname(self):
+ return sugar.profile.get_nick_name()
+ def get_mode(self):
+ return self._mode
- def displayThumb( self, recd, forceUpdating ):
- #to avoid Xlib: unexpected async reply error when taking a picture on a gst callback, always call with idle_add
- #this happens b/c this might get called from a gstreamer callback
- if (not recd.type == self.MODE):
+ def change_mode(self, mode):
+ if mode == self._mode:
- if (forceUpdating):
- self.setUpdating( True )
- hash = self.mediaHashs[recd.type]
- if (len(hash) > 0):
- self.ca.ui.addThumb(recd, forceUpdating)
- if (forceUpdating):
- self.setUpdating( False )
- def setupMode( self, type, update ):
- if (not type == self.MODE):
- return
- self.setUpdating( True )
- self.ca.ui.removeThumbs()
- hash = self.mediaHashs[type]
- for i in range (0, len(hash)):
- self.ca.ui.addThumb( hash[i], True )
- if (update):
- self.ca.ui.updateModeChange()
- self.setUpdating(False)
- def showNextThumb( self, shownRecd ):
- if (shownRecd == None):
- self.showLastThumb()
- else:
- hash = self.mediaHashs[self.MODE]
- if (len(hash) > 0):
- hash = self.mediaHashs[self.MODE]
- i = operator.indexOf( hash, shownRecd )
- i = i+1
- if (i>=len(hash)):
- i = 0
- self.ca.ui.showThumbSelection( hash[i] )
- def showPrevThumb( self, shownRecd ):
- if (shownRecd == None):
- self.showLastThumb()
- else:
- hash = self.mediaHashs[self.MODE]
- if (len(hash) > 0):
- hash = self.mediaHashs[self.MODE]
- i = operator.indexOf( hash, shownRecd )
- i = i-1
- if (i<0):
- i = len(hash)-1
- self.ca.ui.showThumbSelection( hash[i] )
+ self._mode = mode
+ self.activity.remove_all_thumbnails()
+ for recd in self.mediaHashs[mode]:
+ self.activity.add_thumbnail(recd, True)
- def showLastThumb( self ):
- hash = self.mediaHashs[self.MODE]
- if (len(hash) > 0):
- self.ca.ui.showThumbSelection( hash[len(hash)-1] )
+ self.set_state(constants.STATE_READY)
+ if mode == constants.MODE_PHOTO:
+ self.glive.play()
- def doShutter( self ):
- if (self.UPDATING):
- return
+ def ui_frozen(self):
+ return not self._state == constants.STATE_READY
- if (self.MODE == Constants.MODE_PHOTO):
- self.startTakingPhoto()
- elif (self.MODE == Constants.MODE_VIDEO):
- if (not self.RECORDING):
- self.startRecordingVideo()
- else:
- #post-processing begins now, so queue up this gfx
- self.ca.ui.showPostProcessGfx(True)
- self.stopRecordingVideo()
- elif (self.MODE == Constants.MODE_AUDIO):
- if (not self.RECORDING):
- self.startRecordingAudio()
- else:
- #post-processing begins now, so queue up this gfx
- self.ca.ui.showPostProcessGfx(True)
- self.stopRecordingAudio()
- def stopRecordingAudio( self ):
- gobject.source_remove( self.ca.ui.UPDATE_DURATION_ID )
- self.ca.ui.progressWindow.updateProgress( 0, "" )
- self.setUpdating( True )
- self.setRecording( False )
- self.ca.ui.FULLSCREEN = False
- self.ca.ui.updateVideoComponents()
- self.ca.glive.stopRecordingAudio( )
- def saveAudio( self, tmpPath, pixbuf ):
- self.setUpdating( True )
- recd = self.createNewRecorded( Constants.TYPE_AUDIO )
- os.rename( tmpPath, os.path.join(Instance.instancePath,recd.mediaFilename))
- thumbPath = os.path.join(Instance.instancePath, recd.thumbFilename)
- scale = float((UI.dim_THUMB_WIDTH+0.0)/(pixbuf.get_width()+0.0))
- thumbImg = utils.generateThumbnail(pixbuf, scale, UI.dim_THUMB_WIDTH, UI.dim_THUMB_HEIGHT)
- thumbImg.write_to_png(thumbPath)
- imagePath = os.path.join(Instance.instancePath, "audioPicture.png")
- imagePath = utils.getUniqueFilepath( imagePath, 0 )
- pixbuf.save( imagePath, "png", {} )
- recd.audioImageFilename = os.path.basename(imagePath)
- #at this point, we have both audio and thumb sapath, so we can save the recd
- self.createNewRecordedMd5Sums( recd )
+ def set_state(self, state):
+ self._state = state
- audioHash = self.mediaHashs[Constants.TYPE_AUDIO]
- audioHash.append( recd )
- gobject.idle_add(self.displayThumb, recd, True)
- self.doPostSaveVideo()
- self.meshShareRecd( recd )
+ if state == constants.STATE_READY:
+ self.gplay.stop()
+ self.glive.play()
+ self.activity.set_state(state)
- def startRecordingVideo( self ):
- self.setUpdating( True )
- self.setRecording( True )
- #let the red eye kick in before we start the video underway
- gobject.idle_add( self.beginRecordingVideo )
+ def get_state(self):
+ return self._state
+ def set_progress(self, value, text):
+ self.activity.set_progress(value, text)
- def beginRecordingVideo( self ):
- self.ca.ui.recordVideo()
- self.setUpdating( False )
+ def _timer_tick(self):
+ self._timer_value = self._timer_value - 1
+ value = self._timer_value
+ progress_value = 1 - (float(value) / float(self._timer_duration))
+ mins = value / 60
+ secs = value % 60
+ text = _('%d:%02d remaining') % (mins, secs)
- def startRecordingAudio( self ):
- self.setUpdating( True )
- self.setRecording( True )
- self.ca.ui.recordAudio()
- self.setUpdating( False )
+ self.set_progress(progress_value, text)
+ if self._timer_value <= 0:
+ self._timer_handle = None
+ self._timer_value = 0
+ self._stop_media_capture()
+ return False
- def setUpdating( self, upd ):
- self.UPDATING = upd
- self.ca.ui.updateButtonSensitivities()
+ return True
+ def _start_media_capture(self):
+ if self._mode == constants.MODE_PHOTO:
+ self.activity.set_shutter_sensitive(False)
+ self.glive.take_photo()
+ return
- def setRecording( self, rec ):
- self.RECORDING = rec
- self.ca.ui.updateButtonSensitivities()
+ self._timer_value = self.activity.get_selected_duration()
+ self._timer_duration = self._timer_value
+ self._timer_handle = gobject.timeout_add(1000, self._timer_tick)
+ self.activity.set_shutter_sensitive(True)
+ self.set_state(constants.STATE_RECORDING)
- def stopRecordingVideo( self ):
- self.ca.glive.stopRecordingVideo()
- gobject.source_remove( self.ca.ui.UPDATE_DURATION_ID )
- self.setUpdating( True )
- self.setRecording( False )
- self.ca.ui.FULLSCREEN = False
- self.ca.ui.updateVideoComponents()
+ if self._mode == constants.MODE_VIDEO:
+ quality = self.activity.get_selected_quality()
+ self.glive.record_video(quality)
+ elif self._mode == constants.MODE_AUDIO:
+ self.glive.record_audio()
+ def _stop_media_capture(self):
+ if self._timer_handle:
+ gobject.source_remove(self._timer_handle)
+ self._timer_handle = None
+ self._timer_value = 0
- def saveVideo( self, pixbuf, tmpPath, wid, hit ):
- recd = self.createNewRecorded( Constants.TYPE_VIDEO )
- os.rename( tmpPath, os.path.join(Instance.instancePath,recd.mediaFilename))
+ self.set_progress(0, '')
- thumbPath = os.path.join(Instance.instancePath, recd.thumbFilename)
- scale = float((UI.dim_THUMB_WIDTH+0.0)/(wid+0.0))
- thumbImg = utils.generateThumbnail(pixbuf, scale, UI.dim_THUMB_WIDTH, UI.dim_THUMB_HEIGHT)
- thumbImg.write_to_png(thumbPath)
+ if self._mode == constants.MODE_VIDEO:
+ self.glive.stop_recording_video()
+ elif self._mode == constants.MODE_AUDIO:
+ self.glive.stop_recording_audio()
- self.createNewRecordedMd5Sums( recd )
+ self.set_state(constants.STATE_PROCESSING)
- videoHash = self.mediaHashs[Constants.TYPE_VIDEO]
- videoHash.append( recd )
- self.doPostSaveVideo()
- gobject.idle_add(self.displayThumb, recd, True)
- self.meshShareRecd( recd )
+ def shutter_sound(self, done_cb=None):
+ aplay.play('photoShutter.wav', done_cb)
+ def _countdown_tick(self):
+ self._countdown_value = self._countdown_value - 1
+ value = self._countdown_value
+ self.activity.set_countdown(value)
- def meshShareRecd( self, recd ):
- #hey, i just took a cool video.audio.photo! let me show you!
- if (self.ca.recTube != None):
- logger.debug('meshShareRecd')
- recdXml = serialize.getRecdXmlMeshString(recd)
- self.ca.recTube.notifyBudsOfNewRecd( Instance.keyHashPrintable, recdXml )
+ if value <= 0:
+ self._countdown_handle = None
+ self._countdown_value = 0
+ self.shutter_sound(self._start_media_capture)
+ return False
+ return True
- def cannotSaveVideo( self ):
- self.doPostSaveVideo()
+ def do_shutter(self):
+ # if recording, stop
+ if self._state == constants.STATE_RECORDING:
+ self._stop_media_capture()
+ return
+ # if timer is selected, start countdown
+ timer = self.activity.get_selected_timer()
+ if timer > 0:
+ self.activity.set_shutter_sensitive(False)
+ self._countdown_value = self.activity.get_selected_timer()
+ self._countdown_handle = gobject.timeout_add(1000, self._countdown_tick)
+ return
- def doPostSaveVideo( self ):
- self.ca.ui.showPostProcessGfx(False)
+ # otherwise, capture normally
+ self.shutter_sound(self._start_media_capture)
- #prep the ui for your return
- self.ca.ui.LAST_MODE = -1
- self.ca.ui.TRANSCODING = False
+ # called from gstreamer thread
+ def still_ready(self, pixbuf):
+ gobject.idle_add(self.activity.show_still, pixbuf)
- #resume live video from the camera (if the activity is active)
- if (self.ca.ui.ACTIVE):
- self.ca.ui.updateVideoComponents()
+ def add_recd(self, recd):
+ self.mediaHashs[recd.type].append(recd)
+ if self._mode == recd.type:
+ self.activity.add_thumbnail(recd, True)
- self.ca.ui.progressWindow.updateProgress( 0, "" )
- self.setRecording( False )
- self.setUpdating( False )
+ if not recd.buddy:
+ self.collab.share_recd(recd)
+ # called from gstreamer thread
+ def save_photo(self, pixbuf):
+ recd = self.createNewRecorded(constants.TYPE_PHOTO)
- def abandonRecording( self ):
+ imgpath = os.path.join(Instance.instancePath, recd.mediaFilename)
+ pixbuf.save(imgpath, "jpeg")
- self.ca.ui.LAST_MODE = -1
- self.ca.ui.TRANSCODING = False
- self.ca.ui.completeTimer()
- self.ca.ui.completeCountdown()
- self.setRecording(False)
+ thumbpath = os.path.join(Instance.instancePath, recd.thumbFilename)
+ pixbuf = utils.generate_thumbnail(pixbuf)
+ pixbuf.save(thumbpath, "png")
- self.ca.ui.progressWindow.updateProgress( 0, "" )
+ #now that we've saved both the image and its pixbuf, we get their md5s
+ self.createNewRecordedMd5Sums( recd )
- self.ca.glive.abandonMedia()
+ gobject.idle_add(self.add_recd, recd, priority=gobject.PRIORITY_HIGH)
+ gobject.idle_add(self.activity.set_shutter_sensitive, True, priority=gobject.PRIORITY_HIGH)
+ # called from gstreamer thread
+ def save_video(self, path, still):
+ recd = self.createNewRecorded(constants.TYPE_VIDEO)
+ os.rename(path, os.path.join(Instance.instancePath, recd.mediaFilename))
- def stoppedRecordingVideo( self ):
- self.setUpdating( False )
+ thumb_path = os.path.join(Instance.instancePath, recd.thumbFilename)
+ still = utils.generate_thumbnail(still)
+ still.save(thumb_path, "png")
+ self.createNewRecordedMd5Sums( recd )
- def startTakingPhoto( self ):
- self.setUpdating( True )
- self.ca.glive.takePhoto()
+ gobject.idle_add(self.add_recd, recd, priority=gobject.PRIORITY_HIGH)
+ gobject.idle_add(self.set_state, constants.STATE_READY)
+ def save_audio(self, path, still):
+ recd = self.createNewRecorded(constants.TYPE_AUDIO)
+ os.rename(path, os.path.join(Instance.instancePath, recd.mediaFilename))
- def savePhoto( self, pixbuf ):
- recd = self.createNewRecorded( Constants.TYPE_PHOTO )
+ image_path = os.path.join(Instance.instancePath, "audioPicture.png")
+ image_path = utils.getUniqueFilepath(image_path, 0)
+ still.save(image_path, "png")
+ recd.audioImageFilename = os.path.basename(image_path)
- imgpath = os.path.join(Instance.instancePath, recd.mediaFilename)
- pixbuf.save( imgpath, "jpeg" )
+ thumb_path = os.path.join(Instance.instancePath, recd.thumbFilename)
+ still = utils.generate_thumbnail(still)
+ still.save(thumb_path, "png")
- thumbpath = os.path.join(Instance.instancePath, recd.thumbFilename)
- scale = float((UI.dim_THUMB_WIDTH+0.0)/(pixbuf.get_width()+0.0))
- thumbImg = utils.generateThumbnail(pixbuf, scale, UI.dim_THUMB_WIDTH, UI.dim_THUMB_HEIGHT)
- thumbImg.write_to_png(thumbpath)
- gc.collect()
- #now that we've saved both the image and its pixbuf, we get their md5s
self.createNewRecordedMd5Sums( recd )
- photoHash = self.mediaHashs[Constants.TYPE_PHOTO]
- photoHash.append( recd )
- gobject.idle_add(self.displayThumb, recd, True)
+ gobject.idle_add(self.add_recd, recd, priority=gobject.PRIORITY_HIGH)
+ gobject.idle_add(self.set_state, constants.STATE_READY)
+ def _playback_status_changed(self, widget, status, value):
+ self.activity.set_playback_scale(value)
+ if status == gst.STATE_NULL:
+ self.activity.set_paused(True)
+ def play_audio(self, recd):
+ self.gplay.set_location("file://" + recd.getMediaFilepath())
+ self.gplay.play()
+ self.activity.set_paused(False)
+ def play_video(self, recd):
+ self.gplay.set_location("file://" + recd.getMediaFilepath())
+ self.glive.stop()
+ self.gplay.play()
+ self.glive.play(use_xv=False)
+ self.activity.set_paused(False)
+ def play_pause(self):
+ if self.gplay.get_state() == gst.STATE_PLAYING:
+ self.gplay.pause()
+ self.activity.set_paused(True)
+ else:
+ self.gplay.play()
+ self.activity.set_paused(False)
- self.meshShareRecd( recd )
+ def start_seek(self):
+ self.gplay.pause()
+ def do_seek(self, position):
+ self.gplay.seek(position)
- def addMeshRecd( self, recd ):
- #todo: sort on time-taken, not on their arrival time over the mesh (?)
- self.mediaHashs[recd.type].append( recd )
+ def end_seek(self):
+ self.gplay.play()
- #updateUi, but don't lock up the buttons if they're recording or whatever
- gobject.idle_add(self.displayThumb, recd, False)
+ def get_recd_by_md5(self, md5):
+ for mh in self.mediaHashs.values():
+ for recd in mh:
+ if recd.thumbMd5 == md5 or recd.mediaMd5 == md5:
+ return recd
+ return None
- def createNewRecorded( self, type ):
- recd = Recorded( )
+ def createNewRecorded(self, type):
+ recd = Recorded()
- recd.recorderName = Instance.nickName
+ recd.recorderName = self.get_nickname()
recd.recorderHash = Instance.keyHashPrintable
#to create a file, use the hardware_id+time *and* check if available or not
@@ -367,7 +338,7 @@ class Model:
mediaThumbFilename = str(recd.recorderHash) + "_" + str(recd.time)
mediaFilename = mediaThumbFilename
- mediaFilename = mediaFilename + "." + Constants.mediaTypes[type][Constants.keyExt]
+ mediaFilename = mediaFilename + "." + constants.MEDIA_INFO[type]['ext']
mediaFilepath = os.path.join( Instance.instancePath, mediaFilename )
mediaFilepath = utils.getUniqueFilepath( mediaFilepath, 0 )
recd.mediaFilename = os.path.basename( mediaFilepath )
@@ -377,16 +348,18 @@ class Model:
thumbFilepath = utils.getUniqueFilepath( thumbFilepath, 0 )
recd.thumbFilename = os.path.basename( thumbFilepath )
- stringType = Constants.mediaTypes[type][Constants.keyIstr]
- recd.title = Constants.istrBy % {"1":stringType, "2":str(recd.recorderName)}
+ stringType = constants.MEDIA_INFO[type]['istr']
+ # Translators: photo by photographer, e.g. "Photo by Mary"
+ recd.title = _('%s by %s') % (stringType, recd.recorderName)
- recd.colorStroke = Instance.colorStroke
- recd.colorFill = Instance.colorFill
+ color = sugar.profile.get_color()
+ recd.colorStroke = color.get_stroke_color()
+ recd.colorFill = color.get_fill_color()
logger.debug('createNewRecorded: ' + str(recd) + ", thumbFilename:" + str(recd.thumbFilename))
return recd
def createNewRecordedMd5Sums( self, recd ):
recd.thumbMd5 = recd.mediaMd5 = str(uuid.uuid4())
@@ -402,56 +375,29 @@ class Model:
mBytes = os.stat(mediaFile)[6]
recd.mediaBytes = mBytes
- def deleteRecorded( self, recd ):
+ def delete_recd(self, recd):
recd.deleted = True
+ self.mediaHashs[recd.type].remove(recd)
- #clear the index
- hash = self.mediaHashs[recd.type]
- index = hash.index(recd)
- hash.remove( recd )
- if (not recd.meshUploading):
- self.doDeleteRecorded( recd )
+ if recd.meshUploading:
+ return
- def doDeleteRecorded( self, recd ):
#remove files from the filesystem if not on the datastore
- if (recd.datastoreId == None):
+ if recd.datastoreId == None:
mediaFile = recd.getMediaFilepath()
- if (os.path.exists(mediaFile)):
+ if os.path.exists(mediaFile):
- thumbFile = recd.getThumbFilepath( )
- if (os.path.exists(thumbFile)):
+ thumbFile = recd.getThumbFilepath()
+ if os.path.exists(thumbFile):
#remove from the datastore here, since once gone, it is gone...
- serialize.removeMediaFromDatastore( recd )
- def doVideoMode( self ):
- if (self.MODE == Constants.MODE_VIDEO):
- return
+ serialize.removeMediaFromDatastore(recd)
- self.MODE = Constants.MODE_VIDEO
- self.setUpdating(True)
- gobject.idle_add( self.setupMode, self.MODE, True )
- def doPhotoMode( self ):
- if (self.MODE == Constants.MODE_PHOTO):
- return
- self.MODE = Constants.MODE_PHOTO
- self.setUpdating(True)
- gobject.idle_add( self.setupMode, self.MODE, True )
- def doAudioMode( self ):
- if (self.MODE == Constants.MODE_AUDIO):
- return
+ def request_download(self, recd):
+ self.activity.show_still(recd.getThumbPixbuf())
+ self.set_state(constants.STATE_DOWNLOADING)
+ self.collab.request_download(recd)
+ self.activity.update_download_progress(recd)
- self.MODE = Constants.MODE_AUDIO
- self.setUpdating(True)
- gobject.idle_add( self.setupMode, self.MODE, True )