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path: root/samples
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authorPootle daemon <pootle@pootle.sugarlabs.org>2013-10-19 04:30:57 (GMT)
committer Pootle daemon <pootle@pootle.sugarlabs.org>2013-10-19 04:30:57 (GMT)
commit1a04e9c774f54a5778ac64b54c0d9c5df243a9e0 (patch)
tree441e1f1bcc62fc20f744f1935ce18517127dde6c /samples
parente40e8aedf3d58dd630e55dfe1ed006eadb6ca7c2 (diff)
parentcbb33c54fdc5f1372cc71856b7e5947d181d5063 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of git.sugarlabs.org:turtleart/mainline
Diffstat (limited to 'samples')
-rw-r--r--samples/thumbnails/sensors-follow-path.pngbin0 -> 15267 bytes
4 files changed, 201 insertions, 107 deletions
diff --git a/samples/images/butia.svg b/samples/images/butia.svg
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
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diff --git a/samples/sensors-follow-path.ta b/samples/sensors-follow-path.ta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7af6d50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/sensors-follow-path.ta
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+[[0, ["start", 2.0], 20, 180, [null, 60]],
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+[17, "see", 160, 688, [24, null]],
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+[69, "sandwichclampcollapsed", 760, 174, [58, 26, null]],
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+[85, ["string", "left"], 1155, 544, [84, null]],
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+[87, ["number", 25.0], 1170, 376, [86, null]],
+[88, ["repeat", 0], 1060, 174, [3, 89, 68, null]],
+[89, ["number", 4], 1120, 174, [88, null]],
+[90, "wait", 38, 386, [7, 91, 10]],
+[91, ["number", 0.1], 107, 386, [90, null]],
+[-1, ["turtle", "Yertle"], -66.3397459621555, -178.30127018922207, 240.0, 70, 50, 50.0]] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/samples/sensors-turtle-sees.ta b/samples/sensors-turtle-sees.ta
deleted file mode 100644
index ac90671..0000000
--- a/samples/sensors-turtle-sees.ta
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
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-[29, ["number", 0.1], 305, 799, [28, null]],
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-[43, ["number", 100], 1351, 465, [42, null]],
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-[45, ["number", 150], 1351, 549, [44, null]],
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-[47, ["number", 10], 1192, 797, [46, null]],
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-[49, ["number", 10], 1107, 737, [48, null]],
-[50, "right", 1121, 839, [46, 51, null]],
-[51, ["number", 9], 1179, 839, [50, null]],
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-[57, ["number", 10], 876, 728, [56, null]],
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-[59, ["number", 10], 961, 788, [58, null]],
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-[69, ["string", "right"], 1338, 255, [68, null]],
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-[71, ["string", "right"], 1338, 633, [70, null]],
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-[73, ["string", "right"], 1338, 381, [72, null]],
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-[75, ["string", "right"], 1338, 591, [74, null]],
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-[91, "stopfill", 548, 667, [84, 1]],
-[92, "setpensize", 548, 743, [1, 93, 5]],
-[93, ["number", 50], 650, 743, [92, null]],
-[94, ["fillscreen", 0], 548, 423, [106, 96, 95, 30]],
-[95, ["number", 50], 630, 465, [94, null]],
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-[102, ["number", -100], 606, 305, [101, null]],
-[103, ["number", -100], 606, 347, [101, null]],
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-[105, "penup", 548, 271, [27, 101]],
-[106, "pendown", 548, 389, [101, 94]]] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/samples/thumbnails/sensors-follow-path.png b/samples/thumbnails/sensors-follow-path.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4916a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/thumbnails/sensors-follow-path.png
Binary files differ