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path: root/timewriter.py
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authorPierre Métras <pierre@alterna.tv>2008-11-15 04:25:59 (GMT)
committer Pierre Métras <pierre@alterna.tv>2008-11-15 04:25:59 (GMT)
commit5dc157569de2087873deb5af431767196dd175e6 (patch)
tree7f63ff4f794cee3e95837bbd58b06f6d5e92d6a9 /timewriter.py
Initial import (version 5)v5
Diffstat (limited to 'timewriter.py')
1 files changed, 522 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/timewriter.py b/timewriter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b714be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/timewriter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,522 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Code released in the Public Domain. You can do whatever you want with this package.
+# Look at README file to see how to adapt this program.
+# Originally written by Pierre Métras <pierre@alterna.tv> for the OLPC XO laptop.
+"""Inference engine to write times in English (or other language).
+Change the rules to adapt to another language. Caution: the rule parser does not
+strictly check the syntax and many errors will remained ignored.
+Usefull functions:
+- print_rules(): Dump the set of rules.
+- test_times(): Try to print all times from 00:00 to 23:59.
+- write_time(hour, minute): Write the (hour, minute) in natural language.
+- eval_rule(text): Translate the text according to the set of rules.
+Example of usage:
+import timewriter
+w = timewriter.TimeWriter("en")
+s = w.write_time(2, 33)
+print "It is %s."
+prints --> It is thirty-three minutes past two in the morning.
+How to tell time in English?
+#import pdb
+import tokenize
+import cStringIO
+import re
+import copy
+from gettext import gettext as _
+Grammar for the rules:
+Root := Pattern
+Pattern := Text? Pattern_call? Pattern?
+Pattern_call := Pattern_name ( Argument [, Argument]* )
+Text := string
+Pattern_name := string
+Argument := Dumb_variable_ | Variable | Value
+Dumb_variable := '_'
+Variable := string
+Value := number
+Rules := Rule ('|' Rules)*
+Rule := Pattern_call Range_condition* '=>' Text? Pattern_call? Pattern?
+Range_condition := '[' Argument '<' Argument ('<' Argument)? ']'
+'#' can be used to concatenate two Texts or Pattern_call without a space between.
+class _Rule:
+ """A rule is composed of conditions and a body.
+ Rule: Conditions => Body
+ Examples:
+ number(8) => eight
+ plural(1) =>
+ plural(_) => s
+ The inference engine tries to match a template with the conditions pattern of
+ the rule, eventually binding the variables. If the rule matches, then the body
+ of the rule is used, after substituting the variables by their values and
+ eventually firing the other rules called in the body definition.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, pattern, ranges, body):
+ """Create a new rule from its conditions, optional ranges and body.
+ """
+ self._pattern = pattern
+ self._ranges = ranges
+ self._body = body
+ def get_pattern(self):
+ """Gets the conditions pattern of the rule.
+ Returns a list [rule_name, arg1, arg2...].
+ """
+ return self._pattern
+ def get_ranges(self):
+ """Gets the range condition to apply the rule.
+ Returns a list [[arg1, arg2], [arg1, arg2, arg3]...].
+ """
+ return self._ranges
+ def get_body(self):
+ """Gets the body of the rule.
+ Returns a list, for instance with two text fragments around another rule
+ call, [text1, [rule_name, arg1, arg2], text2].
+ """
+ return self._body
+ def __str__(self):
+ """Gets the external representation of the rule as lists.
+ """
+ return "Rule: %s %s => %s" % (self._pattern, self._ranges, self._body)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """
+ Returns the external representation of the rule.
+ """
+ return self._repr_call(self._pattern) + self._repr_ranges(self._ranges) + " => " + self._repr_body(self._body)
+ def _repr_call(self, call):
+ """Returns the external representation of a rule call.
+ """
+ return "%s(%s)" % (call[0], ", ".join(str(x) for x in call[1:]))
+ def _repr_ranges(self, ranges):
+ """Returns the external repressentation of a rule ranges.
+ """
+ result = ""
+ for r in ranges:
+ if len(r) == 2:
+ result += " [ %s < %s ]" % (r[0], r[1])
+ else:
+ result += " [ %s < %s < %s ]" % (r[0], r[1], r(2))
+ return result
+ def _repr_body(self, body):
+ """Returns the external representation of a rule body.
+ """
+ result = ""
+ for item in body:
+ if isinstance(item, list):
+ result += "#" + self._repr_call(item)
+ else:
+ result += item
+ return result
+class TimeWriter:
+ """A class to print the time in natural language.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ """Create a time writer for the current language.
+ The rules localized for a language are stored in the localized messages file.
+ """
+ self._rules = self.parse_rules(self._time_rules)
+ # TRANS: The rules to print the time in the localized language.
+ #
+ # Example syntax:
+ # time(h, 15) => a quarter to hour(h) am_pm(h) |
+ # The left hand side of the rule defines a pattern with a variable 'h' and a
+ # value '15'.
+ # The right hand side, when applied, will use the text "a quarter to " and call
+ # the first rule matching hour(h) after substituting the variable 'h' by its value,
+ # and call the rule matching am_pm(h).
+ # Internal spaces are significant on the right side of a rule. In calls, all
+ # arguments which are not numbers are considered to be variables. The rule parser
+ # is very simple and will let many syntax errors go ignored.
+ #
+ # A rule ends with the character '|'.
+ # The character '_' is a anonymous variable.
+ # The character '#' can be used to concatenate two text fragments. For instance:
+ # plural(1) => |
+ # plural(_) => s |
+ # hour(h) => number(h) hour#plural(h) |
+ # Use '\#' to use a # character, for instance in a pango color
+ # tag like <span foreground="\#FF0055">
+ #
+ # You can put range conditions on firing a rule, with the syntax [var1 < var2] or
+ # [var1 < var2 < var3]. For instance:
+ # hours(h) [h < 12] => in the morning |
+ # hours(h) [12 < h < 18] => in the afternoon |
+ # hours(_) => in the night |
+ #
+ # These rules will be called with the root pattern "time(hour, minute)", with the
+ # variable 'hour' bound to the current hour and the variable 'minute' to the
+ # current minute.
+ # Order of rules is important. Rules are tried from first to last. So most precise
+ # rule must be placed first in the list.
+ #
+ # You can validate your set of rules by running the command line:
+ # python timewriter.py LANG
+ #
+ # You should use pango markup to respect the same colors as for the clock hands.
+ # Look at the README file from the activity for explanations on how to create
+ # rules.
+ _time_rules = _("""time(h, m) => What Time Is It?""")
+ def _syntax_error(self, rule):
+ """Print an error message when a rule can't be parsed.
+ """
+ raise SyntaxError("Syntax error in rule: %s" % rule)
+ def print_rules(self):
+ """Print the list of rules. Can be used to check the parser.
+ """
+ print "Rules = ["
+ for i, rule in enumerate(self._rules):
+ print "#%d %s" % (i, rule)
+ print "]\nTotal = %d rules\n" % len(self._rules)
+ def repr_rules(self):
+ """Gets the external representation of the rules.
+ """
+ return " |\n".join(repr(rule) for rule in self._rules)
+ def parse_rules(self, source):
+ """Parse all the rules for the current language.
+ Rules are a list of rule definitions separated by |.
+ Rules := Rule ( '|' Rule )*
+ Returns the list of rules.
+ """
+ self._rules = []
+ for rule in source.split("|"):
+ r = self._parse_rule(rule)
+ self._rules.append(r)
+ return self._rules
+ def _parse_rule(self, source):
+ """Parse a single rule.
+ A rule is composed of a pattern and a body, separated by =>.
+ Rule := Pattern_call Range_condition* '=>' Rule_body
+ Return a rule definition object.
+ """
+ r = re.findall(r"\s*(\w+\s*\(.*?\))\s*(\[.*\])?\s*=>(.*)", source)
+ if r[0] is None or r[0][0] == "" or r[0][2] == "":
+ self._syntax_error(rule)
+ pattern_call = self._parse_call(r[0][0])
+ range_conditions = self._parse_ranges(r[0][1])
+ rule_body = self._parse_body(r[0][2].strip())
+ rule = _Rule(pattern_call, range_conditions, rule_body)
+ return rule
+ def _parse_call(self, source):
+ """Parse a rule pattern or call.
+ A rule call is similar to a function call.
+ Rule_call := Rule_name '(' ( arg [',' arg]* ) ')'
+ Returns a list [Rule_name, arg1, arg2...]
+ """
+ src = cStringIO.StringIO(source).readline
+ src = tokenize.generate_tokens(src)
+ token = src.next()
+ if token[0] is not tokenize.NAME:
+ self._syntax_error(source)
+ call = [token[1]]
+ token = src.next()
+ if token[1] != "(":
+ self._syntax_error(source)
+ token = src.next()
+ while token[1] != ")":
+ try:
+ call.append(int(token[1]))
+ except ValueError:
+ call.append(token[1])
+ token = src.next()
+ if token[1] == ",":
+ token = src.next()
+ return call
+ def _parse_ranges(self, source):
+ """Parse zero or many range conditions.
+ Range_conditions := Range_condition*
+ Range_condition := '[' arg1 '<' arg2 ('<' arg3)? ']'
+ Returns a list [[arg11, arg12], [arg21, arg22, arg23]...]
+ """
+ if source == "":
+ return None
+ else:
+ ranges = []
+ for r in re.findall(r"\[\s*(.*?)\s*<\s*(.*?)\s*(?:<\s(.*?))?\s*\]", source):
+ rang = []
+ for x in r:
+ if x != "":
+ try:
+ rang.append(int(x))
+ except ValueError:
+ rang.append(x)
+ ranges.append(rang)
+ return ranges
+ def _parse_body(self, source):
+ """Parse the right hand side of a rule.
+ We must preserve spaces in the rule body, so we use regular expression for parsing.
+ Rule_body := text? Pattern_call? Rule_body?
+ Returns a list [text, (pattern, arg1, arg2...), text, ...]
+ '#' is a concatenation operator if not escaped by '\'
+ """
+ if not re.search(r"(\w+\s*\(.*?\))", source):
+ # No rull call present
+ return [source]
+ else:
+ body = []
+ text = ""
+ escaped = False
+ for item in re.findall(r"(?:(\w+\s*\(.*?\))|(.))", source):
+ if item[0] != "":
+ if text != "":
+ body.append(text)
+ text = ""
+ body.append(self._parse_call(item[0]))
+ else:
+ if item[1] == "\\":
+ escaped= True
+ elif item[1] == "#":
+ if escaped:
+ text += item[1]
+ escaped = False
+ else:
+ text += item[1]
+ escaped = False
+ if text != "":
+ body.append(text)
+ return body
+ def write_time(self, hour, minute):
+ """Gives the natural language translation of the time.
+ For instance, write_time(3, 41) returns "three hours and forty-one minutes in the morning" with an English TimeWriter.
+ """
+ return self.eval_rule("time(%s, %s)" % (hour, minute))
+ def eval_rule(self, source):
+ """Evaluate the source against the set of rules.
+ Example: eval_rule("It is time(15, 2).")
+ """
+ lst = self._parse_body(source)
+ # lst = [text, [call, arg1, arg2..], text, ...]
+ # The goal is now to flatten the list lst resolving all the calls
+ lst = self._match_pattern(lst)
+ return "".join(lst)
+ def _match_pattern(self, patterns):
+ """Match a list of patterns agains the set of rules.
+ This engine stops at the first rule matching the pattern and eventually
+ instanciates the variables, then recursively apply them in the body of the
+ matched rule.
+ Returns a list with all the patterns replaced by the rules bodies infered.
+ If a pattern can't be matched, the engine produces no result in the resulting
+ list. As we expect the set of rules to be complete (all submitted patterns
+ fire at least one rule), we raise an exception if the number of items in the
+ result is not the same as the number of patters submitted.
+ """
+ result = []
+ for pattern in patterns:
+ if isinstance(pattern, list):
+ for rule in self._rules:
+ cond = rule.get_pattern()
+ # Simple tests first
+ if len(pattern) != len(cond):
+ continue
+ # Check that we test the same set of rules
+ if pattern[0] != cond[0]:
+ continue
+ # We use lazy rule body copy, only when there is a variable in the
+ # pattern. I've found that I got a 50% boost in performance doing
+ # that instead of doing the deepcopy from start.
+ body = None
+ # Now we check that the premises match and substitute all
+ # variables in rule body.
+ match = True
+ # The dictionary will keep the variable bindings
+ bind = {}
+ for i in range(1, len(pattern)):
+ # Dumb variable
+ if cond[i] == "_":
+ continue
+ # Variable instanciation
+ if not isinstance(cond[i], int):
+ if body is None:
+ body = copy.deepcopy(rule.get_body())
+ body = self._apply_var(cond[i], pattern[i], body)
+ bind[cond[i]] = pattern[i]
+ continue
+ if pattern[i] != cond[i]:
+ match = False
+ break
+ # Checking the range conditions to see if we can apply the rule
+ ranges = rule.get_ranges()
+ if match and ranges:
+ ranges = copy.deepcopy(ranges)
+ for r in ranges:
+ # Bind all variables
+ for i in range(0, len(r)):
+ if not isinstance(r[i], int):
+ try:
+ r[i] = bind[r[i]]
+ except KeyError:
+ #self._syntax_error(rule)
+ match = False
+ break
+ # Now check that the range is valid
+ if r[0] >= r[1]:
+ match = False
+ break
+ if len(r) > 2 and r[1] >= r[2]:
+ match = False
+ break
+ if match:
+ # Then we apply all the rule calls in the body of the rule
+ # that matched
+ if body is None:
+ body = copy.deepcopy(rule.get_body())
+ calls = True
+ while calls:
+ calls = False
+ for i in range(0, len(body)):
+ if isinstance(body[i], list):
+ body[i] = "".join(self._match_pattern([body[i]]))
+ calls = True
+ result.append("".join(body))
+ break
+ else:
+ result.append(pattern)
+ if len(result) != len(patterns):
+ raise Exception("There is a missing rule; match failed for pattern %s..." % patterns)
+ return result
+ def _apply_var(self, var, value, body):
+ """Instanciate a variable in the body of a rule.
+ Returns the body of the rule with that variable substituted by its value in all calls. This function eventually changes the 'body' argument.
+ """
+ for elem in body:
+ if isinstance(elem, list):
+ for i in range(1, len(elem)):
+ if elem[i] == var:
+ elem[i] = value
+ return body
+ def test_times(self):
+ """Check that the time rules are complete, printing all combinations.
+ """
+ print "***** Checking all times *****"
+ for h in range(0, 24):
+ for m in range(0, 60):
+ str = self.write_time(h, m)
+ print "time(%d, %d) -> %s" % (h, m, str)
+ def set_rules(self, rules_source):
+ """Assign the source of rules to the timewriter instance.
+ The rules are parsed during the operation.
+ """
+ self._rules = self.parse_rules(rules_source)
+def main():
+ """Main entry point to test rules.
+ """
+ # import sys
+ if len(sys.argv) == 1:
+ print "Usage: python timewriter.py lang"
+ print "Where lang is a ISO language code (en, fr, es...)"
+ print "TimeWriter rules must be available in directory test-timewriter."
+ exit(1)
+ lang = sys.argv[1]
+ test_mod = "test_timewriter." + lang + "_rules"
+ import_mod = "from " + test_mod + " import _time_rules as test_rules"
+ exec import_mod
+ w = TimeWriter()
+ w.set_rules(test_rules)
+ print "***** Rules parsed *****"
+ w.print_rules()
+ w.test_times()
+# Run "$ python timewriter.py en" to check all rules for English ("en" argument)
+# Run "$ python timewriter.py en 1" to get profiling information.
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ import sys
+ if len(sys.argv) > 2:
+ import cProfile
+ cProfile.run("main()", "genprof")
+ import pstats
+ p = pstats.Stats("genprof")
+ print
+ print "***** Profiling *****"
+ p.strip_dirs().sort_stats("time", "name").print_stats(0.1)
+ else:
+ main()