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path: root/Moonwidgets.py
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1 files changed, 510 insertions, 422 deletions
diff --git a/Moonwidgets.py b/Moonwidgets.py
index 7a1c233..2281916 100644
--- a/Moonwidgets.py
+++ b/Moonwidgets.py
@@ -35,254 +35,299 @@ from gettext import gettext as _
import MoonGlobals as MG
class CalendarButton(gtk.EventBox):
- __gsignals__ = {"clicked":(gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, )),
- "clickederecho":(gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, ))}
- def __init__(self, anio, mes, d, hora):
- gtk.EventBox.__init__(self)
- self.set_visible_window(True)
- self.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, MG.BACKGROUND)
- self.add_events(gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | gtk.gdk.BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK |
- self.imagen_size = 50
- self.image_pixmap = None
- self.moon_stamp = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(os.path.join(MG.ICONOS,"moon.jpg"))
- self.image = gtk.Image()
- self.fixed = gtk.Fixed()
- self.hemisphere_view = _('Sur')
- self.show_grid = False
- self.fixed.put(self.image, 0, 0)
- self.add(self.fixed)
- self.show_all()
- self.anio, self.mes, self.dia, self.hora = anio, mes, d, hora
- self.hoy = "%s-%s-%s %s" % (self.anio, self.mes, self.dia, self.hora)
- if self.dia > 0:
- self.ahora = time.mktime(time.strptime(self.hoy, MG.format))
- #self.data_model.update_moon_calculations(ahora) # para recalcular la fase
- self.data_model = DataModel(self.ahora)
- dias= []
- for d in calendar.day_name:
- if d: dias.append(d)
- meses= []
- for m in calendar.month_name:
- if m: meses.append(m)
- t = time.strptime(self.hoy, MG.format)
- mes= meses[t.tm_mon -1]
- dia= dias[t.tm_wday]
- fecha= "%s %s de %s de %s" % (dia, self.dia, mes, self.anio)
- self.set_tooltip(fecha)
- label = gtk.Label(str(self.dia))
- label.modify_fg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, MG.FOREGROUND)
- self.fixed.put(label, 0, 0)
- self.connect("button_press_event", self.button_press)
- self.connect("button_release_event", self.button_release)
- self.connect("enter-notify-event", self.enter_notify_event)
- self.connect("leave-notify-event", self.leave_notify_event)
- # --------------------------- EVENTOS --------------------------
- def button_release(self, widget, event):
- pass
- def leave_notify_event(self, widget, event):
- pass
- def enter_notify_event(self, widget, event):
- pass
- def button_press(self, widget, event):
- if event.button == 1:
- self.emit("clicked", event)
- if event.button == 3:
- self.emit("clickederecho", event)
- # --------------------------- EVENTOS --------------------------
- # --------------------------- SETEOS ---------------------------
- def set_tooltip(self, texto):
- tooltips = gtk.Tooltips()
- tooltips.set_tip(self, texto, tip_private=None)
- # --------------------------- SETEOS ---------------------------
- def toggle_grid_clicked(self, widget= None):
- if self.show_grid == True:
- self.show_grid = False
- else:
- self.show_grid = True
- def toggle_hemisphere_clicked(self, widget= None):
- if self.hemisphere_view == _('Norte'):
- self.hemisphere_view = _('Sur')
- else:
- self.hemisphere_view = _('Norte')
- def repaint(self, tamanioboton):
- if tamanioboton != self.imagen_size:
- self.imagen_size = tamanioboton
- if self.dia > 0:
- self.actualizar()
- def actualizar(self):
- if self.dia <= 0: return
- self.image_pixmap = gtk.gdk.Pixmap(self.window, self.imagen_size, self.imagen_size)
- gc = self.image_pixmap.new_gc(foreground=MG.BACKGROUND)
- self.image.set_from_pixmap(self.image_pixmap, None)
- self.image_pixmap.draw_rectangle(gc, True, 0, 0, self.imagen_size, self.imagen_size)
- # Create a 1bit shadow mask
- mask_pixmap = gtk.gdk.Pixmap(None, self.imagen_size, self.imagen_size, depth=1)
- kgc = mask_pixmap.new_gc(foreground=MG.BACKGROUND)
- wgc = mask_pixmap.new_gc(foreground=MG.FOREGROUND)
- mask_pixmap.draw_rectangle(kgc, True, 0, 0, self.imagen_size, self.imagen_size)
- mask_pixmap = self.draw_fase_moon(mask_pixmap, kgc, wgc)
- maskgc = self.image_pixmap.new_gc(clip_mask=mask_pixmap)
- moon_pixbuf = self.moon_stamp.scale_simple(self.imagen_size, self.imagen_size, gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR)
- # Composite bright Moon image and semi-transparant Moon for shadow detail
- dark_pixbuf = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, True, 8, self.imagen_size, self.imagen_size)
- dark_pixbuf.fill(0x00000000)
- uno = (self.data_model.next_lunar_eclipse_sec == -1 and self.data_model.last_lunar_eclipse_sec > 7200)
- dos = (self.data_model.next_lunar_eclipse_sec > 7200 and self.data_model.last_lunar_eclipse_sec == -1)
- tres = min([self.data_model.next_lunar_eclipse_sec, self.data_model.last_lunar_eclipse_sec]) > 7200
- if uno or dos or tres: #print "Normal Moon phase render"
- moon_pixbuf.composite(dark_pixbuf, 0, 0, self.imagen_size, self.imagen_size, 0, 0, 1, 1, gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR, 127)
- self.image_pixmap.draw_pixbuf(gc, dark_pixbuf, 0, 0, 0, 0) # parte oscura
- self.image_pixmap.draw_pixbuf(maskgc, moon_pixbuf, 0, 0, 0, 0) # parte iluminada
- else: #print "Reddening eclipse effect, 2hrs (7200sec) before and after (by masking out green & blue)"
- if self.data_model.next_lunar_eclipse_sec == -1:
- eclipse_alpha = self.data_model.last_lunar_eclipse_sec / 7200.0 * 256
- elif self.data_model.last_lunar_eclipse_sec == -1:
- eclipse_alpha = self.data_model.next_lunar_eclipse_sec / 7200.0 * 256
- else:
- eclipse_alpha = min([self.data_model.next_lunar_eclipse_sec,
- self.data_model.last_lunar_eclipse_sec]) / 7200.0 * 256
- moon_pixbuf.composite(dark_pixbuf, 0, 0, self.imagen_size, self.imagen_size,
- 0, 0, 1, 1, gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR, int(196 - eclipse_alpha / 2))
- self.image_pixmap.draw_pixbuf(gc, dark_pixbuf, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- dark_pixbuf = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, True, 8, self.imagen_size, self.imagen_size)
- moon_pixbuf.composite(dark_pixbuf, 0, 0, self.imagen_size, self.imagen_size,
- 0, 0, 1, 1, gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR, int(eclipse_alpha))
- rgc = self.image_pixmap.new_gc(foreground=MG.BLUEGREENMASK, function=gtk.gdk.AND)
- self.image_pixmap.draw_rectangle(rgc, True, 0, 0, self.imagen_size, self.imagen_size)
- self.image_pixmap.draw_pixbuf(gc, dark_pixbuf, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- if self.hemisphere_view == _('Sur'):
- #print "Rotate final image for a view from Norte or Sur hemisphere"
- rot_pixbuf = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, False, 8, self.imagen_size, self.imagen_size)
- rot_pixbuf.get_from_drawable(self.image_pixmap, self.image_pixmap.get_colormap(), 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1)
- rot_pixbuf = rot_pixbuf.rotate_simple(gtk.gdk.PIXBUF_ROTATE_UPSIDEDOWN)
- self.image_pixmap.draw_pixbuf(gc, rot_pixbuf, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- if self.show_grid: self.draw_grid(_("SNWE"))
- else:
- if self.show_grid: self.draw_grid(_("NSEW"))
- def draw_grid(self, compass_text):
- # Draw Selenographic grid line data.
- rgc = self.image_pixmap.new_gc(foreground=MG.RED)
- bgc = self.image_pixmap.new_gc(foreground=MG.BLUE)
- wgc = self.image_pixmap.new_gc(foreground=MG.FOREGROUND)
- pango_layout = self.image.create_pango_layout("")
- pango_layout.set_text("0°")
- self.image_pixmap.draw_rectangle(bgc, True, self.imagen_size/2 + 2, self.imagen_size/2, 24, 22)
- self.image_pixmap.draw_layout(wgc, self.imagen_size/2 + 2, self.imagen_size/2, pango_layout)
- pango_layout.set_text("30°")
- self.image_pixmap.draw_rectangle(bgc, True, self.imagen_size/2 + 2, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.5), 36, 22)
- self.image_pixmap.draw_rectangle(bgc, True, self.imagen_size/2 + 2, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 1.5), 36, 22)
- self.image_pixmap.draw_layout(wgc, self.imagen_size/2 + 2, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.5), pango_layout)
- self.image_pixmap.draw_layout(wgc, self.imagen_size/2 + 2, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 1.5), pango_layout)
- pango_layout.set_text("60°")
- self.image_pixmap.draw_rectangle(bgc, True, self.imagen_size/2 + 2, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.15), 36, 22)
- self.image_pixmap.draw_rectangle(bgc, True, self.imagen_size/2 + 2, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 1.85), 36, 22)
- self.image_pixmap.draw_layout(wgc, self.imagen_size/2 + 2, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.15), pango_layout)
- self.image_pixmap.draw_layout(wgc, self.imagen_size/2 + 2, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 1.85), pango_layout)
- pango_layout.set_text("30°")
- self.image_pixmap.draw_rectangle(rgc, True, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.48) + 2, self.imagen_size/2, 36, 22)
- self.image_pixmap.draw_rectangle(rgc, True, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 1.52) + 2, self.imagen_size/2, 36, 22)
- self.image_pixmap.draw_layout(wgc, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.48) + 2, self.imagen_size/2, pango_layout)
- self.image_pixmap.draw_layout(wgc, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 1.52) + 2, self.imagen_size/2, pango_layout)
- pango_layout.set_text("60°")
- self.image_pixmap.draw_rectangle(rgc, True, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.15) + 2, self.imagen_size/2, 36, 22)
- self.image_pixmap.draw_rectangle(rgc, True, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 1.85) + 2, self.imagen_size/2, 36, 22)
- self.image_pixmap.draw_layout(wgc, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.15) + 2, self.imagen_size/2, pango_layout)
- self.image_pixmap.draw_layout(wgc, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 1.85) + 2, self.imagen_size/2, pango_layout)
- for i in (-1, 0, 1):
- self.image_pixmap.draw_line(rgc, self.imagen_size/2 + i, 0, self.imagen_size/2 + i, self.imagen_size)
- self.image_pixmap.draw_arc(rgc, False, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.15) + i, 0,
- self.imagen_size - int(self.imagen_size * 0.15), self.imagen_size, 0, 360*64)
- self.image_pixmap.draw_arc(rgc, False, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.48) + i, 0,
- self.imagen_size - int(self.imagen_size * 0.48) , self.imagen_size, 0, 360*64)
- for i in (-1, 0, 1):
- self.image_pixmap.draw_line(bgc, 0, self.imagen_size/2 + i, self.imagen_size, self.imagen_size/2 + i)
- self.image_pixmap.draw_line(bgc, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.15), int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.5) + i,
- self.imagen_size - int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.15), int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.5) + i)
- self.image_pixmap.draw_line(bgc, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.15), int(self.imagen_size/2 * 1.5) + i,
- self.imagen_size - int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.15), int(self.imagen_size/2 * 1.5) + i)
- self.image_pixmap.draw_line(bgc, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.5), int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.15) + i,
- self.imagen_size - int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.5), int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.15) + i)
- self.image_pixmap.draw_line(bgc, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.5), int(self.imagen_size/2 * 1.85) + i,
- self.imagen_size - int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.5), int(self.imagen_size/2 * 1.85) + i)
- pango_layout.set_text(_("Latitude"))
- self.image_pixmap.draw_layout(bgc, 15, self.imagen_size - 48 - 15, pango_layout)
- pango_layout.set_text(_("Longitude"))
- self.image_pixmap.draw_layout(rgc, 15, self.imagen_size - 24 - 15, pango_layout)
- # Compass
- # TODO: fix string index to support multi-byte texts
- for i in (-1, 0, 1):
- self.image_pixmap.draw_line(rgc, 22 + 15, 48 + 15 + i, 68 + 15, 48 + 15 + i)
- for i in (-1, 0, 1):
- self.image_pixmap.draw_line(bgc, 45 + 15 + i, 24 + 15, 45 + 15 + i, 68 + 15)
- pango_layout.set_text(compass_text[0])
- self.image_pixmap.draw_layout(bgc, 38 + 15, 15, pango_layout)
- pango_layout.set_text(compass_text[1])
- self.image_pixmap.draw_layout(bgc, 38 + 15, 72 + 15, pango_layout)
- pango_layout.set_text(compass_text[2])
- self.image_pixmap.draw_layout(rgc, 72 + 15, 36 + 15, pango_layout)
- pango_layout.set_text(compass_text[3])
- self.image_pixmap.draw_layout(rgc, 15, 36 + 15, pango_layout)
- def draw_fase_moon(self, mask_pixmap, kgc, wgc):
- if self.data_model.phase_of_moon <= .25:
- #print "New Moon to First Quarter"
- phase_shadow_adjust = self.data_model.phase_of_moon - abs(math.sin(self.data_model.phase_of_moon * math.pi * 4) / 18.0)
- arc_scale = int(self.imagen_size * (1 - (phase_shadow_adjust * 4)))
- mask_pixmap.draw_rectangle(wgc, True, self.imagen_size/2 + 1, 0, self.imagen_size/2, self.imagen_size - 1)
- mask_pixmap.draw_arc(kgc, True, self.imagen_size/2 - int(arc_scale / 2), 0, arc_scale, self.imagen_size, 17280, 11520)
- elif self.data_model.phase_of_moon <= .5:
- #print "First Quarter to Full Moon"
- phase_shadow_adjust = self.data_model.phase_of_moon + abs(math.sin(self.data_model.phase_of_moon * math.pi * 4) / 18.0)
- arc_scale = int(self.imagen_size * ((phase_shadow_adjust - .25) * 4))
- mask_pixmap.draw_rectangle(wgc, True, self.imagen_size/2, 0, self.imagen_size/2, self.imagen_size)
- mask_pixmap.draw_arc(wgc, True, self.imagen_size/2 - int(arc_scale / 2), 0, arc_scale, self.imagen_size, 5760, 11520)
- elif self.data_model.phase_of_moon <= .75:
- #print "Full Moon to Last Quarter"
- phase_shadow_adjust = self.data_model.phase_of_moon - abs(math.sin(self.data_model.phase_of_moon * math.pi * 4) / 18.0)
- arc_scale = int(self.imagen_size * (1 - ((phase_shadow_adjust - .5) * 4)))
- mask_pixmap.draw_rectangle(wgc, True, 0, 0, self.imagen_size/2 + 1, self.imagen_size)
- mask_pixmap.draw_arc(wgc, True, self.imagen_size/2 - int(arc_scale / 2), 0, arc_scale, self.imagen_size, 17280, 11520)
- else:
- #print "Last Quarter to New Moon"
- phase_shadow_adjust = self.data_model.phase_of_moon + abs(math.sin(self.data_model.phase_of_moon * math.pi * 4) / 18.0)
- arc_scale = int(self.imagen_size * ((phase_shadow_adjust - .75) * 4))
- mask_pixmap.draw_rectangle(wgc, True, 0, 0, self.imagen_size/2, self.imagen_size) # mitad de luna blanca
- mask_pixmap.draw_arc(kgc, True, self.imagen_size/2 - int(arc_scale / 2), 0, arc_scale, self.imagen_size, 5760, 11520)
- return mask_pixmap
+ __gsignals__ = {
+ "clicked":(gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,
+ gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, )),
+ "clickederecho":(gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,
+ gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, ))}
+ def __init__(self, anio, mes, d, hora):
+ gtk.EventBox.__init__(self)
+ self.set_visible_window(True)
+ self.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, MG.BACKGROUND)
+ self.add_events(
+ self.imagen_size = 50
+ self.image_pixmap = None
+ icono = os.path.join(MG.ICONOS,"moon.jpg")
+ self.moon_stamp = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(icono)
+ self.image = gtk.Image()
+ self.fixed = gtk.Fixed()
+ self.hemisphere_view = _('Sur')
+ self.show_grid = False
+ self.fixed.put(self.image, 0, 0)
+ self.add(self.fixed)
+ self.show_all()
+ self.anio, self.mes, self.dia, self.hora = anio, mes, d, hora
+ self.hoy = "%s-%s-%s %s" % (self.anio, self.mes, self.dia, self.hora)
+ if self.dia > 0:
+ self.ahora = time.mktime(time.strptime(self.hoy, MG.format))
+ #self.data_model.update_moon_calculations(ahora) # para recalcular la fase
+ self.data_model = DataModel(self.ahora)
+ dias= []
+ for d in calendar.day_name:
+ if d: dias.append(d)
+ meses= []
+ for m in calendar.month_name:
+ if m: meses.append(m)
+ t = time.strptime(self.hoy, MG.format)
+ mes= meses[t.tm_mon -1]
+ dia= dias[t.tm_wday]
+ fecha= "%s %s de %s de %s" % (dia, self.dia, mes, self.anio)
+ self.set_tooltip(fecha)
+ label = gtk.Label(str(self.dia))
+ label.modify_fg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, MG.FOREGROUND)
+ self.fixed.put(label, 0, 0)
+ self.connect("button_press_event", self.button_press)
+ self.connect("button_release_event", self.button_release)
+ self.connect("enter-notify-event", self.enter_notify_event)
+ self.connect("leave-notify-event", self.leave_notify_event)
+ # --------------------------- EVENTOS --------------------------
+ def button_release(self, widget, event):
+ pass
+ def leave_notify_event(self, widget, event):
+ pass
+ def enter_notify_event(self, widget, event):
+ pass
+ def button_press(self, widget, event):
+ if event.button == 1:
+ self.emit("clicked", event)
+ if event.button == 3:
+ self.emit("clickederecho", event)
+ # --------------------------- EVENTOS --------------------------
+ # --------------------------- SETEOS ---------------------------
+ def set_tooltip(self, texto):
+ tooltips = gtk.Tooltips()
+ tooltips.set_tip(self, texto, tip_private=None)
+ # --------------------------- SETEOS ---------------------------
+ def toggle_grid_clicked(self, widget= None):
+ if self.show_grid == True:
+ self.show_grid = False
+ else:
+ self.show_grid = True
+ def toggle_hemisphere_clicked(self, widget= None):
+ if self.hemisphere_view == _('Norte'):
+ self.hemisphere_view = _('Sur')
+ else:
+ self.hemisphere_view = _('Norte')
+ def repaint(self, tamanioboton):
+ if tamanioboton != self.imagen_size:
+ self.imagen_size = tamanioboton
+ if self.dia > 0:
+ self.actualizar()
+ def actualizar(self):
+ if self.dia <= 0: return
+ self.image_pixmap = gtk.gdk.Pixmap(self.window, self.imagen_size, self.imagen_size)
+ gc = self.image_pixmap.new_gc(foreground=MG.BACKGROUND)
+ self.image.set_from_pixmap(self.image_pixmap, None)
+ self.image_pixmap.draw_rectangle(gc, True, 0, 0, self.imagen_size, self.imagen_size)
+ # Create a 1bit shadow mask
+ mask_pixmap = gtk.gdk.Pixmap(None, self.imagen_size, self.imagen_size, depth=1)
+ kgc = mask_pixmap.new_gc(foreground=MG.BACKGROUND)
+ wgc = mask_pixmap.new_gc(foreground=MG.FOREGROUND)
+ mask_pixmap.draw_rectangle(kgc, True, 0, 0, self.imagen_size, self.imagen_size)
+ mask_pixmap = self.draw_fase_moon(mask_pixmap, kgc, wgc)
+ maskgc = self.image_pixmap.new_gc(clip_mask=mask_pixmap)
+ moon_pixbuf = self.moon_stamp.scale_simple(self.imagen_size, self.imagen_size, gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR)
+ # Composite bright Moon image and semi-transparant Moon for shadow detail
+ dark_pixbuf = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, True, 8, self.imagen_size, self.imagen_size)
+ dark_pixbuf.fill(0x00000000)
+ uno = (self.data_model.next_lunar_eclipse_sec == -1 and self.data_model.last_lunar_eclipse_sec > 7200)
+ dos = (self.data_model.next_lunar_eclipse_sec > 7200 and self.data_model.last_lunar_eclipse_sec == -1)
+ tres = min([self.data_model.next_lunar_eclipse_sec, self.data_model.last_lunar_eclipse_sec]) > 7200
+ if uno or dos or tres: #print "Normal Moon phase render"
+ moon_pixbuf.composite(dark_pixbuf, 0, 0, self.imagen_size, self.imagen_size, 0, 0, 1, 1, gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR, 127)
+ self.image_pixmap.draw_pixbuf(gc, dark_pixbuf, 0, 0, 0, 0) # parte oscura
+ self.image_pixmap.draw_pixbuf(maskgc, moon_pixbuf, 0, 0, 0, 0) # parte iluminada
+ else: #print "Reddening eclipse effect, 2hrs (7200sec) before and after (by masking out green & blue)"
+ if self.data_model.next_lunar_eclipse_sec == -1:
+ eclipse_alpha = self.data_model.last_lunar_eclipse_sec / 7200.0 * 256
+ elif self.data_model.last_lunar_eclipse_sec == -1:
+ eclipse_alpha = self.data_model.next_lunar_eclipse_sec / 7200.0 * 256
+ else:
+ eclipse_alpha = min([self.data_model.next_lunar_eclipse_sec,
+ self.data_model.last_lunar_eclipse_sec]) / 7200.0 * 256
+ moon_pixbuf.composite(dark_pixbuf, 0, 0, self.imagen_size, self.imagen_size,
+ 0, 0, 1, 1, gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR, int(196 - eclipse_alpha / 2))
+ self.image_pixmap.draw_pixbuf(gc, dark_pixbuf, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+ dark_pixbuf = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, True, 8, self.imagen_size, self.imagen_size)
+ moon_pixbuf.composite(dark_pixbuf, 0, 0, self.imagen_size, self.imagen_size,
+ 0, 0, 1, 1, gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR, int(eclipse_alpha))
+ rgc = self.image_pixmap.new_gc(foreground=MG.BLUEGREENMASK, function=gtk.gdk.AND)
+ self.image_pixmap.draw_rectangle(rgc, True, 0, 0, self.imagen_size, self.imagen_size)
+ self.image_pixmap.draw_pixbuf(gc, dark_pixbuf, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+ if self.hemisphere_view == _('Sur'):
+ #print "Rotate final image for a view from Norte or Sur hemisphere"
+ rot_pixbuf = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, False, 8, self.imagen_size, self.imagen_size)
+ rot_pixbuf.get_from_drawable(self.image_pixmap, self.image_pixmap.get_colormap(), 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1)
+ rot_pixbuf = rot_pixbuf.rotate_simple(gtk.gdk.PIXBUF_ROTATE_UPSIDEDOWN)
+ self.image_pixmap.draw_pixbuf(gc, rot_pixbuf, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+ if self.show_grid: self.draw_grid(_("SNWE"))
+ else:
+ if self.show_grid: self.draw_grid(_("NSEW"))
+ def draw_grid(self, compass_text):
+ # Draw Selenographic grid line data.
+ rgc = self.image_pixmap.new_gc(foreground=MG.RED)
+ bgc = self.image_pixmap.new_gc(foreground=MG.BLUE)
+ wgc = self.image_pixmap.new_gc(foreground=MG.FOREGROUND)
+ pango_layout = self.image.create_pango_layout("")
+ pango_layout.set_text("0°")
+ self.image_pixmap.draw_rectangle(bgc, True, self.imagen_size/2 + 2, self.imagen_size/2, 24, 22)
+ self.image_pixmap.draw_layout(wgc, self.imagen_size/2 + 2, self.imagen_size/2, pango_layout)
+ pango_layout.set_text("30°")
+ self.image_pixmap.draw_rectangle(bgc, True, self.imagen_size/2 + 2, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.5), 36, 22)
+ self.image_pixmap.draw_rectangle(bgc, True, self.imagen_size/2 + 2, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 1.5), 36, 22)
+ self.image_pixmap.draw_layout(wgc, self.imagen_size/2 + 2, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.5), pango_layout)
+ self.image_pixmap.draw_layout(wgc, self.imagen_size/2 + 2, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 1.5), pango_layout)
+ pango_layout.set_text("60°")
+ self.image_pixmap.draw_rectangle(bgc, True, self.imagen_size/2 + 2, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.15), 36, 22)
+ self.image_pixmap.draw_rectangle(bgc, True, self.imagen_size/2 + 2, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 1.85), 36, 22)
+ self.image_pixmap.draw_layout(wgc, self.imagen_size/2 + 2, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.15), pango_layout)
+ self.image_pixmap.draw_layout(wgc, self.imagen_size/2 + 2, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 1.85), pango_layout)
+ pango_layout.set_text("30°")
+ self.image_pixmap.draw_rectangle(rgc, True, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.48) + 2, self.imagen_size/2, 36, 22)
+ self.image_pixmap.draw_rectangle(rgc, True, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 1.52) + 2, self.imagen_size/2, 36, 22)
+ self.image_pixmap.draw_layout(wgc, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.48) + 2, self.imagen_size/2, pango_layout)
+ self.image_pixmap.draw_layout(wgc, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 1.52) + 2, self.imagen_size/2, pango_layout)
+ pango_layout.set_text("60°")
+ self.image_pixmap.draw_rectangle(rgc, True, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.15) + 2, self.imagen_size/2, 36, 22)
+ self.image_pixmap.draw_rectangle(rgc, True, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 1.85) + 2, self.imagen_size/2, 36, 22)
+ self.image_pixmap.draw_layout(wgc, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.15) + 2, self.imagen_size/2, pango_layout)
+ self.image_pixmap.draw_layout(wgc, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 1.85) + 2, self.imagen_size/2, pango_layout)
+ for i in (-1, 0, 1):
+ self.image_pixmap.draw_line(rgc, self.imagen_size/2 + i, 0, self.imagen_size/2 + i, self.imagen_size)
+ self.image_pixmap.draw_arc(rgc, False, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.15) + i, 0,
+ self.imagen_size - int(self.imagen_size * 0.15), self.imagen_size, 0, 360*64)
+ self.image_pixmap.draw_arc(rgc, False, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.48) + i, 0,
+ self.imagen_size - int(self.imagen_size * 0.48) , self.imagen_size, 0, 360*64)
+ for i in (-1, 0, 1):
+ self.image_pixmap.draw_line(bgc, 0, self.imagen_size/2 + i, self.imagen_size, self.imagen_size/2 + i)
+ self.image_pixmap.draw_line(bgc, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.15), int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.5) + i,
+ self.imagen_size - int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.15), int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.5) + i)
+ self.image_pixmap.draw_line(bgc, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.15), int(self.imagen_size/2 * 1.5) + i,
+ self.imagen_size - int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.15), int(self.imagen_size/2 * 1.5) + i)
+ self.image_pixmap.draw_line(bgc, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.5), int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.15) + i,
+ self.imagen_size - int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.5), int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.15) + i)
+ self.image_pixmap.draw_line(bgc, int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.5), int(self.imagen_size/2 * 1.85) + i,
+ self.imagen_size - int(self.imagen_size/2 * 0.5), int(self.imagen_size/2 * 1.85) + i)
+ pango_layout.set_text(_("Latitude"))
+ self.image_pixmap.draw_layout(bgc, 15, self.imagen_size - 48 - 15, pango_layout)
+ pango_layout.set_text(_("Longitude"))
+ self.image_pixmap.draw_layout(rgc, 15, self.imagen_size - 24 - 15, pango_layout)
+ # Compass
+ # TODO: fix string index to support multi-byte texts
+ for i in (-1, 0, 1):
+ self.image_pixmap.draw_line(rgc, 22 + 15, 48 + 15 + i, 68 + 15, 48 + 15 + i)
+ for i in (-1, 0, 1):
+ self.image_pixmap.draw_line(bgc, 45 + 15 + i, 24 + 15, 45 + 15 + i, 68 + 15)
+ pango_layout.set_text(compass_text[0])
+ self.image_pixmap.draw_layout(bgc, 38 + 15, 15, pango_layout)
+ pango_layout.set_text(compass_text[1])
+ self.image_pixmap.draw_layout(bgc, 38 + 15, 72 + 15, pango_layout)
+ pango_layout.set_text(compass_text[2])
+ self.image_pixmap.draw_layout(rgc, 72 + 15, 36 + 15, pango_layout)
+ pango_layout.set_text(compass_text[3])
+ self.image_pixmap.draw_layout(rgc, 15, 36 + 15, pango_layout)
+ def draw_fase_moon(self, mask_pixmap, kgc, wgc):
+ if self.data_model.phase_of_moon <= .25:
+ #print "New Moon to First Quarter"
+ phase_shadow_adjust = self.data_model.phase_of_moon - abs(math.sin(self.data_model.phase_of_moon * math.pi * 4) / 18.0)
+ arc_scale = int(self.imagen_size * (1 - (phase_shadow_adjust * 4)))
+ mask_pixmap.draw_rectangle(wgc, True, self.imagen_size/2 + 1, 0, self.imagen_size/2, self.imagen_size - 1)
+ mask_pixmap.draw_arc(kgc, True, self.imagen_size/2 - int(arc_scale / 2), 0, arc_scale, self.imagen_size, 17280, 11520)
+ elif self.data_model.phase_of_moon <= .5:
+ #print "First Quarter to Full Moon"
+ phase_shadow_adjust = self.data_model.phase_of_moon + abs(math.sin(self.data_model.phase_of_moon * math.pi * 4) / 18.0)
+ arc_scale = int(self.imagen_size * ((phase_shadow_adjust - .25) * 4))
+ mask_pixmap.draw_rectangle(wgc, True, self.imagen_size/2, 0, self.imagen_size/2, self.imagen_size)
+ mask_pixmap.draw_arc(wgc, True, self.imagen_size/2 - int(arc_scale / 2), 0, arc_scale, self.imagen_size, 5760, 11520)
+ elif self.data_model.phase_of_moon <= .75:
+ #print "Full Moon to Last Quarter"
+ phase_shadow_adjust = self.data_model.phase_of_moon - abs(math.sin(self.data_model.phase_of_moon * math.pi * 4) / 18.0)
+ arc_scale = int(self.imagen_size * (1 - ((phase_shadow_adjust - .5) * 4)))
+ mask_pixmap.draw_rectangle(wgc, True, 0, 0, self.imagen_size/2 + 1, self.imagen_size)
+ mask_pixmap.draw_arc(wgc, True, self.imagen_size/2 - int(arc_scale / 2), 0, arc_scale, self.imagen_size, 17280, 11520)
+ else:
+ #print "Last Quarter to New Moon"
+ phase_shadow_adjust = self.data_model.phase_of_moon + abs(math.sin(self.data_model.phase_of_moon * math.pi * 4) / 18.0)
+ arc_scale = int(self.imagen_size * ((phase_shadow_adjust - .75) * 4))
+ mask_pixmap.draw_rectangle(wgc, True, 0, 0, self.imagen_size/2, self.imagen_size) # mitad de luna blanca
+ mask_pixmap.draw_arc(kgc, True, self.imagen_size/2 - int(arc_scale / 2), 0, arc_scale, self.imagen_size, 5760, 11520)
+ return mask_pixmap
class DataModel():
def __init__(self, ahora):
- self.ahora = ahora
+ self.ahora = ahora
self.new_moon_array = MG.new_moon_array
self.full_moon_array = MG.full_moon_array
self.first_quarter_array = MG.first_quarter_array
@@ -307,12 +352,13 @@ class DataModel():
self.days_until_solar_eclipse = None
self.next_solar_eclipse_date = None
- self.phase_of_moon = None
+ self.phase_of_moon = None
- self.update_moon_calculations(self.ahora)
+ self.update_moon_calculations(self.ahora)
def update_moon_calculations(self, the_date):
- self.ahora = the_date
+ self.ahora = the_date
# Generate all Moon data ready for display.
last_new_moon_sec = MG.last_new_moon_sec_at_time(the_date)
next_new_moon_sec = MG.next_new_moon_sec_at_time(the_date)
@@ -321,7 +367,7 @@ class DataModel():
last_quarter_moon_sec = MG.last_quarter_moon_sec_at_time(the_date)
next_quarter_moon_sec = MG.next_quarter_moon_sec_at_time(the_date)
- self.phase_of_moon = MG.RecalcularFase(the_date)
+ self.phase_of_moon = MG.RecalcularFase(the_date)
# Generate interesting human readable values
self.percent_of_full_moon = (math.cos(((self.phase_of_moon + .5) / .5 * math.pi)) + 1) * .5
@@ -349,217 +395,259 @@ class DataModel():
selenographic_tmp = 270 + (self.phase_of_moon * 360)
if selenographic_tmp >= 360:
selenographic_tmp -= 360
if selenographic_tmp >= 270:
selenographic_tmp -= 360
elif selenographic_tmp >= 180:
selenographic_tmp -= 180
elif selenographic_tmp >= 90:
selenographic_tmp -= 180
selenographic_tmp = -selenographic_tmp
if selenographic_tmp < 0:
self.west_or_east = _("west")
self.west_or_east = _("east")
self.selenographic_deg = abs(selenographic_tmp)
if self.phase_of_moon >= .5:
self.rise_or_set = _("Sunset")
self.rise_or_set = _("Sunrise")
def moon_phase_name(self, phase_of_moon):
# Return the moon image name for a given phase value.
if phase_of_moon >= 0 and phase_of_moon < 0.025:
return _("New Moon")
elif phase_of_moon >= 0.025 and phase_of_moon < 0.225:
return _("Waxing Crescent")
elif phase_of_moon >= 0.225 and phase_of_moon < 0.275:
return _("First Quarter")
elif phase_of_moon >= 0.275 and phase_of_moon < 0.475:
return _("Waxing Gibbous")
elif phase_of_moon >= 0.475 and phase_of_moon < 0.525:
return _("Full Moon")
elif phase_of_moon >= 0.525 and phase_of_moon < 0.735:
return _("Waning Gibbous")
elif phase_of_moon >= 0.735 and phase_of_moon < 0.775:
return _("Last Quarter")
elif phase_of_moon >= 0.775 and phase_of_moon < 0.975:
return _("Waning Crescent")
return _("New Moon")
class MoonCalendar(gtk.AspectFrame):
- def __init__(self):
- gtk.AspectFrame.__init__(self)
- self.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, MG.BACKGROUND)
- self.anio = None
- self.mes = None
- self.fecha = None
- self.hora = None
- self.semanas = None
- self.label_mes = None
- self.matriz = None
- self.layout()
- def layout(self):
- base = gtk.VBox()
- caja_control = gtk.HBox()
- view_tool_bar = gtk.Toolbar()
- view_tool_bar.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, MG.BACKGROUND)
- boton = gtk.ToggleToolButton()
- pixbuf= gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size(os.path.join(MG.ICONOS,'flecha-ico.svg'), 32, 32)
- imagen = gtk.Image()
- imagen.set_from_pixbuf(pixbuf)
- boton.set_icon_widget(imagen)
- imagen.show()
- boton.show()
- view_tool_bar.append_item("", "", "",boton, self.anterior, user_data=None)
- boton.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, MG.BACKGROUND)
- caja_control.pack_start(view_tool_bar, False, False, 0)
- self.label_mes = gtk.Label()
- self.label_mes.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, MG.BACKGROUND)
- self.label_mes.modify_fg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, MG.FOREGROUND)
- self.label_mes.show()
- caja_control.pack_start(self.label_mes, True, True, 0)
- view_tool_bar = gtk.Toolbar()
- view_tool_bar.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, MG.BACKGROUND)
- boton = gtk.ToggleToolButton()
- pixbuf= gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size(os.path.join(MG.ICONOS,'flecha-ico.svg'), 32, 32)
- pixbuf= pixbuf.flip(1)
- imagen = gtk.Image()
- imagen.set_from_pixbuf(pixbuf)
- boton.set_icon_widget(imagen)
- imagen.show()
- boton.show()
- view_tool_bar.append_item("", "", "",boton, self.siguiente, user_data=None)
- boton.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, MG.BACKGROUND)
- caja_control.pack_end(view_tool_bar, False, False, 0)
- caja_dias = gtk.HBox()
- for dia in [_("Lun"), _("Mar"), _("Mie"), _("Jue"), _("Vie"), _("Sáb"), _("Dom")]:
- label = gtk.Label(dia)
- label.modify_fg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, MG.FOREGROUND)
- caja_dias.pack_start(label, True, True, 0)
- self.matriz = MatrizMoonCalendar()
- base.pack_start(caja_control, False, False, 0)
- base.pack_start(caja_dias, False, False, 5)
- base.pack_start(self.matriz, True, True, 5)
- self.add(base)
- self.show_all()
- def anterior(self, widget= None):
- if self.mes == 1:
- self.mes = 12
- self.anio -= 1
- else:
- self.mes -= 1
- self.set_mes(self.anio, self.mes, self.fecha, self.hora)
- self.show_all()
- def siguiente(self, widget= None):
- if self.mes == 12:
- self.mes = 1
- self.anio += 1
- else:
- self.mes += 1
- self.set_mes(self.anio, self.mes, self.fecha, self.hora)
- self.show_all()
- def set_mes(self, anio, mes, fecha, hora):
- self.anio, self.mes, self.fecha, self.hora = (anio, mes, 1, hora)
- self.matriz.set_mes(self.anio, self.mes, self.fecha, self.hora)
- dias= []
- for d in calendar.day_name:
- if d: dias.append(d)
- self.hoy = "%s-%s-%s %s" % (self.matriz.anio, self.matriz.mes, self.matriz.fecha, self.matriz.hora)
- meses= []
- for m in calendar.month_name:
- if m: meses.append(m)
- t = time.strptime(self.hoy, MG.format)
- mes= meses[t.tm_mon -1]
- dia= dias[t.tm_wday]
- self.label_mes.set_text("%s %s" % (_(mes), self.matriz.anio))
- def toggle_grid_clicked(self, widget= None, actualizar= False):
- for linea in self.matriz.calendarbuttons:
- for boton in linea:
- boton.toggle_grid_clicked()
- if actualizar: boton.actualizar()
- def toggle_hemisphere_clicked(self, widget= None, actualizar= False):
- for linea in self.matriz.calendarbuttons:
- for boton in linea:
- boton.toggle_hemisphere_clicked()
- if actualizar: boton.actualizar()
+ def __init__(self):
+ gtk.AspectFrame.__init__(self)
+ self.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, MG.BACKGROUND)
+ self.anio = None
+ self.mes = None
+ self.fecha = None
+ self.hora = None
+ self.semanas = None
-class MatrizMoonCalendar(gtk.EventBox):
- def __init__(self):
- gtk.EventBox.__init__(self)
- self.set_visible_window(True)
- self.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, MG.BACKGROUND)
- self.fixed = gtk.Fixed()
- self.add(self.fixed)
- self.show_all()
- self.anio = None
- self.mes = None
- self.fecha = None
- self.hora = None
- self.semanas = []
- self.fixes = []
- self.calendarbuttons = []
- self.tamanioboton = 0
- self.connect("expose_event", self.repaint)
- def repaint(self, widget= None, event= None):
- if not self.fixes: return
- x,y,w,h= self.get_allocation()
- anchoboton = w/len(self.fixes[0])
- altoboton = h/len(self.fixes)
- tamanioboton = min( [anchoboton,altoboton] )
- if self.tamanioboton != tamanioboton:
- self.tamanioboton = tamanioboton
- posy = 0
- for fixed in self.fixes:
- self.fixed.move(fixed, 0, posy)
- posy += self.tamanioboton
- posx = 0
- for fixed in self.fixes:
- for boton in self.calendarbuttons[self.fixes.index(fixed)]:
- fixed.move(boton, posx, 0)
- boton.repaint(self.tamanioboton)
- posx += self.tamanioboton
- posx = 0
- def set_mes(self, anio, mes, fecha, hora):
- self.anio, self.mes, self.fecha, self.hora = anio, mes, fecha, hora
- self.fixes = []
- self.calendarbuttons = []
- self.semanas = MG.get_semanas_del_mes(anio, mes)
- for child in self.fixed.get_children():
- self.fixed.remove(child)
- child.destroy()
- for sem in self.semanas:
- listadias = []
- fixed = gtk.Fixed()
- self.fixes.append(fixed)
- self.fixed.put(fixed, 0,0)
- for dia in sem:
- boton = CalendarButton(self.anio, self.mes, dia, self.hora)
- listadias.append(boton)
- fixed.put(boton, 0,0)
- self.calendarbuttons.append(listadias)
+ self.label_mes = None
+ self.matriz = None
+ self.layout()
+ def layout(self):
+ base = gtk.VBox()
+ caja_control = gtk.HBox()
+ view_tool_bar = gtk.Toolbar()
+ view_tool_bar.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, MG.BACKGROUND)
+ boton = gtk.ToggleToolButton()
+ pixbuf= gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size(os.path.join(MG.ICONOS,'flecha-ico.svg'), 32, 32)
+ imagen = gtk.Image()
+ imagen.set_from_pixbuf(pixbuf)
+ boton.set_icon_widget(imagen)
+ imagen.show()
+ boton.show()
+ view_tool_bar.append_item("", "", "",boton, self.anterior, user_data=None)
+ boton.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, MG.BACKGROUND)
+ caja_control.pack_start(view_tool_bar, False, False, 0)
+ self.label_mes = gtk.Label()
+ self.label_mes.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, MG.BACKGROUND)
+ self.label_mes.modify_fg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, MG.FOREGROUND)
+ self.label_mes.show()
+ caja_control.pack_start(self.label_mes, True, True, 0)
+ view_tool_bar = gtk.Toolbar()
+ view_tool_bar.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, MG.BACKGROUND)
+ boton = gtk.ToggleToolButton()
+ pixbuf= gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size(os.path.join(MG.ICONOS,'flecha-ico.svg'), 32, 32)
+ pixbuf= pixbuf.flip(1)
+ imagen = gtk.Image()
+ imagen.set_from_pixbuf(pixbuf)
+ boton.set_icon_widget(imagen)
+ imagen.show()
+ boton.show()
+ view_tool_bar.append_item("", "", "",boton, self.siguiente, user_data=None)
+ boton.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, MG.BACKGROUND)
+ caja_control.pack_end(view_tool_bar, False, False, 0)
+ caja_dias = gtk.HBox()
+ for dia in [_("Lun"), _("Mar"), _("Mie"), _("Jue"), _("Vie"), _("Sáb"), _("Dom")]:
+ label = gtk.Label(dia)
+ label.modify_fg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, MG.FOREGROUND)
+ caja_dias.pack_start(label, True, True, 0)
+ self.matriz = MatrizMoonCalendar()
+ base.pack_start(caja_control, False, False, 0)
+ base.pack_start(caja_dias, False, False, 5)
+ base.pack_start(self.matriz, True, True, 5)
+ self.add(base)
+ self.show_all()
+ def anterior(self, widget= None):
+ if self.mes == 1:
+ self.mes = 12
+ self.anio -= 1
+ else:
+ self.mes -= 1
+ self.set_mes(self.anio, self.mes, self.fecha, self.hora)
+ self.show_all()
+ def siguiente(self, widget= None):
+ if self.mes == 12:
+ self.mes = 1
+ self.anio += 1
+ else:
+ self.mes += 1
+ self.set_mes(self.anio, self.mes, self.fecha, self.hora)
+ self.show_all()
+ def set_mes(self, anio, mes, fecha, hora):
+ self.anio, self.mes, self.fecha, self.hora = (anio, mes, 1, hora)
+ self.matriz.set_mes(self.anio, self.mes, self.fecha, self.hora)
+ dias= []
+ for d in calendar.day_name:
+ if d: dias.append(d)
+ self.hoy = "%s-%s-%s %s" % (self.matriz.anio, self.matriz.mes, self.matriz.fecha, self.matriz.hora)
+ meses= []
+ for m in calendar.month_name:
+ if m: meses.append(m)
+ t = time.strptime(self.hoy, MG.format)
+ mes= meses[t.tm_mon -1]
+ dia= dias[t.tm_wday]
+ self.label_mes.set_text("%s %s" % (_(mes), self.matriz.anio))
+ def toggle_grid_clicked(self, widget= None, actualizar= False):
+ for linea in self.matriz.calendarbuttons:
+ for boton in linea:
+ boton.toggle_grid_clicked()
+ if actualizar: boton.actualizar()
+ def toggle_hemisphere_clicked(self, widget= None, actualizar= False):
+ for linea in self.matriz.calendarbuttons:
+ for boton in linea:
+ boton.toggle_hemisphere_clicked()
+ if actualizar: boton.actualizar()
+class MatrizMoonCalendar(gtk.EventBox):
+ def __init__(self):
+ gtk.EventBox.__init__(self)
+ self.set_visible_window(True)
+ self.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, MG.BACKGROUND)
+ self.fixed = gtk.Fixed()
+ self.add(self.fixed)
+ self.show_all()
+ self.anio = None
+ self.mes = None
+ self.fecha = None
+ self.hora = None
+ self.semanas = []
+ self.fixes = []
+ self.calendarbuttons = []
+ self.tamanioboton = 0
+ self.connect("expose_event", self.repaint)
+ def repaint(self, widget= None, event= None):
+ if not self.fixes: return
+ x,y,w,h= self.get_allocation()
+ anchoboton = w/len(self.fixes[0])
+ altoboton = h/len(self.fixes)
+ tamanioboton = min( [anchoboton,altoboton] )
+ if self.tamanioboton != tamanioboton:
+ self.tamanioboton = tamanioboton
+ posy = 0
+ for fixed in self.fixes:
+ self.fixed.move(fixed, 0, posy)
+ posy += self.tamanioboton
+ posx = 0
+ for fixed in self.fixes:
+ for boton in self.calendarbuttons[self.fixes.index(fixed)]:
+ fixed.move(boton, posx, 0)
+ boton.repaint(self.tamanioboton)
+ posx += self.tamanioboton
+ posx = 0
+ def set_mes(self, anio, mes, fecha, hora):
+ self.anio, self.mes, self.fecha, self.hora = anio, mes, fecha, hora
+ self.fixes = []
+ self.calendarbuttons = []
+ self.semanas = MG.get_semanas_del_mes(anio, mes)
+ for child in self.fixed.get_children():
+ self.fixed.remove(child)
+ child.destroy()
+ for sem in self.semanas:
+ listadias = []
+ fixed = gtk.Fixed()
+ self.fixes.append(fixed)
+ self.fixed.put(fixed, 0,0)
+ for dia in sem:
+ boton = CalendarButton(self.anio, self.mes, dia, self.hora)
+ listadias.append(boton)
+ fixed.put(boton, 0,0)
+ self.calendarbuttons.append(listadias)
+ \ No newline at end of file