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path: root/translate-toolkit-1.5.1/translate/storage/pypo.py
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authorSayamindu Dasgupta <sayamindu@gmail.com>2010-01-09 09:09:32 (GMT)
committer Sayamindu Dasgupta <sayamindu@gmail.com>2010-01-09 09:09:32 (GMT)
commit72c1991510699e6541446d9f8e139fe54b392c89 (patch)
treec900e1f346a3c98569ab7bdebb3cc073b5e26581 /translate-toolkit-1.5.1/translate/storage/pypo.py
parentb7dbad4e48e8c6779e05a56cae5a83b3c3bfec40 (diff)
Added translate toolkit 1.5.1
Diffstat (limited to 'translate-toolkit-1.5.1/translate/storage/pypo.py')
1 files changed, 845 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/translate-toolkit-1.5.1/translate/storage/pypo.py b/translate-toolkit-1.5.1/translate/storage/pypo.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..885b1a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate-toolkit-1.5.1/translate/storage/pypo.py
@@ -0,0 +1,845 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2002-2009 Zuza Software Foundation
+# This file is part of the Translate Toolkit.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+"""classes that hold units of .po files (pounit) or entire files (pofile)
+gettext-style .po (or .pot) files are used in translations for KDE et al (see kbabel)"""
+from __future__ import generators
+from translate.misc.multistring import multistring
+from translate.misc import quote
+from translate.misc import textwrap
+from translate.lang import data
+from translate.storage import pocommon, base
+import re
+import copy
+import cStringIO
+import poparser
+lsep = "\n#: "
+"""Seperator for #: entries"""
+# general functions for quoting / unquoting po strings
+po_unescape_map = {"\\r": "\r", "\\t": "\t", '\\"': '"', '\\n': '\n', '\\\\': '\\'}
+po_escape_map = dict([(value, key) for (key, value) in po_unescape_map.items()])
+def escapeforpo(line):
+ """Escapes a line for po format. assumes no \n occurs in the line.
+ @param line: unescaped text
+ """
+ special_locations = []
+ for special_key in po_escape_map:
+ special_locations.extend(quote.find_all(line, special_key))
+ special_locations = dict.fromkeys(special_locations).keys()
+ special_locations.sort()
+ escaped_line = ""
+ last_location = 0
+ for location in special_locations:
+ escaped_line += line[last_location:location]
+ escaped_line += po_escape_map[line[location:location+1]]
+ last_location = location+1
+ escaped_line += line[last_location:]
+ return escaped_line
+def unescapehandler(escape):
+ return po_unescape_map.get(escape, escape)
+def wrapline(line):
+ """Wrap text for po files."""
+ wrappedlines = textwrap.wrap(line, 76, replace_whitespace=False, expand_tabs=False, drop_whitespace=False)
+ # Lines should not start with a space...
+ if len(wrappedlines) > 1:
+ for index, line in enumerate(wrappedlines[1:]):
+ if line.startswith(' '):
+ # Remove the space at the beginning of the line:
+ wrappedlines[index+1] = line[1:]
+ # Append a space to the previous line:
+ wrappedlines[index] += ' '
+ return wrappedlines
+def quoteforpo(text):
+ """quotes the given text for a PO file, returning quoted and escaped lines"""
+ polines = []
+ if text is None:
+ return polines
+ lines = text.split("\n")
+ if len(lines) > 1 or (len(lines) == 1 and len(lines[0]) > 71):
+ if len(lines) != 2 or lines[1]:
+ polines.extend(['""'])
+ for line in lines[:-1]:
+ #TODO: We should only wrap after escaping
+ lns = wrapline(line)
+ if len(lns) > 0:
+ for ln in lns[:-1]:
+ polines.extend(['"' + escapeforpo(ln) + '"'])
+ if lns[-1]:
+ polines.extend(['"' + escapeforpo(lns[-1]) + '\\n"'])
+ else:
+ polines.extend(['"\\n"'])
+ if lines[-1]:
+ polines.extend(['"' + escapeforpo(line) + '"' for line in wrapline(lines[-1])])
+ return polines
+def extractpoline(line):
+ """Remove quote and unescape line from po file.
+ @param line: a quoted line from a po file (msgid or msgstr)
+ """
+ extracted = quote.extractwithoutquotes(line, '"', '"', '\\', includeescapes=unescapehandler)[0]
+ return extracted
+def unquotefrompo(postr):
+ return u"".join([extractpoline(line) for line in postr])
+def encodingToUse(encoding):
+ """Tests whether the given encoding is known in the python runtime, or returns utf-8.
+ This function is used to ensure that a valid encoding is always used."""
+ if encoding == "CHARSET" or encoding == None:
+ return 'utf-8'
+ return encoding
+# if encoding is None: return False
+# return True
+# try:
+# tuple = codecs.lookup(encoding)
+# except LookupError:
+# return False
+# return True
+def is_null(lst):
+ return lst == [] or len(lst) == 1 and lst[0] == '""'
+def extractstr(string):
+ left = string.find('"')
+ right = string.rfind('"')
+ if right > -1:
+ return string[left:right+1]
+ else:
+ return string[left:] + '"'
+class pounit(pocommon.pounit):
+ # othercomments = [] # # this is another comment
+ # automaticcomments = [] # #. comment extracted from the source code
+ # sourcecomments = [] # #: sourcefile.xxx:35
+ # prev_msgctxt = [] # #| The previous values that msgctxt and msgid held
+ # prev_msgid = [] #
+ # prev_msgid_plural = [] #
+ # typecomments = [] # #, fuzzy
+ # msgidcomments = [] # _: within msgid
+ # msgctxt
+ # msgid = []
+ # msgstr = []
+ # Our homegrown way to indicate what must be copied in a shallow
+ # fashion
+ __shallow__ = ['_store']
+ def __init__(self, source=None, encoding="UTF-8"):
+ self._encoding = encodingToUse(encoding)
+ self.obsolete = False
+ self._initallcomments(blankall=True)
+ self.prev_msgctxt = []
+ self.prev_msgid = []
+ self.prev_msgid_plural = []
+ self.msgctxt = []
+ self.msgid = []
+ self.msgid_pluralcomments = []
+ self.msgid_plural = []
+ self.msgstr = []
+ self.obsoletemsgctxt = []
+ self.obsoletemsgid = []
+ self.obsoletemsgid_pluralcomments = []
+ self.obsoletemsgid_plural = []
+ self.obsoletemsgstr = []
+ pocommon.pounit.__init__(self, source)
+ def _initallcomments(self, blankall=False):
+ """Initialises allcomments"""
+ if blankall:
+ self.othercomments = []
+ self.automaticcomments = []
+ self.sourcecomments = []
+ self.typecomments = []
+ self.msgidcomments = []
+ self.obsoletemsgidcomments = []
+ def _get_all_comments(self):
+ return [self.othercomments,
+ self.automaticcomments,
+ self.sourcecomments,
+ self.typecomments,
+ self.msgidcomments,
+ self.obsoletemsgidcomments]
+ allcomments = property(_get_all_comments)
+ def _get_source_vars(self, msgid, msgid_plural):
+ multi = multistring(unquotefrompo(msgid), self._encoding)
+ if self.hasplural():
+ pluralform = unquotefrompo(msgid_plural)
+ if isinstance(pluralform, str):
+ pluralform = pluralform.decode(self._encoding)
+ multi.strings.append(pluralform)
+ return multi
+ def _set_source_vars(self, source):
+ msgid = None
+ msgid_plural = None
+ if isinstance(source, str):
+ source = source.decode(self._encoding)
+ if isinstance(source, multistring):
+ source = source.strings
+ if isinstance(source, list):
+ msgid = quoteforpo(source[0])
+ if len(source) > 1:
+ msgid_plural = quoteforpo(source[1])
+ else:
+ msgid_plural = []
+ else:
+ msgid = quoteforpo(source)
+ msgid_plural = []
+ return msgid, msgid_plural
+ def getsource(self):
+ """Returns the unescaped msgid"""
+ return self._get_source_vars(self.msgid, self.msgid_plural)
+ def setsource(self, source):
+ """Sets the msgid to the given (unescaped) value.
+ @param source: an unescaped source string.
+ """
+ self.msgid, self.msgid_plural = self._set_source_vars(source)
+ source = property(getsource, setsource)
+ def _get_prev_source(self):
+ """Returns the unescaped msgid"""
+ return self._get_source_vars(self.prev_msgid, self.prev_msgid_plural)
+ def _set_prev_source(self, source):
+ """Sets the msgid to the given (unescaped) value.
+ @param source: an unescaped source string.
+ """
+ self.prev_msgid, self.prev_msgid_plural = self._set_source_vars(source)
+ prev_source = property(_get_prev_source, _set_prev_source)
+ def gettarget(self):
+ """Returns the unescaped msgstr"""
+ if isinstance(self.msgstr, dict):
+ multi = multistring(map(unquotefrompo, self.msgstr.values()), self._encoding)
+ else:
+ multi = multistring(unquotefrompo(self.msgstr), self._encoding)
+ return multi
+ def settarget(self, target):
+ """Sets the msgstr to the given (unescaped) value"""
+ self._rich_target = None
+ if isinstance(target, str):
+ target = target.decode(self._encoding)
+ if self.hasplural():
+ if isinstance(target, multistring):
+ target = target.strings
+ elif isinstance(target, basestring):
+ target = [target]
+ elif isinstance(target, (dict, list)):
+ if len(target) == 1:
+ target = target[0]
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("po msgid element has no plural but msgstr has %d elements (%s)" % (len(target), target))
+ templates = self.msgstr
+ if isinstance(templates, list):
+ templates = {0: templates}
+ if isinstance(target, list):
+ self.msgstr = dict([(i, quoteforpo(target[i])) for i in range(len(target))])
+ elif isinstance(target, dict):
+ self.msgstr = dict([(i, quoteforpo(targetstring)) for i, targetstring in target.iteritems()])
+ else:
+ self.msgstr = quoteforpo(target)
+ target = property(gettarget, settarget)
+ def getnotes(self, origin=None):
+ """Return comments based on origin value (programmer, developer, source code and translator)"""
+ if origin == None:
+ comments = u"".join([comment[2:] for comment in self.othercomments])
+ comments += u"".join([comment[3:] for comment in self.automaticcomments])
+ elif origin == "translator":
+ comments = u"".join ([comment[2:] for comment in self.othercomments])
+ elif origin in ["programmer", "developer", "source code"]:
+ comments = u"".join([comment[3:] for comment in self.automaticcomments])
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Comment type not valid")
+ # Let's drop the last newline
+ return comments[:-1]
+ def addnote(self, text, origin=None, position="append"):
+ """This is modeled on the XLIFF method. See xliff.py::xliffunit.addnote"""
+ # ignore empty strings and strings without non-space characters
+ if not (text and text.strip()):
+ return
+ text = data.forceunicode(text)
+ commentlist = self.othercomments
+ linestart = "# "
+ if origin in ["programmer", "developer", "source code"]:
+ autocomments = True
+ commentlist = self.automaticcomments
+ linestart = "#. "
+ text = text.split("\n")
+ if position == "append":
+ commentlist += [linestart + line + "\n" for line in text]
+ else:
+ newcomments = [linestart + line + "\n" for line in text]
+ newcomments += [line for line in commentlist]
+ if autocomments:
+ self.automaticcomments = newcomments
+ else:
+ self.othercomments = newcomments
+ def removenotes(self):
+ """Remove all the translator's notes (other comments)"""
+ self.othercomments = []
+ def __deepcopy__(self, memo={}):
+ # Make an instance to serve as the copy
+ new_unit = self.__class__()
+ # We'll be testing membership frequently, so make a set from
+ # self.__shallow__
+ shallow = set(self.__shallow__)
+ # Make deep copies of all members which are not in shallow
+ for key, value in self.__dict__.iteritems():
+ if key not in shallow:
+ setattr(new_unit, key, copy.deepcopy(value))
+ # Make shallow copies of all members which are in shallow
+ for key in set(shallow):
+ setattr(new_unit, key, getattr(self, key))
+ # Mark memo with ourself, so that we won't get deep copied
+ # again
+ memo[id(self)] = self
+ # Return our copied unit
+ return new_unit
+ def copy(self):
+ return copy.deepcopy(self)
+ def _msgidlen(self):
+ if self.hasplural():
+ return len(unquotefrompo(self.msgid).strip()) + len(unquotefrompo(self.msgid_plural).strip())
+ else:
+ return len(unquotefrompo(self.msgid).strip())
+ def _msgstrlen(self):
+ if isinstance(self.msgstr, dict):
+ combinedstr = "\n".join([unquotefrompo(msgstr).strip() for msgstr in self.msgstr.itervalues()])
+ return len(combinedstr.strip())
+ else:
+ return len(unquotefrompo(self.msgstr).strip())
+ def merge(self, otherpo, overwrite=False, comments=True, authoritative=False):
+ """Merges the otherpo (with the same msgid) into this one.
+ Overwrite non-blank self.msgstr only if overwrite is True
+ merge comments only if comments is True
+ """
+ def mergelists(list1, list2, split=False):
+ #decode where necessary
+ if unicode in [type(item) for item in list2] + [type(item) for item in list1]:
+ for position, item in enumerate(list1):
+ if isinstance(item, str):
+ list1[position] = item.decode("utf-8")
+ for position, item in enumerate(list2):
+ if isinstance(item, str):
+ list2[position] = item.decode("utf-8")
+ #Determine the newline style of list1
+ lineend = ""
+ if list1 and list1[0]:
+ for candidate in ["\n", "\r", "\n\r"]:
+ if list1[0].endswith(candidate):
+ lineend = candidate
+ if not lineend:
+ lineend = ""
+ else:
+ lineend = "\n"
+ #Split if directed to do so:
+ if split:
+ splitlist1 = []
+ splitlist2 = []
+ prefix = "#"
+ for item in list1:
+ splitlist1.extend(item.split()[1:])
+ prefix = item.split()[0]
+ for item in list2:
+ splitlist2.extend(item.split()[1:])
+ prefix = item.split()[0]
+ list1.extend(["%s %s%s" % (prefix, item, lineend) for item in splitlist2 if not item in splitlist1])
+ else:
+ #Normal merge, but conform to list1 newline style
+ if list1 != list2:
+ for item in list2:
+ if lineend:
+ item = item.rstrip() + lineend
+ # avoid duplicate comment lines (this might cause some problems)
+ if item not in list1 or len(item) < 5:
+ list1.append(item)
+ if not isinstance(otherpo, pounit):
+ super(pounit, self).merge(otherpo, overwrite, comments)
+ return
+ if comments:
+ mergelists(self.othercomments, otherpo.othercomments)
+ mergelists(self.typecomments, otherpo.typecomments)
+ if not authoritative:
+ # We don't bring across otherpo.automaticcomments as we consider ourself
+ # to be the the authority. Same applies to otherpo.msgidcomments
+ mergelists(self.automaticcomments, otherpo.automaticcomments)
+ mergelists(self.msgidcomments, otherpo.msgidcomments)
+ mergelists(self.sourcecomments, otherpo.sourcecomments, split=True)
+ if not self.istranslated() or overwrite:
+ # Remove kde-style comments from the translation (if any).
+ if self._extract_msgidcomments(otherpo.target):
+ otherpo.target = otherpo.target.replace('_: ' + otherpo._extract_msgidcomments()+ '\n', '')
+ self.target = otherpo.target
+ if self.source != otherpo.source or self.getcontext() != otherpo.getcontext():
+ self.markfuzzy()
+ else:
+ self.markfuzzy(otherpo.isfuzzy())
+ elif not otherpo.istranslated():
+ if self.source != otherpo.source:
+ self.markfuzzy()
+ else:
+ if self.target != otherpo.target:
+ self.markfuzzy()
+ def isheader(self):
+ #return (self._msgidlen() == 0) and (self._msgstrlen() > 0) and (len(self.msgidcomments) == 0)
+ #rewritten here for performance:
+ return (is_null(self.msgid)
+ and not is_null(self.msgstr)
+ and self.msgidcomments == []
+ and is_null(self.msgctxt)
+ )
+ def isblank(self):
+ if self.isheader() or len(self.msgidcomments):
+ return False
+ if (self._msgidlen() == 0) and (self._msgstrlen() == 0) and (is_null(self.msgctxt)):
+ return True
+ return False
+ # TODO: remove:
+ # Before, the equivalent of the following was the final return statement:
+ # return len(self.source.strip()) == 0
+ def hastypecomment(self, typecomment):
+ """Check whether the given type comment is present"""
+ # check for word boundaries properly by using a regular expression...
+ return sum(map(lambda tcline: len(re.findall("\\b%s\\b" % typecomment, tcline)), self.typecomments)) != 0
+ def hasmarkedcomment(self, commentmarker):
+ """Check whether the given comment marker is present as # (commentmarker) ..."""
+ commentmarker = "(%s)" % commentmarker
+ for comment in self.othercomments:
+ if comment.replace("#", "", 1).strip().startswith(commentmarker):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def settypecomment(self, typecomment, present=True):
+ """Alters whether a given typecomment is present"""
+ if self.hastypecomment(typecomment) != present:
+ if present:
+ self.typecomments.append("#, %s\n" % typecomment)
+ else:
+ # this should handle word boundaries properly ...
+ typecomments = map(lambda tcline: re.sub("\\b%s\\b[ \t,]*" % typecomment, "", tcline), self.typecomments)
+ self.typecomments = filter(lambda tcline: tcline.strip() != "#,", typecomments)
+ def isfuzzy(self):
+ return self.hastypecomment("fuzzy")
+ def markfuzzy(self, present=True):
+ self.settypecomment("fuzzy", present)
+ def isobsolete(self):
+ return self.obsolete
+ def makeobsolete(self):
+ """Makes this unit obsolete"""
+ self.obsolete = True
+ if self.msgctxt:
+ self.obsoletemsgctxt = self.msgctxt
+ if self.msgid:
+ self.obsoletemsgid = self.msgid
+ self.msgid = []
+ if self.msgidcomments:
+ self.obsoletemsgidcomments = self.msgidcomments
+ self.msgidcomments = []
+ if self.msgid_plural:
+ self.obsoletemsgid_plural = self.msgid_plural
+ self.msgid_plural = []
+ if self.msgstr:
+ self.obsoletemsgstr = self.msgstr
+ self.msgstr = []
+ self.sourcecomments = []
+ self.automaticcomments = []
+ def resurrect(self):
+ """Makes an obsolete unit normal"""
+ self.obsolete = False
+ if self.obsoletemsgctxt:
+ self.msgid = self.obsoletemsgctxt
+ self.obsoletemsgctxt = []
+ if self.obsoletemsgid:
+ self.msgid = self.obsoletemsgid
+ self.obsoletemsgid = []
+ if self.obsoletemsgidcomments:
+ self.msgidcomments = self.obsoletemsgidcomments
+ self.obsoletemsgidcomments = []
+ if self.obsoletemsgid_plural:
+ self.msgid_plural = self.obsoletemsgid_plural
+ self.obsoletemsgid_plural = []
+ if self.obsoletemsgstr:
+ self.msgstr = self.obsoletemsgstr
+ self.obsoletemgstr = []
+ def hasplural(self):
+ """returns whether this pounit contains plural strings..."""
+ return len(self.msgid_plural) > 0
+ def parse(self, src):
+ return poparser.parse_unit(poparser.ParseState(cStringIO.StringIO(src), pounit), self)
+ def _getmsgpartstr(self, partname, partlines, partcomments=""):
+ if isinstance(partlines, dict):
+ partkeys = partlines.keys()
+ partkeys.sort()
+ return "".join([self._getmsgpartstr("%s[%d]" % (partname, partkey), partlines[partkey], partcomments) for partkey in partkeys])
+ partstr = partname + " "
+ partstartline = 0
+ if len(partlines) > 0 and len(partcomments) == 0:
+ partstr += partlines[0]
+ partstartline = 1
+ elif len(partcomments) > 0:
+ if len(partlines) > 0 and len(unquotefrompo(partlines[:1])) == 0:
+ # if there is a blank leader line, it must come before the comment
+ partstr += partlines[0] + '\n'
+ # but if the whole string is blank, leave it in
+ if len(partlines) > 1:
+ partstartline += 1
+ else:
+ # All partcomments should start on a newline
+ partstr += '""\n'
+ # combine comments into one if more than one
+ if len(partcomments) > 1:
+ combinedcomment = []
+ for comment in partcomments:
+ comment = unquotefrompo([comment])
+ if comment.startswith("_:"):
+ comment = comment[len("_:"):]
+ if comment.endswith("\\n"):
+ comment = comment[:-len("\\n")]
+ #Before we used to strip. Necessary in some cases?
+ combinedcomment.append(comment)
+ partcomments = quoteforpo("_:%s" % "".join(combinedcomment))
+ # comments first, no blank leader line needed
+ partstr += "\n".join(partcomments)
+ partstr = quote.rstripeol(partstr)
+ else:
+ partstr += '""'
+ partstr += '\n'
+ # add the rest
+ for partline in partlines[partstartline:]:
+ partstr += partline + '\n'
+ return partstr
+ def _encodeifneccessary(self, output):
+ """encodes unicode strings and returns other strings unchanged"""
+ if isinstance(output, unicode):
+ encoding = encodingToUse(getattr(self, "encoding", "UTF-8"))
+ return output.encode(encoding)
+ return output
+ def __str__(self):
+ """convert to a string. double check that unicode is handled somehow here"""
+ output = self._getoutput()
+ return self._encodeifneccessary(output)
+ def _getoutput(self):
+ """return this po element as a string"""
+ def add_prev_msgid_lines(lines, header, var):
+ if len(var) > 0:
+ lines.append("#| %s %s\n" % (header, var[0]))
+ lines.extend("#| %s\n" % line for line in var[1:])
+ def add_prev_msgid_info(lines):
+ add_prev_msgid_lines(lines, 'msgctxt', self.prev_msgctxt)
+ add_prev_msgid_lines(lines, 'msgid', self.prev_msgid)
+ add_prev_msgid_lines(lines, 'msgid_plural', self.prev_msgid_plural)
+ lines = []
+ lines.extend(self.othercomments)
+ if self.isobsolete():
+ lines.extend(self.typecomments)
+ obsoletelines = []
+ if self.obsoletemsgctxt:
+ obsoletelines.append(self._getmsgpartstr("#~ msgctxt", self.obsoletemsgctxt))
+ obsoletelines.append(self._getmsgpartstr("#~ msgid", self.obsoletemsgid, self.obsoletemsgidcomments))
+ if self.obsoletemsgid_plural or self.obsoletemsgid_pluralcomments:
+ obsoletelines.append(self._getmsgpartstr("#~ msgid_plural", self.obsoletemsgid_plural, self.obsoletemsgid_pluralcomments))
+ obsoletelines.append(self._getmsgpartstr("#~ msgstr", self.obsoletemsgstr))
+ for index, obsoleteline in enumerate(obsoletelines):
+ # We need to account for a multiline msgid or msgstr here
+ obsoletelines[index] = obsoleteline.replace('\n"', '\n#~ "')
+ lines.extend(obsoletelines)
+ lines = [self._encodeifneccessary(line) for line in lines]
+ return "".join(lines)
+ # if there's no msgid don't do msgid and string, unless we're the header
+ # this will also discard any comments other than plain othercomments...
+ if is_null(self.msgid):
+ if not (self.isheader() or self.getcontext() or self.sourcecomments):
+ return "".join(lines)
+ lines.extend(self.automaticcomments)
+ lines.extend(self.sourcecomments)
+ lines.extend(self.typecomments)
+ add_prev_msgid_info(lines)
+ if self.msgctxt:
+ lines.append(self._getmsgpartstr("msgctxt", self.msgctxt))
+ lines.append(self._getmsgpartstr("msgid", self.msgid, self.msgidcomments))
+ if self.msgid_plural or self.msgid_pluralcomments:
+ lines.append(self._getmsgpartstr("msgid_plural", self.msgid_plural, self.msgid_pluralcomments))
+ lines.append(self._getmsgpartstr("msgstr", self.msgstr))
+ lines = [self._encodeifneccessary(line) for line in lines]
+ postr = "".join(lines)
+ return postr
+ def getlocations(self):
+ """Get a list of locations from sourcecomments in the PO unit
+ rtype: List
+ return: A list of the locations with '#: ' stripped
+ """
+ locations = []
+ for sourcecomment in self.sourcecomments:
+ locations += quote.rstripeol(sourcecomment)[3:].split()
+ return locations
+ def addlocation(self, location):
+ """Add a location to sourcecomments in the PO unit
+ @param location: Text location e.g. 'file.c:23' does not include #:
+ @type location: String
+ """
+ self.sourcecomments.append("#: %s\n" % location)
+ def _extract_msgidcomments(self, text=None):
+ """Extract KDE style msgid comments from the unit.
+ @rtype: String
+ @return: Returns the extracted msgidcomments found in this unit's msgid.
+ """
+ if not text:
+ text = unquotefrompo(self.msgidcomments)
+ return text.split('\n')[0].replace('_: ', '', 1)
+ def setmsgidcomment(self, msgidcomment):
+ if msgidcomment:
+ self.msgidcomments = ['"_: %s\\n"' % msgidcomment]
+ else:
+ self.msgidcomments = []
+ msgidcomment = property(_extract_msgidcomments, setmsgidcomment)
+ def getcontext(self):
+ """Get the message context."""
+ return unquotefrompo(self.msgctxt) + self._extract_msgidcomments()
+ def getid(self):
+ """Returns a unique identifier for this unit."""
+ context = self.getcontext()
+ # Gettext does not consider the plural to determine duplicates, only
+ # the msgid. For generation of .mo files, we might want to use this
+ # code to generate the entry for the hash table, but for now, it is
+ # commented out for conformance to gettext.
+# id = '\0'.join(self.source.strings)
+ id = self.source
+ if self.msgidcomments:
+ id = u"_: %s\n%s" % (context, id)
+ elif context:
+ id = u"%s\04%s" % (context, id)
+ return id
+class pofile(pocommon.pofile):
+ """A .po file containing various units"""
+ UnitClass = pounit
+ def __init__(self, inputfile=None, encoding=None, unitclass=pounit):
+ """Construct a pofile, optionally reading in from inputfile.
+ encoding can be specified but otherwise will be read from the PO header"""
+ self.UnitClass = unitclass
+ pocommon.pofile.__init__(self, unitclass=unitclass)
+ self.units = []
+ self.filename = ''
+ self._encoding = encodingToUse(encoding)
+ if inputfile is not None:
+ self.parse(inputfile)
+ def changeencoding(self, newencoding):
+ """Deprecated: changes the encoding on the file."""
+ # This should not be here but in poheader. It also shouldn't mangle the
+ # header itself, but use poheader methods. All users are removed, so
+ # we can deprecate after one release.
+ raise DeprecationWarning
+ self._encoding = encodingToUse(newencoding)
+ if not self.units:
+ return
+ header = self.header()
+ if not header or header.isblank():
+ return
+ charsetline = None
+ headerstr = unquotefrompo(header.msgstr)
+ for line in headerstr.split("\n"):
+ if not ":" in line:
+ continue
+ key, value = line.strip().split(":", 1)
+ if key.strip() != "Content-Type":
+ continue
+ charsetline = line
+ if charsetline is None:
+ headerstr += "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=%s" % self._encoding
+ else:
+ charset = re.search("charset=([^ ]*)", charsetline)
+ if charset is None:
+ newcharsetline = charsetline
+ if not newcharsetline.strip().endswith(";"):
+ newcharsetline += ";"
+ newcharsetline += " charset=%s" % self._encoding
+ else:
+ charset = charset.group(1)
+ newcharsetline = charsetline.replace("charset=%s" % charset, "charset=%s" % self._encoding, 1)
+ headerstr = headerstr.replace(charsetline, newcharsetline, 1)
+ header.msgstr = quoteforpo(headerstr)
+ def parse(self, input):
+ """Parses the given file or file source string."""
+ try:
+ if hasattr(input, 'name'):
+ self.filename = input.name
+ elif not getattr(self, 'filename', ''):
+ self.filename = ''
+ if isinstance(input, str):
+ input = cStringIO.StringIO(input)
+ poparser.parse_units(poparser.ParseState(input, pounit), self)
+ except Exception, e:
+ raise base.ParseError(e)
+ def removeduplicates(self, duplicatestyle="merge"):
+ """Make sure each msgid is unique ; merge comments etc from duplicates into original"""
+ # TODO: can we handle consecutive calls to removeduplicates()? What
+ # about files already containing msgctxt? - test
+ id_dict = {}
+ uniqueunits = []
+ # TODO: this is using a list as the pos aren't hashable, but this is slow.
+ # probably not used frequently enough to worry about it, though.
+ markedpos = []
+ def addcomment(thepo):
+ thepo.msgidcomments.append('"_: %s\\n"' % " ".join(thepo.getlocations()))
+ markedpos.append(thepo)
+ for thepo in self.units:
+ id = thepo.getid()
+ if thepo.isheader() and not thepo.getlocations():
+ # header msgids shouldn't be merged...
+ uniqueunits.append(thepo)
+ elif id in id_dict:
+ if duplicatestyle == "merge":
+ if id:
+ id_dict[id].merge(thepo)
+ else:
+ addcomment(thepo)
+ uniqueunits.append(thepo)
+ elif duplicatestyle == "msgctxt":
+ origpo = id_dict[id]
+ if origpo not in markedpos:
+ origpo.msgctxt.append('"%s"' % escapeforpo(" ".join(origpo.getlocations())))
+ markedpos.append(thepo)
+ thepo.msgctxt.append('"%s"' % escapeforpo(" ".join(thepo.getlocations())))
+ uniqueunits.append(thepo)
+ else:
+ if not id:
+ if duplicatestyle == "merge":
+ addcomment(thepo)
+ else:
+ thepo.msgctxt.append('"%s"' % escapeforpo(" ".join(thepo.getlocations())))
+ id_dict[id] = thepo
+ uniqueunits.append(thepo)
+ self.units = uniqueunits
+ def __str__(self):
+ """Convert to a string. double check that unicode is handled somehow here"""
+ output = self._getoutput()
+ if isinstance(output, unicode):
+ return output.encode(getattr(self, "encoding", "UTF-8"))
+ return output
+ def _getoutput(self):
+ """convert the units back to lines"""
+ lines = []
+ for unit in self.units:
+ unitsrc = str(unit) + "\n"
+ lines.append(unitsrc)
+ lines = "".join(self.encode(lines)).rstrip()
+ #After the last pounit we will have \n\n and we only want to end in \n:
+ if lines:
+ lines += "\n"
+ return lines
+ def encode(self, lines):
+ """encode any unicode strings in lines in self._encoding"""
+ newlines = []
+ encoding = self._encoding
+ if encoding is None or encoding.lower() == "charset":
+ encoding = 'UTF-8'
+ for line in lines:
+ if isinstance(line, unicode):
+ line = line.encode(encoding)
+ newlines.append(line)
+ return newlines
+ def decode(self, lines):
+ """decode any non-unicode strings in lines with self._encoding"""
+ newlines = []
+ for line in lines:
+ if isinstance(line, str) and self._encoding is not None and self._encoding.lower() != "charset":
+ try:
+ line = line.decode(self._encoding)
+ except UnicodeError, e:
+ raise UnicodeError("Error decoding line with encoding %r: %s. Line is %r" % (self._encoding, e, line))
+ newlines.append(line)
+ return newlines
+ def unit_iter(self):
+ for unit in self.units:
+ if not (unit.isheader() or unit.isobsolete()):
+ yield unit