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path: root/translate-toolkit-1.5.1/translate/misc/optrecurse.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'translate-toolkit-1.5.1/translate/misc/optrecurse.py')
1 files changed, 699 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/translate-toolkit-1.5.1/translate/misc/optrecurse.py b/translate-toolkit-1.5.1/translate/misc/optrecurse.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d89c31a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translate-toolkit-1.5.1/translate/misc/optrecurse.py
@@ -0,0 +1,699 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2002-2006 Zuza Software Foundation
+# This file is part of translate.
+# translate is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# translate is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with translate; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+import sys
+import os.path
+import fnmatch
+import traceback
+import optparse
+from translate.misc import progressbar
+from translate import __version__
+ from cStringIO import StringIO
+except ImportError:
+ from StringIO import StringIO
+class ManPageOption(optparse.Option, object):
+ ACTIONS = optparse.Option.ACTIONS + ("manpage",)
+ def take_action(self, action, dest, opt, value, values, parser):
+ """take_action that can handle manpage as well as standard actions"""
+ if action == "manpage":
+ parser.print_manpage()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ return super(ManPageOption, self).take_action(action, dest, opt, value, values, parser)
+class ManHelpFormatter (optparse.HelpFormatter):
+ def __init__ (self,
+ indent_increment=0,
+ max_help_position=0,
+ width=80,
+ short_first=1):
+ optparse.HelpFormatter.__init__(
+ self, indent_increment, max_help_position, width, short_first)
+ def format_option_strings (self, option):
+ """Return a comma-separated list of option strings & metavariables."""
+ if option.takes_value():
+ metavar = option.metavar or option.dest.upper()
+ metavar = '\\fI%s\\fP'%metavar
+ short_opts = [sopt + metavar for sopt in option._short_opts]
+ long_opts = [lopt + "\\fR=\\fP" + metavar for lopt in option._long_opts]
+ else:
+ short_opts = option._short_opts
+ long_opts = option._long_opts
+ if self.short_first:
+ opts = short_opts + long_opts
+ else:
+ opts = long_opts + short_opts
+ return '\\fB%s\\fP'%("\\fR, \\fP".join(opts))
+class RecursiveOptionParser(optparse.OptionParser, object):
+ """A specialized Option Parser for recursing through directories."""
+ def __init__(self, formats, usetemplates=False, allowmissingtemplate=False, description=None):
+ """Construct the specialized Option Parser.
+ @type formats: Dictionary
+ @param formats: See L{setformats()} for an explanation of the formats parameter.
+ """
+ optparse.OptionParser.__init__(self, version="%prog "+__version__.sver, description=description)
+ self.setmanpageoption()
+ self.setprogressoptions()
+ self.seterrorleveloptions()
+ self.setformats(formats, usetemplates)
+ self.setpsycooption()
+ self.passthrough = []
+ self.allowmissingtemplate = allowmissingtemplate
+ def get_prog_name(self):
+ return os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
+ def setmanpageoption(self):
+ """creates a manpage option that allows the optionparser to generate a manpage"""
+ manpageoption = ManPageOption(None, "--manpage", dest="manpage", default=False, action="manpage",
+ help="output a manpage based on the help")
+ self.define_option(manpageoption)
+ def format_manpage(self):
+ """returns a formatted manpage"""
+ result = []
+ prog = self.get_prog_name()
+ formatprog = lambda x: x.replace("%prog", prog)
+ formatToolkit = lambda x: x.replace("%prog", "Translate Toolkit")
+ result.append('.\\" Autogenerated manpage\n')
+ result.append('.TH %s 1 "%s" "" "%s"\n' % (prog,
+ formatToolkit(self.version),
+ formatToolkit(self.version)))
+ result.append('.SH NAME\n')
+ result.append('%s \\- %s\n' % (self.get_prog_name(), self.description.split('\n\n')[0]))
+ result.append('.SH SYNOPSIS\n')
+ result.append('.PP\n')
+ usage = "\\fB%prog "
+ usage += " ".join([self.getusageman(option) for option in self.option_list])
+ usage += "\\fP"
+ result.append('%s\n' % formatprog(usage))
+ description_lines = self.description.split('\n\n')[1:]
+ if description_lines:
+ result.append('.SH DESCRIPTION\n')
+ result.append('\n'.join(description_lines))
+ result.append('.SH OPTIONS\n')
+ ManHelpFormatter().store_option_strings(self)
+ result.append('.PP\n')
+ for option in self.option_list:
+ result.append('.TP\n')
+ result.append('%s\n'%option)
+ result.append('%s\n'%option.help)
+ return "".join(result)
+ def print_manpage(self, file=None):
+ """outputs a manpage for the program using the help information"""
+ if file is None:
+ file = sys.stdout
+ file.write(self.format_manpage())
+ def setpsycooption(self):
+ try:
+ import psyco
+ except Exception:
+ return
+ psycomodes = ["none", "full", "profile"]
+ psycooption = optparse.Option(None, "--psyco", dest="psyco", default=None,
+ choices=psycomodes, metavar="MODE",
+ help="use psyco to speed up the operation, modes: %s" % (", ".join(psycomodes)))
+ self.define_option(psycooption)
+ def usepsyco(self, options):
+ # options.psyco == None means the default, which is "full", but don't give a warning...
+ # options.psyco == "none" means don't use psyco at all...
+ if getattr(options, "psyco", "none") == "none":
+ return
+ try:
+ import psyco
+ except Exception:
+ if options.psyco is not None:
+ self.warning("psyco unavailable", options, sys.exc_info())
+ return
+ if options.psyco is None:
+ options.psyco = "full"
+ if options.psyco == "full":
+ psyco.full()
+ elif options.psyco == "profile":
+ psyco.profile()
+ # tell psyco the functions it cannot compile, to prevent warnings
+ import encodings
+ psyco.cannotcompile(encodings.search_function)
+ def set_usage(self, usage=None):
+ """sets the usage string - if usage not given, uses getusagestring for each option"""
+ if usage is None:
+ self.usage = "%prog " + " ".join([self.getusagestring(option) for option in self.option_list])
+ else:
+ super(RecursiveOptionParser, self).set_usage(usage)
+ def warning(self, msg, options=None, exc_info=None):
+ """Print a warning message incorporating 'msg' to stderr and exit."""
+ if options:
+ if options.errorlevel == "traceback":
+ errorinfo = "\n".join(traceback.format_exception(exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2]))
+ elif options.errorlevel == "exception":
+ errorinfo = "\n".join(traceback.format_exception_only(exc_info[0], exc_info[1]))
+ elif options.errorlevel == "message":
+ errorinfo = str(exc_info[1])
+ else:
+ errorinfo = ""
+ if errorinfo:
+ msg += ": " + errorinfo
+ print >> sys.stderr, "\n%s: warning: %s" % (self.get_prog_name(), msg)
+ def getusagestring(self, option):
+ """returns the usage string for the given option"""
+ optionstring = "|".join(option._short_opts + option._long_opts)
+ if getattr(option, "optionalswitch", False):
+ optionstring = "[%s]" % optionstring
+ if option.metavar:
+ optionstring += " " + option.metavar
+ if getattr(option, "required", False):
+ return optionstring
+ else:
+ return "[%s]" % optionstring
+ def getusageman(self, option):
+ """returns the usage string for the given option"""
+ optionstring = "\\fR|\\fP".join(option._short_opts + option._long_opts)
+ if getattr(option, "optionalswitch", False):
+ optionstring = "\\fR[\\fP%s\\fR]\\fP" % optionstring
+ if option.metavar:
+ optionstring += " \\fI%s\\fP" % option.metavar
+ if getattr(option, "required", False):
+ return optionstring
+ else:
+ return "\\fR[\\fP%s\\fR]\\fP" % optionstring
+ def define_option(self, option):
+ """defines the given option, replacing an existing one of the same short name if neccessary..."""
+ for short_opt in option._short_opts:
+ if self.has_option(short_opt):
+ self.remove_option(short_opt)
+ for long_opt in option._long_opts:
+ if self.has_option(long_opt):
+ self.remove_option(long_opt)
+ self.add_option(option)
+ def setformats(self, formats, usetemplates):
+ """Sets the format options using the given format dictionary.
+ @type formats: Dictionary
+ @param formats: The dictionary I{keys} should be:
+ - single strings (or 1-tuples) containing an input format (if not usetemplates)
+ - tuples containing an input format and template format (if usetemplates)
+ - formats can be None to indicate what to do with standard input
+ The dictionary I{values} should be tuples of outputformat (string) and processor method.
+ """
+ inputformats = []
+ outputformats = []
+ templateformats = []
+ self.outputoptions = {}
+ self.usetemplates = usetemplates
+ for formatgroup, outputoptions in formats.iteritems():
+ if isinstance(formatgroup, (str, unicode)) or formatgroup is None:
+ formatgroup = (formatgroup, )
+ if not isinstance(formatgroup, tuple):
+ raise ValueError("formatgroups must be tuples or None/str/unicode")
+ if len(formatgroup) < 1 or len(formatgroup) > 2:
+ raise ValueError("formatgroups must be tuples of length 1 or 2")
+ if len(formatgroup) == 1:
+ formatgroup += (None, )
+ inputformat, templateformat = formatgroup
+ if not isinstance(outputoptions, tuple) or len(outputoptions) != 2:
+ raise ValueError("output options must be tuples of length 2")
+ outputformat, processor = outputoptions
+ if not inputformat in inputformats:
+ inputformats.append(inputformat)
+ if not outputformat in outputformats:
+ outputformats.append(outputformat)
+ if not templateformat in templateformats:
+ templateformats.append(templateformat)
+ self.outputoptions[(inputformat, templateformat)] = (outputformat, processor)
+ self.inputformats = inputformats
+ inputformathelp = self.getformathelp(inputformats)
+ inputoption = optparse.Option("-i", "--input", dest="input", default=None, metavar="INPUT",
+ help="read from INPUT in %s" % (inputformathelp))
+ inputoption.optionalswitch = True
+ inputoption.required = True
+ self.define_option(inputoption)
+ excludeoption = optparse.Option("-x", "--exclude", dest="exclude", action="append",
+ type="string", default=["CVS", ".svn", "_darcs", ".git", ".hg", ".bzr"], metavar="EXCLUDE",
+ help="exclude names matching EXCLUDE from input paths")
+ self.define_option(excludeoption)
+ outputformathelp = self.getformathelp(outputformats)
+ outputoption = optparse.Option("-o", "--output", dest="output", default=None, metavar="OUTPUT",
+ help="write to OUTPUT in %s" % (outputformathelp))
+ outputoption.optionalswitch = True
+ outputoption.required = True
+ self.define_option(outputoption)
+ if self.usetemplates:
+ self.templateformats = templateformats
+ templateformathelp = self.getformathelp(self.templateformats)
+ templateoption = optparse.Option("-t", "--template", dest="template", default=None, metavar="TEMPLATE",
+ help="read from TEMPLATE in %s" % (templateformathelp))
+ self.define_option(templateoption)
+ def setprogressoptions(self):
+ """sets the progress options"""
+ self.progresstypes = {
+ "none": progressbar.NoProgressBar,
+ "bar": progressbar.HashProgressBar,
+ "dots": progressbar.DotsProgressBar,
+ "names": progressbar.MessageProgressBar,
+ "verbose": progressbar.VerboseProgressBar
+ }
+ progressoption = optparse.Option(None, "--progress", dest="progress", default="bar",
+ choices = self.progresstypes.keys(), metavar="PROGRESS",
+ help="show progress as: %s" % (", ".join(self.progresstypes)))
+ self.define_option(progressoption)
+ def seterrorleveloptions(self):
+ """sets the errorlevel options"""
+ self.errorleveltypes = ["none", "message", "exception", "traceback"]
+ errorleveloption = optparse.Option(None, "--errorlevel", dest="errorlevel", default="message",
+ choices = self.errorleveltypes, metavar="ERRORLEVEL",
+ help="show errorlevel as: %s" % (", ".join(self.errorleveltypes)))
+ self.define_option(errorleveloption)
+ def getformathelp(self, formats):
+ """make a nice help string for describing formats..."""
+ if None in formats:
+ formats = filter(lambda format: format is not None, formats)
+ if len(formats) == 0:
+ return ""
+ elif len(formats) == 1:
+ return "%s format" % (", ".join(formats))
+ else:
+ return "%s formats" % (", ".join(formats))
+ def isrecursive(self, fileoption, filepurpose='input'):
+ """checks if fileoption is a recursive file"""
+ if fileoption is None:
+ return False
+ elif isinstance(fileoption, list):
+ return True
+ else:
+ return os.path.isdir(fileoption)
+ def parse_args(self, args=None, values=None):
+ """parses the command line options, handling implicit input/output args"""
+ (options, args) = super(RecursiveOptionParser, self).parse_args(args, values)
+ # some intelligent as to what reasonable people might give on the command line
+ if args and not options.input:
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ options.input = args[:-1]
+ args = args[-1:]
+ else:
+ options.input = args[0]
+ args = []
+ if args and not options.output:
+ options.output = args[-1]
+ args = args[:-1]
+ if args:
+ self.error("You have used an invalid combination of --input, --output and freestanding args")
+ if isinstance(options.input, list) and len(options.input) == 1:
+ options.input = options.input[0]
+ if options.input is None:
+ self.error("You need to give an inputfile or use - for stdin ; use --help for full usage instructions")
+ elif options.input == '-':
+ options.input = None
+ return (options, args)
+ def getpassthroughoptions(self, options):
+ """get the options required to pass to the filtermethod..."""
+ passthroughoptions = {}
+ for optionname in dir(options):
+ if optionname in self.passthrough:
+ passthroughoptions[optionname] = getattr(options, optionname)
+ return passthroughoptions
+ def getoutputoptions(self, options, inputpath, templatepath):
+ """works out which output format and processor method to use..."""
+ if inputpath:
+ inputbase, inputext = self.splitinputext(inputpath)
+ else:
+ inputext = None
+ if templatepath:
+ templatebase, templateext = self.splittemplateext(templatepath)
+ else:
+ templateext = None
+ if (inputext, templateext) in options.outputoptions:
+ return options.outputoptions[inputext, templateext]
+ elif (inputext, "*") in options.outputoptions:
+ outputformat, fileprocessor = options.outputoptions[inputext, "*"]
+ elif ("*", templateext) in options.outputoptions:
+ outputformat, fileprocessor = options.outputoptions["*", templateext]
+ elif ("*", "*") in options.outputoptions:
+ outputformat, fileprocessor = options.outputoptions["*", "*"]
+ elif (inputext, None) in options.outputoptions:
+ return options.outputoptions[inputext, None]
+ elif (None, templateext) in options.outputoptions:
+ return options.outputoptions[None, templateext]
+ elif ("*", None) in options.outputoptions:
+ outputformat, fileprocessor = options.outputoptions["*", None]
+ elif (None, "*") in options.outputoptions:
+ outputformat, fileprocessor = options.outputoptions[None, "*"]
+ else:
+ if self.usetemplates:
+ if inputext is None:
+ raise ValueError("don't know what to do with input format (no file extension), no template file")
+ elif templateext is None:
+ raise ValueError("don't know what to do with input format %s, no template file" % (os.extsep + inputext))
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("don't know what to do with input format %s, template format %s" % (os.extsep + inputext, os.extsep + templateext))
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("don't know what to do with input format %s" % os.extsep + inputext)
+ if outputformat == "*":
+ if inputext:
+ outputformat = inputext
+ elif templateext:
+ outputformat = templateext
+ elif ("*", "*") in options.outputoptions:
+ outputformat = None
+ else:
+ if self.usetemplates:
+ if templateext is None:
+ raise ValueError("don't know what to do with input format %s, no template file" % (os.extsep + inputext))
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("don't know what to do with input format %s, template format %s" % (os.extsep + inputext, os.extsep + templateext))
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("don't know what to do with input format %s" % os.extsep + inputext)
+ return outputformat, fileprocessor
+ def initprogressbar(self, allfiles, options):
+ """sets up a progress bar appropriate to the options and files"""
+ if options.progress in ('bar', 'verbose'):
+ self.progressbar = self.progresstypes[options.progress](0, len(allfiles))
+ print >> sys.stderr, "processing %d files..." % len(allfiles)
+ else:
+ self.progressbar = self.progresstypes[options.progress]()
+ def getfullinputpath(self, options, inputpath):
+ """gets the absolute path to an input file"""
+ if options.input:
+ return os.path.join(options.input, inputpath)
+ else:
+ return inputpath
+ def getfulloutputpath(self, options, outputpath):
+ """gets the absolute path to an output file"""
+ if options.recursiveoutput and options.output:
+ return os.path.join(options.output, outputpath)
+ else:
+ return outputpath
+ def getfulltemplatepath(self, options, templatepath):
+ """gets the absolute path to a template file"""
+ if not options.recursivetemplate:
+ return templatepath
+ elif templatepath is not None and self.usetemplates and options.template:
+ return os.path.join(options.template, templatepath)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def run(self):
+ """parses the arguments, and runs recursiveprocess with the resulting options..."""
+ (options, args) = self.parse_args()
+ # this is so derived classes can modify the inputformats etc based on the options
+ options.inputformats = self.inputformats
+ options.outputoptions = self.outputoptions
+ self.usepsyco(options)
+ self.recursiveprocess(options)
+ def recursiveprocess(self, options):
+ """recurse through directories and process files"""
+ if self.isrecursive(options.input, 'input') and getattr(options, "allowrecursiveinput", True):
+ if not self.isrecursive(options.output, 'output'):
+ try:
+ self.warning("Output directory does not exist. Attempting to create")
+ os.mkdir(options.output)
+ except IOError, e:
+ self.error(optparse.OptionValueError("Output directory does not exist, attempt to create failed"))
+ if isinstance(options.input, list):
+ inputfiles = self.recurseinputfilelist(options)
+ else:
+ inputfiles = self.recurseinputfiles(options)
+ else:
+ if options.input:
+ inputfiles = [os.path.basename(options.input)]
+ options.input = os.path.dirname(options.input)
+ else:
+ inputfiles = [options.input]
+ options.recursiveoutput = self.isrecursive(options.output, 'output') and getattr(options, "allowrecursiveoutput", True)
+ options.recursivetemplate = self.usetemplates and self.isrecursive(options.template, 'template') and getattr(options, "allowrecursivetemplate", True)
+ self.initprogressbar(inputfiles, options)
+ for inputpath in inputfiles:
+ try:
+ templatepath = self.gettemplatename(options, inputpath)
+ # If we have a recursive template, but the template doesn't have this
+ # input file, let's drop it.
+ if options.recursivetemplate and templatepath is None and not self.allowmissingtemplate:
+ self.warning("No template at %s. Skipping %s." % (templatepath, inputpath))
+ continue
+ outputformat, fileprocessor = self.getoutputoptions(options, inputpath, templatepath)
+ fullinputpath = self.getfullinputpath(options, inputpath)
+ fulltemplatepath = self.getfulltemplatepath(options, templatepath)
+ outputpath = self.getoutputname(options, inputpath, outputformat)
+ fulloutputpath = self.getfulloutputpath(options, outputpath)
+ if options.recursiveoutput and outputpath:
+ self.checkoutputsubdir(options, os.path.dirname(outputpath))
+ except Exception, error:
+ if isinstance(error, KeyboardInterrupt):
+ raise
+ self.warning("Couldn't handle input file %s" % inputpath, options, sys.exc_info())
+ continue
+ try:
+ success = self.processfile(fileprocessor, options, fullinputpath, fulloutputpath, fulltemplatepath)
+ except Exception, error:
+ if isinstance(error, KeyboardInterrupt):
+ raise
+ self.warning("Error processing: input %s, output %s, template %s" % (fullinputpath, fulloutputpath, fulltemplatepath), options, sys.exc_info())
+ success = False
+ self.reportprogress(inputpath, success)
+ del self.progressbar
+ def openinputfile(self, options, fullinputpath):
+ """opens the input file"""
+ if fullinputpath is None:
+ return sys.stdin
+ return open(fullinputpath, 'r')
+ def openoutputfile(self, options, fulloutputpath):
+ """opens the output file"""
+ if fulloutputpath is None:
+ return sys.stdout
+ return open(fulloutputpath, 'w')
+ def opentempoutputfile(self, options, fulloutputpath):
+ """opens a temporary output file"""
+ return StringIO()
+ def finalizetempoutputfile(self, options, outputfile, fulloutputpath):
+ """write the temp outputfile to its final destination"""
+ outputfile.reset()
+ outputstring = outputfile.read()
+ outputfile = self.openoutputfile(options, fulloutputpath)
+ outputfile.write(outputstring)
+ outputfile.close()
+ def opentemplatefile(self, options, fulltemplatepath):
+ """opens the template file (if required)"""
+ if fulltemplatepath is not None:
+ if os.path.isfile(fulltemplatepath):
+ return open(fulltemplatepath, 'r')
+ else:
+ self.warning("missing template file %s" % fulltemplatepath)
+ return None
+ def processfile(self, fileprocessor, options, fullinputpath, fulloutputpath, fulltemplatepath):
+ """process an individual file"""
+ inputfile = self.openinputfile(options, fullinputpath)
+ if fulloutputpath and fulloutputpath in (fullinputpath, fulltemplatepath):
+ outputfile = self.opentempoutputfile(options, fulloutputpath)
+ tempoutput = True
+ else:
+ outputfile = self.openoutputfile(options, fulloutputpath)
+ tempoutput = False
+ templatefile = self.opentemplatefile(options, fulltemplatepath)
+ passthroughoptions = self.getpassthroughoptions(options)
+ if fileprocessor(inputfile, outputfile, templatefile, **passthroughoptions):
+ if tempoutput:
+ self.warning("writing to temporary output...")
+ self.finalizetempoutputfile(options, outputfile, fulloutputpath)
+ return True
+ else:
+ # remove the file if it is a file (could be stdout etc)
+ if fulloutputpath and os.path.isfile(fulloutputpath):
+ outputfile.close()
+ os.unlink(fulloutputpath)
+ return False
+ def reportprogress(self, filename, success):
+ """shows that we are progressing..."""
+ self.progressbar.amount += 1
+ self.progressbar.show(filename)
+ def mkdir(self, parent, subdir):
+ """makes a subdirectory (recursively if neccessary)"""
+ if not os.path.isdir(parent):
+ raise ValueError("cannot make child directory %r if parent %r does not exist" % (subdir, parent))
+ currentpath = parent
+ subparts = subdir.split(os.sep)
+ for part in subparts:
+ currentpath = os.path.join(currentpath, part)
+ if not os.path.isdir(currentpath):
+ os.mkdir(currentpath)
+ def checkoutputsubdir(self, options, subdir):
+ """checks to see if subdir under options.output needs to be created, creates if neccessary"""
+ fullpath = os.path.join(options.output, subdir)
+ if not os.path.isdir(fullpath):
+ self.mkdir(options.output, subdir)
+ def isexcluded(self, options, inputpath):
+ """checks if this path has been excluded"""
+ basename = os.path.basename(inputpath)
+ for excludename in options.exclude:
+ if fnmatch.fnmatch(basename, excludename):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def recurseinputfilelist(self, options):
+ """use a list of files, and find a common base directory for them"""
+ # find a common base directory for the files to do everything relative to
+ commondir = os.path.dirname(os.path.commonprefix(options.input))
+ inputfiles = []
+ for inputfile in options.input:
+ if self.isexcluded(options, inputfile):
+ continue
+ if inputfile.startswith(commondir+os.sep):
+ inputfiles.append(inputfile.replace(commondir+os.sep, "", 1))
+ else:
+ inputfiles.append(inputfile.replace(commondir, "", 1))
+ options.input = commondir
+ return inputfiles
+ def recurseinputfiles(self, options):
+ """recurse through directories and return files to be processed..."""
+ dirstack = ['']
+ join = os.path.join
+ inputfiles = []
+ while dirstack:
+ top = dirstack.pop(-1)
+ names = os.listdir(join(options.input, top))
+ dirs = []
+ for name in names:
+ inputpath = join(top, name)
+ if self.isexcluded(options, inputpath):
+ continue
+ fullinputpath = self.getfullinputpath(options, inputpath)
+ # handle directories...
+ if os.path.isdir(fullinputpath):
+ dirs.append(inputpath)
+ elif os.path.isfile(fullinputpath):
+ if not self.isvalidinputname(options, name):
+ # only handle names that match recognized input file extensions
+ continue
+ inputfiles.append(inputpath)
+ # make sure the directories are processed next time round...
+ dirs.reverse()
+ dirstack.extend(dirs)
+ return inputfiles
+ def splitext(self, pathname):
+ """Splits L{pathname} into name and ext, and removes the extsep
+ @param pathname: A file path
+ @type pathname: string
+ @return: root, ext
+ @rtype: tuple
+ """
+ root, ext = os.path.splitext(pathname)
+ ext = ext.replace(os.extsep, "", 1)
+ return (root, ext)
+ def splitinputext(self, inputpath):
+ """splits an inputpath into name and extension"""
+ return self.splitext(inputpath)
+ def splittemplateext(self, templatepath):
+ """splits a templatepath into name and extension"""
+ return self.splitext(templatepath)
+ def templateexists(self, options, templatepath):
+ """returns whether the given template exists..."""
+ fulltemplatepath = self.getfulltemplatepath(options, templatepath)
+ return os.path.isfile(fulltemplatepath)
+ def gettemplatename(self, options, inputname):
+ """gets an output filename based on the input filename"""
+ if not self.usetemplates:
+ return None
+ if not inputname or not options.recursivetemplate:
+ return options.template
+ inputbase, inputext = self.splitinputext(inputname)
+ if options.template:
+ for inputext1, templateext1 in options.outputoptions:
+ if inputext == inputext1:
+ if templateext1:
+ templatepath = inputbase + os.extsep + templateext1
+ if self.templateexists(options, templatepath):
+ return templatepath
+ if "*" in options.inputformats:
+ for inputext1, templateext1 in options.outputoptions:
+ if (inputext == inputext1) or (inputext1 == "*"):
+ if templateext1 == "*":
+ templatepath = inputname
+ if self.templateexists(options, templatepath):
+ return templatepath
+ elif templateext1:
+ templatepath = inputbase + os.extsep + templateext1
+ if self.templateexists(options, templatepath):
+ return templatepath
+ return None
+ def getoutputname(self, options, inputname, outputformat):
+ """gets an output filename based on the input filename"""
+ if not inputname or not options.recursiveoutput:
+ return options.output
+ inputbase, inputext = self.splitinputext(inputname)
+ outputname = inputbase
+ if outputformat:
+ outputname += os.extsep + outputformat
+ return outputname
+ def isvalidinputname(self, options, inputname):
+ """checks if this is a valid input filename"""
+ inputbase, inputext = self.splitinputext(inputname)
+ return (inputext in options.inputformats) or ("*" in options.inputformats)