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path: root/project_gui.py
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authorroot <root@ghunt-desktop.(none)>2010-10-30 19:36:14 (GMT)
committer root <root@ghunt-desktop.(none)>2010-10-30 19:36:14 (GMT)
commit966312ba98d729177238f4663d789a789663eb2e (patch)
treee39e90f5699170b3cc05e03fdd8b2e05110d9498 /project_gui.py
parent7e0dfb3e1df6ffa0194048d93ac4f55df00107a0 (diff)
start working on release 7, include all new files, breakpoints still need work
Diffstat (limited to 'project_gui.py')
1 files changed, 957 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/project_gui.py b/project_gui.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..397cfee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/project_gui.py
@@ -0,0 +1,957 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (C) 2009, George Hunt <georgejhunt@gmail.com>
+# Copyright (C) 2009, One Laptop Per Child
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+from __future__ import with_statement
+import os, shutil, sys, time
+from gettext import gettext as _
+#major packages
+import gtk
+import gtk.glade
+#sugar stuff
+from sugar.graphics.toolbutton import ToolButton
+import sugar.graphics.toolbutton
+from sugar.datastore import datastore
+#pydebug stuff
+from filetree import FileTree
+from project import ProjectFunctions
+from pydebug_logging import _logger, log_environment
+#colors for the playpen side of the project page
+PROJECT_FG = '#990000'
+PROJECT_BASE = "#fdd99b"
+class ProjectGui(ProjectFunctions):
+ def __init__(self,activity):
+ self._activity = activity
+ self.file_pane_is_activities = False
+ self.manifest_class = None
+ self.journal_class = None
+ #establish the glade pydebug connection
+ self.wTree=gtk.glade.XML(os.path.join(activity.sugar_bundle_path,"project.glade"))
+ self.connect_journal()
+ #disable the change callbacks on the activity.info panel
+ self.ignore_changes = True
+ #set up the toolbar
+ project_run = ToolButton()
+ project_run.set_stock_id('gtk-media-forward')
+ project_run.set_icon_widget(None)
+ project_run.set_tooltip(_('Start Debugging'))
+ project_run.connect('clicked', self._activity.project_run_cb)
+ project_run.add_accelerator('clicked',self._activity.accelerator,ord('G'),\
+ #project_run.props.accelerator = '<Ctrl>C'
+ project_run.show()
+ separator = gtk.SeparatorToolItem()
+ separator.set_draw(False)
+ separator.set_expand(True)
+ separator.show()
+ projectbar = gtk.Toolbar()
+ projectbar.show_all()
+ projectbar.insert(project_run, -1)
+ projectbar.insert(separator, -1)
+ #projectbar.insert(self.keep,-1)
+ self.projectbar = projectbar
+ #########################################################################################
+ def get_editor(self):
+ raise NotImplimentedError
+ def get_activity(self):
+ raise NotImplimentedError
+ def get_activity_toolbar(self):
+ raise NotImplimentedError
+ def get_projectbar(self):
+ return self.projectbar
+ def _get_project_canvas(self):
+ #initialize the link between program and the glade XML file
+ self.contents = self.wTree.get_widget("contents")
+ self.contents.unparent()
+ return self.contents
+ def setup_project_page(self):
+ self.activity_treeview = self.wTree.get_widget('file_system')
+ self.activity_window = FileTree(self, self.activity_treeview,self.wTree)
+ self.activity_window.set_file_sys_root('/home/olpc/Activities')
+ self.examples_treeview = self.wTree.get_widget('examples')
+ self.examples_window = FileTree(self._activity, self.examples_treeview,self.wTree)
+ self.examples_window.set_file_sys_root(os.path.join\
+ (self._activity.sugar_bundle_path,'examples'))
+ self.journal_treeview = self.wTree.get_widget('journal')
+ self.journal_class = DataStoreTree(self._activity,self.journal_treeview,self.wTree)
+ if self.journal_class:
+ _logger.debug('journal class object created')
+ self.connect_project_info() #make connections to signals from buttons
+ self.activity_toggled_cb(None)
+ self.icon_type = self.wTree.get_widget('icon_outline')
+ model = gtk.ListStore(str,str)
+ model.append(["icon_circle", _('Circle')])
+ model.append(['icon_square', _('Square')])
+ model.append(['icon_diamond', _('Diamond')])
+ model.append(['icon_star', _('Star')])
+ cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
+ self.icon_type.set_model(model)
+ self.icon_type.pack_start(cell)
+ self.icon_type.add_attribute(cell,'text',1)
+ self.icon_type.set_active(self._activity.debug_dict.get('icon_active',1))
+ if self._activity.child_path and self._activity.child_path.endswith('.activity') and \
+ os.path.isdir(self._activity.child_path):
+ self.setup_new_activity()
+ """
+ ds_mounts = datastore.mounts()
+ for x in ds_mounts:
+ _logger.debug('Title:%s Uri:%s'%(x.get('title'),x.get('uri')))
+ """
+ self.activity_data_changed = False
+ """
+ #get set to sense addition of a usb flash drive
+ self.volume_monitor = gio.volume_monitor_get()
+ self.volume_monitor.connect('mount-added',self.__mount_added_cb)
+ self.volume_monitor.connect('mount-removed',self.__mount_removed_cb)
+ mount_list = self.volume_monitor.get_mounts()
+ for m in mount_list:
+ s = m.get_root().get_path()
+ if s.startswith('/media'):_logger.debug('volume:%s',s)
+ """
+ ############################################################################
+ #first connect the glade xml file to the servicing call backs
+ def connect_project_info(self, wTree=None):
+ mdict = {
+ 'name_leave_notify_event_cb':self.name_changed_cb,
+ 'bundle_id_leave_notify_event_cb':self.bundle_id_changed_cb,
+ 'module_leave_notify_event_cb':self.module_changed_cb,
+ 'class_leave_notify_event_cb':self.class_changed_cb,
+ 'icon_outline_changed_cb':self.icon_changed_cb,
+ 'version_leave_notify_event_cb':self.version_changed_cb,
+ 'file_toggle_clicked_cb':self.activity_toggled_cb,
+ 'to_activities_clicked_cb':self.to_home_clicked_cb,
+ 'from_activities_clicked_cb':self.from_home_clicked_cb,
+ 'from_examples_clicked_cb':self.from_examples_clicked_cb,
+ 'help_clicked_cb':self._keep_activity_info,
+ 'create_icon_clicked_cb':self.create_icon_cb,
+ 'delete_file_clicked_cb':self.delete_file_cb,
+ 'clear_clicked_cb':self.clear_clicked_cb,
+ }
+ self.wTree.signal_autoconnect(mdict)
+ button = self.wTree.get_widget('file_toggle')
+ tt = gtk.Tooltips()
+ tt.set_tip(button,_('Switch views between the "Installed" Activities directory and your "home" storage directory'))
+ #button.set_tooltip_text(_('Switch views between the "Installed" Activities directory and your "home" storage directory'))
+ button = self.wTree.get_widget('to_activities')
+ tt = gtk.Tooltips()
+ tt.set_tip(button,_('Copy the files in the debug workplace to your "home" storage directory'))
+ #button.set_tooltip_text(_('Copy the files in the debug workplace to your "home" storage directory')
+ button = self.wTree.get_widget('from_examples')
+ tt = gtk.Tooltips()
+ tt.set_tip(button,_('Load and modify these example programs. See the help Tutorials'))
+ #button.set_tooltip_text(_('Load and modify these example programs. See the help Tutorials'))
+ button = self.wTree.get_widget('delete_file')
+ map = button.get_colormap()
+ color = map.alloc_color(PROJECT_FG)
+ style = button.get_style().copy()
+ style.bg[gtk.STATE_NORMAL] = color
+ button.set_style(style)
+ button = self.wTree.get_widget('clear')
+ button.set_style(style)
+ button = self.wTree.get_widget('help')
+ button.set_style(style)
+ button = self.wTree.get_widget('create_icon')
+ button.set_style(style)
+ button = self.wTree.get_widget('icon_outline')
+ button.set_style(style)
+ def connect_journal(self, wTree=None):
+ mdict = {
+ 'from_journal_clicked_cb':self.load_from_journal_cb,
+ 'to_journal_clicked_cb':self.save_to_journal_cb ,
+ }
+ self.wTree.signal_autoconnect(mdict)
+ def load_from_journal_cb(self,button):
+ selection=self.journal_treeview.get_selection()
+ (model,iter)=selection.get_selected()
+ if iter == None:
+ self.parent.util.alert(_('Must select Journal item to Load'))
+ return
+ object_id = model.get(iter,9)
+ _logger.debug('object id %s from journal'%object_id)
+ self.try_to_load_from_journal(object_id)
+ def save_to_journal_cb(self,button):
+ self.write_binary_to_datastore()
+ def name_changed_cb(self, widget, event):
+ if self.ignore_changes: return
+ self.activity_data_changed = True
+ name = widget.get_text()
+ #make a suggestion for module if it is blank
+ widget_field = self.wTree.get_widget('module')
+ module = widget_field.get_text()
+ if module == '':
+ widget_field.set_text(name.lower())
+ #make a suggestion for class if it is blank
+ widget_field = self.wTree.get_widget('class')
+ myclass = widget_field.get_text()
+ if myclass == '':
+ widget_field.set_text(name)
+ #make a suggestion for bundle_id if it is blank
+ widget_field = self.wTree.get_widget('bundle_id')
+ bundle_id = widget_field.get_text()
+ if bundle_id == '':
+ suggestion = 'org.laptop.' + name
+ else: #working from a template, suggest changing last element
+ bundle_chunks = bundle_id.split('.')
+ prefix = '.'.join(bundle_chunks[:-1])
+ suggestion = prefix + '.' + name
+ widget_field.set_text(suggestion)
+ #self.display_current_project()
+ def bundle_id_changed_cb(self,widget, event):
+ if self.ignore_changes: return
+ self.activity_data_changed = True
+ def module_changed_cb(self, widget, event):
+ if self.ignore_changes: return
+ self.activity_data_changed = True
+ def class_changed_cb(self, widget, event):
+ if self.ignore_changes: return
+ self.activity_data_changed = True
+ def version_changed_cb(self, widget, event):
+ if self.ignore_changes: return
+ self.activity_data_changed = True
+ version = widget.get_text()
+ _logger.debug('version changed to %s'%version)
+ def icon_changed_cb(self, combo):
+ self.activity_data_changed = True
+ model = combo.get_model()
+ i = combo.get_active()
+ self.icon_outline = model[i][0]
+ _logger.debug('icon outline select is %s'%self.icon_outline)
+ self._activity.debug_dict['icon_active'] = i
+ def create_icon_cb(self,widget):
+ self.activity_data_changed = True
+ #get the two characters and substitute them in the proper svg template
+ chrs_entry = self.wTree.get_widget('icon_chr')
+ chars = chrs_entry.get_text()
+ _logger.debug('CREATE A NEW ICON !!!!text characters: %s'%chars)
+ if chars == '':chars = '??'
+ template = os.path.join(self.pydebug_path,'bin',self.icon_outline)+'.svg'
+ try:
+ icon_fd = file(template,'r')
+ icon_str = icon_fd.read()
+ except IOError, e:
+ _logger.error('read exception %s'%e)
+ return
+ icon_str = icon_str.replace('??', chars)
+ self.icon_basename = self._activity.activity_dict.get('bundle_id','dummy').split('.')[-1] + \
+ '_' + chars + '_' + self.icon_outline[5:6]
+ self._activity.activity_dict['icon_base'] = os.path.join(self._activity.child_path,'activity',self.icon_basename)
+ target = self._activity.activity_dict['icon_base'] + '.svg'
+ if self.last_icon_file:
+ os.unlink(self.last_icon_file)
+ self.last_icon_file = None
+ try:
+ _file = file(target, 'w+')
+ _file.write(icon_str)
+ _file.close()
+ except IOError, e:
+ msg = _("I/O error(%s): %s"%(e))
+ _logger.error(msg)
+ except Exception, e:
+ msg = "Unexpected error:%s"%e
+ _logger.error(msg)
+ if _file:
+ self.last_icon_file = target
+ _file.close()
+ self._activity.activity_dict['icon'] = self._activity.activity_dict.get('name')
+ self._activity.update_metadata()
+ _logger.debug('about to POP UP THE ICON')
+ if self.icon_window:
+ self.icon_window.destroy()
+ self.icon_window = Icon_Panel(None)
+ self.icon_window._icon.set_file(target)
+ self.icon_window._icon.show()
+ self.icon_window.connect_button_press(self.button_press_event)
+ self.icon_window.show()
+ def button_press_event(self,event, data=None):
+ self.icon_window.destroy()
+ self.icon_window = None
+ def activity_toggled_cb(self, widget):
+ _logger.debug('Entered activity_toggled_cb. Button: %r'%self.file_pane_is_activities)
+ but = self.wTree.get_widget('to_activities')
+ to_what = self.wTree.get_widget('file_toggle')
+ window_label = self.wTree.get_widget('file_system_label')
+ if self.file_pane_is_activities == True:
+ to_what.set_label('Installed_')
+ but.show()
+ #display_label = self.storage[:18]+' . . . '+self.storage[-24:]
+ display_label = 'PyDebug SHELF storage:'
+ self.activity_window.set_file_sys_root(self._activity.storage)
+ button = self.wTree.get_widget('from_activities')
+ tt = gtk.Tooltips()
+ tt.set_tip(button,_('Copy the selected directory or file from your "home" storage to the debug workplace'))
+ #button.set_tooltip_text(_('Copy the selected directory or file from your "home" storage to the debug workplace'))
+ window_label.set_text(display_label)
+ else:
+ to_what.set_label('shelf')
+ but.hide()
+ self.activity_window.set_file_sys_root('/home/olpc/Activities')
+ button = self.wTree.get_widget('from_activities')
+ tt = gtk.Tooltips()
+ tt.set_tip(button,_('Copy the selected Activity or file to the debug workplace'))
+ #button.set_tooltip_text(_('Copy the selected Activity or file to the debug workplace'))
+ window_label.set_text('INSTALLED ACTIVITIES:')
+ self.file_pane_is_activities = not self.file_pane_is_activities
+ def to_home_clicked_cb(self,widget):
+ _logger.debug('Entered to_home_clicked_cb')
+ self._to_home_dest = os.path.join(self.storage,self._activity.activity_dict['name']+'.activity')
+ if False: #os.path.isdir(self._to_home_dest):
+ target_md5sum = self._activity.util.md5sum_tree(self._to_home_dest)
+ if target_md5sum != self._activity.debug_dict.get('tree_md5',''):
+ self._activity.util.confirmation_alert(_('OK to delete/overwrite %s?'%self._to_home_dest),
+ _('This destination has been changed by another application'),
+ self._to_home_cb)
+ return
+ self._to_home_cb( None, gtk.RESPONSE_OK)
+ def _to_home_cb(self, alert, response_id):
+ """write playpen tree to writeable storage, and USB/SD if pydebug folder exists
+ in root directory"""
+ if alert != None: self.remove_alert(alert)
+ if response_id is gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
+ """
+ cmd = ['rsync','-av',self._activity.child_path + '/',self._to_home_dest]
+ _logger.debug('do to_home_cb with cmd:%s'%cmd)
+ p1 = Popen(cmd,stdout=PIPE)
+ output = p1.communicate()
+ if p1.returncode != 0:
+ self._activity.util.alert('rsync command returned non zero\n'+output[0]+ 'COPY FAILURE')
+ return
+ """
+ #remove any embeded shell breakpoints
+ self.get_editor().clear_embeds()
+ _logger.debug('removing tree, and then copying to %s'%self._to_home_dest)
+ if os.path.isdir(self._to_home_dest):
+ shutil.rmtree(self._to_home_dest, ignore_errors=True)
+ shutil.copytree(self._activity.child_path,self._to_home_dest)
+ self._activity.util.set_permissions(self._to_home_dest)
+ #redraw the treeview
+ self.activity_window.set_file_sys_root(self.storage)
+ #write snapshot of source tree to removable media if /pydebug directory exists
+ self.removable_backup()
+ def from_home_clicked_cb(self,widget):
+ _logger.debug('Entered from_home_clicked_cb')
+ selection=self.activity_treeview.get_selection()
+ (model,iter)=selection.get_selected()
+ if iter == None:
+ self._activity.util.alert(_('Must select File or Directory item to Load'))
+ return
+ fullpath = model.get(iter,4)[0]
+ if os.path.isdir(fullpath):
+ if fullpath.endswith('.activity'):
+ if fullpath.startswith(self._activity.activity_playpen): #just re-initialize the project
+ self._activity.debug_dict['source_tree'] = fullpath
+ self._activity.child_path = fullpath
+ self.setup_new_activity()
+ return
+ self.load_activity_to_playpen(fullpath)
+ else: #this is a file folder, just copy it to project
+ source_basename = os.path.basename(fullpath)
+ dest = os.path.join(self._activity.activity_playpen,source_basename)
+ self.copy_tree(fullpath,dest)
+ else:
+ #selected is a file, just copy it into the current project
+ basename = os.path.basename(fullpath)
+ if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self._activity.child_path,basename)):
+ #change name if necessary to prevent collision
+ basename = self._activity.util.non_conflicting(self._activity.child_path,basename)
+ shutil.copy(fullpath,os.path.join(self._activity.child_path,basename))
+ self.manifest_point_to(os.path.join(self._activity.child_path,basename))
+ def from_examples_clicked_cb(self,widget):
+ _logger.debug('Entered from_examples_clicked_cb')
+ selection=self.examples_treeview.get_selection()
+ (model,iter)=selection.get_selected()
+ if iter == None:
+ self._activity.util.alert(_('Must select File or Directory item to Load'))
+ return
+ fullpath = model.get(iter,4)[0]
+ self._load_to_playpen_source = fullpath
+ if fullpath.endswith('.activity'):
+ self.load_activity_to_playpen(fullpath)
+ return
+ if fullpath.endswith('.xo'):
+ try:
+ self._bundler = ActivityBundle(fullpath)
+ except:
+ self._activity.util.alert('Error: Malformed Activity Bundle')
+ return
+ self._new_child_path = os.path.join(self._activity.activity_playpen,self._bundler._zip_root_dir)
+ #check to see if current activity in playpen needs to be saved, and load new activity if save is ok
+ self._load_playpen(fullpath, iszip=True)
+ return
+ if fullpath.endswith('.tar.gz'):
+ self._new_child_path = os.path.join(self._activity.activity_playpen,self._bundler._zip_root_dir)
+ #check to see if current activity in playpen needs to be saved, and load new activity if save is ok
+ self._load_playpen(fullpath, istar=True)
+ return
+ #if os.path.isdir(fullpath):
+ self._new_child_path = self._activity.child_path
+ self._load_playpen(fullpath)
+ #def filetree_activated(self):
+ #_logger.debug('entered pydebug filetree_activated')
+ def _keep_activity_info(self,widget):
+ """ Act on the changes made to the screen project data fields
+ changing the name of the activity turns out to be a big deal --
+ it will be done frequently in order to branch off an experimental branch
+ and it requires changing the root path, and therefore all the open edit files which
+ include the old root name in the path. There's also the meta- that has to be updated.
+ So let's deal with writing the activity.info file first
+ """
+ _logger.debug('in keep_activity_activity.info')
+ name_widget = self.wTree.get_widget('name')
+ name = name_widget.get_text()
+ old_name = self._activity.activity_dict['name']
+ self.old_icon = self._activity.activity_dict.get('icon')
+ self._activity.activity_dict['name'] = name
+ name_widget = self.wTree.get_widget('version')
+ self._activity.activity_dict['version'] = name_widget.get_text()
+ name_widget = self.wTree.get_widget('version')
+ self._activity.activity_dict['version'] = name_widget.get_text()
+ name_widget = self.wTree.get_widget('bundle_id')
+ self._activity.activity_dict['bundle_id'] = name_widget.get_text()
+ name_widget = self.wTree.get_widget('module')
+ self._activity.activity_dict['module'] = name_widget.get_text()
+ name_widget = self.wTree.get_widget('class')
+ self._activity.activity_dict['class'] = name_widget.get_text()
+ self._activity.update_metadata()
+ self.write_activity_info()
+ #now the to the more difficult part -- is renaming required?
+ new_name = name + '.activity'
+ new_child_path = os.path.join(self._activity.activity_playpen,new_name)
+ if name.startswith('untitled'):
+ self._activity.util.alert(_("Activities must be given a new and unique name"))
+ return
+ if old_name != self._activity.activity_dict.get('name'):
+ #check to see if the folder already exists, if so change its name
+ _logger.debug('need to make decision to move or create child base:%s. new_name:%s'%\
+ (os.path.basename(self._activity.child_path), new_name))
+ if os.path.isdir(self._activity.child_path) and os.path.basename(self._activity.child_path) != new_name:
+ self.get_editor().remove_all()
+ self._activity.init_activity_dict()
+ cmd = 'mv %s %s'%(self._activity.child_path,new_child_path)
+ result,status = self._activity.util.command_line(cmd)
+ if status != 0:
+ _logger.error('tried to rename %s directory unsuccessfully'%self._activity.child_path)
+ return
+ self._activity.child_path = new_child_path
+ else: #need to create the directories
+ if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(new_child_path,'activity')):
+ os.makedirs(os.path.join(new_child_path,'activity'))
+ def write_activity_info(self):
+ #write the activity.info file
+ #if not self.activity_data_changed: return
+ filen = os.path.join(self._activity.child_path,'activity','activity.info')
+ _logger.debug('write_activity_info to %s'%filen)
+ if os.path.isfile(filen): #set aside the info file encountered
+ new_filename = self._activity.util.non_conflicting(os.path.join(self._activity.child_path,'activity'),'activity.info')
+ _logger.debug('decided to move %s to %s'%(filen,new_filename))
+ cmd = 'mv %s %s'%(filen,new_filename)
+ results,status = self._activity.util.command_line(cmd)
+ self.write_new_activity_info(filen)
+ def write_new_activity_info(self,fn):
+ dirname = os.path.dirname(fn)
+ if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(dirname)
+ except:
+ pass
+ try:
+ with open(fn,'w+') as fdw:
+ #write the required lines
+ _logger.debug('writing activity info to %s'%fn)
+ fdw.write('[Activity]\n')
+ fdw.write('name = %s\n'%self._activity.activity_dict.get('name'))
+ fdw.write('bundle_id = %s\n'%self._activity.activity_dict.get('bundle_id'))
+ fdw.write('activity_version = %s\n'%self._activity.activity_dict.get('version'))
+ fdw.write('show_launcher = yes\n')
+ icon = self._activity.activity_dict.get('icon')
+ if self.icon_basename:
+ icon_nibble = self.icon_basename
+ else:
+ icon_nibble = os.path.basename(self.old_icon).split('.')[0]
+ fdw.write('icon = %s\n'%icon_nibble)
+ if self._activity.activity_dict.get('class','') == '':
+ if self._activity.activity_dict.get('module'):
+ fdw.write('exec = %s\n'%self._activity.activity_dict.get('module'))
+ else:
+ fdw.write('exec = %s\n'%self._activity.activity_dict.get('name'))
+ else:
+ fdw.write('class = %s.%s\n'%(self._activity.activity_dict.get('module'),
+ self._activity.activity_dict.get('class')))
+ fdw.close()
+ except Exception, e:
+ _logger.debug('write new activity info file exception %s'%e)
+ raise e
+ def delete_file_cb(self,widget):
+ selection=self.manifest_treeview.get_selection()
+ (model,iter)=selection.get_selected()
+ if iter == None:
+ self._activity.util.alert(_('Must select a File or Folder to delete'))
+ return
+ fullpath = model.get(iter,4)[0]
+ _logger.debug(' delete_file_clicked_cb. File: %s'%(fullpath))
+ self.delete_file_storage = fullpath
+ if os.path.isdir(fullpath):
+ self._activity.util.confirmation_alert(_('Would you like to continue deleting %s?'%os.path.basename(fullpath)),
+ _('CAUTION: You are about to DELETE a FOLDER!!'),self.do_delete_folder)
+ return
+ self._activity.util.confirmation_alert(_('Would you like to continue deleting %s?'%os.path.basename(fullpath)),
+ _('ABOUT TO DELETE A FILE!!'),self.do_delete)
+ def do_delete(self, alert, response):
+ _logger.debug('doing delete of: %s'%self.delete_file_storage)
+ self.manifest_point_to(self.delete_file_storage)
+ os.unlink(self.delete_file_storage)
+ self.manifest_class.set_file_sys_root(self._activity.child_path)
+ self.manifest_class.position_recent()
+ def do_delete_folder(self, alert, response):
+ _logger.debug('doing delete of: %s'%self.delete_file_storage)
+ self.manifest_point_to(self.delete_file_storage)
+ shutil.rmtree(self.delete_file_storage)
+ self.manifest_class.set_file_sys_root(self._activity.child_path)
+ self.manifest_class.position_recent()
+ def clear_clicked_cb(self, button):
+ new_tree = os.path.join(self._activity.activity_playpen,'untitled.activity')
+ if self._activity.child_path == new_tree:
+ root = self.storage
+ else:
+ self.get_editor().remove_all()
+ self._activity.init_activity_dict()
+ if os.path.isdir(new_tree):
+ shutil.rmtree(new_tree,ignore_errors=True)
+ act_path = os.path.join(new_tree,'activity')
+ if not os.path.isdir(act_path):
+ os.makedirs(act_path)
+ self._activity.child_path = new_tree
+ self._activity.activity_dict['child_path'] = new_tree
+ src = os.path.join(self._activity.sugar_bundle_path,'setup.py')
+ shutil.copy(src,new_tree)
+ root = self._activity.activity_playpen
+ if self.manifest_class:
+ self.manifest_class.set_file_sys_root(root)
+ self.display_current_project()
+ def setup_new_activity(self):
+ _logger.debug('in setup_new_activity. child path before chdir:%s'%self._activity.child_path)
+ if self._activity.child_path == None or not os.path.isdir(self._activity.child_path):
+ return
+ os.chdir(self._activity.child_path)
+ #cd_cmd = 'cd %s'%self._activity.child_path
+ #self._activity.feed_virtual_terminal(0,cd_cmd)
+ self.read_activity_info(self._activity.child_path)
+ self._activity.debug_dict['child_path'] = self._activity.child_path
+ self.display_current_project()
+ #set the current working directory for debugging in the child context
+ cwd_cmd = 'cd %s\n'%(self._activity.child_path,)
+ self._activity.feed_virtual_terminal(0,cwd_cmd)
+ #add the bin directory to path
+ if self._activity.child_path not in os.environ['PATH'].split(':'):
+ os.environ['PATH'] = os.path.join(self._activity.child_path,'bin') + ':' + os.environ['PATH']
+ #calculate and store the md5sum
+ self._activity.debug_dict['tree_md5'] = self._activity.util.md5sum_tree(self._activity.child_path)
+ #if this is a resumption, open previous python files and position to previous location
+ if self._activity.debug_dict.get(os.path.basename(self._activity.child_path)):
+ for filenm, line in self._activity.debug_dict.get(os.path.basename(self._activity.child_path)):
+ if os.path.isfile(filenm):
+ self.get_editor().load_object(filenm,os.path.basename(filenm))
+ self.get_editor().position_to(filenm,line)
+ current_page = self._activity.debug_dict.get(os.path.basename(self._activity.child_path)+'-page',0)
+ self.get_editor().edit_notebook.set_current_page(current_page)
+ self.get_editor().load_breakpoints = False
+ else:
+ #find largest python files for editor
+ list = [f for f in os.listdir(self._activity.child_path) if f[0] <> '.']
+ #list = self.manifest_class.get_filenames_list(self._activity.child_path)
+ if not list: return
+ sizes = []
+ for f in list:
+ full_path = os.path.join(self._activity.child_path,f)
+ if not f.endswith('.py'):continue
+ size = self.manifest_class.file_size(full_path)
+ sizes.append((size,full_path,))
+ #_logger.debug('python file "%s size %d'%(f,size))
+ for s,f in sorted(sizes,reverse=True)[:5]:
+ self.get_editor().load_object(f,os.path.basename(f))
+ self.get_editor().set_current_page(0)
+ def get_manifest_class(self):
+ return self.manifest_class
+ def display_current_project(self):
+ global start_clock
+ #try to colorize the playpen
+ pp = self.wTree.get_widget('playpen_event_box')
+ map = pp.get_colormap()
+ color = map.alloc_color(PROJECT_BG)
+ style = pp.get_style().copy()
+ style.bg[gtk.STATE_NORMAL] = color
+ pp.set_style(style)
+ self.manifest_treeview = self.wTree.get_widget('manifest')
+ map =self.manifest_treeview.get_colormap()
+ color = map.alloc_color(PROJECT_BASE)
+ style = self.manifest_treeview.get_style().copy()
+ style.bg[gtk.STATE_NORMAL] = color
+ color = map.alloc_color(PROJECT_BASE)
+ style.base[gtk.STATE_NORMAL] = color
+ self.manifest_treeview.set_style(style)
+ if self.manifest_class == None:
+ self.manifest_class = FileTree(self, self.manifest_treeview,self.wTree)
+ self.manifest_class.set_file_sys_root(self._activity.child_path)
+ #disable the on change callbacks
+ self.ignore_changes = True
+ name = self.wTree.get_widget('name')
+ #map = name.get_colormap()
+ color = map.alloc_color(PROJECT_BASE)
+ style = name.get_style().copy()
+ style.base[gtk.STATE_NORMAL] = color
+ name.set_style(style)
+ name.set_text(self._activity.activity_dict.get('name',''))
+ version = self.wTree.get_widget('version')
+ version.set_style(style)
+ version.set_text(self._activity.activity_dict.get('version',''))
+ bundle = self.wTree.get_widget('bundle_id')
+ bundle.set_style(style)
+ bundle.set_text(self._activity.activity_dict.get('bundle_id',''))
+ pyclass = self.wTree.get_widget('class')
+ pyclass.set_style(style)
+ pyclass.set_text(self._activity.activity_dict.get('class',''))
+ self.pdbclass = pyclass
+ pymodule = self.wTree.get_widget('module')
+ pymodule.set_style(style)
+ pymodule.set_text(self._activity.activity_dict.get('module',''))
+ self.pdbmodule = pymodule.get_text()
+ pyicon = self.wTree.get_widget('icon_chr')
+ pyicon.set_style(style)
+ pyicon.set_text(self._activity.activity_dict.get('icon_chr',''))
+ #re-enable the on change callbacks
+ self.ignore_changes = False
+ """
+ self.wTree.get_widget('home_save').set_text(self._activity.activity_dict.get('home_save',''))
+ self.wTree.get_widget('host').set_text(self.debug_dict.get('host',''))
+ self.wTree.get_widget('port').set_text(str(self.debug_dict.get('port','')))
+ activity_size = os.system('du --max-depth=0')
+ self.wTree.get_widget('activity_size').set_text(str(activity_size))
+ self.wTree.get_widget('icon').set_text(self._activity.activity_dict.get('icon','').split('/')[-1:][0])
+ """
+ def manifest_point_to(self,fullpath):
+ if self.child_path:
+ self.manifest_class.set_file_sys_root(self.child_path)
+ else:
+ self.manifest_class.set_file_sys_root(self._activity.activity_playpen)
+ self.manifest_class.position_to(fullpath)
+class DataStoreTree():
+ column_names = [_('Name'), _('Size'), _('Last Changed')]
+ def __init__(self, parent, widget=None,wTree=None):
+ self.parent = parent
+ self._activity = parent
+ self.treeview = widget
+ self.wTree = wTree
+ self.init_model()
+ self.init_columns()
+ self.limit=10
+ self.journal_page_size =10
+ self.journal_page_num = 0
+ self.journal_max = 0
+ self.new_directory()
+ button = self.wTree.get_widget('from_journal')
+ tt = gtk.Tooltips()
+ tt.set_tip(button,_('Load the selected Journal XO (or tar.gz) file to the debug workplace'))
+ #button.set_tooltip_text(_('Load the selected Journal XO (or tar.gz) file to the debug workplace'))
+ button = self.wTree.get_widget('to_journal')
+ tt = gtk.Tooltips()
+ tt.set_tip(button,_('Zip up all the files in your debug workplace and store them in the Journal'))
+ #button.set_tooltip_text(_('Zip up all the files in your debug workplace and store them in the Journal'))
+ def init_model(self):
+ #plan for the store: pixbuf,title,size,last-updated,tooltip,jobject-id
+ self.journal_model = gtk.TreeStore(gtk.gdk.Pixbuf, str,str,str,str,str,str,str,str,str,str)
+ if not self.treeview:
+ self.treeview = gtk.TreeView()
+ self.treeview.set_model(self.journal_model)
+ self.treeview.show()
+ #self.treeview.has_tooltip = True
+ #self.treeview.set_tooltip_column(10)
+ #self.treeview.connect('query-tooltip',self.display_tooltip)
+ self.show_hidden = False
+ def init_columns(self):
+ col = gtk.TreeViewColumn()
+ col.set_title(self.column_names[0])
+ render_pixbuf = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf()
+ col.pack_start(render_pixbuf, expand=False)
+ col.add_attribute(render_pixbuf, 'pixbuf', 0)
+ render_text = gtk.CellRendererText()
+ col.pack_start(render_text, expand=True)
+ col.add_attribute(render_text, 'text', 1)
+ col.set_fixed_width(20)
+ self.treeview.append_column(col)
+ cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
+ col = gtk.TreeViewColumn(self.column_names[1], cell)
+ col.add_attribute(cell, 'text', 2)
+ self.treeview.append_column(col)
+ cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
+ col = gtk.TreeViewColumn(self.column_names[2], cell)
+ col.add_attribute(cell, 'text', 3)
+ self.treeview.append_column(col)
+ def get_datastore_list(self, next=False):
+ dslist = []
+ self.journal_model.clear()
+ ds_list = []
+ num_found = 0
+ mime_list = [self._activity.MIME_TYPE,'application/zip']
+ #build 650 doesn't seem to understand correctly the dictionary with a list right hand side
+ info = self._activity.util.sugar_version()
+ if len(info)>0:
+ (major,minor,micro,release) = info
+ _logger.debug('sugar version major:%s minor:%s micro:%s release:%s'%info)
+ else:
+ _logger.debug('sugar version failure')
+ minor = 70
+ try:
+ if minor > 80:
+ (ds_list,num_found) = datastore.find({'mime_type': mime_list})
+ else:
+ (results,count) = datastore.find({'mime_type': self._activity.MIME_TYPE})
+ ds_list.extend(results)
+ num_found += count
+ (results,count) = datastore.find({'mime_type': 'application/zip'})
+ ds_list.extend(results)
+ except Exception,e:
+ _logger.error('datastore error %s'%e)
+ return []
+ if num_found < self.limit:
+ self.journal_max = self.journal_page_num * self.journal_page_size + num_found
+ _logger.debug( 'datastoretree-get_datastore_list: count= %s'%num_found)
+ keys = ('title','size','timestamp','activity','package','mime_type','file_path')
+ for jobject in ds_list:
+ itemlist = [None,]
+ datastoredict=jobject.get_metadata().get_dictionary() #get the property dictionary
+ src = jobject.get_file_path() #returns the full path of the file
+ datastoredict['object_id'] = jobject.object_id
+ if False: #if src null, there is no file related to this meta data
+ jobject.destroy()
+ continue #go get the next iterations
+ #add in the info that we intend to use
+ if src:
+ info = os.stat(src) #get the directory information about this file
+ datastoredict['size'] = info.st_size
+ else:
+ datastoredict['size'] = 0
+ datastoredict['file_path'] = src
+ for key in keys:
+ if datastoredict.has_key(key):
+ if key == 'timestamp':
+ pkg = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',time.gmtime(float(datastoredict[key])))
+ elif key == 'title':
+ pkg = datastoredict[key][:18]
+ else:
+ pkg = '%s'%(datastoredict[key])
+ else:
+ pkg = ''
+ itemlist.append(pkg)
+ itemlist.append(datastoredict['title'])
+ itemlist.append(jobject.object_id)
+ text = 'Mime_type: %s, Journal ID: %s, Bundle: %s'%(datastoredict.get('mime_type',''),
+ datastoredict.get('object_id',''),
+ datastoredict.get('package',''))
+ itemlist.append(text)
+ #_logger.debug('journal tooltip:%s'%text)
+ dslist.append(itemlist)
+ jobject.destroy()
+ return dslist
+ def new_directory(self,piter = None, next=True):
+ journal_list = self.get_datastore_list(next)
+ for journal_selected_data in journal_list:
+ appended_iter = self.journal_model.append(piter, journal_selected_data )
+ model=self.journal_model
+ appended_path = model.get_path(appended_iter)
+ def file_pixbuf(self, filename):
+ folderpb = self.get_icon_pixbuf('STOCK_DIRECTORY')
+ filepb = self.get_icon_pixbuf('STOCK_FILE')
+ if os.path.isdir(filename):
+ pb = folderpb
+ else:
+ pb = filepb
+ return pb
+ def get_icon_pixbuf(self, stock):
+ return self.treeview.render_icon(stock_id=getattr(gtk, stock),
+ size=gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU,
+ detail=None)
+ def get_treeview(self):
+ return self.treeview
+ def newer_in_journal_cb(self,button):
+ _logger.debug('younger call back')
+ self.get_datastore_list(next=False)
+ def older_in_journal_cb(self,button):
+ _logger.debug('older call back')
+ self.get_datastore_list(next=True)
+ def datastore_row_activated_cb(self):
+ self.load_from_journal_cb()
+ def display_tooltip(self, widget,x,y,mode,tooltip):
+ _logger.debug('in display_tooltip')
+ tooltip.show()
+ return True
+class Icon_Panel(gtk.Window):
+ def __init__(self, icon):
+ gtk.Window.__init__(self)
+ self.set_decorated(False)
+ self.set_resizable(False)
+ self.set_type_hint(gtk.gdk.WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_DIALOG)
+ self.set_border_width(0)
+ self.props.accept_focus = False
+ #Setup estimate of width, height
+ w, h = gtk.icon_size_lookup(gtk.ICON_SIZE_LARGE_TOOLBAR)
+ self._width = w
+ self._height = h
+ self.connect('size-request', self._size_request_cb)
+ screen = self.get_screen()
+ screen.connect('size-changed', self._screen_size_changed_cb)
+ self._button = gtk.Button()
+ self._button.set_relief(gtk.RELIEF_NONE)
+ self._icon = Icon( icon_size=gtk.ICON_SIZE_LARGE_TOOLBAR)
+ self._button.add(self._icon)
+ self._button.show()
+ self.add(self._button)
+ _logger.debug('completed init of icon_panel')
+ def connect_button_press(self, cb):
+ self._button.connect('button-press-event', cb)
+ def _reposition(self):
+ x = gtk.gdk.screen_width() - self._width
+ self.move(x, 347)
+ def _size_request_cb(self, widget, req):
+ self._width = req.width
+ self._height = req.height
+ self._reposition()
+ def _screen_size_changed_cb(self, screen):
+ self._reposition()