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path: root/examples/lessons/6_Maths_lowestCommonMultiple/js/lesson.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/lessons/6_Maths_lowestCommonMultiple/js/lesson.js')
1 files changed, 694 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/lessons/6_Maths_lowestCommonMultiple/js/lesson.js b/examples/lessons/6_Maths_lowestCommonMultiple/js/lesson.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8af8e32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/lessons/6_Maths_lowestCommonMultiple/js/lesson.js
@@ -0,0 +1,694 @@
+ var k = Karma({
+ audio: [{'name':'correct','file':'correct.wav'},
+ {'name':'incorrect','file':'incorrect.wav'},
+ ]});
+ k.ready(function(){
+ var i,j,s,t,x,flag,y,m,h;
+ var currentLesson; //variable to keep track of the current lesson
+ var clickCounter; //count the next button clicks for the particular lesson
+ var cutCounter;
+ var currentTopButton,currentLeftButton;
+ var TOTAL_QUES = 5;
+ var imgFrogCounter,frogJmpCount;
+ var imgRabbitCounter,rabbitJmpCount;
+ var timeLineLeft,timeLineInsCount;
+ var posCounter = []; // array Storing the positions of the frogs 0- frog and 1- rabbit
+ var scoreboard;
+ var lcmMethCounter;
+ var flag_frog; //flag is set if frog reaches the rabbit point
+ var maxHtFrogTop,maxHtFrogLeft,baseFrogTop,baseFrogLeft;
+ var maxHtRabbitTop,maxHtRabbitLeft,baseRabbitTop,baseRabbitLeft;
+ var currentTopButton,currentLeftButton;
+ var clickCounter; //store the click for the current lesson
+ var currentExercise;
+ var romanNums = ['i','ii','iii','iv','v'];
+ var randNumbers = [];
+ var numNumbers; //number of numbers in each quesBox
+ var levelNumbers = [45,50,3,6,7,4,24,18,15,25,24,2,20,16,8,4,11,17,12,6,7,10,18,5,2,16,5,12,9,15,
+ 13,65,21,49,37,6,28,84,243,27,248,29,95,25,65,15,25,40,105,35,300,125,900,60,76,30,31,310,225,50,
+ 17,34,51,27,28,36,6,36,216,9,81,243,2,3,4,5,3,90,64,8,1,2,56,14,12,16,18,6,2,98,70,14,49,65,13,26,78,12,9,69,4,30,60,70,40
+ ];
+ var answers = [];
+ var currentSection; //var to store the current section inside a particular exercise
+ var currentInpBox;
+ var flag_section; //flag to show the section is active
+ var checkTime = function(timePara){
+ if (timePara<10 ){
+ timePara="0" + timePara;
+ }
+ return timePara;
+ };
+ var stopTimer = function(){
+ s = 0;
+ clearTimeout(t);
+ };
+ var startTimer = function(){
+ s = 0;
+ m = 0;
+ h = 0;
+ s=checkTime(s);
+ $('#timerBox1').html(s);
+ increaseTime();
+ };
+ var increaseTime = function(){
+ if(s>59){
+ m++;
+ m=checkTime(m);
+ $('#timerBox2').html(m);
+ s = 0;
+ }
+ if(m>59){
+ h++;
+ h=checkTime(h);
+ $('#timerBox3').html(h);
+ m=0;
+ }
+ s=checkTime(s);
+ $('#timerBox1').html(s);
+ s++;
+ t=setTimeout(function(){increaseTime();},1000);
+ };
+ function hcf(text1,text2){
+ var gcd=1;
+ if (text1>text2) {text1=text1+text2; text2=text1-text2; text1=text1-text2;}
+ if ((text2==(Math.round(text2/text1))*text1)) {gcd=text1}else {
+ for (var i = Math.round(text1/2) ; i > 1; i=i-1) {
+ if ((text1==(Math.round(text1/i))*i))
+ if ((text2==(Math.round(text2/i))*i)) {gcd=i; i=-1;}
+ }
+ }
+ return gcd;
+ }
+ function lcm(t1,t2){
+ var cm=1;
+ var f=hcf(t1,t2);
+ cm=t1*t2/f;
+ return cm;
+ }
+ var genRandNumbers=function (level){
+ var lowerLimit,upperLimit;
+ if(level === 0){
+ numNumbers = 2;
+ lowerLimit = 0;
+ upperLimit = 14;
+ }else if(level === 1){
+ numNumbers = 2;
+ lowerLimit = 15;
+ upperLimit = 29;
+ }else{
+ numNumbers = 3;
+ lowerLimit = 30;
+ upperLimit = 74;
+ }
+ randNumbers[0] = k.rand(0,14);
+ for(i=0; i<= 14; i++){
+ do{
+ flag = 0;
+ randNumbers[i] = k.rand(0,14);
+ for(j=0; j<i; j++){
+ if(randNumbers[i] === randNumbers[j]){
+ flag++;
+ }
+ }
+ }while(flag != 0 ); //end of do while loop
+ }
+ };
+ var delayObject = function(delayId){
+ document.delayForm.delayval.value = 1;
+ //clearTimeout(t);
+ if(delayId === 0){
+ animateFrog();
+ }else if(delayId === 1){
+ animateRabbit();
+ }else if(delayId === 2){
+ showLCMmethod();
+ }
+ else{
+ animateFrog();
+ animateRabbit();
+ }
+ };
+ var assignLevelButtons = function(imgId){
+ var bottomPos = 0.5;
+ var leftPos =20+i*15;
+ var incI = imgId+1;
+ $('#content').append('<div class="exerciseButtons" id="exercise'+incI+'"></div>');
+ var exercisebtncss = {
+ 'bottom': bottomPos+'em',
+ 'left': leftPos+'em'
+ };
+ $('#exercise'+incI).css(exercisebtncss).bind({
+ click : function(){
+ currentExercise = imgId;
+ startExercise();
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ function assignQuestions(quesId){
+ $('#exerciseContainer').append('<div id="ques'+quesId+'" class="questions"></div>');
+ $('#ques'+quesId).append('<div class="romanNums">'+romanNums[quesId]+' )</div>');
+ $('#ques'+quesId).append('<div id="numbers'+quesId+'" class="numbersBox"></div>');
+ $('#ques'+quesId).append('<div class="inpBox"><input type="text" id="ans'+quesId+'" class="ansBox" /></div>');
+ $('#ques'+quesId).append('<div id="display'+quesId+'" class="displayBox"></div>');
+ var numCntr = randNumbers[numCounter]*numNumbers;
+ for(j = 0; j< numNumbers; j++){
+ if(j === numNumbers - 1){
+ $('#numbers'+quesId).append(levelNumbers[numCntr]);
+ }else{
+ $('#numbers'+quesId).append(levelNumbers[numCntr]).append(',');
+ }
+ numCntr++;
+ }
+ $('#ans'+quesId).addClass('default');
+ var ans;
+ if(currentExercise === 2){
+ ans = lcm(lcm(levelNumbers[numCntr-3],levelNumbers[numCntr-2]),levelNumbers[numCntr-1]);
+ }else{
+ ans = lcm(levelNumbers[numCntr-2],levelNumbers[numCntr-1]);
+ }
+ answers[numCounter] = ans;
+ numCounter++;
+ }
+ function nextSection(){
+ $('#content').html('').append('<div id="exerciseContainer"></div>');
+ $('#exerciseContainer').append('<img class="exerciseTitle" src="assets/image/exerciseTitle.png" />');
+ if(currentExercise === 0){
+ $('#exerciseContainer').append('<img class="exerciseTitle" src="assets/image/exercise1Title.png" />');
+ }else{
+ $('#exerciseContainer').append('<img class="exerciseTitle" src="assets/image/exerciseRestTitle.png" />');
+ }
+ //generate the boxes
+ genRandNumbers(currentExercise);
+ scoreboard.scoreboard('reset');
+ scoreboard.scoreboard('incTotal',5);
+ for(var x = 0; x< TOTAL_QUES;x++){
+ assignQuestions(x);
+ }
+ focus_blur();
+ $('input[type="text"]:first').focus();
+ $('#content').append('<div id="checkButton"></div>');
+ showText('checkButton','checkAns3',14,29,'<div id="chckAns3" class="checkAns"></div>');
+ showText('checkButton','showAns3',18,0,'<div id="showAns3" class="showAns"></div>');
+ showText('checkButton','moreQuesBtn',18,38,'<div id="moreQues"></div>');
+ $('#chckAns3').hide();$('#showAns3').hide();$('#moreQues').hide();
+ check_show();
+ if(currentExercise === 0){
+ $('#exerciseContainer').append('<div id="giveOptions"></div>');
+ for(var y = 0;y<5;y++){
+ $('#giveOptions').append('<div id="opt'+y+'" class="options"></div>');
+ var section = (5*currentSection)+y;
+ $('#opt'+y).text(answers[section]);
+ }
+ }
+ if(currentExercise != 0){
+ $('#timerBar').show();
+ startTimer();
+ }
+ }
+ function startExercise(){
+ flag_section = 1;
+ $('#score_box').show();
+ scoreboard = $('#score_box').scoreboard({'layout':'horizontal',
+ 'winningScore': TOTAL_QUES});
+ currentSection = 0;
+ numCounter = 0;
+ nextSection();
+ }
+ var nextLesson = function(){
+ clearTimeout(t);
+ flag_section = 0;
+ $('#score_box').hide();
+ $('#linkShowAns').hide();
+ $('#linkCheckAns').hide();
+ $('#timerBar').hide();
+ $('#content').html('').removeClass('backOpaque');
+ $('#gameOver').hide()
+ clickCounter = 0;
+ if(currentLesson === 2){
+ showPicture('lesson3ImgDef0','lesson3ImgDef0',0,8);
+ showPicture('lesson3ImgDef1','lesson3ImgDef1',7,25);
+ currentTopButton = 18;
+ currentLeftButton = 35;
+ showNextButton();
+ showText('content','exerciseClickTitle',17,16,'Exercise --- अभ्यास ','FF0000');
+ showText('exerciseClickTitle','line',-.5,-3.5,'_____________________');
+ for( i = 0;i<3;i++){
+ assignLevelButtons(i);
+ }
+ }
+ if(currentLesson === 1){
+ showPicture('lesson2ImgDef0','lesson2ImgDef0',0,1);
+ currentTopButton = 5;
+ currentLeftButton = 80;
+ showNextButton();
+ }
+ else if(currentLesson === 0){
+ $('#linkNextLesson').hide();
+ maxHtFrogTop = .1;
+ baseFrogTop = 2.5;
+ imgFrogCounter = 0;
+ frogJmpCount = 0;
+ maxHtRabbitTop = 9;
+ baseRabbitTop = 10;
+ imgRabbitCounter = 0;
+ rabbitJmpCount = 0;
+ flag_frog = 0;
+ timeLineInsCount = 0;
+ showPicture('imgFrogTimeline','timeLine',5,1);
+ showPicture('imgFrogAnim','frog0',2.5,2.7);
+ showPicture('imgRabbitTimeline','timeLine',14.5,1);
+ showPicture('imgRabbitAnim','rabbit0',10,2.7);
+ t=setTimeout(function(){delayObject();},1000); //gives a complete animation
+ }
+ };
+ function game(){
+ currentLesson = 0;
+ $('#linkNextLesson').show();
+ $('#linkPrevLesson').hide();
+ nextLesson();
+ }
+ //function to display the text and fraction symbols inside a div
+ function showText(parentDiv,divName,topPos,leftPos,numText,color){
+ var textCss = {
+ 'position':'absolute',
+ 'top':topPos+'em',
+ 'left':leftPos+'em',
+ 'font':'2em arial,verdana,geneva,helvetica',
+ 'color':'#'+color,
+ 'z-index':'5',
+ 'white-space':'pre'
+ };
+ $('#'+parentDiv).append('<div id="'+divName+'"></div>');
+ $('#'+divName).css(textCss).html(numText);
+ }
+ function makeAnimContainer(divName,topPos,leftPos,width,height,bgColor){
+ var fracAnimContainer = {
+ 'position':'absolute',
+ 'top': topPos+'em',
+ 'left': leftPos+'em',
+ 'width': width+'em',
+ 'height': height+'em',
+ 'background-color': '#'+bgColor
+ };
+ $('#content').append('<div id="'+divName+'"></div>');
+ $('#'+divName).css(fracAnimContainer);
+ }
+ //function that keeps the photos at a given place absolute position
+ function showPicture(divName,imgName,topPos,leftPos){
+ var imgCss = {
+ 'position':'absolute',
+ 'top':topPos+'em',
+ 'left':leftPos+'em',
+ };
+ $('#content').append('<div id="'+divName+'"></div>');
+ $('#'+divName).css(imgCss).html('<img src="assets/image/'+imgName+'.png" />');
+ }
+ function showNextButton(){
+ $('#content').append('<div class="nextBtn"></div>');
+ $('.nextBtn').show();
+ var nextbtncss = {
+ 'top': currentTopButton+'em',
+ 'left': currentLeftButton+'em'
+ };
+ $('.nextBtn').css(nextbtncss);//html('<img src="assets/image/nextBtn.png"/>');
+ $('.nextBtn').click(function(){
+ manageClicks();
+ });
+ }
+ function hideNextButton(){
+ $('.nextBtn').hide();
+ }
+ function showLCMmethod(){
+ if(lcmMethCounter === 0){
+ showPicture('lesson2Sign2','lesson2ImgSign',34.1,15);
+ showText('lesson2Sign2','lesson2Text2',-.1,-.6,'2 2,4');
+ }else if(lcmMethCounter === 1){
+ showText('lesson2Sign2','lesson2Text3',1,.8,'1,2');
+ }else if(lcmMethCounter === 2){
+ showPicture('lesson2ImgDef7','lesson2ImgDef7',32,25);
+ }else if(lcmMethCounter === 3){
+ showPicture('lesson2ImgDef8','lesson2ImgDef8',34.5,25);
+ }else if(lcmMethCounter === 4){
+ showPicture('lesson2ImgDef9','lesson2ImgDef9',39,20);
+ }
+ lcmMethCounter++;
+ t=setTimeout(function(){delayObject(2);},1000); //text lcm
+ }
+ function animateFrog(){
+ baseFrogLeft = 2.7 + frogJmpCount*9;
+ showPicture('imgFrogAnim','frog1',baseFrogTop-2,baseFrogLeft);
+ baseFrogLeft = 6 + frogJmpCount*9;
+ imgAnimateFrog('imgFrogAnim',maxHtFrogTop,baseFrogLeft,1000);
+ }
+ function animateRabbit(){
+ baseRabbitLeft = 4 + rabbitJmpCount*14;
+ showPicture('imgRabbitAnim','rabbit1',baseRabbitTop+1,baseRabbitLeft);
+ baseRabbitLeft = 10 + rabbitJmpCount*14;
+ imgAnimateRabbit('imgRabbitAnim',maxHtRabbitTop,baseRabbitLeft,1000);
+ }
+ function imgAnimateFrog(divName,topPos,leftPos,duration){
+ $('#'+divName).animate(
+ {top:topPos+'em',left:leftPos+'em'},duration,
+ function(ev){
+ if(imgFrogCounter === 0){
+ baseFrogLeft = 11.4 + frogJmpCount * 9;
+ imgFrogCounter++;
+ imgAnimateFrog('imgFrogAnim',baseFrogTop-2,baseFrogLeft,1000);
+ }else if(imgFrogCounter === 1){
+ showPicture('imgFrogAnim','frog0',baseFrogTop,baseFrogLeft);
+ showPicture('frogRing'+frogJmpCount,'timeRing',baseFrogTop+1.5,baseFrogLeft+1.2);
+ frogJmpCount++;
+ imgFrogCounter = 0;
+ if(frogJmpCount != 10){
+ if(frogJmpCount%3 != 0){
+ flag_frog = 0;
+ t=setTimeout(function(){delayObject(0);},1000); //frog
+ }
+ else{
+ flag_frog = 1;
+ }
+ if(flag_frog === 1){
+ flag_frog = 0;
+ timeLineLeft = 31.5 + timeLineInsCount*27;
+ showPicture('imgTimeLineIntersect'+timeLineInsCount,'timeLineIntersect',0,timeLineLeft);
+ if(frogJmpCount != 9){
+ t=setTimeout(function(){delayObject(0);},2000); //frog
+ t=setTimeout(function(){delayObject(1);},2000); //rabbit
+ }
+ else{
+ //start the lcm defintion process
+ currentTopButton = 21;
+ currentLeftButton = 80;
+ showNextButton();
+ showPicture('imgLesson1ImgDef0','lesson1ImgDef0',21,18);
+ }
+ timeLineInsCount++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function imgAnimateRabbit(divName,topPos,leftPos,duration){
+ $('#'+divName).animate(
+ {top:topPos+'em',left:leftPos+'em'},duration,
+ function(ev){
+ if(imgRabbitCounter === 0){
+ baseRabbitLeft = 15.5 + rabbitJmpCount * 13.5;
+ imgRabbitCounter++;
+ imgAnimateRabbit('imgRabbitAnim',baseRabbitTop,baseRabbitLeft,1000);
+ }else if(imgRabbitCounter === 1){
+ showPicture('imgRabbitAnim','rabbit0',baseRabbitTop,baseRabbitLeft);
+ showPicture('imgRabbitAnim'+rabbitJmpCount,'timeRing',baseRabbitTop+3.5,baseRabbitLeft+1.5);
+ rabbitJmpCount++;
+ imgRabbitCounter = 0;
+ if(rabbitJmpCount%2 != 0 ){
+ t=setTimeout(function(){delayObject(1);},1000); //frog
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function manageClicks(){
+ if(currentLesson === 2){
+ if(clickCounter === 0){
+ showPicture('lesson3ImgDef2','lesson3ImgDef2',9,0);
+ showText('lesson3ImgDef2','lesson3inputText1',5,0,'<input type="text" id="lesson3input1" class="inputBox" />');
+ showText('lesson3ImgDef2','symChecked1',5,4,'');
+ focus_blur();
+ $('#lesson3input1').focus();
+ showText('lesson3ImgDef2','checkAns1',6.5,-1,'<div id="chckAns1" class="checkAns"></div>');
+ showText('lesson3ImgDef2','shownAns1',6.5,4,'<div id="showAns1" class="showAns"></div>');
+ check_show();
+ hideNextButton();
+ }else if(clickCounter === 1){
+ showPicture('lesson3ImgDef3','lesson3ImgDef3',9,65);
+ showText('lesson3ImgDef3','lesson3inputText2',5,0,'<input type="text" id="lesson3input2" class="inputBox" />');
+ showText('lesson3ImgDef3','symChecked2',5,4,'');
+ focus_blur();
+ $('#lesson3input2').focus();
+ showText('lesson3ImgDef3','checkAns2',6.5,-1,'<div id="chckAns2" class="checkAns"></div>');
+ showText('lesson3ImgDef3','shownAns2',6.5,4,'<div id="showAns2" class="showAns"></div>');
+ check_show();
+ hideNextButton();
+ }else if(clickCounter === 2){
+ showPicture('lesson3ImgDef4','lesson3ImgDef4',22,28);
+ }
+ else if(clickCounter === 3){
+ showPicture('lesson3ImgDef5','lesson3ImgDef5',28,15);
+ hideNextButton();
+ }
+ }
+ else if(currentLesson === 1){
+ if(clickCounter === 0){
+ showPicture('lesson2ImgDef1','lesson2ImgDef1',10,1);
+ }else if(clickCounter === 1){
+ showPicture('lesson2ImgDef2','lesson2ImgDef2',13,1);
+ }else if(clickCounter === 2){
+ showPicture('lesson2ImgDef3','lesson2ImgDef3',15.5,1);
+ }else if(clickCounter === 3){
+ showPicture('lesson2ImgDef4','lesson2ImgDef4',25,1);
+ }else if(clickCounter === 4){
+ showPicture('lesson2ImgDef5','lesson2ImgDef5',27,1);
+ }else if(clickCounter === 5){
+ showPicture('lesson2ImgDef6','lesson2ImgDef6',29.5,10);
+ }else if(clickCounter === 6){
+ lcmMethCounter =0;
+ showPicture('lesson2Sign1','lesson2ImgSign',32,15);
+ showText('lesson2Sign1','lesson2Text1',-.1,-.6,'2 4,8');
+ t=setTimeout(function(){delayObject(2);},1000); //text lcm
+ hideNextButton();
+ }
+ }
+ else if(currentLesson === 0){
+ if(clickCounter === 0){
+ $('#linkNextLesson').show();
+ showPicture('imgLesson1ImgDef1','lesson1ImgDef1',24.5,18);
+ }else if(clickCounter === 1){
+ showPicture('imgLesson1ImgDef2','lesson1ImgDef2',28,18);
+ }else if(clickCounter === 2){
+ showPicture('imgLesson1ImgDef3','lesson1ImgDef3',31.5,18);
+ }else if(clickCounter === 3){
+ showPicture('imgLesson1ImgDef4','lesson1ImgDef4',36,20);
+ hideNextButton();
+ }
+ }
+ clickCounter++;
+ }
+ function check_show(){
+ $('.checkAns').click(function(){
+ var checkId = $(this).attr('id');
+ var checkId = parseInt(checkId.substring(7));;
+ if(checkId === 1){
+ if($('#lesson3input1').val() == '7'){
+ k.audio.correct.play();
+ $('#symChecked1').html('<img src="assets/image/correct.png" />');
+ }else{
+ k.audio.incorrect.play();
+ $('#symChecked1').html('<img src="assets/image/incorrect.png" />');
+ }
+ }else if(checkId === 2){
+ if($('#lesson3input2').val() == '1,3,7'){
+ k.audio.correct.play();
+ $('#symChecked2').html('<img src="assets/image/correct.png" />');
+ }else{
+ k.audio.incorrect.play();
+ $('#symChecked2').html('<img src="assets/image/incorrect.png" />');
+ }
+ }else if(checkId === 3){
+ for( i = 0; i<5;i++){
+ var section = (5*currentSection)+i;
+ var answer = $('#ans'+i).val();
+ if(answers[section] == answer){
+ $('#display'+i).html('<img src="assets/image/correct.png" />');
+ scoreboard.scoreboard('inc');
+ }else{
+ $('#display'+i).html('<img src="assets/image/incorrect.png" />');
+ }
+ }
+ $('#chckAns3').hide();
+ $('#showAns3').show();
+ if(currentSection != 2){
+ $('#moreQues').show();
+ }
+ stopTimer();
+ }
+ });
+ $('.showAns').click(function(){
+ var showId = $(this).attr('id');
+ var showId = parseInt(showId.substring(7));
+ if(showId === 1){
+ $('#lesson3input1').val(7)
+ $('#symChecked1').html('<img src="assets/image/correct.png" />');
+ showNextButton();
+ }else if(showId === 2){
+ $('#lesson3input2').val('1,3,7')
+ $('#symChecked2').html('<img src="assets/image/correct.png" />');
+ showNextButton();
+ }else if(showId === 3){
+ for( i = 0; i<5;i++){
+ var section = (5*currentSection)+i;
+ $('#ans'+i).val(answers[section]);
+ $('#display'+i).html('<img src="assets/image/correct.png" />');
+ }
+ $('#showAns3').hide();
+ }
+ });
+ $('#moreQues').click(function(){
+ currentSection++;
+ nextSection();
+ $('#moreQues').hide();
+ });
+ }
+ function focus_blur(){
+ $('input[type="text"]')
+ .focus(function() {
+ $(this).addClass("focus");
+ currentInpBox = $(this).attr("id");
+ currentInpBox = parseInt(currentInpBox.substring(3));
+ })
+ .blur(function() {
+ var countBox = 0;
+ $(this).removeClass("focus");
+ for(i = 0;i<5;i++){
+ if($('#ans'+i).val() != ''){
+ countBox++;
+ }
+ }
+ if(countBox === 5){
+ //show check button
+ $('#chckAns3').show();
+ }
+ })
+ .keypress(function(event) {
+ if(event.which === 13){
+ //$(this).removeClass("focus");
+ if(currentInpBox != 4){
+ $('#ans'+currentInpBox).blur();
+ }
+ var currentInpBoxnext = currentInpBox+1;
+ $('#ans'+currentInpBoxnext).focus();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ $('#linkNextLesson').click(function(){
+ currentLesson++;
+ if(currentLesson === 2){
+ $('#linkNextLesson').hide();
+ $('#linkPrevLesson').show();
+ }
+ else{
+ $('#linkNextLesson').show();
+ $('#linkPrevLesson').show();
+ }
+ nextLesson();
+ });
+ $('#linkPrevLesson').click(function(){
+ if(currentLesson === 2 && flag_section === 1){
+ currentLesson = 2;
+ nextLesson();
+ }else{
+ currentLesson--;
+ if(currentLesson === 0){
+ $('#linkPrevLesson').hide();
+ }
+ else{
+ $('#linkNextLesson').show();
+ $('#linkPrevLesson').show();
+ }
+ nextLesson();
+ }
+ });
+ $('#linkStart').click(function(){
+ game();
+ });
+ $('#linkPlayAgain').click(function(){
+ //nextLesson();
+ nextLesson();
+ });
+ $('#linkShowAns').hide();
+ $('#linkCheckAns').hide();
+ $('#linkNextLesson').hide();
+ $('#linkPrevLesson').hide();
+ $('#linkHelp').click(function(){
+ $('#help').slideDown(2000);
+ })
+ .mouseout(function(){
+ $('#help').slideUp(2000);
+ });
+ }); //end of k.ready
+}); //end of document.read