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path: root/tools/xo_bundle/modules/PlacesDBUtils.jsm
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools/xo_bundle/modules/PlacesDBUtils.jsm')
1 files changed, 589 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/xo_bundle/modules/PlacesDBUtils.jsm b/tools/xo_bundle/modules/PlacesDBUtils.jsm
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b60e597
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/xo_bundle/modules/PlacesDBUtils.jsm
@@ -0,0 +1,589 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
+ * vim: sw=2 ts=2 sts=2 expandtab filetype=javascript
+ * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+ * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+ * License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is Places Database Utils code.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+ * Mozilla Corporation.
+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2008
+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Marco Bonardo <mak77@bonardo.net> (Original Author)
+ *
+ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
+ * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
+ * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
+ * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
+ * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
+ * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
+ * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
+ * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
+ * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
+ * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
+ *
+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
+const Cc = Components.classes;
+const Ci = Components.interfaces;
+const Cr = Components.results;
+const Cu = Components.utils;
+let EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = [ "PlacesDBUtils" ];
+//// Constants
+const IS_CONTRACTID = "@mozilla.org/widget/idleservice;1";
+const OS_CONTRACTID = "@mozilla.org/observer-service;1";
+const HS_CONTRACTID = "@mozilla.org/browser/nav-history-service;1";
+const BS_CONTRACTID = "@mozilla.org/browser/nav-bookmarks-service;1";
+const TS_CONTRACTID = "@mozilla.org/timer;1";
+const SB_CONTRACTID = "@mozilla.org/intl/stringbundle;1";
+const TIM_CONTRACTID = "@mozilla.org/updates/timer-manager;1";
+const PLACES_STRING_BUNDLE_URI = "chrome://places/locale/places.properties";
+const FINISHED_MAINTENANCE_NOTIFICATION_TOPIC = "places-maintenance-finished";
+// Do maintenance after 10 minutes of idle.
+// We choose a small idle time because we must not prevent laptops from going
+// to standby, also we don't want to hit cpu/disk while the user is doing other
+// activities on the computer, like watching a movie.
+// So, we suppose that after 10 idle minutes the user is moving to another task
+// and we can hit without big troubles.
+const IDLE_TIMEOUT = 10 * 60 * 1000;
+// Check for idle every 10 minutes and do maintenance if the user has been idle
+// for more than IDLE_TIMEOUT.
+const IDLE_LOOKUP_REPEAT = 10 * 60 * 1000;
+// These are the seconds between each maintenance (24h).
+const MAINTENANCE_REPEAT = 24 * 60 * 60;
+//// nsPlacesDBUtils class
+function nsPlacesDBUtils() {
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //// Smart getters
+ this.__defineGetter__("_bms", function() {
+ delete this._bms;
+ return this._bms = Cc[BS_CONTRACTID].getService(Ci.nsINavBookmarksService);
+ });
+ this.__defineGetter__("_hs", function() {
+ delete this._hs;
+ return this._hs = Cc[HS_CONTRACTID].getService(Ci.nsINavHistoryService);
+ });
+ this.__defineGetter__("_os", function() {
+ delete this._os;
+ return this._os = Cc[OS_CONTRACTID].getService(Ci.nsIObserverService);
+ });
+ this.__defineGetter__("_idlesvc", function() {
+ delete this._idlesvc;
+ return this._idlesvc = Cc[IS_CONTRACTID].getService(Ci.nsIIdleService);
+ });
+ this.__defineGetter__("_dbConn", function() {
+ delete this._dbConn;
+ return this._dbConn = Cc[HS_CONTRACTID].
+ getService(Ci.nsPIPlacesDatabase).DBConnection;
+ });
+ this.__defineGetter__("_bundle", function() {
+ delete this._bundle;
+ return this._bundle = Cc[SB_CONTRACTID].
+ getService(Ci.nsIStringBundleService).
+ });
+ // register the maintenance timer
+ try {
+ let tim = Cc[TIM_CONTRACTID].getService(Ci.nsIUpdateTimerManager);
+ tim.registerTimer("places-maintenance-timer", this, MAINTENANCE_REPEAT);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ // The timer manager is not available in xpc shell tests
+ }
+nsPlacesDBUtils.prototype = {
+ _idleLookupTimer: null,
+ _statementsRunningCount: 0,
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //// nsISupports
+ QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([
+ Ci.nsITimerCallback,
+ Ci.nsIObserver,
+ ]),
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //// nsITimerCallback
+ notify: function PDBU_notify(aTimer) {
+ switch (aTimer) {
+ case this._idleLookUpTimer:
+ let idleTime = 0;
+ try {
+ idleTime = this._idlesvc.idleTime;
+ } catch (ex) {}
+ // do maintenance on idle
+ if (idleTime > IDLE_TIMEOUT) {
+ // Stop the timer, we do maintenance once per day
+ this._idleLookUpTimer.cancel();
+ this._idleLookUpTimer = null;
+ // start the cleanup
+ this.maintenanceOnIdle();
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ // Start the idle lookup timer
+ this._idleLookUpTimer = Cc[TS_CONTRACTID].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer);
+ this._idleLookUpTimer.initWithCallback(this, IDLE_LOOKUP_REPEAT,
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //// mozIStorageStatementCallback
+ handleError: function PDBU_handleError(aError) {
+ Cu.reportError("Async statement execution returned with '" +
+ aError.result + "', '" + aError.message + "'");
+ },
+ handleCompletion: function PDBU_handleCompletion(aReason) {
+ // We serve only the last statement completion
+ if (--this._statementsRunningCount > 0)
+ return;
+ // We finished executing all statements.
+ // Sending Begin/EndUpdateBatch notification will ensure that the UI
+ // is correctly refreshed.
+ this._hs.runInBatchMode({runBatched: function(aUserData){}}, null);
+ this._bms.runInBatchMode({runBatched: function(aUserData){}}, null);
+ // Notify observers that maintenance tasks are complete
+ this._os.notifyObservers(null, FINISHED_MAINTENANCE_NOTIFICATION_TOPIC, null);
+ },
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //// Tasks
+ maintenanceOnIdle: function PDBU_maintenanceOnIdle() {
+ // bug 431558: preventive maintenance for Places database
+ let cleanupStatements = [];
+ // A.1 remove unused attributes
+ let deleteUnusedAnnoAttributes = this._dbConn.createStatement(
+ "DELETE FROM moz_anno_attributes WHERE id IN ( " +
+ "SELECT id FROM moz_anno_attributes n " +
+ "(SELECT id FROM moz_annos WHERE anno_attribute_id = n.id LIMIT 1) " +
+ "(SELECT id FROM moz_items_annos WHERE anno_attribute_id = n.id LIMIT 1) " +
+ ")");
+ cleanupStatements.push(deleteUnusedAnnoAttributes);
+ // B.1 remove annos with an invalid attribute
+ let deleteInvalidAttributeAnnos = this._dbConn.createStatement(
+ "DELETE FROM moz_annos WHERE id IN ( " +
+ "SELECT id FROM moz_annos a " +
+ "(SELECT id FROM moz_anno_attributes " +
+ "WHERE id = a.anno_attribute_id LIMIT 1) " +
+ ")");
+ cleanupStatements.push(deleteInvalidAttributeAnnos);
+ // B.2 remove orphan annos
+ let deleteOrphanAnnos = this._dbConn.createStatement(
+ "DELETE FROM moz_annos WHERE id IN ( " +
+ "SELECT id FROM moz_annos a " +
+ "(SELECT id FROM moz_places_temp WHERE id = a.place_id LIMIT 1) " +
+ "(SELECT id FROM moz_places WHERE id = a.place_id LIMIT 1) " +
+ ")");
+ cleanupStatements.push(deleteOrphanAnnos);
+ // C.1 fix missing Places root
+ // Bug 477739 shows a case where the root could be wrongly removed
+ // due to an endianness issue. We try to fix broken roots here.
+ let selectPlacesRoot = this._dbConn.createStatement(
+ "SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE id = :places_root");
+ selectPlacesRoot.params["places_root"] = this._bms.placesRoot;
+ if (!selectPlacesRoot.executeStep()) {
+ // We are missing the root, try to recreate it.
+ let createPlacesRoot = this._dbConn.createStatement(
+ "INSERT INTO moz_bookmarks (id, type, fk, parent, position, title) " +
+ "VALUES (:places_root, 2, NULL, 0, 0, :title)");
+ createPlacesRoot.params["places_root"] = this._bms.placesRoot;
+ createPlacesRoot.params["title"] = "";
+ cleanupStatements.push(createPlacesRoot);
+ // Now ensure that other roots are children of Places root.
+ let fixPlacesRootChildren = this._dbConn.createStatement(
+ "UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET parent = :places_root WHERE id IN " +
+ "(SELECT folder_id FROM moz_bookmarks_roots " +
+ "WHERE folder_id <> :places_root)");
+ fixPlacesRootChildren.params["places_root"] = this._bms.placesRoot;
+ cleanupStatements.push(fixPlacesRootChildren);
+ }
+ selectPlacesRoot.finalize();
+ // C.2 fix roots titles
+ // some alpha version has wrong roots title, and this also fixes them if
+ // locale has changed.
+ let updateRootTitleSql = "UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET title = :title " +
+ "WHERE id = :root_id AND title <> :title";
+ // root
+ let fixPlacesRootTitle = this._dbConn.createStatement(updateRootTitleSql);
+ fixPlacesRootTitle.params["root_id"] = this._bms.placesRoot;
+ fixPlacesRootTitle.params["title"] = "";
+ cleanupStatements.push(fixPlacesRootTitle);
+ // bookmarks menu
+ let fixBookmarksMenuTitle = this._dbConn.createStatement(updateRootTitleSql);
+ fixBookmarksMenuTitle.params["root_id"] = this._bms.bookmarksMenuFolder;
+ fixBookmarksMenuTitle.params["title"] =
+ this._bundle.GetStringFromName("BookmarksMenuFolderTitle");
+ cleanupStatements.push(fixBookmarksMenuTitle);
+ // bookmarks toolbar
+ let fixBookmarksToolbarTitle = this._dbConn.createStatement(updateRootTitleSql);
+ fixBookmarksToolbarTitle.params["root_id"] = this._bms.toolbarFolder;
+ fixBookmarksToolbarTitle.params["title"] =
+ this._bundle.GetStringFromName("BookmarksToolbarFolderTitle");
+ cleanupStatements.push(fixBookmarksToolbarTitle);
+ // unsorted bookmarks
+ let fixUnsortedBookmarksTitle = this._dbConn.createStatement(updateRootTitleSql);
+ fixUnsortedBookmarksTitle.params["root_id"] = this._bms.unfiledBookmarksFolder;
+ fixUnsortedBookmarksTitle.params["title"] =
+ this._bundle.GetStringFromName("UnsortedBookmarksFolderTitle");
+ cleanupStatements.push(fixUnsortedBookmarksTitle);
+ // tags
+ let fixTagsRootTitle = this._dbConn.createStatement(updateRootTitleSql);
+ fixTagsRootTitle.params["root_id"] = this._bms.tagsFolder;
+ fixTagsRootTitle.params["title"] =
+ this._bundle.GetStringFromName("TagsFolderTitle");
+ cleanupStatements.push(fixTagsRootTitle);
+ // D.1 remove items without a valid place
+ // if fk IS NULL we fix them in D.7
+ let deleteNoPlaceItems = this._dbConn.createStatement(
+ "DELETE FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE id NOT IN ( " +
+ "SELECT folder_id FROM moz_bookmarks_roots " + // skip roots
+ ") AND id IN (" +
+ "SELECT b.id FROM moz_bookmarks b " +
+ "WHERE fk NOT NULL AND b.type = :bookmark_type " +
+ "AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT url FROM moz_places_temp WHERE id = b.fk LIMIT 1) " +
+ "AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT url FROM moz_places WHERE id = b.fk LIMIT 1) " +
+ ")");
+ deleteNoPlaceItems.params["bookmark_type"] = this._bms.TYPE_BOOKMARK;
+ cleanupStatements.push(deleteNoPlaceItems);
+ // D.2 remove items that are not uri bookmarks from tag containers
+ let deleteBogusTagChildren = this._dbConn.createStatement(
+ "DELETE FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE id NOT IN ( " +
+ "SELECT folder_id FROM moz_bookmarks_roots " + // skip roots
+ ") AND id IN (" +
+ "SELECT b.id FROM moz_bookmarks b " +
+ "WHERE b.parent IN " +
+ "(SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE parent = :tags_folder) " +
+ "AND b.type <> :bookmark_type " +
+ ")");
+ deleteBogusTagChildren.params["tags_folder"] = this._bms.tagsFolder;
+ deleteBogusTagChildren.params["bookmark_type"] = this._bms.TYPE_BOOKMARK;
+ cleanupStatements.push(deleteBogusTagChildren);
+ // D.3 remove empty tags
+ let deleteEmptyTags = this._dbConn.createStatement(
+ "DELETE FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE id NOT IN ( " +
+ "SELECT folder_id FROM moz_bookmarks_roots " + // skip roots
+ ") AND id IN (" +
+ "SELECT b.id FROM moz_bookmarks b " +
+ "WHERE b.id IN " +
+ "(SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE parent = :tags_folder) " +
+ "(SELECT id from moz_bookmarks WHERE parent = b.id LIMIT 1) " +
+ ")");
+ deleteEmptyTags.params["tags_folder"] = this._bms.tagsFolder;
+ cleanupStatements.push(deleteEmptyTags);
+ // D.4 move orphan items to unsorted folder
+ let fixOrphanItems = this._dbConn.createStatement(
+ "UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET parent = :unsorted_folder WHERE id NOT IN ( " +
+ "SELECT folder_id FROM moz_bookmarks_roots " + // skip roots
+ ") AND id IN (" +
+ "SELECT b.id FROM moz_bookmarks b " +
+ "WHERE b.parent <> 0 " + // exclude Places root
+ "(SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE id = b.parent LIMIT 1) " +
+ ")");
+ fixOrphanItems.params["unsorted_folder"] = this._bms.unfiledBookmarksFolder;
+ cleanupStatements.push(fixOrphanItems);
+ // D.5 fix wrong keywords
+ let fixInvalidKeywords = this._dbConn.createStatement(
+ "UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET keyword_id = NULL WHERE id NOT IN ( " +
+ "SELECT folder_id FROM moz_bookmarks_roots " + // skip roots
+ ") AND id IN ( " +
+ "SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks b " +
+ "WHERE keyword_id NOT NULL " +
+ "(SELECT id FROM moz_keywords WHERE id = b.keyword_id LIMIT 1) " +
+ ")");
+ cleanupStatements.push(fixInvalidKeywords);
+ // D.6 fix wrong item types
+ // Folders, separators and dynamic containers should not have an fk.
+ // If they have a valid fk convert them to bookmarks. Later in D.9 we
+ // will move eventual children to unsorted bookmarks.
+ let fixBookmarksAsFolders = this._dbConn.createStatement(
+ "UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET type = :bookmark_type WHERE id NOT IN ( " +
+ "SELECT folder_id FROM moz_bookmarks_roots " + // skip roots
+ ") AND id IN ( " +
+ "SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks b " +
+ "WHERE type IN (:folder_type, :separator_type, :dynamic_type) " +
+ "AND fk NOTNULL " +
+ ")");
+ fixBookmarksAsFolders.params["bookmark_type"] = this._bms.TYPE_BOOKMARK;
+ fixBookmarksAsFolders.params["folder_type"] = this._bms.TYPE_FOLDER;
+ fixBookmarksAsFolders.params["separator_type"] = this._bms.TYPE_SEPARATOR;
+ fixBookmarksAsFolders.params["dynamic_type"] = this._bms.TYPE_DYNAMIC_CONTAINER;
+ cleanupStatements.push(fixBookmarksAsFolders);
+ // D.7 fix wrong item types
+ // Bookmarks should have an fk, if they don't have any, convert them to
+ // folders.
+ let fixFoldersAsBookmarks = this._dbConn.createStatement(
+ "UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET type = :folder_type WHERE id NOT IN ( " +
+ "SELECT folder_id FROM moz_bookmarks_roots " + // skip roots
+ ") AND id IN ( " +
+ "SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks b " +
+ "WHERE type = :bookmark_type " +
+ "AND fk IS NULL " +
+ ")");
+ fixFoldersAsBookmarks.params["bookmark_type"] = this._bms.TYPE_BOOKMARK;
+ fixFoldersAsBookmarks.params["folder_type"] = this._bms.TYPE_FOLDER;
+ cleanupStatements.push(fixFoldersAsBookmarks);
+ // D.8 fix wrong item types
+ // Dynamic containers should have a folder_type, if they don't have any
+ // convert them to folders.
+ let fixFoldersAsDynamic = this._dbConn.createStatement(
+ "UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET type = :folder_type WHERE id NOT IN ( " +
+ "SELECT folder_id FROM moz_bookmarks_roots " + // skip roots
+ ") AND id IN ( " +
+ "SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks b " +
+ "WHERE type = :dynamic_type " +
+ "AND folder_type IS NULL " +
+ ")");
+ fixFoldersAsDynamic.params["dynamic_type"] = this._bms.TYPE_DYNAMIC_CONTAINER;
+ fixFoldersAsDynamic.params["folder_type"] = this._bms.TYPE_FOLDER;
+ cleanupStatements.push(fixFoldersAsDynamic);
+ // D.9 fix wrong parents
+ // Items cannot have dynamic containers, separators or other bookmarks
+ // as parent, if they have bad parent move them to unsorted bookmarks.
+ let fixInvalidParents = this._dbConn.createStatement(
+ "UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET parent = :unsorted_folder WHERE id NOT IN ( " +
+ "SELECT folder_id FROM moz_bookmarks_roots " + // skip roots
+ ") AND id IN ( " +
+ "SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks b " +
+ "(SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE id = b.parent " +
+ "AND type IN (:bookmark_type, :separator_type, :dynamic_type) " +
+ "LIMIT 1) " +
+ ")");
+ fixInvalidParents.params["unsorted_folder"] = this._bms.unfiledBookmarksFolder;
+ fixInvalidParents.params["bookmark_type"] = this._bms.TYPE_BOOKMARK;
+ fixInvalidParents.params["separator_type"] = this._bms.TYPE_SEPARATOR;
+ fixInvalidParents.params["dynamic_type"] = this._bms.TYPE_DYNAMIC_CONTAINER;
+ cleanupStatements.push(fixInvalidParents);
+/* XXX needs test
+ // D.10 recalculate positions
+ // This requires multiple related statements.
+ // We can detect a folder with bad position values comparing the sum of
+ // all position values with the triangular numbers obtained by the number
+ // of children: (n * (n + 1) / 2). Starting from 0 is (n * (n - 1) / 2).
+ let detectWrongPositionsParents = this._dbConn.createStatement(
+ "SELECT parent FROM " +
+ "(SELECT parent, " +
+ "(SUM(position) - (count(*) * (count(*) - 1) / 2)) AS diff " +
+ "FROM moz_bookmarks " +
+ "GROUP BY parent) " +
+ "WHERE diff <> 0");
+ while (detectWrongPositionsParents.executeStep()) {
+ let parent = detectWrongPositionsParents.getInt64(0);
+ // We will lose the previous position values and reposition items based
+ // on the ROWID value. Not perfect, but we can't rely on position values.
+ let fixPositionsForParent = this._dbConn.createStatement(
+ "UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET position = ( " +
+ "SELECT " +
+ "((SELECT count(*) FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE parent = :parent) - " +
+ "(SELECT count(*) FROM moz_bookmarks " +
+ "WHERE parent = :parent AND ROWID >= b.ROWID)) " +
+ "FROM moz_bookmarks b WHERE parent = :parent AND id = moz_bookmarks.id " +
+ ") WHERE parent = :parent");
+ fixPositionsForParent.params["parent"] = parent;
+ cleanupStatements.push(fixPositionsForParent);
+ }
+ // D.11 remove old livemarks status items
+ // Livemark status items are now static but some livemark has still old
+ // status items bookmarks inside it. We should remove them.
+ // Note: This does not need to query the temp table.
+ let removeLivemarkStaticItems = this._dbConn.createStatement(
+ "DELETE FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE type = :bookmark_type AND fk IN ( " +
+ "SELECT id FROM moz_places WHERE url = :lmloading OR url = :lmfailed " +
+ ")");
+ removeLivemarkStaticItems.params["bookmark_type"] = this._bms.TYPE_BOOKMARK;
+ removeLivemarkStaticItems.params["lmloading"] = "about:livemark-loading";
+ removeLivemarkStaticItems.params["lmfailed"] = "about:livemark-failed";
+ cleanupStatements.push(removeLivemarkStaticItems);
+ // E.1 remove orphan icons
+ let deleteOrphanIcons = this._dbConn.createStatement(
+ "DELETE FROM moz_favicons WHERE id IN (" +
+ "SELECT id FROM moz_favicons f " +
+ "(SELECT id FROM moz_places_temp WHERE favicon_id = f.id LIMIT 1) " +
+ "(SELECT id FROM moz_places WHERE favicon_id = f.id LIMIT 1) " +
+ ")");
+ cleanupStatements.push(deleteOrphanIcons);
+ // F.1 remove orphan visits
+ let deleteOrphanVisits = this._dbConn.createStatement(
+ "DELETE FROM moz_historyvisits WHERE id IN (" +
+ "SELECT id FROM moz_historyvisits v " +
+ "(SELECT id FROM moz_places_temp WHERE id = v.place_id LIMIT 1) " +
+ "(SELECT id FROM moz_places WHERE id = v.place_id LIMIT 1) " +
+ ")");
+ cleanupStatements.push(deleteOrphanVisits);
+ // G.1 remove orphan input history
+ let deleteOrphanInputHistory = this._dbConn.createStatement(
+ "DELETE FROM moz_inputhistory WHERE place_id IN (" +
+ "SELECT place_id FROM moz_inputhistory i " +
+ "(SELECT id FROM moz_places_temp WHERE id = i.place_id LIMIT 1) " +
+ "(SELECT id FROM moz_places WHERE id = i.place_id LIMIT 1) " +
+ ")");
+ cleanupStatements.push(deleteOrphanInputHistory);
+ // H.1 remove item annos with an invalid attribute
+ let deleteInvalidAttributeItemsAnnos = this._dbConn.createStatement(
+ "DELETE FROM moz_items_annos WHERE id IN ( " +
+ "SELECT id FROM moz_items_annos t " +
+ "(SELECT id FROM moz_anno_attributes " +
+ "WHERE id = t.anno_attribute_id LIMIT 1) " +
+ ")");
+ cleanupStatements.push(deleteInvalidAttributeItemsAnnos);
+ // H.2 remove orphan item annos
+ let deleteOrphanItemsAnnos = this._dbConn.createStatement(
+ "DELETE FROM moz_items_annos WHERE id IN ( " +
+ "SELECT id FROM moz_items_annos t " +
+ "(SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE id = t.item_id LIMIT 1) " +
+ ")");
+ cleanupStatements.push(deleteOrphanItemsAnnos);
+ // I.1 remove unused keywords
+ let deleteUnusedKeywords = this._dbConn.createStatement(
+ "DELETE FROM moz_keywords WHERE id IN ( " +
+ "SELECT id FROM moz_keywords k " +
+ "(SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE keyword_id = k.id LIMIT 1) " +
+ ")");
+ cleanupStatements.push(deleteUnusedKeywords);
+ // L.1 fix wrong favicon ids
+ let fixInvalidFaviconIds = this._dbConn.createStatement(
+ "UPDATE moz_places SET favicon_id = NULL WHERE id IN ( " +
+ "SELECT id FROM moz_places h " +
+ "WHERE favicon_id NOT NULL " +
+ "(SELECT id FROM moz_favicons WHERE id = h.favicon_id LIMIT 1) " +
+ ")");
+ cleanupStatements.push(fixInvalidFaviconIds);
+/* XXX needs test
+ // L.2 recalculate visit_count
+ // We're detecting errors only in disk table since temp tables could have
+ // different values based on the number of visits not yet synced to disk.
+ let detectWrongCountPlaces = this._dbConn.createStatement(
+ "SELECT id FROM moz_places h " +
+ "WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM moz_places_temp) " +
+ "AND h.visit_count <> " +
+ "(SELECT count(*) FROM moz_historyvisits " +
+ "WHERE place_id = h.id AND visit_type NOT IN (0,4,7))");
+ while (detectWrongCountPlaces.executeStep()) {
+ let placeId = detectWrongCountPlaces.getInt64(0);
+ let fixCountForPlace = this._dbConn.createStatement(
+ "UPDATE moz_places_view SET visit_count = ( " +
+ "(SELECT count(*) FROM moz_historyvisits " +
+ "WHERE place_id = :place_id AND visit_type NOT IN (0,4,7)) + " +
+ "(SELECT count(*) FROM moz_historyvisits_temp " +
+ "WHERE place_id = :place_id AND visit_type NOT IN (0,4,7)) + " +
+ ") WHERE id = :place_id");
+ fixCountForPlace.params["place_id"] = placeId;
+ cleanupStatements.push(fixCountForPlace);
+ }
+ // Used to keep track of last call to handleCompletion
+ this._statementsRunningCount = cleanupStatements.length;
+ // Statements are automatically queued-up by mozStorage
+ cleanupStatements.forEach(function (aStatement) {
+ aStatement.executeAsync(this);
+ aStatement.finalize();
+ }, this);
+ },
+__defineGetter__("PlacesDBUtils", function() {
+ delete this.PlacesDBUtils;
+ return this.PlacesDBUtils = new nsPlacesDBUtils;