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path: root/rpms
diff options
authorBernie Innocenti <bernie@codewiz.org>2010-07-29 16:17:00 (GMT)
committer Bernie Innocenti <bernie@codewiz.org>2010-07-29 16:17:00 (GMT)
commit66eef4d284e9ba6a78ff41dcccad680073e02383 (patch)
treec7edd0e77a166b60333e8edc6895c242684d351c /rpms
parent73de5695f5a3903b3ec873c8d779ef8b3cf0d814 (diff)
Add Makefile infrastructure to build rpms in place
Diffstat (limited to 'rpms')
10 files changed, 938 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rpms/common/Makefile.common b/rpms/common/Makefile.common
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a345e4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rpms/common/Makefile.common
@@ -0,0 +1,846 @@
+# -*- Makefile -*-
+# Common Makefile for building RPMs
+# Licensed under the new-BSD license (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php)
+# Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Red Hat, Inc.
+# Copyright (C) 2005 Fedora Foundation
+# $Id: Makefile.common,v 1.143 2010/06/28 21:39:23 ausil Exp $
+# Define the common dir.
+# This needs to happen first.
+define find-common-dir
+for d in common ../common ../../common ; do if [ -f $$d/Makefile.common ] ; then echo "$$d"; break ; fi ; done
+COMMON_DIR := $(shell $(find-common-dir))
+# Branch and disttag definitions
+# These need to happen second.
+HEAD_BRANCH := devel
+BRANCH:=$(shell pwd | awk -F '/' '{ print $$NF }' )
+# check to see if this is an early branched package; we should make this more
+# generic in the future
+#ifeq ($(BRANCH),devel)
+#BRANCH:=$(shell cvs rlog rpms/$(NAME)/F-12/$(SPECFILE) >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo "F-13" || echo "devel")
+BRANCHINFO = $(shell grep ^$(BRANCH): $(COMMON_DIR)/branches | cut -d: --output-delimiter=" " -f2-)
+TARGET := $(word 1, $(BRANCHINFO))
+DIST = $(word 2, $(BRANCHINFO))
+DISTVAR = $(word 3, $(BRANCHINFO))
+DISTVAL = $(word 4, $(BRANCHINFO))
+DISTDEF = $(shell echo $(DIST) | sed -e s/^\\\.// )
+DIST_DEFINES = --define "dist $(DIST)" --define "$(DISTVAR) $(DISTVAL)" --define "$(DISTDEF) 1"
+LOCALARCH := $(shell rpm --eval %{_arch})
+## a base directory where we'll put as much temporary working stuff as we can
+ifndef WORKDIR
+WORKDIR := $(shell pwd)
+## of course all this can also be overridden in your RPM macros file,
+## but this way you can separate your normal RPM setup from your CVS
+## setup. Override RPM_WITH_DIRS in ~/.cvspkgsrc to avoid the usage of
+## these variables.
+ifeq ($(DISTVAR),epel)
+DISTVAR := rhel
+MOCKCFG ?= fedora-$(DISTVAL)-$(BUILDARCH)-epel
+## 4, 5, 6 need -core
+ifeq ($(DISTVAL),4)
+MOCKCFG = fedora-$(DISTVAL)-$(BUILDARCH)-core
+ifeq ($(DISTVAL),5)
+MOCKCFG = fedora-$(DISTVAL)-$(BUILDARCH)-core
+ifeq ($(DISTVAL),6)
+MOCKCFG = fedora-$(DISTVAL)-$(BUILDARCH)-core
+## Devel builds use -devel mock config
+ifeq ($(BRANCH),devel)
+MOCKCFG = fedora-devel-$(BUILDARCH)
+## SOURCEDIR is special; it has to match the CVS checkout directory,
+## because the CVS checkout directory contains the patch files. So it basically
+## can't be overridden without breaking things. But we leave it a variable
+## for consistency, and in hopes of convincing it to work sometime.
+SOURCEDIR := $(shell pwd)
+ifndef SPECDIR
+SPECDIR := $(shell pwd)
+RPM_DEFINES := --define "_sourcedir $(SOURCEDIR)" \
+ --define "_specdir $(SPECDIR)" \
+ --define "_builddir $(BUILDDIR)" \
+ --define "_srcrpmdir $(SRCRPMDIR)" \
+ --define "_rpmdir $(RPMDIR)" \
+# to make srpms on F-11 and newer for older releases use old hashes
+# F-10's rpm supports both styles F-9 is the only current release
+# outside of rhel that needs old hashes
+ifeq ($(DISTVAR),rhel)
+ifeq ($(DISTVAL),5)
+ --define "_source_filedigest_algorithm 1" \
+ --define "_binary_filedigest_algorithm 1"
+ifeq ($(DISTVAL),4)
+ --define "_source_filedigest_algorithm 1" \
+ --define "_binary_filedigest_algorithm 1"
+# Initialize the variables that we need, but are not defined
+# the version of the package
+VER_REL := $(shell rpm $(RPM_DEFINES) -q --qf "%{VERSION} %{RELEASE}\n" --specfile $(SPECFILE)| head -1)
+ifndef NAME
+$(error "You can not run this Makefile without having NAME defined")
+ifndef VERSION
+VERSION := $(word 1, $(VER_REL))
+# the release of the package
+ifndef RELEASE
+RELEASE := $(word 2, $(VER_REL))
+# this is used in make patch, maybe make clean eventually.
+# would be nicer to autodetermine from the spec file...
+## for secondary arch only packages we cant build on the primary hub
+## we need to go direct to the secondary arch hub
+define secondary-arch
+for name in silo prtconf lssbus afbinit piggyback xorg-x11-drv-sunbw2 xorg-x11-drv-suncg14 xorg-x11-drv-suncg3 xorg-x11-drv-suncg6 xorg-x11-drv-sunffb xorg-x11-drv-sunleo xorg-x11-drv-suntcx ; \
+do if [ "$$name" = "$(NAME)" ]; then echo "-c ~/.koji/sparc-config"; fi \
+# if we have defineded SECONDARY_CONFIG trust the user is doing it for a reason
+SECONDARY_CONFIG := $(shell $(secondary-arch))
+# default target: just make sure we've got the sources
+all: sources
+# user specific configuration
+CVS_EXTRAS_RC := $(shell if test -f $(HOME)/.cvspkgsrc ; then echo $(HOME)/.cvspkgsrc ; fi)
+include $(CVS_EXTRAS_RC)
+# The repository and the clients we use for the files
+REPOSITORY ?= http://cvs.fedoraproject.org/repo/pkgs
+UPLOAD_REPOSITORY ?= https://cvs.fedoraproject.org/repo/pkgs/upload.cgi
+# We define CURL and WGET in a way that makes if possible to have them
+# overwritten from the module's Makefiles. Then CLIENT picks CURL, otherwise WGET
+CURL ?= $(shell if test -f /usr/bin/curl ; then echo "curl -H Pragma: -O -R -S --fail --show-error" ; fi)
+WGET ?= $(shell if test -f /usr/bin/wget ; then echo "wget -nd -m" ; fi)
+CLIENT ?= $(if $(CURL),$(CURL),$(if $(WGET),$(WGET)))
+BUILD_CLIENT ?= $(shell which koji 2>/dev/null)
+BODHI_CLIENT ?= $(shell which bodhi 2>/dev/null)
+FEDORAHOSTED ?= $(shell which fedora-hosted 2>/dev/null)
+# RPM with all the overrides in place; you can override this in your
+# .cvspkgsrc also, to use a default rpm setup
+# the rpm build command line
+ifndef RPM
+RPM := rpmbuild
+# CVS-safe version/release -- a package name like 4Suite screws things
+# up, so we have to remove the leaving digits from the name
+TAG_NAME := $(shell echo $(NAME) | sed -e s/\\\./_/g -e s/^389/three89/g -e s/^[0-9]\\\+//g)
+TAG_VERSION := $(shell echo $(VERSION) | sed s/\\\./_/g)
+TAG_RELEASE := $(shell echo $(RELEASE) | sed s/\\\./_/g)
+# tag to export, defaulting to current tag in the spec file
+# where to cvs export temporarily
+TMPCVS := $(WORKDIR)/cvs-$(TAG)
+# source file basenames
+SOURCEFILES := $(shell cat sources 2>/dev/null | awk '{ print $$2 }')
+# full path to source files
+# retrieve the stored md5 sum for a source download
+define get_sources_md5
+$(shell cat sources 2>/dev/null | while read m f ; do if test "$$f" = "$@" ; then echo $$m ; break ; fi ; done)
+# list the possible targets for valid arches
+ARCHES = noarch i386 i586 i686 x86_64 ia64 s390 s390x ppc ppc64 pseries ppc64pseries iseries ppc64iseries athlon alpha alphaev6 sparc sparc64 sparcv9 sparcv9v sparc64v i164 mac sh mips geode armv5tel armv6tel armv7tel
+# for the modules that do different "make prep" depending on what arch we build for
+PREP_ARCHES = $(addprefix prep-,$(ARCHES))
+## list all our bogus targets
+.PHONY :: $(ARCHES) sources uploadsource upload export check build-check build cvsurl chain-build test-srpm srpm tag verrel new clean patch prep compile install install-short compile-short FORCE local scratch-build scratch-build-% srpm-scratch-build srpm-scratch-build-% clog
+# The TARGETS define is meant for local module targets that should be
+# made in addition to the SOURCEFILES whenever needed
+# default target - retrieve the sources and make the module specific targets
+# Retrieve the sources we do not have in CVS
+ @mkdir -p $(SOURCEDIR)
+ @echo "Downloading $@..."
+ @for i in `find ../ -maxdepth 2 -name "$@"`; do \
+ if test "$$(md5sum $$i | awk '{print $$1}')" = "$(get_sources_md5)" ; then \
+ echo "Copying from $$i" ; \
+ ln $$i $@ ; \
+ break ; \
+ fi ; \
+ done
+ @if [ -z "$(CLIENT)" ]; then echo "Can't download, need curl or wget installed." ; exit 1; fi
+ @if [ ! -e "$@" ] ; then $(CLIENT) $(REPOSITORY)/$(NAME)/$@/$(get_sources_md5)/$@ ; fi
+ @if [ ! -e "$@" ] ; then echo "Could not download source file: $@ does not exist" ; exit 1 ; fi
+ @if test "$$(md5sum $@ | awk '{print $$1}')" != "$(get_sources_md5)" ; then \
+ echo "md5sum of the downloaded $@ does not match the one from 'sources' file" ; \
+ echo "Local copy: $$(md5sum $@)" ; \
+ echo "In sources: $$(grep $@ sources)" ; \
+ exit 1 ; \
+ else \
+ ls -l $@ ; \
+ fi
+# Support for uploading stuff into the repository. Since this is
+# pretty specific to the upload.cgi we use, we hardwire the assumption
+# that we're always using upload.cgi
+ifdef FILES
+# we hardwire curl in here because the upload rules are very dependent
+# on curl's behavior on missing pages, ISEs, etc.
+UPLOAD_CERT = $(shell if test -f $(HOME)/.fedora.cert ; then echo " --cert $(HOME)/.fedora.cert" ; fi)
+UPLOAD_CHECK = curl -k $(UPLOAD_CERT) --fail --silent
+UPLOAD_CLIENT = curl -k $(UPLOAD_CERT) --fail -o /dev/null --show-error --progress-bar
+upload-check = $(UPLOAD_CHECK) -F "name=$(NAME)" -F "md5sum=$${m%%[[:space:]]*}" -F "filename=$$f" $(UPLOAD_REPOSITORY)
+upload-file = $(UPLOAD_CLIENT) -F "name=$(NAME)" -F "md5sum=$${m%%[[:space:]]*}" -F "file=@$$f" $(UPLOAD_REPOSITORY)
+define upload-request
+echo "Checking : $$b on $(UPLOAD_REPOSITORY)..." ; \
+check=$$($(upload-check)) ; retc=$$? ; \
+if test $$retc -ne 0 ; then \
+ echo "ERROR: could not check remote file status" ; \
+ exit -1 ; \
+elif test "$$check" = "Available" ; then \
+ echo "This file ($$m) is already uploaded" ; \
+elif test "$$check" = "Missing" ; then \
+ echo "Uploading: $$b to $(UPLOAD_REPOSITORY)..." ; \
+ $(upload-file) || exit 1 ; \
+else \
+ echo "$$check" ; \
+ exit 1 ; \
+OPENSSL=$(shell which openssl 2>/dev/null)
+define check-cert
+ @if ! test -f $(HOME)/.fedora.cert ; then echo "ERROR: You need to download your Fedora client certificate" >&2 ; echo " from https://admin.fedoraproject.org/accounts/" >&2; echo " and save it in a file named ~/.fedora.cert" >&2; exit 1 ; fi
+ @if [ -x ${OPENSSL} ]; then \
+ ${OPENSSL} x509 -checkend 6000 -noout -in ${HOME}/.fedora.cert ; \
+ if [ $$? -ne 0 ]; then \
+ echo "ERROR: Your Fedora client-side certificate expired." >&2 ; \
+ echo " You need to download a new client-side certificate" >&2 ; \
+ echo " from https://admin.fedoraproject.org/accounts/" >&2 ; \
+ echo " and save it in a file named ~/.fedora.cert" >&2 ; \
+ exit 1 ; \
+ fi ; \
+ fi
+# Upload the FILES, adding to the ./sources manifest
+upload: $(FILES)
+ $(check-cert)
+ @if ! test -f ./sources ; then touch ./sources ; fi
+ @if ! test -f ./.cvsignore ; then touch ./.cvsignore ; fi
+ @for f in $(FILES); do \
+ if ! test -s $$f ; then echo "SKIPPING EMPTY FILE: $$f" ; continue ; fi ; \
+ b="$$(basename $$f)" ; \
+ m="$$(cd $$(dirname $$f) && md5sum $$b)" ; \
+ if test "$$m" = "$$(grep $$b sources)" ; then \
+ echo "ERROR: file $$f is already listed in the sources file..." ; \
+ exit 1 ; \
+ fi ; \
+ chmod +r $$f ; \
+ echo ; $(upload-request) ; echo ; \
+ if test -z "$$(egrep ""[[:space:]]$$b$$"" sources)" ; then \
+ echo "$$m" >> sources ; \
+ else \
+ egrep -v "[[:space:]]$$b$$" sources > sources.new ; \
+ echo "$$m" >> sources.new ; \
+ mv sources.new sources ; \
+ fi ; \
+ if test -z "$$(egrep ""^$$b$$"" .cvsignore)" ; then \
+ echo $$b >> .cvsignore ; \
+ fi \
+ done
+ @if grep "^/sources/" CVS/Entries >/dev/null; then true ; else cvs -Q add sources; fi
+ @echo "Source upload succeeded. Don't forget to commit the new ./sources file"
+ @cvs update sources .cvsignore
+# Upload FILES and recreate the ./sources file to include only these FILES
+new-source new-sources: $(FILES)
+ $(check-cert)
+ @rm -f sources && touch sources
+ @rm -f .cvsignore && touch .cvsignore
+ @for f in $(FILES); do \
+ if ! test -s $$f ; then echo "SKIPPING EMPTY FILE: $$f" ; continue ; fi ; \
+ b="$$(basename $$f)" ; \
+ m="$$(cd $$(dirname $$f) && md5sum $$b)" ; \
+ chmod +r $$f ; \
+ echo ; $(upload-request) ; echo ; \
+ echo "$$m" >> sources ; \
+ echo "$$b" >> .cvsignore ; \
+ done
+ @if grep "^/sources/" CVS/Entries >/dev/null; then true ; else cvs -Q add sources; fi
+ @echo "Source upload succeeded. Don't forget to commit the new ./sources file"
+ @cvs update sources .cvsignore
+upload new-source new-sources:
+ @echo "FILES variable not set!"
+# allow overriding buildarch so you can do, say, an i386 build on x86_64
+BUILDARCH := $(shell rpm --eval "%{_arch}")
+# test build in mock
+mockbuild : srpm
+ mock $(MOCKARGS) -r $(MOCKCFG) --resultdir=$(MOCKDIR)/$(TAG) rebuild $(SRCRPMDIR)/$(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE).src.rpm
+# check the build with rpmlint
+ @test -e $(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE).src.rpm || (echo "run 'make local' first" ; exit 1 )
+ rpmlint $(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE).src.rpm $(LOCALARCH)/*-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE).$(LOCALARCH).rpm
+# build for a particular arch
+$(ARCHES) : sources $(TARGETS)
+ $(RPM_WITH_DIRS) --target $@ -ba $(SPECFILE) 2>&1 | tee .build-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE).log ; exit $${PIPESTATUS[0]}
+# empty target to force checking of md5sums in FULLSOURCEFILES
+# build whatever's appropriate for the local architecture
+local: $(LOCALARCH)
+# attempt to apply all the patches, optionally only for a particular arch
+prep: sources $(TARGETS)
+ $(RPM_WITH_DIRS) --nodeps -bp --target $(PREPARCH) $(SPECFILE)
+prep: sources $(TARGETS)
+ $(RPM_WITH_DIRS) --nodeps -bp $(SPECFILE)
+# this allows for make prep-i686, make prep-ppc64, etc
+prep-% : Makefile
+ $(MAKE) prep PREPARCH=$*
+compile: sources $(TARGETS)
+install: sources $(TARGETS)
+compile-short: sources $(TARGETS)
+ $(RPM_WITH_DIRS) --nodeps --short-circuit -bc $(SPECFILE)
+install-short: sources $(TARGETS)
+ $(RPM_WITH_DIRS) --nodeps --short-circuit -bi $(SPECFILE)
+CVS_ROOT := $(shell if [ -f CVS/Root ] ; then cat CVS/Root ; fi)
+CVS_REPOSITORY := $(shell if [ -f CVS/Repository ] ; then cat CVS/Repository ; fi)
+CVS_URL := cvs://cvs.fedoraproject.org/cvs/pkgs?$(CVS_REPOSITORY)\#$(TAG)
+## create a clean exported copy in $(TMPCVS)
+export:: sources
+ @mkdir -p $(WORKDIR)
+ /bin/rm -rf $(TMPCVS)
+ @if test -z "$(TAG)" ; then echo "Must specify a tag to check out" ; exit 1; fi
+ @mkdir -p $(TMPCVS)
+ @cd $(TMPCVS) && \
+ cvs -Q -d $(CVS_ROOT) export -r$(TAG) -d $(NAME) $(CVS_REPOSITORY) && \
+ cvs -Q -d $(CVS_ROOT) export -rHEAD common
+ @if [ -n "$(FULLSOURCEFILES)" ]; then ln -f $(FULLSOURCEFILES) $(TMPCVS)/$(NAME) 2> /dev/null || cp -f $(FULLSOURCEFILES) $(TMPCVS)/$(NAME) ; fi
+ @echo "Exported $(TMPCVS)/$(NAME)"
+## build a test-srpm and see if it will -bp on all arches
+# XXX: I am not sure exactly what this is supposed to really do, since the
+# query format returns (none) most of the time, and that is not
+# handled --gafton
+check: test-srpm
+ @archs=`rpm -qp $(SRCRPMDIR)/$(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE).src.rpm --qf "[%{EXCLUSIVEARCH}\n]" | egrep -v "(i586)|(i686)|(athlon)"` ;\
+ if test -z "$$archs"; then archs=noarch; fi ; \
+ echo "Checking arches: $$archs" ; \
+ for arch in $$archs; do \
+ echo "Checking $$arch..."; \
+ if ! $(RPM_WITH_DIRS) -bp --target $$arch $(SPECFILE); then \
+ echo "*** make prep failed for $$arch"; \
+ exit 1; \
+ fi; \
+ done;
+## use this to build an srpm locally
+srpm: sources $(TARGETS)
+ $(RPM_WITH_DIRS) --nodeps -bs $(SPECFILE)
+test-srpm: srpm
+ @echo $(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)
+# If you build a new version into the tree, first do "make tag",
+# then "make srpm", then build the package.
+tag:: $(SPECFILE) $(COMMON_DIR)/branches
+ cvs tag $(TAG_OPTS) -c $(TAG)
+ @echo "Tagged with: $(TAG)"
+ @echo
+define find-user
+[ -f CVS/Root ] && if [ `cat CVS/Root |grep -c [^:]@` -ne 0 ]; then cat CVS/Root |cut -d @ -f 1 | sed 's/:.*://' ; else echo $(USER); fi
+USER := $(shell $(find-user))
+oldbuild: $(COMMON_DIR)/branches
+ @if [ -z "$(TARGET)" -a ! -d CVS ]; then echo "Must be in a branch subdirectory"; exit 1; fi
+ @cvs status -v $(SPECFILE) 2>/dev/null | grep -q $(TAG); ret=$$? ;\
+ if [ $$ret -ne 0 ]; then echo "$(SPECFILE) not tagged with tag $(TAG)"; exit 1; fi
+ @(pushd $(COMMON_DIR) >/dev/null ;\
+ rm -f tobuild ;\
+ cvs -Q update -C tobuild ;\
+ echo -e "$(USER)\t$(CVS_REPOSITORY)\t$(TAG)\t$(TARGET)" >> tobuild ;\
+ cvs commit -m "request build of $(CVS_REPOSITORY) $(TAG) for $(TARGET)" tobuild ;\
+ popd >/dev/null)
+build-check: $(SPECFILE)
+ @if [ -z "$(TARGET)" -o ! -d CVS ]; then echo "Must be in a branch subdirectory"; exit 1; fi
+ @cvs -f status -v $(SPECFILE) 2>/dev/null | grep -q $(TAG); ret=$$? ;\
+ if [ $$ret -ne 0 ]; then echo "$(SPECFILE) not tagged with tag $(TAG)"; exit 1; fi
+build: build-check $(COMMON_DIR)/branches
+ @if [ ! -x "$(BUILD_CLIENT)" ]; then echo "Must have koji installed - see http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/BuildSystemClientSetup"; exit 1; fi
+scratch-build: build-check
+ @if [ ! -x "$(BUILD_CLIENT)" ]; then echo "Must have koji installed - see http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/BuildSystemClientSetup"; exit 1; fi
+srpm-scratch-build: srpm
+ @if [ ! -x "$(BUILD_CLIENT)" ]; then echo "Must have koji installed - see http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/BuildSystemClientSetup"; exit 1; fi
+scratch-build-%: build-check
+ @if [ ! -x "$(BUILD_CLIENT)" ]; then echo "Must have koji installed - see http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/BuildSystemClientSetup"; exit 1; fi
+ $(BUILD_CLIENT) $(SECONDARY_CONFIG) build --scratch --arch-override=$* $(BUILD_FLAGS) $(TARGET) '$(CVS_URL)'
+srpm-scratch-build-%: srpm
+ @if [ ! -x "$(BUILD_CLIENT)" ]; then echo "Must have koji installed - see http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/BuildSystemClientSetup"; exit 1; fi
+ $(BUILD_CLIENT) $(SECONDARY_CONFIG) build --scratch --arch-override=$* $(BUILD_FLAGS) $(TARGET) $(SRCRPMDIR)/$(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE).src.rpm
+bodhi: build-check $(COMMON_DIR)/branches clog
+ @if [ ! -x "$(BODHI_CLIENT)" ]; then echo "Must have bodhi-client installed"; exit 1; fi
+ @echo -e "\
+[ $(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE) ]\n\n\
+# bugfix, security, enhancement, newpackage (required)\n\
+# testing, stable\n\
+# Bug numbers: 1234,9876\n\
+# Description of your update\n\
+notes=Here is where you\n\
+ \tgive an explanation of\n\
+ \tyour update.\n\n\
+# Enable request automation based on the stable/unstable karma thresholds\n\
+# Automatically close bugs when this marked as stable\n\
+# Suggest that users restart after update\n\
+" > bodhi.template
+ @grep -Z '#' clog | xargs -0n1 | sed -n -e 's,^#\([0-9]*\)$$,\1,p' | xargs | tr ' ' ',' > $(NAME).bugs
+ @if [ `cat $(NAME).bugs` ]; then echo "bug=`cat $(NAME).bugs`" >> bodhi.template; fi
+ @sed -e '/^#/d' < bodhi.template > bodhi.template.orig
+ @if [ -z "$$EDITOR" ]; then vi bodhi.template; else $$EDITOR bodhi.template; fi
+ @if [ -n "`sed -e '/^#/d' < bodhi.template | diff bodhi.template.orig -`" ]; then \
+ $(BODHI_CLIENT) --new --release $(subst -,,$(BRANCH)) \
+ --file bodhi.template $(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE) -u $(BODHI_USER); \
+ else \
+ echo "Bodhi update aborted!"; \
+ fi
+ @rm -f bodhi.template{,.orig} $(NAME).bugs clog
+ifndef $(BODHI_USER)
+update: bodhi
+tag-request: build-check $(COMMON_DIR)/branches
+ @if [ ! -x "$(FEDORAHOSTED)" ]; then echo "Must have fedora-packager > 0.3.8 installed"; exit 1; fi
+ @echo -e "\
+# Tag target (default is target of the CVS branch)\n\
+# Description of your tag request\n\
+notes=Here is where you give a description of what you want to change,\n\
+rational for why the change is important enough to break the freeze,\n\
+impact of not accepting the change, and what testing has been done.\n\
+Or if this is a tag request for updates, just the info about the updates.\
+" > fedora-hosted.template
+ @sed -e '/^#/d' < fedora-hosted.template > fedora-hosted.template.orig
+ @if [ -z "$$EDITOR" ]; then vi fedora-hosted.template; else $$EDITOR fedora-hosted.template; fi
+ @if [ -n "`sed -e '/^#/d' < fedora-hosted.template | diff fedora-hosted.template.orig -`" ]; then \
+ target=`grep '^target=' fedora-hosted.template | sed -e 's/target=//'` \
+ component=`echo $(TARGET) |grep -q epel && echo "epel" || echo "koji"`\
+ descript="{{{\
+`grep -v -e '^target=' -e '^#' fedora-hosted.template | sed -e 's/notes=//'`"; \
+ $(FEDORAHOSTED) -u $(USER) -P rel-eng new-ticket -s \
+ "Tag request $(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE) for $$target" \
+ -C $$component -d "$$descript"; \
+ else \
+ echo "Tag request aborted!"; \
+ fi
+ @rm -f fedora-hosted.template{,.orig}
+ @echo '$(CVS_URL)'
+ @echo '$(TARGET)'
+chain-build: build-check
+ @if [ -z "$(CHAIN)" ]; then \
+ echo "Missing CHAIN variable, please specify the order of packages to" ; \
+ echo "chain build. For example: make chain-build CHAIN='foo bar'" ; \
+ exit 1 ; \
+ fi ; \
+ set -e ; \
+ subdir=`basename $$(pwd)` ; \
+ urls="" ; \
+ for component in $(CHAIN) ; do \
+ if [ "$$component" = "$(NAME)" ]; then \
+ echo "$(NAME) must not appear in CHAIN" ; \
+ exit 1 ; \
+ fi ; \
+ if [ "$$component" = ":" ]; then \
+ urls="$$urls :" ; \
+ continue ; \
+ elif [ -n "$$urls" -a -z "$(findstring :,$(CHAIN))" ]; then \
+ urls="$$urls :" ; \
+ fi ; \
+ rm -rf .tmp-$$$$ ; \
+ mkdir -p .tmp-$$$$ ; \
+ pushd .tmp-$$$$ > /dev/null ; \
+ cvs -f -Q -z 3 -d $(CVS_ROOT) co $$component ; \
+ urls="$$urls `make -s -C $$component/$$subdir cvsurl`" ; \
+ popd > /dev/null ; \
+ rm -rf .tmp-$$$$ ; \
+ done ; \
+ if [ -z "$(findstring :,$(CHAIN))" ]; then \
+ urls="$$urls :" ; \
+ fi ; \
+ urls="$$urls `make -s cvsurl`" ; \
+ $(BUILD_CLIENT) chain-build $(BUILD_FLAGS) $(TARGET) $$urls
+# "make new | less" to see what has changed since the last tag was assigned
+ -@cvs diff -u -r$$(cvs log Makefile 2>/dev/null | awk '/^symbolic names:$$/ {getline; sub(/^[ \t]*/, "") ; sub (/:.*$$/, ""); print; exit 0}')
+# mop up, printing out exactly what was mopped.
+clean ::
+ @echo "Running the %clean script of the rpmbuild..."
+ -@$(RPM_WITH_DIRS) --clean --nodeps $(SPECFILE)
+ @for F in $(FULLSOURCEFILES); do \
+ if test -e $$F ; then \
+ echo "Deleting $$F" ; /bin/rm -f $$F ; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+ @if test -d $(TMPCVS); then \
+ echo "Deleting CVS dir $(TMPCVS)" ; \
+ /bin/rm -rf $(TMPCVS); \
+ fi
+ @if test -e $(SRCRPMDIR)/$(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE).src.rpm ; then \
+ echo "Deleting $(SRCRPMDIR)/$(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE).src.rpm" ; \
+ /bin/rm -f $(SRCRPMDIR)/$(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE).src.rpm ; \
+ fi
+ @rm -fv *~ clog
+ @echo "Fully clean!"
+# To prevent CVS noise due to changing file timestamps, upgrade
+# to patchutils-0.2.23-3 or later, and add to ~/.cvspkgsrc:
+# FILTERDIFF := filterdiff --remove-timestamps
+ifdef CVE
+SUFFIX := cve$(shell echo $(CVE) | sed s/.*-//)
+ @if test -z "$(SUFFIX)"; then echo "Must specify SUFFIX=whatever" ; exit 1; fi
+ (cd $(RPM_BUILD_DIR)/.. && gendiff $(NAME)-$(VERSION) .$(SUFFIX) | $(FILTERDIFF)) > $(PATCHFILE) || true
+ @if ! test -s $(PATCHFILE); then echo "Patch is empty!"; exit 1; fi
+ @echo "Created $(PATCHFILE)"
+ @grep "$(PATCHFILE)" CVS/Entries >&/dev/null || cvs add -ko $(PATCHFILE) || true
+# Recreates the patch file of specified suffix from the current working sources
+# but keeping any comments at the top of file intact, and backing up the old copy
+# with a '~' suffix.
+ @if test -z "$(SUFFIX)"; then echo "Must specify SUFFIX=whatever" ; exit 1; fi
+ @if ! test -f "$(PATCHFILE)"; then echo "$(PATCHFILE) not found"; exit 1; fi
+ @mv -f $(PATCHFILE) $(PATCHFILE)\~
+ @sed '/^--- /,$$d' < $(PATCHFILE)\~ > $(PATCHFILE)
+ @(cd $(RPM_BUILD_DIR)/.. && gendiff $(NAME)-$(VERSION) .$(SUFFIX) | $(FILTERDIFF)) >> $(PATCHFILE) || true
+clog: $(SPECFILE)
+ @sed -n '/^%changelog/,/^$$/{/^%/d;/^$$/d;s/%%/%/g;p}' $(SPECFILE) | tee $@
+ @echo "Usage: make <target>"
+ @echo "Available targets are:"
+ @echo " help Show this text"
+ @echo " sources Download source files [default]"
+ @echo " new-sources FILES=<files> Replace sources in CVS with <files>"
+ @echo " upload FILES=<files> Add <files> to CVS"
+ @echo " <arch> Local test rpmbuild binary"
+ @echo " local Local test rpmbuild binary"
+ @echo " prep Local test rpmbuild prep"
+ @echo " compile Local test rpmbuild compile"
+ @echo " install Local test rpmbuild install"
+ @echo " compile-short Local test rpmbuild short-circuit compile"
+ @echo " install-short Local test rpmbuild short-circuit install"
+ @echo " lint Run rpmlint against local build output"
+ @echo " export Create clean export in \"cvs-$(TAG)\""
+ @echo " check Check test srpm preps on all archs"
+ @echo " srpm Create a srpm"
+ @echo " tag Tag sources as \"$(TAG)\""
+ @echo " build Request build of \"$(TAG)\" for $(TARGET)"
+ @echo " chain-build Build current package in order with other packages"
+ @echo " example: make chain-build CHAIN='libwidget libgizmo'"
+ @echo " The current package is added to the end of the CHAIN list."
+ @echo " Colons (:) can be used in the CHAIN parameter to define"
+ @echo " groups of packages. Packages in any single group will be"
+ @echo " built in parallel and all packages in a group must build"
+ @echo " successfully and populate the repository before the next"
+ @echo " group will begin building. For example:"
+ @echo " make chain-build CHAIN='libwidget libaselib : libgizmo :'"
+ @echo " will cause libwidget and libaselib to be built in parallel,"
+ @echo " followed by libgizmo and then the currect directory package."
+ @echo " If no groups are defined, packages will be built sequentially."
+ @echo " scratch-build Request scratch build of \"$(TAG)\" for $(TARGET)"
+ @echo " srpm-scratch-build Request scratch build of srpm"
+ @echo " scratch-build-<archs> Request scratch build of \"$(TAG)\" for $(TARGET) and archs <archs>"
+ @echo " srpm-scratch-build-<archs> Request scratch build of srpm and archs <archs>"
+ @echo " examples: make scratch-build-i386,ppc64"
+ @echo " make scratch-build-x86_64"
+ @echo " mockbuild Local test build using mock"
+ @echo " verrel Echo \"$(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)\""
+ @echo " new Diff against last tag"
+ @echo " clog Make a clog file containing top changelog entry"
+ @echo " clean Remove srcs ($(SOURCEFILES)), export dir (cvs-$(TAG)) and srpm ($(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE).src.rpm)"
+ @echo " patch SUFFIX=<suff> Create and add a gendiff patch file"
+ @echo " rediff SUFFIX=<suff> Recreates a gendiff patch file, retaining comments"
+ @echo " unused-patches Print list of patches not referenced by name in specfile"
+ @echo " unused-fedora-patches Print Fedora patches not used by Patch and/or ApplyPatch directives"
+ @echo " gimmespec Print the name of the specfile"
+ @echo " update Submit $(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE) as an update for $(BRANCH)"
+ @echo " tag-request Submit $(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE) as an tag-request for $(BRANCH)"
+ @echo
+ @echo "For bug reports or patch submissions, please use the issue tracker at:"
+ @echo "https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure"
+ @echo "Hint: You need to login with your FAS credentials to see the 'new ticket' link."
+ @echo "$(SPECFILE)"
+ @for f in *.patch; do if [ -e $$f ]; then grep -q $$f $(SPECFILE) || echo $$f; fi; done
+ @for f in *.patch; do if [ -e $$f ]; then n="$$(sed -n "s/^Patch\([[:digit:]]\+\):[[:space:]]\+$$f$$/\1/p" <$(SPECFILE))"; (test -n "$$n" || echo "Unused: $$f"); grep -q "^\(ApplyPatch[[:space:]]\+$$f$$\|%patch$$n\($$\| \)\)" $(SPECFILE) || echo "Unapplied: $$f"; fi; done
+##################### EXPERIMENTAL ##########################
+# this stuff is very experimental in nature and should not be
+# relied upon until these targets are moved above this line
+# This section contains some hacks that instrument
+# download-from-upstream support. You'll have to talk to gafton, he
+# knows how this shit works.
+# Add to the list of hardcoded upstream files the contents of the
+# ./upstream file
+UPSTREAM_FILES += $(shell if test -f ./upstream ; then cat ./upstream ; fi)
+# extensions for signature files we need to retrieve for verification
+# Warning: if you update the set of defaults, please make sure to
+# update/add to the checking rules further down
+UPSTREAM_CHECKS ?= sign asc sig md5
+# check the signatures for the downloaded upstream stuff
+UPSTREAM_CHECK_FILES = $(foreach e, $(UPSTREAM_CHECKS), $(addsuffix .$(e), $(UPSTREAM_FILES)))
+# Download a file from a particular host.
+# First argument contains the url base, the second the filename,
+# third extra curl options
+define download-host-file
+if test ! -e "$(2)" ; then \
+ echo -n "URL: $(1)/$(2) ..." ; \
+ $(CURL) --silent --head $(1)/$(2) && \
+ { \
+ echo "OK, downloading..." ; \
+ $(CURL) $(3) $(1)/$(2) ; \
+ } || \
+ echo "not found" ; \
+# Download a file, trying each mirror in sequence. Also check for
+# signatures, if available
+# First argument contains the file name. We read the list of mirrors
+# from the ./mirrors file
+define download-file
+$(foreach h, $(shell cat mirrors),
+ $(call download-host-file,$(h),$(1))
+ if test -e $(1) ; then \
+ $(foreach e,$(UPSTREAM_CHECKS),$(call download-host-file,$(h),$(1).$(e),--silent) ; ) \
+ fi
+if test ! -e $(1) ; then \
+ echo "ERROR: Could not download file: $(1)" ; \
+ exit -1 ; \
+else \
+ echo "File $(1) available for local use" ; \
+# Download all the UPSTREAM files
+define download-files
+$(foreach f, $(UPSTREAM_FILES),
+ $(call download-file,$(f))
+ echo
+# Make sure the signature files we download are properly added
+define cvs-add-upstream-sigs
+for s in $(UPSTREAM_CHECK_FILES) ; do \
+ if test -f "$$s" ; then \
+ if ! grep "^/$$s/" CVS/Entries >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then \
+ cvs -Q add "$$s" ; \
+ fi ; \
+ fi ; \
+download : upstream mirrors
+ @$(download-files)
+ $(MAKE) download-checks
+download-checks :: import-upstream-gpg
+download-checks :: $(UPSTREAM_CHECK_FILES)
+# how to check for a gpg signature, given a separate signature file
+define check-upstream-gpg-sig
+echo -n "Checking GPG signature on $* from $@ : "
+if ! test -f $@ ; then \
+ echo "ERROR" ; echo "GPG signature file $@ not found" ; \
+ exit 1 ; \
+if ! gpg --no-secmem-warning --no-permission-warning -q --verify $@ $* 2>/dev/null ; then \
+ echo "FAILED" ; \
+ exit 1 ; \
+else \
+ echo "OK" ; \
+# how to check for a md5sum, given a separate .md5 file
+define check-upstream-md5sum
+echo -n "Checking md5sum on $* from $@ : "
+if ! test -f $@ ; then \
+ echo "ERROR" ; echo "md5sum file $@ not found" ; \
+ exit 1 ; \
+if ! md5sum $* | diff >/dev/null --brief "$@" - ; then \
+ echo "FAILED" ; \
+ exit 1 ; \
+else \
+ echo "OK" ; \
+# and now the rules, specific to each extension
+$(addsuffix .sign,$(UPSTREAM_FILES)): %.sign: % FORCE
+ @$(check-upstream-gpg-sig)
+$(addsuffix .asc,$(UPSTREAM_FILES)): %.asc: % FORCE
+ @$(check-upstream-gpg-sig)
+$(addsuffix .sig,$(UPSTREAM_FILES)): %.sig: % FORCE
+ @$(check-upstream-gpg-sig)
+$(addsuffix .md5,$(UPSTREAM_FILES)): %.md5: % FORCE
+ @$(check-upstream-md5sum)
+# We keep all the relevant GPG keys in the upstream-key.gpg so we can
+# check the signatures...
+import-upstream-gpg : upstream-key.gpg FORCE
+ mkdir -p $(HOME)/.gnupg
+ gpg --quiet --import --no-secmem-warning --no-permission-warning $< || :
+# A handy target to download the latest and greatest from upstream and
+# check it into the lookaside cache.
+# new-base assumes that all the sources are downloaded from upstream, so it uses "make new-source"
+# rebase uses the standard "make upload"
+new-base : clean download
+ $(MAKE) new-source FILES="$(UPSTREAM_FILES)"
+ @$(cvs-add-upstream-sigs)
+ @echo "Don't forget to do a 'cvs commit' for your new sources file."
+rebase : clean download
+ @$(cvs-add-upstream-sigs)
+ @echo "Don't forget to do a 'cvs commit' for your new sources file."
+# there is more stuff to clean, now that we have upstream files
+clean ::
+ @rm -fv $(UPSTREAM_FILES)
diff --git a/rpms/common/branches b/rpms/common/branches
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15ecc09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rpms/common/branches
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/rpms/sugar-artwork/Makefile b/rpms/sugar-artwork/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04f4ab2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rpms/sugar-artwork/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# Makefile for source rpm: sugar
+# $Id: Makefile,v 1.2 2009/11/25 23:15:39 notting Exp $
+NAME := sugar
+SPECFILE = $(firstword $(wildcard *.spec))
+define find-makefile-common
+for d in common ../common ../../common ; do if [ -f $$d/Makefile.common ] ; then if [ -f $$d/CVS/Root -a -w $$d/Makefile.common ] ; then cd $$d ; cvs -Q update ; fi ; echo "$$d/Makefile.common" ; break ; fi ; done
+MAKEFILE_COMMON := $(shell $(find-makefile-common))
+# attept a checkout
+define checkout-makefile-common
+test -f CVS/Root && { cvs -Q -d $$(cat CVS/Root) checkout common && echo "common/Makefile.common" ; } || { echo "ERROR: I can't figure out how to checkout the 'common' module." ; exit -1 ; } >&2
+MAKEFILE_COMMON := $(shell $(checkout-makefile-common))
diff --git a/rpms/sugar-artwork/sources b/rpms/sugar-artwork/sources
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63e1b38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rpms/sugar-artwork/sources
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+056e37459eb55b636f3847215dafe8f8 sugar-artwork-0.88.1.tar.bz2
diff --git a/rpms/sugar-datastore/Makefile b/rpms/sugar-datastore/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04f4ab2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rpms/sugar-datastore/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# Makefile for source rpm: sugar
+# $Id: Makefile,v 1.2 2009/11/25 23:15:39 notting Exp $
+NAME := sugar
+SPECFILE = $(firstword $(wildcard *.spec))
+define find-makefile-common
+for d in common ../common ../../common ; do if [ -f $$d/Makefile.common ] ; then if [ -f $$d/CVS/Root -a -w $$d/Makefile.common ] ; then cd $$d ; cvs -Q update ; fi ; echo "$$d/Makefile.common" ; break ; fi ; done
+MAKEFILE_COMMON := $(shell $(find-makefile-common))
+# attept a checkout
+define checkout-makefile-common
+test -f CVS/Root && { cvs -Q -d $$(cat CVS/Root) checkout common && echo "common/Makefile.common" ; } || { echo "ERROR: I can't figure out how to checkout the 'common' module." ; exit -1 ; } >&2
+MAKEFILE_COMMON := $(shell $(checkout-makefile-common))
diff --git a/rpms/sugar-datastore/sources b/rpms/sugar-datastore/sources
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22c6822
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rpms/sugar-datastore/sources
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+631f8f5036515db8ccd5f6926e588b34 sugar-datastore-0.88.0.tar.bz2
diff --git a/rpms/sugar-toolkit/Makefile b/rpms/sugar-toolkit/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04f4ab2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rpms/sugar-toolkit/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# Makefile for source rpm: sugar
+# $Id: Makefile,v 1.2 2009/11/25 23:15:39 notting Exp $
+NAME := sugar
+SPECFILE = $(firstword $(wildcard *.spec))
+define find-makefile-common
+for d in common ../common ../../common ; do if [ -f $$d/Makefile.common ] ; then if [ -f $$d/CVS/Root -a -w $$d/Makefile.common ] ; then cd $$d ; cvs -Q update ; fi ; echo "$$d/Makefile.common" ; break ; fi ; done
+MAKEFILE_COMMON := $(shell $(find-makefile-common))
+# attept a checkout
+define checkout-makefile-common
+test -f CVS/Root && { cvs -Q -d $$(cat CVS/Root) checkout common && echo "common/Makefile.common" ; } || { echo "ERROR: I can't figure out how to checkout the 'common' module." ; exit -1 ; } >&2
+MAKEFILE_COMMON := $(shell $(checkout-makefile-common))
diff --git a/rpms/sugar-toolkit/sources b/rpms/sugar-toolkit/sources
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8260995
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rpms/sugar-toolkit/sources
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+0774740d4b0263e1eb1e841d5f83a3fa sugar-toolkit-0.88.1.tar.bz2
diff --git a/rpms/sugar/Makefile b/rpms/sugar/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04f4ab2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rpms/sugar/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# Makefile for source rpm: sugar
+# $Id: Makefile,v 1.2 2009/11/25 23:15:39 notting Exp $
+NAME := sugar
+SPECFILE = $(firstword $(wildcard *.spec))
+define find-makefile-common
+for d in common ../common ../../common ; do if [ -f $$d/Makefile.common ] ; then if [ -f $$d/CVS/Root -a -w $$d/Makefile.common ] ; then cd $$d ; cvs -Q update ; fi ; echo "$$d/Makefile.common" ; break ; fi ; done
+MAKEFILE_COMMON := $(shell $(find-makefile-common))
+# attept a checkout
+define checkout-makefile-common
+test -f CVS/Root && { cvs -Q -d $$(cat CVS/Root) checkout common && echo "common/Makefile.common" ; } || { echo "ERROR: I can't figure out how to checkout the 'common' module." ; exit -1 ; } >&2
+MAKEFILE_COMMON := $(shell $(checkout-makefile-common))
diff --git a/rpms/sugar/sources b/rpms/sugar/sources
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..364c49b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rpms/sugar/sources
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+2b1fe85181b2b246b0be85e6786dc879 sugar-0.88.1.tar.bz2