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path: root/lib/support/lib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/support/lib')
-rwxr-xr-xlib/support/lib/libluausb.sobin17457 -> 0 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xlib/support/lib/lua_serialcomm.sobin11599 -> 0 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xlib/support/lib/mime/core.sobin12937 -> 0 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xlib/support/lib/socket/core.sobin44755 -> 0 bytes
9 files changed, 0 insertions, 841 deletions
diff --git a/lib/support/lib/bobot_baseboard.lua b/lib/support/lib/bobot_baseboard.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 757731a..0000000
--- a/lib/support/lib/bobot_baseboard.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,393 +0,0 @@
---module(..., package.seeall);
-local my_path = debug.getinfo(1, "S").source:match[[^@?(.*[\/])[^\/]-$]]
-local bobot_device = require("bobot_device")
-local bobot = require("bobot")
-local NULL_BYTE = string.char(0x00)
-local GET_USER_MODULES_SIZE_COMMAND = string.char(0x05)
-local GET_USER_MODULE_LINE_COMMAND = string.char(0x06)
-local GET_HANDLER_SIZE_COMMAND = string.char(0x0A)
-local GET_HANDLER_TYPE_COMMAND = string.char(0x0B)
-local ADMIN_HANDLER_SEND_COMMAND = string.char(0x00)
-local CLOSEALL_BASE_BOARD_COMMAND = string.char(0x07)
-local TIMEOUT = 250 --ms
-local MAX_RETRY = 5
-local BaseBoard = {}
---executes s on the console and returns the output
-local function run_shell (s)
- local f = io.popen(s) -- runs command
- local l = f:read("*a") -- read output of command
- f:close()
- return l
-openable = {}
-hotplug = {}
-local function parse_drivers()
- local driver_files=run_shell("sh -c 'ls "..my_path.."../drivers/*.lua 2> /dev/null'")
- for filename in driver_files:gmatch('drivers%/(%S+)%.lua') do
- --print ("Driver openable", filename)
- openable[filename] = true
- end
- driver_files=run_shell("sh -c 'ls "..my_path.."../drivers/hotplug/*.lua 2> /dev/null'")
- for filename in driver_files:gmatch('drivers%/hotplug%/(%S+)%.lua') do
- --print ("Driver hotplug", filename)
- hotplug[filename] = true
- end
-local function load_modules(bb)
- local retry = 0
- bb.modules = {}
- local n_modules=bb:get_user_modules_size()
- while n_modules == nil and retry < MAX_RETRY do
- n_modules=bb:get_user_modules_size()
- bobot.debugprint("u4b:the module list size returned a nil value, trying to recover...")
- retry = retry+1
- end
- if not n_modules then return nil end
- retry=0
- bobot.debugprint ("Reading modules:", n_modules)
- for i = 1, n_modules do
- local modulename=bb:get_user_module_line(i)
- while modulename == nil and retry < MAX_RETRY do
- bobot.debugprint("u4b:the module returned a nil value, trying to recover...")
- modulename=bb:get_handler_type(i)
- retry = retry+1
- end
- if not modulename then return nil end
- if openable[modulename] then
- bb.modules[i]=modulename
- local d = bobot_device:new({
- module=modulename,
- --name=module,
- baseboard=bb,
- hotplug=false,
- in_endpoint=0x01, out_endpoint=0x01,
- }) -- in_endpoint=0x01, out_endpoint=0x01})
- bb.devices[d]=true
- bb.devices[#bb.devices+1]=d
- bb.modules[modulename]=d
- elseif hotplug[modulename] then
- bb.modules[i]=modulename
- bb.modules[modulename]=true
- bb.hotplug = true -- bb has a hotplug module
- else
- bobot.debugprint("Loading modules: missing driver for",modulename)
- end
- end
- return true
-local function load_module_handlers(bb)
- local retry = 0
- local n_module_handlers=bb:get_handler_size()
- while n_module_handlers == nil and retry < MAX_RETRY do
- n_module_handlers=bb:get_handler_size()
- bobot.debugprint("u4b:the module handler list size returned a nil value, trying to recover...")
- retry = retry+1
- end
- if (not n_module_handlers) or (n_module_handlers > 32) then return nil end
- retry=0
- bobot.debugprint ("Reading moduleshandlers:", n_module_handlers)
- for i=1, n_module_handlers do
- local t_handler = bb:get_handler_type(i)
- while(t_handler == nil and retry < MAX_RETRY) do
- bobot.debugprint("u4b:the module handler returned a nil value, trying to recover...")
- t_handler = bb:get_handler_type(i)
- retry = retry+1
- end
- if not t_handler then return nil end
- if t_handler<255 then
- local modulename=bb.modules[t_handler+1]
- local moduledev=bb.modules[modulename]
- if type(moduledev)=='table'
- and not moduledev.handler then
- moduledev.handler=i-1
- elseif moduledev==true then
- --name=name.."@"..(i-1)
- local d = bobot_device:new({
- handler=i-1,
- module=modulename,
- --name=name,
- baseboard=bb,
- hotplug=(hotplug[modulename]),
- in_endpoint=0x01, out_endpoint=0x01,
- }) -- in_endpoint=0x01, out_endpoint=0x01})
- if d then
- bb.devices[d]=true
- bb.devices[#bb.devices+1]=d
- end
- else
- bobot.debugprint ("No opened device!")
- end
- end
- end
- return true
-function BaseBoard:refresh()
- self.devices = {}
- if not load_modules(self) then
- return nil,"failure reading modules"
- end
- if not load_module_handlers(self) then
- return nil,"failure reading module handlers"
- end
- return true
---Instantiates BaseBoard object.
---Loads list of modules installed on baseboard
-function BaseBoard:new(bb)
- --parameters sanity check
- assert(type(bb)=="table")
- assert(type(bb.comms)=="table")
- --OO boilerplate
- setmetatable(bb, self)
- self.__index = self
- bb:refresh()
---bobot.debugprint ('----------------')
- --bb:force_close_all()
---bobot.debugprint ('================')
- return bb
---Closes all modules opened on baseboard
-function BaseBoard:close()
- --state sanity check
- assert(type(self.devices)=="table")
- for _,d in ipairs(self.devices) do
- if type(d.handler)=="number" then
- bobot.debugprint ("closing", d.name, d.handler)
- d:close()
- end
- end
- --TODO actually close the baseboard
---returns number of modules present on baseboard
-function BaseBoard:get_user_modules_size()
- --state sanity check
- assert(type(self.comms)=="table")
- local comms=self.comms
- -- In case of get_user_modules_size command is atended by admin module in handler 0 and send operation is 000
- local handler_packet = ADMIN_HANDLER_SEND_COMMAND .. string.char(DEFAULT_PACKET_SIZE) .. NULL_BYTE
- local admin_packet = GET_USER_MODULES_SIZE_COMMAND
- local get_user_modules_size_packet = handler_packet .. admin_packet
- local write_res = comms.send(ADMIN_MODULE_IN_ENDPOINT, get_user_modules_size_packet, TIMEOUT)
- if write_res then
- if not data then
- bobot.debugprint("u4b:get_user_modules_size:comunication with I/O board read error", err)
- return 0
- else
- local user_modules_size = string.byte(data, 5)
- return user_modules_size
- end
- else
- bobot.debugprint("u4b:get_user_modules_size:comunication with I/O board write error", write_res)
- return 0
- end
---returns thename of a given (by a 1-based index)module
-function BaseBoard:get_user_module_line(index)
- --state & parameter sanity check
- assert(type(index)=="number")
- assert(index>0)
- assert(type(self.comms)=="table")
- local comms=self.comms
- -- In case of get_user_module_line command is atended by admin module in handler 0 and send operation is 000
- local get_user_module_line_packet_length = string.char(GET_USER_MODULE_LINE_PACKET_SIZE)
- local handler_packet = ADMIN_HANDLER_SEND_COMMAND .. get_user_module_line_packet_length .. NULL_BYTE
- local admin_packet = GET_USER_MODULE_LINE_COMMAND .. string.char(index-1)
- local get_user_module_line_packet = handler_packet .. admin_packet
- local write_res = comms.send(ADMIN_MODULE_IN_ENDPOINT, get_user_module_line_packet, TIMEOUT)
- if write_res then
- if not data then
- bobot.debugprint("u4b:get_user_modules_line:comunication with I/O board read error", err)
- return
- end
- --the name is between a header and a null
- local end_mark = string.find(data, "\000", GET_USER_MODULE_LINE_PACKET_SIZE, true)
- if not end_mark then
- bobot.debugprint ("u4b:get_user_module_line:Error parsing module name")
- return
- end
- local module_name = string.sub(data, GET_USER_MODULE_LINE_PACKET_SIZE, end_mark-1)
- return module_name
- else
- bobot.debugprint("u4b:get_user_module_line:comunication with I/O board write error", write_res)
- end
-function BaseBoard:get_handler_size() ------ NEW LISTI ------
- --state sanity check
- assert(type(self.comms)=="table")
- local comms=self.comms
- local handler_packet = ADMIN_HANDLER_SEND_COMMAND .. string.char(DEFAULT_PACKET_SIZE) .. NULL_BYTE
- local admin_packet = GET_HANDLER_SIZE_COMMAND
- local get_handler_size_packet = handler_packet .. admin_packet
- local write_res = comms.send(ADMIN_MODULE_IN_ENDPOINT, get_handler_size_packet, TIMEOUT)
- if write_res then
- if not data then
- bobot.debugprint("u4b:get_handler_size:comunication with I/O board read error", err)
- return 0
- else
- local handler_size = string.byte(data, 5)
- return handler_size
- end
- else
- bobot.debugprint("u4b:get_handler_type:comunication with I/O board write error", write_res)
- end
-function BaseBoard:get_handler_type(index) ------ NEW LISTI ------
- --state & parameter sanity check
- assert(type(index)=="number")
- assert(index>0)
- assert(type(self.comms)=="table")
- local comms=self.comms
- -- In case of get_handler_type command is atended by admin module in handler 0 and send operation is 000
- local get_handler_type_packet_length = string.char(GET_HANDLER_TYPE_PACKET_SIZE) --GET_USER_MODULE_LINE_PACKET_SIZE
- local handler_packet = ADMIN_HANDLER_SEND_COMMAND .. get_handler_type_packet_length .. NULL_BYTE
- local admin_packet = GET_HANDLER_TYPE_COMMAND .. string.char(index-1)
- local get_handler_type_packet = handler_packet .. admin_packet
- local write_res = comms.send(ADMIN_MODULE_IN_ENDPOINT, get_handler_type_packet, TIMEOUT)
- if write_res then
- if not data then
- bobot.debugprint("u4b:get_handler_type:comunication with I/O board read error", err)
- return 0
- else
- local handler_type = string.byte(data, 5)
- return handler_type
- end
- else
- bobot.debugprint("u4b:get_handler_type:comunication with I/O board write error", write_res)
- end
--- resets the baseboard, after this operation the baseboard will claim reenumeration to the operative system
--- this function is deprecated by force_close_all
-function BaseBoard:close_all()
- for _,d in ipairs(self.devices) do
- --bobot.debugprint ("===", d.name,d.handler)
- if d.handler then d:close() end
- end
--- switch the baseboard to the bootloader program implementend as a usb4all command to the admin module
-function BaseBoard:switch_to_bootloader()
- --state & parameter sanity check
- assert(type(self.comms)=="table")
- local comms=self.comms
- -- In case of reset_base_board command is atended by admin module in handler 0 and send operation is 000
- local handler_packet = ADMIN_HANDLER_SEND_COMMAND .. string.char(DEFAULT_PACKET_SIZE) .. NULL_BYTE
- local admin_packet = string.char(0x09) --SWITCH_TO_BOOT_BASE_BOARD_COMMAND
- local boot_base_board_packet = handler_packet .. admin_packet
- local write_res = comms.send(ADMIN_MODULE_IN_ENDPOINT, boot_base_board_packet, TIMEOUT)
- --from this moment the board is reseted, so there is nothing more to do
-function BaseBoard:reset()
- --state & parameter sanity check
- assert(type(self.comms)=="table")
- local comms=self.comms
- -- In case of reset_base_board command is atended by admin module in handler 0 and send operation is 000
- local handler_packet = ADMIN_HANDLER_SEND_COMMAND .. string.char(DEFAULT_PACKET_SIZE) .. NULL_BYTE
- local admin_packet = string.char(0xFF) --RESET_BASE_BOARD_COMMAND
- local reset_base_board_packet = handler_packet .. admin_packet
- local write_res = comms.send(ADMIN_MODULE_IN_ENDPOINT, reset_base_board_packet, TIMEOUT)
- if write_res then
- -- no tego que leer respuesta porque se reseteo
- --libusb.close(libusb_handler)
- --self.libusb_handler=nil
- --for d_name,d in pairs(self.devices) do
- --bobot.debugprint ("===", d.name,d.handler)
- -- d.handler=nil
- --end
- else
- bobot.debugprint("u4b:reset:comunication with I/O board write error", write_res)
- end
-function BaseBoard:force_close_all()
- --state & parameter sanity check
- assert(type(self.comms)=="table")
- local comms=self.comms
- -- In case of reset_base_board command is atended by admin module in handler 0 and send operation is 000
- local handler_packet = ADMIN_HANDLER_SEND_COMMAND .. string.char(DEFAULT_PACKET_SIZE) .. NULL_BYTE
- local admin_packet = CLOSEALL_BASE_BOARD_COMMAND
- local reset_base_board_packet = handler_packet .. admin_packet
---bobot.debugprint ('%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%')
- local write_res = comms.send(ADMIN_MODULE_IN_ENDPOINT, reset_base_board_packet, TIMEOUT)
---bobot.debugprint ('%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%')
- if write_res then
- if err then
- bobot.debugprint("u4b:force_close_all:comunication with I/O board read error",err)
- else
- --bobot.debugprint("u4b:force_close_all:libusb read",string.byte(data,1,string.len(data)))
- end
- for _,d in ipairs(self.devices) do
- --bobot.debugprint ("===", d.name,d.handler)
- d.handler=nil
- end
- else
- bobot.debugprint("u4b:force_close_all:comunication with I/O board write error", write_res)
- end
-return BaseBoard
diff --git a/lib/support/lib/bobot_device.lua b/lib/support/lib/bobot_device.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index b560255..0000000
--- a/lib/support/lib/bobot_device.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
---module(..., package.seeall);
-local bobot = require("bobot")
-local string_char = string.char
-local string_len = string.len
-local string_byte = string.byte
-local OPEN_COMMAND = string_char(0x00)
-local CLOSE_COMMAND = string_char(0x01)
-local NULL_BYTE = string_char(0x00)
-local ADMIN_HANDLER_SEND_COMMAND = string_char(0x00)
-local TIMEOUT = 200 --ms
-local my_path = debug.getinfo(1, "S").source:match[[^@?(.*[\/])[^\/]-$]]
-local Device = {
- --some usefull stuff for the drivers to use
- string=string,
- print=bobot.debugprint,
- math=math,
- tonumber=tonumber,
- tostring=tostring
-local drivers_cache = setmetatable({}, {__mode='kv'})
-local function load_driver(d)
- local modulename=d.module
- if drivers_cache[modulename] then return drivers_cache[modulename] end
- local drivername=string.match(modulename, '^(.-)%d*$')
- local f, err
- if d.hotplug then
- f, err = loadfile(my_path.."../drivers/hotplug/"..drivername..".lua")
- else
- f, err = loadfile(my_path.."../drivers/"..drivername..".lua")
- end
- drivers_cache[modulename] = f
- return f, err
---Instantiates Device object.
---Attempts to load api from driver
-function Device:new(d)
- --parameters sanity check
- assert(type(d)=="table")
- --assert(type(d.name)=="string")
- assert(type(d.module)=="string")
- assert(type(d.baseboard)=="table")
- assert(type(d.baseboard.comms)=="table")
- assert(type(d.baseboard.comms.send)=="function")
- assert(type(d.baseboard.comms.read)=="function")
- --OO boilerplate
- setmetatable(d, self)
- self.__index = self
- --store locally, save 2 indirections
- d.comms_send = d.baseboard.comms.send
- d.comms_read = d.baseboard.comms.read
- --attempt to load api from driver
- local f, err = load_driver(d)
- if f then
- d._G=d
- setfenv(f, d) --the driver's environment is the device
- local status, err=pcall(f)
- if status then
- bobot.debugprint("u4d:new:Success loading driver:", d.module)
- else
- bobot.debugprint("u4d:new:Error initializing driver:", tostring(err))
- end
- else
- bobot.debugprint("u4d:new:Error loading driver:", err)
- return nil
- end
- return d
---opens the device. must be done before sending / reading / etc.
---receives endpoints, which can be ommited if they were provided at Device creation
-function Device:open(in_endpoint, out_endpoint)
- --state & parameter sanity check
- assert(self.handler==nil)
- --assert(type(self.name)=="string")
- assert(type(in_endpoint)=="number" or type(self.in_endpoint)=="number")
- assert(type(self.comms_send)=="function")
- assert(type(self.comms_read)=="function")
- assert(type(out_endpoint)=="number" or type(self.out_endpoint)=="number")
- --save for later use
- if in_endpoint then self.in_endpoint = in_endpoint end
- if out_endpoint then self.out_endpoint = out_endpoint end
- local module_name=self.module .."\000" -- usb4all expect null terminated names
- local open_packet_length = string_char(HEADER_PACKET_SIZE + string_len(module_name))
- local module_in_endpoint = string_char(self.in_endpoint)
- local module_out_endpoint = string_char(self.out_endpoint)
- local handler_packet = ADMIN_HANDLER_SEND_COMMAND .. open_packet_length .. NULL_BYTE
- local admin_packet = OPEN_COMMAND .. module_in_endpoint .. module_out_endpoint .. module_name
- local open_packet = handler_packet .. admin_packet
- local write_res = self.comms_send(ADMIN_MODULE_IN_ENDPOINT, open_packet, TIMEOUT)
- if not write_res then
- bobot.debugprint("u4d:open:comunication with I/O board write error", write_res)
- return false
- end
- if not data then
- bobot.debugprint ("u4d:open:comunication with I/O boardread error", err)
- return false
- end
- local handler = string_byte(data, 5)
- --hander -1 meand error
- if handler==255 then
- bobot.debugprint ("u4d:open:Already open!",self.module,self.handler)
- return
- else
- bobot.debugprint ("u4d:open:Success!",self.module,handler)
- self.handler = handler --self.handler set means device is open
- return true
- end
---closes the device
-function Device:close()
- if not self.handler then return end --already closed
- --state sanity check
- assert(type(self.handler)=="number")
- assert(type(self.comms_send)=="function")
- assert(type(self.comms_read)=="function")
- local close_packet_length = string_char(0x04) --string.char(HEADER_PACKET_SIZE + string.len(module_name))
- local handler_packet = ADMIN_HANDLER_SEND_COMMAND .. close_packet_length .. NULL_BYTE
- local admin_packet = CLOSE_COMMAND .. string_char(self.handler)
- local close_packet = handler_packet .. admin_packet
- local write_res = self.comms_send(ADMIN_MODULE_IN_ENDPOINT, close_packet, TIMEOUT)
- if not write_res then
- bobot.debugprint("u4d:close:comunication with I/O board write error", write_res)
- return
- end
- self.handler = nil
---sends data (a string) to device
-function Device:send(data)
- --state & parameter sanity check
- data=tostring(data)
- assert(type(data)=="string")
- assert(type(self.handler)=="number")
- assert(type(self.in_endpoint)=="number")
- assert(type(self.comms_send)=="function")
- assert(type(self.comms_read)=="function")
- local len=string_len(data)
- local shifted_handler = self.handler * 8
- assert(shifted_handler<256, "u4d:send:shifted_handler vale " .. shifted_handler .. " excede el tamaƱo maximo representable en un byte (255)")
- local user_module_handler_send_command = string_char(shifted_handler)
- local send_packet_length = string_char(0x03 + len)
- local send_packet = user_module_handler_send_command .. send_packet_length .. NULL_BYTE .. data
- --local tini=socket.gettime()
- local write_res, err = self.comms_send(self.in_endpoint, send_packet, TIMEOUT)
- --bobot.debugprint ('%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% device send',socket.gettime()-tini)
- if not write_res then
- bobot.debugprint("u4d:send:comunication with I/O board write error", err)
- end
- return write_res, err
---read data (len bytes max) from device
-function Device:read(len)
- len = len or 255
- --state & parameter sanity check
- assert(type(len)=="number")
- assert(type(self.handler)=="number")
- assert(type(self.out_endpoint)=="number")
- assert(type(self.comms_send)=="function")
- assert(type(self.comms_read)=="function")
- local data, err = self.comms_read(self.out_endpoint, len+READ_HEADER_SIZE, TIMEOUT)
- if not data then
- bobot.debugprint("u4d:read:comunication with I/O board read error", err)
- return nil, err
- end
- local data_h = string.sub(data, READ_HEADER_SIZE+1, -1) --discard header
- return data_h, err
-return Device
diff --git a/lib/support/lib/comms_chotox.lua b/lib/support/lib/comms_chotox.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 18e02bf..0000000
--- a/lib/support/lib/comms_chotox.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-local bobot_device = require("bobot_device")
-local comms_chotox = {}
-function comms_chotox.send(endpoint, data, timeout)
-function comms_chotox.read(endpoint, len, timeout)
-function comms_chotox.init(baseboards)
- --parameters sanity check
- assert(type(baseboards)=="table")
- local n_boards=1
- --local bb = bobot_baseboard.BaseBoard:new({idBoard=iSerial, comms=comms_usb})
- local bb = {idBoard=1, comms=comms_chotox}
- local devices={}
- local is_hotplug= {button=true, led=true, grey=true, distanc=true}
- for i, name in ipairs({"button", "grey", "distanc","butia"}) do
- local dd={name=name, module=name, baseboard=bb, handler=i}
- dd.open = function() return true end
- dd.close = function() end
- dd.read = function() return "" end
- dd.send = function() return true end
- if is_hotplug[name] then dd.hotplug=true end
- local d = bobot_device:new(dd) -- in_endpoint=0x01, out_endpoint=0x01})
- devices[name]=true
- devices[#devices+1]=d
- end
- bb.devices=devices
- baseboards[1]=bb
- return n_boards
-return comms_chotox
diff --git a/lib/support/lib/comms_serial.lua b/lib/support/lib/comms_serial.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bd3bb0..0000000
--- a/lib/support/lib/comms_serial.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
---module(..., package.seeall);
---local socket=require("socket")
-local bobot_baseboard = require("bobot_baseboard")
-local bobot = require("bobot")
-local my_path = debug.getinfo(1, "S").source:match[[^@?(.*[\/])[^\/]-$]]
-assert(package.loadlib(my_path .. "lua_serialcomm.so","luaopen_serialcomm"))()
-local serialcomm=_G.serialcomm; _G.serialcomm=nil
-local serial_handler
---executes s on the console and returns the output
-local function run_shell (s)
- local f = io.popen(s) -- runs command
- local l = f:read("*a") -- read output of command
- f:close()
- return l
-local function split_words(s)
- local words={}
- for p in string.gmatch(s, "%S+") do
- words[#words+1]=p
- end
- return words
-local comms_serial = {}
-function comms_serial.send(endpoint, data, timeout)
- --parameters sanity check
- assert(type(serial_handler)=="number")
- --assert(type(endpoint)=="number")
- assert(type(data)=="string")
- assert(type(timeout)=="number")
- --local tini=socket.gettime()
- local ret = serialcomm.send_msg(serial_handler, data)
- --bobot.debugprint ('%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% comms serial send',socket.gettime()-tini)
- return ret
-function comms_serial.read(endpoint, len, timeout)
- --parameters sanity check
- assert(type(serial_handler)=="number")
- --assert(type(endpoint)=="number")
- --assert(type(len)=="number")
- --assert(type(timeout)=="number")
- return serialcomm.read_msg(serial_handler, len, timeout)
-function comms_serial.init(baseboards)
- --parameters sanity check
- assert(type(baseboards)=="table")
- --FIXME leer ttyusbs...
- --local tty_s=run_shell("ls /dev/ttyUSB* ")
- local tty_s=run_shell("sh -c 'ls /dev/ttyUSB* 2> /dev/null'") --supress errors
- local tty_t=split_words(tty_s)
- local tty
- local err
- if (#tty_t == 0) then
- return 0,"no ttyUSB found"
- end
- -- tty="/dev/ttyUSB0"
- --for i=1, #tty_t do
- for _, ttyI in ipairs(tty_t) do
- bobot.debugprint ("Trying to connect to", ttyI)
- serial_handler, err = serialcomm.init(ttyI, 115200)
- if serial_handler then
- tty=ttyI
- break
- else
- bobot.debugprint("Error connecting:", err)
- end
- end
- if not serial_handler then
- bobot.debugprint("cs:", "no ttyUSB could be open")
- return 0, err
- end
- bobot.debugprint ("cs:", tty)
- local bb = bobot_baseboard:new({idBoard=tty, comms=comms_serial})
- baseboards[#baseboards+1]=bb
- return 1
-return comms_serial
diff --git a/lib/support/lib/comms_usb.lua b/lib/support/lib/comms_usb.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 91d64b5..0000000
--- a/lib/support/lib/comms_usb.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
---module(..., package.seeall);
-local bobot_baseboard = require("bobot_baseboard")
-local bobot = require("bobot")
-local my_path = debug.getinfo(1, "S").source:match[[^@?(.*[\/])[^\/]-$]]
-assert(package.loadlib(my_path .. "libluausb.so","luaopen_libusb"))()
-local libusb=_G.libusb; _G.libusb=nil
-local usb_bulk_write = libusb.bulk_write
-local usb_bulk_read = libusb.bulk_read
-local USB4ALL_VENDOR = 0x04d8
-local USB4ALL_PRODUCT = 0x000c
-local libusb_handler
-local comms_usb = {}
-function comms_usb.send(endpoint, data, timeout)
- --parameters sanity check
- assert(type(libusb_handler)=="userdata")
- assert(type(endpoint)=="number")
- assert(type(data)=="string")
- assert(type(timeout)=="number")
- return usb_bulk_write(libusb_handler, endpoint, data, timeout)
-function comms_usb.read(endpoint, len, timeout)
- --parameters sanity check
- assert(type(libusb_handler)=="userdata")
- assert(type(endpoint)=="number")
- assert(type(len)=="number")
- assert(type(timeout)=="number")
- return usb_bulk_read(libusb_handler, endpoint, len+READ_HEADER_SIZE, timeout)
-function comms_usb.init(baseboards)
- --parameters sanity check
- assert(type(baseboards)=="table")
- --refresh devices and buses
- libusb.find_busses()
- libusb.find_devices()
- local n_boards = 0
- local buses=libusb.get_busses()
- for dirname, bus in pairs(buses) do --iterate buses
- local devices=libusb.get_devices(bus)
- for filename, device in pairs(devices) do --iterate devices
- local descriptor = libusb.device_descriptor(device)
- --if device is baseboard...
- if ((descriptor.idVendor == USB4ALL_VENDOR) and (descriptor.idProduct == USB4ALL_PRODUCT)) then
- --try to intialize baseboard
- bobot.debugprint("Initializing Baseboard:", descriptor.idVendor, descriptor.idProduct)
- libusb_handler = libusb.open(device)
- if not libusb_handler then
- bobot.debugprint("Error opening device")
- break
- end
- if not libusb.set_configuration(libusb_handler, USB4ALL_CONFIGURATION) then
- bobot.debugprint("Error configuring device, retrying after a reset")
- libusb.reset(libusb_handler)
- if not libusb.set_configuration(libusb_handler, USB4ALL_CONFIGURATION) then
- bobot.debugprint("Error configuring device.")
- break
- end
- end
- if not libusb.claim_interface(libusb_handler, USB4ALL_INTERFACE) then
- bobot.debugprint("Error seting device interface")
- break
- end
- --success initializing, instantiate BaseBoard object and register
- local iSerial=descriptor.iSerialNumber
- local bb = bobot_baseboard:new({idBoard=iSerial, comms=comms_usb})
- --bb:force_close_all()
- --bobot.debugprint("Baseboard:", iSerial)
- baseboards[#baseboards+1]=bb
- n_boards = n_boards + 1
- end
- end
- end
- return n_boards
-return comms_usb
diff --git a/lib/support/lib/libluausb.so b/lib/support/lib/libluausb.so
deleted file mode 100755
index a7c9406..0000000
--- a/lib/support/lib/libluausb.so
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/support/lib/lua_serialcomm.so b/lib/support/lib/lua_serialcomm.so
deleted file mode 100755
index cb79295..0000000
--- a/lib/support/lib/lua_serialcomm.so
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/support/lib/mime/core.so b/lib/support/lib/mime/core.so
deleted file mode 100755
index 696b7d9..0000000
--- a/lib/support/lib/mime/core.so
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/support/lib/socket/core.so b/lib/support/lib/socket/core.so
deleted file mode 100755
index ddfc8c3..0000000
--- a/lib/support/lib/socket/core.so
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ