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path: root/lessonbuilder.py
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authorWade Brainerd <wadetb@gmail.com>2009-01-02 15:54:52 (GMT)
committer Wade Brainerd <wadetb@gmail.com>2009-01-02 15:54:52 (GMT)
commitb277a042162d77a1310575dc3183079ed68cde9d (patch)
tree39d38356301e64d14a9e97eff1b710f9a0981960 /lessonbuilder.py
parenta26cfaec4cd4f3e707585bf32697370f5691c789 (diff)
Rename lessonbuilder.py as lessonbuilder to improve discoverability.
Diffstat (limited to 'lessonbuilder.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 592 deletions
diff --git a/lessonbuilder.py b/lessonbuilder.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 01fc08a..0000000
--- a/lessonbuilder.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,592 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# vi: sw=4 et
-# Copyright 2008 by Kate Scheppke and Wade Brainerd.
-# This file is part of Typing Turtle.
-# Typing Turtle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# Typing Turtle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with Typing Turtle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import os, sys, random, json, locale, re
-from gettext import gettext as _
-# For modifier constants.
-import gtk
-# Set up remote debugging.
-#import dbgp.client
-#dbgp.client.brkOnExcept(host='', port=12900)
-# Import keyboard data.
-import keyboard
-# Set up localization.
-locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
- _('Well done!'),
- _('Good job.'),
- _('Awesome!'),
- _('Way to go!'),
- _('Wonderful!'),
- _('Nice work.'),
- _('You did it!'),
-def get_congrats():
- return random.choice(CONGRATS) + ' '
-HINTS = [
- _('Be careful to use the correct finger to press each key. Look at the keyboard below if you need help remembering.'),
- _('Try to type at the same speed, all the time. As you get more comfortable you can increase the speed a little.')
-def get_hint():
- return random.choice(HINTS)
- 'LP': _('left little'),
- 'LR': _('left ring'),
- 'LM': _('left middle'),
- 'LI': _('left index'),
- 'LT': _('left thumb'),
- 'RP': _('right little'),
- 'RR': _('right ring'),
- 'RM': _('right middle'),
- 'RI': _('right index'),
- 'RT': _('right thumb'),
-def make_all_triples(keys):
- text = ''
- for k in new_keys:
- text += k + k + ' ' + k + ' '
- return text.strip()
-def make_all_doubles(keys):
- text = ''
- for k in new_keys:
- text += k + k + ' '
- return text.strip()
-def make_random_triples(keys, count):
- text = ''
- for y in xrange(0, count):
- k = random.choice(keys)
- text += k + k + ' ' + k + ' '
- return text.strip()
-def make_random_doubles(keys, count):
- text = ''
- for y in xrange(0, count):
- k = random.choice(keys)
- text += k + k + ' '
- return text.strip()
-def make_jumbles(required_keys, keys, count, width):
- text = ''
- for y in range(0, count):
- # Alternating between required and non-required. Is this too challenging to type?
- for x in range(0, width/2):
- text += random.choice(required_keys)
- text += random.choice(keys)
- text += ' '
- return text.strip()
-def make_all_pairs(keys):
- text = ''
- for k1 in keys:
- for k2 in keys:
- text += k1 + k2 + ' '
- for k2 in keys:
- text += k2 + k1 + ' '
- return text.strip()
-def make_random_pairs(required_keys, keys, count):
- text = ''
- for y in xrange(0, count):
- k1 = random.choice(required_keys)
- k2 = random.choice(keys)
- text += random.choice([k1 + k2, k2 + k1]) + ' '
- return text.strip()
-def make_all_joined_pairs(keys1, keys2):
- text = ''
- for k1 in keys1:
- for k2 in keys2:
- text += k1 + k2 + ' '
- for k2 in keys2:
- text += k2 + k1 + ' '
- return text.strip()
-RE_NONALPHA = re.compile('\W+', re.UNICODE)
-def load_wordlist(path):
- try:
- text = open(path, 'r').read()
- # Split words by non-alpha characters. This extracts all actual words,
- # minus punctuation. Note- Could get messed up by hyphenation, leading
- # to fragments in the word list.
- words = RE_NONALPHA.split(text)
- return words
- except:
- return []
-def get_pairs_from_wordlist(words):
- print 'Calculating common pairs...'
- # Construct char_map, a map for each character c0 in words, giving the frequency of each other
- # character c1 in words following c0.
- char_map = {}
- for word in words:
- for i in xrange(0, len(word)-1):
- c0 = word[i]
- c1 = word[i+1]
- c0_map = char_map.setdefault(c0, {})
- c1_value = c0_map.setdefault(c1, 0)
- c0_map[c1] = c1_value + 1
- #print char_map['j']
- # Convert to list of pairs with probability.
- pairs = []
- for c0, c0_map in char_map.items():
- for c1, c1_value in c0_map.items():
- pairs.append((c0+c1, c1_value))
- # Sort by frequency.
- pairs.sort(cmp=lambda x,y: x[1] - y[1])
- # Normalize the weights.
- total = 0.0
- for p in pairs:
- total += p[1]
- pairs = [(p[0], p[1]/total) for p in pairs]
- return pairs
-def filter_pairs(pairs, required_keys, keys):
- # Require at least one key from required_keys, and require that only
- # keys be present.
- good_pairs = []
- for p in pairs:
- str = p[0]
- if required_keys.find(str[0]) == -1 and required_keys.find(str[1]) == -1:
- continue
- if keys.find(str[0]) == -1 or keys.find(str[1]) == -1:
- continue
- good_pairs.append(p)
- # Re-normalize weights.
- total = 0.0
- for p in good_pairs:
- total += p[1]
- good_pairs = [(p[0], p[1]/total) for p in good_pairs]
- return good_pairs
-def get_weighted_random_pair(pairs):
- # TODO: I'm currently ignoring the weighting because it's preventing keys from
- # ever appearing, for example j never appears in the home row lesson.
- return random.choice(pairs)
- #n = random.uniform(0, 1)
- #for p in pairs:
- # if n < p[1]:
- # break
- # n -= p[1]
- #return p
-def make_weighted_wordlist_pairs(pairs, required_keys, keys, count):
- good_pairs = filter_pairs(pairs, required_keys, keys)
- if len(good_pairs) == 0:
- return make_random_pairs(required_keys, keys, count)
- text = ''
- for y in xrange(0, count):
- p = get_weighted_random_pair(good_pairs)
- text += p[0] + ' '
- return text.strip()
-def filter_wordlist(words, all_keys, req_keys, minlen, maxlen, bad_words):
- print 'Filtering word list...'
- # Uniquify words.
- # TODO: Build a frequency table as with the pairs.
- words = list(set(words))
- # Filter word list based on variety of contraints.
- good_words = []
- for word in words:
- if len(word) < minlen or len(word) > maxlen:
- continue
- good = True
- # Check for letters that are not supported.
- for c in word:
- if all_keys.find(c) == -1:
- good = False
- break
- # Make sure required letters are present.
- any_req = False
- for c in req_keys:
- if word.find(c) >= 0:
- any_req = True
- break
- if not any_req:
- good = False
- # Remove bad words.
- for bad in bad_words:
- if word == bad:
- good = False
- break
- if good:
- good_words.append(word)
- return good_words
-def make_random_words(words, required_keys, keys, count):
- text = ''
- for x in range(0, count):
- text += random.choice(words) + ' '
- return text.strip()
-def add_step(lesson, instructions, mode, text):
- print instructions
- print text
- step = {}
- step['instructions'] = instructions
- step['text'] = text
- step['mode'] = mode
- lesson['steps'].append(step)
-def build_lesson(
- name, description,
- order,
- new_keys, base_keys,
- words, bad_words):
- print "Building lesson '%s'..." % name
- all_keys = new_keys + base_keys
- good_words = filter_wordlist(words=words,
- all_keys=all_keys, req_keys=new_keys,
- minlen=2, maxlen=8,
- bad_words=bad_words)
- pairs = get_pairs_from_wordlist(words)
- lesson = {}
- lesson['name'] = name
- lesson['description'] = description
- lesson['order'] = order
- lesson['medals'] = [
- { 'name': 'bronze', 'wpm': 5, 'accuracy': 60 },
- { 'name': 'silver', 'wpm': 10, 'accuracy': 75 },
- { 'name': 'gold', 'wpm': 20, 'accuracy': 90 }
- ]
- lesson['steps'] = []
- kb = keyboard.KeyboardData()
- kb.set_layout(keyboard.DEFAULT_LAYOUT)
- keynames = new_keys[0]
- if len(new_keys) >= 2:
- for k in new_keys[1:-1]:
- keynames += ', ' + k
- keynames += new_keys[-2] + ' and ' + new_keys[-1]
- keynames += _(' keys')
- else:
- keynames += _(' key')
- add_step(lesson,
- _('Welcome to the %(name)s lesson!\n\nIn this lesson, you will learn the %(keynames)s. Press the Enter key when you are ready to begin!') \
- % { 'name': name, 'keynames': keynames },
- 'key', '\n')
- for letter in new_keys:
- key, state, group = kb.get_key_state_group_for_letter(letter)
- finger = FINGERS[key['key-finger']]
- if state == gtk.gdk.SHIFT_MASK:
- # Choose the finger to press the SHIFT key with.
- if key['key-finger'][0] == 'R':
- shift_finger = FINGERS['LP']
- else:
- shift_finger = FINGERS['RP']
- instructions = _('Press and hold the SHIFT key with your %(finger)s finger, ') % { 'finger': shift_finger }
- instructions += _('then press the %(letter)s key with your %(finger)s finger.') % { 'letter': letter, 'finger': finger }
- elif state == gtk.gdk.MOD5_MASK:
- instructions = _('Press and hold the ALTGR key, ')
- instructions += _('then press the %(letter)s key with your %(finger)s finger.') % { 'letter': letter, 'finger': finger }
- elif state == gtk.gdk.SHIFT_MASK | gtk.gdk.MOD5_MASK:
- instructions = _('Press and hold the ALTGR and SHIFT keys, ')
- instructions += _('then press the %(letter)s key with your %(finger)s finger.') % { 'letter': letter, 'finger': finger }
- else:
- instructions = _('Press the %(letter)s key with your %(finger)s finger.') % { 'letter': letter, 'finger': finger }
- add_step(lesson, instructions, 'key', letter)
- add_step(lesson,
- get_congrats() + _('Practice typing the keys you just learned.'),
- 'text', make_random_doubles(new_keys, count=40))
- add_step(lesson,
- _('Keep practicing the new keys.'),
- 'text', make_random_doubles(new_keys, count=40))
- add_step(lesson,
- get_congrats() + _('Now put the keys together into pairs.'),
- 'text', make_weighted_wordlist_pairs(pairs, new_keys, new_keys, count=50))
- add_step(lesson,
- _('Keep practicing key pairs.'),
- 'text', make_weighted_wordlist_pairs(pairs, new_keys, new_keys, count=50))
- if base_keys != '':
- add_step(lesson,
- get_congrats() + _('Now practice all the keys you know.'),
- 'text', make_weighted_wordlist_pairs(pairs, new_keys, all_keys, count=50))
- add_step(lesson,
- _('Almost done. Keep practicing all the keys you know.'),
- 'text', make_weighted_wordlist_pairs(pairs, new_keys, all_keys, count=50))
- else:
- add_step(lesson,
- _('Almost done. Keep practicing key pairs.'),
- 'text', make_weighted_wordlist_pairs(pairs, new_keys, new_keys, count=100))
- if len(good_words) == 0:
- add_step(lesson,
- get_congrats() + _('Time to type jumbles.'),
- 'text', make_jumbles(new_keys, all_keys, 100, 5))
- add_step(lesson,
- _('Keep practicing these jumbles.'),
- 'text', make_jumbles(new_keys, all_keys, 100, 5))
- add_step(lesson,
- _('Almost finished. Try to type as quickly and accurately as you can!'),
- 'text', make_jumbles(new_keys, all_keys, 100, 5))
- else:
- add_step(lesson,
- get_congrats() + _('Time to type real words.'),
- 'text', make_random_words(good_words, new_keys, all_keys, count=100))
- add_step(lesson,
- _('Keep practicing these words.'),
- 'text', make_random_words(good_words, new_keys, all_keys, count=100))
- add_step(lesson,
- _('Almost finished. Try to type as quickly and accurately as you can!'),
- 'text', make_random_words(good_words, new_keys, all_keys, count=200))
- text = '$report'
- add_step(lesson, text, 'key', '\n')
- return lesson
-def write_lesson(filename, lesson):
- code = locale.getlocale(locale.LC_ALL)[0]
- text = json.write(lesson)
- open(os.path.join('lessons', code, filename), 'w').write(text)
-def build_intro_lesson():
- lesson = {}
- lesson['name'] = _('Welcome')
- lesson['description'] = _('Click here to begin your typing adventure.')
- lesson['order'] = 0
- lesson['report'] = 'simple'
- lesson['medals'] = [
- { 'name': 'bronze', 'wpm': 0, 'accuracy': 10 },
- { 'name': 'silver', 'wpm': 0, 'accuracy': 70 },
- { 'name': 'gold', 'wpm': 0, 'accuracy': 100 }
- ]
- lesson['steps'] = []
- text = ''
- text += _('Hi, welcome to Typing Turtle! My name is Max the turtle, ')
- text += _('and I\'ll to teach you how to type.\n\n')
- text += _('First, I will tell you the secret of fast typing... ')
- text += _('Always use the correct finger to press each key!\n\n')
- text += _('If you learn which finger presses each key, and keep practicing, you will be typing like a pro before you know it!\n\n')
- text += _('Now, place your hands on the keyboard just like the picture below.\n')
- text += _('When you\'re ready, press the space bar with your thumb!')
- add_step(lesson, text, 'key', ' ')
- text = ''
- text += _('Good job! You correctly typed your first key. When typing, the space bar is ')
- text += _('used to insert spaces between words.\n\n')
- text += _('Press the space bar again with your thumb.')
- add_step(lesson, text, 'key', ' ')
- text = ''
- text += _('Now I\'ll teach you the second key, enter. ')
- text += _('That\'s the big square key near your right pinky finger.\n\n')
- text += _('Without moving any other fingers, reach your pinky over and press ')
- text += _('Enter.\nCheck the picture below if you need a hint!')
- add_step(lesson, text, 'key', '\n')
- text = ''
- text += _('Great! When typing, the enter key is used to begin a new line.\n\n')
- text += _('Press the enter key again with your right pinky.')
- add_step(lesson, text, 'key', '\n')
- text = ''
- text += _('Wonderful! Now I\'m going to tell you a little more about Typing Turtle.\n\n')
- text += _('The box you are reading is where instructions will appear. The keyboard ')
- text += _('picture below shows what your hands should be doing. The numbers ')
- text += _('up top show how quickly and accurately you are typing.\n\n')
- text += _('When you see a big picture of a key like this one, you are supposed to ')
- text += _('press that key on the keyboard.\nRemember, always use the correct finger to ')
- text += _('type each key!')
- add_step(lesson, text, 'key', ' ')
- text = '$report'
- add_step(lesson, text, 'key', '\n')
- return lesson
-# Note to myself.
-# From looking at the real keyboard layouts, this path (--make-all-lessons) is foolish.
-# Differrent languages invoke different sets of keys with different sets of shifts, so one
-# algorithm will not be able to determine an effective learning order.
-# The correct approach is to create a script for each language which repeatedly calls
-# lessonbuilder.py with different options to create the various lessons.
-#TOPROW_SCANCODES = [ 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21 ]
-#HOMEROW_SCANCODES = [ 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x33 ]
-#BOTTOMROW_SCANCODES = [ 0x32, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a ]
-def make_default_lesson_set(words, bad_words):
- write_lesson(
- 'intro.lesson',
- build_intro_lesson())
- lesson = build_lesson(
- name=_('The Home Row'),
- description=_('This lesson teaches you the first a, s, d, f, g, h, j, k and l keys \nin the middle of the keyboard.\nThese keys are called the Home Row.'),
- order=2,
- new_keys=_('asdfghjkl'), base_keys='',
- words=words, bad_words=bad_words)
- write_lesson('homerow.lesson', lesson)
- lesson = build_lesson(
- name=_('The Top Row'),
- description=_('This lesson teaches you the q, w, e, r, t, y, u, i, o and p keys \non the top row of the keyboard.'),
- order=3,
- new_keys='qwertyuiop', base_keys='asdfghjkl',
- words=words, bad_words=bad_words)
- write_lesson('toprow.lesson', lesson)
- lesson = build_lesson(
- name=_('The Bottom Row'),
- description=_('This lesson teaches you the z, x, c, v, b, n and m keys \non the bottom row of the keyboard.'),
- order=4,
- new_keys='zxcvbnm', base_keys='asdfghjklqwertyuiop',
- words=words, bad_words=bad_words)
- write_lesson('bottomrow.lesson', lesson)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- import optparse
- parser = optparse.OptionParser("usage: %prog [options]")
- parser.add_option("--make-all-lessons", dest="make_all_lessons", action="store_true",
- help="Automatically generate a complete lesson set.")
- parser.add_option("--make-intro-lesson", dest="make_intro_lesson", action="store_true",
- help="Generate the introductory lesson.")
- parser.add_option("--make-key-lesson", dest="make_key_lesson", action="store_true",
- help="Generate a lesson to teach a specific set of keys.")
- parser.add_option("--output", dest="output", metavar="FILE",
- help="Output file.")
- parser.add_option("--keys", dest="keys", metavar="KEYS", default='',
- help="Keys to teach.")
- parser.add_option("--base-keys", dest="base_keys", metavar="KEYS", default='',
- help="Keys already taught prior to this lesson.")
- parser.add_option("--title", dest="name", default="Generated",
- help="Lesson name.")
- parser.add_option("--desc", dest="desc", default="Default description.",
- help="Lesson description.")
- parser.add_option("--order", dest="order", type="int", metavar="N", default=0,
- help="Order of this lesson in the index.")
- parser.add_option("--wordlist", dest="wordlist", metavar="FILE",
- help="Text file containing words to use.")
- parser.add_option("--badwordlist", dest="badwordlist", metavar="FILE",
- help="Text file containing words *not* to use.")
- parser.add_option("--seed", dest="seed", type="int", metavar="N", default=0x12345678,
- help="Random seed.")
- (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
- if not options.make_all_lessons and not options.make_key_lesson and not options.make_intro_lesson:
- parser.error('no lesson type given')
- if not options.output:
- parser.error('no output file given')
- words = load_wordlist(options.wordlist)
- bad_words = []
- if options.badwordlist:
- bad_words = load_wordlist(options.badwordlist)
- # Convert string arguments to Unicode.
- options.name = unicode(options.name)
- options.keys = unicode(options.keys)
- options.base_keys = unicode(options.base_keys)
- options.desc = unicode(options.desc.replace('\\n', '\n'))
- random.seed(options.seed)
- if options.make_intro_lesson:
- lesson = build_intro_lesson()
- open(options.output, 'w').write(json.write(lesson))
- sys.exit()
- if options.make_key_lesson:
- if not options.wordlist:
- parser.error('no wordlist file given')
- lesson = build_lesson(
- name=options.name, description=options.desc,
- order=options.order,
- new_keys=options.keys, base_keys=options.base_keys,
- words=words, bad_words=bad_words)
- open(options.output, 'w').write(json.write(lesson))
- sys.exit()
- if options.make_all_lessons:
- if not options.wordlist:
- parser.error('no wordlist file given')
- make_default_lesson_set(words=words, bad_words=bad_words)
- sys.exit()