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path: root/lessons/en_US/test.lesson
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authorWade Brainerd <wadetb@gmail.com>2009-01-07 03:13:56 (GMT)
committer Wade Brainerd <wadetb@gmail.com>2009-01-07 03:13:56 (GMT)
commitc16b9c84ee9848da90259c5d74a3b02d2b2395e1 (patch)
treecfec2926afe54915b3af1046a9e8d3172d51e310 /lessons/en_US/test.lesson
parentc903bb07c07bde142202ce09093b7651f00928cb (diff)
Progress toward release.
Diffstat (limited to 'lessons/en_US/test.lesson')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/lessons/en_US/test.lesson b/lessons/en_US/test.lesson
index 65a8138..6b2421b 100644
--- a/lessons/en_US/test.lesson
+++ b/lessons/en_US/test.lesson
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{"order":-1,"steps":[{"text":"\n","mode":"key","instructions":"Welcome to the Test lesson lesson!\n\nIn this lesson, you will learn the æ, Ω, A, B, bb and B keys. Press the Enter key when you are ready to begin!"},{"text":"æ","mode":"key","instructions":"Press and hold the ALTGR key, then press the æ key with your left little finger."},{"text":"Ω","mode":"key","instructions":"Press and hold the ALTGR and SHIFT keys, then press the Ω key with your left little finger."},{"text":"A","mode":"key","instructions":"Press and hold the SHIFT key with your right little finger, then press the A key with your left little finger."},{"text":"B","mode":"key","instructions":"Press and hold the SHIFT key with your right little finger, then press the B key with your left index finger."},{"text":"b","mode":"key","instructions":"Press the b key with your left index finger."},{"text":"B","mode":"key","instructions":"Press and hold the SHIFT key with your right little finger, then press the B key with your left index finger."},{"text":"ΩΩ bb bb ΩΩ BB BB BB BB bb ææ BB AA ææ BB BB ææ AA ΩΩ ΩΩ ææ AA AA BB BB ΩΩ AA AA ææ ææ ææ BB ΩΩ bb BB BB AA BB ΩΩ ææ ææ","mode":"text","instructions":"You did it! Practice typing the keys you just learned."},{"text":"BB BB AA bb AA bb ææ bb bb BB AA ΩΩ AA AA BB ΩΩ AA AA BB AA bb bb BB ΩΩ BB AA bb AA BB ææ BB bb bb BB AA BB ΩΩ ææ ææ BB","mode":"text","instructions":"Keep practicing the new keys."},{"text":"bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb","mode":"text","instructions":"Nice work. Now put the keys together into pairs."},{"text":"bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb","mode":"text","instructions":"Keep practicing key pairs."},{"text":"bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb","mode":"text","instructions":"Almost done. Keep practicing key pairs."},{"text":"BBΩA BΩΩb BBAB bAæb bBΩΩ æBBA BBAB BΩbA ABBB ΩAΩæ bæΩB æΩBB ææAb BBΩæ bBbæ ΩBbB æbΩB AbBB bbAA Ωbæb bBææ ABbæ ΩæBb AæAA BΩΩΩ BBAΩ BBæb BAbB BBBA ΩΩbB BBæB BbAb ABBæ BBAB Ωæææ ΩΩBb bbæΩ bæBæ AæAB BbæB ΩbAB BbAb æΩAB ΩbBæ AbBb AæbA bæAB bAbA ABæB BBæΩ BææB æΩBΩ BBæB bΩbb BbBA ΩBbB æBBæ AAAb AæBb ΩBBB bΩbB Ωæbæ AΩbΩ BbBA ΩæAΩ Bæææ BBΩb ABΩA ΩΩAB bBbB AææΩ Ωbbb BAbA BæBΩ ΩAΩB BBBæ æBΩæ BBæA ΩAbA ΩæbΩ BbAB æBbæ ææΩB AΩAB æBbB æbBB ABΩæ BΩbB bAAΩ æbBb BΩBB bbBA ΩABB bΩAæ bBæb BBΩæ AbΩæ æBæB æBΩb bΩBB","mode":"text","instructions":"Good job. Time to type jumbles."},{"text":"æbBΩ BBæA ΩΩæB ΩbΩB ΩBΩΩ AΩΩΩ BBBA ΩABæ Bbbæ ææAA BABB AæBB BBΩB æBææ bΩæA BbΩb bbAb BæAB BbBæ bBBB BæbB BBæb ΩAΩA æAbb BABB bABΩ BæΩB BBBb ææBB BbAB æBΩΩ bæΩA ææΩA ΩΩbB BBæB ABæB ΩΩBA AbAB BBæΩ ΩBæb ΩæAΩ BææB AAæB BæΩæ BbbB ææBæ bbBB BΩæΩ ΩBBB BBæΩ ΩΩBb bAAb BΩBæ bΩBb ΩBæB Bbæb BæBb ΩΩΩb æBΩΩ bBbB BBBb BΩbΩ BBBæ ΩæΩæ BBΩb BbBb bææb æΩΩb bBAb AΩBæ bΩΩΩ æbAB bBBæ æBBb ΩæBæ BBBb bæBΩ AAæA æBAæ BBΩB ΩΩBb bAæΩ bAΩb BbΩΩ æAææ AææA BææB BBΩA AΩbB ABBΩ bΩbB bAææ bAæΩ bΩBB BAAB bbBΩ bbBΩ ABBB Ωææb bæBæ","mode":"text","instructions":"Keep practicing these jumbles."},{"text":"BΩAB AΩbA æAΩæ bBAΩ AbbΩ Ωæbæ BæBB BBbb BBΩb AæΩA BAΩb BABb ææBB BBBæ æΩbΩ bBBB æΩbA BAAA BbæB BBbA BBBΩ ΩΩΩb bΩBB æbæA BbBb ΩBBæ BBBΩ ΩææΩ BBBb AæBA AABb BbbΩ æbBæ ΩbΩB BbbB ΩbΩB BBBΩ BBbA ΩæBæ BæΩB æΩBb bΩAB BæBæ ABBΩ æBæb BBæA æABΩ æBæb bææΩ AbAA ABbb ΩΩæA BΩbA Bæbæ BAbb AbbA ææBΩ BΩææ ΩΩæB bΩæA BBbB BæBæ BBBB BΩΩB bBbB BBΩB bbAΩ æAΩΩ AbΩb Bæbæ ΩæBb BΩBb æbBB AΩbA BbBB BææA ΩæBΩ BΩbB ΩBAB ΩBBB æBbB ΩBæΩ æBæB æBBæ bBΩæ bbΩB ΩBbΩ BΩæA BbAæ ΩBBB bΩBA ΩABΩ ΩΩAæ ΩBBb BbBB ABΩæ ABΩA bæbA bææΩ BæAB","mode":"text","instructions":"Almost finished. Try to type as quickly and accurately as you can!"},{"text":"\n","mode":"key","instructions":"$report"}],"name":"Test lesson","medals":[{"wpm":5,"name":"bronze","accuracy":60},{"wpm":10,"name":"silver","accuracy":75},{"wpm":20,"name":"gold","accuracy":90}],"description":"This lesson exists to test out obscure Typing Turtle features.\nPlease skip it by pressing the arrow button to the right."} \ No newline at end of file
+{"steps":[{"text":"\n","mode":"key","instructions":"In this lesson, you will learn the æ, Ω, A, B, b and B keys.\n\nPress the ENTER key when you are ready to begin!"},{"text":"æ","mode":"key","instructions":"Press and hold the ALTGR key, then press the æ key with your left little finger."},{"text":"Ω","mode":"key","instructions":"Press and hold the ALTGR and SHIFT keys, then press the Ω key with your left little finger."},{"text":"A","mode":"key","instructions":"Press and hold the SHIFT key with your right little finger, then press the A key with your left little finger."},{"text":"B","mode":"key","instructions":"Press and hold the SHIFT key with your right little finger, then press the B key with your left index finger."},{"text":"b","mode":"key","instructions":"Press the b key with your left index finger."},{"text":"B","mode":"key","instructions":"Press and hold the SHIFT key with your right little finger, then press the B key with your left index finger."},{"text":"ΩΩ bb bb ΩΩ BB BB BB BB bb ææ BB AA ææ BB BB ææ AA ΩΩ ΩΩ ææ AA AA BB BB ΩΩ AA AA ææ ææ ææ BB ΩΩ bb BB BB AA BB ΩΩ ææ ææ","mode":"text","instructions":"You did it! Practice typing the keys you just learned."},{"text":"BB BB AA bb AA bb ææ bb bb BB AA ΩΩ AA AA BB ΩΩ AA AA BB AA bb bb BB ΩΩ BB AA bb AA BB ææ BB bb bb BB AA BB ΩΩ ææ ææ BB","mode":"text","instructions":"Keep practicing the new keys."},{"text":"bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb","mode":"text","instructions":"Nice work. Now put the keys together into pairs."},{"text":"bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb","mode":"text","instructions":"Keep practicing key pairs."},{"text":"bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb","mode":"text","instructions":"Almost done. Keep practicing key pairs."},{"text":"BBΩA BΩΩb BBAB bAæb bBΩΩ æBBA BBAB BΩbA ABBB ΩAΩæ bæΩB æΩBB ææAb BBΩæ bBbæ ΩBbB æbΩB AbBB bbAA Ωbæb bBææ ABbæ ΩæBb AæAA BΩΩΩ BBAΩ BBæb BAbB BBBA ΩΩbB BBæB BbAb ABBæ BBAB Ωæææ ΩΩBb bbæΩ bæBæ AæAB BbæB ΩbAB BbAb æΩAB ΩbBæ AbBb AæbA bæAB bAbA ABæB BBæΩ BææB æΩBΩ BBæB bΩbb BbBA ΩBbB æBBæ AAAb AæBb ΩBBB bΩbB Ωæbæ AΩbΩ BbBA ΩæAΩ Bæææ BBΩb ABΩA ΩΩAB bBbB AææΩ Ωbbb BAbA BæBΩ ΩAΩB BBBæ æBΩæ BBæA ΩAbA ΩæbΩ BbAB æBbæ ææΩB AΩAB æBbB æbBB ABΩæ BΩbB bAAΩ æbBb BΩBB bbBA ΩABB bΩAæ bBæb BBΩæ AbΩæ æBæB æBΩb bΩBB","mode":"text","instructions":"Good job. Time to type jumbles."},{"text":"æbBΩ BBæA ΩΩæB ΩbΩB ΩBΩΩ AΩΩΩ BBBA ΩABæ Bbbæ ææAA BABB AæBB BBΩB æBææ bΩæA BbΩb bbAb BæAB BbBæ bBBB BæbB BBæb ΩAΩA æAbb BABB bABΩ BæΩB BBBb ææBB BbAB æBΩΩ bæΩA ææΩA ΩΩbB BBæB ABæB ΩΩBA AbAB BBæΩ ΩBæb ΩæAΩ BææB AAæB BæΩæ BbbB ææBæ bbBB BΩæΩ ΩBBB BBæΩ ΩΩBb bAAb BΩBæ bΩBb ΩBæB Bbæb BæBb ΩΩΩb æBΩΩ bBbB BBBb BΩbΩ BBBæ ΩæΩæ BBΩb BbBb bææb æΩΩb bBAb AΩBæ bΩΩΩ æbAB bBBæ æBBb ΩæBæ BBBb bæBΩ AAæA æBAæ BBΩB ΩΩBb bAæΩ bAΩb BbΩΩ æAææ AææA BææB BBΩA AΩbB ABBΩ bΩbB bAææ bAæΩ bΩBB BAAB bbBΩ bbBΩ ABBB Ωææb bæBæ","mode":"text","instructions":"Keep practicing these jumbles."},{"text":"BΩAB AΩbA æAΩæ bBAΩ AbbΩ Ωæbæ BæBB BBbb BBΩb AæΩA BAΩb BABb ææBB BBBæ æΩbΩ bBBB æΩbA BAAA BbæB BBbA BBBΩ ΩΩΩb bΩBB æbæA BbBb ΩBBæ BBBΩ ΩææΩ BBBb AæBA AABb BbbΩ æbBæ ΩbΩB BbbB ΩbΩB BBBΩ BBbA ΩæBæ BæΩB æΩBb bΩAB BæBæ ABBΩ æBæb BBæA æABΩ æBæb bææΩ AbAA ABbb ΩΩæA BΩbA Bæbæ BAbb AbbA ææBΩ BΩææ ΩΩæB bΩæA BBbB BæBæ BBBB BΩΩB bBbB BBΩB bbAΩ æAΩΩ AbΩb Bæbæ ΩæBb BΩBb æbBB AΩbA BbBB BææA ΩæBΩ BΩbB ΩBAB ΩBBB æBbB ΩBæΩ æBæB æBBæ bBΩæ bbΩB ΩBbΩ BΩæA BbAæ ΩBBB bΩBA ΩABΩ ΩΩAæ ΩBBb BbBB ABΩæ ABΩA bæbA bææΩ BæAB","mode":"text","instructions":"Almost finished. Try to type as quickly and accurately as you can!"},{"text":" ","mode":"key","instructions":"$report"}],"order":-1,"type":"normal","name":"Test lesson","description":"This lesson exists to test out obscure Typing Turtle features.\nPlease skip it by pressing the arrow button to the right."} \ No newline at end of file