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path: root/src/keyboard.py
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authorWade Brainerd <wadetb@gmail.com>2008-10-12 07:41:11 (GMT)
committer Wade Brainerd <wadetb@gmail.com>2008-10-12 07:41:11 (GMT)
commitf7784914ab70444c5e1113d11f11be9e47e492b3 (patch)
tree654cd3441042a91e478fb8f6b43ee798e6a3e4b0 /src/keyboard.py
parentf83fc39d516023e463eff0b574afea254917f7e5 (diff)
Rebuilt keyboard.py to be data driven.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/keyboard.py')
1 files changed, 351 insertions, 128 deletions
diff --git a/src/keyboard.py b/src/keyboard.py
index 540bf3a..d70024c 100644
--- a/src/keyboard.py
+++ b/src/keyboard.py
@@ -3,140 +3,363 @@
import pygtk
import gtk
-from Key import *
-class keyboard:
+# This is an example keyboard layout.
+# The keyboard layout is described by the following data structure. The structure
+# has three levels: Layout, Groups, and Keys. A Layout contains a list of Groups,
+# each of which contains a list of Keys. Groups are intended to be a way to collect
+# related keys (e.g. nearby each other on the keyboard with similar properties)
+# together.
+# Entirely new keyboard layouts can be created just by modifying the following values,
+# without changing the code.
+# Further, the property scheme allows for an expandable feature set with good support
+# for backwards compatibility.
+default_layout = {
+ 'layout-name': "default",
+ 'layout-width': 555,
+ 'layout-height': 300,
+ 'group-layout': 'horizontal',
+ 'key-width': 40,
+ 'key-height': 45,
+ 'key-gap': 5,
+ 'groups': [
+ {
+ 'group-name': "row0",
+ 'group-x': 10,
+ 'group-y': 7.5,
+ 'key-width': 100,
+ 'key-height': 30,
+ 'key-gap': 45,
+ 'keys': [
+ {'key-normal':"X",'key-shift':"X"},
+ {'key-normal':"O",'key-shift':"O"},
+ {'key-normal':"X",'key-shift':"X"},
+ {'key-normal':"O",'key-shift':"O"}
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ 'group-name': "row1",
+ 'group-x': 10,
+ 'group-y': 50,
+ 'keys': [
+ {'key-normal':"1",'key-shift':"!"},
+ {'key-normal':"2",'key-shift':"@"},
+ {'key-normal':"3",'key-shift':"#"},
+ {'key-normal':"4",'key-shift':"$"},
+ {'key-normal':"5",'key-shift':"%"},
+ {'key-normal':"6",'key-shift':"^"},
+ {'key-normal':"7",'key-shift':"&"},
+ {'key-normal':"8",'key-shift':"*"},
+ {'key-normal':"9",'key-shift':"("},
+ {'key-normal':"0",'key-shift':")"},
+ {'key-normal':"-",'key-shift':"_"},
+ {'key-normal':"=",'key-shift':"+"}
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ 'group-name': "row2",
+ 'group-x': 10,
+ 'group-y': 100,
+ 'keys': [
+ {'key-normal':"q",'key-shift':"Q"},
+ {'key-normal':"w",'key-shift':"W"},
+ {'key-normal':"e",'key-shift':"E"},
+ {'key-normal':"r",'key-shift':"R"},
+ {'key-normal':"t",'key-shift':"T"},
+ {'key-normal':"y",'key-shift':"Y"},
+ {'key-normal':"u",'key-shift':"U"},
+ {'key-normal':"i",'key-shift':"I"},
+ {'key-normal':"o",'key-shift':"O"},
+ {'key-normal':"p",'key-shift':"P"},
+ {'key-normal':"[",'key-shift':"{"},
+ {'key-normal':"]",'key-shift':"}"}
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ 'group-name': "row3",
+ 'group-x': 10,
+ 'group-y': 150,
+ 'keys': [
+ {'key-normal':"a",'key-shift':"A"},
+ {'key-normal':"s",'key-shift':"S"},
+ {'key-normal':"d",'key-shift':"D"},
+ {'key-normal':"f",'key-shift':"F"},
+ {'key-normal':"g",'key-shift':"G"},
+ {'key-normal':"h",'key-shift':"H"},
+ {'key-normal':"j",'key-shift':"J"},
+ {'key-normal':"k",'key-shift':"K"},
+ {'key-normal':"l",'key-shift':"L"},
+ {'key-normal':";",'key-shift':":"},
+ {'key-normal':"'",'key-shift':")"},
+ {'key-normal':"\"",'key-shift':"|"}
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ 'group-name': "row4",
+ 'group-x': 55,
+ 'group-y': 200,
+ 'keys': [
+ {'key-normal':"z",'key-shift':"Z"},
+ {'key-normal':"x",'key-shift':"X"},
+ {'key-normal':"c",'key-shift':"C"},
+ {'key-normal':"v",'key-shift':"V"},
+ {'key-normal':"b",'key-shift':"B"},
+ {'key-normal':"n",'key-shift':"N"},
+ {'key-normal':"m",'key-shift':"M"},
+ {'key-normal':",",'key-shift':"<"},
+ {'key-normal':".",'key-shift':">"},
+ {'key-normal':"/",'key-shift':"?"}
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ 'group-name': "row5",
+ 'group-x': 55,
+ 'group-y': 250,
+ 'keys': [
+ {'key-normal':"fn",'key-shift':"fn"},
+ {'key-normal':"HA",'key-shift':"HA"},
+ {'key-normal':"alt",'key-shift':"alt"},
+ {'key-normal':"space",'key-shift':"space", 'key-width':85},
+ {'key-normal':"alt gr",'key-shift':"alt gr"},
+ {'key-normal':"HA",'key-shift':"HA"},
+ {'key-normal':"<-",'key-shift':"<-"},
+ {'key-normal':"dn",'key-shift':"dn"},
+ {'key-normal':"->",'key-shift':"->"}
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+class Key:
+ def __init__(self, props):
+ self.props = props
+ self.x = 0
+ self.y = 0
+ self.width = 0
+ self.height = 0
+ self.screen_x = 0
+ self.screen_y = 0
+ self.screen_width = 0
+ self.screen_height = 0
+class Keyboard(gtk.DrawingArea):
+ """A GTK widget which provides an interactive visual keyboard, with support
+ for data driven custom layouts."""
+ # List of all possible properties in the keyboard layout description.
+ #
+ # Keyboard Layouts use a property inheritance scheme similar to CSS (cascading style sheets):
+ # - Keys inherit properties from their groups, if not explicitly set.
+ # - Groups similarly inherit properties from the layout.
+ # - The layout inherits properties from defaults values defined below.
+ #
+ # Therefore it is possible to set any property once in the Layout, and have
+ # it automatically filter down to all Keys, yet still be able to override it
+ # individually per key.
+ key_props = [
+ # Name of the layout.
+ { 'name': 'layout-name', 'default': '' },
+ # Source dimensions of the layout.
+ # This is the coordinate system that key sizes and coordinates are defined in.
+ # It can be any units, for example inches, millimeters, percentages, etc.
+ { 'name': 'layout-width', 'default': 100 },
+ { 'name': 'layout-height', 'default': 100 },
+ # Name of the group.
+ { 'name': 'group-name', 'default': '' },
+ # Position of group in layout coordinates.
+ { 'name': 'group-x', 'default': 0 },
+ { 'name': 'group-y', 'default': 0 },
+ # Layout algorithm for the group.
+ # Possibilities are: 'horizontal', 'vertical', 'custom'.
+ { 'name': 'group-layout', 'default': 'custom' },
+ # Position of key in layout coordinates. Used by 'custom' layout algorithm.
+ { 'name': 'key-x', 'default': 0 },
+ { 'name': 'key-y', 'default': 0 },
+ # Dimensions of a key in the layout coordinates.
+ { 'name': 'key-width', 'default': 0 },
+ { 'name': 'key-height', 'default': 0 },
+ # Gap between keys. Used by 'horizontal' and 'verical' layout algorithms.
+ { 'name': 'key-gap', 'default': 0 },
+ # Character generated by the key, when no modifier keys are pressed.
+ { 'name': 'key-normal', 'default': '' },
+ # Character generated by the key with shift pressed.
+ { 'name': 'key-shift', 'default': '' },
+ ]
def __init__(self):
- window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
- window.set_default_size(800,350)
- window.set_title("keyboard widget")
- window.connect("destroy", lambda w: gtk.main_quit())
- self.area = gtk.DrawingArea()
- self.area.set_size_request(800, 350)
- self.pangolayout = self.area.create_pango_layout("")
- self.layout = gtk.Layout(None,None)
- self.layout.set_size(800,350)
- self.layout.put(self.area,10,10)
- window.add(self.layout)
- self.area.set_events(gtk.gdk.POINTER_MOTION_MASK |
- bounds = window.get_allocation()
- self.area.connect("expose-event", self.area_expose_cb)
- self.area.show()
- self.layout.show()
- window.show()
- def area_expose_cb(self, area, event):
- self.style = self.area.get_style()
- self.gc = self.style.fg_gc[gtk.STATE_NORMAL]
- bounds = area.get_allocation()
- Xdim = bounds[2] - bounds[0]
- Ydim = bounds[3] - bounds[1]
- col = 10
- key_width = int(Xdim / 20)
- key_height = int(Ydim / 8)
- key_height0 = int(key_height * 0.75)
- key_gap = int(key_width / 5)
- row_gap = int(key_height / 5)
- row_level_0 = 10
- row_level_1 = 50
- row_level_2 = row_level_1 + key_height + row_gap
- row_level_3 = row_level_2 + key_height + row_gap
- row_level_4 = row_level_3 + key_height + row_gap
- row_level_5 = row_level_4 + key_height + row_gap
- keys = []
- #Row 1
- row0A = [("X","X"), ("O","O")]
- row0B = [("X","X"), ("O","O")]
- row1 = [("1","!"),("2","@"),("3","#"),("4","$"),("5","%"),("6","^"),("7","&"),("8","*"),("9","("),("0",")"),("-","_"),("=","+")]
- row2 = [("q","Q"),("w","W"),("e","E"),("r","R"),("t","T"),("y","Y"),("u","U"),("i","I"),("o","O"),("p","P"),("[","{"),("]","}")]
- row3 = [("a","A"),("s","S"),("d","D"),("f","F"),("g","G"),("h","H"),("j","J"),("k","K"),("l","L"),(";",":"),("'",")"),("\"","|")]
- row4 = [("z","Z"),("x","X"),("c","C"),("v","V"),("b","B"),("n","N"),("m","M"),(",","<"),(".",">"),("/","?")]
- row5A = [("fn","fn"), ("HA","HA"), ("alt","alt")]
- row5B = [("alt gr","alt gr"), ("HA","HA"), ("<-","<-"), ("dn","dn"), ("->","->")]
- #Row 0
- myCol = col
- for text in row0A:
- keys.append(Key(text,(myCol,row_level_0,key_width,key_height0)))
- myCol += (key_width + key_gap)
- keys.append(Key(("O","O"),(myCol,row_level_0,(4*key_width),key_height0)))
- myCol += (4*key_width+key_gap)
- keys.append(Key(("O","O"),(myCol,row_level_0,(4*key_width),key_height0)))
- myCol += (4*key_width+key_gap)
- keys.append(Key(("O","O"),(myCol,row_level_0,(4*key_width),key_height0)))
- myCol += (4*key_width+key_gap)
- for text in row0B:
- keys.append(Key(text,(myCol,row_level_0,key_width,key_height0)))
- myCol += (key_width + key_gap)
+ gtk.DrawingArea.__init__(self)
+ # This array contains the current keyboard layout.
+ self.keys = []
+ self.pangolayout = self.create_pango_layout("")
+ self.set_events(gtk.gdk.POINTER_MOTION_MASK |
+ self.connect("expose-event", self.expose_cb)
+ def _build_key_list(self, layout):
+ """Builds a list of Keys objects from a layout description.
+ Also fills in derived and inherited key properties.
+ The layout description can be discarded afterwards."""
+ self.keys = []
+ group_count = 0
+ for g in layout['groups']:
- #Row 1
- myCol = col
- keys.append(Key(("`","~"),(myCol,row_level_1,(key_width-key_gap),key_height)))
- myCol += (key_width)
- for text in row1:
- keys.append(Key(text,(myCol,row_level_1,key_width,key_height)))
- myCol += (key_width + key_gap)
- keys.append(Key(("erase","erase"),(myCol,row_level_1,key_width*2,key_height)))
- #Row 2
- myCol = col
- keys.append(Key(("<-","<-"),(myCol,row_level_2,key_width,key_height)))
- myCol += (key_width + key_gap)
- for text in row2:
- keys.append(Key(text,(myCol,row_level_2,key_width,key_height)))
- myCol += (key_width + key_gap)
- #Row 3
- myCol = col
- keys.append(Key(("ctrl","ctrl"),(myCol,row_level_3,key_width+key_gap,key_height)))
- myCol += (key_width + key_gap + key_gap)
- for text in row3:
- keys.append(Key(text,(myCol,row_level_3,key_width,key_height)))
- myCol += (key_width + key_gap)
- keys.append(Key(("enter","enter"),(myCol,row_level_2,key_width*2+key_gap,key_height*2+row_gap)))
- #Row 4
- myCol = col
- keys.append(Key(("shift","shift"),(myCol,row_level_4,key_width*2,key_height)))
- myCol += (2*key_width + key_gap)
- for text in row4:
- keys.append(Key(text,(myCol,row_level_4,key_width,key_height)))
- myCol += (key_width + key_gap)
- keys.append(Key(("shift","shift"),(myCol,row_level_4,key_width*2,key_height)))
- myCol += (2*key_width + key_gap)
- keys.append(Key(("up","up"),(myCol,row_level_4,key_width,key_height)))
- myCol += (key_width + key_gap)
- keys.append(Key(("AB","AB"),(myCol,row_level_4,key_width,key_height)))
- myCol += (key_width + key_gap)
- #Row 5
- myCol = col
- for text in row5A:
- keys.append(Key(text,(myCol,row_level_5,key_width,key_height)))
- myCol += (key_width + key_gap)
- keys.append(Key((" "," "),(myCol,row_level_5,key_width*9,key_height)))
- myCol += (9*key_width + key_gap)
- for text in row5B:
- keys.append(Key(text,(myCol,row_level_5,key_width,key_height)))
- myCol += (key_width + key_gap)
- for i in range(0,71):
- self.draw_key(keys[i])
- return True
+ key_count = 0
+ for k in g['keys']:
- def draw_key(self, key):
- self.area.window.draw_rectangle(self.gc, False, key.specs[0], key.specs[1], key.specs[2], key.specs[3])
- self.pangolayout.set_text(key.text[0])
- self.area.window.draw_layout(self.gc, key.specs[0]+5, key.specs[1]+5, self.pangolayout)
- return
+ # Create and fill out a unique property list for this key.
+ props = k.copy()
+ # Assign key and group index.
+ props['key-index'] = key_count
+ props['group-index'] = group_count
+ # Inherit undefined properties from group, layout and
+ # defaults, in that order.
+ for p in Keyboard.key_props:
+ pname = p['name']
+ if not props.has_key(pname):
+ if g.has_key(pname):
+ props[pname] = g[pname]
+ elif layout.has_key(pname):
+ props[pname] = layout[pname]
+ else:
+ props[pname] = p['default']
-def main():
- gtk.main()
- return 0
+ # Add to internal list.
+ self.keys.append(Key(props))
+ key_count += 1
+ group_count += 1
+ def _layout_keys(self):
+ """Assigns positions and sizes to the individual keys."""
+ # Note- We know self.keys is sorted by group, and by index within the group.
+ # The layout algorithms depend on this order.
+ x, y = None, None
+ cur_group = None
+ for k in self.keys:
+ # Reset the working coordinates with each new group.
+ if k.props['group-index'] != cur_group:
+ cur_group = k.props['group-index']
+ x = k.props['group-x']
+ y = k.props['group-y']
+ # Apply the current layout.
+ if k.props['group-layout'] == 'horizontal':
+ k.x = x
+ k.y = y
+ k.width = k.props['key-width']
+ k.height = k.props['key-height']
+ x += k.props['key-width']
+ x += k.props['key-gap']
+ elif k.props['group-layout'] == 'vertical':
+ k.x = x
+ k.y = y
+ k.width = k.props['key-width']
+ k.height = k.props['key-height']
+ y += k.props['key-height']
+ y += k.props['key-gap']
+ elif k.props['group-layout'] == 'custom':
+ k.x = x + k.props['key-x']
+ k.y = y + k.props['key-y']
+ k.width = k.props['key-width']
+ k.height = k.props['key-height']
+ else:
+ k.x = 0
+ k.y = 0
+ k.width = 0
+ k.height = 0
+ def set_layout(self, layout):
+ """Sets the keyboard's layout from a layout description."""
+ self._build_key_list(layout)
+ self._layout_keys()
+ def _update_screen_layout(self):
+ """Applies the screen scaling factor for the layout given the current
+ allocation.
+ TODO - Preserve the layout's aspect ratio in this calculation."""
+ bounds = self.get_allocation()
+ for k in self.keys:
+ # This calculates a ratio from layout coordinates to the DrawingArea's
+ # dimensions. This ratio allows the layout coordinates to be *anything* -
+ # inches, millimeters, percentage, whatever. They just have to be
+ # relative to layout-width and layout-height.
+ ratio_x = 100 * bounds.width / k.props['layout-width']
+ ratio_y = 100 * bounds.height / k.props['layout-height']
+ # Make sure the final coordinates are integers, for the drawing routines.
+ k.screen_x = int(k.x * ratio_x / 100)
+ k.screen_y = int(k.y * ratio_y / 100)
+ k.screen_width = int(k.width * ratio_x / 100)
+ k.screen_height = int(k.height * ratio_y / 100)
+ def expose_cb(self, area, event):
+ # Update layout given screen size.
+ self._update_screen_layout()
+ # Draw the keys.
+ style = self.get_style()
+ gc = style.fg_gc[gtk.STATE_NORMAL]
+ for k in self.keys:
+ # Outline rectangle.
+ gc.set_clip_rectangle(gtk.gdk.Rectangle(k.screen_x-1, k.screen_y-1, k.screen_width+2, k.screen_height+2))
+ self.window.draw_rectangle(gc, False, k.screen_x, k.screen_y, k.screen_width, k.screen_height)
+ # Inner text.
+ gc.set_clip_rectangle(gtk.gdk.Rectangle(k.screen_x+1, k.screen_y+1, k.screen_width-1, k.screen_height-1))
+ self.pangolayout.set_text(k.props['key-normal'])
+ self.window.draw_layout(gc, k.screen_x+5, k.screen_y+5, self.pangolayout)
+ return True
if __name__ == "__main__":
- keyboard()
- main() \ No newline at end of file
+ window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
+ window.set_title("keyboard widget")
+ window.connect("destroy", lambda w: gtk.main_quit())
+ k = Keyboard()
+ k.set_layout(default_layout)
+ k.show()
+ window.add(k)
+ window.show()
+ gtk.main()