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diff options
authorMarco Pesenti Gritti <mpg@redhat.com>2008-03-30 11:01:36 (GMT)
committer Marco Pesenti Gritti <mpg@redhat.com>2008-03-30 11:01:36 (GMT)
commit457540e27e11ad2640aba8f306200a8ad8926bfb (patch)
parent4a5ca910c4ec721e08f59b7e293f68f2d4d2059c (diff)
Setup xsettings dinamically so that we can take
screen size and dpi into account. It will need some tweaking for resolutions that I'm not able to test at the moment.
6 files changed, 22 insertions, 3343 deletions
diff --git a/bin/sugar-shell.in b/bin/sugar-shell.in
index 45a07dc..fe34a98 100644
--- a/bin/sugar-shell.in
+++ b/bin/sugar-shell.in
@@ -18,8 +18,6 @@
import os
import sys
-os.environ['GTK2_RC_FILES'] = '@prefix@/share/sugar/data/sugar-xo.gtkrc'
sys.path.insert(0, '@prefix@/share/sugar/shell')
from main import main
diff --git a/data/Makefile.am b/data/Makefile.am
index 698721d..5f3237b 100644
--- a/data/Makefile.am
+++ b/data/Makefile.am
@@ -1,21 +1,8 @@
-sugar.gtkrc: gtkrc.em
- $(srcdir)/em.py -D theme=\'sugar\' $(srcdir)/gtkrc.em > \
- $(top_builddir)/data/sugar.gtkrc
-sugar-xo.gtkrc: gtkrc.em
- $(srcdir)/em.py -D theme=\'sugar-xo\' $(srcdir)/gtkrc.em > \
- $(top_builddir)/data/sugar-xo.gtkrc
sugardir = $(pkgdatadir)/data
sugar_DATA = \
activities.defaults \
kbdconfig \
- mime.defaults \
- sugar.gtkrc \
- sugar-xo.gtkrc
+ mime.defaults
xsessionsdir = $(datadir)/xsessions
xsessions_DATA = sugar.desktop
@@ -41,5 +28,5 @@ if ENABLE_UPDATE_MIMEDB
-EXTRA_DIST = $(sugar_DATA) $(xsessions_DATA) $(mime_xml_in_files) em.py gtkrc.em
-CLEANFILES = $(GTKRC_FILES) $(mime_xml_files)
+EXTRA_DIST = $(sugar_DATA) $(xsessions_DATA) $(mime_xml_in_files)
+CLEANFILES = $(mime_xml_files)
diff --git a/data/em.py b/data/em.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 165d29e..0000000
--- a/data/em.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3302 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# $Id: //projects/empy/em.py#146 $ $Date: 2003/10/27 $
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-A system for processing Python as markup embedded in text.
-__program__ = 'empy'
-__version__ = '3.3'
-__url__ = 'http://www.alcyone.com/software/empy/'
-__author__ = 'Erik Max Francis <max@alcyone.com>'
-__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Erik Max Francis'
-__license__ = 'LGPL'
-import copy
-import getopt
-import os
-import re
-import string
-import sys
-import types
- # The equivalent of import cStringIO as StringIO.
- import cStringIO
- StringIO = cStringIO
- del cStringIO
-except ImportError:
- import StringIO
-# For backward compatibility, we can't assume these are defined.
-False, True = 0, 1
-# Some basic defaults.
-SIGNIFICATOR_RE_SUFFIX = r"%(\S+)\s*(.*)\s*$"
-BANGPATH = '#!'
-DEFAULT_ERRORS = 'strict'
-# Character information.
-IDENTIFIER_FIRST_CHARS = '_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' \
-ENDING_CHARS = {'(': ')', '[': ']', '{': '}'}
-# Environment variable names.
-# Interpreter options.
-BANGPATH_OPT = 'processBangpaths' # process bangpaths as comments?
-BUFFERED_OPT = 'bufferedOutput' # fully buffered output?
-RAW_OPT = 'rawErrors' # raw errors?
-EXIT_OPT = 'exitOnError' # exit on error?
-FLATTEN_OPT = 'flatten' # flatten pseudomodule namespace?
-OVERRIDE_OPT = 'override' # override sys.stdout with proxy?
-CALLBACK_OPT = 'noCallbackError' # is no custom callback an error?
-# Usage info.
-("-V --version", "Print version and exit"),
-("-h --help", "Print usage and exit"),
-("-H --extended-help", "Print extended usage and exit"),
-("-k --suppress-errors", "Do not exit on errors; go interactive"),
-("-p --prefix=<char>", "Change prefix to something other than @"),
-(" --no-prefix", "Do not do any markup processing at all"),
-("-m --module=<name>", "Change the internal pseudomodule name"),
-("-f --flatten", "Flatten the members of pseudmodule to start"),
-("-r --raw-errors", "Show raw Python errors"),
-("-i --interactive", "Go into interactive mode after processing"),
-("-n --no-override-stdout", "Do not override sys.stdout with proxy"),
-("-o --output=<filename>", "Specify file for output as write"),
-("-a --append=<filename>", "Specify file for output as append"),
-("-b --buffered-output", "Fully buffer output including open"),
-(" --binary", "Treat the file as a binary"),
-(" --chunk-size=<chunk>", "Use this chunk size for reading binaries"),
-("-P --preprocess=<filename>", "Interpret EmPy file before main processing"),
-("-I --import=<modules>", "Import Python modules before processing"),
-("-D --define=<definition>", "Execute Python assignment statement"),
-("-E --execute=<statement>", "Execute Python statement before processing"),
-("-F --execute-file=<filename>", "Execute Python file before processing"),
-(" --pause-at-end", "Prompt at the ending of processing"),
-(" --relative-path", "Add path of EmPy script to sys.path"),
-(" --no-callback-error", "Custom markup without callback is error"),
-(" --no-bangpath-processing", "Suppress bangpaths as comments"),
-("-u --unicode", "Enable Unicode subsystem (Python 2+ only)"),
-(" --unicode-encoding=<e>", "Set both input and output encodings"),
-(" --unicode-input-encoding=<e>", "Set input encoding"),
-(" --unicode-output-encoding=<e>", "Set output encoding"),
-(" --unicode-errors=<E>", "Set both input and output error handler"),
-(" --unicode-input-errors=<E>", "Set input error handler"),
-(" --unicode-output-errors=<E>", "Set output error handler"),
-Notes: Whitespace immediately inside parentheses of @(...) are
-ignored. Whitespace immediately inside braces of @{...} are ignored,
-unless ... spans multiple lines. Use @{ ... }@ to suppress newline
-following expansion. Simple expressions ignore trailing dots; `@x.'
-means `@(x).'. A #! at the start of a file is treated as a @#
-("@# ... NL", "Comment; remove everything up to newline"),
-("@? NAME NL", "Set the current context name"),
-("@! INTEGER NL", "Set the current context line number"),
-("@ WHITESPACE", "Remove following whitespace; line continuation"),
-("@\\ ESCAPE_CODE", "A C-style escape sequence"),
-("@@", "Literal @; @ is escaped (duplicated prefix)"),
-("@), @], @}", "Literal close parenthesis, bracket, brace"),
-("@ STRING_LITERAL", "Replace with string literal contents"),
-("@( EXPRESSION )", "Evaluate expression and substitute with str"),
-("@( TEST [? THEN [! ELSE]] )", "If test is true, evaluate then, otherwise else"),
-("@( TRY $ CATCH )", "Expand try expression, or catch if it raises"),
-("@ SIMPLE_EXPRESSION", "Evaluate simple expression and substitute;\n"
- "e.g., @x, @x.y, @f(a, b), @l[i], etc."),
-("@` EXPRESSION `", "Evaluate expression and substitute with repr"),
-("@: EXPRESSION : [DUMMY] :", "Evaluates to @:...:expansion:"),
-("@{ STATEMENTS }", "Statements are executed for side effects"),
-("@[ CONTROL ]", "Control markups: if E; elif E; for N in E;\n"
- "while E; try; except E, N; finally; continue;\n"
- "break; end X"),
-("@%% KEY WHITESPACE VALUE NL", "Significator form of __KEY__ = VALUE"),
-("@< CONTENTS >", "Custom markup; meaning provided by user"),
-("@\\0", "NUL, null"),
-("@\\a", "BEL, bell"),
-("@\\b", "BS, backspace"),
-("@\\dDDD", "three-digit decimal code DDD"),
-("@\\e", "ESC, escape"),
-("@\\f", "FF, form feed"),
-("@\\h", "DEL, delete"),
-("@\\n", "LF, linefeed, newline"),
-("@\\N{NAME}", "Unicode character named NAME"),
-("@\\oOOO", "three-digit octal code OOO"),
-("@\\qQQQQ", "four-digit quaternary code QQQQ"),
-("@\\r", "CR, carriage return"),
-("@\\s", "SP, space"),
-("@\\t", "HT, horizontal tab"),
-("@\\uHHHH", "16-bit hexadecimal Unicode HHHH"),
-("@\\UHHHHHHHH", "32-bit hexadecimal Unicode HHHHHHHH"),
-("@\\v", "VT, vertical tab"),
-("@\\xHH", "two-digit hexadecimal code HH"),
-("@\\z", "EOT, end of transmission"),
-("VERSION", "String representing EmPy version"),
-("SIGNIFICATOR_RE_STRING", "Regular expression matching significators"),
-("SIGNIFICATOR_RE_SUFFIX", "The above stub, lacking the prefix"),
-("interpreter", "Currently-executing interpreter instance"),
-("argv", "The EmPy script name and command line arguments"),
-("args", "The command line arguments only"),
-("identify()", "Identify top context as name, line"),
-("setContextName(name)", "Set the name of the current context"),
-("setContextLine(line)", "Set the line number of the current context"),
-("atExit(callable)", "Invoke no-argument function at shutdown"),
-("getGlobals()", "Retrieve this interpreter's globals"),
-("setGlobals(dict)", "Set this interpreter's globals"),
-("updateGlobals(dict)", "Merge dictionary into interpreter's globals"),
-("clearGlobals()", "Start globals over anew"),
-("saveGlobals([deep])", "Save a copy of the globals"),
-("restoreGlobals([pop])", "Restore the most recently saved globals"),
-("defined(name, [loc])", "Find if the name is defined"),
-("evaluate(expression, [loc])", "Evaluate the expression"),
-("serialize(expression, [loc])", "Evaluate and serialize the expression"),
-("execute(statements, [loc])", "Execute the statements"),
-("single(source, [loc])", "Execute the 'single' object"),
-("atomic(name, value, [loc])", "Perform an atomic assignment"),
-("assign(name, value, [loc])", "Perform an arbitrary assignment"),
-("significate(key, [value])", "Significate the given key, value pair"),
-("include(file, [loc])", "Include filename or file-like object"),
-("expand(string, [loc])", "Explicitly expand string and return"),
-("string(data, [name], [loc])", "Process string-like object"),
-("quote(string)", "Quote prefixes in provided string and return"),
-("flatten([keys])", "Flatten module contents into globals namespace"),
-("getPrefix()", "Get current prefix"),
-("setPrefix(char)", "Set new prefix"),
-("stopDiverting()", "Stop diverting; data sent directly to output"),
-("createDiversion(name)", "Create a diversion but do not divert to it"),
-("retrieveDiversion(name)", "Retrieve the actual named diversion object"),
-("startDiversion(name)", "Start diverting to given diversion"),
-("playDiversion(name)", "Recall diversion and then eliminate it"),
-("replayDiversion(name)", "Recall diversion but retain it"),
-("purgeDiversion(name)", "Erase diversion"),
-("playAllDiversions()", "Stop diverting and play all diversions in order"),
-("replayAllDiversions()", "Stop diverting and replay all diversions"),
-("purgeAllDiversions()", "Stop diverting and purge all diversions"),
-("getFilter()", "Get current filter"),
-("resetFilter()", "Reset filter; no filtering"),
-("nullFilter()", "Install null filter"),
-("setFilter(shortcut)", "Install new filter or filter chain"),
-("attachFilter(shortcut)", "Attach single filter to end of current chain"),
-("areHooksEnabled()", "Return whether or not hooks are enabled"),
-("enableHooks()", "Enable hooks (default)"),
-("disableHooks()", "Disable hook invocation"),
-("getHooks()", "Get all the hooks"),
-("clearHooks()", "Clear all hooks"),
-("addHook(hook, [i])", "Register the hook (optionally insert)"),
-("removeHook(hook)", "Remove an already-registered hook from name"),
-("invokeHook(name_, ...)", "Manually invoke hook"),
-("getCallback()", "Get interpreter callback"),
-("registerCallback(callback)", "Register callback with interpreter"),
-("deregisterCallback()", "Deregister callback from interpreter"),
-("invokeCallback(contents)", "Invoke the callback directly"),
-("Interpreter", "The interpreter class"),
-(OPTIONS_ENV, "Specified options will be included"),
-(PREFIX_ENV, "Specify the default prefix: -p <value>"),
-(PSEUDO_ENV, "Specify name of pseudomodule: -m <value>"),
-(FLATTEN_ENV, "Flatten empy pseudomodule if defined: -f"),
-(RAW_ENV, "Show raw errors if defined: -r"),
-(INTERACTIVE_ENV, "Enter interactive mode if defined: -i"),
-(BUFFERED_ENV, "Fully buffered output if defined: -b"),
-(NO_OVERRIDE_ENV, "Do not override sys.stdout if defined: -n"),
-(UNICODE_ENV, "Enable Unicode subsystem: -n"),
-(INPUT_ENCODING_ENV, "Unicode input encoding"),
-(OUTPUT_ENCODING_ENV, "Unicode output encoding"),
-(INPUT_ERRORS_ENV, "Unicode input error handler"),
-(OUTPUT_ERRORS_ENV, "Unicode output error handler"),
-class Error(Exception):
- """The base class for all EmPy errors."""
- pass
-EmpyError = EmPyError = Error # DEPRECATED
-class DiversionError(Error):
- """An error related to diversions."""
- pass
-class FilterError(Error):
- """An error related to filters."""
- pass
-class StackUnderflowError(Error):
- """A stack underflow."""
- pass
-class SubsystemError(Error):
- """An error associated with the Unicode subsystem."""
- pass
-class FlowError(Error):
- """An exception related to control flow."""
- pass
-class ContinueFlow(FlowError):
- """A continue control flow."""
- pass
-class BreakFlow(FlowError):
- """A break control flow."""
- pass
-class ParseError(Error):
- """A parse error occurred."""
- pass
-class TransientParseError(ParseError):
- """A parse error occurred which may be resolved by feeding more data.
- Such an error reaching the toplevel is an unexpected EOF error."""
- pass
-class MetaError(Exception):
- """A wrapper around a real Python exception for including a copy of
- the context."""
- def __init__(self, contexts, exc):
- Exception.__init__(self, exc)
- self.contexts = contexts
- self.exc = exc
- def __str__(self):
- backtrace = map(lambda x: str(x), self.contexts)
- return "%s: %s (%s)" % (self.exc.__class__, self.exc, \
- (string.join(backtrace, ', ')))
-class Subsystem:
- """The subsystem class defers file creation so that it can create
- Unicode-wrapped files if desired (and possible)."""
- def __init__(self):
- self.useUnicode = False
- self.inputEncoding = None
- self.outputEncoding = None
- self.errors = None
- def initialize(self, inputEncoding=None, outputEncoding=None, \
- inputErrors=None, outputErrors=None):
- self.useUnicode = True
- try:
- unicode
- import codecs
- except (NameError, ImportError):
- raise SubsystemError, "Unicode subsystem unavailable"
- defaultEncoding = sys.getdefaultencoding()
- if inputEncoding is None:
- inputEncoding = defaultEncoding
- self.inputEncoding = inputEncoding
- if outputEncoding is None:
- outputEncoding = defaultEncoding
- self.outputEncoding = outputEncoding
- if inputErrors is None:
- inputErrors = DEFAULT_ERRORS
- self.inputErrors = inputErrors
- if outputErrors is None:
- outputErrors = DEFAULT_ERRORS
- self.outputErrors = outputErrors
- def assertUnicode(self):
- if not self.useUnicode:
- raise SubsystemError, "Unicode subsystem unavailable"
- def open(self, name, mode=None):
- if self.useUnicode:
- return self.unicodeOpen(name, mode)
- else:
- return self.defaultOpen(name, mode)
- def defaultOpen(self, name, mode=None):
- if mode is None:
- mode = 'r'
- return open(name, mode)
- def unicodeOpen(self, name, mode=None):
- import codecs
- if mode is None:
- mode = 'rb'
- if mode.find('w') >= 0 or mode.find('a') >= 0:
- encoding = self.outputEncoding
- errors = self.outputErrors
- else:
- encoding = self.inputEncoding
- errors = self.inputErrors
- return codecs.open(name, mode, encoding, errors)
-theSubsystem = Subsystem()
-class Stack:
- """A simple stack that behaves as a sequence (with 0 being the top
- of the stack, not the bottom)."""
- def __init__(self, seq=None):
- if seq is None:
- seq = []
- self.data = seq
- def top(self):
- """Access the top element on the stack."""
- try:
- return self.data[-1]
- except IndexError:
- raise StackUnderflowError, "stack is empty for top"
- def pop(self):
- """Pop the top element off the stack and return it."""
- try:
- return self.data.pop()
- except IndexError:
- raise StackUnderflowError, "stack is empty for pop"
- def push(self, object):
- """Push an element onto the top of the stack."""
- self.data.append(object)
- def filter(self, function):
- """Filter the elements of the stack through the function."""
- self.data = filter(function, self.data)
- def purge(self):
- """Purge the stack."""
- self.data = []
- def clone(self):
- """Create a duplicate of this stack."""
- return self.__class__(self.data[:])
- def __nonzero__(self): return len(self.data) != 0
- def __len__(self): return len(self.data)
- def __getitem__(self, index): return self.data[-(index + 1)]
- def __repr__(self):
- return '<%s instance at 0x%x [%s]>' % \
- (self.__class__, id(self), \
- string.join(map(repr, self.data), ', '))
-class AbstractFile:
- """An abstracted file that, when buffered, will totally buffer the
- file, including even the file open."""
- def __init__(self, filename, mode='w', buffered=False):
- # The calls below might throw, so start off by marking this
- # file as "done." This way destruction of a not-completely-
- # initialized AbstractFile will generate no further errors.
- self.done = True
- self.filename = filename
- self.mode = mode
- self.buffered = buffered
- if buffered:
- self.bufferFile = StringIO.StringIO()
- else:
- self.bufferFile = theSubsystem.open(filename, mode)
- # Okay, we got this far, so the AbstractFile is initialized.
- # Flag it as "not done."
- self.done = False
- def __del__(self):
- self.close()
- def write(self, data):
- self.bufferFile.write(data)
- def writelines(self, data):
- self.bufferFile.writelines(data)
- def flush(self):
- self.bufferFile.flush()
- def close(self):
- if not self.done:
- self.commit()
- self.done = True
- def commit(self):
- if self.buffered:
- file = theSubsystem.open(self.filename, self.mode)
- file.write(self.bufferFile.getvalue())
- file.close()
- else:
- self.bufferFile.close()
- def abort(self):
- if self.buffered:
- self.bufferFile = None
- else:
- self.bufferFile.close()
- self.bufferFile = None
- self.done = True
-class Diversion:
- """The representation of an active diversion. Diversions act as
- (writable) file objects, and then can be recalled either as pure
- strings or (readable) file objects."""
- def __init__(self):
- self.file = StringIO.StringIO()
- # These methods define the writable file-like interface for the
- # diversion.
- def write(self, data):
- self.file.write(data)
- def writelines(self, lines):
- for line in lines:
- self.write(line)
- def flush(self):
- self.file.flush()
- def close(self):
- self.file.close()
- # These methods are specific to diversions.
- def asString(self):
- """Return the diversion as a string."""
- return self.file.getvalue()
- def asFile(self):
- """Return the diversion as a file."""
- return StringIO.StringIO(self.file.getvalue())
-class Stream:
- """A wrapper around an (output) file object which supports
- diversions and filtering."""
- def __init__(self, file):
- self.file = file
- self.currentDiversion = None
- self.diversions = {}
- self.filter = file
- self.done = False
- def write(self, data):
- if self.currentDiversion is None:
- self.filter.write(data)
- else:
- self.diversions[self.currentDiversion].write(data)
- def writelines(self, lines):
- for line in lines:
- self.write(line)
- def flush(self):
- self.filter.flush()
- def close(self):
- if not self.done:
- self.undivertAll(True)
- self.filter.close()
- self.done = True
- def shortcut(self, shortcut):
- """Take a filter shortcut and translate it into a filter, returning
- it. Sequences don't count here; these should be detected
- independently."""
- if shortcut == 0:
- return NullFilter()
- elif type(shortcut) is types.FunctionType or \
- type(shortcut) is types.BuiltinFunctionType or \
- type(shortcut) is types.BuiltinMethodType or \
- type(shortcut) is types.LambdaType:
- return FunctionFilter(shortcut)
- elif type(shortcut) is types.StringType:
- return StringFilter(filter)
- elif type(shortcut) is types.DictType:
- raise NotImplementedError, "mapping filters not yet supported"
- else:
- # Presume it's a plain old filter.
- return shortcut
- def last(self):
- """Find the last filter in the current filter chain, or None if
- there are no filters installed."""
- if self.filter is None:
- return None
- thisFilter, lastFilter = self.filter, None
- while thisFilter is not None and thisFilter is not self.file:
- lastFilter = thisFilter
- thisFilter = thisFilter.next()
- return lastFilter
- def install(self, shortcut=None):
- """Install a new filter; None means no filter. Handle all the
- special shortcuts for filters here."""
- # Before starting, execute a flush.
- self.filter.flush()
- if shortcut is None or shortcut == [] or shortcut == ():
- # Shortcuts for "no filter."
- self.filter = self.file
- else:
- if type(shortcut) in (types.ListType, types.TupleType):
- shortcuts = list(shortcut)
- else:
- shortcuts = [shortcut]
- # Run through the shortcut filter names, replacing them with
- # full-fledged instances of Filter.
- filters = []
- for shortcut in shortcuts:
- filters.append(self.shortcut(shortcut))
- if len(filters) > 1:
- # If there's more than one filter provided, chain them
- # together.
- lastFilter = None
- for filter in filters:
- if lastFilter is not None:
- lastFilter.attach(filter)
- lastFilter = filter
- lastFilter.attach(self.file)
- self.filter = filters[0]
- else:
- # If there's only one filter, assume that it's alone or it's
- # part of a chain that has already been manually chained;
- # just find the end.
- filter = filters[0]
- lastFilter = filter.last()
- lastFilter.attach(self.file)
- self.filter = filter
- def attach(self, shortcut):
- """Attached a solitary filter (no sequences allowed here) at the
- end of the current filter chain."""
- lastFilter = self.last()
- if lastFilter is None:
- # Just install it from scratch if there is no active filter.
- self.install(shortcut)
- else:
- # Attach the last filter to this one, and this one to the file.
- filter = self.shortcut(shortcut)
- lastFilter.attach(filter)
- filter.attach(self.file)
- def revert(self):
- """Reset any current diversions."""
- self.currentDiversion = None
- def create(self, name):
- """Create a diversion if one does not already exist, but do not
- divert to it yet."""
- if name is None:
- raise DiversionError, "diversion name must be non-None"
- if not self.diversions.has_key(name):
- self.diversions[name] = Diversion()
- def retrieve(self, name):
- """Retrieve the given diversion."""
- if name is None:
- raise DiversionError, "diversion name must be non-None"
- if self.diversions.has_key(name):
- return self.diversions[name]
- else:
- raise DiversionError, "nonexistent diversion: %s" % name
- def divert(self, name):
- """Start diverting."""
- if name is None:
- raise DiversionError, "diversion name must be non-None"
- self.create(name)
- self.currentDiversion = name
- def undivert(self, name, purgeAfterwards=False):
- """Undivert a particular diversion."""
- if name is None:
- raise DiversionError, "diversion name must be non-None"
- if self.diversions.has_key(name):
- diversion = self.diversions[name]
- self.filter.write(diversion.asString())
- if purgeAfterwards:
- self.purge(name)
- else:
- raise DiversionError, "nonexistent diversion: %s" % name
- def purge(self, name):
- """Purge the specified diversion."""
- if name is None:
- raise DiversionError, "diversion name must be non-None"
- if self.diversions.has_key(name):
- del self.diversions[name]
- if self.currentDiversion == name:
- self.currentDiversion = None
- def undivertAll(self, purgeAfterwards=True):
- """Undivert all pending diversions."""
- if self.diversions:
- self.revert() # revert before undiverting!
- names = self.diversions.keys()
- names.sort()
- for name in names:
- self.undivert(name)
- if purgeAfterwards:
- self.purge(name)
- def purgeAll(self):
- """Eliminate all existing diversions."""
- if self.diversions:
- self.diversions = {}
- self.currentDiversion = None
-class NullFile:
- """A simple class that supports all the file-like object methods
- but simply does nothing at all."""
- def __init__(self): pass
- def write(self, data): pass
- def writelines(self, lines): pass
- def flush(self): pass
- def close(self): pass
-class UncloseableFile:
- """A simple class which wraps around a delegate file-like object
- and lets everything through except close calls."""
- def __init__(self, delegate):
- self.delegate = delegate
- def write(self, data):
- self.delegate.write(data)
- def writelines(self, lines):
- self.delegate.writelines(data)
- def flush(self):
- self.delegate.flush()
- def close(self):
- """Eat this one."""
- pass
-class ProxyFile:
- """The proxy file object that is intended to take the place of
- sys.stdout. The proxy can manage a stack of file objects it is
- writing to, and an underlying raw file object."""
- def __init__(self, bottom):
- self.stack = Stack()
- self.bottom = bottom
- def current(self):
- """Get the current stream to write to."""
- if self.stack:
- return self.stack[-1][1]
- else:
- return self.bottom
- def push(self, interpreter):
- self.stack.push((interpreter, interpreter.stream()))
- def pop(self, interpreter):
- result = self.stack.pop()
- assert interpreter is result[0]
- def clear(self, interpreter):
- self.stack.filter(lambda x, i=interpreter: x[0] is not i)
- def write(self, data):
- self.current().write(data)
- def writelines(self, lines):
- self.current().writelines(lines)
- def flush(self):
- self.current().flush()
- def close(self):
- """Close the current file. If the current file is the bottom, then
- close it and dispose of it."""
- current = self.current()
- if current is self.bottom:
- self.bottom = None
- current.close()
- def _testProxy(self): pass
-class Filter:
- """An abstract filter."""
- def __init__(self):
- if self.__class__ is Filter:
- raise NotImplementedError
- self.sink = None
- def next(self):
- """Return the next filter/file-like object in the sequence, or None."""
- return self.sink
- def write(self, data):
- """The standard write method; this must be overridden in subclasses."""
- raise NotImplementedError
- def writelines(self, lines):
- """Standard writelines wrapper."""
- for line in lines:
- self.write(line)
- def _flush(self):
- """The _flush method should always flush the sink and should not
- be overridden."""
- self.sink.flush()
- def flush(self):
- """The flush method can be overridden."""
- self._flush()
- def close(self):
- """Close the filter. Do an explicit flush first, then close the
- sink."""
- self.flush()
- self.sink.close()
- def attach(self, filter):
- """Attach a filter to this one."""
- if self.sink is not None:
- # If it's already attached, detach it first.
- self.detach()
- self.sink = filter
- def detach(self):
- """Detach a filter from its sink."""
- self.flush()
- self._flush() # do a guaranteed flush to just to be safe
- self.sink = None
- def last(self):
- """Find the last filter in this chain."""
- this, last = self, self
- while this is not None:
- last = this
- this = this.next()
- return last
-class NullFilter(Filter):
- """A filter that never sends any output to its sink."""
- def write(self, data): pass
-class FunctionFilter(Filter):
- """A filter that works simply by pumping its input through a
- function which maps strings into strings."""
- def __init__(self, function):
- Filter.__init__(self)
- self.function = function
- def write(self, data):
- self.sink.write(self.function(data))
-class StringFilter(Filter):
- """A filter that takes a translation string (256 characters) and
- filters any incoming data through it."""
- def __init__(self, table):
- if not (type(table) == types.StringType and len(table) == 256):
- raise FilterError, "table must be 256-character string"
- Filter.__init__(self)
- self.table = table
- def write(self, data):
- self.sink.write(string.translate(data, self.table))
-class BufferedFilter(Filter):
- """A buffered filter is one that doesn't modify the source data
- sent to the sink, but instead holds it for a time. The standard
- variety only sends the data along when it receives a flush
- command."""
- def __init__(self):
- Filter.__init__(self)
- self.buffer = ''
- def write(self, data):
- self.buffer = self.buffer + data
- def flush(self):
- if self.buffer:
- self.sink.write(self.buffer)
- self._flush()
-class SizeBufferedFilter(BufferedFilter):
- """A size-buffered filter only in fixed size chunks (excepting the
- final chunk)."""
- def __init__(self, bufferSize):
- BufferedFilter.__init__(self)
- self.bufferSize = bufferSize
- def write(self, data):
- BufferedFilter.write(self, data)
- while len(self.buffer) > self.bufferSize:
- chunk, self.buffer = \
- self.buffer[:self.bufferSize], self.buffer[self.bufferSize:]
- self.sink.write(chunk)
-class LineBufferedFilter(BufferedFilter):
- """A line-buffered filter only lets data through when it sees
- whole lines."""
- def __init__(self):
- BufferedFilter.__init__(self)
- def write(self, data):
- BufferedFilter.write(self, data)
- chunks = string.split(self.buffer, '\n')
- for chunk in chunks[:-1]:
- self.sink.write(chunk + '\n')
- self.buffer = chunks[-1]
-class MaximallyBufferedFilter(BufferedFilter):
- """A maximally-buffered filter only lets its data through on the final
- close. It ignores flushes."""
- def __init__(self):
- BufferedFilter.__init__(self)
- def flush(self): pass
- def close(self):
- if self.buffer:
- BufferedFilter.flush(self)
- self.sink.close()
-class Context:
- """An interpreter context, which encapsulates a name, an input
- file object, and a parser object."""
- DEFAULT_UNIT = 'lines'
- def __init__(self, name, line=0, units=DEFAULT_UNIT):
- self.name = name
- self.line = line
- self.units = units
- self.pause = False
- def bump(self, quantity=1):
- if self.pause:
- self.pause = False
- else:
- self.line = self.line + quantity
- def identify(self):
- return self.name, self.line
- def __str__(self):
- if self.units == self.DEFAULT_UNIT:
- return "%s:%s" % (self.name, self.line)
- else:
- return "%s:%s[%s]" % (self.name, self.line, self.units)
-class Hook:
- """The base class for implementing hooks."""
- def __init__(self):
- self.interpreter = None
- def register(self, interpreter):
- self.interpreter = interpreter
- def deregister(self, interpreter):
- if interpreter is not self.interpreter:
- raise Error, "hook not associated with this interpreter"
- self.interpreter = None
- def push(self):
- self.interpreter.push()
- def pop(self):
- self.interpreter.pop()
- def null(self): pass
- def atStartup(self): pass
- def atReady(self): pass
- def atFinalize(self): pass
- def atShutdown(self): pass
- def atParse(self, scanner, locals): pass
- def atToken(self, token): pass
- def atHandle(self, meta): pass
- def atInteract(self): pass
- def beforeInclude(self, name, file, locals): pass
- def afterInclude(self): pass
- def beforeExpand(self, string, locals): pass
- def afterExpand(self, result): pass
- def beforeFile(self, name, file, locals): pass
- def afterFile(self): pass
- def beforeBinary(self, name, file, chunkSize, locals): pass
- def afterBinary(self): pass
- def beforeString(self, name, string, locals): pass
- def afterString(self): pass
- def beforeQuote(self, string): pass
- def afterQuote(self, result): pass
- def beforeEscape(self, string, more): pass
- def afterEscape(self, result): pass
- def beforeControl(self, type, rest, locals): pass
- def afterControl(self): pass
- def beforeSignificate(self, key, value, locals): pass
- def afterSignificate(self): pass
- def beforeAtomic(self, name, value, locals): pass
- def afterAtomic(self): pass
- def beforeMulti(self, name, values, locals): pass
- def afterMulti(self): pass
- def beforeImport(self, name, locals): pass
- def afterImport(self): pass
- def beforeClause(self, catch, locals): pass
- def afterClause(self, exception, variable): pass
- def beforeSerialize(self, expression, locals): pass
- def afterSerialize(self): pass
- def beforeDefined(self, name, locals): pass
- def afterDefined(self, result): pass
- def beforeLiteral(self, text): pass
- def afterLiteral(self): pass
- def beforeEvaluate(self, expression, locals): pass
- def afterEvaluate(self, result): pass
- def beforeExecute(self, statements, locals): pass
- def afterExecute(self): pass
- def beforeSingle(self, source, locals): pass
- def afterSingle(self): pass
-class VerboseHook(Hook):
- """A verbose hook that reports all information received by the
- hook interface. This class dynamically scans the Hook base class
- to ensure that all hook methods are properly represented."""
- EXEMPT_ATTRIBUTES = ['register', 'deregister', 'push', 'pop']
- def __init__(self, output=sys.stderr):
- Hook.__init__(self)
- self.output = output
- self.indent = 0
- class FakeMethod:
- """This is a proxy method-like object."""
- def __init__(self, hook, name):
- self.hook = hook
- self.name = name
- def __call__(self, **keywords):
- self.hook.output.write("%s%s: %s\n" % \
- (' ' * self.hook.indent, \
- self.name, repr(keywords)))
- for attribute in dir(Hook):
- if attribute[:1] != '_' and \
- attribute not in self.EXEMPT_ATTRIBUTES:
- self.__dict__[attribute] = FakeMethod(self, attribute)
-class Token:
- """An element of expansion."""
- def run(self, interpreter, locals):
- raise NotImplementedError
- def string(self):
- raise NotImplementedError
- def __str__(self): return self.string()
-class NullToken(Token):
- """A chunk of data not containing markups."""
- def __init__(self, data):
- self.data = data
- def run(self, interpreter, locals):
- interpreter.write(self.data)
- def string(self):
- return self.data
-class ExpansionToken(Token):
- """A token that involves an expansion."""
- def __init__(self, prefix, first):
- self.prefix = prefix
- self.first = first
- def scan(self, scanner):
- pass
- def run(self, interpreter, locals):
- pass
-class WhitespaceToken(ExpansionToken):
- """A whitespace markup."""
- def string(self):
- return '%s%s' % (self.prefix, self.first)
-class LiteralToken(ExpansionToken):
- """A literal markup."""
- def run(self, interpreter, locals):
- interpreter.write(self.first)
- def string(self):
- return '%s%s' % (self.prefix, self.first)
-class PrefixToken(ExpansionToken):
- """A prefix markup."""
- def run(self, interpreter, locals):
- interpreter.write(interpreter.prefix)
- def string(self):
- return self.prefix * 2
-class CommentToken(ExpansionToken):
- """A comment markup."""
- def scan(self, scanner):
- loc = scanner.find('\n')
- if loc >= 0:
- self.comment = scanner.chop(loc, 1)
- else:
- raise TransientParseError, "comment expects newline"
- def string(self):
- return '%s#%s\n' % (self.prefix, self.comment)
-class ContextNameToken(ExpansionToken):
- """A context name change markup."""
- def scan(self, scanner):
- loc = scanner.find('\n')
- if loc >= 0:
- self.name = string.strip(scanner.chop(loc, 1))
- else:
- raise TransientParseError, "context name expects newline"
- def run(self, interpreter, locals):
- context = interpreter.context()
- context.name = self.name
-class ContextLineToken(ExpansionToken):
- """A context line change markup."""
- def scan(self, scanner):
- loc = scanner.find('\n')
- if loc >= 0:
- try:
- self.line = int(scanner.chop(loc, 1))
- except ValueError:
- raise ParseError, "context line requires integer"
- else:
- raise TransientParseError, "context line expects newline"
- def run(self, interpreter, locals):
- context = interpreter.context()
- context.line = self.line
- context.pause = True
-class EscapeToken(ExpansionToken):
- """An escape markup."""
- def scan(self, scanner):
- try:
- code = scanner.chop(1)
- result = None
- if code in '()[]{}\'\"\\': # literals
- result = code
- elif code == '0': # NUL
- result = '\x00'
- elif code == 'a': # BEL
- result = '\x07'
- elif code == 'b': # BS
- result = '\x08'
- elif code == 'd': # decimal code
- decimalCode = scanner.chop(3)
- result = chr(string.atoi(decimalCode, 10))
- elif code == 'e': # ESC
- result = '\x1b'
- elif code == 'f': # FF
- result = '\x0c'
- elif code == 'h': # DEL
- result = '\x7f'
- elif code == 'n': # LF (newline)
- result = '\x0a'
- elif code == 'N': # Unicode character name
- theSubsystem.assertUnicode()
- import unicodedata
- if scanner.chop(1) != '{':
- raise ParseError, r"Unicode name escape should be \N{...}"
- i = scanner.find('}')
- name = scanner.chop(i, 1)
- try:
- result = unicodedata.lookup(name)
- except KeyError:
- raise SubsystemError, \
- "unknown Unicode character name: %s" % name
- elif code == 'o': # octal code
- octalCode = scanner.chop(3)
- result = chr(string.atoi(octalCode, 8))
- elif code == 'q': # quaternary code
- quaternaryCode = scanner.chop(4)
- result = chr(string.atoi(quaternaryCode, 4))
- elif code == 'r': # CR
- result = '\x0d'
- elif code in 's ': # SP
- result = ' '
- elif code == 't': # HT
- result = '\x09'
- elif code in 'u': # Unicode 16-bit hex literal
- theSubsystem.assertUnicode()
- hexCode = scanner.chop(4)
- result = unichr(string.atoi(hexCode, 16))
- elif code in 'U': # Unicode 32-bit hex literal
- theSubsystem.assertUnicode()
- hexCode = scanner.chop(8)
- result = unichr(string.atoi(hexCode, 16))
- elif code == 'v': # VT
- result = '\x0b'
- elif code == 'x': # hexadecimal code
- hexCode = scanner.chop(2)
- result = chr(string.atoi(hexCode, 16))
- elif code == 'z': # EOT
- result = '\x04'
- elif code == '^': # control character
- controlCode = string.upper(scanner.chop(1))
- if controlCode >= '@' and controlCode <= '`':
- result = chr(ord(controlCode) - ord('@'))
- elif controlCode == '?':
- result = '\x7f'
- else:
- raise ParseError, "invalid escape control code"
- else:
- raise ParseError, "unrecognized escape code"
- assert result is not None
- self.code = result
- except ValueError:
- raise ParseError, "invalid numeric escape code"
- def run(self, interpreter, locals):
- interpreter.write(self.code)
- def string(self):
- return '%s\\x%02x' % (self.prefix, ord(self.code))
-class SignificatorToken(ExpansionToken):
- """A significator markup."""
- def scan(self, scanner):
- loc = scanner.find('\n')
- if loc >= 0:
- line = scanner.chop(loc, 1)
- if not line:
- raise ParseError, "significator must have nonblank key"
- if line[0] in ' \t\v\n':
- raise ParseError, "no whitespace between % and key"
- # Work around a subtle CPython-Jython difference by stripping
- # the string before splitting it: 'a '.split(None, 1) has two
- # elements in Jython 2.1).
- fields = string.split(string.strip(line), None, 1)
- if len(fields) == 2 and fields[1] == '':
- fields.pop()
- self.key = fields[0]
- if len(fields) < 2:
- fields.append(None)
- self.key, self.valueCode = fields
- else:
- raise TransientParseError, "significator expects newline"
- def run(self, interpreter, locals):
- value = self.valueCode
- if value is not None:
- value = interpreter.evaluate(string.strip(value), locals)
- interpreter.significate(self.key, value)
- def string(self):
- if self.valueCode is None:
- return '%s%%%s\n' % (self.prefix, self.key)
- else:
- return '%s%%%s %s\n' % (self.prefix, self.key, self.valueCode)
-class ExpressionToken(ExpansionToken):
- """An expression markup."""
- def scan(self, scanner):
- z = scanner.complex('(', ')', 0)
- try:
- q = scanner.next('$', 0, z, True)
- except ParseError:
- q = z
- try:
- i = scanner.next('?', 0, q, True)
- try:
- j = scanner.next('!', i, q, True)
- except ParseError:
- try:
- j = scanner.next(':', i, q, True) # DEPRECATED
- except ParseError:
- j = q
- except ParseError:
- i = j = q
- code = scanner.chop(z, 1)
- self.testCode = code[:i]
- self.thenCode = code[i + 1:j]
- self.elseCode = code[j + 1:q]
- self.exceptCode = code[q + 1:z]
- def run(self, interpreter, locals):
- try:
- result = interpreter.evaluate(self.testCode, locals)
- if self.thenCode:
- if result:
- result = interpreter.evaluate(self.thenCode, locals)
- else:
- if self.elseCode:
- result = interpreter.evaluate(self.elseCode, locals)
- else:
- result = None
- except SyntaxError:
- # Don't catch syntax errors; let them through.
- raise
- except:
- if self.exceptCode:
- result = interpreter.evaluate(self.exceptCode, locals)
- else:
- raise
- if result is not None:
- interpreter.write(str(result))
- def string(self):
- result = self.testCode
- if self.thenCode:
- result = result + '?' + self.thenCode
- if self.elseCode:
- result = result + '!' + self.elseCode
- if self.exceptCode:
- result = result + '$' + self.exceptCode
- return '%s(%s)' % (self.prefix, result)
-class StringLiteralToken(ExpansionToken):
- """A string token markup."""
- def scan(self, scanner):
- scanner.retreat()
- assert scanner[0] == self.first
- i = scanner.quote()
- self.literal = scanner.chop(i)
- def run(self, interpreter, locals):
- interpreter.literal(self.literal)
- def string(self):
- return '%s%s' % (self.prefix, self.literal)
-class SimpleExpressionToken(ExpansionToken):
- """A simple expression markup."""
- def scan(self, scanner):
- i = scanner.simple()
- self.code = self.first + scanner.chop(i)
- def run(self, interpreter, locals):
- interpreter.serialize(self.code, locals)
- def string(self):
- return '%s%s' % (self.prefix, self.code)
-class ReprToken(ExpansionToken):
- """A repr markup."""
- def scan(self, scanner):
- i = scanner.next('`', 0)
- self.code = scanner.chop(i, 1)
- def run(self, interpreter, locals):
- interpreter.write(repr(interpreter.evaluate(self.code, locals)))
- def string(self):
- return '%s`%s`' % (self.prefix, self.code)
-class InPlaceToken(ExpansionToken):
- """An in-place markup."""
- def scan(self, scanner):
- i = scanner.next(':', 0)
- j = scanner.next(':', i + 1)
- self.code = scanner.chop(i, j - i + 1)
- def run(self, interpreter, locals):
- interpreter.write("%s:%s:" % (interpreter.prefix, self.code))
- try:
- interpreter.serialize(self.code, locals)
- finally:
- interpreter.write(":")
- def string(self):
- return '%s:%s::' % (self.prefix, self.code)
-class StatementToken(ExpansionToken):
- """A statement markup."""
- def scan(self, scanner):
- i = scanner.complex('{', '}', 0)
- self.code = scanner.chop(i, 1)
- def run(self, interpreter, locals):
- interpreter.execute(self.code, locals)
- def string(self):
- return '%s{%s}' % (self.prefix, self.code)
-class CustomToken(ExpansionToken):
- """A custom markup."""
- def scan(self, scanner):
- i = scanner.complex('<', '>', 0)
- self.contents = scanner.chop(i, 1)
- def run(self, interpreter, locals):
- interpreter.invokeCallback(self.contents)
- def string(self):
- return '%s<%s>' % (self.prefix, self.contents)
-class ControlToken(ExpansionToken):
- """A control token."""
- PRIMARY_TYPES = ['if', 'for', 'while', 'try', 'def']
- SECONDARY_TYPES = ['elif', 'else', 'except', 'finally']
- TERTIARY_TYPES = ['continue', 'break']
- GREEDY_TYPES = ['if', 'elif', 'for', 'while', 'def', 'end']
- END_TYPES = ['end']
- IN_RE = re.compile(r"\bin\b")
- def scan(self, scanner):
- scanner.acquire()
- i = scanner.complex('[', ']', 0)
- self.contents = scanner.chop(i, 1)
- fields = string.split(string.strip(self.contents), ' ', 1)
- if len(fields) > 1:
- self.type, self.rest = fields
- else:
- self.type = fields[0]
- self.rest = None
- self.subtokens = []
- if self.type in self.GREEDY_TYPES and self.rest is None:
- raise ParseError, "control '%s' needs arguments" % self.type
- if self.type in self.PRIMARY_TYPES:
- self.subscan(scanner, self.type)
- self.kind = 'primary'
- elif self.type in self.SECONDARY_TYPES:
- self.kind = 'secondary'
- elif self.type in self.TERTIARY_TYPES:
- self.kind = 'tertiary'
- elif self.type in self.END_TYPES:
- self.kind = 'end'
- else:
- raise ParseError, "unknown control markup: '%s'" % self.type
- scanner.release()
- def subscan(self, scanner, primary):
- """Do a subscan for contained tokens."""
- while True:
- token = scanner.one()
- if token is None:
- raise TransientParseError, \
- "control '%s' needs more tokens" % primary
- if isinstance(token, ControlToken) and \
- token.type in self.END_TYPES:
- if token.rest != primary:
- raise ParseError, \
- "control must end with 'end %s'" % primary
- break
- self.subtokens.append(token)
- def build(self, allowed=None):
- """Process the list of subtokens and divide it into a list of
- 2-tuples, consisting of the dividing tokens and the list of
- subtokens that follow them. If allowed is specified, it will
- represent the list of the only secondary markup types which
- are allowed."""
- if allowed is None:
- result = []
- latest = []
- result.append((self, latest))
- for subtoken in self.subtokens:
- if isinstance(subtoken, ControlToken) and \
- subtoken.kind == 'secondary':
- if subtoken.type not in allowed:
- raise ParseError, \
- "control unexpected secondary: '%s'" % subtoken.type
- latest = []
- result.append((subtoken, latest))
- else:
- latest.append(subtoken)
- return result
- def run(self, interpreter, locals):
- interpreter.invoke('beforeControl', type=self.type, rest=self.rest, \
- locals=locals)
- if self.type == 'if':
- info = self.build(['elif', 'else'])
- elseTokens = None
- if info[-1][0].type == 'else':
- elseTokens = info.pop()[1]
- for secondary, subtokens in info:
- if secondary.type not in ('if', 'elif'):
- raise ParseError, \
- "control 'if' unexpected secondary: '%s'" % secondary.type
- if interpreter.evaluate(secondary.rest, locals):
- self.subrun(subtokens, interpreter, locals)
- break
- else:
- if elseTokens:
- self.subrun(elseTokens, interpreter, locals)
- elif self.type == 'for':
- sides = self.IN_RE.split(self.rest, 1)
- if len(sides) != 2:
- raise ParseError, "control expected 'for x in seq'"
- iterator, sequenceCode = sides
- info = self.build(['else'])
- elseTokens = None
- if info[-1][0].type == 'else':
- elseTokens = info.pop()[1]
- if len(info) != 1:
- raise ParseError, "control 'for' expects at most one 'else'"
- sequence = interpreter.evaluate(sequenceCode, locals)
- for element in sequence:
- try:
- interpreter.assign(iterator, element, locals)
- self.subrun(info[0][1], interpreter, locals)
- except ContinueFlow:
- continue
- except BreakFlow:
- break
- else:
- if elseTokens:
- self.subrun(elseTokens, interpreter, locals)
- elif self.type == 'while':
- testCode = self.rest
- info = self.build(['else'])
- elseTokens = None
- if info[-1][0].type == 'else':
- elseTokens = info.pop()[1]
- if len(info) != 1:
- raise ParseError, "control 'while' expects at most one 'else'"
- atLeastOnce = False
- while True:
- try:
- if not interpreter.evaluate(testCode, locals):
- break
- atLeastOnce = True
- self.subrun(info[0][1], interpreter, locals)
- except ContinueFlow:
- continue
- except BreakFlow:
- break
- if not atLeastOnce and elseTokens:
- self.subrun(elseTokens, interpreter, locals)
- elif self.type == 'try':
- info = self.build(['except', 'finally'])
- if len(info) == 1:
- raise ParseError, "control 'try' needs 'except' or 'finally'"
- type = info[-1][0].type
- if type == 'except':
- for secondary, _tokens in info[1:]:
- if secondary.type != 'except':
- raise ParseError, \
- "control 'try' cannot have 'except' and 'finally'"
- else:
- assert type == 'finally'
- if len(info) != 2:
- raise ParseError, \
- "control 'try' can only have one 'finally'"
- if type == 'except':
- try:
- self.subrun(info[0][1], interpreter, locals)
- except FlowError:
- raise
- except Exception, e:
- for secondary, tokens in info[1:]:
- exception, variable = interpreter.clause(secondary.rest)
- if variable is not None:
- interpreter.assign(variable, e)
- if isinstance(e, exception):
- self.subrun(tokens, interpreter, locals)
- break
- else:
- raise
- else:
- try:
- self.subrun(info[0][1], interpreter, locals)
- finally:
- self.subrun(info[1][1], interpreter, locals)
- elif self.type == 'continue':
- raise ContinueFlow, "control 'continue' without 'for', 'while'"
- elif self.type == 'break':
- raise BreakFlow, "control 'break' without 'for', 'while'"
- elif self.type == 'def':
- signature = self.rest
- definition = self.substring()
- code = 'def %s:\n' \
- ' r"""%s"""\n' \
- ' return %s.expand(r"""%s""", locals())\n' % \
- (signature, definition, interpreter.pseudo, definition)
- interpreter.execute(code, locals)
- elif self.type == 'end':
- raise ParseError, "control 'end' requires primary markup"
- else:
- raise ParseError, \
- "control '%s' cannot be at this level" % self.type
- interpreter.invoke('afterControl')
- def subrun(self, tokens, interpreter, locals):
- """Execute a sequence of tokens."""
- for token in tokens:
- token.run(interpreter, locals)
- def substring(self):
- return string.join(map(str, self.subtokens), '')
- def string(self):
- if self.kind == 'primary':
- return '%s[%s]%s%s[end %s]' % \
- (self.prefix, self.contents, self.substring(), \
- self.prefix, self.type)
- else:
- return '%s[%s]' % (self.prefix, self.contents)
-class Scanner:
- """A scanner holds a buffer for lookahead parsing and has the
- ability to scan for special symbols and indicators in that
- buffer."""
- # This is the token mapping table that maps first characters to
- # token classes.
- (None, PrefixToken),
- (' \t\v\r\n', WhitespaceToken),
- (')]}', LiteralToken),
- ('\\', EscapeToken),
- ('#', CommentToken),
- ('?', ContextNameToken),
- ('!', ContextLineToken),
- ('%', SignificatorToken),
- ('(', ExpressionToken),
- (IDENTIFIER_FIRST_CHARS, SimpleExpressionToken),
- ('\'\"', StringLiteralToken),
- ('`', ReprToken),
- (':', InPlaceToken),
- ('[', ControlToken),
- ('{', StatementToken),
- ('<', CustomToken),
- ]
- def __init__(self, prefix, data=''):
- self.prefix = prefix
- self.pointer = 0
- self.buffer = data
- self.lock = 0
- def __nonzero__(self): return self.pointer < len(self.buffer)
- def __len__(self): return len(self.buffer) - self.pointer
- def __getitem__(self, index): return self.buffer[self.pointer + index]
- def __getslice__(self, start, stop):
- if stop > len(self):
- stop = len(self)
- return self.buffer[self.pointer + start:self.pointer + stop]
- def advance(self, count=1):
- """Advance the pointer count characters."""
- self.pointer = self.pointer + count
- def retreat(self, count=1):
- self.pointer = self.pointer - count
- if self.pointer < 0:
- raise ParseError, "can't retreat back over synced out chars"
- def set(self, data):
- """Start the scanner digesting a new batch of data; start the pointer
- over from scratch."""
- self.pointer = 0
- self.buffer = data
- def feed(self, data):
- """Feed some more data to the scanner."""
- self.buffer = self.buffer + data
- def chop(self, count=None, slop=0):
- """Chop the first count + slop characters off the front, and return
- the first count. If count is not specified, then return
- everything."""
- if count is None:
- assert slop == 0
- count = len(self)
- if count > len(self):
- raise TransientParseError, "not enough data to read"
- result = self[:count]
- self.advance(count + slop)
- return result
- def acquire(self):
- """Lock the scanner so it doesn't destroy data on sync."""
- self.lock = self.lock + 1
- def release(self):
- """Unlock the scanner."""
- self.lock = self.lock - 1
- def sync(self):
- """Sync up the buffer with the read head."""
- if self.lock == 0 and self.pointer != 0:
- self.buffer = self.buffer[self.pointer:]
- self.pointer = 0
- def unsync(self):
- """Undo changes; reset the read head."""
- if self.pointer != 0:
- self.lock = 0
- self.pointer = 0
- def rest(self):
- """Get the remainder of the buffer."""
- return self[:]
- def read(self, i=0, count=1):
- """Read count chars starting from i; raise a transient error if
- there aren't enough characters remaining."""
- if len(self) < i + count:
- raise TransientParseError, "need more data to read"
- else:
- return self[i:i + count]
- def check(self, i, archetype=None):
- """Scan for the next single or triple quote, with the specified
- archetype. Return the found quote or None."""
- quote = None
- if self[i] in '\'\"':
- quote = self[i]
- if len(self) - i < 3:
- for j in range(i, len(self)):
- if self[i] == quote:
- return quote
- else:
- raise TransientParseError, "need to scan for rest of quote"
- if self[i + 1] == self[i + 2] == quote:
- quote = quote * 3
- if quote is not None:
- if archetype is None:
- return quote
- else:
- if archetype == quote:
- return quote
- elif len(archetype) < len(quote) and archetype[0] == quote[0]:
- return archetype
- else:
- return None
- else:
- return None
- def find(self, sub, start=0, end=None):
- """Find the next occurrence of the character, or return -1."""
- if end is not None:
- return string.find(self.rest(), sub, start, end)
- else:
- return string.find(self.rest(), sub, start)
- def last(self, char, start=0, end=None):
- """Find the first character that is _not_ the specified character."""
- if end is None:
- end = len(self)
- i = start
- while i < end:
- if self[i] != char:
- return i
- i = i + 1
- else:
- raise TransientParseError, "expecting other than %s" % char
- def next(self, target, start=0, end=None, mandatory=False):
- """Scan for the next occurrence of one of the characters in
- the target string; optionally, make the scan mandatory."""
- if mandatory:
- assert end is not None
- quote = None
- if end is None:
- end = len(self)
- i = start
- while i < end:
- newQuote = self.check(i, quote)
- if newQuote:
- if newQuote == quote:
- quote = None
- else:
- quote = newQuote
- i = i + len(newQuote)
- else:
- c = self[i]
- if quote:
- if c == '\\':
- i = i + 1
- else:
- if c in target:
- return i
- i = i + 1
- else:
- if mandatory:
- raise ParseError, "expecting %s, not found" % target
- else:
- raise TransientParseError, "expecting ending character"
- def quote(self, start=0, end=None, mandatory=False):
- """Scan for the end of the next quote."""
- assert self[start] in '\'\"'
- quote = self.check(start)
- if end is None:
- end = len(self)
- i = start + len(quote)
- while i < end:
- newQuote = self.check(i, quote)
- if newQuote:
- i = i + len(newQuote)
- if newQuote == quote:
- return i
- else:
- c = self[i]
- if c == '\\':
- i = i + 1
- i = i + 1
- else:
- if mandatory:
- raise ParseError, "expecting end of string literal"
- else:
- raise TransientParseError, "expecting end of string literal"
- def nested(self, enter, exit, start=0, end=None):
- """Scan from i for an ending sequence, respecting entries and exits
- only."""
- depth = 0
- if end is None:
- end = len(self)
- i = start
- while i < end:
- c = self[i]
- if c == enter:
- depth = depth + 1
- elif c == exit:
- depth = depth - 1
- if depth < 0:
- return i
- i = i + 1
- else:
- raise TransientParseError, "expecting end of complex expression"
- def complex(self, enter, exit, start=0, end=None, skip=None):
- """Scan from i for an ending sequence, respecting quotes,
- entries and exits."""
- quote = None
- depth = 0
- if end is None:
- end = len(self)
- last = None
- i = start
- while i < end:
- newQuote = self.check(i, quote)
- if newQuote:
- if newQuote == quote:
- quote = None
- else:
- quote = newQuote
- i = i + len(newQuote)
- else:
- c = self[i]
- if quote:
- if c == '\\':
- i = i + 1
- else:
- if skip is None or last != skip:
- if c == enter:
- depth = depth + 1
- elif c == exit:
- depth = depth - 1
- if depth < 0:
- return i
- last = c
- i = i + 1
- else:
- raise TransientParseError, "expecting end of complex expression"
- def word(self, start=0):
- """Scan from i for a simple word."""
- length = len(self)
- i = start
- while i < length:
- if not self[i] in IDENTIFIER_CHARS:
- return i
- i = i + 1
- else:
- raise TransientParseError, "expecting end of word"
- def phrase(self, start=0):
- """Scan from i for a phrase (e.g., 'word', 'f(a, b, c)', 'a[i]', or
- combinations like 'x[i](a)'."""
- # Find the word.
- i = self.word(start)
- while i < len(self) and self[i] in '([{':
- enter = self[i]
- if enter == '{':
- raise ParseError, "curly braces can't open simple expressions"
- exit = ENDING_CHARS[enter]
- i = self.complex(enter, exit, i + 1) + 1
- return i
- def simple(self, start=0):
- """Scan from i for a simple expression, which consists of one
- more phrases separated by dots."""
- i = self.phrase(start)
- length = len(self)
- while i < length and self[i] == '.':
- i = self.phrase(i)
- # Make sure we don't end with a trailing dot.
- while i > 0 and self[i - 1] == '.':
- i = i - 1
- return i
- def one(self):
- """Parse and return one token, or None if the scanner is empty."""
- if not self:
- return None
- if not self.prefix:
- loc = -1
- else:
- loc = self.find(self.prefix)
- if loc < 0:
- # If there's no prefix in the buffer, then set the location to
- # the end so the whole thing gets processed.
- loc = len(self)
- if loc == 0:
- # If there's a prefix at the beginning of the buffer, process
- # an expansion.
- prefix = self.chop(1)
- assert prefix == self.prefix
- first = self.chop(1)
- if first == self.prefix:
- first = None
- for firsts, factory in self.TOKEN_MAP:
- if firsts is None:
- if first is None:
- break
- elif first in firsts:
- break
- else:
- raise ParseError, "unknown markup: %s%s" % (self.prefix, first)
- token = factory(self.prefix, first)
- try:
- token.scan(self)
- except TransientParseError:
- # If a transient parse error occurs, reset the buffer pointer
- # so we can (conceivably) try again later.
- self.unsync()
- raise
- else:
- # Process everything up to loc as a null token.
- data = self.chop(loc)
- token = NullToken(data)
- self.sync()
- return token
-class Interpreter:
- """An interpreter can process chunks of EmPy code."""
- # Constants.
- VERSION = __version__
- # Types.
- Interpreter = None # define this below to prevent a circular reference
- Hook = Hook # DEPRECATED
- Filter = Filter # DEPRECATED
- NullFilter = NullFilter # DEPRECATED
- FunctionFilter = FunctionFilter # DEPRECATED
- StringFilter = StringFilter # DEPRECATED
- BufferedFilter = BufferedFilter # DEPRECATED
- SizeBufferedFilter = SizeBufferedFilter # DEPRECATED
- LineBufferedFilter = LineBufferedFilter # DEPRECATED
- MaximallyBufferedFilter = MaximallyBufferedFilter # DEPRECATED
- # Tables.
- ESCAPE_CODES = {0x00: '0', 0x07: 'a', 0x08: 'b', 0x1b: 'e', 0x0c: 'f', \
- 0x7f: 'h', 0x0a: 'n', 0x0d: 'r', 0x09: 't', 0x0b: 'v', \
- 0x04: 'z'}
- ASSIGN_TOKEN_RE = re.compile(r"[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*|\(|\)|,")
- RAW_OPT: False,
- EXIT_OPT: True,
- _wasProxyInstalled = False # was a proxy installed?
- # Construction, initialization, destruction.
- def __init__(self, output=None, argv=None, prefix=DEFAULT_PREFIX, \
- pseudo=None, options=None, globals=None, hooks=None):
- self.interpreter = self # DEPRECATED
- # Set up the stream.
- if output is None:
- output = UncloseableFile(sys.__stdout__)
- self.output = output
- self.prefix = prefix
- if pseudo is None:
- self.pseudo = pseudo
- if argv is None:
- self.argv = argv
- self.args = argv[1:]
- if options is None:
- options = {}
- self.options = options
- # Initialize any hooks.
- self.hooksEnabled = None # special sentinel meaning "false until added"
- self.hooks = []
- if hooks is None:
- hooks = []
- for hook in hooks:
- self.register(hook)
- # Initialize callback.
- self.callback = None
- # Finalizers.
- self.finals = []
- # The interpreter stacks.
- self.contexts = Stack()
- self.streams = Stack()
- # Now set up the globals.
- self.globals = globals
- self.fix()
- self.history = Stack()
- # Install a proxy stdout if one hasn't been already.
- self.installProxy()
- # Finally, reset the state of all the stacks.
- self.reset()
- # Okay, now flatten the namespaces if that option has been set.
- if self.options.get(FLATTEN_OPT, False):
- self.flatten()
- # Set up old pseudomodule attributes.
- if prefix is None:
- else:
- self.Interpreter = self.__class__
- # Done. Now declare that we've started up.
- self.invoke('atStartup')
- def __del__(self):
- self.shutdown()
- def __repr__(self):
- return '<%s pseudomodule/interpreter at 0x%x>' % \
- (self.pseudo, id(self))
- def ready(self):
- """Declare the interpreter ready for normal operations."""
- self.invoke('atReady')
- def fix(self):
- """Reset the globals, stamping in the pseudomodule."""
- if self.globals is None:
- self.globals = {}
- # Make sure that there is no collision between two interpreters'
- # globals.
- if self.globals.has_key(self.pseudo):
- if self.globals[self.pseudo] is not self:
- raise Error, "interpreter globals collision"
- self.globals[self.pseudo] = self
- def unfix(self):
- """Remove the pseudomodule (if present) from the globals."""
- UNWANTED_KEYS = [self.pseudo, '__builtins__']
- for unwantedKey in UNWANTED_KEYS:
- if self.globals.has_key(unwantedKey):
- del self.globals[unwantedKey]
- def update(self, other):
- """Update the current globals dictionary with another dictionary."""
- self.globals.update(other)
- self.fix()
- def clear(self):
- """Clear out the globals dictionary with a brand new one."""
- self.globals = {}
- self.fix()
- def save(self, deep=True):
- if deep:
- copyMethod = copy.deepcopy
- else:
- copyMethod = copy.copy
- """Save a copy of the current globals on the history stack."""
- self.unfix()
- self.history.push(copyMethod(self.globals))
- self.fix()
- def restore(self, destructive=True):
- """Restore the topmost historic globals."""
- if destructive:
- fetchMethod = self.history.pop
- else:
- fetchMethod = self.history.top
- self.unfix()
- self.globals = fetchMethod()
- self.fix()
- def shutdown(self):
- """Declare this interpreting session over; close the stream file
- object. This method is idempotent."""
- if self.streams is not None:
- try:
- self.finalize()
- self.invoke('atShutdown')
- while self.streams:
- stream = self.streams.pop()
- stream.close()
- finally:
- self.streams = None
- def ok(self):
- """Is the interpreter still active?"""
- return self.streams is not None
- # Writeable file-like methods.
- def write(self, data):
- self.stream().write(data)
- def writelines(self, stuff):
- self.stream().writelines(stuff)
- def flush(self):
- self.stream().flush()
- def close(self):
- self.shutdown()
- # Stack-related activity.
- def context(self):
- return self.contexts.top()
- def stream(self):
- return self.streams.top()
- def reset(self):
- self.contexts.purge()
- self.streams.purge()
- self.streams.push(Stream(self.output))
- if self.options.get(OVERRIDE_OPT, True):
- sys.stdout.clear(self)
- def push(self):
- if self.options.get(OVERRIDE_OPT, True):
- sys.stdout.push(self)
- def pop(self):
- if self.options.get(OVERRIDE_OPT, True):
- sys.stdout.pop(self)
- # Higher-level operations.
- def include(self, fileOrFilename, locals=None):
- """Do an include pass on a file or filename."""
- if type(fileOrFilename) is types.StringType:
- # Either it's a string representing a filename ...
- filename = fileOrFilename
- name = filename
- file = theSubsystem.open(filename, 'r')
- else:
- # ... or a file object.
- file = fileOrFilename
- name = "<%s>" % str(file.__class__)
- self.invoke('beforeInclude', name=name, file=file, locals=locals)
- self.file(file, name, locals)
- self.invoke('afterInclude')
- def expand(self, data, locals=None):
- """Do an explicit expansion on a subordinate stream."""
- outFile = StringIO.StringIO()
- stream = Stream(outFile)
- self.invoke('beforeExpand', string=data, locals=locals)
- self.streams.push(stream)
- try:
- self.string(data, '<expand>', locals)
- stream.flush()
- expansion = outFile.getvalue()
- self.invoke('afterExpand', result=expansion)
- return expansion
- finally:
- self.streams.pop()
- def quote(self, data):
- """Quote the given string so that if it were expanded it would
- evaluate to the original."""
- self.invoke('beforeQuote', string=data)
- scanner = Scanner(self.prefix, data)
- result = []
- i = 0
- try:
- j = scanner.next(self.prefix, i)
- result.append(data[i:j])
- result.append(self.prefix * 2)
- i = j + 1
- except TransientParseError:
- pass
- result.append(data[i:])
- result = string.join(result, '')
- self.invoke('afterQuote', result=result)
- return result
- def escape(self, data, more=''):
- """Escape a string so that nonprintable characters are replaced
- with compatible EmPy expansions."""
- self.invoke('beforeEscape', string=data, more=more)
- result = []
- for char in data:
- if char < ' ' or char > '~':
- charOrd = ord(char)
- if Interpreter.ESCAPE_CODES.has_key(charOrd):
- result.append(self.prefix + '\\' + \
- Interpreter.ESCAPE_CODES[charOrd])
- else:
- result.append(self.prefix + '\\x%02x' % charOrd)
- elif char in more:
- result.append(self.prefix + '\\' + char)
- else:
- result.append(char)
- result = string.join(result, '')
- self.invoke('afterEscape', result=result)
- return result
- # Processing.
- def wrap(self, callable, args):
- """Wrap around an application of a callable and handle errors.
- Return whether no error occurred."""
- try:
- apply(callable, args)
- self.reset()
- return True
- except KeyboardInterrupt, e:
- # Handle keyboard interrupts specially: we should always exit
- # from these.
- self.fail(e, True)
- except Exception, e:
- # A standard exception (other than a keyboard interrupt).
- self.fail(e)
- except:
- # If we get here, then either it's an exception not derived from
- # Exception or it's a string exception, so get the error type
- # from the sys module.
- e = sys.exc_type
- self.fail(e)
- # An error occurred if we leak through to here, so do cleanup.
- self.reset()
- return False
- def interact(self):
- """Perform interaction."""
- self.invoke('atInteract')
- done = False
- while not done:
- result = self.wrap(self.file, (sys.stdin, '<interact>'))
- if self.options.get(EXIT_OPT, True):
- done = True
- else:
- if result:
- done = True
- else:
- self.reset()
- def fail(self, error, fatal=False):
- """Handle an actual error that occurred."""
- if self.options.get(BUFFERED_OPT, False):
- try:
- self.output.abort()
- except AttributeError:
- # If the output file object doesn't have an abort method,
- # something got mismatched, but it's too late to do
- # anything about it now anyway, so just ignore it.
- pass
- meta = self.meta(error)
- self.handle(meta)
- if self.options.get(RAW_OPT, False):
- raise
- if fatal or self.options.get(EXIT_OPT, True):
- sys.exit(FAILURE_CODE)
- def file(self, file, name='<file>', locals=None):
- """Parse the entire contents of a file-like object, line by line."""
- context = Context(name)
- self.contexts.push(context)
- self.invoke('beforeFile', name=name, file=file, locals=locals)
- scanner = Scanner(self.prefix)
- first = True
- done = False
- while not done:
- self.context().bump()
- line = file.readline()
- if first:
- if self.options.get(BANGPATH_OPT, True) and self.prefix:
- # Replace a bangpath at the beginning of the first line
- # with an EmPy comment.
- if string.find(line, BANGPATH) == 0:
- line = self.prefix + '#' + line[2:]
- first = False
- if line:
- scanner.feed(line)
- else:
- done = True
- self.safe(scanner, done, locals)
- self.invoke('afterFile')
- self.contexts.pop()
- def binary(self, file, name='<binary>', chunkSize=0, locals=None):
- """Parse the entire contents of a file-like object, in chunks."""
- if chunkSize <= 0:
- context = Context(name, units='bytes')
- self.contexts.push(context)
- self.invoke('beforeBinary', name=name, file=file, \
- chunkSize=chunkSize, locals=locals)
- scanner = Scanner(self.prefix)
- done = False
- while not done:
- chunk = file.read(chunkSize)
- if chunk:
- scanner.feed(chunk)
- else:
- done = True
- self.safe(scanner, done, locals)
- self.context().bump(len(chunk))
- self.invoke('afterBinary')
- self.contexts.pop()
- def string(self, data, name='<string>', locals=None):
- """Parse a string."""
- context = Context(name)
- self.contexts.push(context)
- self.invoke('beforeString', name=name, string=data, locals=locals)
- context.bump()
- scanner = Scanner(self.prefix, data)
- self.safe(scanner, True, locals)
- self.invoke('afterString')
- self.contexts.pop()
- def safe(self, scanner, final=False, locals=None):
- """Do a protected parse. Catch transient parse errors; if
- final is true, then make a final pass with a terminator,
- otherwise ignore the transient parse error (more data is
- pending)."""
- try:
- self.parse(scanner, locals)
- except TransientParseError:
- if final:
- # If the buffer doesn't end with a newline, try tacking on
- # a dummy terminator.
- buffer = scanner.rest()
- if buffer and buffer[-1] != '\n':
- scanner.feed(self.prefix + '\n')
- # A TransientParseError thrown from here is a real parse
- # error.
- self.parse(scanner, locals)
- def parse(self, scanner, locals=None):
- """Parse and run as much from this scanner as possible."""
- self.invoke('atParse', scanner=scanner, locals=locals)
- while True:
- token = scanner.one()
- if token is None:
- break
- self.invoke('atToken', token=token)
- token.run(self, locals)
- # Medium-level evaluation and execution.
- def tokenize(self, name):
- """Take an lvalue string and return a name or a (possibly recursive)
- list of names."""
- result = []
- stack = [result]
- for garbage in self.ASSIGN_TOKEN_RE.split(name):
- garbage = string.strip(garbage)
- if garbage:
- raise ParseError, "unexpected assignment token: '%s'" % garbage
- tokens = self.ASSIGN_TOKEN_RE.findall(name)
- # While processing, put a None token at the start of any list in which
- # commas actually appear.
- for token in tokens:
- if token == '(':
- stack.append([])
- elif token == ')':
- top = stack.pop()
- if len(top) == 1:
- top = top[0] # no None token means that it's not a 1-tuple
- elif top[0] is None:
- del top[0] # remove the None token for real tuples
- stack[-1].append(top)
- elif token == ',':
- if len(stack[-1]) == 1:
- stack[-1].insert(0, None)
- else:
- stack[-1].append(token)
- # If it's a 1-tuple at the top level, turn it into a real subsequence.
- if result and result[0] is None:
- result = [result[1:]]
- if len(result) == 1:
- return result[0]
- else:
- return result
- def significate(self, key, value=None, locals=None):
- """Declare a significator."""
- self.invoke('beforeSignificate', key=key, value=value, locals=locals)
- name = '__%s__' % key
- self.atomic(name, value, locals)
- self.invoke('afterSignificate')
- def atomic(self, name, value, locals=None):
- """Do an atomic assignment."""
- self.invoke('beforeAtomic', name=name, value=value, locals=locals)
- if locals is None:
- self.globals[name] = value
- else:
- locals[name] = value
- self.invoke('afterAtomic')
- def multi(self, names, values, locals=None):
- """Do a (potentially recursive) assignment."""
- self.invoke('beforeMulti', names=names, values=values, locals=locals)
- # No zip in 1.5, so we have to do it manually.
- i = 0
- try:
- values = tuple(values)
- except TypeError:
- raise TypeError, "unpack non-sequence"
- if len(names) != len(values):
- raise ValueError, "unpack tuple of wrong size"
- for i in range(len(names)):
- name = names[i]
- if type(name) is types.StringType:
- self.atomic(name, values[i], locals)
- else:
- self.multi(name, values[i], locals)
- self.invoke('afterMulti')
- def assign(self, name, value, locals=None):
- """Do a potentially complex (including tuple unpacking) assignment."""
- left = self.tokenize(name)
- # The return value of tokenize can either be a string or a list of
- # (lists of) strings.
- if type(left) is types.StringType:
- self.atomic(left, value, locals)
- else:
- self.multi(left, value, locals)
- def import_(self, name, locals=None):
- """Do an import."""
- self.invoke('beforeImport', name=name, locals=locals)
- self.execute('import %s' % name, locals)
- self.invoke('afterImport')
- def clause(self, catch, locals=None):
- """Given the string representation of an except clause, turn it into
- a 2-tuple consisting of the class name, and either a variable name
- or None."""
- self.invoke('beforeClause', catch=catch, locals=locals)
- if catch is None:
- exceptionCode, variable = None, None
- elif string.find(catch, ',') >= 0:
- exceptionCode, variable = string.split(string.strip(catch), ',', 1)
- variable = string.strip(variable)
- else:
- exceptionCode, variable = string.strip(catch), None
- if not exceptionCode:
- exception = Exception
- else:
- exception = self.evaluate(exceptionCode, locals)
- self.invoke('afterClause', exception=exception, variable=variable)
- return exception, variable
- def serialize(self, expression, locals=None):
- """Do an expansion, involving evaluating an expression, then
- converting it to a string and writing that string to the
- output if the evaluation is not None."""
- self.invoke('beforeSerialize', expression=expression, locals=locals)
- result = self.evaluate(expression, locals)
- if result is not None:
- self.write(str(result))
- self.invoke('afterSerialize')
- def defined(self, name, locals=None):
- """Return a Boolean indicating whether or not the name is
- defined either in the locals or the globals."""
- self.invoke('beforeDefined', name=name, local=local)
- if locals is not None:
- if locals.has_key(name):
- result = True
- else:
- result = False
- elif self.globals.has_key(name):
- result = True
- else:
- result = False
- self.invoke('afterDefined', result=result)
- def literal(self, text):
- """Process a string literal."""
- self.invoke('beforeLiteral', text=text)
- self.serialize(text)
- self.invoke('afterLiteral')
- # Low-level evaluation and execution.
- def evaluate(self, expression, locals=None):
- """Evaluate an expression."""
- if expression in ('1', 'True'): return True
- if expression in ('0', 'False'): return False
- self.push()
- try:
- self.invoke('beforeEvaluate', \
- expression=expression, locals=locals)
- if locals is not None:
- result = eval(expression, self.globals, locals)
- else:
- result = eval(expression, self.globals)
- self.invoke('afterEvaluate', result=result)
- return result
- finally:
- self.pop()
- def execute(self, statements, locals=None):
- """Execute a statement."""
- # If there are any carriage returns (as opposed to linefeeds/newlines)
- # in the statements code, then remove them. Even on DOS/Windows
- # platforms,
- if string.find(statements, '\r') >= 0:
- statements = string.replace(statements, '\r', '')
- # If there are no newlines in the statements code, then strip any
- # leading or trailing whitespace.
- if string.find(statements, '\n') < 0:
- statements = string.strip(statements)
- self.push()
- try:
- self.invoke('beforeExecute', \
- statements=statements, locals=locals)
- if locals is not None:
- exec statements in self.globals, locals
- else:
- exec statements in self.globals
- self.invoke('afterExecute')
- finally:
- self.pop()
- def single(self, source, locals=None):
- """Execute an expression or statement, just as if it were
- entered into the Python interactive interpreter."""
- self.push()
- try:
- self.invoke('beforeSingle', \
- source=source, locals=locals)
- code = compile(source, '<single>', 'single')
- if locals is not None:
- exec code in self.globals, locals
- else:
- exec code in self.globals
- self.invoke('afterSingle')
- finally:
- self.pop()
- # Hooks.
- def register(self, hook, prepend=False):
- """Register the provided hook."""
- hook.register(self)
- if self.hooksEnabled is None:
- # A special optimization so that hooks can be effectively
- # disabled until one is added or they are explicitly turned on.
- self.hooksEnabled = True
- if prepend:
- self.hooks.insert(0, hook)
- else:
- self.hooks.append(hook)
- def deregister(self, hook):
- """Remove an already registered hook."""
- hook.deregister(self)
- self.hooks.remove(hook)
- def invoke(self, _name, **keywords):
- """Invoke the hook(s) associated with the hook name, should they
- exist."""
- if self.hooksEnabled:
- for hook in self.hooks:
- hook.push()
- try:
- method = getattr(hook, _name)
- apply(method, (), keywords)
- finally:
- hook.pop()
- def finalize(self):
- """Execute any remaining final routines."""
- self.push()
- self.invoke('atFinalize')
- try:
- # Pop them off one at a time so they get executed in reverse
- # order and we remove them as they're executed in case something
- # bad happens.
- while self.finals:
- final = self.finals.pop()
- final()
- finally:
- self.pop()
- # Error handling.
- def meta(self, exc=None):
- """Construct a MetaError for the interpreter's current state."""
- return MetaError(self.contexts.clone(), exc)
- def handle(self, meta):
- """Handle a MetaError."""
- first = True
- self.invoke('atHandle', meta=meta)
- for context in meta.contexts:
- if first:
- if meta.exc is not None:
- desc = "error: %s: %s" % (meta.exc.__class__, meta.exc)
- else:
- desc = "error"
- else:
- desc = "from this context"
- first = False
- sys.stderr.write('%s: %s\n' % (context, desc))
- def installProxy(self):
- """Install a proxy if necessary."""
- # Unfortunately, there's no surefire way to make sure that installing
- # a sys.stdout proxy is idempotent, what with different interpreters
- # running from different modules. The best we can do here is to try
- # manipulating the proxy's test function ...
- try:
- sys.stdout._testProxy()
- except AttributeError:
- # ... if the current stdout object doesn't have one, then check
- # to see if we think _this_ particularly Interpreter class has
- # installed it before ...
- if Interpreter._wasProxyInstalled:
- # ... and if so, we have a proxy problem.
- raise Error, "interpreter stdout proxy lost"
- else:
- # Otherwise, install the proxy and set the flag.
- sys.stdout = ProxyFile(sys.stdout)
- Interpreter._wasProxyInstalled = True
- #
- # Pseudomodule routines.
- #
- # Identification.
- def identify(self):
- """Identify the topmost context with a 2-tuple of the name and
- line number."""
- return self.context().identify()
- def atExit(self, callable):
- """Register a function to be called at exit."""
- self.finals.append(callable)
- # Context manipulation.
- def pushContext(self, name='<unnamed>', line=0):
- """Create a new context and push it."""
- self.contexts.push(Context(name, line))
- def popContext(self):
- """Pop the top context."""
- self.contexts.pop()
- def setContextName(self, name):
- """Set the name of the topmost context."""
- context = self.context()
- context.name = name
- def setContextLine(self, line):
- """Set the name of the topmost context."""
- context = self.context()
- context.line = line
- setName = setContextName # DEPRECATED
- setLine = setContextLine # DEPRECATED
- # Globals manipulation.
- def getGlobals(self):
- """Retrieve the globals."""
- return self.globals
- def setGlobals(self, globals):
- """Set the globals to the specified dictionary."""
- self.globals = globals
- self.fix()
- def updateGlobals(self, otherGlobals):
- """Merge another mapping object into this interpreter's globals."""
- self.update(otherGlobals)
- def clearGlobals(self):
- """Clear out the globals with a brand new dictionary."""
- self.clear()
- def saveGlobals(self, deep=True):
- """Save a copy of the globals off onto the history stack."""
- self.save(deep)
- def restoreGlobals(self, destructive=True):
- """Restore the most recently saved copy of the globals."""
- self.restore(destructive)
- # Hook support.
- def areHooksEnabled(self):
- """Return whether or not hooks are presently enabled."""
- if self.hooksEnabled is None:
- return True
- else:
- return self.hooksEnabled
- def enableHooks(self):
- """Enable hooks."""
- self.hooksEnabled = True
- def disableHooks(self):
- """Disable hooks."""
- self.hooksEnabled = False
- def getHooks(self):
- """Get the current hooks."""
- return self.hooks[:]
- def clearHooks(self):
- """Clear all hooks."""
- self.hooks = []
- def addHook(self, hook, prepend=False):
- """Add a new hook; optionally insert it rather than appending it."""
- self.register(hook, prepend)
- def removeHook(self, hook):
- """Remove a preexisting hook."""
- self.deregister(hook)
- def invokeHook(self, _name, **keywords):
- """Manually invoke a hook."""
- apply(self.invoke, (_name,), keywords)
- # Callbacks.
- def getCallback(self):
- """Get the callback registered with this interpreter, or None."""
- return self.callback
- def registerCallback(self, callback):
- """Register a custom markup callback with this interpreter."""
- self.callback = callback
- def deregisterCallback(self):
- """Remove any previously registered callback with this interpreter."""
- self.callback = None
- def invokeCallback(self, contents):
- """Invoke the callback."""
- if self.callback is None:
- if self.options.get(CALLBACK_OPT, False):
- raise Error, "custom markup invoked with no defined callback"
- else:
- self.callback(contents)
- # Pseudomodule manipulation.
- def flatten(self, keys=None):
- """Flatten the contents of the pseudo-module into the globals
- namespace."""
- if keys is None:
- keys = self.__dict__.keys() + self.__class__.__dict__.keys()
- dict = {}
- for key in keys:
- # The pseudomodule is really a class instance, so we need to
- # fumble use getattr instead of simply fumbling through the
- # instance's __dict__.
- dict[key] = getattr(self, key)
- # Stomp everything into the globals namespace.
- self.globals.update(dict)
- # Prefix.
- def getPrefix(self):
- """Get the current prefix."""
- return self.prefix
- def setPrefix(self, prefix):
- """Set the prefix."""
- self.prefix = prefix
- # Diversions.
- def stopDiverting(self):
- """Stop any diverting."""
- self.stream().revert()
- def createDiversion(self, name):
- """Create a diversion (but do not divert to it) if it does not
- already exist."""
- self.stream().create(name)
- def retrieveDiversion(self, name):
- """Retrieve the diversion object associated with the name."""
- return self.stream().retrieve(name)
- def startDiversion(self, name):
- """Start diverting to the given diversion name."""
- self.stream().divert(name)
- def playDiversion(self, name):
- """Play the given diversion and then purge it."""
- self.stream().undivert(name, True)
- def replayDiversion(self, name):
- """Replay the diversion without purging it."""
- self.stream().undivert(name, False)
- def purgeDiversion(self, name):
- """Eliminate the given diversion."""
- self.stream().purge(name)
- def playAllDiversions(self):
- """Play all existing diversions and then purge them."""
- self.stream().undivertAll(True)
- def replayAllDiversions(self):
- """Replay all existing diversions without purging them."""
- self.stream().undivertAll(False)
- def purgeAllDiversions(self):
- """Purge all existing diversions."""
- self.stream().purgeAll()
- def getCurrentDiversion(self):
- """Get the name of the current diversion."""
- return self.stream().currentDiversion
- def getAllDiversions(self):
- """Get the names of all existing diversions."""
- names = self.stream().diversions.keys()
- names.sort()
- return names
- # Filter.
- def resetFilter(self):
- """Reset the filter so that it does no filtering."""
- self.stream().install(None)
- def nullFilter(self):
- """Install a filter that will consume all text."""
- self.stream().install(0)
- def getFilter(self):
- """Get the current filter."""
- filter = self.stream().filter
- if filter is self.stream().file:
- return None
- else:
- return filter
- def setFilter(self, shortcut):
- """Set the filter."""
- self.stream().install(shortcut)
- def attachFilter(self, shortcut):
- """Attach a single filter to the end of the current filter chain."""
- self.stream().attach(shortcut)
-class Document:
- """A representation of an individual EmPy document, as used by a
- processor."""
- def __init__(self, ID, filename):
- self.ID = ID
- self.filename = filename
- self.significators = {}
-class Processor:
- """An entity which is capable of processing a hierarchy of EmPy
- files and building a dictionary of document objects associated
- with them describing their significator contents."""
- def __init__(self, factory=Document):
- self.factory = factory
- self.documents = {}
- def identifier(self, pathname, filename): return filename
- def clear(self):
- self.documents = {}
- def scan(self, basename, extensions=DEFAULT_EMPY_EXTENSIONS):
- if type(extensions) is types.StringType:
- extensions = (extensions,)
- def _noCriteria(x):
- return True
- def _extensionsCriteria(pathname, extensions=extensions):
- if extensions:
- for extension in extensions:
- if pathname[-len(extension):] == extension:
- return True
- return False
- else:
- return True
- self.directory(basename, _noCriteria, _extensionsCriteria, None)
- self.postprocess()
- def postprocess(self):
- pass
- def directory(self, basename, dirCriteria, fileCriteria, depth=None):
- if depth is not None:
- if depth <= 0:
- return
- else:
- depth = depth - 1
- filenames = os.listdir(basename)
- for filename in filenames:
- pathname = os.path.join(basename, filename)
- if os.path.isdir(pathname):
- if dirCriteria(pathname):
- self.directory(pathname, dirCriteria, fileCriteria, depth)
- elif os.path.isfile(pathname):
- if fileCriteria(pathname):
- documentID = self.identifier(pathname, filename)
- document = self.factory(documentID, pathname)
- self.file(document, open(pathname))
- self.documents[documentID] = document
- def file(self, document, file):
- while True:
- line = file.readline()
- if not line:
- break
- self.line(document, line)
- def line(self, document, line):
- match = self.SIGNIFICATOR_RE.search(line)
- if match:
- key, valueS = match.groups()
- valueS = string.strip(valueS)
- if valueS:
- value = eval(valueS)
- else:
- value = None
- document.significators[key] = value
-def expand(_data, _globals=None, \
- _argv=None, _prefix=DEFAULT_PREFIX, _pseudo=None, _options=None, \
- **_locals):
- """Do an atomic expansion of the given source data, creating and
- shutting down an interpreter dedicated to the task. The sys.stdout
- object is saved off and then replaced before this function
- returns."""
- if len(_locals) == 0:
- # If there were no keyword arguments specified, don't use a locals
- # dictionary at all.
- _locals = None
- output = NullFile()
- interpreter = Interpreter(output, argv=_argv, prefix=_prefix, \
- pseudo=_pseudo, options=_options, \
- globals=_globals)
- if interpreter.options.get(OVERRIDE_OPT, True):
- oldStdout = sys.stdout
- try:
- result = interpreter.expand(_data, _locals)
- finally:
- interpreter.shutdown()
- if _globals is not None:
- interpreter.unfix() # remove pseudomodule to prevent clashes
- if interpreter.options.get(OVERRIDE_OPT, True):
- sys.stdout = oldStdout
- return result
-def environment(name, default=None):
- """Get data from the current environment. If the default is True
- or False, then presume that we're only interested in the existence
- or non-existence of the environment variable."""
- if os.environ.has_key(name):
- # Do the True/False test by value for future compatibility.
- if default == False or default == True:
- return True
- else:
- return os.environ[name]
- else:
- return default
-def info(table):
- maxLeft = 0
- maxRight = 0
- for left, right in table:
- if len(left) > maxLeft:
- maxLeft = len(left)
- if len(right) > maxRight:
- maxRight = len(right)
- FORMAT = ' %%-%ds %%s\n' % max(maxLeft, DEFAULT_LEFT)
- for left, right in table:
- if right.find('\n') >= 0:
- for right in right.split('\n'):
- sys.stderr.write(FORMAT % (left, right))
- left = ''
- else:
- sys.stderr.write(FORMAT % (left, right))
-def usage(verbose=True):
- """Print usage information."""
- programName = sys.argv[0]
- def warn(line=''):
- sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % line)
- warn("""\
-Usage: %s [options] [<filename, or '-' for stdin> [<argument>...]]
-Welcome to EmPy version %s.""" % (programName, __version__))
- warn()
- warn("Valid options:")
- if verbose:
- warn()
- warn("The following markups are supported:")
- warn()
- warn("Valid escape sequences are:")
- warn()
- warn("The %s pseudomodule contains the following attributes:" % \
- warn()
- warn("The following environment variables are recognized:")
- warn()
- else:
- warn()
- warn("Type %s -H for more extensive help." % programName)
-def invoke(args):
- """Run a standalone instance of an EmPy interpeter."""
- # Initialize the options.
- _output = None
- _options = {BUFFERED_OPT: environment(BUFFERED_ENV, False),
- RAW_OPT: environment(RAW_ENV, False),
- EXIT_OPT: True,
- FLATTEN_OPT: environment(FLATTEN_ENV, False),
- OVERRIDE_OPT: not environment(NO_OVERRIDE_ENV, False),
- _preprocessing = []
- _prefix = environment(PREFIX_ENV, DEFAULT_PREFIX)
- _pseudo = environment(PSEUDO_ENV, None)
- _interactive = environment(INTERACTIVE_ENV, False)
- _extraArguments = environment(OPTIONS_ENV)
- _binary = -1 # negative for not, 0 for default size, positive for size
- _unicode = environment(UNICODE_ENV, False)
- _unicodeInputEncoding = environment(INPUT_ENCODING_ENV, None)
- _unicodeOutputEncoding = environment(OUTPUT_ENCODING_ENV, None)
- _unicodeInputErrors = environment(INPUT_ERRORS_ENV, None)
- _unicodeOutputErrors = environment(OUTPUT_ERRORS_ENV, None)
- _hooks = []
- _pauseAtEnd = False
- _relativePath = False
- if _extraArguments is not None:
- _extraArguments = string.split(_extraArguments)
- args = _extraArguments + args
- # Parse the arguments.
- pairs, remainder = getopt.getopt(args, 'VhHvkp:m:frino:a:buBP:I:D:E:F:', ['version', 'help', 'extended-help', 'verbose', 'null-hook', 'suppress-errors', 'prefix=', 'no-prefix', 'module=', 'flatten', 'raw-errors', 'interactive', 'no-override-stdout', 'binary', 'chunk-size=', 'output=' 'append=', 'preprocess=', 'import=', 'define=', 'execute=', 'execute-file=', 'buffered-output', 'pause-at-end', 'relative-path', 'no-callback-error', 'no-bangpath-processing', 'unicode', 'unicode-encoding=', 'unicode-input-encoding=', 'unicode-output-encoding=', 'unicode-errors=', 'unicode-input-errors=', 'unicode-output-errors='])
- for option, argument in pairs:
- if option in ('-V', '--version'):
- sys.stderr.write("%s version %s\n" % (__program__, __version__))
- return
- elif option in ('-h', '--help'):
- usage(False)
- return
- elif option in ('-H', '--extended-help'):
- usage(True)
- return
- elif option in ('-v', '--verbose'):
- _hooks.append(VerboseHook())
- elif option in ('--null-hook',):
- _hooks.append(Hook())
- elif option in ('-k', '--suppress-errors'):
- _options[EXIT_OPT] = False
- _interactive = True # suppress errors implies interactive mode
- elif option in ('-m', '--module'):
- _pseudo = argument
- elif option in ('-f', '--flatten'):
- _options[FLATTEN_OPT] = True
- elif option in ('-p', '--prefix'):
- _prefix = argument
- elif option in ('--no-prefix',):
- _prefix = None
- elif option in ('-r', '--raw-errors'):
- _options[RAW_OPT] = True
- elif option in ('-i', '--interactive'):
- _interactive = True
- elif option in ('-n', '--no-override-stdout'):
- _options[OVERRIDE_OPT] = False
- elif option in ('-o', '--output'):
- _output = argument, 'w', _options[BUFFERED_OPT]
- elif option in ('-a', '--append'):
- _output = argument, 'a', _options[BUFFERED_OPT]
- elif option in ('-b', '--buffered-output'):
- _options[BUFFERED_OPT] = True
- elif option in ('-B',): # DEPRECATED
- _options[BUFFERED_OPT] = True
- elif option in ('--binary',):
- _binary = 0
- elif option in ('--chunk-size',):
- _binary = int(argument)
- elif option in ('-P', '--preprocess'):
- _preprocessing.append(('pre', argument))
- elif option in ('-I', '--import'):
- for module in string.split(argument, ','):
- module = string.strip(module)
- _preprocessing.append(('import', module))
- elif option in ('-D', '--define'):
- _preprocessing.append(('define', argument))
- elif option in ('-E', '--execute'):
- _preprocessing.append(('exec', argument))
- elif option in ('-F', '--execute-file'):
- _preprocessing.append(('file', argument))
- elif option in ('-u', '--unicode'):
- _unicode = True
- elif option in ('--pause-at-end',):
- _pauseAtEnd = True
- elif option in ('--relative-path',):
- _relativePath = True
- elif option in ('--no-callback-error',):
- _options[CALLBACK_OPT] = True
- elif option in ('--no-bangpath-processing',):
- _options[BANGPATH_OPT] = False
- elif option in ('--unicode-encoding',):
- _unicodeInputEncoding = _unicodeOutputEncoding = argument
- elif option in ('--unicode-input-encoding',):
- _unicodeInputEncoding = argument
- elif option in ('--unicode-output-encoding',):
- _unicodeOutputEncoding = argument
- elif option in ('--unicode-errors',):
- _unicodeInputErrors = _unicodeOutputErrors = argument
- elif option in ('--unicode-input-errors',):
- _unicodeInputErrors = argument
- elif option in ('--unicode-output-errors',):
- _unicodeOutputErrors = argument
- # Set up the Unicode subsystem if required.
- if _unicode or \
- _unicodeInputEncoding or _unicodeOutputEncoding or \
- _unicodeInputErrors or _unicodeOutputErrors:
- theSubsystem.initialize(_unicodeInputEncoding, \
- _unicodeOutputEncoding, \
- _unicodeInputErrors, _unicodeOutputErrors)
- # Now initialize the output file if something has already been selected.
- if _output is not None:
- _output = apply(AbstractFile, _output)
- # Set up the main filename and the argument.
- if not remainder:
- remainder.append('-')
- filename, arguments = remainder[0], remainder[1:]
- # Set up the interpreter.
- if _options[BUFFERED_OPT] and _output is None:
- raise ValueError, "-b only makes sense with -o or -a arguments"
- if _prefix == 'None':
- _prefix = None
- if _prefix and type(_prefix) is types.StringType and len(_prefix) != 1:
- raise Error, "prefix must be single-character string"
- interpreter = Interpreter(output=_output, \
- argv=remainder, \
- prefix=_prefix, \
- pseudo=_pseudo, \
- options=_options, \
- hooks=_hooks)
- try:
- # Execute command-line statements.
- i = 0
- for which, thing in _preprocessing:
- if which == 'pre':
- command = interpreter.file
- target = theSubsystem.open(thing, 'r')
- name = thing
- elif which == 'define':
- command = interpreter.string
- if string.find(thing, '=') >= 0:
- target = '%s{%s}' % (_prefix, thing)
- else:
- target = '%s{%s = None}' % (_prefix, thing)
- name = '<define:%d>' % i
- elif which == 'exec':
- command = interpreter.string
- target = '%s{%s}' % (_prefix, thing)
- name = '<exec:%d>' % i
- elif which == 'file':
- command = interpreter.string
- name = '<file:%d (%s)>' % (i, thing)
- target = '%s{execfile("""%s""")}' % (_prefix, thing)
- elif which == 'import':
- command = interpreter.string
- name = '<import:%d>' % i
- target = '%s{import %s}' % (_prefix, thing)
- else:
- assert 0
- interpreter.wrap(command, (target, name))
- i = i + 1
- # Now process the primary file.
- interpreter.ready()
- if filename == '-':
- if not _interactive:
- name = '<stdin>'
- path = ''
- file = sys.stdin
- else:
- name, file = None, None
- else:
- name = filename
- file = theSubsystem.open(filename, 'r')
- path = os.path.split(filename)[0]
- if _relativePath:
- sys.path.insert(0, path)
- if file is not None:
- if _binary < 0:
- interpreter.wrap(interpreter.file, (file, name))
- else:
- chunkSize = _binary
- interpreter.wrap(interpreter.binary, (file, name, chunkSize))
- # If we're supposed to go interactive afterwards, do it.
- if _interactive:
- interpreter.interact()
- finally:
- interpreter.shutdown()
- # Finally, if we should pause at the end, do it.
- if _pauseAtEnd:
- try:
- raw_input()
- except EOFError:
- pass
-def main():
- invoke(sys.argv[1:])
-if __name__ == '__main__': main()
diff --git a/data/gtkrc.em b/data/gtkrc.em
deleted file mode 100644
index a19b519..0000000
--- a/data/gtkrc.em
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-if theme == 'sugar':
- font_name = 'Sans Serif 10'
- icon_sizes = 'gtk-large-toolbar=40,40'
- font_name = 'Sans Serif 7'
- icon_sizes = 'gtk-large-toolbar=55,55'
-gtk-theme-name = "@theme"
-gtk-icon-theme-name = "sugar"
-gtk-font-name = "@font_name"
-gtk-cursor-theme-name = "sugar"
-gtk-toolbar-style = GTK_TOOLBAR_ICONS
-gtk-icon-sizes = "@icon_sizes"
diff --git a/src/emulator.py b/src/emulator.py
index 23ceea1..f54bdf2 100755
--- a/src/emulator.py
+++ b/src/emulator.py
@@ -131,15 +131,6 @@ def main():
os.environ['SUGAR_XO_STYLE'] = 'no'
- if options.xo_style:
- gtkrc_filename = 'sugar-xo.gtkrc'
- else:
- gtkrc_filename = 'sugar.gtkrc'
- os.environ['SUGAR_XO_STYLE'] = 'no'
- gtkrc_path = os.path.join(config.data_path, gtkrc_filename)
- os.environ['GTK2_RC_FILES'] = gtkrc_path
command = ['dbus-launch', 'dbus-launch', '--exit-with-session']
if not args:
diff --git a/src/main.py b/src/main.py
index e785707..f41c451 100644
--- a/src/main.py
+++ b/src/main.py
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import gobject
from sugar import env
from sugar import logger
from sugar.profile import get_profile
+from sugar.graphics import style
from view.Shell import Shell
from model.shellmodel import ShellModel
@@ -65,6 +66,23 @@ def _save_session_info():
+def _setup_screen_settings():
+ settings = gtk.settings_get_default()
+ ctx = 'sugar-shell'
+ if gtk.gdk.screen_width() > 1024:
+ theme = 'sugar-xo'
+ else:
+ theme = 'sugar'
+ settings.set_string_property('gtk-theme-name', 'sugar', ctx)
+ font = 'Sans Serif %d' % style.FONT_SIZE
+ settings.set_string_property('gtk-font-name', font, ctx)
+ settings.set_string_property('gtk-icon-theme-name', 'sugar', ctx)
+ settings.set_string_property('gtk-cursor-theme-name', 'sugar', ctx)
+ settings.set_long_property('gtk-toolbar-style', gtk.TOOLBAR_ICONS, ctx)
def _setup_translations():
locale_path = os.path.join(config.prefix, 'share', 'locale')
domain = 'sugar'
@@ -98,6 +116,7 @@ def main():
+ _setup_screen_settings()
hw_manager = hardwaremanager.get_manager()