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path: root/GUI_Components/Compound_Widgets/Library_View.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'GUI_Components/Compound_Widgets/Library_View.py')
1 files changed, 1141 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/GUI_Components/Compound_Widgets/Library_View.py b/GUI_Components/Compound_Widgets/Library_View.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f28220d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/GUI_Components/Compound_Widgets/Library_View.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1141 @@
+# Copyright (C) IBM Corporation 2008
+import pygtk
+import gtk
+import pango
+import cPickle
+import time
+from threading import Timer
+from Processing.IO_Manager import *
+from Processing.Article.Article import Article
+from Processing.Article.Article_Data import *
+from GUI_Components.Compound_Widgets.Base_Widgets.Readonly_Textbox import Readonly_Textbox
+theme_xpm = [
+"16 16 4 1",
+" c None s None",
+". c black",
+"g c #62F24D",
+"G c black",
+" .......... ",
+" .gggggggg. ",
+" ..........g. ",
+" .gggggggg.g. ",
+" ..........g.g. ",
+" .gggggggg.g.g. ",
+" .gGGGgggg.g.g. ",
+" .gggggggg.g.g. ",
+" .gGGGGGGg.g.g. ",
+" .gggggggg.g.g. ",
+" .gGGGGGGg.g.g. ",
+" .gggggggg.g... ",
+" .gGGGGGGg.g. ",
+" .gggggggg... ",
+" .gGGGGGGg. ",
+" .......... "]
+newtheme_xpm = [
+"16 16 4 1",
+" c None s None",
+". c black",
+"g c white",
+"G c black",
+" .......... ",
+" .gggggggg. ",
+" ..........g. ",
+" .gggggggg.g. ",
+" ..........g.g. ",
+" .gggggggg.g.g. ",
+" .gggggggg.g.g. ",
+" .gggggggg.g.g. ",
+" .gggggggg.g.g. ",
+" .gggggggg.g.g. ",
+" .gggggggg.g.g. ",
+" .gggggggg.g... ",
+" .gggggggg.g. ",
+" .gggggggg... ",
+" .gggggggg. ",
+" .......... "]
+wikitheme_xpm = [
+"16 16 4 1",
+" c None s None",
+". c black",
+"g c #FC8B65",
+"G c black",
+" .......... ",
+" .gggggggg. ",
+" ..........g. ",
+" .gggggggg.g. ",
+" ..........g.g. ",
+" .gggggggg.g.g. ",
+" .gGGGgggg.g.g. ",
+" .gggggggg.g.g. ",
+" .gGGGGGGg.g.g. ",
+" .gggggggg.g.g. ",
+" .gGGGGGGg.g.g. ",
+" .gggggggg.g... ",
+" .gGGGGGGg.g. ",
+" .gggggggg... ",
+" .gGGGGGGg. ",
+" .......... "]
+mytheme_xpm = [
+"16 16 4 1",
+" c None s None",
+". c black",
+"g c #E6E6E6",
+"G c #080808",
+" .......... ",
+" .gggggggg. ",
+" ..........g. ",
+" .gggggggg.g. ",
+" ..........g.g. ",
+" .gggggggg.g.g. ",
+" .gGGGgggg.g.g. ",
+" .gggggggg.g.g. ",
+" .gGGGGGGg.g.g. ",
+" .gggggggg.g.g. ",
+" .gGGGGGGg.g.g. ",
+" .gggggggg.g... ",
+" .gGGGGGGg.g. ",
+" .gggggggg... ",
+" .gGGGGGGg. ",
+" .......... "]
+article_xpm = [
+"16 16 4 1",
+" c None s None",
+". c black",
+"g c #62F24D",
+"G c black",
+" ............ ",
+" .gggggggggg. ",
+" .GGGGgggggg. ",
+" .gggggggggg. ",
+" .gGGGGGGGGg. ",
+" .gggggggggg. ",
+" .gGGGGGGGGg. ",
+" .gggggggggg. ",
+" .gGGGGGGGGg. ",
+" .gggggggggg. ",
+" .gGGGGGGGGg. ",
+" .gggggggggg. ",
+" .gGGGGGGGGg. ",
+" .gggggggggg. ",
+" .gGGGGGGGGg. ",
+" ............ ",
+newarticle_xpm = [
+"16 16 4 1",
+" c None s None",
+". c black",
+"g c white",
+"G c black",
+" ............ ",
+" .gggggggggg. ",
+" .gggggggggg. ",
+" .gggggggggg. ",
+" .gggggggggg. ",
+" .gggggggggg. ",
+" .gggggggggg. ",
+" .gggggggggg. ",
+" .gggggggggg. ",
+" .gggggggggg. ",
+" .gggggggggg. ",
+" .gggggggggg. ",
+" .gggggggggg. ",
+" .gggggggggg. ",
+" .gggggggggg. ",
+" ............ ",
+wikiarticle_xpm = [
+"16 16 4 1",
+" c None s None",
+". c black",
+"g c #FC8B65",
+"G c black",
+" ............ ",
+" .gggggggggg. ",
+" .GGGGgggggg. ",
+" .gggggggggg. ",
+" .gGGGGGGGGg. ",
+" .gggggggggg. ",
+" .gGGGGGGGGg. ",
+" .gggggggggg. ",
+" .gGGGGGGGGg. ",
+" .gggggggggg. ",
+" .gGGGGGGGGg. ",
+" .gggggggggg. ",
+" .gGGGGGGGGg. ",
+" .gggggggggg. ",
+" .gGGGGGGGGg. ",
+" ............ ",
+class Library_View( gtk.HBox ):
+ """
+ Created by: Jonathan Mace
+ Library View sets up the view to the library.
+ It consists of 3 main widgets:
+ 1) Treeview widget
+ This is populated with the themes and articles in the library.
+ They can be renamed, new articles and themes can be added, and
+ they can be moved about with drag and drop.
+ 2) Source-view widget
+ This widget displays the current source article. It is a drag
+ destination for drags originating from the treeview. Upon receiving
+ a drag, it will load the appropriate article
+ 3) Edit-view widget
+ This widget displays the current edit article. It acts the same
+ way as the source-view widget.
+ A few minor things also exist, such as the creation of new blank articles
+ and new blank themes if the user goes to editing mode without having anything
+ selected.
+ There is also a method for downloading new articles into the currently selected
+ theme, which is activated by a button in the toolbar which is set up in the
+ Library_Pane class.
+ """
+ # Create the icons
+ themeicon = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_xpm_data(theme_xpm)
+ articleicon = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_xpm_data(article_xpm)
+ newarticleicon = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_xpm_data(newarticle_xpm)
+ newthemeicon = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_xpm_data(newtheme_xpm)
+ wikithemeicon = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_xpm_data(wikitheme_xpm)
+ wikiarticleicon = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_xpm_data(wikiarticle_xpm)
+ mythemeicon = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_xpm_data(mytheme_xpm)
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.ignore = True
+ gtk.HBox.__init__(self)
+ # First things first - make it look nice depending on the platform
+ running_on = platform.system()
+ self.colwidth = 250
+ if running_on == "Linux" and "olpc" in platform.platform().lower():
+ self.colwidth = 350
+ #self.set_homogeneous(True)
+ self.set_spacing(2)
+ self.set_border_width(1)
+ # Create the tree view, pack and show it
+ self.treestore, self.treeview = self.__create_tree()
+ self.treestorecontainer = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+ self.treestorecontainer.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
+ self.treestorecontainer.add(self.treeview)
+ self.pack_start(self.treestorecontainer, False, False, 1)
+ self.treestorecontainer.set_size_request(self.colwidth, -1)
+ self.treestorecontainer.show_all()
+ # Create a box for the textviews at the top and the status bar at the bottom
+ maindisplay = gtk.VBox()
+ maindisplay.set_spacing(2)
+ self.pack_start(maindisplay)
+ maindisplay.show()
+ # Create a box for the two text views
+ textviewbox = gtk.HBox()
+ textviewbox.set_spacing(3)
+ textviewbox.set_homogeneous(True)
+ maindisplay.pack_start(textviewbox)
+ textviewbox.show()
+ # Create the status bar at the bottom of the page
+ # Not bothering to show the statusbar
+ statuseb = gtk.EventBox()
+ statuseb.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.color_parse("#EEEEEE"))
+ maindisplay.pack_start(statuseb, False, True, 0)
+ statuseb.set_size_request(-1, 50)
+ statuseb.show()
+ self.statusbar = gtk.Label()
+ statuseb.add(self.statusbar)
+ self.statusbar.show()
+ # Create the sourcepane label and textbox
+ self.sourcepanebox = gtk.VBox()
+ self.sourcepanebox.set_spacing(2)
+ textviewbox.pack_start(self.sourcepanebox)
+ self.sourcepanebox.show()
+ labeleb = gtk.EventBox()
+ labeleb.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.color_parse("#EEEEEE"))
+ self.sourcepanebox.pack_start(labeleb, False, False, 0)
+ labeleb.show()
+ self.sourcepanelabel = gtk.Label()
+ self.sourcepanelabel.set_justify(gtk.JUSTIFY_CENTER)
+ self.sourcepanelabel.set_markup("<b>Wikipedia Article:</b>\n ")
+ labeleb.add(self.sourcepanelabel)
+ self.sourcepanelabel.show()
+ sourcetextbox = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+ sourcetextbox.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_NEVER, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
+ self.sourcepanebox.pack_start(sourcetextbox)
+ sourcetextbox.show()
+ self.sourcetext = Readonly_Textbox(False)
+ self.sourcetext.set_editable(False)
+ self.sourcetext.set_cursor_visible(False)
+ self.sourcetext.connect("button-press-event", self.suppress, None)
+ sourcetextbox.add(self.sourcetext)
+ self.sourcetext.modify_font(pango.FontDescription('arial 9'))
+ self.sourcetext.show()
+ self.sourcetext.drag_dest_set(gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_ALL, [("sourcearticle", gtk.TARGET_SAME_APP, 0)], gtk.gdk.ACTION_COPY)
+ # Create the editpane label and textbox
+ self.editpanebox = gtk.VBox()
+ self.editpanebox.set_spacing(2)
+ textviewbox.pack_start(self.editpanebox)
+ self.editpanebox.show()
+ labeleb = gtk.EventBox()
+ labeleb.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.color_parse("#EEEEEE"))
+ self.editpanebox.pack_start(labeleb, False, False, 0)
+ labeleb.show()
+ self.editpanelabel = gtk.Label()
+ self.editpanelabel.set_justify(gtk.JUSTIFY_CENTER)
+ self.editpanelabel.set_markup("<b>My Article:</b>\n ")
+ labeleb.add(self.editpanelabel)
+ self.editpanelabel.show()
+ edittextbox = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+ edittextbox.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_NEVER, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
+ self.editpanebox.pack_start(edittextbox)
+ edittextbox.show()
+ self.edittext = Readonly_Textbox(False)
+ self.edittext.set_editable(False)
+ self.edittext.set_cursor_visible(False)
+ self.edittext.connect("button-press-event", self.suppress, None)
+ edittextbox.add(self.edittext)
+ self.edittext.modify_font(pango.FontDescription('arial 9'))
+ self.edittext.show()
+ self.edittext.drag_dest_set(gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_ALL, [("editarticle", gtk.TARGET_SAME_APP, 0)], gtk.gdk.ACTION_COPY)
+ def suppress(self, widget, event, data):
+ widget.stop_emission("button-press-event")
+ def __create_tree(self):
+ """
+ Written by: Jonathan Mace
+ Last Modified: 22/08/2008
+ This method sets up the tree structure used to browse topics and articles.
+ It populates the treemodel, connects all the events together and then returns the treeview widget.
+ """
+ # Create and populate the treestore.
+ # The first element is the text (so, topic title or article title).
+ # The second element is the associated icon.
+ # The third element is the type (so, theme or article)
+ treestore = gtk.TreeStore(str, gtk.gdk.Pixbuf, str, str, bool)
+ themes = IO_Manager().get_themes()
+ if not "Wikipedia Articles" in themes:
+ IO_Manager().add_theme_to_library("Wikipedia Articles")
+ themes.append("Wikipedia Articles")
+ if not "My Articles" in themes:
+ IO_Manager().add_theme_to_library("My Articles")
+ themes.append("My Articles")
+ for theme in themes:
+ if theme == "Wikipedia Articles":
+ themeiter = treestore.append(None, ["<b>%s</b>" % (theme, ), self.wikithemeicon, "wikitheme", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", False])
+ articles = IO_Manager().get_pages_in_theme(theme)
+ for article in articles:
+ treestore.append(themeiter, [article, self.wikiarticleicon, "wikiarticle", article, False])
+ elif theme == "My Articles":
+ themeiter = treestore.append(None, ["<b>%s</b>" % (theme, ), self.mythemeicon, "mytheme", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab", False])
+ articles = IO_Manager().get_pages_in_theme(theme)
+ for article in articles:
+ treestore.append(themeiter, [article, self.articleicon, "article", article, True])
+ treestore.append(themeiter, ["<i>Create new article</i>", self.newarticleicon, "newarticle", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", True])
+ else:
+ themeiter = treestore.append(None, ["<b>%s</b>" % (theme, ), self.themeicon, "theme", theme, True])
+ articles = IO_Manager().get_pages_in_theme(theme)
+ for article in articles:
+ treestore.append(themeiter, [article, self.articleicon, "article", article, True])
+ treestore.append(themeiter, ["<i>Create new article</i>", self.newarticleicon, "newarticle", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", True])
+ treestore.append(None, ["<i>Create new theme</i>", self.newthemeicon, "newtheme", "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz", True])
+ treestore.set_sort_column_id(3, gtk.SORT_ASCENDING)
+ # Create the treeview, set properties.
+ treeview = gtk.TreeView(treestore)
+ treeview.set_enable_search(False)
+ treeview.set_headers_visible(False)
+ treeview.set_reorderable(False)
+ treeview.enable_model_drag_source(gtk.gdk.BUTTON1_MASK, [('text/plain', 0, 0), ("sourcearticle", gtk.TARGET_SAME_APP, 0), ("editarticle", gtk.TARGET_SAME_APP, 0)], gtk.gdk.ACTION_MOVE | gtk.gdk.ACTION_COPY)
+ treeview.enable_model_drag_dest([('text/plain', 0, 0)], gtk.gdk.ACTION_MOVE)
+ treeview.connect("drag-begin", self.drag_begin_event, None)
+ treeview.connect("drag-drop", self.drag_drop_event, None)
+ treeview.connect("drag-data-get", self.drag_data_get_event, None)
+ treeview.connect("key-press-event", self.key_pressed, None)
+ # Create the column to show the data, add to the treeview
+ column = gtk.TreeViewColumn()
+ treeview.append_column(column)
+ # Create the cell renderers. Set properties and add to the column
+ iconcell = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf()
+ cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
+ cell.connect("edited", self.name_changed, None)
+ column.pack_start(iconcell, False)
+ column.set_attributes(iconcell, pixbuf=1)
+ column.set_sort_column_id(0)
+ column.pack_start(cell, True)
+ cell.set_property("editable", True)
+ column.set_attributes(cell, markup=0)
+ path = (0, )
+ iter = treestore.get_iter(path)
+ path = treestore.get_path(iter)
+ treeview.expand_to_path(path)
+ return treestore, treeview
+ def populate(self):
+ # Remove and destroy the current contents of the panel
+ self.remove(self.treestorecontainer)
+ self.treestorecontainer.destroy()
+ # Create the new tree view, pack and show it
+ self.treestore, self.treeview = self.__create_tree()
+ self.treestorecontainer = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+ self.treestorecontainer.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
+ self.treestorecontainer.set_size_request(self.colwidth, -1)
+ self.treestorecontainer.add(self.treeview)
+ self.pack_start(self.treestorecontainer, False, False, 0)
+ self.reorder_child(self.treestorecontainer, 0)
+ self.treestorecontainer.show_all()
+ def add_theme_to_tree(self, theme):
+ """ Adds a row to the tree with name 'theme'
+ Note, that this does not save anything in the IO Manager
+ """
+ model = self.treestore
+ model.append(None, ["<b>" + theme + "</b>", self.themeicon, "theme", theme, True])
+ def add_article_to_tree(self, theme, title):
+ """ Adds a row to the tree under theme 'theme' with title 'title'
+ Note, that this does not save anything in the IO Manager
+ A typical usage of this would be:
+ IO_Manager().save_article(article)
+ Library_View.add_article_to_tree(article.article_theme, article.article_title)
+ Library_View.highlight_article(article.article_theme, article.article_title)
+ """
+ theme = "<b>%s</b>"%(theme,)
+ model = self.treestore
+ iter = model.get_iter_first()
+ while iter != None:
+ if model.get(iter, 0)[0] == theme:
+ if theme == "Wikipedia Articles":
+ model.append(iter, [title, self.wikiarticleicon, "wikiarticle", title, True])
+ else:
+ model.append(iter, [title, self.articleicon, "article", title, True])
+ return
+ else:
+ iter = model.iter_next(iter)
+ def article_exists_in_tree(self, theme, title):
+ """ Returns true if the article specified exists in the tree structure.
+ This is different to whether it exists as said by IO manager.
+ Typical usage would be:
+ IO_Manager().save_article(article)
+ if not Library_View.article_exists_in_tree(article.article_theme, article.article_title):
+ Library_View.add_article_to_tree(article.article_theme, article.article_title)
+ Library_View.highlight_article(article.article_theme, article.article_title)
+ """
+ theme = "<b>%s</b>"%(theme,)
+ iter = self.treestore.get_iter_first()
+ while iter != None:
+ if self.treestore.get(iter, 0)[0] == theme:
+ break
+ else:
+ iter = self.treestore.iter_next(iter)
+ if iter == None:
+ return False
+ iter = self.treestore.iter_children(iter)
+ while iter != None:
+ if self.treestore.get(iter, 0)[0] == title:
+ return True
+ else:
+ iter = self.treestore.iter_next(iter)
+ return False
+ def highlight_theme(self, title):
+ # Highlights the theme specified by title
+ title = "<b>%s</b>"%(title,)
+ iter = self.treestore.get_iter_first()
+ while iter != None:
+ if self.treestore.get(iter, 0)[0] == title:
+ destpath = self.treestore.get_path(iter)
+ self.treeview.set_cursor(destpath, None, True)
+ return
+ else:
+ iter = self.treestore.iter_next(iter)
+ def highlight_article(self, theme, title):
+ # Expands the theme specified by theme and highlights
+ # the article within this theme, specified by title.
+ theme = "<b>%s</b>"%(theme,)
+ iter = self.treestore.get_iter_first()
+ while iter != None:
+ if self.treestore.get(iter, 0)[0] == theme:
+ break
+ else:
+ iter = self.treestore.iter_next(iter)
+ if iter == None:
+ return
+ iter = self.treestore.iter_children(iter)
+ while iter != None:
+ if self.treestore.get(iter, 0)[0] == title:
+ destpath = self.treestore.get_path(iter)
+ self.treeview.expand_to_path(destpath)
+ self.treeview.set_cursor(destpath, None, True)
+ return
+ else:
+ iter = self.treestore.iter_next(iter)
+ def get_current_selection_type(self):
+ # Returns one of 'article', 'newarticle', 'theme', 'newtheme' or None
+ # depending on which element of the tree is selected.
+ model, sourceiter = self.treeview.get_selection().get_selected()
+ if sourceiter == None:
+ return None
+ else:
+ type = model.get(sourceiter, 2)
+ return type
+ def get_current_theme(self):
+ # Returns the current theme if one is selected,
+ # otherwise returns none.
+ model, sourceiter = self.treeview.get_selection().get_selected()
+ if sourceiter == None:
+ return None
+ title, type = model.get(sourceiter, 0, 2)
+ if type == "theme" or type == "wikitheme" or type == "mytheme":
+ return title[3:len(title)-4]
+ elif type == "article" or type == "newarticle" or type == "wikiarticle":
+ theme = model.get(model.get_iter(model.get_path(sourceiter)[0]), 0)[0]
+ theme = theme[3:len(theme)-4]
+ return theme
+ else:
+ return None
+ def get_current_article(self):
+ # Returns the current article if one is selected,
+ # otherwise returns none.
+ model, sourceiter = self.treeview.get_selection().get_selected()
+ if sourceiter == None:
+ return None
+ title, type = model.get(sourceiter, 0, 2)
+ if type == "article" or type == "wikiarticle":
+ return title
+ else:
+ return None
+ def set_status(self, status):
+ pass
+ def key_pressed(self, widget, event, data):
+ # We want the delete key to do something.
+ key = event.keyval
+ if key == 65535 or key == 65288 or key == 65307:
+ model, sourceiter = self.treeview.get_selection().get_selected()
+ if sourceiter == None:
+ return
+ data = model.get(sourceiter, 0, 1, 2)
+ title = data[0]
+ type = data[2]
+ if type == "newarticle" or type == "newtheme" or type == "mytheme" or type == "wikitheme":
+ # If the current selection is a "Create new article" or "Create new theme" field then we ignore the keypress
+ return
+ if type == "article" or type == "wikiarticle":
+ title = data[0]
+ theme = model.get(model.get_iter(model.get_path(sourceiter)[0]), 0)[0]
+ theme = theme[3:len(theme)-4]
+ # Delete the article from the theme
+ IO_Manager().remove_page(title, theme)
+ # If the source/working articles are this one then we remove them
+ source = self.sourcetext.get_article()
+ working = self.edittext.get_article()
+ if source != None and source.article_title == title and source.article_theme == theme:
+ self.sourcepanelabel.set_markup("<b>Wikipedia Article:</b>\n ")
+ self.sourcetext.set_article(Article())
+ if working != None and working.article_title == title and working.article_theme == theme:
+ self.editpanelabel.set_markup("<b>My Article:</b>\n ")
+ self.edittext.set_article(Article())
+ # Remove the article from the tree view
+ self.treestore.remove(sourceiter)
+ # Highlight the theme
+ destpath = self.treestore.get_path(sourceiter)
+ if destpath == None:
+ self.highlight_theme(theme)
+ else:
+ self.treeview.set_cursor(destpath, None, True)
+ elif type == "theme":
+ theme = data[0]
+ theme = theme[3:len(theme)-4]
+ # Delete the theme from the filesystem
+ IO_Manager().remove_theme(theme)
+ # Remove the theme from the tree view
+ destpath = self.treestore.get_path(sourceiter)
+ self.treestore.remove(sourceiter)
+ # If the source/working articles are in this theme then we remove them
+ source = self.sourcetext.get_article()
+ working = self.edittext.get_article()
+ if working != None and working.article_theme == theme:
+ self.editpanelabel.set_markup("<b>My Article:</b>\n ")
+ self.edittext.set_article(Article())
+ # Highlight the next theme
+ if destpath != None:
+ self.treeview.set_cursor(destpath, None, True)
+ self.set_status("Theme %s deleted" % (theme, ))
+ def name_changed(self, renderer, path, newtext, data):
+ # Disallowed chars are < > and &
+ if newtext == "" or newtext.isspace() or '&' in newtext or '<' in newtext or '>' in newtext:
+ return
+ newtext = newtext
+ model, sourceiter = self.treeview.get_selection().get_selected()
+ data = model.get(sourceiter, 0, 1, 2)
+ title = data[0]
+ type = data[2]
+ if type == "article":
+ """ Rename the selected article """
+ # Find the source theme and strip formatting tags
+ sourcetheme = model.get(model.get_iter(model.get_path(sourceiter)[0]), 0)[0]
+ sourcetheme = sourcetheme[3:len(sourcetheme)-4]
+ # Reset the name in the source/working articles if appropriate
+ source = self.sourcetext.get_article()
+ edit = self.edittext.get_article()
+ if source and source.article_title == title and source.article_theme == sourcetheme:
+ print "setting source title"
+ source.article_title = newtext
+ self.sourcepanelabel.set_markup("<b>Copy from: </b> %s\n "%(newtext, ))
+ if edit and edit.article_title == title and edit.article_theme == sourcetheme:
+ print "setting edit title"
+ edit.article_title = newtext
+ self.editpanelabel.set_markup("<span size='medium'><b>Theme: </b> %s \n<b>Article to edit: </b> %s</span>"%(sourcetheme, newtext))
+ # If there is already an article with the new name in the theme, then we ignore the name change and highlight the existing article
+ if IO_Manager().page_exists(newtext, sourcetheme):
+ self.highlight_article(sourcetheme, newtext)
+ return
+ # Rename the page with IO Manager
+ IO_Manager().rename_page(sourcetheme, title, newtext)
+ # Set text on row to new text
+ iter = model.get_iter(path)
+ model.set(iter, 0, newtext)
+ model.sort_column_changed()
+ self.set_status("Article %s renamed to %s in theme %s" % (title, newtext, sourcetheme))
+ elif type == "theme":
+ """ Rename the selected theme """
+ # Strip formatting tags
+ title = title[3:len(title)-4]
+ # Reset the theme in the source/working articles if appropriate
+ source = self.sourcetext.get_article()
+ edit = self.edittext.get_article()
+ if source and source.article_theme == title:
+ print "setting source theme"
+ source.article_theme = newtext
+ if edit and edit.article_theme == title:
+ print "setting edit theme"
+ edit.article_theme = newtext
+ self.editpanelabel.set_markup("<span size='medium'><b>Theme: </b> %s \n<b>Article to edit: </b> %s</span>"%(edit.article_theme, edit.article_title))
+ # If there is already a theme with the new name, then we ignore the name change and highlight the existing theme
+ if IO_Manager().theme_exists(newtext):
+ self.highlight_theme(newtext)
+ return
+ # Rename theme in IO Manager
+ IO_Manager().rename_theme(title, newtext)
+ # Set text on row to the new text (otherwise it would revert back)
+ iter = model.get_iter(path)
+ model.set(iter, 0, "<b>%s</b>"%(newtext,))
+ model.sort_column_changed()
+ self.set_status("Theme %s renamed to %s" % (title, newtext))
+ elif type == "newarticle":
+ """ Creating a new article """
+ if newtext.find("Create new article") != -1:
+ # If the contents of the text box haven't changed, then
+ # we don't want to do anything.
+ return
+ # Find the source theme and strip formatting tags
+ sourceiter = model.get_iter(model.get_path(sourceiter)[0])
+ sourcetheme = model.get(sourceiter, 0)[0]
+ sourcetheme = sourcetheme[3:len(sourcetheme)-4]
+ # If there is already a page with the title, we ignore the new article request and highlight the existing article
+ if IO_Manager().page_exists(newtext, sourcetheme):
+ self.highlight_article(sourcetheme, newtext)
+ return
+ # Create blank article
+ data = Article_Data(self, article_title = newtext, article_theme = sourcetheme)
+ article = Article(data)
+ # Save article with IO manager
+ IO_Manager().save_article(article)
+ # Add new row for article
+ destiter = model.append(sourceiter, [newtext, self.articleicon, "article", newtext, True])
+ # Highlight new row
+ destpath = model.get_path(destiter)
+ self.treeview.set_cursor(destpath, None, True)
+ self.set_status("New article '%s' created in theme %s" % (newtext, sourcetheme))
+ elif type == "newtheme":
+ """ Creating a new theme """
+ if newtext.find("Create new theme") != -1:
+ # If the contents of the text box haven't changed, then we don't want to do anything
+ return
+ try:
+ # Create new topic in IO manager
+ IO_Manager().add_theme_to_library(newtext)
+ # Add new row for theme
+ themeiter = model.append(None, ["<b>%s</b>" % (newtext, ), self.themeicon, "theme", newtext, True])
+ model.append(themeiter, ["<i>Create new article</i>", self.newarticleicon, "newarticle", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", True])
+ except theme_exists_error:
+ # If the theme already exists, then we proceed to just highlight it.
+ self.highlight_theme(newtext)
+ return
+ # Highlight new theme
+ destpath = model.get_path(themeiter)
+ self.treeview.expand_to_path(destpath)
+ self.treeview.set_cursor(destpath, None, True)
+ self.set_status("New theme '%s' created" % (newtext, ))
+ def drag_begin_event(self, widget, context, data):
+ # This just aborts the drag if the user attempts to drag a theme.
+ model, sourceiter = widget.get_selection().get_selected()
+ type = model.get(sourceiter, 2)[0]
+ if type != "article" and type != "newarticle" and type != "wikiarticle":
+ context.drag_abort(int(time.time()))
+ def drag_drop_event(self, widget, context, x, y, time, data):
+ """
+ This method moves the source article to the topic that the user
+ has dragged it to.
+ """
+ # First, retrieve the initial selection
+ model, sourceiter = widget.get_selection().get_selected()
+ data = model.get(sourceiter, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
+ title = data[0]
+ type = data[2]
+ # The source theme is the label of the first node along the path to the current selection
+ sourcetheme = model.get(model.get_iter(model.get_path(sourceiter)[0]), 0)[0]
+ # Strip bold tags
+ sourcetheme = sourcetheme[3:len(sourcetheme)-4]
+ # Check the type, if the user didn't drag an article, we ignore
+ if type == "article":
+ # Work out the destination
+ destrow = widget.get_dest_row_at_pos(x, y)
+ destiter = model.get_iter((destrow[0][0], ))
+ destpath = (destrow[0][0], 0)
+ # Strip bold tags
+ desttheme = model.get(destiter, 0)[0]
+ desttheme = desttheme[3:len(desttheme)-4]
+ # If the theme already has an article with the name, we do nothing, and highlight the article
+ # in the destination theme
+ if IO_Manager().page_exists(title, desttheme):
+ self.highlight_article(desttheme, title)
+ return
+ # If the destination is the "Create new theme" bit, then
+ # we create a new theme and put the article in the new theme
+ if desttheme == "Wikipedia Articles":
+ return
+ elif desttheme == "Create new theme":
+ themes = IO_Manager().get_themes()
+ desttheme = "New Theme 1"
+ i = 1
+ while desttheme in themes:
+ i = i + 1
+ desttheme = "New Theme %d" % (i,)
+ IO_Manager().add_theme_to_library(desttheme)
+ # Add new row for theme
+ destiter = model.append(None, ["<b>%s</b>" % (desttheme, ), self.themeicon, "theme", desttheme, True])
+ model.append(destiter, ["<i>Create new article</i>", self.newarticleicon, "newarticle", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", True])
+ # Re-jig the rows on the visual side of things
+ destiter = self.treestore.insert(destiter, 0, data)
+ self.treestore.remove(sourceiter)
+ self.treeview.set_model(self.treestore)
+ # Re-jig the files in the filesystem
+ IO_Manager().move_page(sourcetheme, desttheme, title)
+ # Reset the topic in the source/working articles if appropriate
+ source = self.sourcetext.get_article()
+ edit = self.edittext.get_article()
+ if edit != None and edit.article_title == title and edit.article_theme == sourcetheme:
+ print "setting edit title"
+ edit.article_theme = desttheme
+ self.editpanelabel.set_markup("<span size='medium'><b>Theme: </b> %s \n<b>Article to edit: </b> %s</span>"%(desttheme, title))
+ # Highlight the result of the drag
+ destpath = model.get_path(destiter)
+ self.treeview.expand_to_path(destpath)
+ self.treeview.set_cursor(destpath, None, True)
+ self.set_status("Article %s moved from %s to %s" % (title, sourcetheme, desttheme))
+ elif type == "wikiarticle":
+ # Work out the destination
+ destrow = widget.get_dest_row_at_pos(x, y)
+ destiter = model.get_iter((destrow[0][0], ))
+ destpath = (destrow[0][0], 0)
+ # Strip bold tags
+ desttheme = model.get(destiter, 0)[0]
+ desttheme = desttheme[3:len(desttheme)-4]
+ # Strip the "from en.wikipedia.org" or equivalent name
+ i = title.find(" (from ")
+ newtitle = title[0:i]
+ i = 0
+ temptitle = newtitle
+ while IO_Manager().page_exists(temptitle, desttheme):
+ temptitle = "%s %d" % (newtitle, i)
+ newtitle = temptitle
+ # If the theme already has an article with the name, we do nothing, and highlight the article
+ # in the destination theme
+ if IO_Manager().page_exists(newtitle, desttheme):
+ self.highlight_article(desttheme, newtitle)
+ return
+ # If the destination is the "Create new theme" bit, then
+ # we create a new theme and put the article in the new theme
+ if desttheme == "Wikipedia Articles":
+ return
+ elif desttheme == "Create new theme":
+ themes = IO_Manager().get_themes()
+ desttheme = "New Theme 1"
+ i = 1
+ while desttheme in themes:
+ i = i + 1
+ desttheme = "New Theme %d" % (i,)
+ IO_Manager().add_theme_to_library(desttheme)
+ # Add new row for theme
+ destiter = model.append(None, ["<b>%s</b>" % (desttheme, ), self.themeicon, "theme", desttheme, True])
+ model.append(destiter, ["<i>Create new article</i>", self.newarticleicon, "newarticle", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", True])
+ # Re-jig the rows on the visual side of things
+ newdata = [newtitle, self.articleicon, "article", newtitle, True]
+ destiter = self.treestore.insert(destiter, 0, newdata)
+ self.treeview.set_model(self.treestore)
+ # Re-jig the files in the filesystem
+ IO_Manager().copy_page(title, sourcetheme, desttheme)
+ IO_Manager().rename_page(desttheme, title, newtitle)
+ # Reset the topic in the source/working articles if appropriate
+ source = self.sourcetext.get_article()
+ edit = self.edittext.get_article()
+ # Highlight the result of the drag
+ destpath = model.get_path(destiter)
+ self.treeview.expand_to_path(destpath)
+ self.treeview.set_cursor(destpath, None, True)
+ def drag_data_get_event(self, widget, context, selection_data, info, timestamp, data):
+ model, sourceiter = self.treeview.get_selection().get_selected()
+ type = model.get(sourceiter, 2)[0]
+ target = selection_data.target
+ if target == "sourcearticle":
+ if type == "wikiarticle":
+ atom = gtk.gdk.atom_intern("article")
+ title = self.get_current_article()
+ theme = self.get_current_theme()
+ string = cPickle.dumps([title, theme])
+ selection_data.set(atom, 8, string)
+ self.sourcepanelabel.set_markup("<span size='medium'><b>Wikipedia Article: </b> \n%s</span> "%(title, ))
+ elif target == "editarticle":
+ if type == "newarticle":
+ # If the type is "newarticle" then we create a new article
+ # and highlight it.
+ # Create and save the new article
+ theme = self.get_current_theme()
+ i = 0
+ title = "New Article"
+ while IO_Manager().page_exists(title, theme):
+ i = i + 1
+ title = "New Article %d" % (i, )
+ data = Article_Data(article_title = title, article_theme = theme)
+ article = Article(data)
+ IO_Manager().save_article(article)
+ # Add the row to the tree model
+ sourceiter = model.get_iter(model.get_path(sourceiter)[0])
+ destiter = model.append(sourceiter, [title, self.articleicon, "article", title, True])
+ # Highlight new row
+ destpath = model.get_path(destiter)
+ self.treeview.set_cursor(destpath, None, True)
+ # Set the selection data to the new article
+ atom = gtk.gdk.atom_intern("article")
+ string = cPickle.dumps([title, theme])
+ selection_data.set(atom, 8, string)
+ self.editpanelabel.set_markup("<span size='medium'><b>Theme: </b> %s \n<b>Article to edit: </b> %s</span>"%(theme, title))
+ elif type == "article":
+ # If type is article, set the selection data to the theme and articlename
+ atom = gtk.gdk.atom_intern("article")
+ title = self.get_current_article()
+ theme = self.get_current_theme()
+ string = cPickle.dumps([title, theme])
+ selection_data.set(atom, 8, string)
+ self.editpanelabel.set_markup("<span size='medium'><b>Theme: </b> %s \n<b>Article to edit: </b> %s</span>"%(theme, title))
+ elif type == "wikiarticle":
+ title = self.get_current_article()
+ theme = self.get_current_theme()
+ i = title.find(" (from ")
+ newtitle = title[0:i]
+ i = 0
+ temptitle = newtitle
+ while IO_Manager().page_exists(temptitle, "My Articles"):
+ i = i + 1
+ temptitle = "%s %d" % (newtitle, i)
+ newtitle = temptitle
+ article = Article()
+ article.article_title = newtitle
+ article.article_theme = "My Articles"
+ IO_Manager().save_article(article)
+ sourceiter = model.get_iter((1,))
+ destiter = model.append(sourceiter, [newtitle, self.articleicon, "article", newtitle, True])
+ destpath = self.treestore.get_path(destiter)
+ self.treeview.expand_to_path(destpath)
+ self.treeview.set_cursor(destpath, None, True)
+ self.sourcetext.set_article(IO_Manager().load_article(title, "Wikipedia Articles"))
+ self.sourcepanelabel.set_markup("<span size='medium'><b>Wikipedia Article: </b> \n%s</span> "%(title, ))
+ atom = gtk.gdk.atom_intern("article")
+ string = cPickle.dumps([newtitle, "My Articles"])
+ selection_data.set(atom, 8, string)
+ self.editpanelabel.set_markup("<span size='medium'><b>Theme: </b> %s \n<b>Article to edit: </b> %s</span>"%("My Articles", newtitle))
+ else:
+ # No data so nothing happens
+ pass
+ def commence_retrieval(self, widget, entry, statuslabel, wikimenu, wikidictionary):
+ title = entry.get_text()
+ wiki = wikidictionary[wikimenu.get_active_text()]
+ theme = "Wikipedia Articles"
+ if title == "" or title == None:
+ return
+ if IO_Manager().page_exists("%s (from %s)"%(title, wiki), theme):
+ statuslabel.set_label("%s already exists" % (title, ))
+ t = Timer(10, self.clear_label, [statuslabel])
+ t.start()
+ else:
+ t = Timer(0, self.download_and_add, [title, theme, wiki, statuslabel])
+ t.start()
+ #self.download(title, theme)
+ def download_and_add(self, title, theme, wiki, statuslabel):
+ #exceptions handled by IO_Manager
+ try:
+ statuslabel.set_label("Downloading %s..."%(title,))
+ IO_Manager().download_wiki_article(title=title, theme=theme, wiki = wiki, statuslabel=statuslabel)
+ except PageNotFoundError, e:
+ statuslabel.set_label("%s could not be found."%(title, ))
+ return
+ except:
+ statuslabel.set_label("Error downloading %s. Check your connection."%(title, ))
+ return
+ model = self.treeview.get_model()
+ wikipath = (0, )
+ wikiiter = model.get_iter(wikipath)
+ destiter = model.append(wikiiter, ["%s (from %s)"%(title, wiki), self.wikiarticleicon, "wikiarticle", "%s (from %s)"%(title, wiki), False])
+ destpath = model.get_path(destiter)
+ self.treeview.expand_to_path(destpath)
+ statuslabel.set_markup("%s successfully downloaded." % (title, ))
+ t = Timer(10, self.clear_label, [statuslabel])
+ t.start()
+ def clear_label(self, label):
+ label.set_markup("")
+ def set_source(self, article):
+ # Set the article in the source pane to 'article'
+ title = article.article_title
+ buf = article.getBuffer()
+ text = buf.get_slice(buf.get_start_iter(), buf.get_end_iter())
+ if article.article_title != None and text != "" and article.article_theme == "Wikipedia Articles":
+ self.sourcetext.set_article(article)
+ self.sourcepanelabel.set_markup("<b>Wikipedia Article: </b> \n%s "%(title, ))
+ else:
+ self.sourcetext.set_article(Article())
+ self.sourcetext.set_editable(False)
+ self.sourcetext.set_cursor_visible(False)
+ def get_source(self):
+ """
+ This returns the currently selected source article.
+ If the selected source article is from a different theme to the currently
+ selected edit article, then the article theme is changed. This only
+ a temporary change and since it is a source article it is read only
+ so it will never be saved.
+ New themes / articles are created and loaded in the event that
+ nothing is currently selected.
+ """
+ currentarticle = self.sourcetext.get_article()
+ if not currentarticle or not currentarticle.article_title or currentarticle.article_title == "":
+ article = Article()
+ else:
+ article = currentarticle
+ article.article_theme == "Wikipedia Articles"
+ return article
+ def set_working(self, article):
+ # Set the working article to 'article'
+ theme = article.article_theme
+ title = article.article_title
+ buf = article.getBuffer()
+ text = buf.get_slice(buf.get_start_iter(), buf.get_end_iter())
+ if text:
+ print "article has text"
+ if not theme:
+ theme = "My Articles"
+ if not title:
+ i = 0
+ title = "New Article"
+ while IO_Manager().page_exists(title, theme):
+ i = i + 1
+ title = "New Article %s" % (i, )
+ else:
+ if title and theme and "New Article" in title and not IO_Manager().page_exists(title, theme):
+ title == None
+ if theme and title and theme != "Wikipedia Articles":
+ if not self.article_exists_in_tree(theme, title):
+ self.add_article_to_tree(theme, title)
+ IO_Manager().save_article(article)
+ self.highlight_article(theme, title)
+ self.edittext.set_article(article)
+ self.editpanelabel.set_markup("<span size='medium'><b>Theme: </b> %s \n<b>Article to edit: </b> %s</span>"%(theme, title))
+ self.sourcetext.set_editable(False)
+ self.sourcetext.set_cursor_visible(False)
+ def get_working(self):
+ # Return the current working article, or create a new article in the current theme
+ # if there is no current working article.
+ currentarticle = self.edittext.get_article()
+ if currentarticle != None:
+ article = currentarticle
+ else:
+ article = Article()
+ title = article.article_title
+ theme = article.article_theme
+ if not theme or theme == "":
+ theme = "My Articles"
+ article.article_theme = theme
+ if not title or title == "":
+ sourcearticle = self.sourcetext.get_article()
+ if sourcearticle and sourcearticle.article_title:
+ sourcetitle = sourcearticle.article_title
+ else:
+ sourcetitle = ""
+ j = sourcetitle.find(" (from ")
+ if j != -1:
+ title = sourcetitle[0:j]
+ else:
+ title = "New Article"
+ articles = IO_Manager().get_pages_in_theme(theme)
+ i = 0
+ while title in articles:
+ i = i + 1
+ title = "New Article %d" % (i, )
+ print title
+ article.article_title = title
+ return article \ No newline at end of file