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path: root/sugar_network/model/__init__.py
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authorAleksey Lim <alsroot@sugarlabs.org>2014-04-27 14:52:25 (GMT)
committer Aleksey Lim <alsroot@sugarlabs.org>2014-04-27 14:52:25 (GMT)
commit2dbc9b554f322ea23b224d923d9a6475e33ad6e9 (patch)
tree55df42ddf7a0ec8d4ca6ef007218b1056409dc0b /sugar_network/model/__init__.py
parent046073b04229021ec53833a353ffd069d0a5b561 (diff)
Implementation polishing
* http.request does not load posting stream before sending; * one-sigment packets; * move node related code to node module; * Principal capabilities; * batch posting while pushing client offline updates.
Diffstat (limited to 'sugar_network/model/__init__.py')
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 240 deletions
diff --git a/sugar_network/model/__init__.py b/sugar_network/model/__init__.py
index 3f6aef1..6a314f5 100644
--- a/sugar_network/model/__init__.py
+++ b/sugar_network/model/__init__.py
@@ -15,22 +15,17 @@
import os
import gettext
-import logging
-import mimetypes
from os.path import join
import xapian
-from sugar_network import toolkit, db
+from sugar_network import db
from sugar_network.model.routes import FrontRoutes
-from sugar_network.toolkit.spec import parse_version, parse_requires
-from sugar_network.toolkit.spec import EMPTY_LICENSE
-from sugar_network.toolkit.coroutine import this
-from sugar_network.toolkit.bundle import Bundle
-from sugar_network.toolkit.router import ACL
-from sugar_network.toolkit import i18n, http, svg_to_png, enforce
+LOGO_SIZE = 140
'activity', 'group', 'package', 'book',
@@ -58,11 +53,6 @@ RESOURCES = (
-LOGO_SIZE = 140
-_logger = logging.getLogger('model')
class Rating(db.List):
@@ -72,229 +62,3 @@ class Rating(db.List):
def slotting(self, value):
rating = float(value[1]) / value[0] if value[0] else 0
return xapian.sortable_serialise(rating)
-class Release(object):
- def typecast(self, release):
- if this.resource.exists and \
- 'activity' not in this.resource['type'] and \
- 'book' not in this.resource['type']:
- return release
- if not isinstance(release, dict):
- __, release = load_bundle(
- this.volume.blobs.post(release, this.request.content_type),
- context=this.request.guid)
- return release['bundles']['*-*']['blob'], release
- def reprcast(self, release):
- return this.volume.blobs.get(release['bundles']['*-*']['blob'])
- def teardown(self, release):
- if this.resource.exists and \
- 'activity' not in this.resource['type'] and \
- 'book' not in this.resource['type']:
- return
- for bundle in release['bundles'].values():
- this.volume.blobs.delete(bundle['blob'])
- def encode(self, value):
- return []
-def generate_node_stats(volume):
- def calc_rating(**kwargs):
- rating = [0, 0]
- alldocs, __ = volume['post'].find(**kwargs)
- for post in alldocs:
- if post['vote']:
- rating[0] += 1
- rating[1] += post['vote']
- return rating
- alldocs, __ = volume['context'].find()
- for context in alldocs:
- rating = calc_rating(type='review', context=context.guid)
- volume['context'].update(context.guid, {'rating': rating})
- alldocs, __ = volume['post'].find(topic='')
- for topic in alldocs:
- rating = calc_rating(type='feedback', topic=topic.guid)
- volume['post'].update(topic.guid, {'rating': rating})
-def load_bundle(blob, context=None, initial=False, extra_deps=None):
- context_type = None
- context_meta = None
- release_notes = None
- release = {}
- version = None
- try:
- bundle = Bundle(blob.path, mime_type='application/zip')
- except Exception:
- context_type = 'book'
- if not context:
- context = this.request['context']
- version = this.request['version']
- if 'license' in this.request:
- release['license'] = this.request['license']
- if isinstance(release['license'], basestring):
- release['license'] = [release['license']]
- release['stability'] = 'stable'
- release['bundles'] = {
- '*-*': {
- 'blob': blob.digest,
- },
- }
- else:
- context_type = 'activity'
- unpack_size = 0
- with bundle:
- changelog = join(bundle.rootdir, 'CHANGELOG')
- for arcname in bundle.get_names():
- if changelog and arcname == changelog:
- with bundle.extractfile(changelog) as f:
- release_notes = f.read()
- changelog = None
- unpack_size += bundle.getmember(arcname).size
- spec = bundle.get_spec()
- context_meta = _load_context_metadata(bundle, spec)
- if not context:
- context = spec['context']
- else:
- enforce(context == spec['context'],
- http.BadRequest, 'Wrong context')
- if extra_deps:
- spec.requires.update(parse_requires(extra_deps))
- version = spec['version']
- release['stability'] = spec['stability']
- if spec['license'] is not EMPTY_LICENSE:
- release['license'] = spec['license']
- release['commands'] = spec.commands
- release['requires'] = spec.requires
- release['bundles'] = {
- '*-*': {
- 'blob': blob.digest,
- 'unpack_size': unpack_size,
- },
- }
- blob.meta['content-type'] = 'application/vnd.olpc-sugar'
- enforce(context, http.BadRequest, 'Context is not specified')
- enforce(version, http.BadRequest, 'Version is not specified')
- release['version'] = parse_version(version)
- doc = this.volume['context'][context]
- if initial and not doc.exists:
- enforce(context_meta, http.BadRequest, 'No way to initate context')
- context_meta['guid'] = context
- context_meta['type'] = [context_type]
- with this.principal as principal:
- principal.admin = True
- this.call(method='POST', path=['context'], content=context_meta,
- principal=principal)
- else:
- enforce(doc.available, http.NotFound, 'No context')
- enforce(context_type in doc['type'],
- http.BadRequest, 'Inappropriate bundle type')
- if 'license' not in release:
- releases = doc['releases'].values()
- enforce(releases, http.BadRequest, 'License is not specified')
- recent = max(releases, key=lambda x: x.get('value', {}).get('release'))
- enforce(recent, http.BadRequest, 'License is not specified')
- release['license'] = recent['value']['license']
- _logger.debug('Load %r release: %r', context, release)
- if this.principal in doc['author']:
- patch = doc.format_patch(context_meta)
- if patch:
- this.call(method='PUT', path=['context', context], content=patch,
- principal=this.principal)
- doc.posts.update(patch)
- # TRANS: Release notes title
- title = i18n._('%(name)s %(version)s release')
- else:
- # TRANS: 3rd party release notes title
- title = i18n._('%(name)s %(version)s third-party release')
- release['announce'] = this.call(method='POST', path=['post'],
- content={
- 'context': context,
- 'type': 'notification',
- 'title': i18n.encode(title,
- name=doc['title'],
- version=version,
- ),
- 'message': release_notes or '',
- },
- content_type='application/json', principal=this.principal)
- blob.meta['content-disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="%s-%s%s"' % (
- ''.join(i18n.decode(doc['title']).split()), version,
- mimetypes.guess_extension(blob.meta.get('content-type')) or '',
- )
- this.volume.blobs.update(blob.digest, blob.meta)
- return context, release
-def _load_context_metadata(bundle, spec):
- result = {}
- for prop in ('homepage', 'mime_types'):
- if spec[prop]:
- result[prop] = spec[prop]
- result['guid'] = spec['context']
- try:
- from sugar_network.toolkit.sugar import color_svg
- icon_file = bundle.extractfile(join(bundle.rootdir, spec['icon']))
- svg = color_svg(icon_file.read(), result['guid'])
- blobs = this.volume.blobs
- result['artefact_icon'] = \
- blobs.post(svg, 'image/svg+xml').digest
- result['icon'] = \
- blobs.post(svg_to_png(svg, ICON_SIZE), 'image/png').digest
- result['logo'] = \
- blobs.post(svg_to_png(svg, LOGO_SIZE), 'image/png').digest
- icon_file.close()
- except Exception:
- _logger.exception('Failed to load icon')
- msgids = {}
- for prop, confname in [
- ('title', 'name'),
- ('summary', 'summary'),
- ('description', 'description'),
- ]:
- if spec[confname]:
- msgids[prop] = spec[confname]
- result[prop] = {'en': spec[confname]}
- with toolkit.mkdtemp() as tmpdir:
- for path in bundle.get_names():
- if not path.endswith('.mo'):
- continue
- mo_path = path.strip(os.sep).split(os.sep)
- if len(mo_path) != 5 or mo_path[1] != 'locale':
- continue
- lang = mo_path[2]
- bundle.extract(path, tmpdir)
- try:
- translation = gettext.translation(spec['context'],
- join(tmpdir, *mo_path[:2]), [lang])
- for prop, value in msgids.items():
- msgstr = translation.gettext(value).decode('utf8')
- if lang == 'en' or msgstr != value:
- result[prop][lang] = msgstr
- except Exception:
- _logger.exception('Gettext failed to read %r', mo_path[-1])
- return result