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path: root/buildbot/buildbot/buildslave.py
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1 files changed, 688 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/buildbot/buildbot/buildslave.py b/buildbot/buildbot/buildslave.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd41813
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildbot/buildbot/buildslave.py
@@ -0,0 +1,688 @@
+# Portions copyright Canonical Ltd. 2009
+import time
+from email.Message import Message
+from email.Utils import formatdate
+from zope.interface import implements
+from twisted.python import log
+from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
+from twisted.application import service
+import twisted.spread.pb
+from buildbot.pbutil import NewCredPerspective
+from buildbot.status.builder import SlaveStatus
+from buildbot.status.mail import MailNotifier
+from buildbot.interfaces import IBuildSlave, ILatentBuildSlave
+from buildbot.process.properties import Properties
+class AbstractBuildSlave(NewCredPerspective, service.MultiService):
+ """This is the master-side representative for a remote buildbot slave.
+ There is exactly one for each slave described in the config file (the
+ c['slaves'] list). When buildbots connect in (.attach), they get a
+ reference to this instance. The BotMaster object is stashed as the
+ .botmaster attribute. The BotMaster is also our '.parent' Service.
+ I represent a build slave -- a remote machine capable of
+ running builds. I am instantiated by the configuration file, and can be
+ subclassed to add extra functionality."""
+ implements(IBuildSlave)
+ def __init__(self, name, password, max_builds=None,
+ notify_on_missing=[], missing_timeout=3600,
+ properties={}):
+ """
+ @param name: botname this machine will supply when it connects
+ @param password: password this machine will supply when
+ it connects
+ @param max_builds: maximum number of simultaneous builds that will
+ be run concurrently on this buildslave (the
+ default is None for no limit)
+ @param properties: properties that will be applied to builds run on
+ this slave
+ @type properties: dictionary
+ """
+ service.MultiService.__init__(self)
+ self.slavename = name
+ self.password = password
+ self.botmaster = None # no buildmaster yet
+ self.slave_status = SlaveStatus(name)
+ self.slave = None # a RemoteReference to the Bot, when connected
+ self.slave_commands = None
+ self.slavebuilders = {}
+ self.max_builds = max_builds
+ self.properties = Properties()
+ self.properties.update(properties, "BuildSlave")
+ self.properties.setProperty("slavename", name, "BuildSlave")
+ self.lastMessageReceived = 0
+ if isinstance(notify_on_missing, str):
+ notify_on_missing = [notify_on_missing]
+ self.notify_on_missing = notify_on_missing
+ for i in notify_on_missing:
+ assert isinstance(i, str)
+ self.missing_timeout = missing_timeout
+ self.missing_timer = None
+ def update(self, new):
+ """
+ Given a new BuildSlave, configure this one identically. Because
+ BuildSlave objects are remotely referenced, we can't replace them
+ without disconnecting the slave, yet there's no reason to do that.
+ """
+ # the reconfiguration logic should guarantee this:
+ assert self.slavename == new.slavename
+ assert self.password == new.password
+ assert self.__class__ == new.__class__
+ self.max_builds = new.max_builds
+ def __repr__(self):
+ if self.botmaster:
+ builders = self.botmaster.getBuildersForSlave(self.slavename)
+ return "<%s '%s', current builders: %s>" % \
+ (self.__class__.__name__, self.slavename,
+ ','.join(map(lambda b: b.name, builders)))
+ else:
+ return "<%s '%s', (no builders yet)>" % \
+ (self.__class__.__name__, self.slavename)
+ def setBotmaster(self, botmaster):
+ assert not self.botmaster, "BuildSlave already has a botmaster"
+ self.botmaster = botmaster
+ self.startMissingTimer()
+ def stopMissingTimer(self):
+ if self.missing_timer:
+ self.missing_timer.cancel()
+ self.missing_timer = None
+ def startMissingTimer(self):
+ if self.notify_on_missing and self.missing_timeout and self.parent:
+ self.stopMissingTimer() # in case it's already running
+ self.missing_timer = reactor.callLater(self.missing_timeout,
+ self._missing_timer_fired)
+ def _missing_timer_fired(self):
+ self.missing_timer = None
+ # notify people, but only if we're still in the config
+ if not self.parent:
+ return
+ buildmaster = self.botmaster.parent
+ status = buildmaster.getStatus()
+ text = "The Buildbot working for '%s'\n" % status.getProjectName()
+ text += ("has noticed that the buildslave named %s went away\n" %
+ self.slavename)
+ text += "\n"
+ text += ("It last disconnected at %s (buildmaster-local time)\n" %
+ time.ctime(time.time() - self.missing_timeout)) # approx
+ text += "\n"
+ text += "The admin on record (as reported by BUILDSLAVE:info/admin)\n"
+ text += "was '%s'.\n" % self.slave_status.getAdmin()
+ text += "\n"
+ text += "Sincerely,\n"
+ text += " The Buildbot\n"
+ text += " %s\n" % status.getProjectURL()
+ subject = "Buildbot: buildslave %s was lost" % self.slavename
+ return self._mail_missing_message(subject, text)
+ def updateSlave(self):
+ """Called to add or remove builders after the slave has connected.
+ @return: a Deferred that indicates when an attached slave has
+ accepted the new builders and/or released the old ones."""
+ if self.slave:
+ return self.sendBuilderList()
+ else:
+ return defer.succeed(None)
+ def updateSlaveStatus(self, buildStarted=None, buildFinished=None):
+ if buildStarted:
+ self.slave_status.buildStarted(buildStarted)
+ if buildFinished:
+ self.slave_status.buildFinished(buildFinished)
+ def attached(self, bot):
+ """This is called when the slave connects.
+ @return: a Deferred that fires with a suitable pb.IPerspective to
+ give to the slave (i.e. 'self')"""
+ if self.slave:
+ # uh-oh, we've got a duplicate slave. The most likely
+ # explanation is that the slave is behind a slow link, thinks we
+ # went away, and has attempted to reconnect, so we've got two
+ # "connections" from the same slave, but the previous one is
+ # stale. Give the new one precedence.
+ log.msg("duplicate slave %s replacing old one" % self.slavename)
+ # just in case we've got two identically-configured slaves,
+ # report the IP addresses of both so someone can resolve the
+ # squabble
+ tport = self.slave.broker.transport
+ log.msg("old slave was connected from", tport.getPeer())
+ log.msg("new slave is from", bot.broker.transport.getPeer())
+ d = self.disconnect()
+ else:
+ d = defer.succeed(None)
+ # now we go through a sequence of calls, gathering information, then
+ # tell the Botmaster that it can finally give this slave to all the
+ # Builders that care about it.
+ # we accumulate slave information in this 'state' dictionary, then
+ # set it atomically if we make it far enough through the process
+ state = {}
+ # Reset graceful shutdown status
+ self.slave_status.setGraceful(False)
+ # We want to know when the graceful shutdown flag changes
+ self.slave_status.addGracefulWatcher(self._gracefulChanged)
+ def _log_attachment_on_slave(res):
+ d1 = bot.callRemote("print", "attached")
+ d1.addErrback(lambda why: None)
+ return d1
+ d.addCallback(_log_attachment_on_slave)
+ def _get_info(res):
+ d1 = bot.callRemote("getSlaveInfo")
+ def _got_info(info):
+ log.msg("Got slaveinfo from '%s'" % self.slavename)
+ # TODO: info{} might have other keys
+ state["admin"] = info.get("admin")
+ state["host"] = info.get("host")
+ def _info_unavailable(why):
+ # maybe an old slave, doesn't implement remote_getSlaveInfo
+ log.msg("BuildSlave.info_unavailable")
+ log.err(why)
+ d1.addCallbacks(_got_info, _info_unavailable)
+ return d1
+ d.addCallback(_get_info)
+ def _get_commands(res):
+ d1 = bot.callRemote("getCommands")
+ def _got_commands(commands):
+ state["slave_commands"] = commands
+ def _commands_unavailable(why):
+ # probably an old slave
+ log.msg("BuildSlave._commands_unavailable")
+ if why.check(AttributeError):
+ return
+ log.err(why)
+ d1.addCallbacks(_got_commands, _commands_unavailable)
+ return d1
+ d.addCallback(_get_commands)
+ def _accept_slave(res):
+ self.slave_status.setAdmin(state.get("admin"))
+ self.slave_status.setHost(state.get("host"))
+ self.slave_status.setConnected(True)
+ self.slave_commands = state.get("slave_commands")
+ self.slave = bot
+ log.msg("bot attached")
+ self.messageReceivedFromSlave()
+ self.stopMissingTimer()
+ return self.updateSlave()
+ d.addCallback(_accept_slave)
+ # Finally, the slave gets a reference to this BuildSlave. They
+ # receive this later, after we've started using them.
+ d.addCallback(lambda res: self)
+ return d
+ def messageReceivedFromSlave(self):
+ now = time.time()
+ self.lastMessageReceived = now
+ self.slave_status.setLastMessageReceived(now)
+ def detached(self, mind):
+ self.slave = None
+ self.slave_status.removeGracefulWatcher(self._gracefulChanged)
+ self.slave_status.setConnected(False)
+ log.msg("BuildSlave.detached(%s)" % self.slavename)
+ def disconnect(self):
+ """Forcibly disconnect the slave.
+ This severs the TCP connection and returns a Deferred that will fire
+ (with None) when the connection is probably gone.
+ If the slave is still alive, they will probably try to reconnect
+ again in a moment.
+ This is called in two circumstances. The first is when a slave is
+ removed from the config file. In this case, when they try to
+ reconnect, they will be rejected as an unknown slave. The second is
+ when we wind up with two connections for the same slave, in which
+ case we disconnect the older connection.
+ """
+ if not self.slave:
+ return defer.succeed(None)
+ log.msg("disconnecting old slave %s now" % self.slavename)
+ # When this Deferred fires, we'll be ready to accept the new slave
+ return self._disconnect(self.slave)
+ def _disconnect(self, slave):
+ # all kinds of teardown will happen as a result of
+ # loseConnection(), but it happens after a reactor iteration or
+ # two. Hook the actual disconnect so we can know when it is safe
+ # to connect the new slave. We have to wait one additional
+ # iteration (with callLater(0)) to make sure the *other*
+ # notifyOnDisconnect handlers have had a chance to run.
+ d = defer.Deferred()
+ # notifyOnDisconnect runs the callback with one argument, the
+ # RemoteReference being disconnected.
+ def _disconnected(rref):
+ reactor.callLater(0, d.callback, None)
+ slave.notifyOnDisconnect(_disconnected)
+ tport = slave.broker.transport
+ # this is the polite way to request that a socket be closed
+ tport.loseConnection()
+ try:
+ # but really we don't want to wait for the transmit queue to
+ # drain. The remote end is unlikely to ACK the data, so we'd
+ # probably have to wait for a (20-minute) TCP timeout.
+ #tport._closeSocket()
+ # however, doing _closeSocket (whether before or after
+ # loseConnection) somehow prevents the notifyOnDisconnect
+ # handlers from being run. Bummer.
+ tport.offset = 0
+ tport.dataBuffer = ""
+ except:
+ # however, these hacks are pretty internal, so don't blow up if
+ # they fail or are unavailable
+ log.msg("failed to accelerate the shutdown process")
+ pass
+ log.msg("waiting for slave to finish disconnecting")
+ return d
+ def sendBuilderList(self):
+ our_builders = self.botmaster.getBuildersForSlave(self.slavename)
+ blist = [(b.name, b.builddir) for b in our_builders]
+ d = self.slave.callRemote("setBuilderList", blist)
+ return d
+ def perspective_keepalive(self):
+ pass
+ def addSlaveBuilder(self, sb):
+ if sb.builder_name not in self.slavebuilders:
+ log.msg("%s adding %s" % (self, sb))
+ elif sb is not self.slavebuilders[sb.builder_name]:
+ log.msg("%s replacing %s" % (self, sb))
+ else:
+ return
+ self.slavebuilders[sb.builder_name] = sb
+ def removeSlaveBuilder(self, sb):
+ try:
+ del self.slavebuilders[sb.builder_name]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ log.msg("%s removed %s" % (self, sb))
+ def canStartBuild(self):
+ """
+ I am called when a build is requested to see if this buildslave
+ can start a build. This function can be used to limit overall
+ concurrency on the buildslave.
+ """
+ # If we're waiting to shutdown gracefully, then we shouldn't
+ # accept any new jobs.
+ if self.slave_status.getGraceful():
+ return False
+ if self.max_builds:
+ active_builders = [sb for sb in self.slavebuilders.values()
+ if sb.isBusy()]
+ if len(active_builders) >= self.max_builds:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def _mail_missing_message(self, subject, text):
+ # first, see if we have a MailNotifier we can use. This gives us a
+ # fromaddr and a relayhost.
+ buildmaster = self.botmaster.parent
+ for st in buildmaster.statusTargets:
+ if isinstance(st, MailNotifier):
+ break
+ else:
+ # if not, they get a default MailNotifier, which always uses SMTP
+ # to localhost and uses a dummy fromaddr of "buildbot".
+ log.msg("buildslave-missing msg using default MailNotifier")
+ st = MailNotifier("buildbot")
+ # now construct the mail
+ m = Message()
+ m.set_payload(text)
+ m['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=True)
+ m['Subject'] = subject
+ m['From'] = st.fromaddr
+ recipients = self.notify_on_missing
+ m['To'] = ", ".join(recipients)
+ d = st.sendMessage(m, recipients)
+ # return the Deferred for testing purposes
+ return d
+ def _gracefulChanged(self, graceful):
+ """This is called when our graceful shutdown setting changes"""
+ if graceful:
+ active_builders = [sb for sb in self.slavebuilders.values()
+ if sb.isBusy()]
+ if len(active_builders) == 0:
+ # Shut down!
+ self.shutdown()
+ def shutdown(self):
+ """Shutdown the slave"""
+ # Look for a builder with a remote reference to the client side
+ # slave. If we can find one, then call "shutdown" on the remote
+ # builder, which will cause the slave buildbot process to exit.
+ d = None
+ for b in self.slavebuilders.values():
+ if b.remote:
+ d = b.remote.callRemote("shutdown")
+ break
+ if d:
+ log.msg("Shutting down slave: %s" % self.slavename)
+ # The remote shutdown call will not complete successfully since the
+ # buildbot process exits almost immediately after getting the
+ # shutdown request.
+ # Here we look at the reason why the remote call failed, and if
+ # it's because the connection was lost, that means the slave
+ # shutdown as expected.
+ def _errback(why):
+ if why.check(twisted.spread.pb.PBConnectionLost):
+ log.msg("Lost connection to %s" % self.slavename)
+ else:
+ log.err("Unexpected error when trying to shutdown %s" % self.slavename)
+ d.addErrback(_errback)
+ return d
+ log.err("Couldn't find remote builder to shut down slave")
+ return defer.succeed(None)
+class BuildSlave(AbstractBuildSlave):
+ def sendBuilderList(self):
+ d = AbstractBuildSlave.sendBuilderList(self)
+ def _sent(slist):
+ dl = []
+ for name, remote in slist.items():
+ # use get() since we might have changed our mind since then
+ b = self.botmaster.builders.get(name)
+ if b:
+ d1 = b.attached(self, remote, self.slave_commands)
+ dl.append(d1)
+ return defer.DeferredList(dl)
+ def _set_failed(why):
+ log.msg("BuildSlave.sendBuilderList (%s) failed" % self)
+ log.err(why)
+ # TODO: hang up on them?, without setBuilderList we can't use
+ # them
+ d.addCallbacks(_sent, _set_failed)
+ return d
+ def detached(self, mind):
+ AbstractBuildSlave.detached(self, mind)
+ self.botmaster.slaveLost(self)
+ self.startMissingTimer()
+ def buildFinished(self, sb):
+ """This is called when a build on this slave is finished."""
+ # If we're gracefully shutting down, and we have no more active
+ # builders, then it's safe to disconnect
+ if self.slave_status.getGraceful():
+ active_builders = [sb for sb in self.slavebuilders.values()
+ if sb.isBusy()]
+ if len(active_builders) == 0:
+ # Shut down!
+ return self.shutdown()
+ return defer.succeed(None)
+class AbstractLatentBuildSlave(AbstractBuildSlave):
+ """A build slave that will start up a slave instance when needed.
+ To use, subclass and implement start_instance and stop_instance.
+ See ec2buildslave.py for a concrete example. Also see the stub example in
+ test/test_slaves.py.
+ """
+ implements(ILatentBuildSlave)
+ substantiated = False
+ substantiation_deferred = None
+ build_wait_timer = None
+ _start_result = _shutdown_callback_handle = None
+ def __init__(self, name, password, max_builds=None,
+ notify_on_missing=[], missing_timeout=60*20,
+ build_wait_timeout=60*10,
+ properties={}):
+ AbstractBuildSlave.__init__(
+ self, name, password, max_builds, notify_on_missing,
+ missing_timeout, properties)
+ self.building = set()
+ self.build_wait_timeout = build_wait_timeout
+ def start_instance(self):
+ # responsible for starting instance that will try to connect with
+ # this master. Should return deferred. Problems should use an
+ # errback.
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def stop_instance(self, fast=False):
+ # responsible for shutting down instance.
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def substantiate(self, sb):
+ if self.substantiated:
+ self._clearBuildWaitTimer()
+ self._setBuildWaitTimer()
+ return defer.succeed(self)
+ if self.substantiation_deferred is None:
+ if self.parent and not self.missing_timer:
+ # start timer. if timer times out, fail deferred
+ self.missing_timer = reactor.callLater(
+ self.missing_timeout,
+ self._substantiation_failed, defer.TimeoutError())
+ self.substantiation_deferred = defer.Deferred()
+ if self.slave is None:
+ self._substantiate() # start up instance
+ # else: we're waiting for an old one to detach. the _substantiate
+ # will be done in ``detached`` below.
+ return self.substantiation_deferred
+ def _substantiate(self):
+ # register event trigger
+ d = self.start_instance()
+ self._shutdown_callback_handle = reactor.addSystemEventTrigger(
+ 'before', 'shutdown', self._soft_disconnect, fast=True)
+ def stash_reply(result):
+ self._start_result = result
+ def clean_up(failure):
+ if self.missing_timer is not None:
+ self.missing_timer.cancel()
+ self._substantiation_failed(failure)
+ if self._shutdown_callback_handle is not None:
+ handle = self._shutdown_callback_handle
+ del self._shutdown_callback_handle
+ reactor.removeSystemEventTrigger(handle)
+ return failure
+ d.addCallbacks(stash_reply, clean_up)
+ return d
+ def attached(self, bot):
+ if self.substantiation_deferred is None:
+ log.msg('Slave %s received connection while not trying to '
+ 'substantiate. Disconnecting.' % (self.slavename,))
+ self._disconnect(bot)
+ return defer.fail()
+ return AbstractBuildSlave.attached(self, bot)
+ def detached(self, mind):
+ AbstractBuildSlave.detached(self, mind)
+ if self.substantiation_deferred is not None:
+ self._substantiate()
+ def _substantiation_failed(self, failure):
+ d = self.substantiation_deferred
+ self.substantiation_deferred = None
+ self.missing_timer = None
+ d.errback(failure)
+ self.insubstantiate()
+ # notify people, but only if we're still in the config
+ if not self.parent or not self.notify_on_missing:
+ return
+ status = buildmaster.getStatus()
+ text = "The Buildbot working for '%s'\n" % status.getProjectName()
+ text += ("has noticed that the latent buildslave named %s \n" %
+ self.slavename)
+ text += "never substantiated after a request\n"
+ text += "\n"
+ text += ("The request was made at %s (buildmaster-local time)\n" %
+ time.ctime(time.time() - self.missing_timeout)) # approx
+ text += "\n"
+ text += "Sincerely,\n"
+ text += " The Buildbot\n"
+ text += " %s\n" % status.getProjectURL()
+ subject = "Buildbot: buildslave %s never substantiated" % self.slavename
+ return self._mail_missing_message(subject, text)
+ def buildStarted(self, sb):
+ assert self.substantiated
+ self._clearBuildWaitTimer()
+ self.building.add(sb.builder_name)
+ def buildFinished(self, sb):
+ self.building.remove(sb.builder_name)
+ if not self.building:
+ self._setBuildWaitTimer()
+ def _clearBuildWaitTimer(self):
+ if self.build_wait_timer is not None:
+ if self.build_wait_timer.active():
+ self.build_wait_timer.cancel()
+ self.build_wait_timer = None
+ def _setBuildWaitTimer(self):
+ self._clearBuildWaitTimer()
+ self.build_wait_timer = reactor.callLater(
+ self.build_wait_timeout, self._soft_disconnect)
+ def insubstantiate(self, fast=False):
+ self._clearBuildWaitTimer()
+ d = self.stop_instance(fast)
+ if self._shutdown_callback_handle is not None:
+ handle = self._shutdown_callback_handle
+ del self._shutdown_callback_handle
+ reactor.removeSystemEventTrigger(handle)
+ self.substantiated = False
+ self.building.clear() # just to be sure
+ return d
+ def _soft_disconnect(self, fast=False):
+ d = AbstractBuildSlave.disconnect(self)
+ if self.slave is not None:
+ # this could be called when the slave needs to shut down, such as
+ # in BotMaster.removeSlave, *or* when a new slave requests a
+ # connection when we already have a slave. It's not clear what to
+ # do in the second case: this shouldn't happen, and if it
+ # does...if it's a latent slave, shutting down will probably kill
+ # something we want...but we can't know what the status is. So,
+ # here, we just do what should be appropriate for the first case,
+ # and put our heads in the sand for the second, at least for now.
+ # The best solution to the odd situation is removing it as a
+ # possibilty: make the master in charge of connecting to the
+ # slave, rather than vice versa. TODO.
+ d = defer.DeferredList([d, self.insubstantiate(fast)])
+ else:
+ if self.substantiation_deferred is not None:
+ # unlike the previous block, we don't expect this situation when
+ # ``attached`` calls ``disconnect``, only when we get a simple
+ # request to "go away".
+ self.substantiation_deferred.errback()
+ self.substantiation_deferred = None
+ if self.missing_timer:
+ self.missing_timer.cancel()
+ self.missing_timer = None
+ self.stop_instance()
+ return d
+ def disconnect(self):
+ d = self._soft_disconnect()
+ # this removes the slave from all builders. It won't come back
+ # without a restart (or maybe a sighup)
+ self.botmaster.slaveLost(self)
+ def stopService(self):
+ res = defer.maybeDeferred(AbstractBuildSlave.stopService, self)
+ if self.slave is not None:
+ d = self._soft_disconnect()
+ res = defer.DeferredList([res, d])
+ return res
+ def updateSlave(self):
+ """Called to add or remove builders after the slave has connected.
+ Also called after botmaster's builders are initially set.
+ @return: a Deferred that indicates when an attached slave has
+ accepted the new builders and/or released the old ones."""
+ for b in self.botmaster.getBuildersForSlave(self.slavename):
+ if b.name not in self.slavebuilders:
+ b.addLatentSlave(self)
+ return AbstractBuildSlave.updateSlave(self)
+ def sendBuilderList(self):
+ d = AbstractBuildSlave.sendBuilderList(self)
+ def _sent(slist):
+ dl = []
+ for name, remote in slist.items():
+ # use get() since we might have changed our mind since then.
+ # we're checking on the builder in addition to the
+ # slavebuilders out of a bit of paranoia.
+ b = self.botmaster.builders.get(name)
+ sb = self.slavebuilders.get(name)
+ if b and sb:
+ d1 = sb.attached(self, remote, self.slave_commands)
+ dl.append(d1)
+ return defer.DeferredList(dl)
+ def _set_failed(why):
+ log.msg("BuildSlave.sendBuilderList (%s) failed" % self)
+ log.err(why)
+ # TODO: hang up on them?, without setBuilderList we can't use
+ # them
+ if self.substantiation_deferred:
+ self.substantiation_deferred.errback()
+ self.substantiation_deferred = None
+ if self.missing_timer:
+ self.missing_timer.cancel()
+ self.missing_timer = None
+ # TODO: maybe log? send an email?
+ return why
+ d.addCallbacks(_sent, _set_failed)
+ def _substantiated(res):
+ self.substantiated = True
+ if self.substantiation_deferred:
+ d = self.substantiation_deferred
+ del self.substantiation_deferred
+ res = self._start_result
+ del self._start_result
+ d.callback(res)
+ # note that the missing_timer is already handled within
+ # ``attached``
+ if not self.building:
+ self._setBuildWaitTimer()
+ d.addCallback(_substantiated)
+ return d