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path: root/buildbot/buildbot/changes/svnpoller.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'buildbot/buildbot/changes/svnpoller.py')
1 files changed, 463 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/buildbot/buildbot/changes/svnpoller.py b/buildbot/buildbot/changes/svnpoller.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..223c8b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildbot/buildbot/changes/svnpoller.py
@@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: buildbot.test.test_svnpoller -*-
+# Based on the work of Dave Peticolas for the P4poll
+# Changed to svn (using xml.dom.minidom) by Niklaus Giger
+# Hacked beyond recognition by Brian Warner
+from twisted.python import log
+from twisted.internet import defer, reactor, utils
+from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall
+from buildbot import util
+from buildbot.changes import base
+from buildbot.changes.changes import Change
+import xml.dom.minidom
+def _assert(condition, msg):
+ if condition:
+ return True
+ raise AssertionError(msg)
+def dbgMsg(myString):
+ log.msg(myString)
+ return 1
+# these split_file_* functions are available for use as values to the
+# split_file= argument.
+def split_file_alwaystrunk(path):
+ return (None, path)
+def split_file_branches(path):
+ # turn trunk/subdir/file.c into (None, "subdir/file.c")
+ # and branches/1.5.x/subdir/file.c into ("branches/1.5.x", "subdir/file.c")
+ pieces = path.split('/')
+ if pieces[0] == 'trunk':
+ return (None, '/'.join(pieces[1:]))
+ elif pieces[0] == 'branches':
+ return ('/'.join(pieces[0:2]), '/'.join(pieces[2:]))
+ else:
+ return None
+class SVNPoller(base.ChangeSource, util.ComparableMixin):
+ """This source will poll a Subversion repository for changes and submit
+ them to the change master."""
+ compare_attrs = ["svnurl", "split_file_function",
+ "svnuser", "svnpasswd",
+ "pollinterval", "histmax",
+ "svnbin"]
+ parent = None # filled in when we're added
+ last_change = None
+ loop = None
+ working = False
+ def __init__(self, svnurl, split_file=None,
+ svnuser=None, svnpasswd=None,
+ pollinterval=10*60, histmax=100,
+ svnbin='svn'):
+ """
+ @type svnurl: string
+ @param svnurl: the SVN URL that describes the repository and
+ subdirectory to watch. If this ChangeSource should
+ only pay attention to a single branch, this should
+ point at the repository for that branch, like
+ svn://svn.twistedmatrix.com/svn/Twisted/trunk . If it
+ should follow multiple branches, point it at the
+ repository directory that contains all the branches
+ like svn://svn.twistedmatrix.com/svn/Twisted and also
+ provide a branch-determining function.
+ Each file in the repository has a SVN URL in the form
+ (SVNURL)/(BRANCH)/(FILEPATH), where (BRANCH) could be
+ empty or not, depending upon your branch-determining
+ function. Only files that start with (SVNURL)/(BRANCH)
+ will be monitored. The Change objects that are sent to
+ the Schedulers will see (FILEPATH) for each modified
+ file.
+ @type split_file: callable or None
+ @param split_file: a function that is called with a string of the
+ form (BRANCH)/(FILEPATH) and should return a tuple
+ (BRANCH, FILEPATH). This function should match
+ your repository's branch-naming policy. Each
+ changed file has a fully-qualified URL that can be
+ split into a prefix (which equals the value of the
+ 'svnurl' argument) and a suffix; it is this suffix
+ which is passed to the split_file function.
+ If the function returns None, the file is ignored.
+ Use this to indicate that the file is not a part
+ of this project.
+ For example, if your repository puts the trunk in
+ trunk/... and branches are in places like
+ branches/1.5/..., your split_file function could
+ look like the following (this function is
+ available as svnpoller.split_file_branches)::
+ pieces = path.split('/')
+ if pieces[0] == 'trunk':
+ return (None, '/'.join(pieces[1:]))
+ elif pieces[0] == 'branches':
+ return ('/'.join(pieces[0:2]),
+ '/'.join(pieces[2:]))
+ else:
+ return None
+ If instead your repository layout puts the trunk
+ for ProjectA in trunk/ProjectA/... and the 1.5
+ branch in branches/1.5/ProjectA/..., your
+ split_file function could look like::
+ pieces = path.split('/')
+ if pieces[0] == 'trunk':
+ branch = None
+ pieces.pop(0) # remove 'trunk'
+ elif pieces[0] == 'branches':
+ pieces.pop(0) # remove 'branches'
+ # grab branch name
+ branch = 'branches/' + pieces.pop(0)
+ else:
+ return None # something weird
+ projectname = pieces.pop(0)
+ if projectname != 'ProjectA':
+ return None # wrong project
+ return (branch, '/'.join(pieces))
+ The default of split_file= is None, which
+ indicates that no splitting should be done. This
+ is equivalent to the following function::
+ return (None, path)
+ If you wish, you can override the split_file
+ method with the same sort of function instead of
+ passing in a split_file= argument.
+ @type svnuser: string
+ @param svnuser: If set, the --username option will be added to
+ the 'svn log' command. You may need this to get
+ access to a private repository.
+ @type svnpasswd: string
+ @param svnpasswd: If set, the --password option will be added.
+ @type pollinterval: int
+ @param pollinterval: interval in seconds between polls. The default
+ is 600 seconds (10 minutes). Smaller values
+ decrease the latency between the time a change
+ is recorded and the time the buildbot notices
+ it, but it also increases the system load.
+ @type histmax: int
+ @param histmax: maximum number of changes to look back through.
+ The default is 100. Smaller values decrease
+ system load, but if more than histmax changes
+ are recorded between polls, the extra ones will
+ be silently lost.
+ @type svnbin: string
+ @param svnbin: path to svn binary, defaults to just 'svn'. Use
+ this if your subversion command lives in an
+ unusual location.
+ """
+ if svnurl.endswith("/"):
+ svnurl = svnurl[:-1] # strip the trailing slash
+ self.svnurl = svnurl
+ self.split_file_function = split_file or split_file_alwaystrunk
+ self.svnuser = svnuser
+ self.svnpasswd = svnpasswd
+ self.svnbin = svnbin
+ self.pollinterval = pollinterval
+ self.histmax = histmax
+ self._prefix = None
+ self.overrun_counter = 0
+ self.loop = LoopingCall(self.checksvn)
+ def split_file(self, path):
+ # use getattr() to avoid turning this function into a bound method,
+ # which would require it to have an extra 'self' argument
+ f = getattr(self, "split_file_function")
+ return f(path)
+ def startService(self):
+ log.msg("SVNPoller(%s) starting" % self.svnurl)
+ base.ChangeSource.startService(self)
+ # Don't start the loop just yet because the reactor isn't running.
+ # Give it a chance to go and install our SIGCHLD handler before
+ # spawning processes.
+ reactor.callLater(0, self.loop.start, self.pollinterval)
+ def stopService(self):
+ log.msg("SVNPoller(%s) shutting down" % self.svnurl)
+ self.loop.stop()
+ return base.ChangeSource.stopService(self)
+ def describe(self):
+ return "SVNPoller watching %s" % self.svnurl
+ def checksvn(self):
+ # Our return value is only used for unit testing.
+ # we need to figure out the repository root, so we can figure out
+ # repository-relative pathnames later. Each SVNURL is in the form
+ # (ROOT)/(PROJECT)/(BRANCH)/(FILEPATH), where (ROOT) is something
+ # like svn://svn.twistedmatrix.com/svn/Twisted (i.e. there is a
+ # physical repository at /svn/Twisted on that host), (PROJECT) is
+ # something like Projects/Twisted (i.e. within the repository's
+ # internal namespace, everything under Projects/Twisted/ has
+ # something to do with Twisted, but these directory names do not
+ # actually appear on the repository host), (BRANCH) is something like
+ # "trunk" or "branches/2.0.x", and (FILEPATH) is a tree-relative
+ # filename like "twisted/internet/defer.py".
+ # our self.svnurl attribute contains (ROOT)/(PROJECT) combined
+ # together in a way that we can't separate without svn's help. If the
+ # user is not using the split_file= argument, then self.svnurl might
+ # be (ROOT)/(PROJECT)/(BRANCH) . In any case, the filenames we will
+ # get back from 'svn log' will be of the form
+ # (PROJECT)/(BRANCH)/(FILEPATH), but we want to be able to remove
+ # that (PROJECT) prefix from them. To do this without requiring the
+ # user to tell us how svnurl is split into ROOT and PROJECT, we do an
+ # 'svn info --xml' command at startup. This command will include a
+ # <root> element that tells us ROOT. We then strip this prefix from
+ # self.svnurl to determine PROJECT, and then later we strip the
+ # PROJECT prefix from the filenames reported by 'svn log --xml' to
+ # get a (BRANCH)/(FILEPATH) that can be passed to split_file() to
+ # turn into separate BRANCH and FILEPATH values.
+ # whew.
+ if self.working:
+ log.msg("SVNPoller(%s) overrun: timer fired but the previous "
+ "poll had not yet finished." % self.svnurl)
+ self.overrun_counter += 1
+ return defer.succeed(None)
+ self.working = True
+ log.msg("SVNPoller polling")
+ if not self._prefix:
+ # this sets self._prefix when it finishes. It fires with
+ # self._prefix as well, because that makes the unit tests easier
+ # to write.
+ d = self.get_root()
+ d.addCallback(self.determine_prefix)
+ else:
+ d = defer.succeed(self._prefix)
+ d.addCallback(self.get_logs)
+ d.addCallback(self.parse_logs)
+ d.addCallback(self.get_new_logentries)
+ d.addCallback(self.create_changes)
+ d.addCallback(self.submit_changes)
+ d.addCallbacks(self.finished_ok, self.finished_failure)
+ return d
+ def getProcessOutput(self, args):
+ # this exists so we can override it during the unit tests
+ d = utils.getProcessOutput(self.svnbin, args, {})
+ return d
+ def get_root(self):
+ args = ["info", "--xml", "--non-interactive", self.svnurl]
+ if self.svnuser:
+ args.extend(["--username=%s" % self.svnuser])
+ if self.svnpasswd:
+ args.extend(["--password=%s" % self.svnpasswd])
+ d = self.getProcessOutput(args)
+ return d
+ def determine_prefix(self, output):
+ try:
+ doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(output)
+ except xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError:
+ dbgMsg("_process_changes: ExpatError in %s" % output)
+ log.msg("SVNPoller._determine_prefix_2: ExpatError in '%s'"
+ % output)
+ raise
+ rootnodes = doc.getElementsByTagName("root")
+ if not rootnodes:
+ # this happens if the URL we gave was already the root. In this
+ # case, our prefix is empty.
+ self._prefix = ""
+ return self._prefix
+ rootnode = rootnodes[0]
+ root = "".join([c.data for c in rootnode.childNodes])
+ # root will be a unicode string
+ _assert(self.svnurl.startswith(root),
+ "svnurl='%s' doesn't start with <root>='%s'" %
+ (self.svnurl, root))
+ self._prefix = self.svnurl[len(root):]
+ if self._prefix.startswith("/"):
+ self._prefix = self._prefix[1:]
+ log.msg("SVNPoller: svnurl=%s, root=%s, so prefix=%s" %
+ (self.svnurl, root, self._prefix))
+ return self._prefix
+ def get_logs(self, ignored_prefix=None):
+ args = []
+ args.extend(["log", "--xml", "--verbose", "--non-interactive"])
+ if self.svnuser:
+ args.extend(["--username=%s" % self.svnuser])
+ if self.svnpasswd:
+ args.extend(["--password=%s" % self.svnpasswd])
+ args.extend(["--limit=%d" % (self.histmax), self.svnurl])
+ d = self.getProcessOutput(args)
+ return d
+ def parse_logs(self, output):
+ # parse the XML output, return a list of <logentry> nodes
+ try:
+ doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(output)
+ except xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError:
+ dbgMsg("_process_changes: ExpatError in %s" % output)
+ log.msg("SVNPoller._parse_changes: ExpatError in '%s'" % output)
+ raise
+ logentries = doc.getElementsByTagName("logentry")
+ return logentries
+ def _filter_new_logentries(self, logentries, last_change):
+ # given a list of logentries, return a tuple of (new_last_change,
+ # new_logentries), where new_logentries contains only the ones after
+ # last_change
+ if not logentries:
+ # no entries, so last_change must stay at None
+ return (None, [])
+ mostRecent = int(logentries[0].getAttribute("revision"))
+ if last_change is None:
+ # if this is the first time we've been run, ignore any changes
+ # that occurred before now. This prevents a build at every
+ # startup.
+ log.msg('svnPoller: starting at change %s' % mostRecent)
+ return (mostRecent, [])
+ if last_change == mostRecent:
+ # an unmodified repository will hit this case
+ log.msg('svnPoller: _process_changes last %s mostRecent %s' % (
+ last_change, mostRecent))
+ return (mostRecent, [])
+ new_logentries = []
+ for el in logentries:
+ if last_change == int(el.getAttribute("revision")):
+ break
+ new_logentries.append(el)
+ new_logentries.reverse() # return oldest first
+ return (mostRecent, new_logentries)
+ def get_new_logentries(self, logentries):
+ last_change = self.last_change
+ (new_last_change,
+ new_logentries) = self._filter_new_logentries(logentries,
+ self.last_change)
+ self.last_change = new_last_change
+ log.msg('svnPoller: _process_changes %s .. %s' %
+ (last_change, new_last_change))
+ return new_logentries
+ def _get_text(self, element, tag_name):
+ try:
+ child_nodes = element.getElementsByTagName(tag_name)[0].childNodes
+ text = "".join([t.data for t in child_nodes])
+ except:
+ text = "<unknown>"
+ return text
+ def _transform_path(self, path):
+ _assert(path.startswith(self._prefix),
+ "filepath '%s' should start with prefix '%s'" %
+ (path, self._prefix))
+ relative_path = path[len(self._prefix):]
+ if relative_path.startswith("/"):
+ relative_path = relative_path[1:]
+ where = self.split_file(relative_path)
+ # 'where' is either None or (branch, final_path)
+ return where
+ def create_changes(self, new_logentries):
+ changes = []
+ for el in new_logentries:
+ branch_files = [] # get oldest change first
+ revision = str(el.getAttribute("revision"))
+ dbgMsg("Adding change revision %s" % (revision,))
+ # TODO: the rest of buildbot may not be ready for unicode 'who'
+ # values
+ author = self._get_text(el, "author")
+ comments = self._get_text(el, "msg")
+ # there is a "date" field, but it provides localtime in the
+ # repository's timezone, whereas we care about buildmaster's
+ # localtime (since this will get used to position the boxes on
+ # the Waterfall display, etc). So ignore the date field and use
+ # our local clock instead.
+ #when = self._get_text(el, "date")
+ #when = time.mktime(time.strptime("%.19s" % when,
+ # "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"))
+ branches = {}
+ pathlist = el.getElementsByTagName("paths")[0]
+ for p in pathlist.getElementsByTagName("path"):
+ action = p.getAttribute("action")
+ path = "".join([t.data for t in p.childNodes])
+ # the rest of buildbot is certaily not yet ready to handle
+ # unicode filenames, because they get put in RemoteCommands
+ # which get sent via PB to the buildslave, and PB doesn't
+ # handle unicode.
+ path = path.encode("ascii")
+ if path.startswith("/"):
+ path = path[1:]
+ where = self._transform_path(path)
+ # if 'where' is None, the file was outside any project that
+ # we care about and we should ignore it
+ if where:
+ branch, filename = where
+ if not branch in branches:
+ branches[branch] = { 'files': []}
+ branches[branch]['files'].append(filename)
+ if not branches[branch].has_key('action'):
+ branches[branch]['action'] = action
+ for branch in branches.keys():
+ action = branches[branch]['action']
+ files = branches[branch]['files']
+ number_of_files_changed = len(files)
+ if action == u'D' and number_of_files_changed == 1 and files[0] == '':
+ log.msg("Ignoring deletion of branch '%s'" % branch)
+ else:
+ c = Change(who=author,
+ files=files,
+ comments=comments,
+ revision=revision,
+ branch=branch)
+ changes.append(c)
+ return changes
+ def submit_changes(self, changes):
+ for c in changes:
+ self.parent.addChange(c)
+ def finished_ok(self, res):
+ log.msg("SVNPoller finished polling")
+ dbgMsg('_finished : %s' % res)
+ assert self.working
+ self.working = False
+ return res
+ def finished_failure(self, f):
+ log.msg("SVNPoller failed")
+ dbgMsg('_finished : %s' % f)
+ assert self.working
+ self.working = False
+ return None # eat the failure