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path: root/buildbot/buildbot/process/base.py
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1 files changed, 627 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/buildbot/buildbot/process/base.py b/buildbot/buildbot/process/base.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8eaa940
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildbot/buildbot/process/base.py
@@ -0,0 +1,627 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: buildbot.test.test_step -*-
+import types
+from zope.interface import implements
+from twisted.python import log
+from twisted.python.failure import Failure
+from twisted.internet import reactor, defer, error
+from buildbot import interfaces, locks
+from buildbot.status.builder import SUCCESS, WARNINGS, FAILURE, EXCEPTION
+from buildbot.status.builder import Results, BuildRequestStatus
+from buildbot.status.progress import BuildProgress
+from buildbot.process.properties import Properties
+class BuildRequest:
+ """I represent a request to a specific Builder to run a single build.
+ I have a SourceStamp which specifies what sources I will build. This may
+ specify a specific revision of the source tree (so source.branch,
+ source.revision, and source.patch are used). The .patch attribute is
+ either None or a tuple of (patchlevel, diff), consisting of a number to
+ use in 'patch -pN', and a unified-format context diff.
+ Alternatively, the SourceStamp may specify a set of Changes to be built,
+ contained in source.changes. In this case, I may be mergeable with other
+ BuildRequests on the same branch.
+ I may be part of a BuildSet, in which case I will report status results
+ to it.
+ I am paired with a BuildRequestStatus object, to which I feed status
+ information.
+ @type source: a L{buildbot.sourcestamp.SourceStamp} instance.
+ @ivar source: the source code that this BuildRequest use
+ @type reason: string
+ @ivar reason: the reason this Build is being requested. Schedulers
+ provide this, but for forced builds the user requesting the
+ build will provide a string.
+ @type properties: Properties object
+ @ivar properties: properties that should be applied to this build
+ 'owner' property is used by Build objects to collect
+ the list returned by getInterestedUsers
+ @ivar status: the IBuildStatus object which tracks our status
+ @ivar submittedAt: a timestamp (seconds since epoch) when this request
+ was submitted to the Builder. This is used by the CVS
+ step to compute a checkout timestamp, as well as the
+ master to prioritize build requests from oldest to
+ newest.
+ """
+ source = None
+ builder = None
+ startCount = 0 # how many times we have tried to start this build
+ submittedAt = None
+ implements(interfaces.IBuildRequestControl)
+ def __init__(self, reason, source, builderName, properties=None):
+ assert interfaces.ISourceStamp(source, None)
+ self.reason = reason
+ self.source = source
+ self.properties = Properties()
+ if properties:
+ self.properties.updateFromProperties(properties)
+ self.start_watchers = []
+ self.finish_watchers = []
+ self.status = BuildRequestStatus(source, builderName)
+ def canBeMergedWith(self, other):
+ return self.source.canBeMergedWith(other.source)
+ def mergeWith(self, others):
+ return self.source.mergeWith([o.source for o in others])
+ def mergeReasons(self, others):
+ """Return a reason for the merged build request."""
+ reasons = []
+ for req in [self] + others:
+ if req.reason and req.reason not in reasons:
+ reasons.append(req.reason)
+ return ", ".join(reasons)
+ def waitUntilFinished(self):
+ """Get a Deferred that will fire (with a
+ L{buildbot.interfaces.IBuildStatus} instance when the build
+ finishes."""
+ d = defer.Deferred()
+ self.finish_watchers.append(d)
+ return d
+ # these are called by the Builder
+ def requestSubmitted(self, builder):
+ # the request has been placed on the queue
+ self.builder = builder
+ def buildStarted(self, build, buildstatus):
+ """This is called by the Builder when a Build has been started in the
+ hopes of satifying this BuildRequest. It may be called multiple
+ times, since interrupted builds and lost buildslaves may force
+ multiple Builds to be run until the fate of the BuildRequest is known
+ for certain."""
+ for o in self.start_watchers[:]:
+ # these observers get the IBuildControl
+ o(build)
+ # while these get the IBuildStatus
+ self.status.buildStarted(buildstatus)
+ def finished(self, buildstatus):
+ """This is called by the Builder when the BuildRequest has been
+ retired. This happens when its Build has either succeeded (yay!) or
+ failed (boo!). TODO: If it is halted due to an exception (oops!), or
+ some other retryable error, C{finished} will not be called yet."""
+ for w in self.finish_watchers:
+ w.callback(buildstatus)
+ self.finish_watchers = []
+ # IBuildRequestControl
+ def subscribe(self, observer):
+ self.start_watchers.append(observer)
+ def unsubscribe(self, observer):
+ self.start_watchers.remove(observer)
+ def cancel(self):
+ """Cancel this request. This can only be successful if the Build has
+ not yet been started.
+ @return: a boolean indicating if the cancel was successful."""
+ if self.builder:
+ return self.builder.cancelBuildRequest(self)
+ return False
+ def setSubmitTime(self, t):
+ self.submittedAt = t
+ self.status.setSubmitTime(t)
+ def getSubmitTime(self):
+ return self.submittedAt
+class Build:
+ """I represent a single build by a single slave. Specialized Builders can
+ use subclasses of Build to hold status information unique to those build
+ processes.
+ I control B{how} the build proceeds. The actual build is broken up into a
+ series of steps, saved in the .buildSteps[] array as a list of
+ L{buildbot.process.step.BuildStep} objects. Each step is a single remote
+ command, possibly a shell command.
+ During the build, I put status information into my C{BuildStatus}
+ gatherer.
+ After the build, I go away.
+ I can be used by a factory by setting buildClass on
+ L{buildbot.process.factory.BuildFactory}
+ @ivar requests: the list of L{BuildRequest}s that triggered me
+ @ivar build_status: the L{buildbot.status.builder.BuildStatus} that
+ collects our status
+ """
+ implements(interfaces.IBuildControl)
+ workdir = "build"
+ build_status = None
+ reason = "changes"
+ finished = False
+ results = None
+ def __init__(self, requests):
+ self.requests = requests
+ for req in self.requests:
+ req.startCount += 1
+ self.locks = []
+ # build a source stamp
+ self.source = requests[0].mergeWith(requests[1:])
+ self.reason = requests[0].mergeReasons(requests[1:])
+ self.progress = None
+ self.currentStep = None
+ self.slaveEnvironment = {}
+ self.terminate = False
+ def setBuilder(self, builder):
+ """
+ Set the given builder as our builder.
+ @type builder: L{buildbot.process.builder.Builder}
+ """
+ self.builder = builder
+ def setLocks(self, locks):
+ self.locks = locks
+ def setSlaveEnvironment(self, env):
+ self.slaveEnvironment = env
+ def getSourceStamp(self):
+ return self.source
+ def setProperty(self, propname, value, source):
+ """Set a property on this build. This may only be called after the
+ build has started, so that it has a BuildStatus object where the
+ properties can live."""
+ self.build_status.setProperty(propname, value, source)
+ def getProperties(self):
+ return self.build_status.getProperties()
+ def getProperty(self, propname):
+ return self.build_status.getProperty(propname)
+ def allChanges(self):
+ return self.source.changes
+ def allFiles(self):
+ # return a list of all source files that were changed
+ files = []
+ havedirs = 0
+ for c in self.allChanges():
+ for f in c.files:
+ files.append(f)
+ if c.isdir:
+ havedirs = 1
+ return files
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<Build %s>" % (self.builder.name,)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ d = self.__dict__.copy()
+ if d.has_key('remote'):
+ del d['remote']
+ return d
+ def blamelist(self):
+ blamelist = []
+ for c in self.allChanges():
+ if c.who not in blamelist:
+ blamelist.append(c.who)
+ blamelist.sort()
+ return blamelist
+ def changesText(self):
+ changetext = ""
+ for c in self.allChanges():
+ changetext += "-" * 60 + "\n\n" + c.asText() + "\n"
+ # consider sorting these by number
+ return changetext
+ def setStepFactories(self, step_factories):
+ """Set a list of 'step factories', which are tuples of (class,
+ kwargs), where 'class' is generally a subclass of step.BuildStep .
+ These are used to create the Steps themselves when the Build starts
+ (as opposed to when it is first created). By creating the steps
+ later, their __init__ method will have access to things like
+ build.allFiles() ."""
+ self.stepFactories = list(step_factories)
+ useProgress = True
+ def getSlaveCommandVersion(self, command, oldversion=None):
+ return self.slavebuilder.getSlaveCommandVersion(command, oldversion)
+ def getSlaveName(self):
+ return self.slavebuilder.slave.slavename
+ def setupProperties(self):
+ props = self.getProperties()
+ # start with global properties from the configuration
+ buildmaster = self.builder.botmaster.parent
+ props.updateFromProperties(buildmaster.properties)
+ # get any properties from requests (this is the path through
+ # which schedulers will send us properties)
+ for rq in self.requests:
+ props.updateFromProperties(rq.properties)
+ # now set some properties of our own, corresponding to the
+ # build itself
+ props.setProperty("buildername", self.builder.name, "Build")
+ props.setProperty("buildnumber", self.build_status.number, "Build")
+ props.setProperty("branch", self.source.branch, "Build")
+ props.setProperty("revision", self.source.revision, "Build")
+ def setupSlaveBuilder(self, slavebuilder):
+ self.slavebuilder = slavebuilder
+ # navigate our way back to the L{buildbot.buildslave.BuildSlave}
+ # object that came from the config, and get its properties
+ buildslave_properties = slavebuilder.slave.properties
+ self.getProperties().updateFromProperties(buildslave_properties)
+ self.slavename = slavebuilder.slave.slavename
+ self.build_status.setSlavename(self.slavename)
+ def startBuild(self, build_status, expectations, slavebuilder):
+ """This method sets up the build, then starts it by invoking the
+ first Step. It returns a Deferred which will fire when the build
+ finishes. This Deferred is guaranteed to never errback."""
+ # we are taking responsibility for watching the connection to the
+ # remote. This responsibility was held by the Builder until our
+ # startBuild was called, and will not return to them until we fire
+ # the Deferred returned by this method.
+ log.msg("%s.startBuild" % self)
+ self.build_status = build_status
+ # now that we have a build_status, we can set properties
+ self.setupProperties()
+ self.setupSlaveBuilder(slavebuilder)
+ slavebuilder.slave.updateSlaveStatus(buildStarted=build_status)
+ # convert all locks into their real forms
+ lock_list = []
+ for access in self.locks:
+ if not isinstance(access, locks.LockAccess):
+ # Buildbot 0.7.7 compability: user did not specify access
+ access = access.defaultAccess()
+ lock = self.builder.botmaster.getLockByID(access.lockid)
+ lock_list.append((lock, access))
+ self.locks = lock_list
+ # then narrow SlaveLocks down to the right slave
+ self.locks = [(l.getLock(self.slavebuilder), la)
+ for l, la in self.locks]
+ self.remote = slavebuilder.remote
+ self.remote.notifyOnDisconnect(self.lostRemote)
+ d = self.deferred = defer.Deferred()
+ def _release_slave(res, slave, bs):
+ self.slavebuilder.buildFinished()
+ slave.updateSlaveStatus(buildFinished=bs)
+ return res
+ d.addCallback(_release_slave, self.slavebuilder.slave, build_status)
+ try:
+ self.setupBuild(expectations) # create .steps
+ except:
+ # the build hasn't started yet, so log the exception as a point
+ # event instead of flunking the build. TODO: associate this
+ # failure with the build instead. this involves doing
+ # self.build_status.buildStarted() from within the exception
+ # handler
+ log.msg("Build.setupBuild failed")
+ log.err(Failure())
+ self.builder.builder_status.addPointEvent(["setupBuild",
+ "exception"])
+ self.finished = True
+ self.results = FAILURE
+ self.deferred = None
+ d.callback(self)
+ return d
+ self.acquireLocks().addCallback(self._startBuild_2)
+ return d
+ def acquireLocks(self, res=None):
+ log.msg("acquireLocks(step %s, locks %s)" % (self, self.locks))
+ if not self.locks:
+ return defer.succeed(None)
+ for lock, access in self.locks:
+ if not lock.isAvailable(access):
+ log.msg("Build %s waiting for lock %s" % (self, lock))
+ d = lock.waitUntilMaybeAvailable(self, access)
+ d.addCallback(self.acquireLocks)
+ return d
+ # all locks are available, claim them all
+ for lock, access in self.locks:
+ lock.claim(self, access)
+ return defer.succeed(None)
+ def _startBuild_2(self, res):
+ self.build_status.buildStarted(self)
+ self.startNextStep()
+ def setupBuild(self, expectations):
+ # create the actual BuildSteps. If there are any name collisions, we
+ # add a count to the loser until it is unique.
+ self.steps = []
+ self.stepStatuses = {}
+ stepnames = []
+ sps = []
+ for factory, args in self.stepFactories:
+ args = args.copy()
+ try:
+ step = factory(**args)
+ except:
+ log.msg("error while creating step, factory=%s, args=%s"
+ % (factory, args))
+ raise
+ step.setBuild(self)
+ step.setBuildSlave(self.slavebuilder.slave)
+ step.setDefaultWorkdir(self.workdir)
+ name = step.name
+ count = 1
+ while name in stepnames and count < 1000:
+ count += 1
+ name = step.name + "_%d" % count
+ if count == 1000:
+ raise RuntimeError("reached 1000 steps with base name" + \
+ "%s, bailing" % step.name)
+ elif name in stepnames:
+ raise RuntimeError("duplicate step '%s'" % step.name)
+ step.name = name
+ stepnames.append(name)
+ self.steps.append(step)
+ # tell the BuildStatus about the step. This will create a
+ # BuildStepStatus and bind it to the Step.
+ step_status = self.build_status.addStepWithName(name)
+ step.setStepStatus(step_status)
+ sp = None
+ if self.useProgress:
+ # XXX: maybe bail if step.progressMetrics is empty? or skip
+ # progress for that one step (i.e. "it is fast"), or have a
+ # separate "variable" flag that makes us bail on progress
+ # tracking
+ sp = step.setupProgress()
+ if sp:
+ sps.append(sp)
+ # Create a buildbot.status.progress.BuildProgress object. This is
+ # called once at startup to figure out how to build the long-term
+ # Expectations object, and again at the start of each build to get a
+ # fresh BuildProgress object to track progress for that individual
+ # build. TODO: revisit at-startup call
+ if self.useProgress:
+ self.progress = BuildProgress(sps)
+ if self.progress and expectations:
+ self.progress.setExpectationsFrom(expectations)
+ # we are now ready to set up our BuildStatus.
+ self.build_status.setSourceStamp(self.source)
+ self.build_status.setRequests([req.status for req in self.requests])
+ self.build_status.setReason(self.reason)
+ self.build_status.setBlamelist(self.blamelist())
+ self.build_status.setProgress(self.progress)
+ # gather owners from build requests
+ owners = [r.properties['owner'] for r in self.requests
+ if r.properties.has_key('owner')]
+ if owners: self.setProperty('owners', owners, self.reason)
+ self.results = [] # list of FAILURE, SUCCESS, WARNINGS, SKIPPED
+ self.result = SUCCESS # overall result, may downgrade after each step
+ self.text = [] # list of text string lists (text2)
+ def getNextStep(self):
+ """This method is called to obtain the next BuildStep for this build.
+ When it returns None (or raises a StopIteration exception), the build
+ is complete."""
+ if not self.steps:
+ return None
+ if self.terminate:
+ while True:
+ s = self.steps.pop(0)
+ if s.alwaysRun:
+ return s
+ if not self.steps:
+ return None
+ else:
+ return self.steps.pop(0)
+ def startNextStep(self):
+ try:
+ s = self.getNextStep()
+ except StopIteration:
+ s = None
+ if not s:
+ return self.allStepsDone()
+ self.currentStep = s
+ d = defer.maybeDeferred(s.startStep, self.remote)
+ d.addCallback(self._stepDone, s)
+ d.addErrback(self.buildException)
+ def _stepDone(self, results, step):
+ self.currentStep = None
+ if self.finished:
+ return # build was interrupted, don't keep building
+ terminate = self.stepDone(results, step) # interpret/merge results
+ if terminate:
+ self.terminate = True
+ return self.startNextStep()
+ def stepDone(self, result, step):
+ """This method is called when the BuildStep completes. It is passed a
+ status object from the BuildStep and is responsible for merging the
+ Step's results into those of the overall Build."""
+ terminate = False
+ text = None
+ if type(result) == types.TupleType:
+ result, text = result
+ assert type(result) == type(SUCCESS)
+ log.msg(" step '%s' complete: %s" % (step.name, Results[result]))
+ self.results.append(result)
+ if text:
+ self.text.extend(text)
+ if not self.remote:
+ terminate = True
+ if result == FAILURE:
+ if step.warnOnFailure:
+ if self.result != FAILURE:
+ self.result = WARNINGS
+ if step.flunkOnFailure:
+ self.result = FAILURE
+ if step.haltOnFailure:
+ terminate = True
+ elif result == WARNINGS:
+ if step.warnOnWarnings:
+ if self.result != FAILURE:
+ self.result = WARNINGS
+ if step.flunkOnWarnings:
+ self.result = FAILURE
+ elif result == EXCEPTION:
+ self.result = EXCEPTION
+ terminate = True
+ return terminate
+ def lostRemote(self, remote=None):
+ # the slave went away. There are several possible reasons for this,
+ # and they aren't necessarily fatal. For now, kill the build, but
+ # TODO: see if we can resume the build when it reconnects.
+ log.msg("%s.lostRemote" % self)
+ self.remote = None
+ if self.currentStep:
+ # this should cause the step to finish.
+ log.msg(" stopping currentStep", self.currentStep)
+ self.currentStep.interrupt(Failure(error.ConnectionLost()))
+ def stopBuild(self, reason="<no reason given>"):
+ # the idea here is to let the user cancel a build because, e.g.,
+ # they realized they committed a bug and they don't want to waste
+ # the time building something that they know will fail. Another
+ # reason might be to abandon a stuck build. We want to mark the
+ # build as failed quickly rather than waiting for the slave's
+ # timeout to kill it on its own.
+ log.msg(" %s: stopping build: %s" % (self, reason))
+ if self.finished:
+ return
+ # TODO: include 'reason' in this point event
+ self.builder.builder_status.addPointEvent(['interrupt'])
+ self.currentStep.interrupt(reason)
+ if 0:
+ # TODO: maybe let its deferred do buildFinished
+ if self.currentStep and self.currentStep.progress:
+ # XXX: really .fail or something
+ self.currentStep.progress.finish()
+ text = ["stopped", reason]
+ self.buildFinished(text, FAILURE)
+ def allStepsDone(self):
+ if self.result == FAILURE:
+ text = ["failed"]
+ elif self.result == WARNINGS:
+ text = ["warnings"]
+ elif self.result == EXCEPTION:
+ text = ["exception"]
+ else:
+ text = ["build", "successful"]
+ text.extend(self.text)
+ return self.buildFinished(text, self.result)
+ def buildException(self, why):
+ log.msg("%s.buildException" % self)
+ log.err(why)
+ self.buildFinished(["build", "exception"], FAILURE)
+ def buildFinished(self, text, results):
+ """This method must be called when the last Step has completed. It
+ marks the Build as complete and returns the Builder to the 'idle'
+ state.
+ It takes two arguments which describe the overall build status:
+ text, results. 'results' is one of SUCCESS, WARNINGS, or FAILURE.
+ If 'results' is SUCCESS or WARNINGS, we will permit any dependant
+ builds to start. If it is 'FAILURE', those builds will be
+ abandoned."""
+ self.finished = True
+ if self.remote:
+ self.remote.dontNotifyOnDisconnect(self.lostRemote)
+ self.results = results
+ log.msg(" %s: build finished" % self)
+ self.build_status.setText(text)
+ self.build_status.setResults(results)
+ self.build_status.buildFinished()
+ if self.progress and results == SUCCESS:
+ # XXX: also test a 'timing consistent' flag?
+ log.msg(" setting expectations for next time")
+ self.builder.setExpectations(self.progress)
+ reactor.callLater(0, self.releaseLocks)
+ self.deferred.callback(self)
+ self.deferred = None
+ def releaseLocks(self):
+ log.msg("releaseLocks(%s): %s" % (self, self.locks))
+ for lock, access in self.locks:
+ lock.release(self, access)
+ # IBuildControl
+ def getStatus(self):
+ return self.build_status
+ # stopBuild is defined earlier