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path: root/buildbot/buildbot/scripts/runner.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'buildbot/buildbot/scripts/runner.py')
1 files changed, 1023 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/buildbot/buildbot/scripts/runner.py b/buildbot/buildbot/scripts/runner.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e22dbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildbot/buildbot/scripts/runner.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1023 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: buildbot.test.test_runner -*-
+# N.B.: don't import anything that might pull in a reactor yet. Some of our
+# subcommands want to load modules that need the gtk reactor.
+import os, sys, stat, re, time
+import traceback
+from twisted.python import usage, util, runtime
+from buildbot.interfaces import BuildbotNotRunningError
+# this is mostly just a front-end for mktap, twistd, and kill(1), but in the
+# future it will also provide an interface to some developer tools that talk
+# directly to a remote buildmaster (like 'try' and a status client)
+# the create/start/stop commands should all be run as the same user,
+# preferably a separate 'buildbot' account.
+class MakerBase(usage.Options):
+ optFlags = [
+ ['help', 'h', "Display this message"],
+ ["quiet", "q", "Do not emit the commands being run"],
+ ]
+ #["basedir", "d", None, "Base directory for the buildmaster"],
+ opt_h = usage.Options.opt_help
+ def parseArgs(self, *args):
+ if len(args) > 0:
+ self['basedir'] = args[0]
+ else:
+ self['basedir'] = None
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ raise usage.UsageError("I wasn't expecting so many arguments")
+ def postOptions(self):
+ if self['basedir'] is None:
+ raise usage.UsageError("<basedir> parameter is required")
+ self['basedir'] = os.path.abspath(self['basedir'])
+makefile_sample = """# -*- makefile -*-
+# This is a simple makefile which lives in a buildmaster/buildslave
+# directory (next to the buildbot.tac file). It allows you to start/stop the
+# master or slave by doing 'make start' or 'make stop'.
+# The 'reconfig' target will tell a buildmaster to reload its config file.
+ twistd --no_save -y buildbot.tac
+ kill `cat twistd.pid`
+ kill -HUP `cat twistd.pid`
+ tail -f twistd.log
+class Maker:
+ def __init__(self, config):
+ self.config = config
+ self.basedir = config['basedir']
+ self.force = config.get('force', False)
+ self.quiet = config['quiet']
+ def mkdir(self):
+ if os.path.exists(self.basedir):
+ if not self.quiet:
+ print "updating existing installation"
+ return
+ if not self.quiet: print "mkdir", self.basedir
+ os.mkdir(self.basedir)
+ def mkinfo(self):
+ path = os.path.join(self.basedir, "info")
+ if not os.path.exists(path):
+ if not self.quiet: print "mkdir", path
+ os.mkdir(path)
+ created = False
+ admin = os.path.join(path, "admin")
+ if not os.path.exists(admin):
+ if not self.quiet:
+ print "Creating info/admin, you need to edit it appropriately"
+ f = open(admin, "wt")
+ f.write("Your Name Here <admin@youraddress.invalid>\n")
+ f.close()
+ created = True
+ host = os.path.join(path, "host")
+ if not os.path.exists(host):
+ if not self.quiet:
+ print "Creating info/host, you need to edit it appropriately"
+ f = open(host, "wt")
+ f.write("Please put a description of this build host here\n")
+ f.close()
+ created = True
+ if created and not self.quiet:
+ print "Please edit the files in %s appropriately." % path
+ def chdir(self):
+ if not self.quiet: print "chdir", self.basedir
+ os.chdir(self.basedir)
+ def makeTAC(self, contents, secret=False):
+ tacfile = "buildbot.tac"
+ if os.path.exists(tacfile):
+ oldcontents = open(tacfile, "rt").read()
+ if oldcontents == contents:
+ if not self.quiet:
+ print "buildbot.tac already exists and is correct"
+ return
+ if not self.quiet:
+ print "not touching existing buildbot.tac"
+ print "creating buildbot.tac.new instead"
+ tacfile = "buildbot.tac.new"
+ f = open(tacfile, "wt")
+ f.write(contents)
+ f.close()
+ if secret:
+ os.chmod(tacfile, 0600)
+ def makefile(self):
+ target = "Makefile.sample"
+ if os.path.exists(target):
+ oldcontents = open(target, "rt").read()
+ if oldcontents == makefile_sample:
+ if not self.quiet:
+ print "Makefile.sample already exists and is correct"
+ return
+ if not self.quiet:
+ print "replacing Makefile.sample"
+ else:
+ if not self.quiet:
+ print "creating Makefile.sample"
+ f = open(target, "wt")
+ f.write(makefile_sample)
+ f.close()
+ def sampleconfig(self, source):
+ target = "master.cfg.sample"
+ config_sample = open(source, "rt").read()
+ if os.path.exists(target):
+ oldcontents = open(target, "rt").read()
+ if oldcontents == config_sample:
+ if not self.quiet:
+ print "master.cfg.sample already exists and is up-to-date"
+ return
+ if not self.quiet:
+ print "replacing master.cfg.sample"
+ else:
+ if not self.quiet:
+ print "creating master.cfg.sample"
+ f = open(target, "wt")
+ f.write(config_sample)
+ f.close()
+ os.chmod(target, 0600)
+ def public_html(self, index_html, buildbot_css, robots_txt):
+ webdir = os.path.join(self.basedir, "public_html")
+ if os.path.exists(webdir):
+ if not self.quiet:
+ print "public_html/ already exists: not replacing"
+ return
+ else:
+ os.mkdir(webdir)
+ if not self.quiet:
+ print "populating public_html/"
+ target = os.path.join(webdir, "index.html")
+ f = open(target, "wt")
+ f.write(open(index_html, "rt").read())
+ f.close()
+ target = os.path.join(webdir, "buildbot.css")
+ f = open(target, "wt")
+ f.write(open(buildbot_css, "rt").read())
+ f.close()
+ target = os.path.join(webdir, "robots.txt")
+ f = open(target, "wt")
+ f.write(open(robots_txt, "rt").read())
+ f.close()
+ def populate_if_missing(self, target, source, overwrite=False):
+ new_contents = open(source, "rt").read()
+ if os.path.exists(target):
+ old_contents = open(target, "rt").read()
+ if old_contents != new_contents:
+ if overwrite:
+ if not self.quiet:
+ print "%s has old/modified contents" % target
+ print " overwriting it with new contents"
+ open(target, "wt").write(new_contents)
+ else:
+ if not self.quiet:
+ print "%s has old/modified contents" % target
+ print " writing new contents to %s.new" % target
+ open(target + ".new", "wt").write(new_contents)
+ # otherwise, it's up to date
+ else:
+ if not self.quiet:
+ print "populating %s" % target
+ open(target, "wt").write(new_contents)
+ def upgrade_public_html(self, index_html, buildbot_css, robots_txt):
+ webdir = os.path.join(self.basedir, "public_html")
+ if not os.path.exists(webdir):
+ if not self.quiet:
+ print "populating public_html/"
+ os.mkdir(webdir)
+ self.populate_if_missing(os.path.join(webdir, "index.html"),
+ index_html)
+ self.populate_if_missing(os.path.join(webdir, "buildbot.css"),
+ buildbot_css)
+ self.populate_if_missing(os.path.join(webdir, "robots.txt"),
+ robots_txt)
+ def check_master_cfg(self):
+ from buildbot.master import BuildMaster
+ from twisted.python import log, failure
+ master_cfg = os.path.join(self.basedir, "master.cfg")
+ if not os.path.exists(master_cfg):
+ if not self.quiet:
+ print "No master.cfg found"
+ return 1
+ # side-effects of loading the config file:
+ # for each Builder defined in c['builders'], if the status directory
+ # didn't already exist, it will be created, and the
+ # $BUILDERNAME/builder pickle might be created (with a single
+ # "builder created" event).
+ # we put basedir in front of sys.path, because that's how the
+ # buildmaster itself will run, and it is quite common to have the
+ # buildmaster import helper classes from other .py files in its
+ # basedir.
+ if sys.path[0] != self.basedir:
+ sys.path.insert(0, self.basedir)
+ m = BuildMaster(self.basedir)
+ # we need to route log.msg to stdout, so any problems can be seen
+ # there. But if everything goes well, I'd rather not clutter stdout
+ # with log messages. So instead we add a logObserver which gathers
+ # messages and only displays them if something goes wrong.
+ messages = []
+ log.addObserver(messages.append)
+ try:
+ # this will raise an exception if there's something wrong with
+ # the config file. Note that this BuildMaster instance is never
+ # started, so it won't actually do anything with the
+ # configuration.
+ m.loadConfig(open(master_cfg, "r"))
+ except:
+ f = failure.Failure()
+ if not self.quiet:
+ print
+ for m in messages:
+ print "".join(m['message'])
+ print f
+ print
+ print "An error was detected in the master.cfg file."
+ print "Please correct the problem and run 'buildbot upgrade-master' again."
+ print
+ return 1
+ return 0
+class UpgradeMasterOptions(MakerBase):
+ optFlags = [
+ ["replace", "r", "Replace any modified files without confirmation."],
+ ]
+ def getSynopsis(self):
+ return "Usage: buildbot upgrade-master [options] <basedir>"
+ longdesc = """
+ This command takes an existing buildmaster working directory and
+ adds/modifies the files there to work with the current version of
+ buildbot. When this command is finished, the buildmaster directory should
+ look much like a brand-new one created by the 'create-master' command.
+ Use this after you've upgraded your buildbot installation and before you
+ restart the buildmaster to use the new version.
+ If you have modified the files in your working directory, this command
+ will leave them untouched, but will put the new recommended contents in a
+ .new file (for example, if index.html has been modified, this command
+ will create index.html.new). You can then look at the new version and
+ decide how to merge its contents into your modified file.
+ """
+def upgradeMaster(config):
+ basedir = config['basedir']
+ m = Maker(config)
+ # TODO: check Makefile
+ # TODO: check TAC file
+ # check web files: index.html, classic.css, robots.txt
+ webdir = os.path.join(basedir, "public_html")
+ m.upgrade_public_html(util.sibpath(__file__, "../status/web/index.html"),
+ util.sibpath(__file__, "../status/web/classic.css"),
+ util.sibpath(__file__, "../status/web/robots.txt"),
+ )
+ m.populate_if_missing(os.path.join(basedir, "master.cfg.sample"),
+ util.sibpath(__file__, "sample.cfg"),
+ overwrite=True)
+ rc = m.check_master_cfg()
+ if rc:
+ return rc
+ if not config['quiet']:
+ print "upgrade complete"
+class MasterOptions(MakerBase):
+ optFlags = [
+ ["force", "f",
+ "Re-use an existing directory (will not overwrite master.cfg file)"],
+ ]
+ optParameters = [
+ ["config", "c", "master.cfg", "name of the buildmaster config file"],
+ ["log-size", "s", "1000000",
+ "size at which to rotate twisted log files"],
+ ["log-count", "l", "None",
+ "limit the number of kept old twisted log files"],
+ ]
+ def getSynopsis(self):
+ return "Usage: buildbot create-master [options] <basedir>"
+ longdesc = """
+ This command creates a buildmaster working directory and buildbot.tac
+ file. The master will live in <dir> and create various files there.
+ At runtime, the master will read a configuration file (named
+ 'master.cfg' by default) in its basedir. This file should contain python
+ code which eventually defines a dictionary named 'BuildmasterConfig'.
+ The elements of this dictionary are used to configure the Buildmaster.
+ See doc/config.xhtml for details about what can be controlled through
+ this interface."""
+ def postOptions(self):
+ MakerBase.postOptions(self)
+ if not re.match('^\d+$', self['log-size']):
+ raise usage.UsageError("log-size parameter needs to be an int")
+ if not re.match('^\d+$', self['log-count']) and \
+ self['log-count'] != 'None':
+ raise usage.UsageError("log-count parameter needs to be an int "+
+ " or None")
+masterTAC = """
+from twisted.application import service
+from buildbot.master import BuildMaster
+basedir = r'%(basedir)s'
+configfile = r'%(config)s'
+rotateLength = %(log-size)s
+maxRotatedFiles = %(log-count)s
+application = service.Application('buildmaster')
+ from twisted.python.logfile import LogFile
+ from twisted.python.log import ILogObserver, FileLogObserver
+ logfile = LogFile.fromFullPath("twistd.log", rotateLength=rotateLength,
+ maxRotatedFiles=maxRotatedFiles)
+ application.setComponent(ILogObserver, FileLogObserver(logfile).emit)
+except ImportError:
+ # probably not yet twisted 8.2.0 and beyond, can't set log yet
+ pass
+BuildMaster(basedir, configfile).setServiceParent(application)
+def createMaster(config):
+ m = Maker(config)
+ m.mkdir()
+ m.chdir()
+ contents = masterTAC % config
+ m.makeTAC(contents)
+ m.sampleconfig(util.sibpath(__file__, "sample.cfg"))
+ m.public_html(util.sibpath(__file__, "../status/web/index.html"),
+ util.sibpath(__file__, "../status/web/classic.css"),
+ util.sibpath(__file__, "../status/web/robots.txt"),
+ )
+ m.makefile()
+ if not m.quiet: print "buildmaster configured in %s" % m.basedir
+class SlaveOptions(MakerBase):
+ optFlags = [
+ ["force", "f", "Re-use an existing directory"],
+ ]
+ optParameters = [
+# ["name", "n", None, "Name for this build slave"],
+# ["passwd", "p", None, "Password for this build slave"],
+# ["basedir", "d", ".", "Base directory to use"],
+# ["master", "m", "localhost:8007",
+# "Location of the buildmaster (host:port)"],
+ ["keepalive", "k", 600,
+ "Interval at which keepalives should be sent (in seconds)"],
+ ["usepty", None, 0,
+ "(1 or 0) child processes should be run in a pty (default 0)"],
+ ["umask", None, "None",
+ "controls permissions of generated files. Use --umask=022 to be world-readable"],
+ ["maxdelay", None, 300,
+ "Maximum time between connection attempts"],
+ ["log-size", "s", "1000000",
+ "size at which to rotate twisted log files"],
+ ["log-count", "l", "None",
+ "limit the number of kept old twisted log files"],
+ ]
+ longdesc = """
+ This command creates a buildslave working directory and buildbot.tac
+ file. The bot will use the <name> and <passwd> arguments to authenticate
+ itself when connecting to the master. All commands are run in a
+ build-specific subdirectory of <basedir>. <master> is a string of the
+ form 'hostname:port', and specifies where the buildmaster can be reached.
+ <name>, <passwd>, and <master> will be provided by the buildmaster
+ administrator for your bot. You must choose <basedir> yourself.
+ """
+ def getSynopsis(self):
+ return "Usage: buildbot create-slave [options] <basedir> <master> <name> <passwd>"
+ def parseArgs(self, *args):
+ if len(args) < 4:
+ raise usage.UsageError("command needs more arguments")
+ basedir, master, name, passwd = args
+ self['basedir'] = basedir
+ self['master'] = master
+ self['name'] = name
+ self['passwd'] = passwd
+ def postOptions(self):
+ MakerBase.postOptions(self)
+ self['usepty'] = int(self['usepty'])
+ self['keepalive'] = int(self['keepalive'])
+ self['maxdelay'] = int(self['maxdelay'])
+ if self['master'].find(":") == -1:
+ raise usage.UsageError("--master must be in the form host:portnum")
+ if not re.match('^\d+$', self['log-size']):
+ raise usage.UsageError("log-size parameter needs to be an int")
+ if not re.match('^\d+$', self['log-count']) and \
+ self['log-count'] != 'None':
+ raise usage.UsageError("log-count parameter needs to be an int "+
+ " or None")
+slaveTAC = """
+from twisted.application import service
+from buildbot.slave.bot import BuildSlave
+basedir = r'%(basedir)s'
+buildmaster_host = '%(host)s'
+port = %(port)d
+slavename = '%(name)s'
+passwd = '%(passwd)s'
+keepalive = %(keepalive)d
+usepty = %(usepty)d
+umask = %(umask)s
+maxdelay = %(maxdelay)d
+rotateLength = %(log-size)s
+maxRotatedFiles = %(log-count)s
+application = service.Application('buildslave')
+ from twisted.python.logfile import LogFile
+ from twisted.python.log import ILogObserver, FileLogObserver
+ logfile = LogFile.fromFullPath("twistd.log", rotateLength=rotateLength,
+ maxRotatedFiles=maxRotatedFiles)
+ application.setComponent(ILogObserver, FileLogObserver(logfile).emit)
+except ImportError:
+ # probably not yet twisted 8.2.0 and beyond, can't set log yet
+ pass
+s = BuildSlave(buildmaster_host, port, slavename, passwd, basedir,
+ keepalive, usepty, umask=umask, maxdelay=maxdelay)
+def createSlave(config):
+ m = Maker(config)
+ m.mkdir()
+ m.chdir()
+ try:
+ master = config['master']
+ host, port = re.search(r'(.+):(\d+)', master).groups()
+ config['host'] = host
+ config['port'] = int(port)
+ except:
+ print "unparseable master location '%s'" % master
+ print " expecting something more like localhost:8007"
+ raise
+ contents = slaveTAC % config
+ m.makeTAC(contents, secret=True)
+ m.makefile()
+ m.mkinfo()
+ if not m.quiet: print "buildslave configured in %s" % m.basedir
+def stop(config, signame="TERM", wait=False):
+ import signal
+ basedir = config['basedir']
+ quiet = config['quiet']
+ os.chdir(basedir)
+ try:
+ f = open("twistd.pid", "rt")
+ except:
+ raise BuildbotNotRunningError
+ pid = int(f.read().strip())
+ signum = getattr(signal, "SIG"+signame)
+ timer = 0
+ os.kill(pid, signum)
+ if not wait:
+ if not quiet:
+ print "sent SIG%s to process" % signame
+ return
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+ while timer < 10:
+ # poll once per second until twistd.pid goes away, up to 10 seconds
+ try:
+ os.kill(pid, 0)
+ except OSError:
+ if not quiet:
+ print "buildbot process %d is dead" % pid
+ return
+ timer += 1
+ time.sleep(1)
+ if not quiet:
+ print "never saw process go away"
+def restart(config):
+ quiet = config['quiet']
+ from buildbot.scripts.startup import start
+ try:
+ stop(config, wait=True)
+ except BuildbotNotRunningError:
+ pass
+ if not quiet:
+ print "now restarting buildbot process.."
+ start(config)
+def loadOptions(filename="options", here=None, home=None):
+ """Find the .buildbot/FILENAME file. Crawl from the current directory up
+ towards the root, and also look in ~/.buildbot . The first directory
+ that's owned by the user and has the file we're looking for wins. Windows
+ skips the owned-by-user test.
+ @rtype: dict
+ @return: a dictionary of names defined in the options file. If no options
+ file was found, return an empty dict.
+ """
+ if here is None:
+ here = os.getcwd()
+ here = os.path.abspath(here)
+ if home is None:
+ if runtime.platformType == 'win32':
+ home = os.path.join(os.environ['APPDATA'], "buildbot")
+ else:
+ home = os.path.expanduser("~/.buildbot")
+ searchpath = []
+ toomany = 20
+ while True:
+ searchpath.append(os.path.join(here, ".buildbot"))
+ next = os.path.dirname(here)
+ if next == here:
+ break # we've hit the root
+ here = next
+ toomany -= 1 # just in case
+ if toomany == 0:
+ raise ValueError("Hey, I seem to have wandered up into the "
+ "infinite glories of the heavens. Oops.")
+ searchpath.append(home)
+ localDict = {}
+ for d in searchpath:
+ if os.path.isdir(d):
+ if runtime.platformType != 'win32':
+ if os.stat(d)[stat.ST_UID] != os.getuid():
+ print "skipping %s because you don't own it" % d
+ continue # security, skip other people's directories
+ optfile = os.path.join(d, filename)
+ if os.path.exists(optfile):
+ try:
+ f = open(optfile, "r")
+ options = f.read()
+ exec options in localDict
+ except:
+ print "error while reading %s" % optfile
+ raise
+ break
+ for k in localDict.keys():
+ if k.startswith("__"):
+ del localDict[k]
+ return localDict
+class StartOptions(MakerBase):
+ optFlags = [
+ ['quiet', 'q', "Don't display startup log messages"],
+ ]
+ def getSynopsis(self):
+ return "Usage: buildbot start <basedir>"
+class StopOptions(MakerBase):
+ def getSynopsis(self):
+ return "Usage: buildbot stop <basedir>"
+class ReconfigOptions(MakerBase):
+ optFlags = [
+ ['quiet', 'q', "Don't display log messages about reconfiguration"],
+ ]
+ def getSynopsis(self):
+ return "Usage: buildbot reconfig <basedir>"
+class RestartOptions(MakerBase):
+ optFlags = [
+ ['quiet', 'q', "Don't display startup log messages"],
+ ]
+ def getSynopsis(self):
+ return "Usage: buildbot restart <basedir>"
+class DebugClientOptions(usage.Options):
+ optFlags = [
+ ['help', 'h', "Display this message"],
+ ]
+ optParameters = [
+ ["master", "m", None,
+ "Location of the buildmaster's slaveport (host:port)"],
+ ["passwd", "p", None, "Debug password to use"],
+ ]
+ def parseArgs(self, *args):
+ if len(args) > 0:
+ self['master'] = args[0]
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ self['passwd'] = args[1]
+ if len(args) > 2:
+ raise usage.UsageError("I wasn't expecting so many arguments")
+def debugclient(config):
+ from buildbot.clients import debug
+ opts = loadOptions()
+ master = config.get('master')
+ if not master:
+ master = opts.get('master')
+ if master is None:
+ raise usage.UsageError("master must be specified: on the command "
+ "line or in ~/.buildbot/options")
+ passwd = config.get('passwd')
+ if not passwd:
+ passwd = opts.get('debugPassword')
+ if passwd is None:
+ raise usage.UsageError("passwd must be specified: on the command "
+ "line or in ~/.buildbot/options")
+ d = debug.DebugWidget(master, passwd)
+ d.run()
+class StatusClientOptions(usage.Options):
+ optFlags = [
+ ['help', 'h', "Display this message"],
+ ]
+ optParameters = [
+ ["master", "m", None,
+ "Location of the buildmaster's status port (host:port)"],
+ ]
+ def parseArgs(self, *args):
+ if len(args) > 0:
+ self['master'] = args[0]
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ raise usage.UsageError("I wasn't expecting so many arguments")
+def statuslog(config):
+ from buildbot.clients import base
+ opts = loadOptions()
+ master = config.get('master')
+ if not master:
+ master = opts.get('masterstatus')
+ if master is None:
+ raise usage.UsageError("master must be specified: on the command "
+ "line or in ~/.buildbot/options")
+ c = base.TextClient(master)
+ c.run()
+def statusgui(config):
+ from buildbot.clients import gtkPanes
+ opts = loadOptions()
+ master = config.get('master')
+ if not master:
+ master = opts.get('masterstatus')
+ if master is None:
+ raise usage.UsageError("master must be specified: on the command "
+ "line or in ~/.buildbot/options")
+ c = gtkPanes.GtkClient(master)
+ c.run()
+class SendChangeOptions(usage.Options):
+ optParameters = [
+ ("master", "m", None,
+ "Location of the buildmaster's PBListener (host:port)"),
+ ("username", "u", None, "Username performing the commit"),
+ ("branch", "b", None, "Branch specifier"),
+ ("category", "c", None, "Category of repository"),
+ ("revision", "r", None, "Revision specifier (string)"),
+ ("revision_number", "n", None, "Revision specifier (integer)"),
+ ("revision_file", None, None, "Filename containing revision spec"),
+ ("comments", "m", None, "log message"),
+ ("logfile", "F", None,
+ "Read the log messages from this file (- for stdin)"),
+ ]
+ def getSynopsis(self):
+ return "Usage: buildbot sendchange [options] filenames.."
+ def parseArgs(self, *args):
+ self['files'] = args
+def sendchange(config, runReactor=False):
+ """Send a single change to the buildmaster's PBChangeSource. The
+ connection will be drpoped as soon as the Change has been sent."""
+ from buildbot.clients.sendchange import Sender
+ opts = loadOptions()
+ user = config.get('username', opts.get('username'))
+ master = config.get('master', opts.get('master'))
+ branch = config.get('branch', opts.get('branch'))
+ category = config.get('category', opts.get('category'))
+ revision = config.get('revision')
+ # SVN and P4 use numeric revisions
+ if config.get("revision_number"):
+ revision = int(config['revision_number'])
+ if config.get("revision_file"):
+ revision = open(config["revision_file"],"r").read()
+ comments = config.get('comments')
+ if not comments and config.get('logfile'):
+ if config['logfile'] == "-":
+ f = sys.stdin
+ else:
+ f = open(config['logfile'], "rt")
+ comments = f.read()
+ if comments is None:
+ comments = ""
+ files = config.get('files', [])
+ assert user, "you must provide a username"
+ assert master, "you must provide the master location"
+ s = Sender(master, user)
+ d = s.send(branch, revision, comments, files, category=category)
+ if runReactor:
+ d.addCallbacks(s.printSuccess, s.printFailure)
+ d.addBoth(s.stop)
+ s.run()
+ return d
+class ForceOptions(usage.Options):
+ optParameters = [
+ ["builder", None, None, "which Builder to start"],
+ ["branch", None, None, "which branch to build"],
+ ["revision", None, None, "which revision to build"],
+ ["reason", None, None, "the reason for starting the build"],
+ ]
+ def parseArgs(self, *args):
+ args = list(args)
+ if len(args) > 0:
+ if self['builder'] is not None:
+ raise usage.UsageError("--builder provided in two ways")
+ self['builder'] = args.pop(0)
+ if len(args) > 0:
+ if self['reason'] is not None:
+ raise usage.UsageError("--reason provided in two ways")
+ self['reason'] = " ".join(args)
+class TryOptions(usage.Options):
+ optParameters = [
+ ["connect", "c", None,
+ "how to reach the buildmaster, either 'ssh' or 'pb'"],
+ # for ssh, use --tryhost, --username, and --trydir
+ ["tryhost", None, None,
+ "the hostname (used by ssh) for the buildmaster"],
+ ["trydir", None, None,
+ "the directory (on the tryhost) where tryjobs are deposited"],
+ ["username", "u", None, "Username performing the trial build"],
+ # for PB, use --master, --username, and --passwd
+ ["master", "m", None,
+ "Location of the buildmaster's PBListener (host:port)"],
+ ["passwd", None, None, "password for PB authentication"],
+ ["diff", None, None,
+ "Filename of a patch to use instead of scanning a local tree. Use '-' for stdin."],
+ ["patchlevel", "p", 0,
+ "Number of slashes to remove from patch pathnames, like the -p option to 'patch'"],
+ ["baserev", None, None,
+ "Base revision to use instead of scanning a local tree."],
+ ["vc", None, None,
+ "The VC system in use, one of: cvs,svn,tla,baz,darcs"],
+ ["branch", None, None,
+ "The branch in use, for VC systems that can't figure it out"
+ " themselves"],
+ ["builder", "b", None,
+ "Run the trial build on this Builder. Can be used multiple times."],
+ ["properties", None, None,
+ "A set of properties made available in the build environment, format:prop=value,propb=valueb..."],
+ ]
+ optFlags = [
+ ["wait", None, "wait until the builds have finished"],
+ ["dryrun", 'n', "Gather info, but don't actually submit."],
+ ]
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(TryOptions, self).__init__()
+ self['builders'] = []
+ self['properties'] = {}
+ def opt_builder(self, option):
+ self['builders'].append(option)
+ def opt_properties(self, option):
+ # We need to split the value of this option into a dictionary of properties
+ properties = {}
+ propertylist = option.split(",")
+ for i in range(0,len(propertylist)):
+ print propertylist[i]
+ splitproperty = propertylist[i].split("=")
+ properties[splitproperty[0]] = splitproperty[1]
+ self['properties'] = properties
+ def opt_patchlevel(self, option):
+ self['patchlevel'] = int(option)
+ def getSynopsis(self):
+ return "Usage: buildbot try [options]"
+def doTry(config):
+ from buildbot.scripts import tryclient
+ t = tryclient.Try(config)
+ t.run()
+class TryServerOptions(usage.Options):
+ optParameters = [
+ ["jobdir", None, None, "the jobdir (maildir) for submitting jobs"],
+ ]
+def doTryServer(config):
+ import md5
+ jobdir = os.path.expanduser(config["jobdir"])
+ job = sys.stdin.read()
+ # now do a 'safecat'-style write to jobdir/tmp, then move atomically to
+ # jobdir/new . Rather than come up with a unique name randomly, I'm just
+ # going to MD5 the contents and prepend a timestamp.
+ timestring = "%d" % time.time()
+ jobhash = md5.new(job).hexdigest()
+ fn = "%s-%s" % (timestring, jobhash)
+ tmpfile = os.path.join(jobdir, "tmp", fn)
+ newfile = os.path.join(jobdir, "new", fn)
+ f = open(tmpfile, "w")
+ f.write(job)
+ f.close()
+ os.rename(tmpfile, newfile)
+class CheckConfigOptions(usage.Options):
+ optFlags = [
+ ['quiet', 'q', "Don't display error messages or tracebacks"],
+ ]
+ def getSynopsis(self):
+ return "Usage :buildbot checkconfig [configFile]\n" + \
+ " If not specified, 'master.cfg' will be used as 'configFile'"
+ def parseArgs(self, *args):
+ if len(args) >= 1:
+ self['configFile'] = args[0]
+ else:
+ self['configFile'] = 'master.cfg'
+def doCheckConfig(config):
+ quiet = config.get('quiet')
+ configFile = config.get('configFile')
+ try:
+ from buildbot.scripts.checkconfig import ConfigLoader
+ ConfigLoader(configFile)
+ except:
+ if not quiet:
+ # Print out the traceback in a nice format
+ t, v, tb = sys.exc_info()
+ traceback.print_exception(t, v, tb)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if not quiet:
+ print "Config file is good!"
+class Options(usage.Options):
+ synopsis = "Usage: buildbot <command> [command options]"
+ subCommands = [
+ # the following are all admin commands
+ ['create-master', None, MasterOptions,
+ "Create and populate a directory for a new buildmaster"],
+ ['upgrade-master', None, UpgradeMasterOptions,
+ "Upgrade an existing buildmaster directory for the current version"],
+ ['create-slave', None, SlaveOptions,
+ "Create and populate a directory for a new buildslave"],
+ ['start', None, StartOptions, "Start a buildmaster or buildslave"],
+ ['stop', None, StopOptions, "Stop a buildmaster or buildslave"],
+ ['restart', None, RestartOptions,
+ "Restart a buildmaster or buildslave"],
+ ['reconfig', None, ReconfigOptions,
+ "SIGHUP a buildmaster to make it re-read the config file"],
+ ['sighup', None, ReconfigOptions,
+ "SIGHUP a buildmaster to make it re-read the config file"],
+ ['sendchange', None, SendChangeOptions,
+ "Send a change to the buildmaster"],
+ ['debugclient', None, DebugClientOptions,
+ "Launch a small debug panel GUI"],
+ ['statuslog', None, StatusClientOptions,
+ "Emit current builder status to stdout"],
+ ['statusgui', None, StatusClientOptions,
+ "Display a small window showing current builder status"],
+ #['force', None, ForceOptions, "Run a build"],
+ ['try', None, TryOptions, "Run a build with your local changes"],
+ ['tryserver', None, TryServerOptions,
+ "buildmaster-side 'try' support function, not for users"],
+ ['checkconfig', None, CheckConfigOptions,
+ "test the validity of a master.cfg config file"],
+ # TODO: 'watch'
+ ]
+ def opt_version(self):
+ import buildbot
+ print "Buildbot version: %s" % buildbot.version
+ usage.Options.opt_version(self)
+ def opt_verbose(self):
+ from twisted.python import log
+ log.startLogging(sys.stderr)
+ def postOptions(self):
+ if not hasattr(self, 'subOptions'):
+ raise usage.UsageError("must specify a command")
+def run():
+ config = Options()
+ try:
+ config.parseOptions()
+ except usage.error, e:
+ print "%s: %s" % (sys.argv[0], e)
+ print
+ c = getattr(config, 'subOptions', config)
+ print str(c)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ command = config.subCommand
+ so = config.subOptions
+ if command == "create-master":
+ createMaster(so)
+ elif command == "upgrade-master":
+ upgradeMaster(so)
+ elif command == "create-slave":
+ createSlave(so)
+ elif command == "start":
+ from buildbot.scripts.startup import start
+ start(so)
+ elif command == "stop":
+ stop(so, wait=True)
+ elif command == "restart":
+ restart(so)
+ elif command == "reconfig" or command == "sighup":
+ from buildbot.scripts.reconfig import Reconfigurator
+ Reconfigurator().run(so)
+ elif command == "sendchange":
+ sendchange(so, True)
+ elif command == "debugclient":
+ debugclient(so)
+ elif command == "statuslog":
+ statuslog(so)
+ elif command == "statusgui":
+ statusgui(so)
+ elif command == "try":
+ doTry(so)
+ elif command == "tryserver":
+ doTryServer(so)
+ elif command == "checkconfig":
+ doCheckConfig(so)