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path: root/buildbot/buildbot/test/test_ec2buildslave.py
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 552 deletions
diff --git a/buildbot/buildbot/test/test_ec2buildslave.py b/buildbot/buildbot/test/test_ec2buildslave.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d0f1644..0000000
--- a/buildbot/buildbot/test/test_ec2buildslave.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,552 +0,0 @@
-# Portions copyright Canonical Ltd. 2009
-import os
-import sys
-import StringIO
-import textwrap
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
-from buildbot.process.base import BuildRequest
-from buildbot.sourcestamp import SourceStamp
-from buildbot.status.builder import SUCCESS
-from buildbot.test.runutils import RunMixin
-PENDING = 'pending'
-RUNNING = 'running'
-SHUTTINGDOWN = 'shutting-down'
-TERMINATED = 'terminated'
-class EC2ResponseError(Exception):
- def __init__(self, code):
- self.code = code
-class Stub:
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
-class Instance:
- def __init__(self, data, ami, **kwargs):
- self.data = data
- self.state = PENDING
- self.id = ami
- self.public_dns_name = 'ec2-012-345-678-901.compute-1.amazonaws.com'
- self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
- self.output = Stub(name='output', output='example_output')
- def update(self):
- if self.state == PENDING:
- self.data.testcase.connectOneSlave(self.data.slave.slavename)
- self.state = RUNNING
- elif self.state == SHUTTINGDOWN:
- slavename = self.data.slave.slavename
- slaves = self.data.testcase.slaves
- if slavename in slaves:
- def discard(data):
- pass
- s = slaves.pop(slavename)
- bot = s.getServiceNamed("bot")
- for buildername in self.data.slave.slavebuilders:
- remote = bot.builders[buildername].remote
- if remote is None:
- continue
- broker = remote.broker
- broker.dataReceived = discard # seal its ears
- # and take away its voice
- broker.transport.write = discard
- # also discourage it from reconnecting once the connection
- # goes away
- s.bf.continueTrying = False
- # stop the service for cleanliness
- s.stopService()
- self.state = TERMINATED
- def get_console_output(self):
- return self.output
- def use_ip(self, elastic_ip):
- if isinstance(elastic_ip, Stub):
- elastic_ip = elastic_ip.public_ip
- if self.data.addresses[elastic_ip] is not None:
- raise ValueError('elastic ip already used')
- self.data.addresses[elastic_ip] = self
- def stop(self):
- self.state = SHUTTINGDOWN
-class Image:
- def __init__(self, data, ami, owner, location):
- self.data = data
- self.id = ami
- self.owner = owner
- self.location = location
- def run(self, **kwargs):
- return Stub(name='reservation',
- instances=[Instance(self.data, self.id, **kwargs)])
- @classmethod
- def create(klass, data, ami, owner, location):
- assert ami not in data.images
- self = klass(data, ami, owner, location)
- data.images[ami] = self
- return self
-class Connection:
- def __init__(self, data):
- self.data = data
- def get_all_key_pairs(self, keypair_name):
- try:
- return [self.data.keys[keypair_name]]
- except KeyError:
- raise EC2ResponseError('InvalidKeyPair.NotFound')
- def create_key_pair(self, keypair_name):
- return Key.create(keypair_name, self.data.keys)
- def get_all_security_groups(self, security_name):
- try:
- return [self.data.security_groups[security_name]]
- except KeyError:
- raise EC2ResponseError('InvalidGroup.NotFound')
- def create_security_group(self, security_name, description):
- assert security_name not in self.data.security_groups
- res = Stub(name='security_group', value=security_name,
- description=description)
- self.data.security_groups[security_name] = res
- return res
- def get_all_images(self, owners=None):
- # return a list of images. images have .location and .id.
- res = self.data.images.values()
- if owners:
- res = [image for image in res if image.owner in owners]
- return res
- def get_image(self, machine_id):
- # return image or raise an error
- return self.data.images[machine_id]
- def get_all_addresses(self, elastic_ips):
- res = []
- for ip in elastic_ips:
- if ip in self.data.addresses:
- res.append(Stub(public_ip=ip))
- else:
- raise EC2ResponseError('...bad address...')
- return res
- def disassociate_address(self, address):
- if address not in self.data.addresses:
- raise EC2ResponseError('...unknown address...')
- self.data.addresses[address] = None
-class Key:
- # this is what we would need to do if we actually needed a real key.
- # We don't right now.
- #def __init__(self):
- # self.raw = paramiko.RSAKey.generate(256)
- # f = StringIO.StringIO()
- # self.raw.write_private_key(f)
- # self.material = f.getvalue()
- @classmethod
- def create(klass, name, keys):
- self = klass()
- self.name = name
- self.keys = keys
- assert name not in keys
- keys[name] = self
- return self
- def delete(self):
- del self.keys[self.name]
-class Boto:
- slave = None # must be set in setUp
- def __init__(self, testcase):
- self.testcase = testcase
- self.keys = {}
- Key.create('latent_buildbot_slave', self.keys)
- Key.create('buildbot_slave', self.keys)
- assert sorted(self.keys.keys()) == ['buildbot_slave',
- 'latent_buildbot_slave']
- self.original_keys = dict(self.keys)
- self.security_groups = {
- 'latent_buildbot_slave': Stub(name='security_group',
- value='latent_buildbot_slave')}
- self.addresses = {'': None}
- self.images = {}
- Image.create(self, 'ami-12345', 12345667890,
- 'test-xx/image.manifest.xml')
- Image.create(self, 'ami-AF000', 11111111111,
- 'test-f0a/image.manifest.xml')
- Image.create(self, 'ami-CE111', 22222222222,
- 'test-e1b/image.manifest.xml')
- Image.create(self, 'ami-ED222', 22222222222,
- 'test-d2c/image.manifest.xml')
- Image.create(self, 'ami-FC333', 22222222222,
- 'test-c30d/image.manifest.xml')
- Image.create(self, 'ami-DB444', 11111111111,
- 'test-b4e/image.manifest.xml')
- Image.create(self, 'ami-BA555', 11111111111,
- 'test-a5f/image.manifest.xml')
- def connect_ec2(self, identifier, secret_identifier):
- assert identifier == 'publickey', identifier
- assert secret_identifier == 'privatekey', secret_identifier
- return Connection(self)
- exception = Stub(EC2ResponseError=EC2ResponseError)
-class Mixin(RunMixin):
- def doBuild(self):
- br = BuildRequest("forced", SourceStamp(), 'test_builder')
- d = br.waitUntilFinished()
- self.control.getBuilder('b1').requestBuild(br)
- return d
- def setUp(self):
- self.boto_setUp1()
- self.master.loadConfig(self.config)
- self.boto_setUp2()
- self.boto_setUp3()
- def boto_setUp1(self):
- # debugging
- #import twisted.internet.base
- #twisted.internet.base.DelayedCall.debug = True
- # debugging
- RunMixin.setUp(self)
- self.boto = boto = Boto(self)
- if 'boto' not in sys.modules:
- sys.modules['boto'] = boto
- sys.modules['boto.exception'] = boto.exception
- if 'buildbot.ec2buildslave' in sys.modules:
- sys.modules['buildbot.ec2buildslave'].boto = boto
- def boto_setUp2(self):
- if sys.modules['boto'] is self.boto:
- del sys.modules['boto']
- del sys.modules['boto.exception']
- def boto_setUp3(self):
- self.master.startService()
- self.boto.slave = self.bot1 = self.master.botmaster.slaves['bot1']
- self.bot1._poll_resolution = 0.1
- self.b1 = self.master.botmaster.builders['b1']
- def tearDown(self):
- try:
- import boto
- import boto.exception
- except ImportError:
- pass
- else:
- sys.modules['buildbot.ec2buildslave'].boto = boto
- return RunMixin.tearDown(self)
-class BasicConfig(Mixin, unittest.TestCase):
- config = textwrap.dedent("""\
- from buildbot.process import factory
- from buildbot.steps import dummy
- from buildbot.ec2buildslave import EC2LatentBuildSlave
- s = factory.s
- BuildmasterConfig = c = {}
- c['slaves'] = [EC2LatentBuildSlave('bot1', 'sekrit', 'm1.large',
- 'ami-12345',
- identifier='publickey',
- secret_identifier='privatekey'
- )]
- c['schedulers'] = []
- c['slavePortnum'] = 0
- c['schedulers'] = []
- f1 = factory.BuildFactory([s(dummy.RemoteDummy, timeout=1)])
- c['builders'] = [
- {'name': 'b1', 'slavenames': ['bot1'],
- 'builddir': 'b1', 'factory': f1},
- ]
- """)
- def testSequence(self):
- # test with secrets in config, a single AMI, and defaults/
- self.assertEqual(self.bot1.ami, 'ami-12345')
- self.assertEqual(self.bot1.instance_type, 'm1.large')
- self.assertEqual(self.bot1.keypair_name, 'latent_buildbot_slave')
- self.assertEqual(self.bot1.security_name, 'latent_buildbot_slave')
- # this would be appropriate if we were recreating keys.
- #self.assertNotEqual(self.boto.keys['latent_buildbot_slave'],
- # self.boto.original_keys['latent_buildbot_slave'])
- self.failUnless(isinstance(self.bot1.get_image(), Image))
- self.assertEqual(self.bot1.get_image().id, 'ami-12345')
- self.assertIdentical(self.bot1.elastic_ip, None)
- self.assertIdentical(self.bot1.instance, None)
- # let's start a build...
- self.build_deferred = self.doBuild()
- # ...and wait for the ec2 slave to show up
- d = self.bot1.substantiation_deferred
- d.addCallback(self._testSequence_1)
- return d
- def _testSequence_1(self, res):
- # bot 1 is substantiated.
- self.assertNotIdentical(self.bot1.slave, None)
- self.failUnless(self.bot1.substantiated)
- self.failUnless(isinstance(self.bot1.instance, Instance))
- self.assertEqual(self.bot1.instance.id, 'ami-12345')
- self.assertEqual(self.bot1.instance.state, RUNNING)
- self.assertEqual(self.bot1.instance.key_name, 'latent_buildbot_slave')
- self.assertEqual(self.bot1.instance.security_groups,
- ['latent_buildbot_slave'])
- self.assertEqual(self.bot1.instance.instance_type, 'm1.large')
- self.assertEqual(self.bot1.output.output, 'example_output')
- # now we'll wait for the build to complete
- d = self.build_deferred
- del self.build_deferred
- d.addCallback(self._testSequence_2)
- return d
- def _testSequence_2(self, res):
- # build was a success!
- self.failUnlessEqual(res.getResults(), SUCCESS)
- self.failUnlessEqual(res.getSlavename(), "bot1")
- # Let's let it shut down. We'll set the build_wait_timer to fire
- # sooner, and wait for it to fire.
- self.bot1.build_wait_timer.reset(0)
- # we'll stash the instance around to look at it
- self.instance = self.bot1.instance
- # now we wait.
- d = defer.Deferred()
- reactor.callLater(0.5, d.callback, None)
- d.addCallback(self._testSequence_3)
- return d
- def _testSequence_3(self, res):
- # slave is insubstantiated
- self.assertIdentical(self.bot1.slave, None)
- self.failIf(self.bot1.substantiated)
- self.assertIdentical(self.bot1.instance, None)
- self.assertEqual(self.instance.state, TERMINATED)
- del self.instance
-class ElasticIP(Mixin, unittest.TestCase):
- config = textwrap.dedent("""\
- from buildbot.process import factory
- from buildbot.steps import dummy
- from buildbot.ec2buildslave import EC2LatentBuildSlave
- s = factory.s
- BuildmasterConfig = c = {}
- c['slaves'] = [EC2LatentBuildSlave('bot1', 'sekrit', 'm1.large',
- 'ami-12345',
- identifier='publickey',
- secret_identifier='privatekey',
- elastic_ip=''
- )]
- c['schedulers'] = []
- c['slavePortnum'] = 0
- c['schedulers'] = []
- f1 = factory.BuildFactory([s(dummy.RemoteDummy, timeout=1)])
- c['builders'] = [
- {'name': 'b1', 'slavenames': ['bot1'],
- 'builddir': 'b1', 'factory': f1},
- ]
- """)
- def testSequence(self):
- self.assertEqual(self.bot1.elastic_ip.public_ip, '')
- self.assertIdentical(self.boto.addresses[''], None)
- # let's start a build...
- d = self.doBuild()
- d.addCallback(self._testSequence_1)
- return d
- def _testSequence_1(self, res):
- # build was a success!
- self.failUnlessEqual(res.getResults(), SUCCESS)
- self.failUnlessEqual(res.getSlavename(), "bot1")
- # we have our address
- self.assertIdentical(self.boto.addresses[''],
- self.bot1.instance)
- # Let's let it shut down. We'll set the build_wait_timer to fire
- # sooner, and wait for it to fire.
- self.bot1.build_wait_timer.reset(0)
- d = defer.Deferred()
- reactor.callLater(0.5, d.callback, None)
- d.addCallback(self._testSequence_2)
- return d
- def _testSequence_2(self, res):
- # slave is insubstantiated
- self.assertIdentical(self.bot1.slave, None)
- self.failIf(self.bot1.substantiated)
- self.assertIdentical(self.bot1.instance, None)
- # the address is free again
- self.assertIdentical(self.boto.addresses[''], None)
-class Initialization(Mixin, unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.boto_setUp1()
- def tearDown(self):
- self.boto_setUp2()
- return Mixin.tearDown(self)
- def testDefaultSeparateFile(self):
- # set up .ec2/aws_id
- home = os.environ['HOME']
- fake_home = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'basedir') # see RunMixin.setUp
- os.environ['HOME'] = fake_home
- dir = os.path.join(fake_home, '.ec2')
- os.mkdir(dir)
- f = open(os.path.join(dir, 'aws_id'), 'w')
- f.write('publickey\nprivatekey')
- f.close()
- # The Connection checks the file, so if the secret file is not parsed
- # correctly, *this* is where it would fail. This is the real test.
- from buildbot.ec2buildslave import EC2LatentBuildSlave
- bot1 = EC2LatentBuildSlave('bot1', 'sekrit', 'm1.large',
- 'ami-12345')
- # for completeness, we'll show that the connection actually exists.
- self.failUnless(isinstance(bot1.conn, Connection))
- # clean up.
- os.environ['HOME'] = home
- self.rmtree(dir)
- def testCustomSeparateFile(self):
- # set up .ec2/aws_id
- file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'basedir', 'custom_aws_id')
- f = open(file_path, 'w')
- f.write('publickey\nprivatekey')
- f.close()
- # The Connection checks the file, so if the secret file is not parsed
- # correctly, *this* is where it would fail. This is the real test.
- from buildbot.ec2buildslave import EC2LatentBuildSlave
- bot1 = EC2LatentBuildSlave('bot1', 'sekrit', 'm1.large',
- 'ami-12345', aws_id_file_path=file_path)
- # for completeness, we'll show that the connection actually exists.
- self.failUnless(isinstance(bot1.conn, Connection))
- def testNoAMIBroken(self):
- # you must specify an AMI, or at least one of valid_ami_owners or
- # valid_ami_location_regex
- from buildbot.ec2buildslave import EC2LatentBuildSlave
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, EC2LatentBuildSlave, 'bot1', 'sekrit',
- 'm1.large', identifier='publickey',
- secret_identifier='privatekey')
- def testAMIOwnerFilter(self):
- # if you only specify an owner, you get the image owned by any of the
- # owners that sorts last by the AMI's location.
- from buildbot.ec2buildslave import EC2LatentBuildSlave
- bot1 = EC2LatentBuildSlave('bot1', 'sekrit', 'm1.large',
- valid_ami_owners=[11111111111],
- identifier='publickey',
- secret_identifier='privatekey'
- )
- self.assertEqual(bot1.get_image().location,
- 'test-f0a/image.manifest.xml')
- bot1 = EC2LatentBuildSlave('bot1', 'sekrit', 'm1.large',
- valid_ami_owners=[11111111111,
- 22222222222],
- identifier='publickey',
- secret_identifier='privatekey'
- )
- self.assertEqual(bot1.get_image().location,
- 'test-f0a/image.manifest.xml')
- bot1 = EC2LatentBuildSlave('bot1', 'sekrit', 'm1.large',
- valid_ami_owners=[22222222222],
- identifier='publickey',
- secret_identifier='privatekey'
- )
- self.assertEqual(bot1.get_image().location,
- 'test-e1b/image.manifest.xml')
- bot1 = EC2LatentBuildSlave('bot1', 'sekrit', 'm1.large',
- valid_ami_owners=12345667890,
- identifier='publickey',
- secret_identifier='privatekey'
- )
- self.assertEqual(bot1.get_image().location,
- 'test-xx/image.manifest.xml')
- def testAMISimpleRegexFilter(self):
- from buildbot.ec2buildslave import EC2LatentBuildSlave
- bot1 = EC2LatentBuildSlave(
- 'bot1', 'sekrit', 'm1.large',
- valid_ami_location_regex=r'test\-[a-z]\w+/image.manifest.xml',
- identifier='publickey', secret_identifier='privatekey')
- self.assertEqual(bot1.get_image().location,
- 'test-xx/image.manifest.xml')
- bot1 = EC2LatentBuildSlave(
- 'bot1', 'sekrit', 'm1.large',
- valid_ami_location_regex=r'test\-[a-z]\d+\w/image.manifest.xml',
- identifier='publickey', secret_identifier='privatekey')
- self.assertEqual(bot1.get_image().location,
- 'test-f0a/image.manifest.xml')
- bot1 = EC2LatentBuildSlave(
- 'bot1', 'sekrit', 'm1.large', valid_ami_owners=[22222222222],
- valid_ami_location_regex=r'test\-[a-z]\d+\w/image.manifest.xml',
- identifier='publickey', secret_identifier='privatekey')
- self.assertEqual(bot1.get_image().location,
- 'test-e1b/image.manifest.xml')
- def testAMIRegexAlphaSortFilter(self):
- from buildbot.ec2buildslave import EC2LatentBuildSlave
- bot1 = EC2LatentBuildSlave(
- 'bot1', 'sekrit', 'm1.large',
- valid_ami_owners=[11111111111, 22222222222],
- valid_ami_location_regex=r'test\-[a-z]\d+([a-z])/image.manifest.xml',
- identifier='publickey', secret_identifier='privatekey')
- self.assertEqual(bot1.get_image().location,
- 'test-a5f/image.manifest.xml')
- def testAMIRegexIntSortFilter(self):
- from buildbot.ec2buildslave import EC2LatentBuildSlave
- bot1 = EC2LatentBuildSlave(
- 'bot1', 'sekrit', 'm1.large',
- valid_ami_owners=[11111111111, 22222222222],
- valid_ami_location_regex=r'test\-[a-z](\d+)[a-z]/image.manifest.xml',
- identifier='publickey', secret_identifier='privatekey')
- self.assertEqual(bot1.get_image().location,
- 'test-c30d/image.manifest.xml')
- def testNewSecurityGroup(self):
- from buildbot.ec2buildslave import EC2LatentBuildSlave
- bot1 = EC2LatentBuildSlave(
- 'bot1', 'sekrit', 'm1.large', 'ami-12345',
- identifier='publickey', secret_identifier='privatekey',
- security_name='custom_security_name')
- self.assertEqual(
- self.boto.security_groups['custom_security_name'].value,
- 'custom_security_name')
- self.assertEqual(bot1.security_name, 'custom_security_name')
- def testNewKeypairName(self):
- from buildbot.ec2buildslave import EC2LatentBuildSlave
- bot1 = EC2LatentBuildSlave(
- 'bot1', 'sekrit', 'm1.large', 'ami-12345',
- identifier='publickey', secret_identifier='privatekey',
- keypair_name='custom_keypair_name')
- self.assertIn('custom_keypair_name', self.boto.keys)
- self.assertEqual(bot1.keypair_name, 'custom_keypair_name')