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path: root/buildbot/buildbot/test/test_locks.py
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1 files changed, 495 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/buildbot/buildbot/test/test_locks.py b/buildbot/buildbot/test/test_locks.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c1e0b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildbot/buildbot/test/test_locks.py
@@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: buildbot.test.test_locks -*-
+import random
+from twisted.trial import unittest
+from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
+from buildbot import master
+from buildbot.steps import dummy
+from buildbot.sourcestamp import SourceStamp
+from buildbot.process.base import BuildRequest
+from buildbot.test.runutils import RunMixin
+from buildbot import locks
+def claimHarder(lock, owner, la):
+ """Return a Deferred that will fire when the lock is claimed. Keep trying
+ until we succeed."""
+ if lock.isAvailable(la):
+ #print "claimHarder(%s): claiming" % owner
+ lock.claim(owner, la)
+ return defer.succeed(lock)
+ #print "claimHarder(%s): waiting" % owner
+ d = lock.waitUntilMaybeAvailable(owner, la)
+ d.addCallback(claimHarder, owner, la)
+ return d
+def hold(lock, owner, la, mode="now"):
+ if mode == "now":
+ lock.release(owner, la)
+ elif mode == "very soon":
+ reactor.callLater(0, lock.release, owner, la)
+ elif mode == "soon":
+ reactor.callLater(0.1, lock.release, owner, la)
+class Unit(unittest.TestCase):
+ def testNowCounting(self):
+ lid = locks.MasterLock('dummy')
+ la = locks.LockAccess(lid, 'counting')
+ return self._testNow(la)
+ def testNowExclusive(self):
+ lid = locks.MasterLock('dummy')
+ la = locks.LockAccess(lid, 'exclusive')
+ return self._testNow(la)
+ def _testNow(self, la):
+ l = locks.BaseLock("name")
+ self.failUnless(l.isAvailable(la))
+ l.claim("owner1", la)
+ self.failIf(l.isAvailable(la))
+ l.release("owner1", la)
+ self.failUnless(l.isAvailable(la))
+ def testNowMixed1(self):
+ """ Test exclusive is not possible when a counting has the lock """
+ lid = locks.MasterLock('dummy')
+ lac = locks.LockAccess(lid, 'counting')
+ lae = locks.LockAccess(lid, 'exclusive')
+ l = locks.BaseLock("name", maxCount=2)
+ self.failUnless(l.isAvailable(lac))
+ l.claim("count-owner", lac)
+ self.failIf(l.isAvailable(lae))
+ l.release("count-owner", lac)
+ self.failUnless(l.isAvailable(lac))
+ def testNowMixed2(self):
+ """ Test counting is not possible when an exclsuive has the lock """
+ lid = locks.MasterLock('dummy')
+ lac = locks.LockAccess(lid, 'counting')
+ lae = locks.LockAccess(lid, 'exclusive')
+ l = locks.BaseLock("name", maxCount=2)
+ self.failUnless(l.isAvailable(lae))
+ l.claim("count-owner", lae)
+ self.failIf(l.isAvailable(lac))
+ l.release("count-owner", lae)
+ self.failUnless(l.isAvailable(lae))
+ def testLaterCounting(self):
+ lid = locks.MasterLock('dummy')
+ la = locks.LockAccess(lid, 'counting')
+ return self._testLater(la)
+ def testLaterExclusive(self):
+ lid = locks.MasterLock('dummy')
+ la = locks.LockAccess(lid, 'exclusive')
+ return self._testLater(la)
+ def _testLater(self, la):
+ lock = locks.BaseLock("name")
+ d = claimHarder(lock, "owner1", la)
+ d.addCallback(lambda lock: lock.release("owner1", la))
+ return d
+ def testCompetitionCounting(self):
+ lid = locks.MasterLock('dummy')
+ la = locks.LockAccess(lid, 'counting')
+ return self._testCompetition(la)
+ def testCompetitionExclusive(self):
+ lid = locks.MasterLock('dummy')
+ la = locks.LockAccess(lid, 'exclusive')
+ return self._testCompetition(la)
+ def _testCompetition(self, la):
+ lock = locks.BaseLock("name")
+ d = claimHarder(lock, "owner1", la)
+ d.addCallback(self._claim1, la)
+ return d
+ def _claim1(self, lock, la):
+ # we should have claimed it by now
+ self.failIf(lock.isAvailable(la))
+ # now set up two competing owners. We don't know which will get the
+ # lock first.
+ d2 = claimHarder(lock, "owner2", la)
+ d2.addCallback(hold, "owner2", la, "now")
+ d3 = claimHarder(lock, "owner3", la)
+ d3.addCallback(hold, "owner3", la, "soon")
+ dl = defer.DeferredList([d2,d3])
+ dl.addCallback(self._cleanup, lock, la)
+ # and release the lock in a moment
+ reactor.callLater(0.1, lock.release, "owner1", la)
+ return dl
+ def _cleanup(self, res, lock, la):
+ d = claimHarder(lock, "cleanup", la)
+ d.addCallback(lambda lock: lock.release("cleanup", la))
+ return d
+ def testRandomCounting(self):
+ lid = locks.MasterLock('dummy')
+ la = locks.LockAccess(lid, 'counting')
+ return self._testRandom(la)
+ def testRandomExclusive(self):
+ lid = locks.MasterLock('dummy')
+ la = locks.LockAccess(lid, 'exclusive')
+ return self._testRandom(la)
+ def _testRandom(self, la):
+ lock = locks.BaseLock("name")
+ dl = []
+ for i in range(100):
+ owner = "owner%d" % i
+ mode = random.choice(["now", "very soon", "soon"])
+ d = claimHarder(lock, owner, la)
+ d.addCallback(hold, owner, la, mode)
+ dl.append(d)
+ d = defer.DeferredList(dl)
+ d.addCallback(self._cleanup, lock, la)
+ return d
+class Multi(unittest.TestCase):
+ def testNowCounting(self):
+ lid = locks.MasterLock('dummy')
+ la = locks.LockAccess(lid, 'counting')
+ lock = locks.BaseLock("name", 2)
+ self.failUnless(lock.isAvailable(la))
+ lock.claim("owner1", la)
+ self.failUnless(lock.isAvailable(la))
+ lock.claim("owner2", la)
+ self.failIf(lock.isAvailable(la))
+ lock.release("owner1", la)
+ self.failUnless(lock.isAvailable(la))
+ lock.release("owner2", la)
+ self.failUnless(lock.isAvailable(la))
+ def testLaterCounting(self):
+ lid = locks.MasterLock('dummy')
+ la = locks.LockAccess(lid, 'counting')
+ lock = locks.BaseLock("name", 2)
+ lock.claim("owner1", la)
+ lock.claim("owner2", la)
+ d = claimHarder(lock, "owner3", la)
+ d.addCallback(lambda lock: lock.release("owner3", la))
+ lock.release("owner2", la)
+ lock.release("owner1", la)
+ return d
+ def _cleanup(self, res, lock, count, la):
+ dl = []
+ for i in range(count):
+ d = claimHarder(lock, "cleanup%d" % i, la)
+ dl.append(d)
+ d2 = defer.DeferredList(dl)
+ # once all locks are claimed, we know that any previous owners have
+ # been flushed out
+ def _release(res):
+ for i in range(count):
+ lock.release("cleanup%d" % i, la)
+ d2.addCallback(_release)
+ return d2
+ def testRandomCounting(self):
+ lid = locks.MasterLock('dummy')
+ la = locks.LockAccess(lid, 'counting')
+ COUNT = 5
+ lock = locks.BaseLock("name", COUNT)
+ dl = []
+ for i in range(100):
+ owner = "owner%d" % i
+ mode = random.choice(["now", "very soon", "soon"])
+ d = claimHarder(lock, owner, la)
+ def _check(lock):
+ self.failIf(len(lock.owners) > COUNT)
+ return lock
+ d.addCallback(_check)
+ d.addCallback(hold, owner, la, mode)
+ dl.append(d)
+ d = defer.DeferredList(dl)
+ d.addCallback(self._cleanup, lock, COUNT, la)
+ return d
+class Dummy:
+ pass
+def slave(slavename):
+ slavebuilder = Dummy()
+ slavebuilder.slave = Dummy()
+ slavebuilder.slave.slavename = slavename
+ return slavebuilder
+class MakeRealLock(unittest.TestCase):
+ def make(self, lockid):
+ return lockid.lockClass(lockid)
+ def testMaster(self):
+ mid1 = locks.MasterLock("name1")
+ mid2 = locks.MasterLock("name1")
+ mid3 = locks.MasterLock("name3")
+ mid4 = locks.MasterLock("name1", 3)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(mid1, mid2)
+ self.failIfEqual(mid1, mid3)
+ # they should all be hashable
+ d = {mid1: 1, mid2: 2, mid3: 3, mid4: 4}
+ l1 = self.make(mid1)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(l1.name, "name1")
+ self.failUnlessEqual(l1.maxCount, 1)
+ self.failUnlessIdentical(l1.getLock(slave("slave1")), l1)
+ l4 = self.make(mid4)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(l4.name, "name1")
+ self.failUnlessEqual(l4.maxCount, 3)
+ self.failUnlessIdentical(l4.getLock(slave("slave1")), l4)
+ def testSlave(self):
+ sid1 = locks.SlaveLock("name1")
+ sid2 = locks.SlaveLock("name1")
+ sid3 = locks.SlaveLock("name3")
+ sid4 = locks.SlaveLock("name1", maxCount=3)
+ mcfs = {"bigslave": 4, "smallslave": 1}
+ sid5 = locks.SlaveLock("name1", maxCount=3, maxCountForSlave=mcfs)
+ mcfs2 = {"bigslave": 4, "smallslave": 1}
+ sid5a = locks.SlaveLock("name1", maxCount=3, maxCountForSlave=mcfs2)
+ mcfs3 = {"bigslave": 1, "smallslave": 99}
+ sid5b = locks.SlaveLock("name1", maxCount=3, maxCountForSlave=mcfs3)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(sid1, sid2)
+ self.failIfEqual(sid1, sid3)
+ self.failIfEqual(sid1, sid4)
+ self.failIfEqual(sid1, sid5)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(sid5, sid5a)
+ self.failIfEqual(sid5a, sid5b)
+ # they should all be hashable
+ d = {sid1: 1, sid2: 2, sid3: 3, sid4: 4, sid5: 5, sid5a: 6, sid5b: 7}
+ l1 = self.make(sid1)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(l1.name, "name1")
+ self.failUnlessEqual(l1.maxCount, 1)
+ l1s1 = l1.getLock(slave("slave1"))
+ self.failIfIdentical(l1s1, l1)
+ l4 = self.make(sid4)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(l4.maxCount, 3)
+ l4s1 = l4.getLock(slave("slave1"))
+ self.failUnlessEqual(l4s1.maxCount, 3)
+ l5 = self.make(sid5)
+ l5s1 = l5.getLock(slave("bigslave"))
+ l5s2 = l5.getLock(slave("smallslave"))
+ l5s3 = l5.getLock(slave("unnamedslave"))
+ self.failUnlessEqual(l5s1.maxCount, 4)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(l5s2.maxCount, 1)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(l5s3.maxCount, 3)
+class GetLock(unittest.TestCase):
+ def testGet(self):
+ # the master.cfg file contains "lock ids", which are instances of
+ # MasterLock and SlaveLock but which are not actually Locks per se.
+ # When the build starts, these markers are turned into RealMasterLock
+ # and RealSlaveLock instances. This insures that any builds running
+ # on slaves that were unaffected by the config change are still
+ # referring to the same Lock instance as new builds by builders that
+ # *were* affected by the change. There have been bugs in the past in
+ # which this didn't happen, and the Locks were bypassed because half
+ # the builders were using one incarnation of the lock while the other
+ # half were using a separate (but equal) incarnation.
+ #
+ # Changing the lock id in any way should cause it to be replaced in
+ # the BotMaster. This will result in a couple of funky artifacts:
+ # builds in progress might pay attention to a different lock, so we
+ # might bypass the locking for the duration of a couple builds.
+ # There's also the problem of old Locks lingering around in
+ # BotMaster.locks, but they're small and shouldn't really cause a
+ # problem.
+ b = master.BotMaster()
+ l1 = locks.MasterLock("one")
+ l1a = locks.MasterLock("one")
+ l2 = locks.MasterLock("one", maxCount=4)
+ rl1 = b.getLockByID(l1)
+ rl2 = b.getLockByID(l1a)
+ self.failUnlessIdentical(rl1, rl2)
+ rl3 = b.getLockByID(l2)
+ self.failIfIdentical(rl1, rl3)
+ s1 = locks.SlaveLock("one")
+ s1a = locks.SlaveLock("one")
+ s2 = locks.SlaveLock("one", maxCount=4)
+ s3 = locks.SlaveLock("one", maxCount=4,
+ maxCountForSlave={"a":1, "b":2})
+ s3a = locks.SlaveLock("one", maxCount=4,
+ maxCountForSlave={"a":1, "b":2})
+ s4 = locks.SlaveLock("one", maxCount=4,
+ maxCountForSlave={"a":4, "b":4})
+ rl1 = b.getLockByID(s1)
+ rl2 = b.getLockByID(s1a)
+ self.failUnlessIdentical(rl1, rl2)
+ rl3 = b.getLockByID(s2)
+ self.failIfIdentical(rl1, rl3)
+ rl4 = b.getLockByID(s3)
+ self.failIfIdentical(rl1, rl4)
+ self.failIfIdentical(rl3, rl4)
+ rl5 = b.getLockByID(s3a)
+ self.failUnlessIdentical(rl4, rl5)
+ rl6 = b.getLockByID(s4)
+ self.failIfIdentical(rl5, rl6)
+class LockStep(dummy.Dummy):
+ def start(self):
+ number = self.build.requests[0].number
+ self.build.requests[0].events.append(("start", number))
+ dummy.Dummy.start(self)
+ def done(self):
+ number = self.build.requests[0].number
+ self.build.requests[0].events.append(("done", number))
+ dummy.Dummy.done(self)
+config_1 = """
+from buildbot import locks
+from buildbot.process import factory
+from buildbot.buildslave import BuildSlave
+s = factory.s
+from buildbot.test.test_locks import LockStep
+BuildmasterConfig = c = {}
+c['slaves'] = [BuildSlave('bot1', 'sekrit'), BuildSlave('bot2', 'sekrit')]
+c['schedulers'] = []
+c['slavePortnum'] = 0
+first_lock = locks.SlaveLock('first')
+second_lock = locks.MasterLock('second')
+f1 = factory.BuildFactory([s(LockStep, timeout=2, locks=[first_lock])])
+f2 = factory.BuildFactory([s(LockStep, timeout=3, locks=[second_lock])])
+f3 = factory.BuildFactory([s(LockStep, timeout=2, locks=[])])
+b1a = {'name': 'full1a', 'slavename': 'bot1', 'builddir': '1a', 'factory': f1}
+b1b = {'name': 'full1b', 'slavename': 'bot1', 'builddir': '1b', 'factory': f1}
+b1c = {'name': 'full1c', 'slavename': 'bot1', 'builddir': '1c', 'factory': f3,
+ 'locks': [first_lock, second_lock]}
+b1d = {'name': 'full1d', 'slavename': 'bot1', 'builddir': '1d', 'factory': f2}
+b2a = {'name': 'full2a', 'slavename': 'bot2', 'builddir': '2a', 'factory': f1}
+b2b = {'name': 'full2b', 'slavename': 'bot2', 'builddir': '2b', 'factory': f3,
+ 'locks': [second_lock]}
+c['builders'] = [b1a, b1b, b1c, b1d, b2a, b2b]
+config_1a = config_1 + \
+b1b = {'name': 'full1b', 'slavename': 'bot1', 'builddir': '1B', 'factory': f1}
+c['builders'] = [b1a, b1b, b1c, b1d, b2a, b2b]
+class Locks(RunMixin, unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ N = 'test_builder'
+ RunMixin.setUp(self)
+ self.req1 = req1 = BuildRequest("forced build", SourceStamp(), N)
+ req1.number = 1
+ self.req2 = req2 = BuildRequest("forced build", SourceStamp(), N)
+ req2.number = 2
+ self.req3 = req3 = BuildRequest("forced build", SourceStamp(), N)
+ req3.number = 3
+ req1.events = req2.events = req3.events = self.events = []
+ d = self.master.loadConfig(config_1)
+ d.addCallback(lambda res: self.master.startService())
+ d.addCallback(lambda res: self.connectSlaves(["bot1", "bot2"],
+ ["full1a", "full1b",
+ "full1c", "full1d",
+ "full2a", "full2b"]))
+ return d
+ def testLock1(self):
+ self.control.getBuilder("full1a").requestBuild(self.req1)
+ self.control.getBuilder("full1b").requestBuild(self.req2)
+ d = defer.DeferredList([self.req1.waitUntilFinished(),
+ self.req2.waitUntilFinished()])
+ d.addCallback(self._testLock1_1)
+ return d
+ def _testLock1_1(self, res):
+ # full1a should complete its step before full1b starts it
+ self.failUnlessEqual(self.events,
+ [("start", 1), ("done", 1),
+ ("start", 2), ("done", 2)])
+ def testLock1a(self):
+ # just like testLock1, but we reload the config file first, with a
+ # change that causes full1b to be changed. This tickles a design bug
+ # in which full1a and full1b wind up with distinct Lock instances.
+ d = self.master.loadConfig(config_1a)
+ d.addCallback(self._testLock1a_1)
+ return d
+ def _testLock1a_1(self, res):
+ self.control.getBuilder("full1a").requestBuild(self.req1)
+ self.control.getBuilder("full1b").requestBuild(self.req2)
+ d = defer.DeferredList([self.req1.waitUntilFinished(),
+ self.req2.waitUntilFinished()])
+ d.addCallback(self._testLock1a_2)
+ return d
+ def _testLock1a_2(self, res):
+ # full1a should complete its step before full1b starts it
+ self.failUnlessEqual(self.events,
+ [("start", 1), ("done", 1),
+ ("start", 2), ("done", 2)])
+ def testLock2(self):
+ # two builds run on separate slaves with slave-scoped locks should
+ # not interfere
+ self.control.getBuilder("full1a").requestBuild(self.req1)
+ self.control.getBuilder("full2a").requestBuild(self.req2)
+ d = defer.DeferredList([self.req1.waitUntilFinished(),
+ self.req2.waitUntilFinished()])
+ d.addCallback(self._testLock2_1)
+ return d
+ def _testLock2_1(self, res):
+ # full2a should start its step before full1a finishes it. They run on
+ # different slaves, however, so they might start in either order.
+ self.failUnless(self.events[:2] == [("start", 1), ("start", 2)] or
+ self.events[:2] == [("start", 2), ("start", 1)])
+ def testLock3(self):
+ # two builds run on separate slaves with master-scoped locks should
+ # not overlap
+ self.control.getBuilder("full1c").requestBuild(self.req1)
+ self.control.getBuilder("full2b").requestBuild(self.req2)
+ d = defer.DeferredList([self.req1.waitUntilFinished(),
+ self.req2.waitUntilFinished()])
+ d.addCallback(self._testLock3_1)
+ return d
+ def _testLock3_1(self, res):
+ # full2b should not start until after full1c finishes. The builds run
+ # on different slaves, so we can't really predict which will start
+ # first. The important thing is that they don't overlap.
+ self.failUnless(self.events == [("start", 1), ("done", 1),
+ ("start", 2), ("done", 2)]
+ or self.events == [("start", 2), ("done", 2),
+ ("start", 1), ("done", 1)]
+ )
+ def testLock4(self):
+ self.control.getBuilder("full1a").requestBuild(self.req1)
+ self.control.getBuilder("full1c").requestBuild(self.req2)
+ self.control.getBuilder("full1d").requestBuild(self.req3)
+ d = defer.DeferredList([self.req1.waitUntilFinished(),
+ self.req2.waitUntilFinished(),
+ self.req3.waitUntilFinished()])
+ d.addCallback(self._testLock4_1)
+ return d
+ def _testLock4_1(self, res):
+ # full1a starts, then full1d starts (because they do not interfere).
+ # Once both are done, full1c can run.
+ self.failUnlessEqual(self.events,
+ [("start", 1), ("start", 3),
+ ("done", 1), ("done", 3),
+ ("start", 2), ("done", 2)])