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path: root/buildbot/buildbot/test/test_web.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'buildbot/buildbot/test/test_web.py')
1 files changed, 594 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/buildbot/buildbot/test/test_web.py b/buildbot/buildbot/test/test_web.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f353d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildbot/buildbot/test/test_web.py
@@ -0,0 +1,594 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: buildbot.test.test_web -*-
+import os, time, shutil
+from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
+from twisted.python import components
+from twisted.trial import unittest
+from buildbot.test.runutils import RunMixin
+from twisted.internet import reactor, defer, protocol
+from twisted.internet.interfaces import IReactorUNIX
+from twisted.web import client
+from buildbot import master, interfaces, sourcestamp
+from buildbot.status import html, builder
+from buildbot.status.web import waterfall
+from buildbot.changes.changes import Change
+from buildbot.process import base
+from buildbot.process.buildstep import BuildStep
+from buildbot.test.runutils import setupBuildStepStatus
+class ConfiguredMaster(master.BuildMaster):
+ """This BuildMaster variant has a static config file, provided as a
+ string when it is created."""
+ def __init__(self, basedir, config):
+ self.config = config
+ master.BuildMaster.__init__(self, basedir)
+ def loadTheConfigFile(self):
+ self.loadConfig(self.config)
+components.registerAdapter(master.Control, ConfiguredMaster,
+ interfaces.IControl)
+base_config = """
+from buildbot.changes.pb import PBChangeSource
+from buildbot.status import html
+from buildbot.buildslave import BuildSlave
+from buildbot.scheduler import Scheduler
+from buildbot.process.factory import BuildFactory
+BuildmasterConfig = c = {
+ 'change_source': PBChangeSource(),
+ 'slaves': [BuildSlave('bot1name', 'bot1passwd')],
+ 'schedulers': [Scheduler('name', None, 60, ['builder1'])],
+ 'builders': [{'name': 'builder1', 'slavename': 'bot1name',
+ 'builddir': 'builder1', 'factory': BuildFactory()}],
+ 'slavePortnum': 0,
+ }
+class DistribUNIX:
+ def __init__(self, unixpath):
+ from twisted.web import server, resource, distrib
+ root = resource.Resource()
+ self.r = r = distrib.ResourceSubscription("unix", unixpath)
+ root.putChild('remote', r)
+ self.p = p = reactor.listenTCP(0, server.Site(root))
+ self.portnum = p.getHost().port
+ def shutdown(self):
+ d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.p.stopListening)
+ return d
+class DistribTCP:
+ def __init__(self, port):
+ from twisted.web import server, resource, distrib
+ root = resource.Resource()
+ self.r = r = distrib.ResourceSubscription("localhost", port)
+ root.putChild('remote', r)
+ self.p = p = reactor.listenTCP(0, server.Site(root))
+ self.portnum = p.getHost().port
+ def shutdown(self):
+ d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.p.stopListening)
+ d.addCallback(self._shutdown_1)
+ return d
+ def _shutdown_1(self, res):
+ return self.r.publisher.broker.transport.loseConnection()
+class SlowReader(protocol.Protocol):
+ didPause = False
+ count = 0
+ data = ""
+ def __init__(self, req):
+ self.req = req
+ self.d = defer.Deferred()
+ def connectionMade(self):
+ self.transport.write(self.req)
+ def dataReceived(self, data):
+ self.data += data
+ self.count += len(data)
+ if not self.didPause and self.count > 10*1000:
+ self.didPause = True
+ self.transport.pauseProducing()
+ reactor.callLater(2, self.resume)
+ def resume(self):
+ self.transport.resumeProducing()
+ def connectionLost(self, why):
+ self.d.callback(None)
+class CFactory(protocol.ClientFactory):
+ def __init__(self, p):
+ self.p = p
+ def buildProtocol(self, addr):
+ self.p.factory = self
+ return self.p
+def stopHTTPLog():
+ # grr.
+ from twisted.web import http
+ http._logDateTimeStop()
+class BaseWeb:
+ master = None
+ def failUnlessIn(self, substr, string, note=None):
+ self.failUnless(string.find(substr) != -1, note)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ stopHTTPLog()
+ if self.master:
+ d = self.master.stopService()
+ return d
+ def find_webstatus(self, master):
+ for child in list(master):
+ if isinstance(child, html.WebStatus):
+ return child
+ def find_waterfall(self, master):
+ for child in list(master):
+ if isinstance(child, html.Waterfall):
+ return child
+class Ports(BaseWeb, unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_webPortnum(self):
+ # run a regular web server on a TCP socket
+ config = base_config + "c['status'] = [html.WebStatus(http_port=0)]\n"
+ os.mkdir("test_web1")
+ self.master = m = ConfiguredMaster("test_web1", config)
+ m.startService()
+ # hack to find out what randomly-assigned port it is listening on
+ port = self.find_webstatus(m).getPortnum()
+ d = client.getPage("http://localhost:%d/waterfall" % port)
+ def _check(page):
+ #print page
+ self.failUnless(page)
+ d.addCallback(_check)
+ return d
+ test_webPortnum.timeout = 10
+ def test_webPathname(self):
+ # running a t.web.distrib server over a UNIX socket
+ if not IReactorUNIX.providedBy(reactor):
+ raise unittest.SkipTest("UNIX sockets not supported here")
+ config = (base_config +
+ "c['status'] = [html.WebStatus(distrib_port='.web-pb')]\n")
+ os.mkdir("test_web2")
+ self.master = m = ConfiguredMaster("test_web2", config)
+ m.startService()
+ p = DistribUNIX("test_web2/.web-pb")
+ d = client.getPage("http://localhost:%d/remote/waterfall" % p.portnum)
+ def _check(page):
+ self.failUnless(page)
+ d.addCallback(_check)
+ def _done(res):
+ d1 = p.shutdown()
+ d1.addCallback(lambda x: res)
+ return d1
+ d.addBoth(_done)
+ return d
+ test_webPathname.timeout = 10
+ def test_webPathname_port(self):
+ # running a t.web.distrib server over TCP
+ config = (base_config +
+ "c['status'] = [html.WebStatus(distrib_port=0)]\n")
+ os.mkdir("test_web3")
+ self.master = m = ConfiguredMaster("test_web3", config)
+ m.startService()
+ dport = self.find_webstatus(m).getPortnum()
+ p = DistribTCP(dport)
+ d = client.getPage("http://localhost:%d/remote/waterfall" % p.portnum)
+ def _check(page):
+ self.failUnlessIn("BuildBot", page)
+ d.addCallback(_check)
+ def _done(res):
+ d1 = p.shutdown()
+ d1.addCallback(lambda x: res)
+ return d1
+ d.addBoth(_done)
+ return d
+ test_webPathname_port.timeout = 10
+class Waterfall(BaseWeb, unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_waterfall(self):
+ os.mkdir("test_web4")
+ os.mkdir("my-maildir"); os.mkdir("my-maildir/new")
+ self.robots_txt = os.path.abspath(os.path.join("test_web4",
+ "robots.txt"))
+ self.robots_txt_contents = "User-agent: *\nDisallow: /\n"
+ f = open(self.robots_txt, "w")
+ f.write(self.robots_txt_contents)
+ f.close()
+ # this is the right way to configure the Waterfall status
+ config1 = base_config + """
+from buildbot.changes import mail
+c['change_source'] = mail.SyncmailMaildirSource('my-maildir')
+c['status'] = [html.Waterfall(http_port=0, robots_txt=%s)]
+""" % repr(self.robots_txt)
+ self.master = m = ConfiguredMaster("test_web4", config1)
+ m.startService()
+ port = self.find_waterfall(m).getPortnum()
+ self.port = port
+ # insert an event
+ m.change_svc.addChange(Change("user", ["foo.c"], "comments"))
+ d = client.getPage("http://localhost:%d/" % port)
+ def _check1(page):
+ self.failUnless(page)
+ self.failUnlessIn("current activity", page)
+ self.failUnlessIn("<html", page)
+ TZ = time.tzname[time.localtime()[-1]]
+ self.failUnlessIn("time (%s)" % TZ, page)
+ # phase=0 is really for debugging the waterfall layout
+ return client.getPage("http://localhost:%d/?phase=0" % self.port)
+ d.addCallback(_check1)
+ def _check2(page):
+ self.failUnless(page)
+ self.failUnlessIn("<html", page)
+ return client.getPage("http://localhost:%d/changes" % self.port)
+ d.addCallback(_check2)
+ def _check3(changes):
+ self.failUnlessIn("<li>Syncmail mailing list in maildir " +
+ "my-maildir</li>", changes)
+ return client.getPage("http://localhost:%d/robots.txt" % self.port)
+ d.addCallback(_check3)
+ def _check4(robotstxt):
+ self.failUnless(robotstxt == self.robots_txt_contents)
+ d.addCallback(_check4)
+ return d
+ test_waterfall.timeout = 10
+class WaterfallSteps(unittest.TestCase):
+ # failUnlessSubstring copied from twisted-2.1.0, because this helps us
+ # maintain compatibility with python2.2.
+ def failUnlessSubstring(self, substring, astring, msg=None):
+ """a python2.2 friendly test to assert that substring is found in
+ astring parameters follow the semantics of failUnlessIn
+ """
+ if astring.find(substring) == -1:
+ raise self.failureException(msg or "%r not found in %r"
+ % (substring, astring))
+ return substring
+ assertSubstring = failUnlessSubstring
+ def test_urls(self):
+ s = setupBuildStepStatus("test_web.test_urls")
+ s.addURL("coverage", "http://coverage.example.org/target")
+ s.addURL("icon", "http://coverage.example.org/icon.png")
+ class FakeRequest:
+ prepath = []
+ postpath = []
+ def childLink(self, name):
+ return name
+ req = FakeRequest()
+ box = waterfall.IBox(s).getBox(req)
+ td = box.td()
+ e1 = '[<a href="http://coverage.example.org/target" class="BuildStep external">coverage</a>]'
+ self.failUnlessSubstring(e1, td)
+ e2 = '[<a href="http://coverage.example.org/icon.png" class="BuildStep external">icon</a>]'
+ self.failUnlessSubstring(e2, td)
+geturl_config = """
+from buildbot.status import html
+from buildbot.changes import mail
+from buildbot.process import factory
+from buildbot.steps import dummy
+from buildbot.scheduler import Scheduler
+from buildbot.changes.base import ChangeSource
+from buildbot.buildslave import BuildSlave
+s = factory.s
+class DiscardScheduler(Scheduler):
+ def addChange(self, change):
+ pass
+class DummyChangeSource(ChangeSource):
+ pass
+BuildmasterConfig = c = {}
+c['slaves'] = [BuildSlave('bot1', 'sekrit'), BuildSlave('bot2', 'sekrit')]
+c['change_source'] = DummyChangeSource()
+c['schedulers'] = [DiscardScheduler('discard', None, 60, ['b1'])]
+c['slavePortnum'] = 0
+c['status'] = [html.Waterfall(http_port=0)]
+f = factory.BuildFactory([s(dummy.RemoteDummy, timeout=1)])
+c['builders'] = [
+ {'name': 'b1', 'slavenames': ['bot1','bot2'],
+ 'builddir': 'b1', 'factory': f},
+ ]
+c['buildbotURL'] = 'http://dummy.example.org:8010/'
+class GetURL(RunMixin, unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ RunMixin.setUp(self)
+ self.master.loadConfig(geturl_config)
+ self.master.startService()
+ d = self.connectSlave(["b1"])
+ return d
+ def tearDown(self):
+ stopHTTPLog()
+ return RunMixin.tearDown(self)
+ def doBuild(self, buildername):
+ br = base.BuildRequest("forced", sourcestamp.SourceStamp(), 'test_builder')
+ d = br.waitUntilFinished()
+ self.control.getBuilder(buildername).requestBuild(br)
+ return d
+ def assertNoURL(self, target):
+ self.failUnlessIdentical(self.status.getURLForThing(target), None)
+ def assertURLEqual(self, target, expected):
+ got = self.status.getURLForThing(target)
+ full_expected = "http://dummy.example.org:8010/" + expected
+ self.failUnlessEqual(got, full_expected)
+ def testMissingBase(self):
+ noweb_config1 = geturl_config + "del c['buildbotURL']\n"
+ d = self.master.loadConfig(noweb_config1)
+ d.addCallback(self._testMissingBase_1)
+ return d
+ def _testMissingBase_1(self, res):
+ s = self.status
+ self.assertNoURL(s)
+ builder_s = s.getBuilder("b1")
+ self.assertNoURL(builder_s)
+ def testBase(self):
+ s = self.status
+ self.assertURLEqual(s, "")
+ builder_s = s.getBuilder("b1")
+ self.assertURLEqual(builder_s, "builders/b1")
+ def testChange(self):
+ s = self.status
+ c = Change("user", ["foo.c"], "comments")
+ self.master.change_svc.addChange(c)
+ # TODO: something more like s.getChanges(), requires IChange and
+ # an accessor in IStatus. The HTML page exists already, though
+ self.assertURLEqual(c, "changes/1")
+ def testBuild(self):
+ # first we do some stuff so we'll have things to look at.
+ s = self.status
+ d = self.doBuild("b1")
+ # maybe check IBuildSetStatus here?
+ d.addCallback(self._testBuild_1)
+ return d
+ def _testBuild_1(self, res):
+ s = self.status
+ builder_s = s.getBuilder("b1")
+ build_s = builder_s.getLastFinishedBuild()
+ self.assertURLEqual(build_s, "builders/b1/builds/0")
+ # no page for builder.getEvent(-1)
+ step = build_s.getSteps()[0]
+ self.assertURLEqual(step, "builders/b1/builds/0/steps/remote%20dummy")
+ # maybe page for build.getTestResults?
+ self.assertURLEqual(step.getLogs()[0],
+ "builders/b1/builds/0/steps/remote%20dummy/logs/0")
+class Logfile(BaseWeb, RunMixin, unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ config = """
+from buildbot.status import html
+from buildbot.process.factory import BasicBuildFactory
+from buildbot.buildslave import BuildSlave
+f1 = BasicBuildFactory('cvsroot', 'cvsmodule')
+BuildmasterConfig = {
+ 'slaves': [BuildSlave('bot1', 'passwd1')],
+ 'schedulers': [],
+ 'builders': [{'name': 'builder1', 'slavename': 'bot1',
+ 'builddir':'workdir', 'factory':f1}],
+ 'slavePortnum': 0,
+ 'status': [html.WebStatus(http_port=0)],
+ }
+ if os.path.exists("test_logfile"):
+ shutil.rmtree("test_logfile")
+ os.mkdir("test_logfile")
+ self.master = m = ConfiguredMaster("test_logfile", config)
+ m.startService()
+ # hack to find out what randomly-assigned port it is listening on
+ port = self.find_webstatus(m).getPortnum()
+ self.port = port
+ # insert an event
+ req = base.BuildRequest("reason", sourcestamp.SourceStamp(), 'test_builder')
+ build1 = base.Build([req])
+ bs = m.status.getBuilder("builder1").newBuild()
+ bs.setReason("reason")
+ bs.buildStarted(build1)
+ step1 = BuildStep(name="setup")
+ step1.setBuild(build1)
+ bss = bs.addStepWithName("setup")
+ step1.setStepStatus(bss)
+ bss.stepStarted()
+ log1 = step1.addLog("output")
+ log1.addStdout("some stdout\n")
+ log1.finish()
+ log2 = step1.addHTMLLog("error", "<html>ouch</html>")
+ log3 = step1.addLog("big")
+ log3.addStdout("big log\n")
+ for i in range(1000):
+ log3.addStdout("a" * 500)
+ log3.addStderr("b" * 500)
+ log3.finish()
+ log4 = step1.addCompleteLog("bigcomplete",
+ "big2 log\n" + "a" * 1*1000*1000)
+ log5 = step1.addLog("mixed")
+ log5.addHeader("header content")
+ log5.addStdout("this is stdout content")
+ log5.addStderr("errors go here")
+ log5.addEntry(5, "non-standard content on channel 5")
+ log5.addStderr(" and some trailing stderr")
+ d = defer.maybeDeferred(step1.step_status.stepFinished,
+ builder.SUCCESS)
+ bs.buildFinished()
+ return d
+ def getLogPath(self, stepname, logname):
+ return ("/builders/builder1/builds/0/steps/%s/logs/%s" %
+ (stepname, logname))
+ def getLogURL(self, stepname, logname):
+ return ("http://localhost:%d" % self.port
+ + self.getLogPath(stepname, logname))
+ def test_logfile1(self):
+ d = client.getPage("http://localhost:%d/" % self.port)
+ def _check(page):
+ self.failUnless(page)
+ d.addCallback(_check)
+ return d
+ def test_logfile2(self):
+ logurl = self.getLogURL("setup", "output")
+ d = client.getPage(logurl)
+ def _check(logbody):
+ self.failUnless(logbody)
+ d.addCallback(_check)
+ return d
+ def test_logfile3(self):
+ logurl = self.getLogURL("setup", "output")
+ d = client.getPage(logurl + "/text")
+ def _check(logtext):
+ self.failUnlessEqual(logtext, "some stdout\n")
+ d.addCallback(_check)
+ return d
+ def test_logfile4(self):
+ logurl = self.getLogURL("setup", "error")
+ d = client.getPage(logurl)
+ def _check(logbody):
+ self.failUnlessEqual(logbody, "<html>ouch</html>")
+ d.addCallback(_check)
+ return d
+ def test_logfile5(self):
+ # this is log3, which is about 1MB in size, made up of alternating
+ # stdout/stderr chunks. buildbot-0.6.6, when run against
+ # twisted-1.3.0, fails to resume sending chunks after the client
+ # stalls for a few seconds, because of a recursive doWrite() call
+ # that was fixed in twisted-2.0.0
+ p = SlowReader("GET %s HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"
+ % self.getLogPath("setup", "big"))
+ cf = CFactory(p)
+ c = reactor.connectTCP("localhost", self.port, cf)
+ d = p.d
+ def _check(res):
+ self.failUnlessIn("big log", p.data)
+ self.failUnlessIn("a"*100, p.data)
+ self.failUnless(p.count > 1*1000*1000)
+ d.addCallback(_check)
+ return d
+ def test_logfile6(self):
+ # this is log4, which is about 1MB in size, one big chunk.
+ # buildbot-0.6.6 dies as the NetstringReceiver barfs on the
+ # saved logfile, because it was using one big chunk and exceeding
+ # NetstringReceiver.MAX_LENGTH
+ p = SlowReader("GET %s HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"
+ % self.getLogPath("setup", "bigcomplete"))
+ cf = CFactory(p)
+ c = reactor.connectTCP("localhost", self.port, cf)
+ d = p.d
+ def _check(res):
+ self.failUnlessIn("big2 log", p.data)
+ self.failUnlessIn("a"*100, p.data)
+ self.failUnless(p.count > 1*1000*1000)
+ d.addCallback(_check)
+ return d
+ def test_logfile7(self):
+ # this is log5, with mixed content on the tree standard channels
+ # as well as on channel 5
+ class SpanParser(HTMLParser):
+ '''Parser subclass to gather all the log spans from the log page'''
+ def __init__(self, test):
+ self.spans = []
+ self.test = test
+ self.inSpan = False
+ HTMLParser.__init__(self)
+ def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
+ if tag == 'span':
+ self.inSpan = True
+ cls = attrs[0]
+ self.test.failUnless(cls[0] == 'class')
+ self.spans.append([cls[1],''])
+ def handle_data(self, data):
+ if self.inSpan:
+ self.spans[-1][1] += data
+ def handle_endtag(self, tag):
+ if tag == 'span':
+ self.inSpan = False
+ logurl = self.getLogURL("setup", "mixed")
+ d = client.getPage(logurl, timeout=2)
+ def _check(logbody):
+ try:
+ p = SpanParser(self)
+ p.feed(logbody)
+ p.close
+ except Exception, e:
+ print e
+ self.failUnlessEqual(len(p.spans), 4)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(p.spans[0][0], 'header')
+ self.failUnlessEqual(p.spans[0][1], 'header content')
+ self.failUnlessEqual(p.spans[1][0], 'stdout')
+ self.failUnlessEqual(p.spans[1][1], 'this is stdout content')
+ self.failUnlessEqual(p.spans[2][0], 'stderr')
+ self.failUnlessEqual(p.spans[2][1], 'errors go here')
+ self.failUnlessEqual(p.spans[3][0], 'stderr')
+ self.failUnlessEqual(p.spans[3][1], ' and some trailing stderr')
+ def _fail(err):
+ pass
+ d.addCallback(_check)
+ d.addErrback(_fail)
+ return d