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path: root/buildbot/contrib/windows/buildbot_service.py
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1 files changed, 536 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/buildbot/contrib/windows/buildbot_service.py b/buildbot/contrib/windows/buildbot_service.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..859f559
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildbot/contrib/windows/buildbot_service.py
@@ -0,0 +1,536 @@
+# Runs the build-bot as a Windows service.
+# To use:
+# * Install and configure buildbot as per normal (ie, running
+# 'setup.py install' from the source directory).
+# * Configure any number of build-bot directories (slaves or masters), as
+# per the buildbot instructions. Test these directories normally by
+# using the (possibly modified) "buildbot.bat" file and ensure everything
+# is working as expected.
+# * Install the buildbot service. Execute the command:
+# % python buildbot_service.py
+# To see installation options. You probably want to specify:
+# + --username and --password options to specify the user to run the
+# + --startup auto to have the service start at boot time.
+# For example:
+# % python buildbot_service.py --user mark --password secret \
+# --startup auto install
+# Alternatively, you could execute:
+# % python buildbot_service.py install
+# to install the service with default options, then use Control Panel
+# to configure it.
+# * Start the service specifying the name of all buildbot directories as
+# service args. This can be done one of 2 ways:
+# - Execute the command:
+# % python buildbot_service.py start "dir_name1" "dir_name2"
+# or:
+# - Start Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Services
+# - Locate the previously installed buildbot service.
+# - Open the "properties" for the service.
+# - Enter the directory names into the "Start Parameters" textbox. The
+# directory names must be fully qualified, and surrounded in quotes if
+# they include spaces.
+# - Press the "Start"button.
+# Note that the service will automatically use the previously specified
+# directories if no arguments are specified. This means the directories
+# need only be specified when the directories to use have changed (and
+# therefore also the first time buildbot is configured)
+# * The service should now be running. You should check the Windows
+# event log. If all goes well, you should see some information messages
+# telling you the buildbot has successfully started.
+# * If you change the buildbot configuration, you must restart the service.
+# There is currently no way to ask a running buildbot to reload the
+# config. You can restart by executing:
+# % python buildbot_service.py restart
+# Troubleshooting:
+# * Check the Windows event log for any errors.
+# * Check the "twistd.log" file in your buildbot directories - once each
+# bot has been started it just writes to this log as normal.
+# * Try executing:
+# % python buildbot_service.py debug
+# This will execute the buildbot service in "debug" mode, and allow you to
+# see all messages etc generated. If the service works in debug mode but
+# not as a real service, the error probably relates to the environment or
+# permissions of the user configured to run the service (debug mode runs as
+# the currently logged in user, not the service user)
+# * Ensure you have the latest pywin32 build available, at least version 206.
+# Written by Mark Hammond, 2006.
+import sys
+import os
+import threading
+import pywintypes
+import winerror
+import win32con
+import win32api
+import win32event
+import win32file
+import win32pipe
+import win32process
+import win32security
+import win32service
+import win32serviceutil
+import servicemanager
+# Are we running in a py2exe environment?
+is_frozen = hasattr(sys, "frozen")
+# Taken from the Zope service support - each "child" is run as a sub-process
+# (trying to run multiple twisted apps in the same process is likely to screw
+# stdout redirection etc).
+# Note that unlike the Zope service, we do *not* attempt to detect a failed
+# client and perform restarts - buildbot itself does a good job
+# at reconnecting, and Windows itself provides restart semantics should
+# everything go pear-shaped.
+# We execute a new thread that captures the tail of the output from our child
+# process. If the child fails, it is written to the event log.
+# This process is unconditional, and the output is never written to disk
+# (except obviously via the event log entry)
+# Size of the blocks we read from the child process's output.
+# The number of BLOCKSIZE blocks we keep as process output.
+class BBService(win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework):
+ _svc_name_ = 'BuildBot'
+ _svc_display_name_ = _svc_name_
+ _svc_description_ = 'Manages local buildbot slaves and masters - ' \
+ 'see http://buildbot.sourceforge.net'
+ def __init__(self, args):
+ win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework.__init__(self, args)
+ # Create an event which we will use to wait on. The "service stop"
+ # request will set this event.
+ # * We must make it inheritable so we can pass it to the child
+ # process via the cmd-line
+ # * Must be manual reset so each child process and our service
+ # all get woken from a single set of the event.
+ sa = win32security.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES()
+ sa.bInheritHandle = True
+ self.hWaitStop = win32event.CreateEvent(sa, True, False, None)
+ self.args = args
+ self.dirs = None
+ self.runner_prefix = None
+ # Patch up the service messages file in a frozen exe.
+ # (We use the py2exe option that magically bundles the .pyd files
+ # into the .zip file - so servicemanager.pyd doesn't exist.)
+ if is_frozen and servicemanager.RunningAsService():
+ msg_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable),
+ "buildbot.msg")
+ if os.path.isfile(msg_file):
+ servicemanager.Initialize("BuildBot", msg_file)
+ else:
+ self.warning("Strange - '%s' does not exist" % (msg_file, ))
+ def _checkConfig(self):
+ # Locate our child process runner (but only when run from source)
+ if not is_frozen:
+ # Running from source
+ python_exe = os.path.join(sys.prefix, "python.exe")
+ if not os.path.isfile(python_exe):
+ # for ppl who build Python itself from source.
+ python_exe = os.path.join(sys.prefix, "PCBuild", "python.exe")
+ if not os.path.isfile(python_exe):
+ self.error("Can not find python.exe to spawn subprocess")
+ return False
+ me = __file__
+ if me.endswith(".pyc") or me.endswith(".pyo"):
+ me = me[:-1]
+ self.runner_prefix = '"%s" "%s"' % (python_exe, me)
+ else:
+ # Running from a py2exe built executable - our child process is
+ # us (but with the funky cmdline args!)
+ self.runner_prefix = '"' + sys.executable + '"'
+ # Now our arg processing - this may be better handled by a
+ # twisted/buildbot style config file - but as of time of writing,
+ # MarkH is clueless about such things!
+ # Note that the "arguments" you type into Control Panel for the
+ # service do *not* persist - they apply only when you click "start"
+ # on the service. When started by Windows, args are never presented.
+ # Thus, it is the responsibility of the service to persist any args.
+ # so, when args are presented, we save them as a "custom option". If
+ # they are not presented, we load them from the option.
+ self.dirs = []
+ if len(self.args) > 1:
+ dir_string = os.pathsep.join(self.args[1:])
+ save_dirs = True
+ else:
+ dir_string = win32serviceutil.GetServiceCustomOption(self,
+ "directories")
+ save_dirs = False
+ if not dir_string:
+ self.error("You must specify the buildbot directories as "
+ "parameters to the service.\nStopping the service.")
+ return False
+ dirs = dir_string.split(os.pathsep)
+ for d in dirs:
+ d = os.path.abspath(d)
+ sentinal = os.path.join(d, "buildbot.tac")
+ if os.path.isfile(sentinal):
+ self.dirs.append(d)
+ else:
+ msg = "Directory '%s' is not a buildbot dir - ignoring" \
+ % (d, )
+ self.warning(msg)
+ if not self.dirs:
+ self.error("No valid buildbot directories were specified.\n"
+ "Stopping the service.")
+ return False
+ if save_dirs:
+ dir_string = os.pathsep.join(self.dirs).encode("mbcs")
+ win32serviceutil.SetServiceCustomOption(self, "directories",
+ dir_string)
+ return True
+ def SvcStop(self):
+ # Tell the SCM we are starting the stop process.
+ self.ReportServiceStatus(win32service.SERVICE_STOP_PENDING)
+ # Set the stop event - the main loop takes care of termination.
+ win32event.SetEvent(self.hWaitStop)
+ # SvcStop only gets triggered when the user explictly stops (or restarts)
+ # the service. To shut the service down cleanly when Windows is shutting
+ # down, we also need to hook SvcShutdown.
+ SvcShutdown = SvcStop
+ def SvcDoRun(self):
+ if not self._checkConfig():
+ # stopped status set by caller.
+ return
+ self.logmsg(servicemanager.PYS_SERVICE_STARTED)
+ child_infos = []
+ for bbdir in self.dirs:
+ self.info("Starting BuildBot in directory '%s'" % (bbdir, ))
+ hstop = self.hWaitStop
+ cmd = '%s --spawn %d start %s' % (self.runner_prefix, hstop, bbdir)
+ #print "cmd is", cmd
+ h, t, output = self.createProcess(cmd)
+ child_infos.append((bbdir, h, t, output))
+ while child_infos:
+ handles = [self.hWaitStop] + [i[1] for i in child_infos]
+ rc = win32event.WaitForMultipleObjects(handles,
+ 0, # bWaitAll
+ win32event.INFINITE)
+ if rc == win32event.WAIT_OBJECT_0:
+ # user sent a stop service request
+ break
+ else:
+ # A child process died. For now, just log the output
+ # and forget the process.
+ index = rc - win32event.WAIT_OBJECT_0 - 1
+ bbdir, dead_handle, dead_thread, output_blocks = \
+ child_infos[index]
+ status = win32process.GetExitCodeProcess(dead_handle)
+ output = "".join(output_blocks)
+ if not output:
+ output = "The child process generated no output. " \
+ "Please check the twistd.log file in the " \
+ "indicated directory."
+ self.warning("BuildBot for directory %r terminated with "
+ "exit code %d.\n%s" % (bbdir, status, output))
+ del child_infos[index]
+ if not child_infos:
+ self.warning("All BuildBot child processes have "
+ "terminated. Service stopping.")
+ # Either no child processes left, or stop event set.
+ self.ReportServiceStatus(win32service.SERVICE_STOP_PENDING)
+ # The child processes should have also seen our stop signal
+ # so wait for them to terminate.
+ for bbdir, h, t, output in child_infos:
+ for i in range(10): # 30 seconds to shutdown...
+ self.ReportServiceStatus(win32service.SERVICE_STOP_PENDING)
+ rc = win32event.WaitForSingleObject(h, 3000)
+ if rc == win32event.WAIT_OBJECT_0:
+ break
+ # Process terminated - no need to try harder.
+ if rc == win32event.WAIT_OBJECT_0:
+ break
+ self.ReportServiceStatus(win32service.SERVICE_STOP_PENDING)
+ # If necessary, kill it
+ if win32process.GetExitCodeProcess(h)==win32con.STILL_ACTIVE:
+ self.warning("BuildBot process at %r failed to terminate - "
+ "killing it" % (bbdir, ))
+ win32api.TerminateProcess(h, 3)
+ self.ReportServiceStatus(win32service.SERVICE_STOP_PENDING)
+ # Wait for the redirect thread - it should have died as the remote
+ # process terminated.
+ # As we are shutting down, we do the join with a little more care,
+ # reporting progress as we wait (even though we never will <wink>)
+ for i in range(5):
+ t.join(1)
+ self.ReportServiceStatus(win32service.SERVICE_STOP_PENDING)
+ if not t.isAlive():
+ break
+ else:
+ self.warning("Redirect thread did not stop!")
+ # All done.
+ self.logmsg(servicemanager.PYS_SERVICE_STOPPED)
+ #
+ # Error reporting/logging functions.
+ #
+ def logmsg(self, event):
+ # log a service event using servicemanager.LogMsg
+ try:
+ servicemanager.LogMsg(servicemanager.EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE,
+ event,
+ (self._svc_name_,
+ " (%s)" % self._svc_display_name_))
+ except win32api.error, details:
+ # Failed to write a log entry - most likely problem is
+ # that the event log is full. We don't want this to kill us
+ try:
+ print "FAILED to write INFO event", event, ":", details
+ except IOError:
+ # No valid stdout! Ignore it.
+ pass
+ def _dolog(self, func, msg):
+ try:
+ func(msg)
+ except win32api.error, details:
+ # Failed to write a log entry - most likely problem is
+ # that the event log is full. We don't want this to kill us
+ try:
+ print "FAILED to write event log entry:", details
+ print msg
+ except IOError:
+ pass
+ def info(self, s):
+ self._dolog(servicemanager.LogInfoMsg, s)
+ def warning(self, s):
+ self._dolog(servicemanager.LogWarningMsg, s)
+ def error(self, s):
+ self._dolog(servicemanager.LogErrorMsg, s)
+ # Functions that spawn a child process, redirecting any output.
+ # Although builtbot itself does this, it is very handy to debug issues
+ # such as ImportErrors that happen before buildbot has redirected.
+ def createProcess(self, cmd):
+ hInputRead, hInputWriteTemp = self.newPipe()
+ hOutReadTemp, hOutWrite = self.newPipe()
+ pid = win32api.GetCurrentProcess()
+ # This one is duplicated as inheritable.
+ hErrWrite = win32api.DuplicateHandle(pid, hOutWrite, pid, 0, 1,
+ # These are non-inheritable duplicates.
+ hOutRead = self.dup(hOutReadTemp)
+ hInputWrite = self.dup(hInputWriteTemp)
+ # dup() closed hOutReadTemp, hInputWriteTemp
+ si = win32process.STARTUPINFO()
+ si.hStdInput = hInputRead
+ si.hStdOutput = hOutWrite
+ si.hStdError = hErrWrite
+ si.dwFlags = win32process.STARTF_USESTDHANDLES | \
+ si.wShowWindow = win32con.SW_HIDE
+ # pass True to allow handles to be inherited. Inheritance is
+ # problematic in general, but should work in the controlled
+ # circumstances of a service process.
+ create_flags = win32process.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE
+ # info is (hProcess, hThread, pid, tid)
+ info = win32process.CreateProcess(None, cmd, None, None, True,
+ create_flags, None, None, si)
+ # (NOTE: these really aren't necessary for Python - they are closed
+ # as soon as they are collected)
+ hOutWrite.Close()
+ hErrWrite.Close()
+ hInputRead.Close()
+ # We don't use stdin
+ hInputWrite.Close()
+ # start a thread collecting output
+ blocks = []
+ t = threading.Thread(target=self.redirectCaptureThread,
+ args = (hOutRead, blocks))
+ t.start()
+ return info[0], t, blocks
+ def redirectCaptureThread(self, handle, captured_blocks):
+ # One of these running per child process we are watching. It
+ # handles both stdout and stderr on a single handle. The read data is
+ # never referenced until the thread dies - so no need for locks
+ # around self.captured_blocks.
+ #self.info("Redirect thread starting")
+ while 1:
+ try:
+ ec, data = win32file.ReadFile(handle, CHILDCAPTURE_BLOCK_SIZE)
+ except pywintypes.error, err:
+ # ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE means the child process closed the
+ # handle - ie, it terminated.
+ if err[0] != winerror.ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE:
+ self.warning("Error reading output from process: %s" % err)
+ break
+ captured_blocks.append(data)
+ del captured_blocks[CHILDCAPTURE_MAX_BLOCKS:]
+ handle.Close()
+ #self.info("Redirect capture thread terminating")
+ def newPipe(self):
+ sa = win32security.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES()
+ sa.bInheritHandle = True
+ return win32pipe.CreatePipe(sa, 0)
+ def dup(self, pipe):
+ # create a duplicate handle that is not inherited, so that
+ # it can be closed in the parent. close the original pipe in
+ # the process.
+ pid = win32api.GetCurrentProcess()
+ dup = win32api.DuplicateHandle(pid, pipe, pid, 0, 0,
+ pipe.Close()
+ return dup
+# Service registration and startup
+def RegisterWithFirewall(exe_name, description):
+ # Register our executable as an exception with Windows Firewall.
+ # taken from http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=\
+ #/library/en-us/ics/ics/wf_adding_an_application.asp
+ from win32com.client import Dispatch
+ # Set constants
+ # Scope
+ # IP Version - ANY is the only allowable setting for now
+ fwMgr = Dispatch("HNetCfg.FwMgr")
+ # Get the current profile for the local firewall policy.
+ profile = fwMgr.LocalPolicy.CurrentProfile
+ app = Dispatch("HNetCfg.FwAuthorizedApplication")
+ app.ProcessImageFileName = exe_name
+ app.Name = description
+ app.Scope = NET_FW_SCOPE_ALL
+ # Use either Scope or RemoteAddresses, but not both
+ #app.RemoteAddresses = "*"
+ app.IpVersion = NET_FW_IP_VERSION_ANY
+ app.Enabled = True
+ # Use this line if you want to add the app, but disabled.
+ #app.Enabled = False
+ profile.AuthorizedApplications.Add(app)
+# A custom install function.
+def CustomInstall(opts):
+ # Register this process with the Windows Firewaall
+ import pythoncom
+ try:
+ RegisterWithFirewall(sys.executable, "BuildBot")
+ except pythoncom.com_error, why:
+ print "FAILED to register with the Windows firewall"
+ print why
+# Magic code to allow shutdown. Note that this code is executed in
+# the *child* process, by way of the service process executing us with
+# special cmdline args (which includes the service stop handle!)
+def _RunChild():
+ del sys.argv[1] # The --spawn arg.
+ # Create a new thread that just waits for the event to be signalled.
+ t = threading.Thread(target=_WaitForShutdown,
+ args = (int(sys.argv[1]), )
+ )
+ del sys.argv[1] # The stop handle
+ # This child process will be sent a console handler notification as
+ # users log off, or as the system shuts down. We want to ignore these
+ # signals as the service parent is responsible for our shutdown.
+ def ConsoleHandler(what):
+ # We can ignore *everything* - ctrl+c will never be sent as this
+ # process is never attached to a console the user can press the
+ # key in!
+ return True
+ win32api.SetConsoleCtrlHandler(ConsoleHandler, True)
+ t.setDaemon(True) # we don't want to wait for this to stop!
+ t.start()
+ if hasattr(sys, "frozen"):
+ # py2exe sets this env vars that may screw our child process - reset
+ del os.environ["PYTHONPATH"]
+ # Start the buildbot app
+ from buildbot.scripts import runner
+ runner.run()
+ print "Service child process terminating normally."
+def _WaitForShutdown(h):
+ win32event.WaitForSingleObject(h, win32event.INFINITE)
+ print "Shutdown requested"
+ from twisted.internet import reactor
+ reactor.callLater(0, reactor.stop)
+# This function is also called by the py2exe startup code.
+def HandleCommandLine():
+ if len(sys.argv)>1 and sys.argv[1] == "--spawn":
+ # Special command-line created by the service to execute the
+ # child-process.
+ # First arg is the handle to wait on
+ _RunChild()
+ else:
+ win32serviceutil.HandleCommandLine(BBService,
+ customOptionHandler=CustomInstall)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ HandleCommandLine()