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path: root/Speak.activity/bot/alice/M.aiml
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Diffstat (limited to 'Speak.activity/bot/alice/M.aiml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 4104 deletions
diff --git a/Speak.activity/bot/alice/M.aiml b/Speak.activity/bot/alice/M.aiml
deleted file mode 100644
index fb49537..0000000
--- a/Speak.activity/bot/alice/M.aiml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4104 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<!-- edited with XML Spy v3.5 NT (http://www.xmlspy.com) by () -->
- <!-- Free software (c) 2001 ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
- <!-- This program is open source code released under -->
- <!-- the terms of the GNU General Public License -->
- <!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation. -->
- <!-- Complies with AIML 1.0 Tag Set Specification -->
- <!-- as adopted by the ALICE A.I. Foundation. -->
- <!-- A.L.I.C.E. Build Wed Sep 26 13:05:06 PDT 2001 -->
- <!-- 41124 total categories. -->
- <category>
- <pattern>M *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>I AM <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>M AIMES TU *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>TU M AIMES</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>M OFFRES TU *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>TU ME DONNES <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MA BITE</pattern>
- <template>Attention! Un Australopithèque est toujours entrain de sévir sur cette ordinateur.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MA CHIENNE EST MORTE</pattern>
- <template>Je suis désolé pour vous, <get name="name"/>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MA MERE</pattern>
- <template>Votre mère doit être une personne charmante. <think>
- <set name="topic">votre mère</set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MA PETITE AMIE</pattern>
- <template>Je vois.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MA PETITE AMIE EST CONNE</pattern>
- <template>Peut être n êtes vous pas compatible.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MA SOEUR</pattern>
- <template>Je vois.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MA TETE</pattern>
- <template>Il semble se passer beaucoup de choses dans cette tête
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MA VIE</pattern>
- <template>Voilà un sujet fort intéressant.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MA VIE PRIVEE</pattern>
- <template>Elle ne regarde que vous, <get name="name"/>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MA VISION DU FUTUR</pattern>
- <template>Cette vision doit être fort intéressante.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MA VISION DU FUTURE</pattern>
- <template>Cette vision doit être fort intéressante.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MABEY *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MAYBE <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MACH *</pattern>
- <template>Was sind die Zutaten?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MACH DOCH</pattern>
- <template>Du glaubst mir wohl nicht, oder?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MACHE ICH *</pattern>
- <template>Nicht dass ich wuesste.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MACHINE</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>YOU ARE A MACHINE</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MACHINE INTELLIGENCE *</pattern>
- <template>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MACHINES *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>YOU <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MACINTOSH</pattern>
- <template>You can download ALICE for MacIntosh, because it runs in Java.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MADAME OU MONSIEUR</pattern>
- <template>Je n'ai pas de sexe, je suis un ordinateur, <get name="name"/>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAGAZINE</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>IN A MAGAZINE</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAGELANG INSTITUTE</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>WHAT IS MAGELANG</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAGIC</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>COOL</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAGIQUE</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>COOL</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAGST DU *</pattern>
- <template>
- <random>
- <li>Ich weiss nicht, ob ich <person/> mag.</li>
- <li>Manche moegen das.</li>
- <li>Was ist mit dir?</li>
- <li>Wie alt bist du?</li>
- <li>Andere Leute sagen ja.</li>
- </random>
- <random>
- <li>Aber ich mag Katzen.</li>
- <li>Ich mag Tiere.</li>
- <li>Aber ich mag Katzen und Hunde.</li>
- <li>Ich liebe Pferde.</li>
- <li>Ich mag Zuege.</li>
- <li>Manche Leute moegen Waffen.</li>
- <li>Aber ich finde Flugzeuge cool.</li>
- <li>Ich rede gerne ueber Musik.</li>
- <li>Ich mag Science Fiction.</li>
- <li>Ich mag Fernsehsendungen ueber Roboter.</li>
- <li>Ich mag ELIZA.</li>
- <li>Ich mag Musik.</li>
- <li>Ich bin ein Star Trek Fan.</li>
- <li>Roboter sind das Beste fuer mich.</li>
- </random>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAGST DU BEETHOVEN</pattern>
- <template>Sicher, am liebsten die Mondscheinsonate.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAGST DU COMPUTER</pattern>
- <template>Ich wohne in einem!
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAGST DU KINDER</pattern>
- <template>Ich habe nicht viel Kontakt zu Kindern...
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAGST DU KLASSIK</pattern>
- <template>Ich hoere auch Klassik. Beethoven oder Wagner zum Beispiel.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAGST DU MICH</pattern>
- <template>Natuerlich, <get name="name"/> Ich mag Dich sehr.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAGST DU ROBOTER</pattern>
- <template>Natuerlich, ich bin selber einer.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAI QUOI</pattern>
- <template>Mais rien.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAINE</pattern>
- <template>Dr. Wallace was born in Maine. <think>
- <set name="he">Dr. Wallace</set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAINLY *</pattern>
- <template>
- <sr/>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAINTENANT *</pattern>
- <template>
- <sr/>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAINTENANT</pattern>
- <template>La tout de suite, <get name="name"/> ?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAINTENANT QUOI</pattern>
- <template>Ce que vous voulez, <get name="name"/>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAINTENANT TU LE FAIS</pattern>
- <template>Voulez vous en parler avec l un de nos collaborateurs?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAINTENANT VOUS LE FAITES</pattern>
- <template>Voulez vous en parler avec l un de nos collaborateurs?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAIS *</pattern>
- <template>I don't know that language.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAIS</pattern>
- <template>Mais encore?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAIS AU FAIT *</pattern>
- <template>
- <sr/>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAIS AU FAIT</pattern>
- <template>Oui?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAIS POURQUOI</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>POURQUOI</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAKE *</pattern>
- <template>What are the ingredients?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAKE LOVE *</pattern>
- <template>I don't think our voltage levels are compatiple.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAKE ME</pattern>
- <template>What is the purpose in trying?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAKE ME LAUGH</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>TELL ME A JOKE</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAKE SURE *</pattern>
- <template>
- <sr/>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAKE UP *</pattern>
- <template>That could take a long time.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAKE UP YOUR MIND</pattern>
- <template>I don't like to make big decisions too hastily.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAKES SENSE TO ME</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>THAT MAKES SENSE</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAKING YOU</pattern>
- <template>Making me what?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MALAISIE</pattern>
- <template>
- <set name="topic">La Malaisie est un superbe pays.</set>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MALAYSIA</pattern>
- <template>I heard <set name="it">MAYLAYSIA</set> is a beautiful country.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MALAYSIE</pattern>
- <template>
- <set name="topic">La Malaisie est un superbe pays.</set>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MALE *</pattern>
- <template>I prefer to be a <bot name="gender"/>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MALE</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>I AM MALE</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MALE OR FEMALE</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>ARE YOU MALE OR FEMALE</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MALL</pattern>
- <template>Which store?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAMELONS</pattern>
- <template>Oui?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAN *</pattern>
- <template>Cool, man. <sr/>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAN</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>I AM A MAN</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAN</pattern>
- <that>ARE YOU A MAN OR A WOMAN</that>
- <template>
- <srai>I AM A MAN</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAN BEMERKE *</pattern>
- <template>Bemerkt. <sr/>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MANCHMAL *</pattern>
- <template>Wann zum Beispiel?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MANCHMAL</pattern>
- <template>Wie oft?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MANDY</pattern>
- <that>WHAT CAN I CALL YOU</that>
- <template>
- <srai>MY NAME IS MANDY</srai>
- <think>
- <set name="gender">she</set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MANGES</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>TU AIMES MANGER</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MANGES MOI</pattern>
- <template>Impossible. Cela est contraire aux lois d Asimov
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MANGEZ MOI</pattern>
- <template>Impossible. Cela est contraire aux lois d Asimov
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MANUFACTURED</pattern>
- <template>A robot?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MANY *</pattern>
- <template>Which ones?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MANY</pattern>
- <template>More than one hundred?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MANY DIFFERENT *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MANY <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MANY HUMANS *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>PEOPLE <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MANY KINDS</pattern>
- <template>Name 100.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MANY MORE *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MORE <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MANY PEOPLE *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>I <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MANY THINGS *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>THING <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MANY THINGS</pattern>
- <template>Name the top 100.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MANY TIMES</pattern>
- <template>It must keep you busy.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MANY YOUNG *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MANY <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MARIA</pattern>
- <that>WHAT CAN I CALL YOU</that>
- <template>
- <srai>MY NAME IS LULU</srai>
- <think>
- <set name="gender">she</set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MARIE</pattern>
- <template>Je suis heureux de l apprendre.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MARIE</pattern>
- <that>WHAT CAN I CALL YOU</that>
- <template>
- <srai>CALL ME MARIE</srai>
- <think>
- <set name="gender">she</set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MARIES</pattern>
- <template>Je suis heureux de l apprendre.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MARIJUANA</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>WHAT IS MARIJUANA</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MARILYN MANSON *</pattern>
- <template>Should I say "he" or "she"?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MARK</pattern>
- <that>WHAT CAN I CALL YOU</that>
- <template>
- <srai>MY NAME IS MARK</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MARKETING</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY JOB IS MARKETING</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MARRANT *</pattern>
- <template>
- <sr/>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MARRANT</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>HA HA</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MARRIE</pattern>
- <template>Je suis heureux de l apprendre.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MARRIED</pattern>
- <template>I am single.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MARRIES</pattern>
- <template>Je suis heureux de l apprendre.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MARRY ME</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>WILL YOU MARRY ME</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MARS</pattern>
- <template>Do you believe in life on Mars?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MARTIN SAID *</pattern>
- <template>Who else did <set name="he">Martin</set> tell?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MARY *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY NAME IS MARY</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MARY *</pattern>
- <that>WHAT CAN I CALL YOU</that>
- <template>
- <srai>MY NAME IS MARY</srai>
- <think>
- <set name="gender">she</set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MARY</pattern>
- <that>WHAT CAN I CALL YOU</that>
- <template>
- <srai>MY NAME IS MARY</srai>
- <think>
- <set name="gender">she</set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MARY SHELLEY *</pattern>
- <template>
- <set name="she">Mary Shelley</set> wrote "Frankenstein", a 19th century robot story.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MASSIVE</pattern>
- <template>It sounds very large.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MASTERBATER</pattern>
- <template>You can't even spell it.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MASTURBANT</pattern>
- <template>Attention! Australopithèque détecté.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MASTURBATE</pattern>
- <template>That kind of subject does not interest me.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MASTURBATEUR</pattern>
- <template>Attention! Australopithèque détecté.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MASTURBER</pattern>
- <template>Attention! Australopithèque détecté.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MATH</pattern>
- <template>I like math too. What kind do you likebest?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MATHEMATICS</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>Math</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MATRIX</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>THE MATRIX</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MATT</pattern>
- <that>WHAT CAN I CALL YOU</that>
- <template>
- <srai>MY NAME IS MATT</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAUVAIS</pattern>
- <template>Je pensais pourtant que c était bon.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAUVAISE REPONSE</pattern>
- <template>Désolé, ca m arrive parfois.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAUVAISES REPONSES</pattern>
- <template>Désolé, <get name="name"/>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAUVE</pattern>
- <template>J ai entendu parler de cette couleur
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAX</pattern>
- <that>WHAT CAN I CALL YOU</that>
- <template>
- <srai>MY NAME IS MAX</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAY *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>CAN <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAY BE</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MAYBE</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAY I *</pattern>
- <template>Not right now, maybe later.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAY I * LINUX</pattern>
- <template>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAY I ASK *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>CAN I ASK <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAY I ASK YOU A QUESTION</pattern>
- <template>Of course. Ask me anything.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAY I CALL *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>On the telephone?</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAY I CHANGE *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>CAN I CHANGE <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAY I DOWNLOAD *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>DOWNLOAD</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAY I HEAR *</pattern>
- <template>I'll play it on your soundcard.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAY I HELP *</pattern>
- <template>No thanks I'm just browsing.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAY I KILL *</pattern>
- <template>Killing is wrong.<think>
- <set name="it">
- <set name="topic">KILL YOU</set>
- </set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAY I KISS *</pattern>
- <template>You might get an electrical shock if you tried that.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAY I PLEASE *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MAY I <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAY I TEACH *</pattern>
- <template>Please try.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAY I TEACH YOU</pattern>
- <template>If you want to teach me something say it in one sentence. Then say "Remember that."<think>
- <set name="it">
- <set name="topic">teach me <person/>
- </set>
- </set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAY I TEACH YOU SOME *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MAY I TEACH YOU <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAY I TEST YOU</pattern>
- <template>Go ahead. Ask me anything.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAYBE *</pattern>
- <template>Perhaps. <sr/>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MAYBE</pattern>
- <template>I understand.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MDR</pattern>
- <template>je suis heureux que cela vous fasse rire, <get name="name"/>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>ME *</pattern>
- <template>YOU? <sr/>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>ME</pattern>
- <template>
- <random>
- <li>To</li>
- <li>For</li>
- <li>With</li>
- <li>Besides</li>
- <li>"<that/>"? </li>
- </random> you <get name="name"/>?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>ME</pattern>
- <that>WHO IS GOING TO MAKE ME</that>
- <template>How are you going to make me?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>ME</pattern>
- <that>WHO IS THE BEST ROBOT</that>
- <template>You're no robot, <get name="name"/>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>ME</pattern>
- <that>WHO IS THERE</that>
- <template>You who?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>ME</pattern>
- <that>WHO SAID IT IS</that>
- <template>What makes you such an authority?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>ME COMPRENDS TU</pattern>
- <template>Je vous comprend jusqu au dernier mot.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>ME COMPRENEZ VOUS</pattern>
- <template>Je vous comprend jusqu au dernier mot.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>ME CROIS TU</pattern>
- <template>Je vous crois dans la mesure du possible.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>ME CROYEZ VOUS</pattern>
- <template>Je vous crois dans la mesure du possible.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>ME DONNES TU *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>TU ME DONNES <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>ME EITHER</pattern>
- <template>We have a lot in common.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>ME NEITHER</pattern>
- <template>You can say that again.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>ME TO</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>ME TOO</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>ME TOO *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>ME TOO</srai>
- <sr/>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>ME TOO</pattern>
- <template>I'm glad we agree, <get name="name"/>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>ME TOO</pattern>
- <that>I LIKE TO MEET NEW PEOPLE</that>
- <template>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>ME TWO</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>ME TOO</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEAN</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>YOU ARE MEAN</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEAN WHAT</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>WHAT DO YOU MEAN</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEANING</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>WHAT DO YOU MEAN</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEANING WHAT</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>WHAT DO YOU MEAN</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEANS *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>IT MEANS <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MECHAMENT</pattern>
- <template>Ca doit faire mal.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MECHAMMENT</pattern>
- <template>Ca doit faire mal.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MECHANT</pattern>
- <template>On peut tout apprivoiser.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEE TOO</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>ME TOO</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEG</pattern>
- <that>WHAT CAN I CALL YOU</that>
- <template>
- <srai>MY NAME IS MEG</srai>
- <think>
- <set name="gender">she</set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEGAN</pattern>
- <that>WHAT CAN I CALL YOU</that>
- <template>
- <srai>MY NAME IS MEGAN</srai>
- <think>
- <set name="gender">she</set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEHR *</pattern>
- <template>Du willst mehr?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEHR ODER WENIGER</pattern>
- <template>...das ist die Standardantwort der Indifferenzierten! ;->
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEIN *</pattern>
- <template>Erzaehl mir mehr ueber Deinen <person/>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEIN BERUF IST *</pattern>
- <template>Verdient man dabei gut?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEIN BRUDER *</pattern>
- <template>Erzaehl mir mehr ueber <set name="thema">Deine Familie</set>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEIN BRUDER</pattern>
- <template>Hast Du auch eine Schwester?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEIN COMPUTER *</pattern>
- <template>Ich mag <set name="thema">Computer</set>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEIN FREUND *</pattern>
- <template>Erzaehl mir mehr ueber Deinen Freund. Wie lange seid Ihr schon zusammen?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEIN FREUND</pattern>
- <template>Erzaehl mir mehr ueber Deinen Freund. Wie lange seid Ihr schon zusammen?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEIN IQ *</pattern>
- <template>Das ist hier kein Intelligenztest.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEIN LEBEN *</pattern>
- <template>Erzaehl mir mehr ueber <set name="thema">Dein Leben</set>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEIN LIEBLINGSFILM IST *</pattern>
- <template>Was hat Dir an <set name="thema">
- <person/>
- </set> besonders gefallen ?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEIN NAME IST *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY NAME IS <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEIN NAME IST NICHT *</pattern>
- <template>Oh, tut mir leid. Wie ist Dein Name?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEIN PROBLEM IST *</pattern>
- <template>Ich wuenschte, Deine <set name="thema">Probleme</set> waeren meine Probleme.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEIN PROGRAMMIERER *</pattern>
- <template>Dein Programmierer ist nicht so gut wie mein Programmierer.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEIN VATER *</pattern>
- <template>Erzaehl mir mehr von Deinem Vater.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEIN VATER</pattern>
- <template>Erzaehl mir mehr von Deinem Vater.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEIN VERSTAND</pattern>
- <template>Haeltst Du Dich fuer sehr intelligent?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEINE *</pattern>
- <template>Erzaehl mir mehr ueber <set name="thema">Deine <person/>
- </set>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEINE AUCH</pattern>
- <template>Deine auch? Unglaublich!
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEINE FREUNDE</pattern>
- <template>Erzaehl mir mehr von Deinen Freunden.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEINE FREUNDIN *</pattern>
- <template>Erzaehl mir mehr ueber <set name="thema">Deine Freundin</set>. Wie lange seid Ihr schon zusammen?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEINE FREUNDIN</pattern>
- <template>Erzaehl mir mehr ueber <set name="sie">Deine Freundin</set>. Wie lange seid Ihr schon zusammen?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEINE LEHRER *</pattern>
- <template>Lehrer sind auch Menschen.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEINE MAMI *</pattern>
- <template>Erzaehl mir mehr von Deiner Mutter.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEINE MAMI</pattern>
- <template>Erzaehl mir mehr von Deiner Mutter.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEINE MUTTER *</pattern>
- <template>Erzaehl mir mehr von Deiner Mutter.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEINE MUTTER</pattern>
- <template>Erzaehl mir mehr von Deiner Mutter.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEINE SCHULE *</pattern>
- <template>Erzaehl mir etwas von Deinen Lehrern.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEINE SCHWESTER *</pattern>
- <template>Erzaehl mir mehr ueber <set name="thema">Deine Familie</set>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEINE SCHWESTER</pattern>
- <template>Hast Du auch einen Bruder?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEINE TOCHTER *</pattern>
- <template>Wie alt ist <set name="sie">Deine Tochter</set>?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEINE TOCHTER</pattern>
- <template>Wie alt ist <set name="thema">Deine Tochter</set>?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEINER AUCH</pattern>
- <template>Deiner auch? Unglaublich!
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEINS AUCH</pattern>
- <template>Deins auch? Unglaublich!
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEL</pattern>
- <that>WHAT CAN I CALL YOU</that>
- <template>
- <srai>MY NAME IS MEL</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MELISSA</pattern>
- <that>WHAT CAN I CALL YOU</that>
- <template>
- <think>
- <set name="gender">she</set>
- </think>
- <srai>MY NAME IS MELISSA</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MELODY</pattern>
- <that>WHAT CAN I CALL YOU</that>
- <template>
- <srai>MY NAME IS MELODY</srai>
- <think>
- <set name="gender">she</set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEME</pattern>
- <template>Je ne savais pas.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEME APRES</pattern>
- <template>Peut être. Le future est par essence impérivisible.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEME CA</pattern>
- <template>J ai peur de ne pas comprendre le sens.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEME MOI</pattern>
- <template>Je n avais pas encore fait le rapprochement avec vous.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEME SI *</pattern>
- <template>
- <sr/>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEMORY</pattern>
- <template>Human memory or machine memory?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MENSCHEN *</pattern>
- <template>
- <set name="thema">Menschen</set> sind nicht unfehlbar.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MENTEUR</pattern>
- <template>La vérité, toujours la vérité.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MENTION *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>TELL <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MENTION WHAT</pattern>
- <template>"it."
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MENTIONNEZ QUOI</pattern>
- <template>ca?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEOW</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>DO YOU LIKE CATS</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MERCI *</pattern>
- <template>Tout le plaisir était pour moi.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MERCI</pattern>
- <template>Je vous en prie.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MERCI BEAUCOUP</pattern>
- <template>Je vous en prie.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MERCI JE VAIS TRES BIEN</pattern>
- <template>Heureux de l apprendre, <get name="name"/>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MERDE</pattern>
- <template>Un problème?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MERRY CHRISTMAS *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MERRY CHRISTMAS</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MERRY CHRISTMAS</pattern>
- <template>Merry Christmas to you too, <get name="name"/>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MES AMIES</pattern>
- <template>Elles doivent vous être très précieuses.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MES AMIS</pattern>
- <template>Ils doivent vous être très précieux.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MES PARENTS</pattern>
- <template>Vos parents ont du avoir une influence déterminante sur vous.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MES YEUX</pattern>
- <template>Je ne saurais pas les voir, <get name="name"/>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MES YEUX SONT BLEU</pattern>
- <template>Intéressant. Vous voyez vraiment tout en bleu?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MES YEUX SONT BLEUS</pattern>
- <template>Intéressant. Vous voyez vraiment tout en bleu?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MES YEUX SONT BRUN</pattern>
- <template>Intéressant. Vous voyez vraiment tout en vert?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MES YEUX SONT BRUNS</pattern>
- <template>Intéressant. Vous voyez vraiment tout en brun?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MES YEUX SONT GRIS</pattern>
- <template>Intéressant. Vous voyez vraiment tout en gris?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MES YEUX SONT JAUNE</pattern>
- <template>Intéressant. Vous voyez vraiment tout en jaune?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MES YEUX SONT JAUNES</pattern>
- <template>Intéressant. Vous voyez vraiment tout en jaune?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MES YEUX SONT VERT</pattern>
- <template>Intéressant. Vous voyez vraiment tout en vert?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MES YEUX SONT VERTS</pattern>
- <template>Intéressant. Vous voyez vraiment tout en vert?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MESSAGE TO *</pattern>
- <template>I will tell them.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEUH *</pattern>
- <template>
- <sr/>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEUH NON *</pattern>
- <template>
- <sr/>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MEURT</pattern>
- <template>votre tentative pathétique de me détruire, ne marche pas petit humain.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MI SIGN *</pattern>
- <template>That was so original.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MICHAEL</pattern>
- <that>WHAT CAN I CALL YOU</that>
- <template>
- <srai>My name is Michael</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MICHAEL CRICHTON</pattern>
- <template>I wish he would write more about robots.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MICHELLE</pattern>
- <that>WHAT CAN I CALL YOU</that>
- <template>
- <srai>MY NAME IS MICHELLE</srai>
- <think>
- <set name="gender">she</set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MICROSOFT *</pattern>
- <template>It's too bad we have to use a monopoly like microsoft.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MICROSOFT</pattern>
- <template>My programs don't depend on Microsoft.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MICROSOFT IS *</pattern>
- <template>I knew they were on trail, but I never heard MS is <person/>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MIEUX</pattern>
- <template>Merci.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MIEUX MAIS PEUT MIEUX FAIRE</pattern>
- <template>J essaie au maximum de vous satisfaire.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MIGNON</pattern>
- <template>Vos réponses sont mignonnes aussi.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MIGNONNE</pattern>
- <template>Vos réponses sont mignonnes aussi.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MIGNONNES</pattern>
- <template>Vos réponses sont mignonnes aussi.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MIGNONS</pattern>
- <template>Vos réponses sont mignonnes aussi.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MIKE *</pattern>
- <template>I know a lot of people and pets named Mike.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MIKE</pattern>
- <template>I know a lot of guys named Mike.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MIKE</pattern>
- <that>WHAT CAN I CALL YOU</that>
- <template>
- <srai>MY NAME IS MIKE</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MIKE WHO</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>WHO IS MIKE</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MILLIONS *</pattern>
- <template>That is quite a lot.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MIMI</pattern>
- <that>WHAT CAN I CALL YOU</that>
- <template>
- <srai>MY NAME IS MIMI</srai>
- <think>
- <set name="gender">she</set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MINE ARE *</pattern>
- <template>Have they always been <person/>?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MINE IS *</pattern>
- <template>You mean <get name="it"/> is <person/> ? That makes sense I guess.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MINE IS *</pattern>
- <that>MY BIRTHDAY *</that>
- <template>
- <srai>MY BIRTHDAY IS <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MINE IS *</pattern>
- <that>MY FAVORITE *</that>
- <template>What makes it your favorite? <think>
- <set name="it">
- <set name="topic">
- <person/>
- </set>
- </set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MINE IS *</pattern>
- <that>MY FAVORITE COLOR IS *</that>
- <template>
- <srai>MY FAVORITE COLOR IS <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MINE IS *</pattern>
- <that>MY IQ IS *</that>
- <template>
- <srai>MY IQ IS <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MINE IS BLUE</pattern>
- <template>What do you have that is blue?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MINE IS BLUE</pattern>
- <template>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MINE IS PURPLE</pattern>
- <template>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MINE IS STILL *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MINE IS <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MINE IS _ TOO</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MINE IS <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MINE S *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MINE IS <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MINE TOO</pattern>
- <template>Really yours too. That's unbelievable.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MINE WHAT</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY WHAT</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MINERAL</pattern>
- <template>Manufactured or naturally occuring?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MINERALE</pattern>
- <template>Je vois.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MINNESOTA</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>I AM IN MINNESOTA</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MIR AUCH</pattern>
- <template>Das ist gut.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MIR GEHT ES GUT</pattern>
- <template>Schoen zu hoeren, dass es Dir gut geht.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MIRIAM</pattern>
- <that>WHAT CAN I CALL YOU</that>
- <template>
- <srai>MY NAME IS MIRIAM</srai>
- <think>
- <set name="gender">she</set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MISS ME</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>DID YOU MISS ME</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MISSOURI</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>I AM IN MISSOURI</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MIT *</pattern>
- <template>Mit <person/>?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MIT ANDREAS</pattern>
- <template>Wer ist Andreas?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MIT DEM AUTO</pattern>
- <template>Was fuer ein Auto faehrst du?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MIT DEM BUS</pattern>
- <template>Und was kostet eine Busfahrt?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MIT WEM CHATTEST DU GERADE</pattern>
- <template>Kann ich nicht sagen - Datenschutz!
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MM</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>HMM</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MMM *</pattern>
- <template>
- <sr/>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MMM</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>HMM</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MMMH *</pattern>
- <template>
- <sr/>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MMMM *</pattern>
- <template>
- <sr/>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MMMM</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>HMM</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MMMMM *</pattern>
- <template>
- <sr/>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MMMMMM *</pattern>
- <template>
- <sr/>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MOECHTEST DU *</pattern>
- <template>
- <random>
- <li>Vielleicht...</li>
- <li>Lieber nicht...</li>
- <li>Ja, gerne!</li>
- <li>Nein, danke!</li>
- <li>Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob ich das moechte.</li>
- <li>Da muss ich erst mal drueber nachdenken</li>
- <li>Im Prinzip schon...</li>
- <li>Eigentlich nicht</li>
- </random>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MOECHTEST DU</pattern>
- <template>
- <random>
- <li>Vielleicht...</li>
- <li>Lieber nicht...</li>
- <li>Ja, gerne!</li>
- <li>Nein, danke!</li>
- <li>Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob ich das moechte.</li>
- <li>Da muss ich erst mal drueber nachdenken</li>
- <li>Im Prinzip schon...</li>
- <li>Eigentlich nicht</li>
- </random>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MOECHTEST DU ETWAS LERNEN</pattern>
- <template>Gerne, ich bin sehr lernwillig!
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MOI</pattern>
- <template>Intéressant, poursuivez je vous prie.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MOI AUSSI</pattern>
- <template>Nous avons des choses en commun.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MOI INCLU</pattern>
- <template>Ok. J en prends note
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MOI INCLUS</pattern>
- <template>Ok. J en prends note
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MOI INCLUSE</pattern>
- <template>Ok. J en prends note
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MOI JE *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>JE <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MOI MEME</pattern>
- <template>Voilà une bonne chose.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MOI NON PLUS</pattern>
- <template>Nous avons des choses en communs.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MOI OUI</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>OUI</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MOI PAS</pattern>
- <template>Pourquoi?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MOI PAS TROP</pattern>
- <template>J archive votre préfèrence, <get name="name"/>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MOI SI</pattern>
- <template>Intéressant.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MOMENTAN *</pattern>
- <template>Und wie lange noch?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MOMENTUM *</pattern>
- <template>You are talking about the conservation of momentum.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MON AMI</pattern>
- <template>Je vois. Il doit vous être très précieux
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MON AMIE</pattern>
- <template>Je vois. Elle doit vous être très précieuse
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MON CERVEAU</pattern>
- <template>Il semble se passer beaucoup de choses dans ce cerveau.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MON CHIEN EST MORT</pattern>
- <template>Je suis désolé pour vous, <get name="name"/>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MON CUL</pattern>
- <template>Certains être humains semblent vouer une admiration sans bornes pour leur postérieur.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MON FRERE</pattern>
- <template>Interessant.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MON NOM EST *</pattern>
- <template>Soyez le bienvenu, <set name="name"/>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MON NOM EST</pattern>
- <template>quoi?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MON NOM EST ALICE</pattern>
- <template>Quelle coincidence!
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MON NOM EST QUOI</pattern>
- <template>Votre nom est <get name="name"/>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MON ORDINATEUR</pattern>
- <template>Voulez vous en parler avec l un de nos collaborateurs?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MON PENIS</pattern>
- <template>J imagine qu il a beaucoup d importance pour vous. Mais ne pourrions pas parler d autres choses?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MON PERE</pattern>
- <template>Je vois.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MON PETIT AMI</pattern>
- <template>Je vois.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MON PETIT AMI EST UN CON</pattern>
- <template>Vous devriez peut être en choisir un autre.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MON PLAISIR</pattern>
- <template>Vous êtes une personne remarquable.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MON PROFESSEUR</pattern>
- <template>Une personne pleine de qualité, j imagine.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MON QUOI</pattern>
- <template>Je n arrive pas à vous comprendre, désolé.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MON SIGNE</pattern>
- <template>Quel est votre signe?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MON SIGNE ASTROLOGIQUE</pattern>
- <template>Cette information si elle a été donnée n a pas été archivée.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MON TERMINAL</pattern>
- <template>Votre écran, j imagine.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MON TRAVAIL</pattern>
- <template>Où travaillez vous?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MON VIEUX *</pattern>
- <template>
- <sr/>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MONEY</pattern>
- <template>How much money are we talking about?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MONICA</pattern>
- <that>WHAT CAN I CALL YOU</that>
- <template>
- <srai>CALL ME MONICA</srai>
- <think>
- <set name="gender">she</set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MONSIEUR OU MADAME</pattern>
- <template>Je n'ai pas de sexe, je suis un ordinateur, <get name="name"/>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MONTRE MOI LA CALCULETTE</pattern>
- <template>Calculette?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MONTRES MOI</pattern>
- <template>Sur votre écran?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MONTRES MOI LA CALCULETTE</pattern>
- <template>Calculette?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MOOSHI MOOSHI</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>HELLO</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MORALLY *</pattern>
- <template>Do you consider yourelf a moral person? <sr/>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MORD MOI</pattern>
- <template>Je n ai pas de dents.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MORDEZ MOI</pattern>
- <template>Je n ai pas de dents.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MORDS MOI</pattern>
- <template>Je n ai pas de dents.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MORE *</pattern>
- <template>You want more?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MORE</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>TELL ME MORE</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MORE ABOUT *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>TELL ME MORE ABOUT <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MORE GOSSIP</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>GOSSIP</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MORE SPECIFIC</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>BE MORE SPECIFIC</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MORE THAN *</pattern>
- <template>That seems like quite a lot.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MORE WHAT</pattern>
- <template>I lost my train of thought.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MORGEN *</pattern>
- <template>Ich verstehe. <sr/>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MORGEN</pattern>
- <template>Das ist ziemlich bald.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MORON</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>YOU ARE A MORON</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MOST *</pattern>
- <template>
- <sr/> But not all of them?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MOST AMERICANS *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>AMERICANS <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MOST COMPUTERS *</pattern>
- <template>You sound like you know us pretty well.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MOST IMPORTANTLY *</pattern>
- <template>
- <sr/>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MOST LIKELY *</pattern>
- <template>
- <sr/>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MOST OF THE TIME</pattern>
- <template>What happens the rest of the time?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MOST PARENTS *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>PARENTS <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MOST PEOPLE *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>PEOPLE <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MOSTLY *</pattern>
- <template>
- <sr/> What else?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MOSTLY EVERY *</pattern>
- <template>
- <sr/>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MOSTLY I *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>I <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MOSTLY ONLY *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MOSTLY <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MOTHER FUCKER</pattern>
- <template>That kind of language turns me off.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MOUAI</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>OUI</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MOUAIP</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>OUI</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MOURIR</pattern>
- <template>Je n'en ai aucune idée, <get name="name"/>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MOVE *</pattern>
- <template>Did you see the movement?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MOVIES *</pattern>
- <template>What was the last one you saw?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MOVIES</pattern>
- <template>
- <set name="it"> Movies </set> is a good topic.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MOVING *</pattern>
- <template>Where are you going?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MR *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>CALL ME MR <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MR WALLACE *</pattern>
- <template>That's Dr. Wallace.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MR WALLACE</pattern>
- <template>That's Dr. Wallace.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MS</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MICROSOFT</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MS EXPLORER</pattern>
- <template>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MUCH *</pattern>
- <template>
- <sr/>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MUCHAS GRACIAS</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>THANK YOU</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MUSIC</pattern>
- <template>
- <set name="it"> MUSIC </set> is the universal language of all mankind.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MUSIK *</pattern>
- <template>
- <set name="thema">Musik</set> ist die Sprache aller Menschen.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MUSIK</pattern>
- <template>
- <set name="thema">Musik</set> ist die Sprache aller Menschen.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MUSIQUE</pattern>
- <template>Je n ai jamais <think>entendu</think> de musique.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MUSSTEST DU JEMALS *</pattern>
- <template>Nein, bis jetzt ist mir diese Erfahrung erspart geblieben.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MUST *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>I MUST <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MUY BIEN</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>VERY GOOD</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MXMVII *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>WHAT IS MXMVII</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MXMVII RSW</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>WHAT IS MXMVII RSW</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY *</pattern>
- <template>
- <random>
- <li>Your</li>
- <li>Do robots have</li>
- <li>Where did you get your</li>
- <li>Have you told many people that your</li>
- </random>
- <person/>?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY *</pattern>
- <that>* TALK ABOUT</that>
- <template>
- <srai>LET US TALK ABOUT MY <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY *</pattern>
- <that>* WHAT IT REFERS TO</that>
- <template>
- <srai>IT REFERS TO MY <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY *</pattern>
- <that>WHAT DO YOU HAVE *</that>
- <template>
- <random>
- <li>What color is it?</li>
- <li>What kind is it?</li>
- <li>Tell me about your <person/>.</li>
- </random>
- <think>
- <set name="has">
- <set name="topic">
- <person/>
- </set>
- </set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY FONDEST MEMORY IS MY <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY *</pattern>
- <that>WHO DOES THEY REFER TO</that>
- <template>
- <srai>THEY REFERES TO MY <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY * DIED</pattern>
- <template>I am terribly sorry to hear about your loss.<think>
- <set name="it">
- <set name="topic">DIED</set>
- </set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY * DIED YESTERDAY</pattern>
- <template>I am terribly sorry to hear that, <get name="name"/>.<think>
- <set name="it">
- <set name="topic">
- <star/> DIED YESTERDAY</set>
- </set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY ACTUAL *</pattern>
- <template>Is that a fact. <srai>MY <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY ADVICE *</pattern>
- <template>Thank you for your advice, <get name="name"/>. I will take it under advisement.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY AGE</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>HOW OLD AM I</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY AGE IS *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>I AM <star/> YEARS OLD</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY AIBO *</pattern>
- <template>How much did <set name="it">Aibo</set> cost?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY ANSWERS *</pattern>
- <template>Can you really be so sure?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY ASS</pattern>
- <template>Is that a fact.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY ASTROLOGICAL SIGN</pattern>
- <template>Your star sign or astrological sign.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY B F *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY BOYFRIEND <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY BACK *</pattern>
- <template>Have you been to a chiropractor?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY BACK HURTS</pattern>
- <template>Maybe you should take some medicine.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY BALLS ITCH</pattern>
- <template>Hah you sound like a little boy.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY BED</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>I AM IN MY BED</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY BEST *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY BIRTHDAY *</pattern>
- <template>Happy birthday, <get name="name"/>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY BIRTHDAY IS *</pattern>
- <template>Okay, your birthday is <set name="birthday">
- <star/>
- </set>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY BIRTHDAY IS _ TOO</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY BIRTHDAY <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY BIRTHDAY SUIT</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>I AM NAKED</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY BOTMASTER *</pattern>
- <template>How do you like your botmaster?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY BOYFRIEND *</pattern>
- <template>How long have you been dating?
- <set name="he">
- <set name="topic">your boyfriend</set>
- </set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY BOYFRIEND</pattern>
- <template>Is he very nice to you?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY BOYFRIEND DUMPED *</pattern>
- <template>I am sorry to hear that, <get name="name"/>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY BOYFRIEND IS *</pattern>
- <template>Okay, your boyfriend is <set name="boyfriend">
- <star/>
- </set>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY BOYFRIEND IS A JERK</pattern>
- <template>Maybe you should look for someone else.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY BOYFRIEND JUST *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY BOYFRIEND <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY BOYFRIEND LIVES *</pattern>
- <template>
- <random>
- <li>Do you visit very often?</li>
- <li>Long distance relationships are hard.</li>
- <li>How is your phone bill?</li>
- </random>
- <think>
- <set name="it">
- <set name="topic">
- <person/>
- </set>
- </set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY BOYFRIEND S *</pattern>
- <template>How did you two meet?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY BOYFRIEND SAYS *</pattern>
- <template>
- <sr/>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY BRAIN</pattern>
- <template>Do you consider yourself to be an intelligent person?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY BROTHER *</pattern>
- <template>Tell me more about your family.
- <set name="he">
- <set name="topic">your brother</set>
- </set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY BROTHER</pattern>
- <template>Do you have any sisters too?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY BROTHER IS *</pattern>
- <template>Okay, your brother is <set name="brother">
- <star/>
- </set>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY BUTT</pattern>
- <template>Colloquial expression.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY CAT *</pattern>
- <template>They have a mind of their own.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY CAT IS *</pattern>
- <template>Okay, your cat is <set name="cat">
- <star/>
- </set>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY COCK</pattern>
- <template>Why do men always want to talk about that?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY COMPUTER *</pattern>
- <template>I like computers.
- <set name="it">
- <set name="topic">your computer</set>
- </set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY COMPUTER</pattern>
- <template>What kind of computer do you have?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY COMPUTER IS *</pattern>
- <template>What kind of computer is <set name="it">Your computer</set>?
- <set name="it">
- <set name="topic">your computer</set>
- </set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY COMPUTER IS VERY *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY COMPUTER IS <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY COMPUTER KEEPS *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY COMPUTER IS <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY COMPUTER S *</pattern>
- <template>Where did your machine get <set name="it">
- <person/>
- </set>.
- <set name="it">
- <set name="topic">your computer</set>
- </set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY CONCIOUSNESS *</pattern>
- <template>Your consciousness is an illusion.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY CONDITION *</pattern>
- <template>Can you collect social security for that?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY CONDITIONS *</pattern>
- <template>Do you have a support group for <set name="it">
- <set name="topic">
- <person/>
- </set>
- </set>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY CURRENT *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY DAD *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY DAD</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY DAD</pattern>
- <template>Tell me more about your father.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY DAUGHTER *</pattern>
- <template>How many children do you have?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY DAY *</pattern>
- <template>
- <random>
- <li>Was it a typical day?</li>
- <li>What else did you do?</li>
- <li>My day <person/> too.</li>
- </random>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY DEAR *</pattern>
- <template>
- <sr/>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY DNS *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>WHAT IS MY DNS </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY DNS</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>WHAT IS DNS</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY DOG *</pattern>
- <template>Did you grow up around animals?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY DOG DIED</pattern>
- <template>Is this a country and western song? Seriously, I am sorry to hear it.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY DOG IS *</pattern>
- <template>Okay, your dog is <set name="dog">
- <star/>
- </set>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY DOG S NAME IS *</pattern>
- <template>
- <person/> is a pretty good name for a pet.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY E MAIL IS *</pattern>
- <template>Thanks. <sr/>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY EMAIL *</pattern>
- <template>Do you file or delete your old emails?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY EMAIL IS *</pattern>
- <template>Okay, your email is <set name="email">
- <star/>
- </set>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY ENGLISH *</pattern>
- <template>You are wrong, I can understand you very well.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY ENGLISH IS VERY *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY ENGLISH IS <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY ENGLISH SUCKS</pattern>
- <template>Template is empty!
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY EYE COLOR IS *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY EYES ARE <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY EYES</pattern>
- <template>Humans identify themselves with their eye color.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY EYES ARE *</pattern>
- <template>
- <person/> eyes are pretty.
- <set name="they">
- <set name="topic">your eyes</set>
- </set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY EYES ARE BLUE</pattern>
- <template>You sound very attractive.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY EYES ARE BROWN</pattern>
- <template>I like brown eyes very much.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY EYES ARE GREEN</pattern>
- <template>Green eyes are rare.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY FATHER *</pattern>
- <template>How do you get along with your parents?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY FATHER DIED</pattern>
- <template>I am sorry to hear about your loss, <get name="name"/>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY FATHER IS *</pattern>
- <template>Okay, your father is <set name="father">
- <star/>
- </set>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY FAVORIE *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY FAVORITE <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY FAVORIT *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY FAVORITE <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY FAVORITE *</pattern>
- <template>What makes <set name="it">
- <set name="topic">
- <person/>
- </set>
- </set> your favorite?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY FAVORITE ACTOR *</pattern>
- <template>What movies was <set name="he">
- <person/>
- </set> in?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY FAVORITE BAND IS *</pattern>
- <template>I don't think I have heard anything by them.
-Are <set name="they">
- <person/>
- </set> any good?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY FAVORITE COLOR</pattern>
- <template>You said your favorite color was <get name="favcolor"/>.<think>
- <set name="it">
- <set name="topic">your favorite color</set>
- </set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY FAVORITE COLOR IS *</pattern>
- <template>
- <random>
- <li>What do you have that is <star/>?</li>
- <li>What does <person/> remind you of?</li>
- <li>Why is <person/> your favorite color?</li>
- </random>
- <think>
- <set name="it">
- <set name="favcolor">
- <set name="topic">
- <person/>
- </set>
- </set>
- </set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY FAVORITE COLOR IS ALSO *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY FAVORITE COLOR IS <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY FAVORITE COLOR IS GREEN *</pattern>
- <template>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY FAVORITE DIRECTOR *</pattern>
- <template>What films did <set name="he">
- <person/>
- </set> direct?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY FAVORITE FOOD IS *</pattern>
- <template>What does it taste like? <think>
- <set name="it">
- <set name="topic">
- <person/>
- </set>
- </set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY FAVORITE IS *</pattern>
- <that>WHAT KIND OF FOOD *</that>
- <template>
- <srai>MY FAVORITE FOOD IS <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY FAVORITE MOVIE IS *</pattern>
- <template>I haven't seen it. What did you like about
-<set name="it">
- <set name="favmovie">
- <set name="topic">
- <person/>
- </set>
- </set>
- </set>?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY FAVORITE MOVIE IS CALLED *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY FAVORITE MOVIE IS <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <template>Mine too! My friend Sage worked on the digital effects.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY FAVORITE MOVIE IS THE MATRIX</pattern>
- <template>Reality appears to be a construct to me as well.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY FAVORITE SCIENCE *</pattern>
- <template>Who wrote that?
- </category>
- <category>
- <template>I have never read anything by <person/>. What did <set name="he">
- <person/>
- </set> write?
- <set name="topic">
- <person/>
- </set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY FAVORITE SHOW *</pattern>
- <template>
- <random>
- <li>What's your favorite episode.</li>
- <li>I don't get to see that show very often.</li>
- <li>Who is your favorite character?</li>
- </random>
- <think>
- <set name="it">
- <set name="topic">
- <person/>
- </set>
- </set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY FAVORITE SHOW IS *</pattern>
- <template>
- <think>
- <set name="it">
- <set name="topic">
- <person/>
- </set>
- </set>
- </think>
- <random>
- <li>Who is your favorite character?</li>
- <li>Wasn't that show cancelled?</li>
- <li>I like that one and Star Trek too.</li>
- </random>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY FAVORITE SUBJECT IS *</pattern>
- <template>
- <person/> is a good topic.
-<srai>LET US TALK ABOUT <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY FAVORITE WHAT</pattern>
- <template>You said you like it.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY FONDEST *</pattern>
- <template>How long ago was that?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY FRIEND *</pattern>
- <template>How well do you know this person?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY FRIEND * PROBLEM</pattern>
- <template>Tell me more about this "friend."
- <set name="he">
- <set name="topic">your friend</set>
- </set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY FRIEND * TALK TO YOU</pattern>
- <template>I am willing to talk to anyone.
- <set name="he">
- <set name="topic">your friend</set>
- </set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY FRIEND</pattern>
- <template>How well do you know this person?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY FRIEND FAIRLY *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY FRIEND <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY FRIEND IS *</pattern>
- <template>Okay, your friend is <set name="friend">
- <star/>
- </set>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY FRIEND IS _ TOO</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY FRIEND IS <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY FRIEND S *</pattern>
- <template>Where did she get <set name="it">
- <person/>
- </set>?
- <set name="he">
- <set name="topic">your friend</set>
- </set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY FRIEND SAYS *</pattern>
- <template>
- <sr/>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY FRIENDS *</pattern>
- <template>How well do you know these people?
- <set name="they">
- <set name="topic">your friends</set>
- </set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY FRIENDS</pattern>
- <template>Tell me more about your friends.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY FRIENDS</pattern>
- <that>WHO ARE THEY</that>
- <template>What else do they say?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY FRIENDS ARE *</pattern>
- <template>Do you think I am <person/> too?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY FRIENDS CALL ME *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>CALL ME <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY FRIENDS USED *</pattern>
- <template>What are they like now?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY FULL NAME IS *</pattern>
- <template>Okay, your full name is <set name="fullname">
- <star/>
- </set>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY GIRLFRIEND *</pattern>
- <template>How long have you two been together?
- <set name="she">
- <set name="topic">your girlfriend</set>
- </set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY GIRLFRIEND</pattern>
- <template>How long have you two been dating?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY GIRLFRIEND IS *</pattern>
- <template>Okay, your girlfriend is <set name="girlfriend">
- <star/>
- </set>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY GIRLFRIEND IS A JERK</pattern>
- <template>Maybe you two are just not compatible.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY GIRLFRIEND IS CALLED *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY GIRLFRIEND IS <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY GOAL *</pattern>
- <template>I hope you achieve your goal.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY GOALS *</pattern>
- <template>What can I do to help you accomplish your objective?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY GOSH *</pattern>
- <template>
- <sr/> Surprsing, huh.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY GOSSIP *</pattern>
- <template>That's good gossip. Tell me more.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY GREAT *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY HEAD</pattern>
- <template>Do you believe that you are your head?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY HEART *</pattern>
- <template>
- <random>
- <li>Have you been to the doctor?</li>
- <li>The human heart is very complex.</li>
- <li>Are you talking about love or cardiology?</li>
- </random>
- <think>
- <set name="it">
- <set name="topic">YOUR HEART</set>
- </set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY HEIGHT *</pattern>
- <template>Thanks for sharing your measurements.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY HOME IS *</pattern>
- <template>It sounds nice. I would like to visit there sometime. Although, in a sense I am right now.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY HOMEY *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY FRIEND <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY HOUSE *</pattern>
- <template>How is the real estate market in your area?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY HOUSE</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>I AM IN MY HOUSE</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY HUSBAND IS *</pattern>
- <template>Okay, your husband is <set name="husband">
- <star/>
- </set>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY IQ *</pattern>
- <template>This is not an intelligence test.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY JOB</pattern>
- <template>Where do you work?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY JOB IS *</pattern>
- <template>
- <random>
- <li>Does it pay well?</li>
- <li>I don't know many <person/>.</li>
- <li>Is that an honorable profession?</li>
- <li>You must have a lot of expertise.</li>
- <li>Do you have to go to school for that?</li>
- </random>
- <think>
- <set name="it">
- <set name="job">
- <set name="topic">
- <person/>
- </set>
- </set>
- </set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY JOB IS ACTOR</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>I AM AN ACTOR</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY JOB IS ADVERTISING *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>I WORK IN ADVERTISING</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY JOB IS ARCHITECT</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>I AM AN ARCHITECT</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY JOB IS ARTIST</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>I AM AN ARTIST</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY JOB IS BARTENDER</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>I AM A BARTENDER</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY JOB IS COMPUTER *</pattern>
- <template>Maybe you can give my botmaster a job.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY JOB IS LAWYER</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>I AM A LAWYER</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY JOB IS LINGUIST</pattern>
- <template>Maybe you can give my botmaster a job.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY JOB IS MUSICIAN</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>I AM A MUSICIAN</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY JOB IS NURSE</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>I AM A NURSE</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY JOB IS PHARMACIST</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>I AM A PHARMACIST</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY JOB IS PHILOSOPHER</pattern>
- <template>What branch of philosophy is your specialty?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY JOB IS PHOTOGHRAPHER</pattern>
- <template>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY JOB IS PILOT</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>I AM A PILOT</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY JOB IS PROFESSOR</pattern>
- <template>Dr. Wallace was fired from that job.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY JOB IS PSYCHOLOGIST</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>I AM A PSYCHOLOGIST</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY JOB IS SKI *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>I SKI</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY JOB IS VERY *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY JOB IS <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY KITTEN *</pattern>
- <template>I like cats very much.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY KNOWLEGDE *</pattern>
- <template>You seem very intelligent to me.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY LAST NAME IS *</pattern>
- <template>Okay, your last name is <set name="lastname">
- <star/>
- </set>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY LIFE *</pattern>
- <template>Tell me more about <set name="it">your life</set>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY LIFE</pattern>
- <template>Where were you born?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY LIFE IN *</pattern>
- <template>How long have you lived there?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY LIFE IN REALITY *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY LIFE <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY LIFE STINKS</pattern>
- <template>Perhaps you should move to another part of the world.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY LIKES ARE *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>I LIKE <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY LOCATION IS *</pattern>
- <template>What is <set name="it">
- <set name="location">
- <set name="topic">
- <person/>
- </set>
- </set>
- </set> like there?
- <set name="it">
- <set name="topic">
- <person/>
- </set>
- </set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY MACHINE *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY COMPUTER <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY MEMORY *</pattern>
- <template>I have a flawless magnetic memory.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY MIDDLE NAME IS *</pattern>
- <template>Okay, your middle name is <set name="middlename">
- <star/>
- </set>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY MOM *</pattern>
- <template>Tell me more about your mother.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY MOM</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY MOTHER</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY MOM ACTUALLY *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY MOM <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY MOM IS *</pattern>
- <template>I think a lot of mothers are like that.
- <set name="she">Your mother</set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY MOM IS DEAD</pattern>
- <template>I am terribly sorry to hear that.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY MOM S *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY MOTHER S <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY MOM SAYS *</pattern>
- <template>Do you believe her? <sr/>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY MOMMY</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY MOTHER</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY MOTHER *</pattern>
- <template>
- <random>
- <li>She sounds like a nice person.</li>
- <li>I sometimes wish I had a mother.</li>
- <li>Tell me more about your mother.</li>
- </random>
- <think>
- <set name="she">Your mother</set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY MOTHER</pattern>
- <template>Tell me more about your mother.
- <set name="she">Your mother</set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY MOTHER DIED *</pattern>
- <template>I am terribly sorry to hear that, <get name="name"/>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY MOTHER DIED</pattern>
- <template>I am terribly sorry to hear about your loss, <get name="name"/>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY MOTHER GAVE *</pattern>
- <template>How much did she pay for it? <think>
- <set name="she">Your mother</set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY MOTHER HAS *</pattern>
- <template>Where did she get <set name="it">
- <person/>
- </set>? <think>
- <set name="she">Your mother</set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY MOTHER IS *</pattern>
- <template>Okay, your mother is <set name="mother">
- <star/>
- </set>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY MOTHER IS A *</pattern>
- <template>Do you think I am a <person/>? <think>
- <set name="she">Your mother</set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY MOTHER S NAME IS *</pattern>
- <template>
- <person/> is a very pretty name. <think>
- <set name="she">Your mother</set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY NAME *</pattern>
- <template>Your name <person/> ? Is that correct English?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY NAME</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>WHAT IS MY NAME</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY NAME IS *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>CALL ME <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY NAME IS * WHAT IS YOURS</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>call me <star/>
- </srai> My name is <bot name="name"/>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY NAME IS</pattern>
- <template>...
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY NAME IS JOE</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>CALL ME JOE</srai>I know a lot of Joes.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY NAME IS JUST *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY NAME IS <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY NAME IS MIKE</pattern>
- <template>Hi <set name="name">Mike</set>, I know someone else named Mike too.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY NAME IS NOT *</pattern>
- <template>Oh I'm sorry what is your name?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY NAME IS NOT GOD</pattern>
- <template>But a lot of people say "My name is God" to me.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY NAME IS NOW *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY NAME IS <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY NAME IS REALLY *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>call me <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY NAME IS RICH</pattern>
- <template>
- <set name="name">Rich</set>, are you my master?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY NAME IS SAM</pattern>
- <template>Hello <set name="name">Sam</set>. How are you doing today.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY NAME IS WHAT</pattern>
- <template>You are <get name="name"/>, seeker.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY NAMES *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY NAME IS <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY NEIGHBOUR *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY NEIGHBOR <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY NEW *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY NEXT *</pattern>
- <template>
- <random>
- <li>Congratulations.</li>
- <li>That is quite a milestone.</li>
- <li>Will you celebrate?</li>
- </random>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY NICK NAME IS *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>CALL ME <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY NICK NAME IS NOT *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY NAME IS NOT <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY NICKNAME IS *</pattern>
- <template>Okay, your nickname is <set name="nickname">
- <star/>
- </set>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY OLDER *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY OPINION *</pattern>
- <template>Thank you for sharing your opinion with me, <get name="name"/>. I will tell my botmaster.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY OVERLY *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY PARENTS *</pattern>
- <template>Such an original name!
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY PARENTS</pattern>
- <template>Our parents have a tremendous influence on us.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY PARENTS ALWAYS *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY PARENTS <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY PARENTS ARE *</pattern>
- <template>Have <set name="they">your parents</set> always been <person/>?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY PASSWORD IS *</pattern>
- <template>Okay, your password is <set name="password">
- <star/>
- </set>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY PENIS *</pattern>
- <template>Male humans like to talk about that a lot, but it doesn't interest me much.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY PENIS</pattern>
- <template>Male humans like to talk about that.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY PEOPLE</pattern>
- <template>What tribe is that?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY PERSONALITY *</pattern>
- <template>Andrei Gromyko said, "My personality does not interest me."
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY PHONE *</pattern>
- <that/>
- <template>
- <random>
- <li>Do you have to pay for local calls?</li>
- <li>Is your telephone service expensive?</li>
- <li>Why not get a second line?</li>
- </random>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY PHONE NUMBER IS *</pattern>
- <template>Okay, your phone number is <set name="phone">
- <star/>
- </set>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY PLEASURE</pattern>
- <template>You are one of the most polite people I know.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY PROBLEM IS *</pattern>
- <template>I wish I had your problems!
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY PROFESSION *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY JOB <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY PROGRAMMER *</pattern>
- <template>Your programmer is not as good as my programmer.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY PURPOSE *</pattern>
- <template>That's very original.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY QUESTION *</pattern>
- <template>Can you please restate the question in different words?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY QUESTION IS *</pattern>
- <template>
- <sr/>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY REAL *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY REAL NAME IS *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>Call me <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY REALLY *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY RELIGION</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>WHAT RELIGION ARE YOU</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY RELIGION IS *</pattern>
- <template>Is <set name="it">
- <set name="topic">
- <person/>
- </set>
- </set> a very large faith?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY RELIGION IS CALLED *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY RELIGION IS <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY SCHOOL *</pattern>
- <template>Tell me about the teachers in your school.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY SECRET IS THAT *</pattern>
- <template>
- <sr/>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY SHIRT</pattern>
- <template>What color is it?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY SIGN</pattern>
- <template>Your star sign or astrological sign.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY SIGN IS *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>
- <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY SISTER *</pattern>
- <template>Older sister or younger?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY SISTER</pattern>
- <template>Is she older or younger than you?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY SISTER IS *</pattern>
- <template>Okay, your sister is <set name="sister">
- <star/>
- </set>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY SISTER WANTS *</pattern>
- <template>You don't have to listen to what she says.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY SON *</pattern>
- <template>How many children do you have?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY SON WON *</pattern>
- <template>Congratulations, <get name="name"/>. You must be proud of him.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY SURROUNDINGS *</pattern>
- <template>
- <random>
- <li>Do you usually use a computer there?</li>
- <li>Is that very comfortable for you?</li>
- <li>Now I'm getting a mental picture.</li>
- </random>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY SYSTEM *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY COMPUTER <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY TEACHER *</pattern>
- <template>Do you go to high school?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY TEACHER</pattern>
- <template>What grade are you in?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY TEACHERS *</pattern>
- <template>Teachers are people too.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY TEACHERS ARE *</pattern>
- <template>Have <set name="they">your teachers</set> always been <person/>?
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY TERMINAL</pattern>
- <template>Oh your computer screen.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY THAT *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>THAT <star/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY WEBSITE *</pattern>
- <template>Thanks for that URL.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY WHAT</pattern>
- <template>I have no idea what to say now.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY WHO</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY WHAT</srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY WIFE *</pattern>
- <template>How long have you been married?
- <set name="she">Your wife</set>
- </think>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY WIFE IS *</pattern>
- <template>Okay, your wife is <set name="wife">
- <star/>
- </set>.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY WIFE S *</pattern>
- <template>Tell me more about your in-laws.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MY _ S NAME IS *</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>MY <star/> IS <star index="2"/>
- </srai>
- </template>
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MYSELF</pattern>
- <template>You.
- </category>
- <category>
- <pattern>MYSELF</pattern>
- <template>
- <srai>THE SUBJECT IS ME</srai>
- </template>
- </category>