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path: root/Speak.activity/chatbox.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'Speak.activity/chatbox.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 348 deletions
diff --git a/Speak.activity/chatbox.py b/Speak.activity/chatbox.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f9fb2fd..0000000
--- a/Speak.activity/chatbox.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,348 +0,0 @@
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-# This code is a stripped down version of the Chat
-import gtk
-import hippo
-import logging
-import pango
-import re
-from datetime import datetime
-from gobject import SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, TYPE_PYOBJECT
-from gettext import gettext as _
-import sugar.graphics.style as style
-from sugar.graphics.roundbox import CanvasRoundBox
-from sugar.graphics.palette import Palette, CanvasInvoker
-from sugar.presence import presenceservice
-from sugar.graphics.style import (Color, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE)
-from sugar.graphics.menuitem import MenuItem
-from sugar.activity.activity import get_activity_root
-logger = logging.getLogger('speak')
-URL_REGEXP = re.compile('((http|ftp)s?://)?'
- '(([-a-zA-Z0-9]+[.])+[-a-zA-Z0-9]{2,}|([0-9]{1,3}[.]){3}[0-9]{1,3})'
- '(:[1-9][0-9]{0,4})?(/[-a-zA-Z0-9/%~@&_+=;:,.?#]*[a-zA-Z0-9/])?')
-class ChatBox(hippo.CanvasScrollbars):
- def __init__(self):
- hippo.CanvasScrollbars.__init__(self)
- self.owner = presenceservice.get_instance().get_owner()
- # Auto vs manual scrolling:
- self._scroll_auto = True
- self._scroll_value = 0.0
- self._last_msg_sender = None
- # Track last message, to combine several messages:
- self._last_msg = None
- self._chat_log = ''
- self._conversation = hippo.CanvasBox(
- spacing=0,
- background_color=COLOR_WHITE.get_int())
- self.set_policy(hippo.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL,
- self.set_root(self._conversation)
- vadj = self.props.widget.get_vadjustment()
- vadj.connect('changed', self._scroll_changed_cb)
- vadj.connect('value-changed', self._scroll_value_changed_cb)
- def get_log(self):
- return self._chat_log
- def add_text(self, buddy, text, status_message=False):
- """Display text on screen, with name and colors.
- buddy -- buddy object or dict {nick: string, color: string}
- (The dict is for loading the chat log from the journal,
- when we don't have the buddy object any more.)
- text -- string, what the buddy said
- status_message -- boolean
- False: show what buddy said
- True: show what buddy did
- hippo layout:
- .------------- rb ---------------.
- | +name_vbox+ +----msg_vbox----+ |
- | | | | | |
- | | nick: | | +--msg_hbox--+ | |
- | | | | | text | | |
- | +---------+ | +------------+ | |
- | | | |
- | | +--msg_hbox--+ | |
- | | | text | url | | |
- | | +------------+ | |
- | +----------------+ |
- `--------------------------------'
- """
- if not buddy:
- buddy = self.owner
- if type(buddy) is dict:
- # dict required for loading chat log from journal
- nick = buddy['nick']
- color = buddy['color']
- else:
- nick = buddy.props.nick
- color = buddy.props.color
- try:
- color_stroke_html, color_fill_html = color.split(',')
- except ValueError:
- color_stroke_html, color_fill_html = ('#000000', '#888888')
- # Select text color based on fill color:
- color_fill_rgba = Color(color_fill_html).get_rgba()
- color_fill_gray = (color_fill_rgba[0] + color_fill_rgba[1] +
- color_fill_rgba[2])/3
- color_stroke = Color(color_stroke_html).get_int()
- color_fill = Color(color_fill_html).get_int()
- if color_fill_gray < 0.5:
- text_color = COLOR_WHITE.get_int()
- else:
- text_color = COLOR_BLACK.get_int()
- self._add_log(nick, color, text, status_message)
- # Check for Right-To-Left languages:
- if pango.find_base_dir(nick, -1) == pango.DIRECTION_RTL:
- lang_rtl = True
- else:
- lang_rtl = False
- # Check if new message box or add text to previous:
- new_msg = True
- if self._last_msg_sender:
- if not status_message:
- if buddy == self._last_msg_sender:
- # Add text to previous message
- new_msg = False
- if not new_msg:
- rb = self._last_msg
- msg_vbox = rb.get_children()[1]
- msg_hbox = hippo.CanvasBox(
- orientation=hippo.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL)
- msg_vbox.append(msg_hbox)
- else:
- rb = CanvasRoundBox(background_color=color_fill,
- border_color=color_stroke,
- padding=4)
- rb.props.border_color = color_stroke # Bug #3742
- self._last_msg = rb
- self._last_msg_sender = buddy
- if not status_message:
- name = hippo.CanvasText(text=nick+': ',
- color=text_color)
- name_vbox = hippo.CanvasBox(
- orientation=hippo.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL)
- name_vbox.append(name)
- rb.append(name_vbox)
- msg_vbox = hippo.CanvasBox(
- orientation=hippo.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL)
- rb.append(msg_vbox)
- msg_hbox = hippo.CanvasBox(
- orientation=hippo.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL)
- msg_vbox.append(msg_hbox)
- if status_message:
- self._last_msg_sender = None
- match = URL_REGEXP.search(text)
- while match:
- # there is a URL in the text
- starttext = text[:match.start()]
- if starttext:
- message = hippo.CanvasText(
- text=starttext,
- size_mode=hippo.CANVAS_SIZE_WRAP_WORD,
- color=text_color,
- xalign=hippo.ALIGNMENT_START)
- msg_hbox.append(message)
- url = text[match.start():match.end()]
- message = CanvasLink(
- text=url,
- color=text_color)
- attrs = pango.AttrList()
- attrs.insert(pango.AttrUnderline(pango.UNDERLINE_SINGLE, 0, 32767))
- message.set_property("attributes", attrs)
- message.connect('activated', self._link_activated_cb)
- # call interior magic which should mean just:
- # CanvasInvoker().parent = message
- CanvasInvoker(message)
- msg_hbox.append(message)
- text = text[match.end():]
- match = URL_REGEXP.search(text)
- if text:
- message = hippo.CanvasText(
- text=text,
- size_mode=hippo.CANVAS_SIZE_WRAP_WORD,
- color=text_color,
- xalign=hippo.ALIGNMENT_START)
- msg_hbox.append(message)
- # Order of boxes for RTL languages:
- if lang_rtl:
- msg_hbox.reverse()
- if new_msg:
- rb.reverse()
- if new_msg:
- box = hippo.CanvasBox(padding=2)
- box.append(rb)
- self._conversation.append(box)
- def _scroll_value_changed_cb(self, adj, scroll=None):
- """Turn auto scrolling on or off.
- If the user scrolled up, turn it off.
- If the user scrolled to the bottom, turn it back on.
- """
- if adj.get_value() < self._scroll_value:
- self._scroll_auto = False
- elif adj.get_value() == adj.upper-adj.page_size:
- self._scroll_auto = True
- def _scroll_changed_cb(self, adj, scroll=None):
- """Scroll the chat window to the bottom"""
- if self._scroll_auto:
- adj.set_value(adj.upper-adj.page_size)
- self._scroll_value = adj.get_value()
- def _link_activated_cb(self, link):
- url = url_check_protocol(link.props.text)
- self._show_via_journal(url)
- def _show_via_journal(self, url):
- """Ask the journal to display a URL"""
- import os
- import time
- from sugar import profile
- from sugar.activity.activity import show_object_in_journal
- from sugar.datastore import datastore
- logger.debug('Create journal entry for URL: %s', url)
- jobject = datastore.create()
- metadata = {
- 'title': "%s: %s" % (_('URL from Chat'), url),
- 'title_set_by_user': '1',
- 'icon-color': profile.get_color().to_string(),
- 'mime_type': 'text/uri-list',
- }
- for k,v in metadata.items():
- jobject.metadata[k] = v
- file_path = os.path.join(get_activity_root(), 'instance',
- '%i_' % time.time())
- open(file_path, 'w').write(url + '\r\n')
- os.chmod(file_path, 0755)
- jobject.set_file_path(file_path)
- datastore.write(jobject)
- show_object_in_journal(jobject.object_id)
- jobject.destroy()
- os.unlink(file_path)
- def _add_log(self, nick, color, text, status_message):
- """Add the text to the chat log.
- nick -- string, buddy nickname
- color -- string, buddy.props.color
- text -- string, body of message
- status_message -- boolean
- """
- if not nick:
- nick = '???'
- if not color:
- color = '#000000,#FFFFFF'
- if not text:
- text = '-'
- if not status_message:
- status_message = False
- self._chat_log += '%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%s\n' % (
- datetime.strftime(datetime.now(), '%b %d %H:%M:%S'),
- nick, color, status_message, text)
-class CanvasLink(hippo.CanvasLink):
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- hippo.CanvasLink.__init__(self, **kwargs)
- def create_palette(self):
- return URLMenu(self.props.text)
-class URLMenu(Palette):
- def __init__(self, url):
- Palette.__init__(self, url)
- self.url = url_check_protocol(url)
- menu_item = MenuItem(_('Copy to Clipboard'), 'edit-copy')
- menu_item.connect('activate', self._copy_to_clipboard_cb)
- self.menu.append(menu_item)
- menu_item.show()
- def create_palette(self):
- pass
- def _copy_to_clipboard_cb(self, menuitem):
- logger.debug('Copy %s to clipboard', self.url)
- clipboard = gtk.clipboard_get()
- targets = [("text/uri-list", 0, 0),
- ("UTF8_STRING", 0, 1)]
- if not clipboard.set_with_data(targets,
- self._clipboard_data_get_cb,
- self._clipboard_clear_cb,
- (self.url)):
- logger.error('GtkClipboard.set_with_data failed!')
- else:
- self.owns_clipboard = True
- def _clipboard_data_get_cb(self, clipboard, selection, info, data):
- logger.debug('_clipboard_data_get_cb data=%s target=%s', data,
- selection.target)
- if selection.target in ['text/uri-list']:
- if not selection.set_uris([data]):
- logger.debug('failed to set_uris')
- else:
- logger.debug('not uri')
- if not selection.set_text(data):
- logger.debug('failed to set_text')
- def _clipboard_clear_cb(self, clipboard, data):
- logger.debug('clipboard_clear_cb')
- self.owns_clipboard = False
-def url_check_protocol(url):
- """Check that the url has a protocol, otherwise prepend https://
- url -- string
- Returns url -- string
- """
- protocols = ['http://', 'https://', 'ftp://', 'ftps://']
- no_protocol = True
- for protocol in protocols:
- if url.startswith(protocol):
- no_protocol = False
- if no_protocol:
- url = 'http://' + url
- return url