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path: root/bot/PyAIML-0.8.5
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Diffstat (limited to 'bot/PyAIML-0.8.5')
7 files changed, 354 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bot/PyAIML-0.8.5/CHANGES.txt b/bot/PyAIML-0.8.5/CHANGES.txt
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index 0000000..9d4b0d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bot/PyAIML-0.8.5/CHANGES.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+version 0.8.5
+ - Fixed a couple lingering Unicode bugs, one of which was breaking things
+ pretty thoroughly under Python 2.2.3.
+ - Improved whitespace handling, to the point where it should be compliant
+ with the AIML 1.0.1 standard. Basically, whitespace will be stripped
+ down to readable levels, unless the xml:space attribute is used to
+ indicate otherwise.
+ - Fixed bug in PatternMgr where the character '1' was mistaken identified
+ as punctuation to be stripped, instead of the intended '!'.
+version 0.8.4:
+ - Fixed bug in AimlParser creation, if the aiml module was not in the same
+ directory as the script that imported it.
+ - Improved Unicode support (again) (thanks to Daniel Kottow for his help).
+ - 2nd pass at documentation. All functions now have useful, properly-formatted
+ docstrings.
+version 0.8.3:
+ - Reworked the way AimlParser objects are created, to allow support for
+ XML namespaces in a future version.
+ - First pass at Unicode-proofing the whole system, so that multi-lingual
+ AIML files can be processed.
+ - Added support for "index" attribute in "star", "thatstar" and "topicstar"
+ elements (thanks to Robert D. Cotey for the patch!). Also added type-check
+ to ensure that the value of the "index" attribute is an integer.
+version 0.8.2:
+ - Added protection against infinite AIML recursion.
+ - Removed the deprecated Kernel.getBotName and Kernel.setBotName functions.
+ - Added workaround for Unicode input crash. Feeding the Kernel Unicode
+ input no longer crashes the interpreter, but some internal input-formatting
+ operations must be skipped, which could cause some nonsensical replies
+ (like you're not already used to nonsensical replies, though...)
+version 0.8.1:
+ - "system" elements now attempt to intelligently convert between UNIX-style
+ and Windows-style pathnames as appropriate. For cross-platform compatibility,
+ all AIML files should use UNIX-style paths inside their "system" elements.
+ - Fixed crashes under Windows9X when a "system" element is executed when
+ w9xpopen.exe is unavailable.
+ - Re-piped most errors and warnings to go to stderr instead of stdout.
+ - Fixed bug that would cause the the bot to stop responding to any input in a session
+ if the "that" or "topic" strings were 100% whitespace (but still not empty).
+ - Fixed bug that would cause multi-line "that" strings to become corrupted. For
+ example, "Hello there.\nNice to meet you" would become "HELLO THERENICE TO MEET
+ YOU" when queried for that-matching.
+version 0.8:
+ - Removed support for non-standard "mode" attribute in "system" elements.
+ It just wasn't worth breaking the AIML standard for.
+ - Reworked persistent session support (I warned you!). The old method involving
+ Kernel.persistentSessions() has been removed. Instead, there is a new
+ Kernel.getSessionData() method which gives the bot author access to the session
+ data. You can store this data however you wish. Session data can be restored
+ later by repeated calls to Kernel.setPredicate().
+ - Improved AIML parser error handling; instead of aborting the entire file, a
+ parse error now only ignores the current category and forges ahead. To check for
+ parse errors, check the return value of AimlParser.getNumErrors() after parsing.
+version 0.7:
+ - Further improved AIML parsing; missing or invalid XML attributes are now
+ detected at parse-time. There's also a first stab at support for Forward
+ Compatibility Mode: if the "version" attribute of an AIML tag is not 1.0.1,
+ the parser is much more forgiving of unknown or missing XML tags and attributes.
+ - Added "support" for the 'gossip' tag. The specific behavior of this tag is
+ totally undefined; currently, the PyAIML implementation treats it as a big
+ no-op. Its contents are ignored, and it returns the empty string (but at least
+ it isn't flagged as a syntax error!)
+ - Oops; I've implemented 'person' as 'person2' and vice versa this whole time!
+ Swapped them back; they should each behave correctly now.
+ - A bit of code cleanup, with an emphasis on using proper XML/AIML terminology
+ whenever possible.
+ - Fixed some exception-masking in the 'condition' element processor, which could
+ prevent AIML parse errors from being reported.
+ - Added full support for the "bot" tag (previously only the 'bot name="name"'
+ form was supported). Bot predicates are set using the Kernel.setBotPredicate()
+ function. Note that Kernel.getBotName() and Kernel.setBotName() have been
+ deprecated, and will disappear in a future release.
+version 0.6.1:
+ - Fixed undefined variable exception that was thrown whenever there was no
+ match for the user's input.
+ - Fixed an infinite recursion bug caused by processing two or more nested
+ 'srai' or 'sr' elements.
+version 0.6
+ - Completely rewrote the LearnHandler class (which handles all AIML parsing)
+ to be much less forgiving of incorrect AIML. Currently, any AIML errors
+ outside of "template" elements should be caught and reported at load-time.
+ AIML errors inside templates are still not detected until run-time.
+ - Added support for atomic 'person' and 'person2' tags (they implicitly use
+ 'star' as their contents if none are provided).
+ - Oops; Kernel.respond() was DEFINITELY not thread-safe. Now it is, provided
+ you're using Python's standard 'threading' module. If not, you'll have to
+ provide your own mutual-exclusion system to ensure that only one thread
+ is calling Kernel.respond() at a time.
+ - Recursive tags ('srai' and 'sr') no longer add their intermediate results
+ to the input and output history.
+ - EXPERIMENTAL FEATURE: persistent sessions. If enabled using
+ Kernel.persistentSessions(True), session data will be written to disk
+ after every response. This lets session data be preserved when the
+ Kernel is destroyed, at the expense of a small performance hit (all
+ that extra disk I/O). The semantics of this feature may change in future
+ releases!
+ - Added support for the "id" tag (it returns the session ID).
+ - Added support for the "topic", "topicstar" and "thatstar" tags.
+ - Commented up the test.py file.
+ - Added a summary to the end of the Kernel.py self-test (since there are now
+ too many tests to fit on screen).
+ - Added support for multi-sentence input. The user's input is split into
+ individual sentences, each of which is treated as a completely separate
+ piece of input. I'm *pretty* sure this is the Right Way(tm).
+version 0.5
+ - The filename inside Learn tags can now contain wildcards. Besides
+ simplifying the loading of multiple files, this allows the possibility
+ of loading AIML files that may not exist without crashing the
+ interpreter.
+ - Attempting to set the value of a predicate in a nonexistent session
+ now automatically creates the session, instead of silently doing nothing.
+ - "set" tags now output the new value of the variable, as well as assigning
+ it.
+version 0.4.1
+ - Unknown AIML tags are handled in a more forgiving fashion. If an
+ unknown tag is encountered, instead of ignoring its contents entirely,
+ the contents are processed and returned unaltered.
+ - Added support for "bot name='name'" tags, both in patterns and in
+ templates. This also fixes a nasty infinite loop crash when a user
+ says Hello to a bot.
+version 0.4
+ - Added support for "star" and "sr" tags.
+ - Considered adding support for the "secure" tag, but decided against it.
+ see SUPPORTED_TAGS.txt for more information.
+version 0.3
+ - Cleaned up AIML processing code to remove some unnecessary
+ special-cases in the interpretation algorithm.
+ - Added support for "input" and "that" tags.
+version 0.2
+ - 50% speedup in Kernel.loadBrain() and Kernel.saveBrain().
+ - The optional 'learnFiles' and 'commands' arguments to
+ Kernel.bootstrap() can now be either strings or lists. This
+ allows multiple files/commands to be loaded during
+ initialization.
+ - Added support for "person" and "person2" tags.
+ - Added general word-substitution functionality. This opens up
+ the potential for localizing PyAIML into non-English languages.
+ See DefaultSubs.py for more info.
+version 0.1:
+ - Initial release. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bot/PyAIML-0.8.5/README.txt b/bot/PyAIML-0.8.5/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82a7f8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bot/PyAIML-0.8.5/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+PyAIML -- The Python AIML Interpreter
+author: Cort Stratton (cort@users.sourceforge.net)
+web: http://pyaiml.sourceforge.net/
+PyAIML is an interpreter for AIML (the Artificial Intelligence Markup
+Language), implemented entirely in standard Python. It strives for
+simple, austere, 100% compliance with the AIML 1.0.1 standard, no less
+and no more.
+This is currently pre-alpha software. Use at your
+own risk!
+For information on what's new in this version, see the
+CHANGES.txt file.
+For information on the state of development, including
+the current level of AIML 1.0.1 compliance, see the
+Quick & dirty example (assuming you've downloaded the
+"standard" AIML set):
+ import aiml
+ # The Kernel object is the public interface to
+ # the AIML interpreter.
+ k = aiml.Kernel()
+ # Use the 'learn' method to load the contents
+ # of an AIML file into the Kernel.
+ k.learn("std-startup.xml")
+ # Use the 'respond' method to compute the response
+ # to a user's input string. respond() returns
+ # the interpreter's response, which in this case
+ # we ignore.
+ k.respond("load aiml b")
+ # Loop forever, reading user input from the command
+ # line and printing responses.
+ while True: print k.respond(raw_input("> ")) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bot/PyAIML-0.8.5/SUPPORTED_TAGS.txt b/bot/PyAIML-0.8.5/SUPPORTED_TAGS.txt
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index 0000000..bbbf708
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bot/PyAIML-0.8.5/SUPPORTED_TAGS.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+This document describes the current state of PyAIML's compliance
+to the AIML 1.0.1 standard. The full AIML reference manual can be
+found online at http://alicebot.org/TR/2001/WD-aiml.
+The following tags are currently supported:
+ <bot name="name"> (see notes)
+ <condition>
+ <date>
+ <formal>
+ <gender>
+ <get>
+ <id>
+ <input>
+ <learn>
+ <li>
+ <lowercase>
+ <person>
+ <person2>
+ <random>
+ <sentence>
+ <set>
+ <size>
+ <sr>
+ <srai>
+ <star>
+ <system>
+ <that>
+ <thatstar>
+ <think>
+ <topic>
+ <topicstar>
+ <uppercase>
+ <version>
+Support for the following tags should be implemented in the next version:
+ None
+The following tags are not supported:
+ <gossip> (see notes)
+ <if> / <else> (see notes)
+ <javascript> (see notes)
+ <secure> (see notes)
+<bot name="name">
+To set the bot's name, use Kernel.setBotName("NewName"). Note that the
+name *MUST* be a single word! Use Kernel.getBotName() to query the bot's
+name in your code.
+The AIML 1.0.1 specification lets engine authors implement the the behavior
+of the <gossip> tag however they wish. I haven't yet decided what I'd like
+to do with it, so right now it doesn't do anything at all.
+<if> / <else>
+These elements appear to have been dropped between AIML 1.0 and AIML 1.0.1.
+They may someday be added as a part of an AIML 1.0 backwards-compatibility
+mode, but in the meantime, use <condition> instead.
+Support for the JavaScript tag is not anticipated; one of the design
+goals of PyAIML is to remain 100% pure standard Python. So until
+somebody writes a JavaScript interpreter in Python, PyAIML won't
+support the <javascript> tag. On the bright side, it is possible
+to simulate the effects of the <javascript> tag (i.e. dynamically-
+generated tag contents) using the <system mode="sync"> tag. This
+solution has the added advantage of allowing *any* programming
+language to be used, not just JavaScript.
+UPDATE: The python-spidermonkey project provides a bridge between Python
+and the open-source SpiderMonkey JavaScript library. I am currently
+investigating the possibility of adding support for the <javascript>
+Some AIML implementations support a non-standard <secure> tag, intended to
+wrap parts of a template which should only be processed if the user is
+"secure", or trusted. After implementing support for this tag, I realized
+that it wasn't doing anything that you can't do with the <condition> tag.
+Therefore, I've decided to drop support for the <secure> tag. You can
+easily duplicate its effects; simply replace this:
+ <secure error="you're not allowed">you are allowed</secure>
+with this:
+ <condition name="secure">
+ <li value="yes">you are allowed</li>
+ <li>you are not allowed</li>
+ </condition>
+Then, use the Kernel.setPredicate() call to set the "secure" predicate to
+"yes" for any session that you wish to be secure. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bot/PyAIML-0.8.5/TODO.txt b/bot/PyAIML-0.8.5/TODO.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd75a71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bot/PyAIML-0.8.5/TODO.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Laundry list of future tasks, in no particular order:
+ - AIML 1.0.1 compliance (highest priority):
+ - Unknown yet well-defined elements (e.g. HTML) inside templates
+ (see sections 3.2, 3.6).
+ - AimlParser._validateElemStart() needs to test the well-formedness of
+ attribute values (for example, making sure that the "index" attribute
+ has an integer value, and not a string). UPDATE: this works for <star>,
+ <thatstar> and <topicstar>. Still needs to be written for <input> and <that>,
+ which take either an integer or an integer pair.
+ - Support the Program D startup file syntax, or something similar? It
+ seems to be a good way to initialize bot settings and substitutions.
+ - Documentation/tutorials.
diff --git a/bot/PyAIML-0.8.5/pkg-info b/bot/PyAIML-0.8.5/pkg-info
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index 0000000..908caaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bot/PyAIML-0.8.5/pkg-info
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Metadata-Version: 1.0
+Name: PyAIML
+Version: 0.8.5
+Summary: An interpreter package for AIML, the Artificial Intelligence Markup Language
+Home-page: http://pyaiml.sourceforge.net/
+Author: Cort Stratton
+Author-email: cort@users.sourceforge.net
+License: UNKNOWN
+Description: PyAIML implements an interpreter for AIML, the Artificial Intelligence
+ Markup Language developed by Dr. Richard Wallace of the A.L.I.C.E. Foundation.
+ It can be used to implement a conversational AI program.
+Platform: any
diff --git a/bot/PyAIML-0.8.5/setup.cfg b/bot/PyAIML-0.8.5/setup.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89ca66e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bot/PyAIML-0.8.5/setup.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/bot/PyAIML-0.8.5/setup.py b/bot/PyAIML-0.8.5/setup.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3cc058a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bot/PyAIML-0.8.5/setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Command to build:
+from distutils.core import setup
+import glob
+package_prefix = "Lib/site-packages/aiml"
+ version="0.8.5",
+ author="Cort Stratton",
+ author_email="cort@users.sourceforge.net",
+ maintainer="Cort Stratton",
+ maintainer_email="cort@users.sourceforge.net",
+ description="An interpreter package for AIML, the Artificial Intelligence Markup Language",
+ long_description="""PyAIML implements an interpreter for AIML, the Artificial Intelligence
+Markup Language developed by Dr. Richard Wallace of the A.L.I.C.E. Foundation.
+It can be used to implement a conversational AI program.""",
+ url="http://pyaiml.sourceforge.net/",
+ platforms=["any"],
+ classifiers=["Development Status :: 3 - Alpha",
+ "Environment :: Console",
+ "Intended Audience :: Developers",
+ "Programming Language :: Python",
+ "Operating System :: OS Independent",
+ "Topic :: Communications :: Chat",
+ "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence"
+ ],
+ packages=["aiml"],
+ data_files=[
+ (package_prefix, glob.glob("aiml/self-test.aiml")),
+ (package_prefix, glob.glob("*.txt")),
+ ],