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path: root/extensions/deviceicon
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Diffstat (limited to 'extensions/deviceicon')
2 files changed, 378 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/extensions/deviceicon/Makefile.am b/extensions/deviceicon/Makefile.am
index e400339..8a2e765 100644
--- a/extensions/deviceicon/Makefile.am
+++ b/extensions/deviceicon/Makefile.am
@@ -3,5 +3,6 @@ sugardir = $(pkgdatadir)/extensions/deviceicon
sugar_PYTHON = \
__init__.py \
battery.py \
+ network.py \
speaker.py \
diff --git a/extensions/deviceicon/network.py b/extensions/deviceicon/network.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1b784c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/deviceicon/network.py
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2008 One Laptop Per Child
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+from gettext import gettext as _
+import logging
+import sha
+import gtk
+import gobject
+import dbus
+from sugar.graphics.icon import get_icon_state
+from sugar.graphics import style
+from sugar.graphics.palette import Palette
+from sugar.graphics.toolbutton import ToolButton
+from sugar.graphics import xocolor
+from jarabe.model import network
+from jarabe.frame.frameinvoker import FrameWidgetInvoker
+from jarabe.view.pulsingicon import PulsingIcon
+_ICON_NAME = 'network-wireless'
+IP_ADDRESS_TEXT_TEMPLATE = _("IP address: %s")
+_NM_SERVICE = 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager'
+_NM_IFACE = 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager'
+_NM_PATH = '/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager'
+_NM_DEVICE_IFACE = 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device'
+_NM_WIRELESS_IFACE = 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device.Wireless'
+_NM_ACCESSPOINT_IFACE = 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.AccessPoint'
+_NM_ACTIVE_CONN_IFACE = 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Connection.Active'
+def frequency_to_channel(frequency):
+ ftoc = { 2412: 1, 2417: 2, 2422: 3, 2427: 4,
+ 2432: 5, 2437: 6, 2442: 7, 2447: 8,
+ 2452: 9, 2457: 10, 2462: 11, 2467: 12,
+ 2472: 13}
+ return ftoc[frequency]
+class WirelessPalette(Palette):
+ __gtype_name__ = 'SugarWirelessPalette'
+ __gsignals__ = {
+ 'deactivate-connection' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,
+ gobject.TYPE_NONE, ([]))
+ }
+ def __init__(self, primary_text):
+ Palette.__init__(self, label=primary_text)
+ self._disconnect_item = None
+ self._channel_label = gtk.Label()
+ self._channel_label.props.xalign = 0.0
+ self._channel_label.show()
+ self._ip_address_label = gtk.Label()
+ self._info = gtk.VBox()
+ def _padded(child, xalign=0, yalign=0.5):
+ padder = gtk.Alignment(xalign=xalign, yalign=yalign,
+ xscale=1, yscale=0.33)
+ padder.set_padding(style.DEFAULT_SPACING,
+ padder.add(child)
+ return padder
+ self._info.pack_start(_padded(self._channel_label))
+ self._info.pack_start(_padded(self._ip_address_label))
+ self._info.show_all()
+ self._disconnect_item = gtk.MenuItem(_('Disconnect...'))
+ self._disconnect_item.connect('activate', self.__disconnect_activate_cb)
+ self.menu.append(self._disconnect_item)
+ self.set_disconnected()
+ def set_connecting(self):
+ self.props.secondary_text = _('Connecting...')
+ def set_connected(self, frequency, iaddress):
+ self.set_content(self._info)
+ self.props.secondary_text = _('Connected')
+ self._set_channel(frequency)
+ self._set_ip_address(iaddress)
+ self._disconnect_item.show()
+ def set_disconnected(self):
+ self.props.primary_text = ''
+ self.props.secondary_text = _('Not connected')
+ self.set_content(None)
+ self._disconnect_item.hide()
+ def __disconnect_activate_cb(self, menuitem):
+ self.emit('deactivate-connection')
+ def _inet_ntoa(self, iaddress):
+ address = ['%s' % ((iaddress >> i) % 256) for i in [0, 8, 16, 24]]
+ return ".".join(address)
+ def _set_channel(self, frequency):
+ try:
+ channel = frequency_to_channel(frequency)
+ except KeyError:
+ channel = 0
+ self._channel_label.set_text("%s: %d" % (_("Channel"), channel))
+ def _set_ip_address(self, ip_address):
+ if ip_address is not None:
+ ip_address_text = IP_ADDRESS_TEXT_TEMPLATE % \
+ self._inet_ntoa(ip_address)
+ else:
+ ip_address_text = ""
+ self._ip_address_label.set_text(ip_address_text)
+class WirelessDeviceView(ToolButton):
+ def __init__(self, device):
+ ToolButton.__init__(self)
+ self._bus = dbus.SystemBus()
+ self._device = device
+ self._flags = 0
+ self._name = ''
+ self._strength = 0
+ self._frequency = 0
+ self._device_state = None
+ self._color = None
+ self._active_ap_op = None
+ self._icon = PulsingIcon()
+ self._icon.props.icon_name = get_icon_state(_ICON_NAME, 0)
+ self._inactive_color = xocolor.XoColor( \
+ "%s,%s" % (style.COLOR_BUTTON_GREY.get_svg(),
+ style.COLOR_TRANSPARENT.get_svg()))
+ self._icon.props.pulse_color = self._inactive_color
+ self._icon.props.base_color = self._inactive_color
+ self.set_icon_widget(self._icon)
+ self._icon.show()
+ self._palette = WirelessPalette(self._name)
+ self._palette.connect('deactivate-connection',
+ self.__deactivate_connection)
+ self.set_palette(self._palette)
+ self._palette.props.invoker = FrameWidgetInvoker(self)
+ self._palette.set_group_id('frame')
+ self._device.Get(_NM_WIRELESS_IFACE, 'ActiveAccessPoint',
+ reply_handler=self.__get_active_ap_reply_cb,
+ error_handler=self.__get_active_ap_error_cb)
+ self._bus.add_signal_receiver(self.__state_changed_cb,
+ signal_name='StateChanged',
+ path=self._device.object_path,
+ dbus_interface=_NM_DEVICE_IFACE)
+ def disconnect(self):
+ self._bus.remove_signal_receiver(self.__state_changed_cb,
+ signal_name='StateChanged',
+ path=self._device.object_path,
+ dbus_interface=_NM_DEVICE_IFACE)
+ def __get_active_ap_reply_cb(self, active_ap_op):
+ if self._active_ap_op != active_ap_op:
+ if self._active_ap_op is not None:
+ self._bus.remove_signal_receiver(
+ self.__ap_properties_changed_cb,
+ signal_name='PropertiesChanged',
+ path=self._active_ap_op,
+ dbus_interface=_NM_ACCESSPOINT_IFACE)
+ if active_ap_op == '/':
+ self._active_ap_op = None
+ return
+ self._active_ap_op = active_ap_op
+ active_ap = self._bus.get_object(_NM_SERVICE, active_ap_op)
+ props = dbus.Interface(active_ap, 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties')
+ props.GetAll(_NM_ACCESSPOINT_IFACE, byte_arrays=True,
+ reply_handler=self.__get_all_props_reply_cb,
+ error_handler=self.__get_all_props_error_cb)
+ self._bus.add_signal_receiver(self.__ap_properties_changed_cb,
+ signal_name='PropertiesChanged',
+ path=self._active_ap_op,
+ dbus_interface=_NM_ACCESSPOINT_IFACE)
+ def __get_active_ap_error_cb(self, err):
+ logging.debug('Error getting the active access point: %s', err)
+ def __state_changed_cb(self, new_state, old_state, reason):
+ self._device_state = new_state
+ self._update_state()
+ self._device.Get(_NM_WIRELESS_IFACE, 'ActiveAccessPoint',
+ reply_handler=self.__get_active_ap_reply_cb,
+ error_handler=self.__get_active_ap_error_cb)
+ def __ap_properties_changed_cb(self, properties):
+ self._update_properties(properties)
+ def _update_properties(self, properties):
+ if 'Ssid' in properties:
+ self._name = properties['Ssid']
+ if 'Strength' in properties:
+ self._strength = properties['Strength']
+ if 'Flags' in properties:
+ self._flags = properties['Flags']
+ if 'Frequency' in properties:
+ self._frequency = properties['Frequency']
+ sh = sha.new()
+ data = self._name + hex(self._flags)
+ sh.update(data)
+ h = hash(sh.digest())
+ idx = h % len(xocolor.colors)
+ self._color = xocolor.XoColor('%s,%s' % (xocolor.colors[idx][0],
+ xocolor.colors[idx][1]))
+ self._update()
+ def __get_all_props_reply_cb(self, properties):
+ self._update_properties(properties)
+ def __get_all_props_error_cb(self, err):
+ logging.debug('Error getting the access point properties: %s', err)
+ def _update(self):
+ if self._flags == network.NM_802_11_AP_FLAGS_PRIVACY:
+ self._icon.props.badge_name = "emblem-locked"
+ else:
+ self._icon.props.badge_name = None
+ self._palette.props.primary_text = self._name
+ self._update_state()
+ self._update_color()
+ def _update_state(self):
+ if self._active_ap_op is not None:
+ state = self._device_state
+ else:
+ state = network.DEVICE_STATE_UNKNOWN
+ if state == network.DEVICE_STATE_ACTIVATED:
+ icon_name = '%s-connected' % _ICON_NAME
+ else:
+ icon_name = _ICON_NAME
+ icon_name = get_icon_state(icon_name, self._strength)
+ if icon_name:
+ self._icon.props.icon_name = icon_name
+ if state == network.DEVICE_STATE_PREPARE or \
+ state == network.DEVICE_STATE_CONFIG or \
+ state == network.DEVICE_STATE_NEED_AUTH or \
+ state == network.DEVICE_STATE_IP_CONFIG:
+ self._palette.set_connecting()
+ self._icon.props.pulsing = True
+ elif state == network.DEVICE_STATE_ACTIVATED:
+ props = dbus.Interface(self._device,
+ 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties')
+ address = props.Get(_NM_DEVICE_IFACE, 'Ip4Address')
+ self._palette.set_connected(self._frequency, address)
+ self._icon.props.pulsing = False
+ else:
+ self._palette.set_disconnected()
+ self._icon.props.pulsing = False
+ self._icon.props.base_color = self._inactive_color
+ self._icon.props.badge_name = None
+ self._name = ''
+ def _update_color(self):
+ self._icon.props.base_color = self._color
+ def __deactivate_connection(self, palette, data=None):
+ if self._active_ap_op is not None:
+ obj = self._bus.get_object(_NM_SERVICE, _NM_PATH)
+ netmgr = dbus.Interface(obj, _NM_IFACE)
+ netmgr_props = dbus.Interface(
+ netmgr, 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties')
+ active_connections_o = netmgr_props.Get(_NM_IFACE,
+ 'ActiveConnections')
+ for conn_o in active_connections_o:
+ obj = self._bus.get_object(_NM_IFACE, conn_o)
+ props = dbus.Interface(obj, 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties')
+ ap_op = props.Get(_NM_ACTIVE_CONN_IFACE, 'SpecificObject')
+ if ap_op == self._active_ap_op:
+ netmgr.DeactivateConnection(conn_o)
+ break
+class NetworkManagerObserver(object):
+ def __init__(self, tray):
+ self._bus = dbus.SystemBus()
+ self._devices = {}
+ self._netmgr = None
+ self._tray = tray
+ try:
+ obj = self._bus.get_object(_NM_SERVICE, _NM_PATH)
+ self._netmgr = dbus.Interface(obj, _NM_IFACE)
+ except dbus.DBusException:
+ logging.debug('%s service not available', _NM_SERVICE)
+ return
+ self._netmgr.GetDevices(reply_handler=self.__get_devices_reply_cb,
+ error_handler=self.__get_devices_error_cb)
+ self._bus.add_signal_receiver(self.__device_added_cb,
+ signal_name='DeviceAdded',
+ dbus_interface=_NM_IFACE)
+ self._bus.add_signal_receiver(self.__device_removed_cb,
+ signal_name='DeviceRemoved',
+ dbus_interface=_NM_IFACE)
+ def __get_devices_reply_cb(self, devices):
+ for device_op in devices:
+ self._check_device(device_op)
+ def __get_devices_error_cb(self, err):
+ logging.error('Failed to get devices: %s', err)
+ def _check_device(self, device_op):
+ nm_device = self._bus.get_object(_NM_SERVICE, device_op)
+ props = dbus.Interface(nm_device, 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties')
+ device_type = props.Get(_NM_DEVICE_IFACE, 'DeviceType')
+ if device_type == network.DEVICE_TYPE_802_11_WIRELESS:
+ device = WirelessDeviceView(nm_device)
+ self._devices[device_op] = device
+ self._tray.add_device(device)
+ def __device_added_cb(self, device_op):
+ self._check_device(device_op)
+ def __device_removed_cb(self, device_op):
+ if device_op in self._devices:
+ device = self._devices[device_op]
+ device.disconnect()
+ self._tray.remove_device(device)
+ del self._devices[device_op]
+def setup(tray):
+ device_observer = NetworkManagerObserver(tray)