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path: root/src/jarabe/view/home/MeshBox.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/jarabe/view/home/MeshBox.py')
1 files changed, 646 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/jarabe/view/home/MeshBox.py b/src/jarabe/view/home/MeshBox.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f94b930
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/jarabe/view/home/MeshBox.py
@@ -0,0 +1,646 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Red Hat, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+from gettext import gettext as _
+import logging
+import hippo
+import gobject
+import gtk
+from sugar.graphics.icon import CanvasIcon, Icon
+from sugar.graphics.xocolor import XoColor
+from sugar.graphics import style
+from sugar.graphics.icon import get_icon_state
+from sugar.graphics import palette
+from sugar.graphics import iconentry
+from sugar.graphics.menuitem import MenuItem
+from sugar import profile
+from jarabe.model import accesspointmodel
+from jarabe.model.devices.network import wireless
+from jarabe.model import shellmodel
+from jarabe.hardware import hardwaremanager
+from jarabe.hardware import nmclient
+from jarabe.view.BuddyIcon import BuddyIcon
+from jarabe.view.pulsingicon import CanvasPulsingIcon
+from jarabe.view.home.snowflakelayout import SnowflakeLayout
+from jarabe.view.home.spreadlayout import SpreadLayout
+import view.Shell
+from jarabe.hardware.nmclient import NM_802_11_CAP_PROTO_WEP, \
+_ICON_NAME = 'network-wireless'
+class AccessPointView(CanvasPulsingIcon):
+ def __init__(self, model, mesh_device=None):
+ CanvasPulsingIcon.__init__(self, size=style.STANDARD_ICON_SIZE,
+ cache=True)
+ self._model = model
+ self._meshdev = mesh_device
+ self._disconnect_item = None
+ self._connect_item = None
+ self._greyed_out = False
+ self.connect('activated', self._activate_cb)
+ model.connect('notify::strength', self._strength_changed_cb)
+ model.connect('notify::name', self._name_changed_cb)
+ model.connect('notify::state', self._state_changed_cb)
+ pulse_color = XoColor('%s,%s' % (style.COLOR_BUTTON_GREY.get_svg(),
+ style.COLOR_TRANSPARENT.get_svg()))
+ self.props.pulse_color = pulse_color
+ # Update badge
+ caps = model.props.capabilities
+ if model.get_nm_network().is_favorite():
+ self.props.badge_name = "emblem-favorite"
+ elif (caps & NM_802_11_CAP_PROTO_WEP) or \
+ (caps & NM_802_11_CAP_PROTO_WPA) or \
+ (caps & NM_802_11_CAP_PROTO_WPA2):
+ self.props.badge_name = "emblem-locked"
+ self._palette = self._create_palette()
+ self.set_palette(self._palette)
+ self._update_icon()
+ self._update_name()
+ self._update_state()
+ def _create_palette(self):
+ icon_name = get_icon_state(_ICON_NAME, self._model.props.strength)
+ palette_icon = Icon(icon_name=icon_name,
+ icon_size=style.STANDARD_ICON_SIZE,
+ badge_name=self.props.badge_name)
+ ap_color = self._model.get_nm_network().get_colors()
+ palette_icon.props.xo_color = XoColor('%s,%s' % ap_color)
+ p = palette.Palette(primary_text=self._model.props.name,
+ icon=palette_icon)
+ self._connect_item = MenuItem(_('Connect'), 'dialog-ok')
+ self._connect_item.connect('activate', self._activate_cb)
+ p.menu.append(self._connect_item)
+ # Only show disconnect when there's a mesh device, because mesh takes
+ # priority over the normal wireless device. NM doesn't have a
+ # "disconnect" method for a device either (for various reasons)
+ # so this doesn't have a good mapping
+ if self._meshdev:
+ self._disconnect_item = MenuItem(_('Disconnect'), 'media-eject')
+ self._disconnect_item.connect('activate',
+ self._disconnect_activate_cb)
+ p.menu.append(self._disconnect_item)
+ return p
+ def _disconnect_activate_cb(self, menuitem):
+ # Disconnection for an AP means activating the default mesh device
+ network_manager = hardwaremanager.get_network_manager()
+ if network_manager and self._meshdev:
+ network_manager.set_active_device(self._meshdev)
+ self._palette.props.secondary_text = _('Disconnecting...')
+ self.props.pulsing = False
+ def _strength_changed_cb(self, model, pspec):
+ self._update_icon()
+ def _name_changed_cb(self, model, pspec):
+ self._update_name()
+ def _state_changed_cb(self, model, pspec):
+ self._update_icon()
+ self._update_state()
+ def _activate_cb(self, icon):
+ network_manager = hardwaremanager.get_network_manager()
+ if network_manager:
+ device = self._model.get_nm_device()
+ network = self._model.get_nm_network()
+ network_manager.set_active_device(device, network)
+ def _update_name(self):
+ self._palette.props.primary_text = self._model.props.name
+ def _update_icon(self):
+ # keep this code in sync with view/devices/network/wireless.py
+ strength = self._model.props.strength
+ if self._model.props.state == accesspointmodel.STATE_CONNECTED:
+ icon_name = '%s-connected' % _ICON_NAME
+ else:
+ icon_name = _ICON_NAME
+ icon_name = get_icon_state(icon_name, strength)
+ if icon_name:
+ self.props.icon_name = icon_name
+ icon = self._palette.props.icon
+ icon.props.icon_name = icon_name
+ def _update_state(self):
+ if self._model.props.state == accesspointmodel.STATE_CONNECTING:
+ if self._disconnect_item:
+ self._disconnect_item.show()
+ self._connect_item.hide()
+ self._palette.props.secondary_text = _('Connecting...')
+ self.props.pulsing = True
+ elif self._model.props.state == accesspointmodel.STATE_CONNECTED:
+ if self._disconnect_item:
+ self._disconnect_item.show()
+ self._connect_item.hide()
+ # TODO: show the channel number
+ self._palette.props.secondary_text = _('Connected')
+ self.props.pulsing = False
+ elif self._model.props.state == accesspointmodel.STATE_NOTCONNECTED:
+ if self._disconnect_item:
+ self._disconnect_item.hide()
+ self._connect_item.show()
+ # TODO: show the channel number
+ self._palette.props.secondary_text = None
+ self.props.pulsing = False
+ if self._greyed_out:
+ self.props.pulsing = False
+ self.props.base_color = XoColor('#D5D5D5,#D5D5D5')
+ else:
+ self.props.base_color = XoColor('%s,%s' % \
+ self._model.get_nm_network().get_colors())
+ def set_filter(self, query):
+ self._greyed_out = self._model.props.name.lower().find(query) == -1
+ self._update_state()
+_MESH_ICON_NAME = 'network-mesh'
+class MeshDeviceView(CanvasPulsingIcon):
+ def __init__(self, nm_device, channel):
+ if not channel in [1, 6, 11]:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid channel %d" % channel)
+ CanvasPulsingIcon.__init__(self, size=style.STANDARD_ICON_SIZE,
+ icon_name=_MESH_ICON_NAME, cache=True)
+ self._nm_device = nm_device
+ self.channel = channel
+ self.props.badge_name = "badge-channel-%d" % self.channel
+ self._greyed_out = False
+ self._disconnect_item = None
+ self._palette = self._create_palette()
+ self.set_palette(self._palette)
+ pulse_color = XoColor('%s,%s' % (style.COLOR_BUTTON_GREY.get_svg(),
+ style.COLOR_TRANSPARENT.get_svg()))
+ self.props.pulse_color = pulse_color
+ self.connect('activated', self._activate_cb)
+ self._nm_device.connect('state-changed', self._state_changed_cb)
+ self._nm_device.connect('activation-stage-changed',
+ self._state_changed_cb)
+ self._update_state()
+ def _create_palette(self):
+ p = palette.Palette(_("Mesh Network") + " " + str(self.channel),
+ menu_after_content=True)
+ self._disconnect_item = gtk.MenuItem(_('Disconnect...'))
+ self._disconnect_item.connect('activate', self._disconnect_activate_cb)
+ p.menu.append(self._disconnect_item)
+ state = self._nm_device.get_state()
+ chan = wireless.freq_to_channel(self._nm_device.get_frequency())
+ if state == nmclient.DEVICE_STATE_ACTIVATED and chan == self.channel:
+ self._disconnect_item.show()
+ return p
+ def _disconnect_activate_cb(self, menuitem):
+ network_manager = hardwaremanager.get_network_manager()
+ if network_manager:
+ network_manager.set_active_device(self._nm_device)
+ def _activate_cb(self, icon):
+ network_manager = hardwaremanager.get_network_manager()
+ if network_manager:
+ freq = wireless.channel_to_freq(self.channel)
+ network_manager.set_active_device(self._nm_device, mesh_freq=freq)
+ def _state_changed_cb(self, model):
+ self._update_state()
+ def _update_state(self):
+ state = self._nm_device.get_state()
+ chan = wireless.freq_to_channel(self._nm_device.get_frequency())
+ if state == nmclient.DEVICE_STATE_ACTIVATING and chan == self.channel:
+ self._disconnect_item.hide()
+ self.props.pulsing = True
+ elif state == nmclient.DEVICE_STATE_ACTIVATED and chan == self.channel:
+ self._disconnect_item.show()
+ self.props.pulsing = False
+ elif state == nmclient.DEVICE_STATE_INACTIVE or chan != self.channel:
+ self._disconnect_item.hide()
+ self.props.pulsing = False
+ if self._greyed_out:
+ self.props.pulsing = False
+ self.props.base_color = XoColor('#D5D5D5,#D5D5D5')
+ else:
+ self.props.base_color = profile.get_color()
+ def set_filter(self, query):
+ self._greyed_out = (query != '')
+ self._update_state()
+class ActivityView(hippo.CanvasBox):
+ def __init__(self, model):
+ hippo.CanvasBox.__init__(self)
+ self._model = model
+ self._icons = {}
+ self._palette = None
+ self._layout = SnowflakeLayout()
+ self.set_layout(self._layout)
+ self._icon = self._create_icon()
+ self._layout.add(self._icon, center=True)
+ self._update_palette()
+ activity = self._model.activity
+ activity.connect('notify::name', self._name_changed_cb)
+ activity.connect('notify::color', self._color_changed_cb)
+ activity.connect('notify::private', self._private_changed_cb)
+ activity.connect('joined', self._joined_changed_cb)
+ #FIXME: 'joined' signal not working, see #5032
+ def _create_icon(self):
+ icon = CanvasIcon(file_name=self._model.get_icon_name(),
+ xo_color=self._model.get_color(), cache=True,
+ size=style.STANDARD_ICON_SIZE)
+ icon.connect('activated', self._clicked_cb)
+ return icon
+ def _create_palette(self):
+ p_icon = Icon(file=self._model.get_icon_name(),
+ xo_color=self._model.get_color())
+ p_icon.props.icon_size = gtk.ICON_SIZE_LARGE_TOOLBAR
+ p = palette.Palette(None, primary_text=self._model.activity.props.name,
+ icon=p_icon)
+ private = self._model.activity.props.private
+ joined = self._model.activity.props.joined
+ if joined:
+ item = MenuItem(_('Resume'), 'activity-start')
+ item.connect('activate', self._clicked_cb)
+ item.show()
+ p.menu.append(item)
+ elif not private:
+ item = MenuItem(_('Join'), 'activity-start')
+ item.connect('activate', self._clicked_cb)
+ item.show()
+ p.menu.append(item)
+ return p
+ def _update_palette(self):
+ self._palette = self._create_palette()
+ self._icon.set_palette(self._palette)
+ def has_buddy_icon(self, key):
+ return self._icons.has_key(key)
+ def add_buddy_icon(self, key, icon):
+ self._icons[key] = icon
+ self._layout.add(icon)
+ def remove_buddy_icon(self, key):
+ icon = self._icons[key]
+ del self._icons[key]
+ icon.destroy()
+ def _clicked_cb(self, item):
+ bundle_id = self._model.get_bundle_id()
+ view.Shell.get_instance().join_activity(bundle_id, self._model.get_id())
+ def set_filter(self, query):
+ text_to_check = self._model.activity.props.name.lower() + \
+ self._model.activity.props.type.lower()
+ if text_to_check.find(query) == -1:
+ self._icon.props.stroke_color = '#D5D5D5'
+ self._icon.props.fill_color = style.COLOR_TRANSPARENT.get_svg()
+ else:
+ self._icon.props.xo_color = self._model.get_color()
+ for icon in self._icons.itervalues():
+ if hasattr(icon, 'set_filter'):
+ icon.set_filter(query)
+ def _name_changed_cb(self, activity, pspec):
+ self._update_palette()
+ def _color_changed_cb(self, activity, pspec):
+ self._layout.remove(self._icon)
+ self._icon = self._create_icon()
+ self._layout.add(self._icon, center=True)
+ self._icon.set_palette(self._palette)
+ def _private_changed_cb(self, activity, pspec):
+ self._update_palette()
+ def _joined_changed_cb(self, widget, event):
+ logging.debug('ActivityView._joined_changed_cb: AAAA!!!!')
+class MeshToolbar(gtk.Toolbar):
+ __gtype_name__ = 'MeshToolbar'
+ __gsignals__ = {
+ 'query-changed': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,
+ gobject.TYPE_NONE,
+ ([str]))
+ }
+ def __init__(self):
+ gtk.Toolbar.__init__(self)
+ self._query = None
+ self._autosearch_timer = None
+ self._add_separator()
+ tool_item = gtk.ToolItem()
+ self.insert(tool_item, -1)
+ tool_item.show()
+ self.search_entry = iconentry.IconEntry()
+ self.search_entry.set_icon_from_name(iconentry.ICON_ENTRY_PRIMARY,
+ 'system-search')
+ self.search_entry.add_clear_button()
+ self.search_entry.set_width_chars(25)
+ self.search_entry.connect('activate', self._entry_activated_cb)
+ self.search_entry.connect('changed', self._entry_changed_cb)
+ tool_item.add(self.search_entry)
+ self.search_entry.show()
+ self._add_separator(expand=True)
+ def _add_separator(self, expand=False):
+ separator = gtk.SeparatorToolItem()
+ separator.props.draw = False
+ if expand:
+ separator.set_expand(True)
+ else:
+ separator.set_size_request(style.GRID_CELL_SIZE,
+ self.insert(separator, -1)
+ separator.show()
+ def _entry_activated_cb(self, entry):
+ if self._autosearch_timer:
+ gobject.source_remove(self._autosearch_timer)
+ new_query = entry.props.text
+ if self._query != new_query:
+ self._query = new_query
+ self.emit('query-changed', self._query)
+ def _entry_changed_cb(self, entry):
+ if not entry.props.text:
+ entry.activate()
+ return
+ if self._autosearch_timer:
+ gobject.source_remove(self._autosearch_timer)
+ self._autosearch_timer = gobject.timeout_add(_AUTOSEARCH_TIMEOUT,
+ self._autosearch_timer_cb)
+ def _autosearch_timer_cb(self):
+ logging.debug('_autosearch_timer_cb')
+ self._autosearch_timer = None
+ self.search_entry.activate()
+ return False
+class MeshBox(gtk.VBox):
+ __gtype_name__ = 'SugarMeshBox'
+ def __init__(self):
+ gobject.GObject.__init__(self)
+ self._model = shellmodel.get_instance().get_mesh()
+ self._buddies = {}
+ self._activities = {}
+ self._access_points = {}
+ self._mesh = {}
+ self._buddy_to_activity = {}
+ self._suspended = True
+ self._query = ''
+ self._owner_icon = None
+ self._toolbar = MeshToolbar()
+ self._toolbar.connect('query-changed', self._toolbar_query_changed_cb)
+ self.pack_start(self._toolbar, expand=False)
+ self._toolbar.show()
+ canvas = hippo.Canvas()
+ self.add(canvas)
+ canvas.show()
+ self._layout_box = hippo.CanvasBox( \
+ background_color=style.COLOR_WHITE.get_int())
+ canvas.set_root(self._layout_box)
+ self._layout = SpreadLayout()
+ self._layout_box.set_layout(self._layout)
+ for buddy_model in self._model.get_buddies():
+ self._add_alone_buddy(buddy_model)
+ self._model.connect('buddy-added', self._buddy_added_cb)
+ self._model.connect('buddy-removed', self._buddy_removed_cb)
+ self._model.connect('buddy-moved', self._buddy_moved_cb)
+ for activity_model in self._model.get_activities():
+ self._add_activity(activity_model)
+ self._model.connect('activity-added', self._activity_added_cb)
+ self._model.connect('activity-removed', self._activity_removed_cb)
+ for ap_model in self._model.get_access_points():
+ self._add_access_point(ap_model)
+ self._model.connect('access-point-added',
+ self._access_point_added_cb)
+ self._model.connect('access-point-removed',
+ self._access_point_removed_cb)
+ if self._model.get_mesh():
+ self.__mesh_added_cb(self._model, self._model.get_mesh())
+ self._model.connect('mesh-added', self.__mesh_added_cb)
+ self._model.connect('mesh-removed', self.__mesh_removed_cb)
+ def __mesh_added_cb(self, model, meshdev):
+ self._add_mesh_icon(meshdev, 1)
+ self._add_mesh_icon(meshdev, 6)
+ self._add_mesh_icon(meshdev, 11)
+ def __mesh_removed_cb(self, model):
+ self._remove_mesh_icon(1)
+ self._remove_mesh_icon(6)
+ self._remove_mesh_icon(11)
+ def do_size_allocate(self, allocation):
+ width = allocation.width
+ height = allocation.height
+ min_w_, icon_width = self._owner_icon.get_width_request()
+ min_h_, icon_height = self._owner_icon.get_height_request(icon_width)
+ x = (width - icon_width) / 2
+ y = (height - icon_height) / 2 - style.GRID_CELL_SIZE
+ self._layout.move(self._owner_icon, x, y)
+ gtk.VBox.do_size_allocate(self, allocation)
+ def _buddy_added_cb(self, model, buddy_model):
+ self._add_alone_buddy(buddy_model)
+ def _buddy_removed_cb(self, model, buddy_model):
+ self._remove_buddy(buddy_model)
+ def _buddy_moved_cb(self, model, buddy_model, activity_model):
+ # Owner doesn't move from the center
+ if buddy_model.is_owner():
+ return
+ self._move_buddy(buddy_model, activity_model)
+ def _activity_added_cb(self, model, activity_model):
+ self._add_activity(activity_model)
+ def _activity_removed_cb(self, model, activity_model):
+ self._remove_activity(activity_model)
+ def _access_point_added_cb(self, model, ap_model):
+ self._add_access_point(ap_model)
+ def _access_point_removed_cb(self, model, ap_model):
+ self._remove_access_point(ap_model)
+ def _add_mesh_icon(self, meshdev, channel):
+ if self._mesh.has_key(channel):
+ self._remove_mesh_icon(channel)
+ if not meshdev:
+ return
+ self._mesh[channel] = MeshDeviceView(meshdev, channel)
+ self._layout.add(self._mesh[channel])
+ def _remove_mesh_icon(self, channel):
+ if not self._mesh.has_key(channel):
+ return
+ self._layout.remove(self._mesh[channel])
+ del self._mesh[channel]
+ def _add_alone_buddy(self, buddy_model):
+ icon = BuddyIcon(buddy_model)
+ if buddy_model.is_owner():
+ self._owner_icon = icon
+ self._layout.add(icon)
+ if hasattr(icon, 'set_filter'):
+ icon.set_filter(self._query)
+ self._buddies[buddy_model.get_buddy().object_path()] = icon
+ def _remove_alone_buddy(self, buddy_model):
+ icon = self._buddies[buddy_model.get_buddy().object_path()]
+ self._layout.remove(icon)
+ del self._buddies[buddy_model.get_buddy().object_path()]
+ icon.destroy()
+ def _remove_buddy(self, buddy_model):
+ object_path = buddy_model.get_buddy().object_path()
+ if self._buddies.has_key(object_path):
+ self._remove_alone_buddy(buddy_model)
+ else:
+ for activity in self._activities.values():
+ if activity.has_buddy_icon(object_path):
+ activity.remove_buddy_icon(object_path)
+ def _move_buddy(self, buddy_model, activity_model):
+ self._remove_buddy(buddy_model)
+ if activity_model == None:
+ self._add_alone_buddy(buddy_model)
+ elif activity_model.get_id() in self._activities:
+ activity = self._activities[activity_model.get_id()]
+ icon = BuddyIcon(buddy_model, style.STANDARD_ICON_SIZE)
+ activity.add_buddy_icon(buddy_model.get_buddy().object_path(), icon)
+ if hasattr(icon, 'set_filter'):
+ icon.set_filter(self._query)
+ def _add_activity(self, activity_model):
+ icon = ActivityView(activity_model)
+ self._layout.add(icon)
+ if hasattr(icon, 'set_filter'):
+ icon.set_filter(self._query)
+ self._activities[activity_model.get_id()] = icon
+ def _remove_activity(self, activity_model):
+ icon = self._activities[activity_model.get_id()]
+ self._layout.remove(icon)
+ del self._activities[activity_model.get_id()]
+ icon.destroy()
+ def _add_access_point(self, ap_model):
+ meshdev = self._model.get_mesh()
+ icon = AccessPointView(ap_model, meshdev)
+ self._layout.add(icon)
+ if hasattr(icon, 'set_filter'):
+ icon.set_filter(self._query)
+ self._access_points[ap_model.get_id()] = icon
+ def _remove_access_point(self, ap_model):
+ icon = self._access_points[ap_model.get_id()]
+ self._layout.remove(icon)
+ del self._access_points[ap_model.get_id()]
+ def suspend(self):
+ if not self._suspended:
+ self._suspended = True
+ for ap in self._access_points.values():
+ ap.props.paused = True
+ def resume(self):
+ if self._suspended:
+ self._suspended = False
+ for ap in self._access_points.values():
+ ap.props.paused = False
+ def _toolbar_query_changed_cb(self, toolbar, query):
+ self._query = query.lower()
+ for icon in self._layout_box.get_children():
+ if hasattr(icon, 'set_filter'):
+ icon.set_filter(self._query)
+ def focus_search_entry(self):
+ self._toolbar.search_entry.grab_focus()