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path: root/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_eclips_wrap.py
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1 files changed, 2888 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_eclips_wrap.py b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_eclips_wrap.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a36c13c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Desktop/dzialo/paste/HelloDoctor.activity/clips/_eclips_wrap.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2888 @@
+# _eclips_wrap.py
+# environment aware functions for CLIPS, embedded in an Environment class
+# (c) 2002-2008 Francesco Garosi/JKS
+# The Author's copyright is expressed through the following notice, thus
+# giving actual rights to copy and use this software to anyone, as expressed
+# in the license text.
+# This software is released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# license; a copy of the text has been released with this package (see file
+# license.py), and can be found on the GNU web site, at the following
+# address:
+# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html
+# Please refer to the license text for any license information. This notice
+# has to be considered part of the license, and should be kept on every copy
+# integral or modified, of the source files. The removal of the reference to
+# the license will be considered an infringement of the license itself.
+"""clips - high-level interface to the CLIPS engine module
+ (c) 2002-2008 Francesco Garosi/JKS
+# standard imports
+import sys as _sys
+import os as _os
+import types as _types
+# the low-level module
+import _clips as _c
+# ========================================================================== #
+# globals
+# bring the CLIPS Exception object at top level
+ClipsError = _c.ClipsError
+# redeclare manifest constants here in order to avoid having to
+# reference the ones defined in te low-level module _clips
+# check Python version, and issue an exception if not supported
+if _sys.version[:3] < "2.4":
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M99: Python 2.4 or higher required")
+# these globals are redefined instead of reimported for sake of speed
+# import adequate symbols from _clips_wrap
+from _clips_wrap import Nil, Integer, Float, String, Symbol, InstanceName, \
+ Multifield, _cl2py, _py2cl, _py2clsyntax, \
+ ClipsIntegerType, ClipsFloatType, ClipsStringType, \
+ ClipsSymbolType, ClipsInstanceNameType, \
+ ClipsMultifieldType, ClipsNilType, \
+ _setStockClasses, _accepts_method, _forces_method, \
+# environment class:
+class Environment(object):
+ """class representing an environment: implements all global classes"""
+ def Activation(self, private_environment):
+ environment_object = self
+ class Activation(object):
+ """high-level Activation class (represents: activation)"""
+ __env = private_environment
+ __envobject = environment_object
+ def __init__(self, o):
+ """create an Activation object (internal)"""
+ if _c.isActivation(o):
+ self.__activation = o
+ else:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M01: cannot directly create Activation")
+ def __str__(self):
+ """string form of Activation"""
+ return _c.env_getActivationName(self.__env, self.__activation)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """representation of Activation"""
+ return "<Activation '%s'>" % _c.env_getActivationName(self.__env, self.__activation)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle objects of type '%s'"
+ % self.__class__.__name__)
+ def Next(self):
+ """return next Activation"""
+ o = _c.env_getNextActivation(self.__env, self.__activation)
+ if o:
+ return self.__envobject.Activation(o)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def PPForm(self):
+ """return the pretty-print form of Activation"""
+ return _c.env_getActivationPPForm(self.__env, self.__activation)
+ def Remove(self):
+ """remove this Activation"""
+ _c.env_deleteActivation(self.__env, self.__activation)
+ def __property_getName(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.env_getActivationName(self.__env, self.__activation))
+ Name = property(__property_getName, None, None,
+ "retrieve Activation name")
+ def __property_setSalience(self, v):
+ _c.env_setActivationSalience(self.__env, self.__activation, v)
+ def __property_getSalience(self):
+ return _c.env_getActivationSalience(self.__env, self.__activation)
+ Salience = property(__property_getSalience, __property_setSalience,
+ None, "retrieve Activation salience")
+ return Activation
+ def Class(self, private_environment):
+ environment_object = self
+ class Class(object):
+ """high-level Class class (represents: defclass)"""
+ __env = private_environment
+ __envobject = environment_object
+ def __init__(self, o):
+ """create a Class object (internal)"""
+ if _c.isDefclass(o):
+ self.__defclass = o
+ else:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M01: cannot directly create Class")
+ class __class_Slots:
+ """define a structure for Class Slots"""
+ def __init__(self, o):
+ self.__defclass = o
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle class slots")
+ def Names(self):
+ """return the list of Slot names"""
+ rv = self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_classSlots(self.__env, self.__defclass, 1))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ def NamesDefined(self):
+ """return the list of Slot names"""
+ rv = self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_classSlots(self.__env, self.__defclass, 0))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def AllowedValues(self, name):
+ """return allowed values for specified Slot"""
+ rv = self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_slotAllowedValues(self.__env, self.__defclass, name))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def AllowedClasses(self, name):
+ """return allowed classes for specified Slot"""
+ rv = self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_slotAllowedClasses(self.__env, self.__defclass, name))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def Cardinality(self, name):
+ """return cardinality for specified Slot"""
+ rv = self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_slotCardinality(self.__env, self.__defclass, name))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def DefaultValue(self, name):
+ """return default value for specified Slot"""
+ rv = self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_slotDefaultValue(self.__env, self.__defclass, name))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def Facets(self, name):
+ """return facet values for specified Slot"""
+ rv = self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_slotFacets(self.__env, self.__defclass, name))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def Range(self, name):
+ """return numeric range information of specified Slot"""
+ rv = self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_slotRange(self.__env, self.__defclass, name))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def Sources(self, name):
+ """return source class names for specified Slot"""
+ rv = self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_slotSources(self.__env, self.__defclass, name))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def Types(self, name):
+ """return names of primitive types for specified Slot"""
+ rv = self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_slotTypes(self.__env, self.__defclass, name))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def HasDirectAccess(self, name):
+ """return True if specified Slot is directly accessible"""
+ return bool(_c.env_slotDirectAccessP(self.__env, self.__defclass, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def Exists(self, name):
+ """return True if specified Slot exists or is inherited"""
+ return bool(_c.env_slotExistP(self.__env, self.__defclass, name, 1))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def ExistsDefined(self, name):
+ """return True if specified Slot is defined in this Class"""
+ return bool(_c.env_slotExistP(self.__env, self.__defclass, name, 0))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def IsInitable(self, name):
+ """return True if specified Slot is initable"""
+ return bool(_c.env_slotInitableP(self.__env, self.__defclass, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def IsPublic(self, name):
+ """return True if specified Slot is public"""
+ return bool(_c.env_slotPublicP(self.__env, self.__defclass, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def IsWritable(self, name):
+ """return True if specified Slot is writable"""
+ return bool(_c.env_slotWritableP(self.__env, self.__defclass, name))
+ self.__Slots = __class_Slots(self.__defclass)
+ try:
+ self.__Slots._class_Slots__env = self.__env
+ except AttributeError: pass
+ try:
+ self.__Slots._class_Slots__envobject = self.__envobject
+ except AttributeError: pass
+ def __str__(self):
+ """string form of Class"""
+ return _c.env_getDefclassName(self.__env, self.__defclass)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """representation of Class"""
+ s = repr(self.__defclass)[1:-1]
+ return "<Class '%s': %s>" % (
+ _c.env_getDefclassName(self.__env, self.__defclass), s)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle objects of type '%s'"
+ % self.__class__.__name__)
+ def Next(self):
+ """return next Class"""
+ o = _c.env_getNextDefclass(self.__env, self.__defclass)
+ if o:
+ return self.__envobject.Class(o)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def PPForm(self):
+ """return the pretty-print form of Class"""
+ return _c.env_getDefclassPPForm(self.__env, self.__defclass)
+ def Description(self):
+ """return a summary of Class description"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_describeClass(self.__env, "temporary", self.__defclass)
+ return _c.routerRead("temporary").strip()
+ def IsSubclassOf(self, o):
+ """test whether this Class is a subclass of specified Class"""
+ return bool(_c.env_subclassP(self.__env, self.__defclass, o.__defclass))
+ def IsSuperclassOf(self, o):
+ """test whether this Class is a superclass of specified Class"""
+ return bool(_c.env_superclassP(self.__env, self.__defclass, o.__defclass))
+ def Subclasses(self, inherit=True):
+ """return the names of subclasses"""
+ return Multifield(
+ self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_classSubclasses(self.__env, self.__defclass, inherit)))
+ def Superclasses(self, inherit=True):
+ """return the names of superclasses"""
+ return Multifield(
+ self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_classSuperclasses(self.__env, self.__defclass, inherit)))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def RawInstance(self, name):
+ """create an empty Instance of this Class with specified name"""
+ return self.__envobject.Instance(_c.env_createRawInstance(self.__env, self.__defclass, name))
+ def InitialInstance(self):
+ """return initial Instance of this Class"""
+ try:
+ return self.__envobject.Instance(_c.env_getNextInstanceInClass(self.__env, self.__defclass))
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Instance")
+ def NextInstance(self, instance):
+ """return next Instance of this Class"""
+ i = _c.env_getNextInstanceInClass(self.__env,
+ self.__defclass, instance._Instance__instance)
+ if _c.isInstance(i):
+ return self.__envobject.Instance(i)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def InitialSubclassInstance(self):
+ """return initial instance of this Class and subclasses"""
+ try:
+ return self.__envobject.Instance(_c.env_getNextInstanceInClassAndSubclasses(self.__env,
+ self.__defclass))
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Instance")
+ def NextSubclassInstance(self, instance):
+ """return next instance of this Class and subclasses"""
+ i = _c.env_getNextInstanceInClassAndSubclasses(self.__env,
+ self.__defclass, instance._Instance__instance)
+ if _c.isInstance(i):
+ return self.__envobject.Instance(i)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def Remove(self):
+ """remove this Class"""
+ _c.env_undefclass(self.__env, self.__defclass)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), (str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, str, None)
+ def BuildSubclass(self, name, text="", comment=None):
+ """build a subclass of this Class with specified name and body"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ clname = _c.env_getDefclassName(self.__env, self.__defclass)
+ cltext = "(is-a %s)" % clname + text
+ construct = "(defclass %s %s %s)" % (name, cmtstr, cltext)
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, construct)
+ return self.__envobject.Class(_c.env_findDefclass(self.__env, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), (str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str, str)
+ def BuildInstance(self, name, overrides=""):
+ """build an instance of this class overriding specified slots"""
+ clname = _c.env_getDefclassName(self.__env, self.__defclass)
+ cmdstr = "(%s of %s %s)" % (name, clname, overrides)
+ return self.__envobject.Instance(_c.env_makeInstance(self.__env, cmdstr))
+ def __property_getName(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.env_getDefclassName(self.__env, self.__defclass))
+ Name = property(__property_getName, None, None, "retrieve Class name")
+ def __property_getModule(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.env_defclassModule(self.__env, self.__defclass))
+ Module = property(__property_getModule, None, None,
+ "retrieve Class Module name")
+ def __property_getDeletable(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_isDefclassDeletable(self.__env, self.__defclass))
+ Deletable = property(__property_getDeletable, None, None,
+ "verify if this Class can be deleted")
+ def __property_getAbstract(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_classAbstractP(self.__env, self.__defclass))
+ Abstract = property(__property_getAbstract, None, None,
+ "verify if this Class is abstract or not")
+ def __property_getReactive(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_classReactiveP(self.__env, self.__defclass))
+ Reactive = property(__property_getReactive, None, None,
+ "verify if this Class is reactive or not")
+ def __property_setWatchSlots(self, v):
+ _c.env_setDefclassWatchSlots(self.__env, v, self.__defclass)
+ def __property_getWatchSlots(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getDefclassWatchSlots(self.__env, self.__defclass))
+ WatchSlots = property(__property_getWatchSlots, __property_setWatchSlots,
+ None, "set/retrieve Slot debug status")
+ def __property_setWatchInstances(self, v):
+ _c.env_setDefclassWatchInstances(self.__env, v, self.__defclass)
+ def __property_getWatchInstances(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getDefclassWatchInstances(self.__env, self.__defclass))
+ WatchInstances = property(__property_getWatchInstances,
+ __property_setWatchInstances,
+ None, "set/retrieve Instance debug status")
+ def __property_getSlots(self): return self.__Slots
+ Slots = property(__property_getSlots, None, None,
+ "Class Slots information")
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), (str, unicode), (str, unicode), None, None)
+ @_forces_method(str, str, str, None, None)
+ def AddMessageHandler(self, name, args, text, htype=PRIMARY, comment=None):
+ """build a MessageHandler for this class with arguments and body"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ htype = htype.lower()
+ if not htype in (AROUND, BEFORE, PRIMARY, AFTER):
+ raise ValueError("htype must be AROUND, BEFORE, PRIMARY or AFTER")
+ if type(args) in (tuple, list):
+ sargs = " ".join(args)
+ elif args is None:
+ sargs = ""
+ else:
+ sargs = str(args)
+ hclass = _c.env_getDefclassName(self.__env, self.__defclass)
+ construct = "(defmessage-handler %s %s %s %s (%s) %s)" % (
+ hclass, name, htype, cmtstr, sargs, text)
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, construct)
+ return _c.env_findDefmessageHandler(self.__env, self.__defclass, name, htype)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, None)
+ def MessageHandlerIndex(self, name, htype=PRIMARY):
+ """find the specified MessageHandler"""
+ htype = htype.lower()
+ return _c.env_findDefmessageHandler(self.__env, self.__defclass, name, htype)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "htype must be in AROUND, BEFORE, PRIMARY, AFTER")
+ def MessageHandlerName(self, index):
+ """return name of specified MessageHandler"""
+ return Symbol(_c.env_getDefmessageHandlerName(self.__env, self.__defclass, index))
+ def MessageHandlerPPForm(self, index):
+ """return the pretty-print form of specified MessageHandler"""
+ return _c.env_getDefmessageHandlerPPForm(self.__env, self.__defclass, index)
+ def MessageHandlerType(self, index):
+ """return type of specified MessageHandler"""
+ return _c.env_getDefmessageHandlerType(self.__env, self.__defclass, index)
+ def MessageHandlerWatched(self, index):
+ """return watch status of specified MessageHandler"""
+ return bool(_c.env_getDefmessageHandlerWatch(self.__env, self.__defclass, index))
+ def MessageHandlerDeletable(self, index):
+ """return True if specified MessageHandler can be deleted"""
+ return bool(_c.env_isDefmessageHandlerDeletable(self.__env, self.__defclass, index))
+ def NextMessageHandlerIndex(self, index):
+ """return index of next MessageHandler wrt. specified"""
+ return _c.env_getNextDefmessageHandler(self.__env, self.__defclass, index)
+ def RemoveMessageHandler(self, index):
+ """remove the specified MessageHandler"""
+ return _c.env_undefmessageHandler(self.__env, self.__defclass, index)
+ def WatchMessageHandler(self, index):
+ """watch specified MessageHandler"""
+ return _c.env_setDefmessageHandlerWatch(self.__env, True, self.__defclass, index)
+ def UnwatchMessageHandler(self, index):
+ """unwatch specified MessageHandler"""
+ return _c.env_setDefmessageHandlerWatch(self.__env, False, self.__defclass, index)
+ def MessageHandlerList(self):
+ """return list of MessageHandler constructs of this Class"""
+ o = _c.env_getDefmessageHandlerList(self.__env, self.__defclass, False)
+ li, rv = Multifield(self.__envobject._cl2py(o)), []
+ l = len(li) / 3
+ for x in range(0, l):
+ rv.append(Multifield([li[x * 3], li[x * 3 + 1], li[x * 3 + 2]]))
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ def AllMessageHandlerList(self):
+ """return list of MessageHandlers of this Class and superclasses"""
+ o = _c.env_getDefmessageHandlerList(self.__env, self.__defclass, True)
+ li, rv = Multifield(self.__envobject._cl2py(o)), []
+ l = len(li) / 3
+ for x in range(0, l):
+ rv.append(Multifield([li[x * 3], li[x * 3 + 1], li[x * 3 + 2]]))
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ def PrintMessageHandlers(self):
+ """print list of all MessageHandlers of this Class"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listDefmessageHandlers(self.__env, "temporary", self.__defclass)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def PrintAllMessageHandlers(self):
+ """print list of MessageHandlers of this Class and superclasses"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listDefmessageHandlers(self.__env, "temporary", self.__defclass, 1)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def PreviewSend(self, msgname):
+ """print list of MessageHandlers suitable for specified message"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_previewSend(self.__env, "temporary", self.__defclass, msgname)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ return Class
+ def Deffacts(self, private_environment):
+ environment_object = self
+ class Deffacts(object):
+ """high-level Deffacts class (represents: deffacts)"""
+ __env = private_environment
+ __envobject = environment_object
+ def __init__(self, o):
+ """create a Deffacts object (internal)"""
+ if _c.isDeffacts(o):
+ self.__deffacts = o
+ else:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M01: cannot directly create Deffacts")
+ def __str__(self):
+ """string form of Deffacts"""
+ return _c.env_getDeffactsName(self.__env, self.__deffacts)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """representation of Deffacts"""
+ s = repr(self.__deffacts)[1:-1]
+ return "<Deffacts '%s': %s>" % (
+ _c.env_getDeffactsName(self.__env, self.__deffacts), s)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle objects of type '%s'"
+ % self.__class__.__name__)
+ def Next(self):
+ """return next Deffacts"""
+ o = _c.env_getNextDeffacts(self.__env, self.__deffacts)
+ if(o):
+ return self.__envobject.Deffacts(o)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def PPForm(self):
+ """return the pretty-print form of Deffacts"""
+ return _c.env_getDeffactsPPForm(self.__env, self.__deffacts)
+ def Remove(self):
+ """remove Deffacts"""
+ _c.env_undeffacts(self.__env, self.__deffacts)
+ def __property_getName(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.env_getDeffactsName(self.__env, self.__deffacts))
+ Name = property(__property_getName, None, None, "retrieve Deffacts name")
+ def __property_getModule(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.env_deffactsModule(self.__env, self.__deffacts))
+ Module = property(__property_getModule, None, None,
+ "retrieve Deffacts Module name")
+ def __property_getDeletable(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_isDeffactsDeletable(self.__env, self.__deffacts))
+ Deletable = property(__property_getDeletable, None, None,
+ "verify if this Deffacts can be deleted")
+ return Deffacts
+ def Definstances(self, private_environment):
+ environment_object = self
+ class Definstances(object):
+ """high-level Definstances class (represents: definstances)"""
+ __env = private_environment
+ __envobject = environment_object
+ def __init__(self, o):
+ """create a Definstances object (internal)"""
+ if _c.isDefinstances(o): self.__definstances = o
+ else: raise _c.ClipsError("M01: cannot directly create Definstances")
+ def __str__(self):
+ """string form of Definstances"""
+ return _c.env_getDefinstancesName(self.__env, self.__definstances)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """representation of Definstances"""
+ s = repr(self.__definstances)[1:-1]
+ return "<Definstances '%s': %s>" % (
+ _c.env_getDefinstancesName(self.__env, self.__definstances), s)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle objects of type '%s'"
+ % self.__class__.__name__)
+ def Next(self):
+ """return next Definstances"""
+ o = _c.env_getNextDefinstances(self.__env, self.__definstances)
+ if o:
+ return self.__envobject.Definstances(o)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def PPForm(self):
+ """return the pretty-print form of Definstances"""
+ return _c.env_getDefinstancesPPForm(self.__env, self.__definstances)
+ def Remove(self):
+ """delete this Definstances object"""
+ _c.env_undefinstances(self.__env, self.__definstances)
+ def __property_getModule(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.env_definstancesModule(self.__env, self.__definstances))
+ Module = property(__property_getModule, None, None,
+ "retrieve Definstances module")
+ def __property_getName(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.env_getDefinstancesName(self.__env, self.__definstances))
+ Name = property(__property_getName, None, None,
+ "retrieve Definstances name")
+ def __property_getDeletable(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_isDefinstancesDeletable(self.__env, self.__definstances))
+ Deletable = property(__property_getDeletable, None, None,
+ "verify if this Definstances can be deleted")
+ return Definstances
+ def Fact(self, private_environment):
+ environment_object = self
+ class Fact(object):
+ """high-level Fact class (represents: fact)"""
+ __env = private_environment
+ __envobject = environment_object
+ def __init__(self, o):
+ """create a Fact object"""
+ class __fact_Slots:
+ """access fact Slots"""
+ def __init__(self, fo):
+ self.__fact = fo
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, None)
+ def __setitem__(self, name, v):
+ _c.env_putFactSlot(self.__env, self.__fact, name, self.__envobject._py2cl(v))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def __getitem__(self, name):
+ if not name:
+ return self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_getFactSlot(self.__env, self.__fact))
+ else:
+ return self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_getFactSlot(self.__env, self.__fact, name))
+ def keys(self):
+ return self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_factSlotNames(self.__env, self.__fact))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def has_key(self, k):
+ return k in map(str, self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_factSlotNames(self.__env, self.__fact)))
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<Fact '%s' Slots>" \
+ % _c.env_getFactPPForm(self.__env, self.__fact).split()[0]
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle fact slots")
+ if _c.isFact(o):
+ self.__fact = o
+ elif '_Fact__fact' in dir(o) and _c.isFact(o.__fact):
+ self.__fact = o.__fact
+ elif _c.isDeftemplate(o):
+ self.__fact = _c.env_createFact(self.__env, o)
+ elif '_Template__deftemplate' in dir(o) and \
+ _c.isDeftemplate(o._Template__deftemplate):
+ self.__fact = _c.env_createFact(self.__env, o._Template__deftemplate)
+ elif type(o) == str:
+ try:
+ self.__fact = _c.env_assertString(self.__env, o)
+ except:
+ raise ValueError("invalid assertion string")
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("argument should be Fact, Template or str")
+ self.__Slots = __fact_Slots(self.__fact)
+ try:
+ self.__Slots._fact_Slots__env = self.__env
+ except AttributeError: pass
+ try:
+ self.__Slots._fact_Slots__envobject = self.__envobject
+ except AttributeError: pass
+ def __str__(self):
+ """string form of Fact"""
+ return _c.env_getFactPPForm(self.__env, self.__fact).split()[0]
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """representation of Fact"""
+ s = repr(self.__fact)[1:-1]
+ return "<Fact '%s': %s>" % (
+ _c.env_getFactPPForm(self.__env, self.__fact).split()[0], s)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError(
+ "M03: cannot pickle objects of type '%s'"
+ % self.__class__.__name__)
+ def Assert(self):
+ """assert this Fact"""
+ self.__fact = _c.env_assertFact(self.__env, self.__fact)
+ def Retract(self):
+ """retract this Fact"""
+ _c.env_retract(self.__env, self.__fact)
+ def AssignSlotDefaults(self):
+ """assign Fact Slot defaults"""
+ _c.env_assignFactSlotDefaults(self.__env, self.__fact)
+ def Next(self):
+ """return next Fact"""
+ o = _c.env_getNextFact(self.__env, self.__fact)
+ if(o):
+ return self.__envobject.Fact(o)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def PPForm(self):
+ """return the pretty-print form of Fact"""
+ return _c.env_getFactPPForm(self.__env, self.__fact)
+ def PPrint(self, ignoredefaults=True):
+ """pretty-print fact, possibly including slot default values"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_ppFact(self.__env, self.__fact, "temporary", ignoredefaults)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def CleanPPForm(self):
+ """return the pretty-print form of Fact"""
+ return _c.env_getFactPPForm(self.__env, self.__fact).split(None, 1)[1].strip()
+ def __property_getRelation(self):
+ return Symbol(
+ _c.env_getFactPPForm(self.__env, self.__fact).split(
+ None, 1)[1].strip()[1:-1].split(None, 1)[0])
+ Relation = property(__property_getRelation, None, None,
+ "fact relation symbol")
+ def __property_getImpliedSlots(self):
+ try:
+ mli = self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_getFactSlot(self.__env, self.__fact))
+ except:
+ mli = Multifield([])
+ return mli
+ ImpliedSlots = property(__property_getImpliedSlots, None, None,
+ "list of implied Slots")
+ def __property_getIndex(self):
+ return _c.env_factIndex(self.__env, self.__fact)
+ Index = property(__property_getIndex, None, None, "index of this Fact")
+ def __property_getSlots(self):
+ return self.__Slots
+ Slots = property(__property_getSlots, None, None,
+ """Fact Slots dictionary""")
+ def __property_getTemplate(self):
+ return self.__envobject.Template(_c.env_factDeftemplate(self.__env, self.__fact))
+ Template = property(__property_getTemplate, None, None,
+ """Template for this Fact""")
+ def __property_getExists(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_factExistp(self.__env, self.__fact))
+ Exists = property(__property_getExists, None, None,
+ "determine if Fact has been asserted and not retracted")
+ return Fact
+ def Function(self, private_environment):
+ environment_object = self
+ class Function(object):
+ """high-level Function class (represents: deffunction)"""
+ __env = private_environment
+ __envobject = environment_object
+ def __init__(self, o):
+ """create a Function object (internal)"""
+ if _c.isDeffunction(o):
+ self.__deffunction = o
+ else:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M01: cannot directly create Function")
+ def __str__(self):
+ """string form of Function"""
+ return _c.env_getDeffunctionName(self.__env, self.__deffunction)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """representation of Function"""
+ s = repr(self.__deffunction)[1:-1]
+ return "<Function '%s': %s>" % (
+ _c.env_getDeffunctionName(self.__env, self.__deffunction), s)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle objects of type '%s'"
+ % self.__class__.__name__)
+ def Next(self):
+ """return next Function"""
+ o = _c.env_getNextDeffunction(self.__env, self.__deffunction)
+ if o:
+ return self.__envobject.Function(o)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def PPForm(self):
+ """return the pretty-print form of Function"""
+ return _c.env_getDeffunctionPPForm(self.__env, self.__deffunction)
+ def Remove(self):
+ """remove this Function"""
+ _c.env_undeffunction(self.__env, self.__deffunction)
+ def Call(self, *args):
+ """call this Function with given arguments"""
+ func = _c.env_getDeffunctionName(self.__env, self.__deffunction)
+ if args:
+ if(len(args) == 1 and type(args[0]) == str):
+ sargs = args[0]
+ else:
+ li = []
+ for x in args:
+ t1 = type(x)
+ if t1 in (ClipsIntegerType, ClipsFloatType,
+ ClipsStringType, ClipsSymbolType, ClipsNilType,
+ ClipsInstanceNameType, ClipsMultifieldType):
+ li.append(_py2clsyntax(x))
+ elif t1 in (int, long):
+ li.append(Integer(x).clsyntax())
+ elif t1 == float:
+ li.append(Float(x).clsyntax())
+ elif t1 in (str, unicode):
+ li.append(String(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, int):
+ li.append(Integer(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, long):
+ li.append(Integer(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, float):
+ li.append(Float(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, str):
+ li.append(String(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, unicode):
+ li.append(String(x).clsyntax())
+ else:
+ li.append(str(x))
+ sargs = " ".join(li)
+ return self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_functionCall(self.__env, func, sargs))
+ else:
+ return self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_functionCall(self.__env, func))
+ __call__ = Call
+ def __property_getName(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.env_getDeffunctionName(self.__env, self.__deffunction))
+ Name = property(__property_getName, None, None, "retrieve Function name")
+ def __property_getModule(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.env_deffunctionModule(self.__env, self.__deffunction))
+ Module = property(__property_getModule, None, None,
+ "retrieve Function Module name")
+ def __property_getDeletable(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_isDeffunctionDeletable(self.__env, self.__deffunction))
+ Deletable = property(__property_getDeletable, None, None,
+ "verify if this Function can be deleted")
+ def __property_setWatch(self, v):
+ _c.env_setDeffunctionWatch(self.__env, v, self.__deffunction)
+ def __property_getWatch(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getDeffunctionWatch(self.__env, self.__deffunction))
+ Watch = property(__property_getWatch, __property_setWatch,
+ None, "set/retrieve Function debug status")
+ return Function
+ def Generic(self, private_environment):
+ environment_object = self
+ class Generic(object):
+ """high-level Generic class (represents: defgeneric)"""
+ __env = private_environment
+ __envobject = environment_object
+ def __init__(self, o):
+ """create a Generic function object (internal)"""
+ if _c.isDefgeneric(o):
+ self.__defgeneric = o
+ else:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M01: cannot directly create Generic")
+ def __str__(self):
+ """string form of Generic"""
+ return _c.env_getDefgenericName(self.__env, self.__defgeneric)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """representation of Generic"""
+ s = repr(self.__defgeneric)[1:-1]
+ return "<Generic '%s': %s>" % (
+ _c.env_getDefgenericName(self.__env, self.__defgeneric), s)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle objects of type '%s'"
+ % self.__class__.__name__)
+ def Next(self):
+ """return next Generic"""
+ o = _c.env_getNextDefgeneric(self.__env, self.__defgeneric)
+ if o:
+ return self.__envobject.Generic(o)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def PPForm(self):
+ """return the pretty-print form of Generic"""
+ return _c.env_getDefgenericPPForm(self.__env, self.__defgeneric)
+ def Remove(self):
+ """remove this Generic"""
+ _c.env_undefgeneric(self.__env, self.__defgeneric)
+ def Call(self, *args):
+ """call this Generic with given arguments"""
+ func = _c.env_getDefgenericName(self.__env, self.__defgeneric)
+ if args:
+ if(len(args) == 1 and type(args[0]) in (str, unicode)):
+ sargs = str(args[0])
+ else:
+ li = []
+ for x in args:
+ t1 = type(x)
+ if t1 in (ClipsIntegerType, ClipsFloatType,
+ ClipsStringType, ClipsSymbolType, ClipsNilType,
+ ClipsInstanceNameType, ClipsMultifieldType):
+ li.append(_py2clsyntax(x))
+ elif t1 in (int, long):
+ li.append(Integer(int(x)).clsyntax())
+ elif t1 == float:
+ li.append(Float(x).clsyntax())
+ elif t1 in (str, unicode):
+ li.append(String(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, int):
+ li.append(Integer(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, long):
+ li.append(Integer(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, float):
+ li.append(Float(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, str):
+ li.append(String(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, unicode):
+ li.append(String(x).clsyntax())
+ else:
+ li.append(str(x))
+ sargs = " ".join(li)
+ return self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_functionCall(self.__env, func, sargs))
+ else:
+ return self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_functionCall(self.__env, func))
+ __call__ = Call
+ def __property_getName(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.env_getDefgenericName(self.__env, self.__defgeneric))
+ Name = property(__property_getName, None, None, "retrieve Generic name")
+ def __property_getModule(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.env_defgenericModule(self.__env, self.__defgeneric))
+ Module = property(__property_getModule, None, None,
+ "retrieve Generic Module name")
+ def __property_getDeletable(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_isDefgenericDeletable(self.__env, self.__defgeneric))
+ Deletable = property(__property_getDeletable, None, None,
+ "verify if this Generic can be deleted")
+ def __property_setWatch(self, v):
+ _c.env_setDefgenericWatch(self.__env, v, self.__defgeneric)
+ def __property_getWatch(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getDefgenericWatch(self.__env, self.__defgeneric))
+ Watch = property(__property_getWatch, __property_setWatch,
+ None, "set/retrieve Generic debug status")
+ def MethodList(self):
+ """return the list of Method indices for this Generic"""
+ o = _c.env_getDefmethodList(self.__env, self.__defgeneric)
+ li, mli = Multifield(self.__envobject._cl2py(o)), Multifield([])
+ l = len(li) / 2
+ for x in range(0, l):
+ mli.append(li[2 * x + 1])
+ return mli
+ def MethodDescription(self, midx):
+ """return the synopsis of specified Method restrictions"""
+ return _c.env_getDefmethodDescription(self.__env, midx, self.__defgeneric)
+ def MethodPPForm(self, midx):
+ """return the pretty-print form of specified Method"""
+ return _c.env_getDefmethodPPForm(self.__env, midx, self.__defgeneric)
+ def MethodRestrictions(self, midx):
+ """return the restrictions of specified Method"""
+ return Multifield(
+ self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_getMethodRestrictions(self.__env, midx, self.__defgeneric)))
+ def InitialMethod(self):
+ """return the index of first Method in this Generic"""
+ try:
+ return _c.env_getNextDefmethod(self.__env, 0, self.__defgeneric)
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Method")
+ def NextMethod(self, midx):
+ """return the index of next Method in this Generic"""
+ return _c.env_getNextDefmethod(self.__env, midx, self.__defgeneric)
+ def PrintMethods(self):
+ """print out Method list for this Generic"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listDefmethods(self.__env, "temporary", self.__defgeneric)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ @_accepts_method(None, None, (int, long), None)
+ def AddMethod(self, restrictions, actions, midx=None, comment=None):
+ """Add a method to this Generic, given restrictions and actions"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ if midx:
+ indstr = str(midx)
+ else:
+ indstr = ""
+ if type(restrictions) in (tuple, list):
+ rstr = ""
+ for x in restrictions:
+ if type(x) not in (tuple, str, unicode):
+ raise TypeError("tuple or string expected as restriction")
+ if type(x) == str:
+ rstr += "(%s)" % x
+ elif type(x) == unicode:
+ rstr += "(%s)" % str(x)
+ else:
+ if len(x) < 2:
+ raise ValueError("tuple must be at least a pair")
+ v1, v2 = str(x[0]), []
+ for y in range(1, len(x)):
+ z = x[y]
+ if z == str:
+ v2.append("STRING")
+ elif z == ClipsStringType:
+ v2.append("STRING")
+ elif z == ClipsSymbolType:
+ v2.append("SYMBOL")
+ elif z == ClipsInstanceNameType:
+ v2.append("INSTANCE-NAME")
+ elif z == int:
+ v2.append("INTEGER")
+ elif z == ClipsIntegerType:
+ v2.append("INTEGER")
+ elif z == float:
+ v2.append("FLOAT")
+ elif z == ClipsFloatType:
+ v2.append("FLOAT")
+ elif z == list:
+ v2.append("MULTIFIELD")
+ elif z == ClipsMultifieldType:
+ v2.append("MULTIFIELD")
+ elif type(z) == str:
+ v2.append(z)
+ elif type(z) == unicode:
+ v2.append(str(z))
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("unexpected value '%s'" % z)
+ rstr += "(%s %s)" % (v1, " ".join(v2))
+ elif type(restrictions) == str:
+ rstr = restrictions
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("tuple or string expected as restriction")
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, "(defmethod %s %s %s (%s) %s)" % (
+ self.Name, indstr, cmtstr, rstr, actions))
+ def RemoveMethod(self, midx):
+ """remove specified Method"""
+ _c.env_undefmethod(self.__env, midx, self.__defgeneric)
+ def WatchMethod(self, midx):
+ """activate watch on specified Method"""
+ _c.env_setDefmethodWatch(self.__env, True, midx, self.__defgeneric)
+ def UnwatchMethod(self, midx):
+ """deactivate watch on specified Method"""
+ _c.env_setDefmethodWatch(self.__env, False, midx, self.__defgeneric)
+ def MethodWatched(self, midx):
+ """test whether or not specified Method is being watched"""
+ return bool(_c.env_getDefmethodWatch(self.__env, midx, self.__defgeneric))
+ def MethodDeletable(self, midx):
+ """test whether or not specified Method can be deleted"""
+ return bool(_c.env_isDefmethodDeletable(self.__env, midx, self.__defgeneric))
+ return Generic
+ def Global(self, private_environment):
+ environment_object = self
+ class Global(object):
+ """high-level Global class (represents: defglobal)"""
+ __env = private_environment
+ __envobject = environment_object
+ def __init__(self, o):
+ """create a Global object (internal)"""
+ if _c.isDefglobal(o):
+ self.__defglobal = o
+ else:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M01: cannot directly create Global")
+ def __str__(self):
+ """string form of Global"""
+ return _c.env_getDefglobalName(self.__env, self.__defglobal)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """representation of Global"""
+ s = repr(self.__defglobal)[1:-1]
+ return "<Global '%s': %s>" % (
+ _c.env_getDefglobalName(self.__env, self.__defglobal), s)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle objects of type '%s'"
+ % self.__class__.__name__)
+ def Next(self):
+ """return next Global"""
+ o = _c.env_getNextDefglobal(self.__env, self.__defglobal)
+ if o:
+ return self.__envobject.Global(o)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def PPForm(self):
+ """return the pretty-print form of Global"""
+ return _c.env_getDefglobalPPForm(self.__env, self.__defglobal)
+ def ValueForm(self):
+ """return a 'printed' form of Global value"""
+ return _c.env_getDefglobalValueForm(self.__env, self.__defglobal)
+ def Remove(self):
+ """remove this Global"""
+ _c.env_undefglobal(self.__env, self.__defglobal)
+ def __property_getName(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.env_getDefglobalName(self.__env, self.__defglobal))
+ Name = property(__property_getName, None, None, "retrieve Global name")
+ def __property_getModule(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.env_defglobalModule(self.__env, self.__defglobal))
+ Module = property(__property_getModule, None, None,
+ "retrieve Global Module name")
+ def __property_setValue(self, v):
+ _c.env_setDefglobalValue(self.__env, self.Name, self.__envobject._py2cl(v))
+ def __property_getValue(self):
+ return self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_getDefglobalValue(self.__env, self.Name))
+ Value = property(__property_getValue, __property_setValue,
+ None, "set/retrieve Global value")
+ def __property_getDeletable(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_isDefglobalDeletable(self.__env, self.__defglobal))
+ Deletable = property(__property_getDeletable, None, None,
+ "verify if this Global can be deleted")
+ def __property_setWatch(self, v):
+ _c.env_setDefglobalWatch(self.__env, v, self.__defglobal)
+ def __property_getWatch(self):
+ return _c.env_getDefglobalWatch(self.__env, self.__defglobal)
+ Watch = property(__property_getWatch, __property_setWatch,
+ None, "set/retrieve Global debug status")
+ return Global
+ def Instance(self, private_environment):
+ environment_object = self
+ class Instance(object):
+ """high-level Instance class (represents: instance)"""
+ __env = private_environment
+ __envobject = environment_object
+ def __init__(self, o):
+ """create an Instance object (internal)"""
+ class __instance_Slots:
+ """access instance Slots"""
+ def __init__(self, io):
+ self.__instance = io
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, None)
+ def __setitem__(self, name, v):
+ _c.env_directPutSlot(self.__env, self.__instance, name, self.__envobject._py2cl(v))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def __getitem__(self, name):
+ return self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_directGetSlot(self.__env, self.__instance, name))
+ def keys(self):
+ return map(
+ str, list(self.__envobject.Instance(self.__instance).Class.Slots.Names()))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def has_key(self, k):
+ return bool(
+ k in map(str, list(
+ self.__envobject.Instance(self.__instance).Class.Slots.Names())))
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<Instance [%s] Slots>" \
+ % _c.env_getInstanceName(self.__env, self.__instance)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle instance slots")
+ if _c.isInstance(o): self.__instance = o
+ else:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M01: cannot directly create Instance")
+ self.__Slots = __instance_Slots(self.__instance)
+ try:
+ self.__Slots._instance_Slots__env = self.__env
+ except AttributeError: pass
+ try:
+ self.__Slots._instance_Slots__envobject = self.__envobject
+ except AttributeError: pass
+ def __str__(self):
+ """string form of Instance"""
+ return _c.env_getInstanceName(self.__env, self.__instance)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """representation of Instance"""
+ s = repr(self.__instance)[1:-1]
+ return "<Instance [%s]: %s>" % (
+ _c.env_getInstanceName(self.__env, self.__instance), s)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle objects of type '%s'"
+ % self.__class__.__name__)
+ def Next(self):
+ """return next Instance"""
+ o = _c.env_getNextInstance(self.__env, self.__instance)
+ if o:
+ return self.__envobject.Instance(o)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def PPForm(self):
+ """return the pretty-print form of Instance"""
+ return _c.env_getInstancePPForm(self.__env, self.__instance)
+ def IsValid(self):
+ """determine if this Instance is still valid"""
+ return bool(_c.env_validInstanceAddress(self.__env, self.__instance))
+ def Remove(self):
+ """remove this Instance"""
+ _c.env_unmakeInstance(self.__env, self.__instance)
+ def DirectRemove(self):
+ """directly remove this Instance"""
+ _c.env_deleteInstance(self.__env, self.__instance)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def GetSlot(self, slotname):
+ """retrieve value of specified Slot"""
+ return self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_directGetSlot(self.__env, self.__instance, slotname))
+ SlotValue = GetSlot
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, None)
+ def PutSlot(self, slotname, value):
+ """set value of specified Slot"""
+ _c.env_directPutSlot(self.__env, self.__instance, slotname, self.__envobject._py2cl(value))
+ SetSlotValue = PutSlot
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, None)
+ def Send(self, msg, args=None):
+ """send specified message with the given arguments to Instance"""
+ if args is not None:
+ t = type(args)
+ if t == str:
+ sargs = args
+ elif t == unicode:
+ sargs = str(args)
+ elif isinstance(args, str):
+ sargs = str(args)
+ elif isinstance(args, unicode):
+ sargs = str(args)
+ elif t in (ClipsIntegerType, ClipsFloatType, ClipsStringType,
+ ClipsSymbolType, ClipsNilType, ClipsInstanceNameType,
+ ClipsMultifieldType):
+ sargs = _py2clsyntax(args)
+ elif t in (tuple, list):
+ li = []
+ for x in args:
+ t1 = type(x)
+ if t1 in (ClipsIntegerType, ClipsFloatType,
+ ClipsStringType, ClipsSymbolType, ClipsNilType,
+ ClipsInstanceNameType, ClipsMultifieldType):
+ li.append(_py2clsyntax(x))
+ elif t1 in (int, long):
+ li.append(Integer(int(x)).clsyntax())
+ elif t1 == float:
+ li.append(Float(x).clsyntax())
+ elif t1 in (str, unicode):
+ li.append(String(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, int):
+ li.append(Integer(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, long):
+ li.append(Integer(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, float):
+ li.append(Float(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, str):
+ li.append(String(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, unicode):
+ li.append(String(x).clsyntax())
+ else:
+ li.append(str(x))
+ sargs = " ".join(li)
+ elif t in (int, long):
+ sargs = Integer(args).clsyntax()
+ elif t == float:
+ sargs = Float(args).clsyntax()
+ elif isinstance(args, str):
+ sargs = str(args)
+ elif isinstance(args, unicode):
+ sargs = str(args)
+ elif isinstance(args, int):
+ sargs = Integer(args).clsyntax()
+ elif isinstance(args, long):
+ sargs = Integer(args).clsyntax()
+ elif isinstance(args, float):
+ sargs = Float(args).clsyntax()
+ else:
+ sargs = str(args)
+ return self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_send(self.__env, self.__instance, msg, sargs))
+ else:
+ return self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_send(self.__env, self.__instance, msg))
+ def __property_getName(self):
+ return InstanceName(_c.env_getInstanceName(self.__env, self.__instance))
+ Name = property(__property_getName, None, None, "retrieve Instance name")
+ def __property_getClass(self):
+ return self.__envobject.Class(_c.env_getInstanceClass(self.__env, self.__instance))
+ Class = property(__property_getClass, None, None,
+ "retrieve Instance class")
+ def __property_getSlots(self): return self.__Slots
+ Slots = property(__property_getSlots, None, None,
+ "Instance Slots information")
+ return Instance
+ def Module(self, private_environment):
+ environment_object = self
+ class Module(object):
+ """high-level Module class (represents: defmodule)"""
+ __env = private_environment
+ __envobject = environment_object
+ def __init__(self, o):
+ """create a Module object (internal)"""
+ if _c.isDefmodule(o):
+ self.__defmodule = o
+ else: raise _c.ClipsError("M01: cannot directly create Module")
+ def __str__(self):
+ """string form of Module"""
+ return _c.env_getDefmoduleName(self.__env, self.__defmodule)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """representation of Module"""
+ s = repr(self.__defmodule)[1:-1]
+ return "<Module '%s': %s>" % (
+ _c.env_getDefmoduleName(self.__env, self.__defmodule), s)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle objects of type '%s'"
+ % self.__class__.__name__)
+ def Next(self):
+ """return next Module"""
+ o = _c.env_getNextDefmodule(self.__env, self.__defmodule)
+ if(o):
+ return self.__envobject.Module(o)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def PPForm(self):
+ """return the pretty-print form of Module"""
+ return _c.env_getDefmodulePPForm(self.__env, self.__defmodule)
+ def SetCurrent(self):
+ """make this the current Module"""
+ _c.env_setCurrentModule(self.__env, self.__defmodule)
+ def SetFocus(self):
+ """set focus to this Module"""
+ _c.env_focus(self.__env, self.__defmodule)
+ def __property_getName(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.env_getDefmoduleName(self.__env, self.__defmodule))
+ Name = property(__property_getName, None, None, "return Module name")
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), (str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, str, None)
+ def BuildTemplate(self, name, text, comment=None):
+ """build a Template object with specified name and body"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ mname = self.Name
+ construct = "(deftemplate %s::%s %s %s)" % (mname, name, cmtstr, text)
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, construct)
+ return self.__envobject.Template(_c.env_findDeftemplate(self.__env, "%s::%s" % (mname, name)))
+ def TemplateList(self):
+ """return list of Template names"""
+ o = _c.env_getDeftemplateList(self.__env, self.__defmodule)
+ return Multifield(self.__envobject._cl2py(o))
+ def PrintTemplates(self):
+ """print Templates to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listDeftemplates(self.__env, "temporary", self.__defmodule)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def FactList(self):
+ """return list of Facts in this Module"""
+ o, li = _c.env_getFactList(self.__env, self.__defmodule), []
+ if o is not None:
+ for x in o[1]:
+ if x[0] == _c.FACT_ADDRESS:
+ li.append(self.__envobject.Fact(x[1]))
+ return li
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), (str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, str, None)
+ def BuildDeffacts(self, name, text, comment=None):
+ """build a Deffacts object with specified name and body"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ mname = self.Name
+ construct = "(deffacts %s::%s %s %s)" % (mname, name, cmtstr, text)
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, construct)
+ return self.__envobject.Deffacts(_c.env_findDeffacts(self.__env, "%s::%s" % (mname, name)))
+ def DeffactsList(self):
+ """return a list of Deffacts names in this Module"""
+ o = _c.env_getDeffactsList(self.__env, self.__defmodule)
+ return Multifield(self.__envobject._cl2py(o))
+ def PrintDeffacts(self):
+ """print Deffacts to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listDeffacts(self.__env, "temporary", self.__defmodule)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), (str, unicode), (str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, str, str, None)
+ def BuildRule(self, name, lhs, rhs, comment=None):
+ """build a Rule object with specified name and LHS/RHS"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ mname = self.Name
+ construct = "(defrule %s::%s %s %s => %s)" % (
+ mname, name, cmtstr, lhs, rhs)
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, construct)
+ return self.__envobject.Rule(_c.env_findDefrule(self.__env, "%s::%s" % (mname, name)))
+ def RuleList(self):
+ """return a list of Rule names in this Module"""
+ o = _c.env_getDefruleList(self.__env, self.__defmodule)
+ return Multifield(self.__envobject._cl2py(o))
+ def PrintRules(self):
+ """print Rules to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listDefrules(self.__env, "temporary", self.__defmodule)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def PrintBreakpoints(self):
+ """print breakpoints to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_showBreaks(self.__env, "temporary", self.__defmodule)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def PrintAgenda(self):
+ """print Agenda Rules to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_agenda(self.__env, "temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def RefreshAgenda(self):
+ """refresh Agenda for this Module"""
+ _c.env_refreshAgenda(self.__env, self.__defmodule)
+ def ReorderAgenda(self):
+ """reorder Agenda for this Module"""
+ _c.env_reorderAgenda(self.__env, self.__defmodule)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, None)
+ def BuildGlobal(self, name, value=Nil):
+ """build a Global variable with specified name and value"""
+ mname = self.Name
+ if type(value) in (str, ClipsStringType):
+ value = '"%s"' % value
+ construct = "(defglobal %s ?*%s* = %s)" % (mname, name, value)
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, construct)
+ return self.__envobject.Global(_c.env_findDefglobal(self.__env, "%s::%s" % (mname, name)))
+ def GlobalList(self):
+ """return the list of Global variable names"""
+ o = _c.env_getDefglobalList(self.__env, self.__defmodule)
+ return Multifield(self.__envobject._cl2py(o))
+ def PrintGlobals(self):
+ """print list of Global variables to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listDefglobals(self.__env, "temporary", self.__defmodule)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def ShowGlobals(self):
+ """print list of Global variables and values to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_showDefglobals(self.__env, "temporary", self.__defmodule)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None, (str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, None, str, None)
+ def BuildFunction(self, name, args, text, comment=None):
+ """build a Function with specified name, body and arguments"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ mname = self.Name
+ if type(args) in (tuple, list):
+ args = " ".join(args)
+ elif args is None:
+ args = ""
+ construct = "(deffunction %s::%s %s (%s) %s)" % (
+ mname, name, cmtstr, args, text)
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, construct)
+ return self.__envobject.Function(_c.env_findDeffunction(self.__env, "%s::%s" % (mname, name)))
+ def FunctionList(self):
+ """return the list of Function names"""
+ o = _c.env_getDeffunctionList(self.__env, self.__defmodule)
+ return Multifield(self.__envobject._cl2py(o))
+ def PrintFunctions(self):
+ """print list of Functions to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listDeffunctions(self.__env, "temporary", self.__defmodule)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, None)
+ def BuildGeneric(self, name, comment=None):
+ """build a Generic with specified name"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ mname = self.Name
+ construct = "(defgeneric %s::%s %s)" % (mname, name, cmtstr)
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, construct)
+ return self.__envobject.Generic(_c.env_findDefgeneric(self.__env, "%s::%s" % (mname, name)))
+ def GenericList(self):
+ """return the list of Generic names"""
+ o = _c.env_getDefgenericList(self.__env, self.__defmodule)
+ return Multifield(self.__envobject._cl2py(o))
+ def PrintGenerics(self):
+ """print list of Generics to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listDefgenerics(self.__env, "temporary", self.__defmodule)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), (str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, str, None)
+ def BuildClass(self, name, text, comment=None):
+ """build a Class with specified name and body"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ mname = self.Name
+ construct = "(defclass %s::%s %s %s)" % (mname, name, cmtstr, text)
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, construct)
+ return self.__envobject.Class(_c.env_findDefclass(self.__env, "%s::%s" % (mname, name)))
+ def ClassList(self):
+ """return the list of Class names"""
+ o = _c.env_getDefclassList(self.__env, self.__defmodule)
+ return Multifield(self.__envobject._cl2py(o))
+ def PrintClasses(self):
+ """print list of Class to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listDefclasses(self.__env, "temporary", self.__defmodule)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None, None)
+ @_forces_method(str, str, None)
+ def BuildInstance(self, name, defclass, overrides=""):
+ """build an Instance of given Class overriding specified Slots"""
+ mname = self.Name
+ cmdstr = "(%s::%s of %s %s)" % (mname, name, defclass, overrides)
+ return self.__envobject.Instance(_c.env_makeInstance(self.__env, cmdstr))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def PrintInstances(self, classname=None):
+ """print Instances to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ if classname:
+ _c.env_instances(self.__env, "temporary", self.__defmodule, classname, False)
+ else:
+ _c.env_instances(self.__env, "temporary", self.__defmodule)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def PrintSubclassInstances(self, classname):
+ """print Instances to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_instances(self.__env, "temporary", self.__defmodule, classname, True)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), (str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, str, None)
+ def BuildDefinstances(self, name, text, comment=None):
+ """build a Definstances with specified name and body"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ mname = self.Name
+ construct = "(definstances %s::%s %s %s)" % (
+ mname, name, cmtstr, text)
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, construct)
+ return self.__envobject.Definstances(_c.env_findDefinstances(self.__env, name))
+ def DefinstancesList(self):
+ """retrieve list of all Definstances names"""
+ o = _c.env_getDefinstancesList(self.__env, self.__defmodule)
+ return Multifield(self.__envobject._cl2py(o))
+ def PrintDefinstances(self):
+ """print list of all Definstances to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listDefinstances(self.__env, "temporary", self.__defmodule)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ return Module
+ def Rule(self, private_environment):
+ environment_object = self
+ class Rule(object):
+ """high-level Rule class (represents: defrule)"""
+ __env = private_environment
+ __envobject = environment_object
+ def __init__(self, o):
+ """create a Rule object (internal)"""
+ if _c.isDefrule(o):
+ self.__defrule = o
+ else:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M01: cannot directly create Rule")
+ def __str__(self):
+ """string form of Rule"""
+ return _c.env_getDefruleName(self.__env, self.__defrule)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """representation of Rule"""
+ s = repr(self.__defrule)[1:-1]
+ return "<Rule '%s': %s>" % (
+ _c.env_getDefruleName(self.__env, self.__defrule), s)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle objects of type '%s'"
+ % self.__class__.__name__)
+ def Next(self):
+ """return next Rule"""
+ o = _c.env_getNextDefrule(self.__env, self.__defrule)
+ if o:
+ return self.__envobject.Rule(o)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def PPForm(self):
+ """return the pretty-print form of Rule"""
+ return _c.env_getDefrulePPForm(self.__env, self.__defrule)
+ def Refresh(self):
+ """refresh Rule"""
+ _c.env_refresh(self.__env, self.__defrule)
+ def PrintMatches(self):
+ """print partial matches to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_matches(self.__env, "temporary", self.__defrule)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def Remove(self):
+ """remove Rule"""
+ _c.env_undefrule(self.__env, self.__defrule)
+ def __property_getName(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.env_getDefruleName(self.__env, self.__defrule))
+ Name = property(__property_getName, None, None, "retrieve Rule name")
+ def __property_getModule(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.env_defruleModule(self.__env, self.__defrule))
+ Module = property(__property_getModule, None, None,
+ "retrieve Rule Module name")
+ def __property_setBreak(self, v):
+ if v:
+ _c.env_setBreak(self.__env, self.__defrule)
+ else:
+ if _c.env_defruleHasBreakpoint(self.__env, self.__defrule):
+ _c.env_removeBreak(self.__env, self.__defrule)
+ def __property_getBreak(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_defruleHasBreakpoint(self.__env, self.__defrule))
+ Breakpoint = property(__property_getBreak, __property_setBreak,
+ None, "set or remove breakpoint from Rule")
+ def __property_getDeletable(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_isDefruleDeletable(self.__env, self.__defrule))
+ Deletable = property(__property_getDeletable, None, None,
+ "verify if this Rule can be deleted")
+ def __property_setWatchActivations(self, v):
+ _c.env_setDefruleWatchActivations(self.__env, self.__defrule, v)
+ def __property_getWatchActivations(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getDefruleWatchActivations(self.__env, self.__defrule))
+ WatchActivations = property(__property_getWatchActivations,
+ __property_setWatchActivations,
+ None, "Rule Activations debug status")
+ def __property_setWatchFirings(self, v):
+ _c.env_setDefruleWatchFirings(self.__env, self.__defrule, v)
+ def __property_getWatchFirings(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getDefruleWatchFirings(self.__env, self.__defrule))
+ WatchFirings = property(__property_getWatchFirings,
+ __property_setWatchFirings,
+ None, "Rule firings debug status")
+ return Rule
+ def Template(self, private_environment):
+ environment_object = self
+ class Template(object):
+ """high-level Template class (represents: deftemplate)"""
+ __env = private_environment
+ __envobject = environment_object
+ def __init__(self, o=None):
+ """create a Template object (internal)"""
+ if _c.isDeftemplate(o):
+ self.__deftemplate = o
+ else:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M01: cannot directly create Template")
+ class __template_Slots:
+ """define a structure for Class Slots"""
+ def __init__(self, o):
+ self.__deftemplate = o
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle template slots")
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def AllowedValues(self, name):
+ """return allowed values for specified Slot"""
+ rv = self.__envobject._cl2py(
+ _c.env_deftemplateSlotAllowedValues(self.__env, self.__deftemplate, name))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def Cardinality(self, name):
+ """return cardinality for specified Slot"""
+ rv = self.__envobject._cl2py(
+ _c.env_deftemplateSlotCardinality(self.__env, self.__deftemplate, name))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def HasDefault(self, name):
+ return _c.env_deftemplateSlotDefaultP(self.__env, self.__deftemplate, name)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def DefaultValue(self, name):
+ """return default value for specified Slot"""
+ rv = self.__envobject._cl2py(
+ _c.env_deftemplateSlotDefaultValue(self.__env, self.__deftemplate, name))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def Exists(self, name):
+ """return True if specified Slot exists"""
+ return bool(
+ _c.env_deftemplateSlotExistP(self.__env, self.__deftemplate, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def IsMultifield(self, name):
+ """return True if specified Slot is a multifield one"""
+ return bool(
+ _c.env_deftemplateSlotMultiP(self.__env, self.__deftemplate, name))
+ def Names(self):
+ """return the list of Slot names"""
+ rv = self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_deftemplateSlotNames(self.__env, self.__deftemplate))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def Range(self, name):
+ """return numeric range information of specified Slot"""
+ rv = self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_deftemplateSlotRange(self.__env, self.__deftemplate, name))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def IsSinglefield(self, name):
+ """return True if specified Slot is a single field one"""
+ return bool(
+ _c.env_deftemplateSlotSingleP(self.__env, self.__deftemplate, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def Types(self, name):
+ """return names of primitive types for specified Slot"""
+ rv = self.__envobject._cl2py(_c.env_deftemplateSlotTypes(self.__env, self.__deftemplate, name))
+ if type(rv) in (tuple, list):
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ else:
+ return rv
+ self.__Slots = __template_Slots(self.__deftemplate)
+ try:
+ self.__Slots._template_Slots__env = self.__env
+ except AttributeError: pass
+ try:
+ self.__Slots._template_Slots__envobject = self.__envobject
+ except AttributeError: pass
+ def __str__(self):
+ """string form of Template"""
+ return _c.env_getDeftemplateName(self.__env, self.__deftemplate)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """representation of Template"""
+ s = repr(self.__deftemplate)[1:-1]
+ return "<Template '%s': %s>" % (
+ _c.env_getDeftemplateName(self.__env, self.__deftemplate), s)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError(
+ "M03: cannot pickle objects of type '%s'"
+ % self.__class__.__name__)
+ def Next(self):
+ """return next Template"""
+ o = _c.env_getNextDeftemplate(self.__env, self.__deftemplate)
+ if(o):
+ return self.__envobject.Template(o)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def PPForm(self):
+ """return the pretty-print form of Template"""
+ return _c.env_getDeftemplatePPForm(self.__env, self.__deftemplate)
+ def Remove(self):
+ """remove Template"""
+ _c.env_undeftemplate(self.__env, self.__deftemplate)
+ def BuildFact(self):
+ """create a fact from this Template without asserting it"""
+ return self.__envobject.Fact(self.__deftemplate)
+ def InitialFact(self):
+ """find initial Fact for this Template"""
+ return self.__envobject.Fact(_c.env_getNextFactInTemplate(self.__env, self.__deftemplate))
+ def NextFact(self, fact):
+ """find initial Fact for this Template"""
+ return self.__envobject.Fact(
+ _c.env_getNextFactInTemplate(self.__env, self.__deftemplate, fact._Fact__fact))
+ def __property_getDeletable(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_isDeftemplateDeletable(self.__env, self.__deftemplate))
+ Deletable = property(__property_getDeletable, None, None,
+ "verify if this Template can be deleted")
+ def __property_getName(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.env_getDeftemplateName(self.__env, self.__deftemplate))
+ Name = property(__property_getName, None, None, "retrieve Template name")
+ def __property_getModule(self):
+ return Symbol(_c.env_deftemplateModule(self.__env, self.__deftemplate))
+ Module = property(__property_getModule, None, None,
+ "retrieve Template Module name")
+ def __property_getSlots(self): return self.__Slots
+ Slots = property(__property_getSlots, None, None,
+ "Template Slots information")
+ def __property_setWatch(self, v):
+ _c.env_setDeftemplateWatch(self.__env, v, self.__deftemplate)
+ def __property_getWatch(self):
+ return _c.env_getDeftemplateWatch(self.__env, self.__deftemplate)
+ Watch = property(__property_getWatch, __property_setWatch,
+ None, "watch status of this Template")
+ return Template
+ def _clips_Debug(self, private_environment):
+ environment_object = self
+ class _clips_Debug(object):
+ """object to enable/disable debugging features"""
+ __env = private_environment
+ __envobject = environment_object
+ __created = False
+ def __init__(self):
+ """one-time initializer"""
+ if(self.__created):
+ raise TypeError("cannot create this object twice")
+ self.__created = True
+ self.__watchitems = ['facts', 'rules', 'activations', 'compilations',
+ 'statistics', 'globals', 'slots', 'instances',
+ 'messages', 'message-handlers',
+ 'generic-functions', 'methods', 'deffunctions',]
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<Debug Management Object>"
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle debug status")
+ def DribbleOn(self, fn):
+ """enable dribble on given file"""
+ _c.env_dribbleOn(self.__env, fn)
+ def DribbleOff(self):
+ """turn off dribble"""
+ _c.env_dribbleOff(self.__env)
+ def DribbleActive(self):
+ """tell whether or not dribble is active"""
+ return bool(_c.env_dribbleActive(self.__env))
+ def __property_setFactsWatched(self, v):
+ if(v):
+ _c.env_watch(self.__env, "facts")
+ else:
+ _c.env_unwatch(self.__env, "facts")
+ def __property_getFactsWatched(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getWatchItem(self.__env, "facts"))
+ FactsWatched = property(__property_getFactsWatched,
+ __property_setFactsWatched,
+ None, "Facts watch status")
+ def __property_setRulesWatched(self, v):
+ if(v):
+ _c.env_watch(self.__env, "rules")
+ else:
+ _c.env_unwatch(self.__env, "rules")
+ def __property_getRulesWatched(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getWatchItem(self.__env, "rules"))
+ RulesWatched = property(__property_getRulesWatched,
+ __property_setRulesWatched,
+ None, "Rules watch status")
+ def __property_setActivationsWatched(self, v):
+ if(v):
+ _c.env_watch(self.__env, "activations")
+ else:
+ _c.env_unwatch(self.__env, "activations")
+ def __property_getActivationsWatched(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getWatchItem(self.__env, "activations"))
+ ActivationsWatched = property(__property_getActivationsWatched,
+ __property_setActivationsWatched,
+ None, "Activations watch status")
+ def __property_setCompilationsWatched(self, v):
+ if(v):
+ _c.env_watch(self.__env, "compilations")
+ else:
+ _c.env_unwatch(self.__env, "compilations")
+ def __property_getCompilationsWatched(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getWatchItem(self.__env, "compilations"))
+ CompilationsWatched = property(__property_getCompilationsWatched,
+ __property_setCompilationsWatched,
+ None, "compilations watch status")
+ def __property_setStatisticsWatched(self, v):
+ if(v):
+ _c.env_watch(self.__env, "statistics")
+ else:
+ _c.env_unwatch(self.__env, "statistics")
+ def __property_getStatisticsWatched(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getWatchItem(self.__env, "statistics"))
+ StatisticsWatched = property(__property_getStatisticsWatched,
+ __property_setStatisticsWatched,
+ None, "statistics watch status")
+ def __property_setGlobalsWatched(self, v):
+ if(v):
+ _c.env_watch(self.__env, "globals")
+ else:
+ _c.env_unwatch(self.__env, "globals")
+ def __property_getGlobalsWatched(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getWatchItem(self.__env, "globals"))
+ GlobalsWatched = property(__property_getGlobalsWatched,
+ __property_setGlobalsWatched,
+ None, "Globals watch status")
+ def __property_setSlotsWatched(self, v):
+ if(v):
+ _c.env_watch(self.__env, "slots")
+ else:
+ _c.env_unwatch(self.__env, "slots")
+ def __property_getSlotsWatched(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getWatchItem(self.__env, "slots"))
+ SlotsWatched = property(__property_getSlotsWatched,
+ __property_setSlotsWatched,
+ None, "Slots watch status")
+ def __property_setMessagesWatched(self, v):
+ if(v):
+ _c.env_watch(self.__env, "messages")
+ else:
+ _c.env_unwatch(self.__env, "messages")
+ def __property_getMessagesWatched(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getWatchItem(self.__env, "messages"))
+ MessagesWatched = property(__property_getMessagesWatched,
+ __property_setMessagesWatched,
+ None, "messages watch status")
+ def __property_setMessageHandlersWatched(self, v):
+ if(v):
+ _c.env_watch(self.__env, "message-handlers")
+ else:
+ _c.env_unwatch(self.__env, "message-handlers")
+ def __property_getMessageHandlersWatched(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getWatchItem(self.__env, "message-handlers"))
+ MessageHandlersWatched = property(__property_getMessageHandlersWatched,
+ __property_setMessageHandlersWatched,
+ None, "MessageHandlers watch status")
+ def __property_setGenericFunctionsWatched(self, v):
+ if(v):
+ _c.env_watch(self.__env, "generic-functions")
+ else:
+ _c.env_unwatch(self.__env, "generic-functions")
+ def __property_getGenericFunctionsWatched(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getWatchItem(self.__env, "generic-functions"))
+ GenericFunctionsWatched = property(__property_getGenericFunctionsWatched,
+ __property_setGenericFunctionsWatched,
+ None, "Generic functions watch status")
+ def __property_setMethodsWatched(self, v):
+ if(v):
+ _c.env_watch(self.__env, "methods")
+ else:
+ _c.env_unwatch(self.__env, "methods")
+ def __property_getMethodsWatched(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getWatchItem(self.__env, "methods"))
+ MethodsWatched = property(__property_getMethodsWatched,
+ __property_setMethodsWatched,
+ None, "Methods watch status")
+ def __property_setFunctionsWatched(self, v):
+ if(v):
+ _c.env_watch(self.__env, "deffunctions")
+ else:
+ _c.env_unwatch(self.__env, "deffunctions")
+ def __property_getFunctionsWatched(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getWatchItem(self.__env, "deffunctions"))
+ FunctionsWatched = property(__property_getFunctionsWatched,
+ __property_setFunctionsWatched,
+ None, "Deffunctions watch status")
+ def __property_setExternalTraceback(self, v):
+ _c.setPrintExternalTraceback(bool(v))
+ def __property_getExternalTraceback(self):
+ return bool(_c.getPrintExternalTraceback())
+ ExternalTraceback = property(__property_getExternalTraceback,
+ __property_setExternalTraceback,
+ None,
+ "traceback of Python functions in CLIPS")
+ def WatchAll(self):
+ """watch all items"""
+ for x in self.__watchitems:
+ _c.env_watch(self.__env, x)
+ def UnwatchAll(self):
+ """unwatch all items"""
+ for x in self.__watchitems:
+ _c.env_unwatch(self.__env, x)
+ return _clips_Debug
+ def _clips_Status(self, private_environment):
+ environment_object = self
+ class _clips_Status(object):
+ """object to access global status functions"""
+ __env = private_environment
+ __envobject = environment_object
+ __created = False
+ def __init__(self):
+ """raise an exception if an object of this type has been created"""
+ if(self.__created):
+ raise TypeError("cannot create this object twice")
+ self.__created = True
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<Configuration Management Object>"
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M03: cannot pickle engine status")
+ def __property_setFactDuplication(self, v):
+ _c.env_setFactDuplication(self.__env, v)
+ def __property_getFactDuplication(self, v):
+ return bool(_c.env_getFactDuplication(self.__env))
+ FactDuplication = property(
+ __property_getFactDuplication,
+ __property_setFactDuplication,
+ None, "Fact duplication behaviour")
+ def __property_setAutoFloatDividend(self, v):
+ _c.env_setAutoFloatDividend(self.__env, v)
+ def __property_getAutoFloatDividend(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getAutoFloatDividend(self.__env))
+ AutoFloatDividend = property(
+ __property_getAutoFloatDividend,
+ __property_setAutoFloatDividend,
+ None, "AutoFloatDividend behaviour")
+ def __property_setDynamicConstraintChecking(self, v):
+ _c.env_setDynamicConstraintChecking(self.__env, v)
+ def __property_getDynamicConstraintChecking(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getDynamicConstraintChecking(self.__env))
+ DynamicConstraintChecking = property(
+ __property_getDynamicConstraintChecking,
+ __property_setDynamicConstraintChecking,
+ None, "Dynamic constraint checking behaviour")
+ def __property_setSequenceOperatorRecognition(self, v):
+ _c.env_setSequenceOperatorRecognition(self.__env, v)
+ def __property_getSequenceOperatorRecognition(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getSequenceOperatorRecognition(self.__env))
+ SequenceOperatorRecognition = property(
+ __property_getSequenceOperatorRecognition,
+ __property_setSequenceOperatorRecognition,
+ None, "Sequence operator recognition behaviour")
+ def __property_setStaticConstraintChecking(self, v):
+ _c.env_setStaticConstraintChecking(self.__env, v)
+ def __property_getStaticConstraintChecking(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getStaticConstraintChecking(self.__env))
+ StaticConstraintChecking = property(
+ __property_getStaticConstraintChecking,
+ __property_setStaticConstraintChecking,
+ None, "Static constraint checking behaviour")
+ def __property_setIncrementalReset(self, v):
+ _c.env_setIncrementalReset(self.__env, v)
+ def __property_getIncrementalReset(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getIncrementalReset(self.__env))
+ IncrementalReset = property(
+ __property_getIncrementalReset,
+ __property_setIncrementalReset,
+ None, "Incremental reset behaviour")
+ def __property_setResetGlobals(self, v):
+ _c.env_setResetGlobals(self.__env, v)
+ def __property_getResetGlobals(self):
+ return bool(_c.env_getResetGlobals(self.__env))
+ ResetGlobals = property(
+ __property_getResetGlobals,
+ __property_setResetGlobals,
+ None, "ResetGlobals behaviour")
+ def __property_setStrategy(self, v):
+ _c.env_setStrategy(self.__env, v)
+ def __property_getStrategy(self):
+ return _c.env_getStrategy(self.__env)
+ Strategy = property(
+ __property_getStrategy,
+ __property_setStrategy,
+ None, "strategy behaviour")
+ def __property_setSalienceEvaluation(self, v):
+ _c.env_setSalienceEvaluation(self.__env, v)
+ def __property_getSalienceEvaluation(self):
+ return _c.env_getSalienceEvaluation(self.__env)
+ SalienceEvaluation = property(
+ __property_getSalienceEvaluation,
+ __property_setSalienceEvaluation,
+ None, "salience evaluation behaviour")
+ def __property_setClassDefaultsMode(self, v):
+ _c.env_setClassDefaultsMode(self.__env, v)
+ def __property_getClassDefaultsMode(self):
+ return _c.env_getClassDefaultsMode(self.__env)
+ ClassDefaultsMode = property(
+ __property_getClassDefaultsMode,
+ __property_setClassDefaultsMode,
+ None, "class defaults mode")
+ return _clips_Status
+ # constructor possibly sets the "borrowed" flag, to state that this
+ # is a Python class around an existing object: in this case the
+ # underlying CLIPS environment is not attempted to be destroyed on
+ # deletion
+ def __init__(self, o=None):
+ """environment constructor"""
+ if o is None:
+ self.__env = _c.createEnvironment()
+ self.__borrowed = False
+ else:
+ if _c.isEnvironment(o):
+ self.__env = o
+ self.__borrowed = True
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("invalid argument for constructor")
+ self.Activation = self.Activation(self.__env)
+ self.Class = self.Class(self.__env)
+ self.Deffacts = self.Deffacts(self.__env)
+ self.Definstances = self.Definstances(self.__env)
+ self.Fact = self.Fact(self.__env)
+ self.Function = self.Function(self.__env)
+ self.Generic = self.Generic(self.__env)
+ self.Global = self.Global(self.__env)
+ self.Instance = self.Instance(self.__env)
+ self.Module = self.Module(self.__env)
+ self.Rule = self.Rule(self.__env)
+ self.Template = self.Template(self.__env)
+ self._clips_Debug = self._clips_Debug(self.__env)
+ self._clips_Status = self._clips_Status(self.__env)
+ # if o is not None, then this is an internal object and its status
+ # should not be modified by the user, nor the stock objects be
+ # accessible for direct inspection or subclassing (as this could
+ # be the current environment and might be corrupted)
+ if o is None:
+ self.EngineConfig = self._clips_Status()
+ self.DebugConfig = self._clips_Debug()
+ def AgendaChanged(self):
+ """test whether or not Agenda is changed since last call"""
+ rv = bool(_c.env_getAgendaChanged(self.__env))
+ _c.env_setAgendaChanged(self.__env, False)
+ return rv
+ def Assert(self, o):
+ """assert a Fact from a string or constructed Fact object"""
+ if '_Fact__fact' in dir(o) and _c.isFact(o._Fact__fact):
+ return o.Assert()
+ elif type(o) in (str, unicode):
+ return self.Fact(_c.env_assertString(self.__env, str(o)))
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("expected a string or a Fact")
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def BLoad(self, filename):
+ """binary load the constructs from a file"""
+ _c.env_bload(self.__env, _os.path.normpath(filename))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def BLoadInstances(self, filename):
+ """load Instances from binary file"""
+ _c.env_binaryLoadInstances(self.__env, _os.path.normpath(filename))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def BSave(self, filename):
+ """binary save constructs to a file"""
+ _c.env_bsave(self.__env, _os.path.normpath(filename))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, None)
+ def BSaveInstances(self, filename, mode=LOCAL_SAVE):
+ """save Instances to binary file"""
+ _c.env_binarySaveInstances(self.__env, _os.path.normpath(filename), mode)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def BatchStar(self, filename):
+ """execute commands stored in file"""
+ _c.env_batchStar(self.__env, _os.path.normpath(filename))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def BrowseClasses(self, classname):
+ """print list of Classes that inherit from specified one"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ defclass = _c.env_findDefclass(self.__env, str(classname))
+ _c.env_browseClasses(self.__env, "temporary", defclass)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def Build(self, construct):
+ """build construct given in argument"""
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, construct)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), (str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, str, None)
+ def BuildClass(self, name, text, comment=None):
+ """build a Class with specified name and body"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ construct = "(defclass %s %s %s)" % (name, cmtstr, text)
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, construct)
+ return self.Class(_c.env_findDefclass(self.__env, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), (str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, str, None)
+ def BuildDeffacts(self, name, text, comment=None):
+ """build a Deffacts object with specified name and body"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ construct = "(deffacts %s %s %s)" % (name, cmtstr, text)
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, construct)
+ return self.Deffacts(_c.env_findDeffacts(self.__env, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), (str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, str, None)
+ def BuildDefinstances(self, name, text, comment=None):
+ """build a Definstances with specified name and body"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ construct = "(definstances %s %s %s)" % (name, cmtstr, text)
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, construct)
+ return self.Definstances(_c.env_findDefinstances(self.__env, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None, (str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, None, str, None)
+ def BuildFunction(self, name, args, text, comment=None):
+ """build a Function with specified name, body and arguments"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ if type(args) in (tuple, list):
+ args = " ".join(args)
+ elif args is None:
+ args = ""
+ construct = "(deffunction %s %s (%s) %s)" % (name, cmtstr, args, text)
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, construct)
+ return self.Function(_c.env_findDeffunction(self.__env, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, None)
+ def BuildGeneric(self, name, comment=None):
+ """build a Generic with specified name and body"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ construct = "(defgeneric %s %s)" % (name, cmtstr)
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, construct)
+ return self.Generic(_c.env_findDefgeneric(self.__env, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, None)
+ def BuildGlobal(self, name, value=Nil):
+ """build a Global variable with specified name and body"""
+ if type(value) in (str, unicode, ClipsStringType):
+ value = '"%s"' % str(value)
+ construct = "(defglobal ?*%s* = %s)" % (name, value)
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, construct)
+ return self.Global(_c.env_findDefglobal(self.__env, "%s" % name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None, (str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str, str, str)
+ def BuildInstance(self, name, defclass, overrides=""):
+ """build an Instance of given class overriding specified slots"""
+ cmdstr = "(%s of %s %s)" % (name, str(defclass), overrides)
+ return self.Instance(_c.env_makeInstance(self.__env, cmdstr))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None, None, (str, unicode), None, None)
+ @_forces_method(str, str, None, str, None, None)
+ def BuildMessageHandler(self, name, hclass, args, text, htype=PRIMARY, comment=None):
+ """build a MessageHandler for specified class with arguments and body"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else: cmtstr = ""
+ htype = htype.lower()
+ if not htype in (AROUND, BEFORE, PRIMARY, AFTER):
+ raise ValueError("htype must be in AROUND, BEFORE, PRIMARY, AFTER")
+ if type(args) in (tuple, list):
+ sargs = " ".join(args)
+ elif args is None:
+ sargs = ""
+ else:
+ sargs = str(args)
+ construct = "(defmessage-handler %s %s %s %s (%s) %s)" % (
+ hclass, name, htype, cmtstr, sargs, text)
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, construct)
+ defclass = _c.env_findDefclass(self.__env, hclass)
+ return _c.env_findDefmessageHandler(self.__env, defclass, name, htype)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), (str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, str, None)
+ def BuildModule(self, name, text="", comment=None):
+ """build a Module with specified name and body"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ construct = "(defmodule %s %s %s)" % (name, cmtstr, text)
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, construct)
+ return self.Module(_c.env_findDefmodule(self.__env, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), (str, unicode), (str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, str, str, None)
+ def BuildRule(self, name, lhs, rhs, comment=None):
+ """build a Rule object with specified name and body"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ construct = "(defrule %s %s %s => %s)" % (name, cmtstr, lhs, rhs)
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, construct)
+ return self.Rule(_c.env_findDefrule(self.__env, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), (str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, str, None)
+ def BuildTemplate(self, name, text, comment=None):
+ """build a Template object with specified name and body"""
+ if comment:
+ cmtstr = '"%s"' % str(comment).replace('"', '\\"')
+ else:
+ cmtstr = ""
+ construct = "(deftemplate %s %s %s)" % (name, cmtstr, text)
+ _c.env_build(self.__env, construct)
+ return self.Template(_c.env_findDeftemplate(self.__env, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, None)
+ def Call(self, func, args=None):
+ """call a function with the given argument string or tuple"""
+ if args is not None:
+ t = type(args)
+ if t == str:
+ sargs = args
+ if t == unicode:
+ sargs = str(args)
+ elif t in (ClipsIntegerType, ClipsFloatType, ClipsStringType,
+ ClipsSymbolType, ClipsNilType, ClipsInstanceNameType,
+ ClipsMultifieldType):
+ sargs = _py2clsyntax(args)
+ elif isinstance(args, str):
+ sargs = str(args)
+ elif isinstance(args, unicode):
+ sargs = str(args)
+ elif t in (tuple, list):
+ li = []
+ for x in args:
+ t1 = type(x)
+ if t1 in (ClipsIntegerType, ClipsFloatType, ClipsStringType,
+ ClipsSymbolType, ClipsNilType,
+ ClipsInstanceNameType, ClipsMultifieldType):
+ li.append(_py2clsyntax(x))
+ elif t1 in (int, long):
+ li.append(Integer(int(x)).clsyntax())
+ elif t1 == float:
+ li.append(Float(x).clsyntax())
+ elif t1 in (str, unicode):
+ li.append(String(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, int):
+ li.append(Integer(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, long):
+ li.append(Integer(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, float):
+ li.append(Float(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, str):
+ li.append(String(x).clsyntax())
+ elif isinstance(x, unicode):
+ li.append(String(x).clsyntax())
+ else:
+ li.append(str(x))
+ sargs = " ".join(li)
+ elif t in (int, long):
+ sargs = Integer(int(args)).clsyntax()
+ elif t == float:
+ sargs = Float(args).clsyntax()
+ elif isinstance(args, int):
+ sargs = Integer(args).clsyntax()
+ elif isinstance(args, long):
+ sargs = Integer(args).clsyntax()
+ elif isinstance(args, float):
+ sargs = Float(args).clsyntax()
+ else:
+ sargs = str(args)
+ return self._cl2py(_c.env_functionCall(self.__env, func, sargs))
+ else:
+ return self._cl2py(_c.env_functionCall(self.__env, func))
+ def ClassList(self):
+ """return the list of Class names"""
+ o = _c.env_getDefclassList(self.__env)
+ return Multifield(self._cl2py(o))
+ def Clear(self):
+ """clear Environment"""
+ _c.env_clear(self.__env)
+ if not 'self' in locals().keys():
+ _setStockClasses()
+ def ClearFocusStack(self):
+ """clear focus stack"""
+ _c.env_clearFocusStack(self.__env)
+ def CurrentModule(self):
+ """return current Module"""
+ return self.Module(_c.env_getCurrentModule(self.__env))
+ def DeffactsList(self):
+ """return a list of Deffacts names in current module"""
+ o = _c.env_getDeffactsList(self.__env)
+ return Multifield(self._cl2py(o))
+ def DefinstancesList(self):
+ """retrieve list of all Definstances names"""
+ o = _c.env_getDefinstancesList(self.__env)
+ return Multifield(self._cl2py(o))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def Eval(self, expr):
+ """evaluate expression passed as argument"""
+ return self._cl2py(_c.env_eval(self.__env, expr))
+ def FactList(self):
+ """return list of Facts in current module"""
+ o, li = _c.env_getFactList(self.__env), []
+ if o is not None:
+ for x in o[1]:
+ if x[0] == _c.FACT_ADDRESS:
+ li.append(self.Fact(x[1]))
+ return li
+ def FactListChanged(self):
+ """test whether Fact list is changed since last call"""
+ rv = bool(_c.env_getFactListChanged(self.__env))
+ _c.env_setFactListChanged(self.__env, False)
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def FindClass(self, name):
+ """find a Class by name"""
+ return self.Class(_c.env_findDefclass(self.__env, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def FindDeffacts(self, s):
+ """find a Deffacts by name"""
+ try:
+ return self.Deffacts(_c.env_findDeffacts(self.__env, s))
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find Deffacts '%s'" % s)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def FindDefinstances(self, name):
+ """find Definstances by name"""
+ return self.Definstances(_c.env_findDefinstances(self.__env, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def FindFunction(self, name):
+ """find a Function by name"""
+ return self.Function(_c.env_findDeffunction(self.__env, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def FindGeneric(self, name):
+ """find a Generic by name"""
+ return self.Generic(_c.env_findDefgeneric(self.__env, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def FindGlobal(self, name):
+ """find a Global variable by name"""
+ return self.Global(_c.env_findDefglobal(self.__env, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def FindInstance(self, name):
+ """find an Instance in all modules (including imported)"""
+ return self.Instance(_c.env_findInstance(self.__env, name, True))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def FindInstanceLocal(self, name):
+ """find an Instance in non imported modules"""
+ return self.Instance(_c.env_findInstance(self.__env, name, False))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def FindModule(self, name):
+ """find a Module by name"""
+ return self.Module(_c.env_findDefmodule(self.__env, name))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def FindRule(self, s):
+ """find a Rule by name"""
+ try:
+ return self.Rule(_c.env_findDefrule(self.__env, s))
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find defrule '%s'" % s)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def FindTemplate(self, s):
+ """find a Template by name"""
+ return self.Template(_c.env_findDeftemplate(self.__env, s))
+ def FocusStack(self):
+ """return list of Module names in focus stack"""
+ return self._cl2py(_c.env_getFocusStack(self.__env))
+ def FunctionList(self):
+ """return the list of Function names"""
+ o = _c.env_getDeffunctionList(self.__env)
+ return Multifield(self._cl2py(o))
+ def GenericList(self):
+ """return the list of Generic names"""
+ o = _c.env_getDefgenericList(self.__env)
+ return Multifield(self._cl2py(o))
+ def GlobalList(self):
+ """return the list of Global variable names"""
+ o = _c.env_getDefglobalList(self.__env)
+ return Multifield(self._cl2py(o))
+ def GlobalsChanged(self):
+ """test whether or not Global variables have changed since last call"""
+ rv = bool(_c.env_getGlobalsChanged(self.__env))
+ _c.env_setGlobalsChanged(self.__env, False)
+ return rv
+ def InitialActivation(self):
+ """return first Activation object"""
+ try:
+ return self.Activation(_c.env_getNextActivation(self.__env))
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Activation")
+ def InitialClass(self):
+ """retrieve first Class"""
+ try:
+ return self.Class(_c.env_getNextDefclass(self.__env))
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Class")
+ def InitialDeffacts(self):
+ """return first Deffacts"""
+ try:
+ return self.Deffacts(_c.env_getNextDeffacts(self.__env))
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Deffacts")
+ def InitialDefinstances(self):
+ """retrieve first Definstances"""
+ try:
+ return self.Definstances(_c.env_getNextDefinstances(self.__env))
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Definstances")
+ def InitialFact(self):
+ """return first Fact in environment"""
+ try:
+ return self.Fact(_c.env_getNextFact(self.__env))
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Fact")
+ def InitialFunction(self):
+ """return first Function"""
+ try:
+ return self.Function(_c.env_getNextDeffunction(self.__env))
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Function")
+ def InitialGeneric(self):
+ """return first Generic"""
+ try:
+ return self.Generic(_c.env_getNextDefgeneric(self.__env))
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Generic")
+ def InitialGlobal(self):
+ """return first Global variable"""
+ try:
+ return self.Global(_c.env_getNextDefglobal(self.__env))
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Global")
+ def InitialInstance(self):
+ """retrieve first Instance"""
+ try:
+ return self.Instance(_c.env_getNextInstance(self.__env))
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Instance")
+ def InitialModule(self):
+ """return first Module"""
+ try:
+ return self.Module(_c.env_getNextDefmodule(self.__env))
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Module")
+ def InitialRule(self):
+ """return first Rule"""
+ try:
+ return self.Rule(_c.env_getNextDefrule(self.__env))
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Rule")
+ def InitialTemplate(self):
+ """return first Template in environment"""
+ try:
+ return self.Template(_c.env_getNextDeftemplate(self.__env))
+ except:
+ raise _c.ClipsError("M02: could not find any Template")
+ def InstancesChanged(self):
+ """test if Instances have changed since last call"""
+ rv = bool(_c.env_getInstancesChanged(self.__env))
+ _c.env_setInstancesChanged(self.__env, False)
+ return rv
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def Load(self, filename):
+ """load constructs from a file"""
+ _c.env_load(self.__env, _os.path.normpath(filename))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def LoadFacts(self, filename):
+ """load Facts from file"""
+ _c.env_loadFacts(self.__env, _os.path.normpath(filename))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def LoadFactsFromString(self, s):
+ """load Fact objects from a string"""
+ _c.env_loadFactsFromString(self.__env, s)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def LoadInstances(self, filename):
+ """load Instances from file"""
+ _c.env_loadInstances(self.__env, _os.path.normpath(filename))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def LoadInstancesFromString(self, s):
+ """load Instances from the specified string"""
+ _c.env_loadInstancesFromString(self.__env, s)
+ def MessageHandlerList(self):
+ """return list of MessageHandler constructs"""
+ o = _c.env_getDefmessageHandlerList(self.__env)
+ li, rv = Multifield(self._cl2py(o)), []
+ l = len(li) / 3
+ for x in range(0, l):
+ rv.append(Multifield([li[x * 3], li[x * 3 + 1], li[x * 3 + 2]]))
+ return Multifield(rv)
+ def MethodList(self):
+ """return the list of all Methods"""
+ o = self._cl2py(_c.env_getDefmethodList(self.__env))
+ li = Multifield([])
+ l = len(o) / 2
+ for x in range(l):
+ li.append(Multifield([o[2 * x], o[2 * x + 1]]))
+ return li
+ def ModuleList(self):
+ """return the list of Module names"""
+ o = _c.env_getDefmoduleList(self.__env)
+ return Multifield(self._cl2py(o))
+ def PopFocus(self):
+ """pop focus"""
+ _c.env_popFocus(self.__env)
+ def PrintAgenda(self):
+ """print Agenda Rules to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_agenda(self.__env, "temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def PrintBreakpoints(self):
+ """print breakpoints to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_showBreaks(self.__env, "temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def PrintClasses(self):
+ """print list of Classes to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listDefclasses(self.__env, "temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def PrintDeffacts(self):
+ """print Deffacts to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listDeffacts(self.__env, "temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def PrintDefinstances(self):
+ """print list of all Definstances to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listDefinstances(self.__env, "temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def PrintFacts(self):
+ """print Facts to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_facts(self.__env, "temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def PrintFocusStack(self):
+ """print focus stack to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listFocusStack(self.__env, "temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def PrintFunctions(self):
+ """print list of Functions to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listDeffunctions(self.__env, "temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def PrintGenerics(self):
+ """print list of Generics to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listDefgenerics(self.__env, "temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def PrintGlobals(self):
+ """print list of Global variables to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listDefglobals(self.__env, "temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def PrintInstances(self, classname=None):
+ """print Instances to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ if classname:
+ _c.env_instances(self.__env, "temporary", classname, False)
+ else:
+ _c.env_instances(self.__env, "temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def PrintMessageHandlers(self):
+ """print list of all MessageHandlers"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listDefmessageHandlers(self.__env, "temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def PrintModules(self):
+ """print list of Modules to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listDefmodules(self.__env, "temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def PrintRules(self):
+ """print Rules to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listDefrules(self.__env, "temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def PrintSubclassInstances(self, classname):
+ """print subclass Instances to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ if classname:
+ _c.env_instances(self.__env, "temporary", classname, True)
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def PrintTemplates(self):
+ """print Templates to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_listDeftemplates(self.__env, "temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def RefreshAgenda(self):
+ """refresh Agenda Rules for current Module"""
+ _c.env_refreshAgenda(self.__env)
+ def ReorderAgenda(self):
+ """reorder Agenda Rules for current Module"""
+ _c.env_reorderAgenda(self.__env)
+ def Reset(self):
+ """reset Environment"""
+ _c.env_reset(self.__env)
+ def Clear(self):
+ """clear Environment"""
+ _c.env_clear(self.__env)
+ if not 'self' in locals().keys():
+ _setStockClasses()
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def RestoreInstancesFromString(self, s):
+ """restore Instances from the specified string"""
+ _c.env_restoreInstancesFromString(self.__env, s)
+ def RuleList(self):
+ """return a list of Rule names in current module"""
+ o = _c.env_getDefruleList(self.__env)
+ return Multifield(self._cl2py(o))
+ def Run(self, limit=None):
+ """execute Rules up to limit (if any)"""
+ if limit is None:
+ return _c.env_run(self.__env)
+ else:
+ return _c.env_run(self.__env, limit)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str)
+ def Save(self, filename):
+ """save constructs to a file"""
+ _c.env_save(self.__env, _os.path.normpath(filename))
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), (str, unicode))
+ @_forces_method(str, str)
+ def SaveFacts(self, filename, mode=LOCAL_SAVE):
+ """save current Facts to file"""
+ _c.env_saveFacts(self.__env, _os.path.normpath(filename), mode)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, None)
+ def SaveInstances(self, filename, mode=LOCAL_SAVE):
+ """save Instances to file"""
+ _c.env_saveInstances(self.__env, _os.path.normpath(filename), mode)
+ @_accepts_method((str, unicode), None)
+ @_forces_method(str, None)
+ def SendCommand(self, command, verbose=False):
+ """send a command to the engine as if typed at the CLIPS prompt"""
+ _c.env_sendCommand(self.__env, command, verbose)
+ def ShowGlobals(self):
+ """print list of Global variables and values to standard output"""
+ _c.routerClear("temporary")
+ _c.env_showDefglobals(self.__env, "temporary")
+ s = _c.routerRead("temporary")
+ if s:
+ _sys.stdout.write(s)
+ def TemplateList(self):
+ """return a list of Template names"""
+ o = _c.env_getDeftemplateList(self.__env)
+ return Multifield(self._cl2py(o)) # should be all strings
+ def _cl2py(self, o):
+ """convert a well-formed tuple to one of the CLIPS wrappers"""
+ if o is None: return None
+ elif type(o) == tuple and len(o) == 2:
+ if o[0] == _c.INTEGER:
+ return Integer(o[1])
+ elif o[0] == _c.FLOAT:
+ return Float(o[1])
+ elif o[0] == _c.STRING:
+ return String(o[1])
+ elif o[0] == _c.INSTANCE_NAME:
+ return InstanceName(o[1])
+ elif o[0] == _c.SYMBOL:
+ if o[1] == "nil":
+ return Nil
+ else:
+ return Symbol(o[1])
+ elif o[0] == _c.INSTANCE_ADDRESS:
+ return self.Instance(o[1])
+ elif o[0] == _c.FACT_ADDRESS:
+ return self.Fact(o[1])
+ elif o[0] == _c.MULTIFIELD:
+ li = []
+ for (x, v) in o[1]:
+ if x == _c.INTEGER:
+ li.append(Integer(v))
+ elif x == _c.FLOAT:
+ li.append(Float(v))
+ elif x == _c.STRING:
+ li.append(String(v))
+ elif x == _c.SYMBOL:
+ li.append(Symbol(v))
+ elif x == _c.INSTANCE_NAME:
+ li.append(InstanceName(v))
+ elif x == _c.INSTANCE_ADDRESS:
+ li.append(self.Instance(v))
+ elif x == _c.FACT_ADDRESS:
+ li.append(self.Fact(v))
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("list cannot be converted")
+ return Multifield(li)
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("malformed tuple value")
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("wrong argument type")
+ def _py2cl(self, o):
+ """convert Python data to a well-formed tuple"""
+ t1 = type(o)
+ if t1 in (int, long):
+ return (_c.INTEGER, int(o))
+ elif t1 == float:
+ return (_c.FLOAT, float(o))
+ elif t1 in (str, unicode):
+ return (_c.STRING, str(o))
+ elif t1 in (ClipsIntegerType, ClipsFloatType, ClipsStringType,
+ ClipsSymbolType, ClipsInstanceNameType, ClipsNilType,
+ ClipsMultifieldType):
+ return o.clrepr()
+ elif t1 == self.Fact:
+ return (_c.FACT_ADDRESS, o._Fact__fact)
+ elif t1 == self.Instance:
+ return (_c.INSTANCE_ADDRESS, o._Instance__instance)
+ elif isinstance(o, int):
+ return (_c.INTEGER, int(o))
+ elif isinstance(o, long):
+ return (_c.INTEGER, int(o))
+ elif isinstance(o, float):
+ return (_c.FLOAT, float(o))
+ elif isinstance(o, str):
+ return (_c.STRING, str(o))
+ elif isinstance(o, unicode):
+ return (_c.STRING, str(o))
+ elif t1 in (list, tuple):
+ li = []
+ for x in o:
+ t0 = type(x)
+ if t0 in (int, long):
+ li.append((_c.INTEGER, int(x)))
+ elif t0 == float:
+ li.append((_c.FLOAT, float(x)))
+ elif t0 in (str, unicode):
+ li.append((_c.STRING, str(x)))
+ elif t0 in (ClipsIntegerType, ClipsFloatType, ClipsStringType,
+ ClipsSymbolType, ClipsInstanceNameType, ClipsNilType):
+ li.append(x.clrepr())
+ elif t0 == self.Fact:
+ li.append((_c.FACT_ADDRESS, o._Fact__fact))
+ elif t0 == self.Instance:
+ li.append((_c.INSTANCE_ADDRESS, o._Instance__instance))
+ elif isinstance(x, int):
+ li.append((_c.INTEGER, int(o)))
+ elif isinstance(x, long):
+ li.append((_c.INTEGER, int(o)))
+ elif isinstance(x, float):
+ li.append((_c.FLOAT, float(o)))
+ elif isinstance(x, str):
+ li.append((_c.STRING, str(o)))
+ elif isinstance(x, unicode):
+ li.append((_c.STRING, str(o)))
+ else:
+ raise TypeError(
+ "list element of type %s cannot be converted" % t0)
+ return (_c.MULTIFIELD, li)
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("value of type %s cannot be converted" % t1)
+ def __del__(self):
+ """environment destructor"""
+ if not self.__borrowed:
+ try:
+ _c.destroyEnvironment(self.__env)
+ except ClipsError:
+ pass
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """representation of environment, borrowed by underlying object"""
+ return "<Environment: " + repr(self.__env)[1:-1] + ">"
+ def __property_getIndex(self):
+ return _c.getEnvironmentIndex(self.__env)
+ Index = property(__property_getIndex, None, None,
+ "Return index of this Environment")
+ def SetCurrent(self):
+ """Make this Environment the current Environment"""
+ _c.setCurrentEnvironment(self.__env)
+ _setStockClasses()
+# A function that returns current Environment
+def CurrentEnvironment():
+ """Return current Environment"""
+ cenv = _c.getCurrentEnvironment()
+ env = Environment(cenv)
+ env.EngineConfig = env._clips_Status()
+ env.DebugConfig = env._clips_Debug()
+ return env
+# end.